Installation of TexLive and WinEdt
Sebastian Rahtz
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 17:24:20 +0000 (GMT)
Anne Lise Berg writes:
> I have tried to install TexLive with option Full. But my Texmf and Varfonts
> directories have no files after installation.
> Is this correct ?
depends on what you mean by "my TeXmf". was this what you specified
for "local"?
> I also try to configure WinEdt to be able to run the utility Latex. I have
> put the c:\tex\bin\winedt directory in the path variable. So latex.exe is
> found. But anyway it stops and asks for the latex.fmt file.
> Why and what am I going to do ?
sounds like a seriously broken system, first thing to do is run
"mktexlsr" at a command line; then do "kpsewhich latex.fmt" to see if
it can find the file. if that fails, see if its on the disk at all. if
so, where? if not, ask again.