babel greep and missing characters in TL2019

Guenter Milde g.milde at
Thu Feb 27 19:28:12 CET 2020

On 27.02.20, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Günther,

> there is a serious problem in current babel greek.ldf, in that it
> defaults to LGR with Unicode engines:

> > See

> because it checks for tuenc being loaded, which is not the case anymore.

Why isn't it loaded anymore?

> Could you please update greek.ldf, because at the moment lots of
> documents compiled with xelatex are completely broken with lots of
> characters missing.

Thank you for making me aware of the problem. I will try a fix.
See the first version of a patch below.


--- a/userweb/htdocs/greek/babel-greek/babel-greek.dtx
+++ b/userweb/htdocs/greek/babel-greek/babel-greek.dtx
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
-        [2016/09/07 v1.9h Greek support for the babel system]
+        [2020/02/27 v1.9i Greek support for the babel system]
 %% File `babel-greek.dtx'
 %% Greek language Definition File
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
 %   and fixed latinencoding.}
 % \changes{babel-greek-1.9h}{2019/07/11}{Move breathing composite commands
 %   to textalpha.}
+% \changes{babel-greek-1.9i}{2020/02/27}{Update check for Unicode fonts.}
 % \title{Babel support for the Greek language}
 % \author{Apostolos Syropoulos, Günter Milde}
@@ -463,29 +464,20 @@
 % \changes{greek-1.8}{2013/11/30}{Check for EU1/EU2 font encoding
 %    instead of engine}
 % \changes{babel-greek-1.9f}{2016/02/04}{Check also for TU font encoding.}
+% \changes{babel-greek-1.9i}{2020/02/27}{Update check for Unicode fonts.}
 % \DescribeMacro\greekfontencoding
 % We test for available font encodings and set |\greekfontencoding|
 % and the internal macro |\bbl at greek@fontencdef| with the name of the
 % font definition file with Greek LICR macros. The fallback is LGR.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-\@ifl at aded{def}{tuenc}{
-  \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{TU}
+\ifdefined \UTFencname % set by "fontspec.sty"
+  \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{\UTFencname} % typically TU 
   \providecommand*{\bbl at greek@fontencdef}{greek-euenc}
-  \renewcommand*{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{TU}
-\@ifl at aded{def}{eu1enc}{
-  \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{EU1}
-  \providecommand*{\bbl at greek@fontencdef}{greek-euenc}
-  \renewcommand*{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{EU1}
-\@ifl at aded{def}{eu2enc}{
-  \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{EU2}
-  \providecommand*{\bbl at greek@fontencdef}{greek-euenc}
-  \renewcommand{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{EU2}
-\providecommand*{\bbl at greek@fontencdef}{lgrenc}
+  \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{LGR}
+  \providecommand*{\bbl at greek@fontencdef}{lgrenc}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % Ensure that the Greek LICR macros are available:
 %    \begin{macrocode}

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