Embedding TeXLive4 in a book
Xavier Cazin
02 Jun 1999 11:11:41 +0200
Sebastian Rahtz writes:
> Xavier Cazin writes:
>> If there is an easy way for TUG to provide me with the contacts from
>> whom we need a specific authorization, I would appreciate a lot.
> unfortunately, we do not have good information about that. we just know
> there are some cases. Art Ogawa can point you at Bernard Gaulle and
> Aladdin Software, two known cases. We'd want to see their agreement, or
> remove the packages
OK, I'll let you know the result with these two at least, asap.
> i think we'd ask you to include a very clear statement on the book and CD
> that the CD was provided by the TeX Users Group at cost, is not being
> sold by O'Reilly, and that no profit is being made from it. But I'd
> prefer Art Ogawa to agree some woring there
I am absolutely willing to do it the right way. I'll see with Art.
Thank you!
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