[tex-live] utf-8 encoding in outline

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 19:10:53 CET 2013

2013/12/18 Semen Trygubenko / Семен Тригубенко <semen at trygub.com>:
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 03:56:43PM +0000, Philip Taylor wrote:
>> Lars Madsen wrote:
>> > Ulrikes suggestion works fine for me
>> >
>> > no idea though why the unicode options is not needed
>> Presumably because XeTeX is being used, which uses utf-8 as its
>> native encoding.
>> Philip Taylor
> Much obliged — it worked for me!
> Off topic, FWIW, but … sometimes it takes a little while to receive email from people I haven't corresponded with before, so I end up browsing, e.g. http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2013-December/ , in the interest of speed.
> I couldn't help noticing just now that some of the messages, e.g. from the previous thread with subject "enquiry regarding Ukrainian …" are not there, e.g. this one (attached).
> Is there some sort of incorrect CCing, or, perchance, this is a mail server misbehaviour? Other people in CC received it as I've got replies back … These replies didn't make it across, either …
It may be a result of greylisting implemented on your mailbox. If the
sender is unknown, your mailbox reports an error that it is
temporarily unavailable and the sender should try again after a short
time, usually 5 minutes. The idea behind it is that real senders
(their SMPT server) will resend the same mail with the same message Id
and will then be placed in a whitelist but spammers usually do not
resend the message and will be placed to a blacklist.
> Once again — many thanks, everybody, and Ulrike in particular, for helping me sort this out!
> --
> Семен Тригубенко http://trygub.com

Zdeněk Wagner

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