texlive[71933] Master/texmf-dist: tikzbricks (30jul24)
commits+karl at tug.org
commits+karl at tug.org
Tue Jul 30 22:44:51 CEST 2024
Revision: 71933
Author: karl
Date: 2024-07-30 22:44:51 +0200 (Tue, 30 Jul 2024)
Log Message:
tikzbricks (30jul24)
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty 2024-07-30 20:44:51 UTC (rev 71933)
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Personal helper theme for package documentations
+% Copyright samcarter
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c or later
+% Usage:
+% ln ~/Life/latex/beamertheme-sam/themesam.sty package-doc-settings.sty
+% \usepackage[
+% themecolor=samdblue
+% ]{\jobname-settings}
+% Colours
+\definecolor{samred}{RGB}{191,26,46}% TikZbricks
+\definecolor{sammagenta}{RGB}{170,42,104}% TikZmarmots
+\definecolor{samviolet}{RGB}{136,46,114}% TikZlings
+\definecolor{samlila}{RGB}{101,67,159}% Rainbow beamer theme
+\definecolor{samdblue}{RGB}{0,51,134}% beamer theme
+\definecolor{samlblue}{RGB}{22,89,155}% TikZducks
+\definecolor{samteal}{RGB}{25,143,157}% Tcolorbox beamer theme
+\definecolor{samlgreen}{RGB}{68,170,153}% Jigsaw
+% Package options
+% Packages
+ \RequirePackage[english]{babel}
+ \RequirePackage[paper=a4paper,margin=2.9cm]{geometry}
+ \RequirePackage{scrlayer-scrpage}
+ \let\hrulefillx\hrulefill
+ \RequirePackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign}
+ \let\hrulefill\hrulefillx
+ \RequirePackage[hang,flushmargin,bottom]{footmisc}
+ \RequirePackage{footnotehyper}
+ \makesavenoteenv{tcolorbox}
+ \RequirePackage[all]{nowidow}
+ \RequirePackage[colorlinks=true,breaklinks=true,allcolors=themecolor,hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref}
+\RequirePackage{inconsolata}% mono font with bold, but italic is missing
+% \RequirePackage[scale=0.85]{cascadia-code}
+% \AddToHook{cmd/ttfamily/before}{\fontseries{sl}}
+% Listings
+ cachedir=$TMPDIR/minted/
+% smuggling custom pygmentize style in cache folder
+% (a real pygmentise style would need installtion in some python folder)
+\def\PYG at reset{\let\PYG at it=\relax \let\PYG at bf=\relax%
+ \let\PYG at ul=\relax \let\PYG at tc=\relax%
+ \let\PYG at bc=\relax \let\PYG at ff=\relax}
+\def\PYG at tok#1{\csname PYG at tok@#1\endcsname}
+\def\PYG at toks#1+{\ifx\relax#1\empty\else%
+ \PYG at tok{#1}\expandafter\PYG at toks\fi}
+\def\PYG at do#1{\PYG at bc{\PYG at tc{\PYG at ul{%
+ \PYG at it{\PYG at bf{\PYG at ff{#1}}}}}}}
+\def\PYG#1#2{\PYG at reset\PYG at toks#1+\relax+\PYG at do{#2}}
+% optional arguments
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@na\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{black}{##1}}}
+% macros
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@k\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
+% curly brakets
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@nb\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
+% comments (italics won't work with the inconsolata font)
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@c\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{gray}{##1}}}
+% for compatibility with earlier versions
+\iexec{mkdir -p $TMPDIR/minted && mv sam.pygstyle $TMPDIR/minted/.}
+ breaksymbolleft={},
+ tabsize=2,
+ breaklines=true,
+% use non-bold and all coloured for inline code in articles
+ \patchcmd{\minted at inputpyg@inline}{\minted at input}{\color{listingcolor}\renewcommand\textcolor[3][]{##3}\renewcommand\bfseries{}\minted at input}{}{}
+ colframe=themecolor,
+ fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ sidebyside,
+ center lower,
+ righthand width=5.7cm,
+ bottom=2pt,
+ top=2pt,
+ left=3pt,
+ right=3pt,
+ sidebyside gap=10pt,
+ lower separated=false,
+ listing engine=minted,
+ minted language=latex,
+ colback=themecolor!10,
+ sharp corners,
+ boxrule=0pt,
+ before title={\strut}
+% avoid page breaks right in front of the tcolorbox
+ \tcbuselibrary{hooks}
+ \tcbset{before pre={\nopagebreak[4]}}
+% document settings
+ \KOMAoptions{parskip=half}
+ \addtokomafont{sectioning}{\color{themecolor}}
+ \addtokomafont{date}{\normalsize}
+ \addtokomafont{author}{\normalsize}
+ \setlength{\footnotemargin}{0.7em}
+% Custom macros
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty 2024-07-30 20:11:05 UTC (rev 71932)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikzbricks/tikzbricks-doc-settings.sty 2024-07-30 20:44:51 UTC (rev 71933)
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-% Personal helper theme for package documentations
-% Copyright samcarter
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-% under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c or later
-% Usage:
-% ln ~/Life/latex/beamertheme-sam/themesam.sty package-doc-settings.sty
-% \usepackage[
-% themecolor=samdblue
-% ]{\jobname-settings}
-% Colours
-\definecolor{samred}{RGB}{191,26,46}% TikZbricks
-\definecolor{sammagenta}{RGB}{170,42,104}% TikZmarmots
-\definecolor{samviolet}{RGB}{136,46,114}% TikZlings
-\definecolor{samlila}{RGB}{101,67,159}% Rainbow beamer theme
-\definecolor{samdblue}{RGB}{0,51,134}% beamer theme
-\definecolor{samlblue}{RGB}{22,89,155}% TikZducks
-\definecolor{samteal}{RGB}{25,143,157}% Tcolorbox beamer theme
-\definecolor{samlgreen}{RGB}{68,170,153}% Jigsaw
-% Package options
-% Packages
- \RequirePackage[english]{babel}
- \RequirePackage[paper=a4paper,margin=2.9cm]{geometry}
- \RequirePackage{scrlayer-scrpage}
- \let\hrulefillx\hrulefill
- \RequirePackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign}
- \let\hrulefill\hrulefillx
- \RequirePackage[hang,flushmargin,bottom]{footmisc}
- \RequirePackage{footnotehyper}
- \makesavenoteenv{tcolorbox}
- \RequirePackage[all]{nowidow}
- \RequirePackage[colorlinks=true,breaklinks=true,allcolors=themecolor,hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref}
-\RequirePackage{inconsolata}% mono font with bold, but italic is missing
-% \RequirePackage[scale=0.85]{cascadia-code}
-% \AddToHook{cmd/ttfamily/before}{\fontseries{sl}}
-% Listings
- cachedir=$TMPDIR/minted/
-% smuggling custom pygmentize style in cache folder
-% (a real pygmentise style would need installtion in some python folder)
-\def\PYG at reset{\let\PYG at it=\relax \let\PYG at bf=\relax%
- \let\PYG at ul=\relax \let\PYG at tc=\relax%
- \let\PYG at bc=\relax \let\PYG at ff=\relax}
-\def\PYG at tok#1{\csname PYG at tok@#1\endcsname}
-\def\PYG at toks#1+{\ifx\relax#1\empty\else%
- \PYG at tok{#1}\expandafter\PYG at toks\fi}
-\def\PYG at do#1{\PYG at bc{\PYG at tc{\PYG at ul{%
- \PYG at it{\PYG at bf{\PYG at ff{#1}}}}}}}
-\def\PYG#1#2{\PYG at reset\PYG at toks#1+\relax+\PYG at do{#2}}
-% optional arguments
-\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@na\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{black}{##1}}}
-% macros
-\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@k\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
-% curly brakets
-\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@nb\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
-% comments (italics won't work with the inconsolata font)
-\expandafter\def\csname PYG at tok@c\endcsname{\def\PYG at tc##1{\textcolor{gray}{##1}}}
-% for compatibility with earlier versions
-\iexec{mkdir -p $TMPDIR/minted && mv sam.pygstyle $TMPDIR/minted/.}
- breaksymbolleft={},
- tabsize=2,
- breaklines=true,
-% use non-bold and all coloured for inline code in articles
- \patchcmd{\minted at inputpyg@inline}{\minted at input}{\color{listingcolor}\renewcommand\textcolor[3][]{##3}\renewcommand\bfseries{}\minted at input}{}{}
- colframe=themecolor,
- fonttitle=\bfseries,
- sidebyside,
- center lower,
- righthand width=5.7cm,
- bottom=2pt,
- top=2pt,
- left=3pt,
- right=3pt,
- sidebyside gap=10pt,
- lower separated=false,
- listing engine=minted,
- minted language=latex,
- colback=themecolor!10,
- sharp corners,
- boxrule=0pt,
- before title={\strut}
-% avoid page breaks right in front of the tcolorbox
- \tcbuselibrary{hooks}
- \tcbset{before pre={\nopagebreak[4]}}
-% document settings
- \KOMAoptions{parskip=half}
- \addtokomafont{sectioning}{\color{themecolor}}
- \addtokomafont{date}{\normalsize}
- \addtokomafont{author}{\normalsize}
- \setlength{\footnotemargin}{0.7em}
-% Custom macros
\ No newline at end of file
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