Updating basictex did not trigger format rebuild

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Fri Oct 11 17:59:40 CEST 2019


(Adam and Norbert, I copied you on this email because it discusses a problem during updating TeX Live on Apple's latest operating system. I've copied earlier email at the end so you can pick up the thread.)

In the next several months I'll concentrate on mathematics rather than TeX, so let me pass on what I know and let all of you handle this problem.

Both MacTeX and BasicTeX are constructed the same way. I install the full TeX Live, or the "small scheme" of TeX Live, using the TeX Live install script. For BasicTeX, but not MacTeX, I uncheck the option "make format files" in the TeX Live install script. Both are installed in /usr/local/texlive, and the texlive subfolder did not exist before installation.

Then I copy the installation, without modifying anything, to a folder named "Root" in the directory where I build MacTeX or BasicTeX and tell Apple's PackageMaker software to create an install package from the contents of this Root folder.

Notice that this method, by design, involves NO customization whatever. I never touch texlive.tipdb myself, or touch any other file in the distribution.

I do not build formats in BasicTeX because I want this package to be as small as possible. Instead, in the post install script I call sudo fmtutil-sys --all. Size is not so important in MacTeX, so I do build formats there; however the formats are rebuilt in the post install script if necessary.

I have followed exactly this process for many years, and have never had reports of trouble after updating the distribution. Reports of trouble that emerged yesterday suggest a problem only on Catalina, and possibly only for BasicTeX.

I have used the full MacTeX on beta copies of Catalina for several months without problems.

Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu <mailto:koch at uoregon.edu>


Earlier items in the thread:


MacTeX and BasicTeX has different setup in texlive.tlpdb;

depend opt_create_formats:0

depend opt_create_formats:1

I don't know why BasicTeX does not recreate format ...
I think this behavior is inconvenient enough


2019-10-12 (Sat.) 0:14 Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com <mailto:herbs at wideopenwest.com>>:

>> On Oct 11, 2019, at 10:06 AM, Lars Madsen <daleif at math.au.dk <mailto:daleif at math.au.dk>> wrote:
>> Not sure if it is worth looking at
>> A user on https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/511838/3929__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEWLi1QwDE$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/511838/3929__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEWLi1QwDE$> 
>> reported that updating basictex (the small MacTeX) did not trigger rebuilding the formats which is kinda critical after the latest latex kernel changes
>> A manual
>> sudo fmtutil-sys --all
>> helped. Just wanted to pass it on if there was a general problem with it.
>> Note that it is on Catalina if that makes a difference.
>> A another person in the comments mentioned the same problem with a full MacTeX. Not sure if that person is also on calatina.
>> /Lars Madsen
>> Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
>> Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
>> Mere info: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://au.dk/daleif@math__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEWCIta6G0$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://au.dk/daleif@math__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEWCIta6G0$>  / More information: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://au.dk/en/daleif@math__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEW0Mqyd3s$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://au.dk/en/daleif@math__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!S-UYsaBgmYc7vqwhL7P3vSs4KT5Cx30fnUxPetEeWB_l_KyXs4gACpEW0Mqyd3s$> 
> Howdy,
> I can't say about BasicTeX but I have no problem updating the full TeX Live 2019 (installed by MacTeX) under Catalina. I usually us teX Live Utility which is a front end to tlmgr as well as tlmgr directly.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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