Update error today:

Uwe Siart usenet at siart.de
Tue May 12 07:23:15 CEST 2020

Similar here. I see these three errors in the log:

[Tue May 12 06:37:48 2020] failed update: luahbtex.win32 (55073 -> 55114)
[Tue May 12 06:37:48 2020] failed restore: luahbtex.win32 (55073)
[Tue May 12 06:37:50 2020] failed update: luajittex.win32 (55073 -> 55114)
[Tue May 12 06:37:50 2020] failed restore: luajittex.win32 (55073)
[Tue May 12 06:37:52 2020] failed update: luatex.win32 (55073 -> 55114)
[Tue May 12 06:37:52 2020] failed restore: luatex.win32 (55073)

Backup files were created, but they are 0 bytes. Luckily, I could
reinstall these packages from a mirror that was still in yesterday's


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