Aw: Re: Vanilla TeX Live 2020 - install-tl -gui - automatic platform detection fails when Live System with i386-linux-binaries is running on an x86_64-machine.

ud.usenetcorrespondence at ud.usenetcorrespondence at
Wed Dec 23 12:04:08 CET 2020

Hello Norbert,

thank you for your quick reply.
> The "problem" (not really a problem though) 

Indeed. ;-)

> This is NOT perfect, becasue one **could** in principle on Debian amd64
> system install a 32bit perl .... but well, those who do this are on
> their own ;-)

Probably it is sufficient to mention in the short installation-tutorials/
manuals that there are edge cases/scenarios where you are on your own
with making sure that binaries for the correct platform are installed
by applying the -force-platform-option.  ;-)

> Despite all the above, you could simply add amd64 as architecture to
> Debian, and then install libfontconfig1:amd64

You are right - as long as you focus only on the x86_64-machine which 
was in use by me the day when my installing-attempts took place.

The scenario described by me focuses on a Live System runable from
USB-Stick/(micro) SD-card/DVD (after remastering) which is intended
to work both on i386-platforms and on x86_64-platforms.

Installing TeX Live x86_64-linux binaries and making xetex work by
additionally installing libfontconfig1:amd64 would lead to TeX Live
components working only when the Live System in question is run on a
x86_64-machine. I suppose things would be broken when running the
Live System in question on i386-machines.



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