texlive[72033] Master: hebdomon (14aug24)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Aug 14 21:49:12 CEST 2024

Revision: 72033
Author:   karl
Date:     2024-08-14 21:49:12 +0200 (Wed, 14 Aug 2024)
Log Message:
hebdomon (14aug24)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.pdf	2024-08-14 19:48:06 UTC (rev 72032)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.pdf	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.tex	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+% Load the base class
+\documentclass[minted, draw]{../tex/hebdomon}
+\title{Hebdomon \\ Report and Documentation Standard}
+\author{v0.1 - Angry Avocado}
+\StudentName{D. T. McGuiness}
+\date{dtm at mci4me.at}
+  \begin{tabular}[!b]{rl}
+  \textbf{Student Name} & xxxxx \\[3pt]
+  \textbf{Student Number} & xxxxx \\[3pt]
+  \textbf{Module Name} & xxxxx
+  \end{tabular}\\[20pt]
+  }
+\Chapter{The Hebdomon Template}
+This document is designed to abstract a significant portion of the
+commands and MACROs to hide away the programming aspect and ease into
+LaTeX programming. While some commands are have been changed \hlight{NO}
+command has been overwritten so feel free to use the original ones
+if you wish.
+	As to the best of the authors knowledge, the original commands should work
+	but the aesthetics may be compromised.
+\Section{Title Formatting}
+To begin a new content, always start the content with a chapter heading. To
+insert the chapter with an additional \lstinline[columns=fixed]{minitoc}
+use \lstinline[columns=fixed]{\Chapter}, which produces an heading as
+you see at the beginning of this page, to have a heading without
+a \lstinline[columns=fixed]{minitoc} use the standard
+The document relies on the user to use the \hlight{correct} title commands to
+keep the formatting consistent. The commands that starting with a
+capital letter are the overloaded commands of the standard ones.
+The following are the current ones:
+	Unless there is a specific reason, it is suggested to use the aforementioned
+	commands. However, original LaTeX command should work as well if you want to use.
+\Subsection{Page Geometry}
+The page geometry is set to the following settings. This is done using the
+standard package \pcode{\usepackage{geometry}} which is defined in the
+	\item[\textbf{top}] 2.5cm,
+	\item[\textbf{right}] 2.0cm,
+	\item[\textbf{bottom}] 2.5cm,
+	\item[\textbf{left}] 3.0cm.
+\Section{Image Positioning}
+The image positioning could be done with the following code snippet:
+  \centering
+  \includegraphics[options]{figures/path.pdf}
+  \caption{\label{fig:label} }
+Here there are a few options worth mentioning:
+	\item[\pcode{figures/path}] The place where the image is kept. If the
+	image is in the same folder where the main.tex file resides, it is as
+	simple as writing the files name. If the file is in a folder called
+	image, just write \pcode{image/innsbruck.jpg}. Finally if the image is
+	in a higher directory (i.e., image is in folderA/innsbruck.jpg and the
+	main tex is in folderA/document/main.tex then the path becomes \pcode{../innsbruck.jpg}
+	\item[\pcode{\caption{..}}] Where you write the caption of the image.
+	For consistency make sure every image has a caption as if the image does not
+	need a caption, maybe it not be present to begin with.
+	\item[\pcode{label{}}] This is an identifier for you to use when you need
+	to cite this Figure in a place somewhere. For example if you were to have
+	and image with the following:
+  \centering
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/path.pdf}
+  \caption{A photo I found on the web.}\label{fig:innsbruck}
+	\item[] Now this image is referenced as \pcode{fig:innsbruck}, which
+	means if we write the following:
+To see the image, have a look at Figure \ref{fig:innsbruck}
+This line of command will be presented as
+	To see the image, have a look at Figure 1.1.
+Finally you can see the image here as well.
+	\centering
+	\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/innsbruck.jpg}
+	\caption{The famous Innsbruck houses near the river Inn. This image is
+		placed with a width value of \pcode{width=\linewidth}. This is also
+		a good opportunity to showcase the hanging behaviour of the figure
+		caption.}
+\Section{Defined Environments}
+	\item[\pcode{excerpt}] The template relies on the excellent \lstinline[columns=fixed]{tcolorbox}
+	package for formatting the boxes within the document and for that end different styles were created.
+	\item[] Sometimes one needs to quote either a proverb or to create drama, for this use
+	the \lstinline[columns=fixed]{excerpt} environment with the following notation and effect.
+  To be, or not to be...
+	\item[] Compiling this code snippet would show as in the document
+	To be, or not to be...
+	\item[\pcode{code}] During the preparation of your document, it is useful to showcase
+	      some code either in the shape of all the document or a snippet of it.
+	      There are two (\hlight{2}) ways of doing this where the first one will be discussed here.
+	\item[] For example to print out a hello world in python, please use the following environment
+print("Hello, World!")
+Producing the following:
+print("Hello, World!")
+The class also come with some predefined environments to modify the behaviour/aesthetics of the document.
+Highlighting text is \hlight{very easy}, here is an example on how to write one.
+Highlighting text is \hlight{very easy}, here is an example:
+	\item[\pcode{example}] Sometimes you need to showcase an example or
+	      need to highlight a certain idea.
+	      For these things the environment Example could be useful.
+	\item[] For example to show as simple example or give a slight attention to a topic you can do the following.
+	This is an example. This could be anything which you would like to have a certain amount of
+	attention but not too much as to distract from the flow of the document.
+	\item[\pcode{highlight}] Or sometimes you need to give a clear break to the flow of the
+	      document and ask the reader to look at your banner. For that use highlight.
+	Hey! Pay attention as this is a highlight box.
+\Subsection{Writing Equations}
+One of the strong suits of LaTeX compared to other editors and programs is
+it simplicity and ease of use methods of writing equations. Consider the
+following equation:
+	f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1
+In code form this would be written as:
+	\begin{equation*}
+		f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1
+	\end{equation*}
+All equations that has their newline and centre staged are mostly written
+in an environment where it has a \pcode{begin} and an \pcode{end}. You may
+have noticed the asterisks sign just after the equation. This implies the
+environment is \hlight{not numbered}, meaning you won't be able to
+reference it. This is used to limit the numbering of equations to just the
+essential parts in the document and not reach 3 digits by the time you are
+in page 8. For a numbered equation like the following
+	f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1
+You only need to do:
+	\begin{equation}\label{eq:quad}
+		f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1
+	\end{equation}
+where \pcode{\label{eq:quad}} is the equation reference label.
+You could also make matrices as well as \pcode{amsmath} is preloaded into this template.
+\Subsection{Designing a Table}
+Finally, no template is done without someone telling you how a table should be designed.
+Below is a standard table
+	\begin{NiceTabular}{rX}[rules/color=[gray]{0.9},rules/width=1pt]
+		\CodeBefore
+		\rowcolors{1}{black!5}{}
+		\rowcolors{3}{blue!5}{}
+		\Body
+		\toprule
+		\textbf{Section}      & \textbf{Scientific Method Step}                                \\
+		\midrule
+		\textbf{Introduction} & states your hypothesis                                         \\
+		\textbf{Methods}      & details how you tested your hypothesis                         \\
+		\textbf{Results}      & provides raw (i.e., uninterpreted) data collected              \\
+		\textbf{Discussion}   & considers whether the data you obtained support the hypothesis \\
+		\bottomrule
+	\end{NiceTabular}
+	\caption{A Detailed look into the scientific method.}
+And the code used to generate it:
+	\begin{NiceTabular}{rX}[rules/color=[gray]{0.9},rules/width=1pt]
+		\CodeBefore
+		\rowcolors{1}{black!5}{}
+		\rowcolors{3}{blue!5}{}
+		\Body
+		\toprule
+		\textbf{Section}      & \textbf{Scientific Method Step}    \\
+		\midrule
+		\textbf{Introduction} & states   hypothesis                \\
+		\textbf{Methods}      & how you tested hypothesis          \\
+		\textbf{Results}      & provides raw  data collected       \\
+		\textbf{Discussion}   &  whether it support the hypothesis \\
+		\bottomrule
+	\end{NiceTabular}
+	\caption{A Detailed look into the scientific method.}
+\Chapter{Plotting your data using PGF/TikZ}
+PGFplots and Tikz are powerful scripting languages allowing you to draw high-quality diagrams
+using only a programming language. PGFplots are generally used for plotting data from a wide
+variety of representations from simple 2D plots to complex 3D geometries.
+But wikipedia description put it best:
+	PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics
+	(e.g., technical illustrations and drawings) from a geometric/algebraic description, with
+	standard features including the drawing of points, lines, arrows, paths, circles,
+	ellipses and polygons. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ is a set of higher-level
+	macros that use PGF. The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros,
+	but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a
+	language that resembles MetaPost.
+For more info please look at the documentation \href{https://tikz.dev/pgfplots/}{here}.
+It is of course up to the user to select which graphical software to produce the necessary
+visual components but unless it requires complex functions/processing, it would be be easier
+to have it in PGF/TikZ format for easy editing/maintenance.
+For this manual we will be looking at the three (\hlight{3}) plot types you may
+encounter in your studies.
+\Subsection{A Simple 2D Plot}
+2D plots are simple yet powerful to show the relation of a single parameters
+and its related function.
+Below is an example of a simple comparison of two (\hlight{2}) functions.
+	\centering
+	\begin{tikzpicture}
+		\begin{axis}[hebdomon, xlabel = \(x\), ylabel = {\(f(x)\)}]
+			% 
+			\addplot [domain=-10:10, samples=100,red]{x^3 - 7*x - 1};
+			\addlegendentry{\(x^2 - 2x - 1\)}
+			%
+			\addplot [domain=-10:10, samples=100, blue]{x^2 + 6*x + 8};
+			%
+			\addlegendentry{\(x^2 + 2x + 1\)}
+			%
+		\end{axis}
+	\end{tikzpicture}
+	\caption{This is an example of a 2D PGF plot comparing
+		two functions where these functions are calculated using
+		PGF itself rather than entering/reading from data.}
+The image above is generated using the following code:
+  \centering
+  \begin{tikzpicture}
+    \begin{axis}[hebdomon, xlabel = \(x\), ylabel = {\(f(x)\)}]
+      % 
+      \addplot [domain=-10:10, samples=100,red]{x^3 - 7*x - 1};
+      \addlegendentry{\(x^2 - 2x - 1\)}
+      % 
+      \addplot [domain=-10:10, samples=100, blue]{x^2 + 6*x + 8};
+      % 
+      \addlegendentry{\(x^2 + 2x + 1\)}
+      % 
+    \end{axis}
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+  \caption{This is an example of a 2D PGF plot comparing
+  two functions where these functions are calculated using
+  PGF itself rather than entering/reading from data.}
+As can be seen it is relatively standard to create plots. Some aspect
+which need mentioning.
+	\item[\pcode{\addplot}] You invoke this command when you want to
+	create a plot. In the square brackets (i.e., []) you insert your
+	\hlight{configuration} of your plot. The most important ones are
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item[\pcode{domain}] the range in which the function will be
+		      calculated
+		\item[\pcode{sample}] the number of calculations will be done
+		      within the defined domain.
+	\end{itemize}
+\Subsection{Plotting 3D plots}
+Plotting data with PGFplots is also quite possible and will generate
+great plot (as long as it is not massively complicated). For more
+information on the precautions on designing 3D plots, please have a look
+at \href{https://tikz.dev/pgfplots/reference-3dplots}{here}.
+Below is the prototypical plot to showcase the 3D capabilities of PGF:
+	\centering
+	\begin{tikzpicture}
+		\begin{axis}[view={25}{30},mark layer=like plot]
+			\addplot3 [
+				surf,
+				shader=faceted,
+				fill opacity=0.75,
+				samples=25,
+				domain=-4:4,
+				y domain=-4:4,
+				on layer=main,
+			] {x^2-y^2};
+		\end{axis}
+	\end{tikzpicture}
+	\caption{An example 3D plot done wit PGFplots.}
+And, of course the code for generating the plot is given as follows:
+  \centering
+  \begin{tikzpicture}
+    \begin{axis}[view={25}{30},mark layer=like plot]
+      \addplot3 [
+      surf,
+      shader=faceted,
+      fill opacity=0.75,
+      samples=25,
+      domain=-4:4,
+      y domain=-4:4,
+      on layer=main,
+      ] {x^2-y^2};
+    \end{axis}
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+  \caption{An example 3D plot done wit PGFplots.}
+Some options worth mentioning are as follows:
+	\item[\pcode{surf}] Generates a \hlight{surface} based on the 2D
+	data it was given (in this case these are $x$ and $y$.
+	\item[\pcode{shader}] Describes, basically how each segment should be
+	filled.
+	\item[\pcode{samples}] Similar to 2D plots, tells how many data points will
+	be measured. However, make a note that 3D is significantly more taxing
+	on the TeX memory than 2D and making this sampling high may result in
+	exceeding the memory limit.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape"
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% End:

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/HebdomonGuide.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/README.md	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Hebdomon - A Documentclass for Assignment Preparation
+## Description
+Hebdomon is a latex documentclass for streamlining document creation in latex. This
+package does not ovewrite any TeX or LaTeX commands so the user could use their own
+macros or other commands as they wish.
+A manual is written which can be seen in HebdomonGuide which showcases some commands written for the class.
+## Author
+This package is maintained by D. T. McGuiness: dtm at mci4me.at
+## Licence
+Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later. 
+See https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/README.md
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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/figures/innsbruck.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/figures/innsbruck.jpg
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/figures/innsbruck.jpg	2024-08-14 19:48:06 UTC (rev 72032)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hebdomon/figures/innsbruck.jpg	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)

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Added: svn:mime-type
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hebdomon/hebdomon.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hebdomon/hebdomon.cls	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hebdomon/hebdomon.cls	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+% Hebdomon document class for use in report and assessment writing
+% Written by D. T. McGuiness: dtm at mci4me.at
+% v0.1 - Angry Avocado [WS2024]
+\ProvidesClass{hebdomon}[2024/08/08 v0.1 Report and Documentation standard]
+% This document is based on the excellent KOMA Script scrreprt class
+% The following options are declared beforehand.
+\RequirePackage{ifthen} % require an if-else loop to
+% choose depending on the field
+% Allows students to choose which package for code printing.
+\newboolean{mnt} % set bool operator for minted
+\newboolean{lst} % set bool operator for lstlisting
+\newboolean{drw} % set bool operator for PGF/TikZ
+%-OPTION: set option to choose minted code printing package
+	\setboolean{mnt}{true}
+%-OPTION: set option to choose lstlisting code printing package
+	\setboolean{lst}{true}
+%-OPTION: set option to choose PGF/TikZ plotting packages
+	\setboolean{drw}{true}
+	\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{scrreprt}
+\ProcessOptions \relax
+% Load the base class to create the custom template
+	bibliography  = totoc,
+	headings      = big,
+	captions      = tableheading,
+	chapterprefix = true,
+% Page Geometry -----------------------------------------------------------
+% Define the default page geometry
+	left   = 3.0cm,
+	right  = 2.0cm,
+	top    = 2.5cm,
+	bottom = 2.5cm]{geometry}
+% Required Packages -------------------------------------------------------
+\RequirePackage{nicematrix} % For modern table design
+\RequirePackage{booktabs}   % To access \midrule \toprule \bottomrule
+% For use in referencing purposes
+	backend=bibtex]{biblatex}
+\RequirePackage{graphicx}   % To enable image insertion
+\RequirePackage{environ}    % To allow new environments with Environ
+\RequirePackage{hyperref}  % Allow the use of hyperlink within document
+\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % Set the caption style to bold
+% %%%%% ----- Colour Definitions ------ %%%%%
+% Define the MCI colours.
+% %%%%% ----- Code Presentation ----- %%%%%
+% To make this class more compatible and avoid questions about pygments,
+% the author has decided to use listings for code presentation, instead of
+% minted.
+	aboveskip={1.3\baselineskip},
+	basicstyle=\small\ttfamily\linespread{4},
+	breaklines=false,
+	backgroundcolor = \color[HTML]{eff1f5},
+	columns=flexible,
+	commentstyle=\color[HTML]{6c6f85}\ttfamily,
+	escapechar=@,
+	extendedchars=true,
+	identifierstyle=\color{black},
+	inputencoding=latin1,
+	keywordstyle=\color[HTML]{fe640b},
+	language=Python,
+	ndkeywordstyle=\color[HTML]{228B22},
+	numbers=left,
+	numberstyle=\tiny,
+	prebreak = \raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\hookleftarrow}},
+	showstringspaces=false,
+	stringstyle=\color[HTML]{40a02b}\ttfamily,
+	upquote=true,
+	emph={None},
+	emphstyle={\color[HTML]{FE640B}},
+	%	keywordstyle=[1]{\color[HTML]{8839ef}},
+	%	morekeywords={(,)},
+	keywordstyle=[2]\color[HTML]{D20F39},
+	keywordstyle={[3]\color[HTML]{8839ef}},
+	keywords=[3]{x},
+% \lstset{style=mystyle}
+% New Environment Definitions ---------------------------------------------
+% To create environments tcolorbox package is required to make them
+% aesthetically pleasing.
+\tcbuselibrary{breakable, minted, skins,theorems, hooks, most}
+% %%%%% ----- tcolorbox Templates ----- %%%%%
+% Define the excerpt environment style.
+	quoteTemplate/.style={%
+			enhanced,
+			breakable,
+			arc=0pt,
+			outer arc=0pt,
+			toprule=0pt,
+			rightrule=0pt,
+			bottomrule=0pt,
+			leftrule=1mm,
+			colback=white,
+			colframe=mciRed,
+			detach title
+		}%
+	blockTemplate/.style={%
+			enhanced,
+			breakable,
+			arc=0pt,
+			outer arc=0pt,
+			toprule=0pt,
+			rightrule=0pt,
+			bottomrule=0pt,
+			leftrule=1mm,
+			colback=#1!25,
+			colframe=#1,
+			coltitle=black,
+			detach title
+		}%
+% %%%%% --------------------------------%%%%%
+% Environment used to insert quotations.
+	\begin{tcolorbox}[blockTemplate=nord7]
+		\BODY
+	\end{tcolorbox}
+	\begin{tcolorbox}[blockTemplate=nord14]
+		\BODY
+	\end{tcolorbox}
+	\begin{tcolorbox}[blockTemplate=nord13]
+		\BODY
+	\end{tcolorbox}
+	\begin{tcolorbox}[blockTemplate=black]
+		\BODY
+	\end{tcolorbox}
+	\begin{tcolorbox}[blockTemplate=norda]
+		\BODY
+	\end{tcolorbox}
+	\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=!,labelindent=-29.2pt]
+		\BODY
+	\end{itemize}
+% KOMA-Script Configuration -----------------------------------------------
+% Set the fontstyle of minitoc to that of the document
+% Set the depth of TOC
+\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % number subsubsections
+\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % list subsubsections
+% Configure the document titles
+% Configure the baseline of the document
+	\mbox{\scalebox{1.5}{\chapappifchapterprefix{\nobreakspace}}%
+		\scalebox{4}{\color{mciRed}\thechapter\autodot}\enskip}}
+\newcommand{\heading}[1]{\subsubsection*{$\blacksquare$ #1}}
+	\makebox[0pt][r]{#1\hspace{6pt}}%
+\titleformat{\section} {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}
+{\marginsecnumber\thesection} {0pt} {}
+\titleformat{\subsection} {\normalfont\large\bfseries}
+{\marginsecnumber\thesubsection} {0pt} {}
+{0pt} {}
+{0pt} {}
+\setlength\parindent{0pt} % set no indent for the entire file
+	\RequirePackage{minted}
+	\newcommand{\pcode}[1]{%
+		{%
+				\colorbox{gray!10}{%
+					\mintinline[fontsize=\small]{text}{#1}%
+				}%
+			}%
+	}%
+	%\usemintedstyle{catppuccin-latte}
+	\definecolor{catback}{HTML}{585b70}
+	\definecolor{catground}{HTML}{eff1f5}
+	% Set box and font rules for inputminted command for paper
+	\newtcbinputlisting{\codeinputpaper}[4][]{%
+		listing file={#3},
+		minted language=#2,
+		minted options={
+				fontsize=\small,
+				tabsize=4,
+				xleftmargin=-2.25mm,
+				numbersep=5mm,
+				breaklines=true,
+				highlightcolor=orange!50,
+				%formatcom=orange!50
+			},% <-- put other minted options inside the brackets
+		overlay unbroken and first={%
+				\begin{tcbclipinterior}
+					\fill[catback] (frame.south west) rectangle
+					([xshift=1mm]frame.north west);
+					\fill[catback] (frame.north east) rectangle
+					([xshift=-4mm, yshift=-10mm]frame.north east);
+					\fill[catback]
+					([xshift=-4mm, yshift=-10mm]frame.north east) --
+					([xshift=0mm, yshift=-10mm]frame.north east) --
+					([xshift=0mm, yshift=-12mm]frame.north east);
+				\end{tcbclipinterior}
+				\node[rotate=-90, minimum width=1cm, anchor=north,
+					font=\bfseries] at ([xshift=0mm, yshift=-4mm]frame.north
+				east) {\tiny \textcolor{white}{#2}}; },
+		sharp corners,
+		leftrule=1mm,
+		toprule=0pt,
+		rightrule=0pt,
+		bottomrule=0pt,
+		colback=catground,
+		colframe=black,
+		breakable,
+		enhanced,% <-- put other tcolorbox options here
+		arc=0mm,
+		boxrule=0pt,
+		frame hidden,
+		listing only,
+		minted options app={#1}}
+	\RequirePackage{xpatch}
+	\newenvironment{code}[1]
+	{%
+		\VerbatimEnvironment
+		\begin{minted}{#1}%
+  \end{minted}%
+	}
+	%
+	\xpatchcmd{\mintinline}{\begingroup}{\begingroup\let\itshape\relax}{}{}
+	\xpatchcmd{\minted}{\VerbatimEnvironment}{\VerbatimEnvironment\let\itshape\relax}{}{}
+	\xpatchcmd{\inputminted}{\begingroup}{\begingroup\let\itshape\relax}{}{}
+	\RequirePackage{listings}%
+	\RequirePackage{xparse}
+	\NewDocumentCommand{\pcode}{v}{%
+		#1%
+	}
+	\newenvironment{code}[1]
+	{%
+		\VerbatimEnvironment
+		\begin{lstlisting}{language=#1}%
+  \end{lstlisting}%
+	}
+	\RequirePackage{pgfplots}   % Enable to draw plots in the documents
+	\usepackage{tikz}           % Enable Tikz and its libraries
+	\pgfplotsset{compat=1.18}   % Set the pgf compatibility.
+	%
+	\usepgfplotslibrary{polar}  % To access polarplot
+	%
+	\pgfplotsset{
+		hebdomon/.style={
+				minor grid style={dotted, gray!50},
+				major grid style={dotted, gray!50},
+				%
+				grid = both,
+				minor tick num=2,
+				ytick align=outside,
+				xtick align=outside,
+				axis line style={draw=none},
+				axis lines = left,
+				%
+				line width=2pt,
+				%
+				legend style = {
+						line width=0.5pt
+					},
+				%
+				every non boxed x axis/.append style={x axis line style=-},
+				every non boxed y axis/.append style={y axis line style=-},
+				%
+			},
+	}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hebdomon/hebdomon.cls
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2024-08-14 19:48:06 UTC (rev 72032)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -407,7 +407,8 @@
     happy4th har2nat haranoaji haranoaji-extra
     hardwrap harmony harnon-cv harpoon
     harvard harveyballs harvmac hatching hausarbeit-jura havannah
-    hc he-she hebrew-fonts hecthese helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation helvetic
+    hc he-she hebdomon hebrew-fonts hecthese
+    helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation helvetic
     hep hep-acronym hep-bibliography hep-float hep-font hep-float hep-graphic
     hep-math hep-math-font hep-paper hep-reference hep-text hep-title hepnames
     hepparticles hepthesis hepunits here hereapplies heria heros-otf hershey-mp

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2024-08-14 19:48:06 UTC (rev 72032)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -1768,6 +1768,7 @@
  'grverb'		=> '&POSTgrverb',
  'guide-latex-fr'	=> '&POST_rmsymlink',
  'haranoaji'		=> '&POST_preserve_postcode',
+ 'hebdomon'		=> '&POST_onelevel',
  'highlightx'		=> '&POST_onelevel',
  'hmtrump'		=> '&POSThmtrump',
  'huffman'		=> '&POST_onelevel',

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc	2024-08-14 19:48:06 UTC (rev 72032)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc	2024-08-14 19:49:12 UTC (rev 72033)
@@ -673,6 +673,7 @@
 depend harpoon
 depend hc
 depend he-she
+depend hebdomon
 depend hep-acronym
 depend hep-float
 depend hep-math

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/hebdomon.tlpsrc

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