[tex-live] (x)dvipdfmx and fully embeded fonts in pdftex.map

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Jun 4 11:15:06 CEST 2014

In texlive xdvipdfmx and dvipdfmx use pdftex.map as fontmap. 

But pdftex.map contains map entries which uses << to embed a font
fully and neither xdvipdfmx nor dvipdfmx seems  to like this as
discovered by this question:


A dvipdfmx example is this

\test This is a test.

A compilation with latex + dvipdfmx fails with 

[1kpathsea:make_tex: Invalid fontname `<augie___.pfb', contains '<'

Changing the entry to

augie8r Augie " TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont " <8r.enc

corrects the problem. 

But in the case of the adobe garamondm utopia, GFSBodoni and other
fonts this it not an option: Here otf-fonts are loaded and pdftex
can handle them only if they are fully embeded. 

Imho one must overload this map entries in dvipdfmx.cfg to allow
xelatex to use them. 

(miktex still uses a dedicated dvipdfm.map and so is not affected). 

Ulrike Fischer 

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