[tex-live] PS_View

George N. White III gnwiii at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 17:20:31 CEST 2010

On 3/28/10, Philip TAYLOR <P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
> I re-installed PS_View (some CTAN ftp servers were refusing anonymous
> connections : security lockdown ?), and agree that all that seems
> to be available is a compiled HELP file from which one can generate
> single pages of PDF but not a composite linked document.  It might be
> worth asking the two Ps if they can offer it in linked PDF format.

It is quite common for ftp servers to limit the number of connections
and also to limit the number of connections from the same client in
a short period of time.   At work there is a firewall with a limited
number of external IP addresses, so it is quite possible for several
users to end up connecting via the same IP.

There are ways to combine many pdf's into one using pdflatex or
context MkII, but I have only done this when producing hard copy, so
I'm not sure how hyperlinks between PDF's would work.

> But a related question : why, as far as TL Manager is concerned,
> is it called "tlpsv" ?  Surely (a) it isn't specifically TeX-Live
> (hence why "tl" prefix), and (b) it presents itself as PS_View, so
> if a user (such as myself) wants to remove (uninstall) it, finding
> it in the list of installed components is extraordinarily difficult
> (who would think to look for "tlpsv" without prior knowledge ?).
> ** Phil.
> --------
> Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard wrote:
>> Philip TAYLOR a écrit :
>>> TeXdoc fails to throw up any information for any of :
>>>      TeXdoc PS_View
>>>      TeXdoc psv
>>>      TeXdoc tlpsv
>> Just checked, I can't find any document that texdoc should find. I guess
>> the
>> help for psv can be accessed only from the help menu. Any suggestion?
>> Manuel.

George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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