texdoc schedule

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Wed Sep 4 15:33:09 CEST 2019

On Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 01:01:13PM +0000, Lars Madsen wrote:
> texdoc schedule
> I get an english manual,

  Not doubting you here, but:

> I get an english manual, dated 2019-09-31

  is remarkable for at least two reasons ;-)

  Anyway, perhaps I can shed (pun intended) some light on Patrick’s
problem, since I can reproduce it: I don’t actually have a package by
the name of schedule on my system (a stock net-installed TeX Live from
early July), and running “texdoc schedule” I get the documentation for
the package *schule*, in German.  Since presumably there’s no English
version, I don’t think locales would help: in the absence of a package
schedule, schule is cleary the best match for texdoc, and that’s the
document it’s going to display, in whatever language is available.



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