xdvipdfmx:fatal: invalid offsize data

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Thu Apr 30 22:39:30 CEST 2020

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 04:49:03PM -0600, Karl Berry wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> Thanks for the report.
>     More generally, is this a bug in xdvipdfmx that it gets broken 
> Well, the error message pretty clearly indicates a bug. Even if
> xdvipdfmx can't handle the font, it should at least give up gracefully.
>     If so, where should I report it ?
> There is a list dvipdfmx at tug.org (https://lists.tug.org/dvipdfmx).
> Sometimes the dvipdfmx maintainers will see reports here on tex-live,
> but not always.
>     \setmainfont{Cantarell}
> To ease debugging, I suggest:
> 1) reducing this to a plain xetex document and check that it still fails.
> If memory serves (untested):
> \nopagenumbers \font\a="Cantarell" \a Hello world\end
> 2) checking if the behavior is the same if the font is found through
> the filesystem, instead of involving fontconfig (same caveats):
> \nopagenumbers \font\a="[Cantarell.otf]" \a Hello world\end
> A full path to a file can also be given, if it's not in your texmf trees,
> like [/usr/share/fonts/whatever/whatever.otf].
> 3) restating exactly where the problematic font can be downloaded.
> Thanks,
> Karl

Hi Karl,

I've tried to use xetex for a very minimal example, initially with a
font which should be ok, and completely failed.

Then I tried using xelatex with a PATH pointing to a not-installed
file in /tmp, both for fontspec and for setmainfont (based on an
answer at latex.org) but got absolutely nowhere.

Since Akira has passed the problem to the maintainer (thanks!) I
don't think I'm going to add a lot of value if I keep looking at

He could send for Ptraci, his favourite handmaiden. She was special.
Her singing always cheered him up. Life seemed so much brighter when
she stopped.   -- Pyramids

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