[tex-live] dvipdfmx on CentOS 5.6 (glibc 2.5)

Karen Ellrick osakawebbie at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 07:44:14 CEST 2012

I hope this is the right list for this issue - I couldn't find another
one that was more appropriate.

I just installed TeXLive on CentOS 5.6 using install-tl, and the
installer chose the x86_64-linux package, which seems correct. If it
matters, I'm using uptex (installed on top of TeXLive using tlmgr)
because I need its Japanese features. That part runs with no errors on a
basic test file, but when I try to run dvipdfmx on the resulting dvi
file, I get the following:

    dvipdfmx: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required
    by dvipdfmx)

I'm not a Linux expert, but I know how to use Google. Running "ldd
--version" tells me that I have GNU libc 2.5. One's first thought might
be to upgrade my system so that it has 2.7, but advice to others in this
situation is to avoid changing what's on the given machine, because libc
is finely tuned to go with a variety of other functionality (I certainly
don't want to break other things).

*Is there a build of dvipdfmx that works with glibc 2.5? Or do I need to
build my own?* (If so, please give me some instructions - I can do
simple "configure", "make", and "make install" if the configuration
files exist, but if it is much more difficult than that, I'll need
help.) Thanks!

Aside: Doing this from the command line is just a testing step - I will
ultimately be using PHP to build a tex file dynamically, calling the
needed command(s) to produce a PDF file, and presenting that to the
user. It would be cleaner to go from the layout file directly to PDF
(i.e. pdftex), but I need vertical writing and UTF-8, which forces me to
use uptex, and there is no such thing as "uppdftex". For testing right
now, I wish I could "see" the test dvi somehow to know that uptex worked
okay - I looked through the commands and spotted two whose names looked
promising, but experimenting with them was not productive:

    [root at vps-1011517-5697 ~]# dvi2tty aozora-utarticle-utf8-1.dvi
    dvi2tty: Id-byte is not correct: 3
    [root at vps-1011517-5697 ~]# dvipng aozora-utarticle-utf8-1.dvi
    This is dvipng 1.14 Copyright 2002-2010 Jan-Ake Larsson
    dvipng: Fatal error, undefined DVI op-code 255

If those errors are documented, I'm not looking in the right place.
Anyway, any guidance is appreciated.
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