[tex-live] tex live 2009 pretests

Stephan Lukasczyk lukste at gaponline.de
Tue Jul 7 10:05:15 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I've installed TL 2009 succuessfully (runs through with no problems on
my Ubuntu 9.04).
Now I've started tlmgr in the GUI mode and I was surprised that it tells
me to be "TL 2008". The title bar says "TeX Live Manager 2008" and the
options to remove TL say also TL 2008.
I now checked the version on bash with "tlmgr version" an it told me:
> tlmgr revision 14102 (2009-07-05 01:55:54 +0200)
> tlmgr using installation: /usr/local/texlive/2009
> TeX Live (http://tug.org/texlive) version 2009-dev

As I have no perl programming knowledge at all, I wanted to tell you
about this, so you can correct it.

Thank you for the great distribution and your afford!


Stephan Lukasczyk                 Falkenstraße 10
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen      +49 (0) 1577 4310350
GPG-Public-Key: http://members.gaponline.de/lukste/gnupg
lukste at gaponline.de               Key-ID: 0xAF7F23F3

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