Package, Logo and Open Source

Paul Gaborit paul.gaborit at
Thu Apr 23 18:10:58 CEST 2020


(from <>)

I would like to distribute on CTAN a package providing the beamer theme 
of my institute. So my colleagues and our doctoral students can easily 
use it.

This theme is easily customizable to be used outside my institute. And 
it has some peculiarities that may interest beamer users. This justifies 
its distribution by CTAN. My code is under the LaTeX Project Public License.

In this theme, by default, the logo used is that of my institute (with 
some technical modifications not visible to facilitate its integration 
in the slides). It is the only element that is not open source.

In this case, will this package be included in TeXLive with this logo?

(Note: my institute authorizes me to distribute this logo on CTAN.)

     Paul Gaborit

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