luatex problem with file with umlauts on windows 10

Ulrike Fischer news3 at
Sat Apr 25 18:06:49 CEST 2020

Am Sun, 26 Apr 2020 00:51:01 +0900 schrieb Akira Kakuto:

Dear Akira,

>> Currently the file search in expl3 is broken because of this, so
>> I'm considering our options
> f = chgstrcp.utf8tosyscp(file)
>     (file: utf-8, f: local code page)
> f = chgstrcp.syscptoutf8(file)
>     (file: local code page, f: utf-8)
> work only in lua[hb]tex for TeX Live Windows.

How does the functions know how to convert? I mean how is the "local
code page" defined or queried?

> Please use them in expl3, if they are usable.

Yes, I think we will do it. Thanks.

Ulrike Fischer

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