type1 fonts in sample fontconfig

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 23:55:08 CEST 2021


Should the sample fontconfig file suggest including type1 fonts?

longer version...

I had a test file


\newfontfamily{\nserif}{Noto Serif}


{\nserif abc}


That worked in tl 2020 and failed in 2021  xelatex with

xdvipdfmx:fatal: Invalid font: -1 (0)

No output PDF file written.
Error 256 (driver return code) generating output;
file f2.pdf may not be valid.
Transcript written on f2.log.

This failed in linux and cygwin texlive 2021.

With a hint from Ulrike, that seems to be because dvipdfmx is loading the
type1 font from
rather than the truetype version.

It's not entirely clear what changed (I literally just edited my local
fontconfig replacing 2020 by 2021)  but deleting the type1 line and
re-running fc-cache fixed the issue.

as the fontconfig is (I think?) just for xelatex, is it useful to include
the type1 directory at all?

Possibly separately would it be possible for xdvipdfmx to only use the
type1 font if no matching truetype or opentype is found?

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