xdvipdfmx-20200116 : additional q/Q bracket around BT...ET

Shunsaku Hirata shunsaku.hirata74 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 29 18:16:56 CET 2020


I don't know the intent of the proposed patch but the point here is that
if we try to fix the fake-bold issue by explicitly specifying Text Rendering
Mode it may happen to overwrite the setting done by

  \special{pdf:code q 7 Tr} % add text path to clipping path

It's OK if the proposed patch is meant to work only for the case where
the ocgx2 package is never used together with the fake-bold feature,
however, my point is that it is difficult to have those two at the same time.
(obviously it's impossible to add text path of "embolden text" to clipping
path so let's forget such case)

Below is a combined example for XeTeX:

 \font\zzz="[XITS-Regular.otf]:embolden=5" at 10pt
{\zzz This is embolden text.}

\special{pdf:code q 7 Tr} % add text path to clipping path
Text in rendering mode `for clipping'.
\special{pdf:code 0 0 1 RG 0 0 1 rg -88888 -88888 99999 99999 re f Q}
% fill text clipping path

Normal Text (rendering mode `fill').


Shunsaku Hirata

2020年2月29日(土) 22:29 Hironobu Yamashita <h.y.acetaminophen at gmail.com>:
> Hi David,
> DC> Could you try the patched xdvipdfmx against the small latex
> DC> example that started this, posted to
> DC> https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/530386/1090
> The patched xdvipdfmx (TL r53973 plus the proposed patch) works well
> for that small example, as it does not use any fake-bold.
> Hironobu

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