[tex-live] xdvipdfmx: wrong annotation rectangle if the pstricks is involved

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Tue Mar 6 15:16:18 CET 2018

If one compile the following document with xelatex then the complete
page is the link area. xdvipdfmx reports:
xdvipdfmx:warning: Annotation out of page boundary.
xdvipdfmx:warning: Current page's MediaBox: [0 0 612 792]
xdvipdfmx:warning: Annotation: [0 0 2375.09 3357.41]
xdvipdfmx:warning: Maybe incorrect paper size specified.

Storing the picture in a box or adding some text didn't change the

The link is create by the specials pdf:bann and pdf:eann which
"tries to determine the boundaries of the annotation automatically"
(from the documentation of dvipdfm) but obviously fails completly

Would it be possible to resolve this on the dvipdfmx/xdvipdfmx side?
(The only other alternative is probably be some  href variant in
hyperref which uses pdf:ann instead).  





Ulrike Fischer 

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