[tex-live] Babel 3.9g is installed but tlmgr thinks its 3.9f

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Tue Oct 29 00:34:25 CET 2013

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
>     (./beamerposter.tex
>     LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
>     Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
> Unless I'm completely in left field, this string is constructed when the
> .fmt file is built, rather than dynamically on every LaTeX run.  (That's
> why you don't see any other files being read before it is output.)
> Therefore the version reported there will differ depending on what you
> had at the time of the .fmt.

Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

> babel.sty and the rest get (re)read later, on every run, due to the
> \usepackage.  So, Javier, maybe it would be better to omit the version
> number in the .fmt string, for the sake of less confusion?
> Aside: the Catalogue still has 3.9f (http://ctan.org/pkg/babel), which
> is where TL gets the administrative data.  I'm sure Robin/CTAN have been
> busy of late and the update there will come in due course.

Yes, but note that the documentation is for 3.9g:

> P.S. I'll be offline for the rest of the week; good luck to all :).




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