[EXT] Re: pretest 2021 begin (3rd attempt, no reply seen)

Siep Kroonenberg siepo at bitmuis.nl
Wed Mar 3 13:16:13 CET 2021

On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 11:55:57AM +0000, Philip Taylor wrote:
> Philip Taylor wrote:
> I tried —
> C:\TeX\Live\2021\Pre-test>runas /user:Administrator"
> install-tl-windows -select-repository"
> and the installer again reported :
> "Only single-user install possible.  For an all-users
> installation, abort now and re-run as administrator
> What am I doing wrong ?
> I managed to work my way around this by launching
> "install-tl-windows" from an Administrator CMD prompt, but yet
> again the installer failed to allow me to select my local
> repository, offering only online sources as before.  As initially
> reported, the
> documentation<https://tug.org/texlive/doc/install-tl.html> clearly
> says that "install-windows-bat -select-repository" should "offer
> to install from local media if available", but it does not.  Is
> this an error in the documentation, or is the installer simply
> failing to do what it is supposed to do ?  -- Philip Taylor

The mirror list is still the regular mirror list and has not been
adjusted for pretest. Therefore select-repository does not work
during pretest.

If you are accessing your rsync repository via a network mapping you
should be aware that the administrator does not necessarily see the
same mappings as a regular user.

Siep Kroonenberg

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