texlive[68586] Master: hvfloat*.inc in runtime, report from Jonathan

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Oct 18 23:09:24 CEST 2023

Revision: 68586
Author:   karl
Date:     2023-10-18 23:09:23 +0200 (Wed, 18 Oct 2023)
Log Message:
hvfloat*.inc in runtime, report from Jonathan Spratte, 18 Oct 2023 20:52:41

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc	2023-10-18 20:31:57 UTC (rev 68585)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
-%% Copyright (C) 2023
-%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
-%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
-%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
-%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||       Image is 2\paperwidth wide, height is variable or user set
-\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage#1{%  image on left and right page with caption before/below/right/after
-  % #1-> not used, caption always below lefr or below right
-  \setcounter{topnumber}{1}%
-  \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{1}%
-  \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
-%  \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Right\else\ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left\else
-%    \let\hvSet at capPos\hv at Right
-%  \fi\fi
-  \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
-      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
-        \expandafter
-           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
-                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
-  \fi
-  \let\c at hv@tempCNTfigA\c at figure
-  \let\c at hv@tempCNTtabA\c at table
-%  \checkoddpage
-  \ifoddpage
-    \if at twocolumn
-      \if at firstcolumn
-        \afterpage{afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}%  2nd Col and newpage
-      \else
-        \do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption% odd, 2nd col -> no newpage
-      \fi
-    \else % onecol
-      \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}% oddpage->newpage
-    \fi % end \if at twocolumn
-  \else% evenpage 
-    \if at twocolumn
-      \if at firstcolumn
-        \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}}%  ->2nd Col left page and newpage
-      \else
-        \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}% ->newpage ( 2columns)
-      \fi
-    \else % onecol
-      \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}% evenpage->newpage->newpage
-    \fi % end \if at twocolumn
-  \fi% main ifoddpage
-  \endgroup% started at main macro \hvFloat
-\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption{%
-  \begin{\hv at floatType*}[t]
-    \hv at set@noverticalSpace
-    \hfuzz=\maxdimen
-    \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}% 
-    \hv at leftPageObjectWidth=\dimexpr\paperwidth-\hvSet at bindCorrection%
-    \savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
-    \vspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\voffset-\topmargin-\headheight-\headsep}%-\baselineskip-\parskip+1.5\lineskip}%  no interlineskip
-    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-\evensidemargin-\parindent-1in}%
-    \clipbox*{0 -\depth{} \hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-    \ifx\hv at label\@empty
-    \else
-      \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
-      \else
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
-      \fi
-      \label{\hv at label}%
-    \fi        
-    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left %  left side a caption
-      \ifhv at onlyText
-        \hv at longCap
-      \else
-        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-        \else
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
-    \else
-      \ifhv at global@sameHeight
-        \par\noindent\phantom{\parbox{\textwidth}{\caption*{\hv at longCap}}}%
-%      \vspace{-2pt}%
-      \fi
-    \fi
-    \hv at reset@noverticalSpace
-  \end{\hv at floatType*}%
-  %  start right half of the image ----------------- RIGHT
-  \begin{\hv at floatType*}[t]
-    \hv at set@noverticalSpace
-    \hfuzz=\maxdimen
-%    \let\c at hv@tempCNTfigA\c at figure
-%    \let\c at hv@tempCNTtabA\c at table
-    \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}% 
-    \hv at leftPageObjectWidth=\dimexpr\paperwidth-\hvSet at bindCorrection
-    \savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
-    \vspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\voffset-\topmargin-\headheight-\headsep}%-\baselineskip-\parskip+1.5\lineskip}%  no interlineskip
-    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\oddsidemargin+\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
-    \clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height{}}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-    \ifx\hv at label\@empty
-    \else
-      \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
-      \else
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
-      \fi
-      \label{\hv at label}%
-    \fi        
-    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left %  left side a caption
-      \ifhv at global@sameHeight
-        \par\noindent\phantom{\parbox{\textwidth}{\caption*{\hv at longCap}}}%
-%      \vspace{-2pt}%
-      \fi
-    \else
-      \ifhv at onlyText
-        \hv at longCap
-      \else
-        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-        \else
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
-    \fi
-    \hv at reset@noverticalSpace
-  \end{\hv at floatType*}%

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc	2023-10-18 20:31:57 UTC (rev 68585)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
-%% Copyright (C) 2023
-%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
-%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
-%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
-%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||
-\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE#1{%  image on left and right page with caption before/below/right/after
-  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
-  \hvfloat at typeout{>>> do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: #1}%
-  \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
-  \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
-      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
-        \expandafter
-           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
-                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
-  \fi
-  \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at After \global\hv@@capPos=1
-  \else
-    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Before  \global\hv@@capPos=0
-    \else
-      \global\hv@@capPos=2 % other caption type
-  \fi\fi
-  %\checkoddpage
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-%  \savebox\hv at leftBox{\clipbox*{0 0 \the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
-%  \savebox\hv at rightBox{\clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \depth{} \width{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
-%  \expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}%
-  \ifoddpage
-    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage}%
-    \ifcase\hv@@capPos % =0 Caption before
-      \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption before (0)}%
-      \if at twocolumn
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption before/twocolumn}%
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn}%
-          \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> oddpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn/twoColumnCaption}%
-            \set at Normal@Bottom at Caption*
-            \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore}%
-          \else
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> oddpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn/oneColCaption}%
-            \afterpage{\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore}%
-          \fi
-        \else
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption before/twocolumn/secondcolumn}%
-          \set at Normal@Bottom at Caption
-          \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore
-        \fi
-      \else
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption before/onecolumn}%
-        \set at Normal@Bottom at Caption
-        \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore
-      \fi
-    \or  % =1 Caption after
-      \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after (1)}%
-      \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/twoColCaption (1)}%
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/firstcolumn (1)}%
-          \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfterTwoCol}%
-        \else
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/secondcolumn (1)}%
-          \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfterTwoCol
-        \fi
-      \else
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/oneColCaption (1)}%
-        \if at twocolumn
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/twoColCaption/twocolumn (1)}%
-          \if at firstcolumn
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> oddpage/caption after/twoColCaption/twocolumn/firstcolumn (1)}%
-            \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter}%
-          \else
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/twoColCaption/twocolumn/secondcolumn (1)}%
-            \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter
-          \fi
-        \else
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: oddpage/caption after/twoColCaption/onecolumn (1)}%
-          \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter
-        \fi
-      \fi
-    \else% \ifcase >1 all other Captions
-      \if at twocolumn
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}}%
-        \else
-          \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}%
-        \fi
-      \else % \if at twocolumn
-        \do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}%
-      \fi
-    \fi%  \ifcase
-  \else% we have an even page
-    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage (1 -- \thepage)}%
-    \ifcase\hv@@capPos%   Before
-      \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption before (0 -- \thepage)}%
-      \if at twocolumn
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption before/twocolumn (0 -- \thepage)}%
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn (0 -- \thepage)}%
-          \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage^2->evenpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn/twocolCap (0 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption*\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore{#1}}}%
-          \else
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage^2 -> evenpage/caption before/twocolumn/firstcolumn/oneColCap (0 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore{#1}}}}%
-          \fi
-        \else
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage^2->evenpage/caption before/twocolumn/secondcolumn (0 -- \thepage)}%
-          \afterpage{\afterpage{\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore{#1}}}%
-        \fi
-      \else
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> evenpage/caption before/onecolumn (0 -- \thepage)}%
-        \afterpage{\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionBefore}%
-      \fi
-    \or % capPos after
-      \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption after (1 -- \thepage)}%
-      \if at twocolumn
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption after/twocolumn (1 -- \thepage)}%
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/firstcolumn (1 -- \thepage)}%
-          \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/firstcolumn/twoColCaption (1 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfterTwoCol{#1}}}%
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-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/firstcolumn/oneColCaption (1 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter{#1}}}%
-          \fi
-        \else
-          \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/secondcolumn (1 -- \thepage)}%
-          \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage1 2 -> evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/secondcolumn/twoColCaption (1 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfterTwoCol{#1}}}%
-          \else
-            \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage1 2 -> evenpage/caption after/twocolumn/secondcolumn/oneColCaption (1 -- \thepage)}%
-            \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter{#1}}}%
-          \fi
-        \fi
-      \else
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: afterpage -> evenpage/caption after/onecolumn (1 -- \thepage)}%
-        \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter}%
-      \fi
-    \else % \ifcase Any other caption
-      \if at twocolumn
-        \if at firstcolumn
-          \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}}}}%
-        \else
-          \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}}}%
-        \fi
-      \else
-        \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionOther{#1}}%
-      \fi    
-    \fi% \ifcase
-  \fi% main ifoddpage
-  \endgroup% started at main macro \hvFloat
-\def\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption{\@ifnextchar*\set at Normal@Bottom at CaptionStar\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption@}
-\def\set at Normal@Bottom at Caption@{%
-    \begin{\hv at floatType}[!b]
-      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
-      \ifhv at separatorLine\drawSepLine\fi
-%      \expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}%
-      \ifhv at onlyText
-        \hv at longCap
-      \else
-        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-        \else
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
-    \end{\hv at floatType}%
-\def\set at Normal@Bottom at CaptionStar*{%
-    \begin{\hv at floatType*}[!b]
-      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
-      \ifhv at separatorLine\drawSepLine\fi
-%      \expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}%
-      \ifhv at onlyText
-        \hv at longCap
-      \else
-        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-        \else
-          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
-    \end{\hv at floatType*}%
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-    \global\savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
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-    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-\evensidemargin-\parindent-1in}%
-    \thispagestyle{empty}%
-    \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
-      \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigB}%
-    \else
-      \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabB}%   before caption
-    \fi
-    \expandafter\label\expandafter{\hv at label}%
-    \clipbox*{0 0 \the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-    \afterpage{%
-      \if at twocolumn\newpage\null\newpage\fi
-      \global\savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
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-      \hspace*{\hv at tempWidthA}%
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-      \clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \dp\hvObjectBox{} \wd\hvObjectBox{} \ht\hvObjectBox}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-      \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
-      \else
-        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
-      \fi
-      \expandafter\label\expandafter{\hv at label-2}%
-      \newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
-  }}%
-\newif\ifhv at temp
-\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE at CaptionAfter{%
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-    \global\savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
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-    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-\evensidemargin-\parindent-1in}%
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-      \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
-    \else
-      \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
-    \fi
-    \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label}\fi            
-      \newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
-      \global\savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
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-      \else
-        \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabB}%   before caption
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-      \expandafter\label\expandafter{\hv at label-2}%
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-      \begin{\hv at floatType}[!b]
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-%        \expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}%
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-          \hv at longCap
-        \else
-          \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-            \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-          \else
-            \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-          \fi
-        \fi
-        \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
-      \end{\hv at floatType}%
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-      \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
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-      \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
-    \fi
-    \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label}\fi
-    \clipbox*{0 0 \the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-    \newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi    
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-        \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
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-      \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
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-    \label{\hv at label}%
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-      \if at twocolumn\newpage\if at firstcolumn\else\null\newpage\fi\fi
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-        \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigB}%
-      \else
-        \refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabB}%   before caption
-      \fi
-      \expandafter\label\expandafter{\hv at label-2}%
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-          \rotatebox[origin=lb]{90}{\makebox[\paperheight][c]{\parbox{0.8\ht\hvObjectBox}{%
-%            \expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}%
-            \ifhv at onlyText
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-            \else
-              \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
-                \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-              \else
-                \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
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-              \ifhv at onlyText
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-                \else
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-              \fi
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-            \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
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-  \ifhv at separatorLine\drawSepLine\fi
-  \par
-  \usebox\hvCaptionBox
-  \ifhv at twoColumnCaption
-    \end{\hv at floatType*}%
-  \else
-    \end{\hv at floatType}%
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-  \hvfloat at typeout{>>>> setPageObject/start environment ...}%
-  \afterpage{\checkoddpage}%
-  \ifhv at star
-    \begin{\hv at floatType*}[p]%
-  \else
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-      \ifoddpage
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-%    \afterpage{\AddToHookNext{shipout/after}{\thispagestyle{empty}}}%
-    \usebox\hvObjectBox
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-  \hvfloat at typeout{>>>> setPageObject/stop environment}%
-  \ifhv at star
-    \end{\hv at floatType*}%
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-    \end{\hv at floatType}%
-  \fi
-  \@floatpenalty=\hv at tempcnt%   restore

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc	2023-10-18 20:31:57 UTC (rev 68585)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
-%% Copyright (C) 2023
-%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
-%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
-%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
-%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||
-\def\do at hvFloat@doublePAGE#1{%  image on left and right page with caption on the right ----------------------------------
-  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
-%  \global\setlength\hv at tempWidthA{\the\dimexpr1in+\oddsidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
-%  \global\setlength\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{\the\dimexpr\paperwidth-1in-\evensidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
-  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hvObjectBox\expandafter{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
-  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hv at boxLeftPage\expandafter{\clipbox*{0 -\depth{} \hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
-  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hv at boxRightPage\expandafter{\clipbox*{\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
-  %\checkoddpage
-  \ifoddpage
-    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: oddpage}%
-    \if at twocolumn
-      \if at firstcolumn
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: ifoddpage->twocolumn->firstcolumn}%
-        \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}%
-      \else
-        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: ifoddpage->twocolumn->secondcolumn}%
-        \do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}%
-      \fi
-    \else
-      \do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}%
-    \fi  
-  \else
-    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: evenpage}%
-    \if at twocolumn
-      \if at firstcolumn
-        \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}}}%
-      \else
-        \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}}%
-      \fi
-    \else
-      \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}%   onecolumn/left page
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \endgroup% startet at main macro
-\def\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight#1{%  image on left and right page with caption on the right ----------------------------------
-  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
-    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight->start}%
-    \afterpage{%
-      \hfuzz=\maxdimen
-      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%
-      \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
-      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
-        \expandafter
-           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
-                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
-      \fi
-      \ifhv at useOBox
-        \global\let\hvObjectBox\hvOBox
-      \else      
-        \global\savebox\hvObjectBox{\hv at floatObject}%
-      \fi
-      \noindent
-      \global\hv at tempWidthA=\the\dimexpr1in+\oddsidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection%
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-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label}\fi            
-      \null\newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
-      \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hvObjectBox\expandafter{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
-      \noindent
-      \hspace*{\dimexpr-\hv at tempWidthA}%
-      \clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height{}}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
-      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-2}\fi            
-      \begingroup
-          \ifnum#1>0
-            \medskip
-            \ifdim\dp\hvObjectBox > \z@
-              \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\parbox{\the\dimexpr\ht\hvObjectBox+\dp\hvObjectBox}{%
-                \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
-                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-                \else
-                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-                \fi
-              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
-              }}%
-            \else
-              \rotatebox{90}{\parbox{\the\dimexpr\ht\hvObjectBox+\dp\hvObjectBox}{%
-                \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
-                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-                \else
-                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-                \fi
-              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
-              }}%
-            \fi
-        \else% caption not rotated
-          \par\noindent
-          \parbox{\textwidth}{%
-      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting,capFormat={font={tiny},labelsep=newline}}%
-              \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
-                \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
-              \else
-                \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
-              \fi
-              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
-            }%
-        \fi
-        \endgroup
-        \newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
-  }%

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
+%% Copyright (C) 2023
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||       Image is 2\paperwidth wide, height is variable or user set
+\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage#1{%  image on left and right page with caption before/below/right/after
+  % #1-> not used, caption always below lefr or below right
+  \setcounter{topnumber}{1}%
+  \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{1}%
+  \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
+%  \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Right\else\ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left\else
+%    \let\hvSet at capPos\hv at Right
+%  \fi\fi
+  \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
+      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
+        \expandafter
+           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
+                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
+  \fi
+  \let\c at hv@tempCNTfigA\c at figure
+  \let\c at hv@tempCNTtabA\c at table
+%  \checkoddpage
+  \ifoddpage
+    \if at twocolumn
+      \if at firstcolumn
+        \afterpage{afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}%  2nd Col and newpage
+      \else
+        \do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption% odd, 2nd col -> no newpage
+      \fi
+    \else % onecol
+      \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}% oddpage->newpage
+    \fi % end \if at twocolumn
+  \else% evenpage 
+    \if at twocolumn
+      \if at firstcolumn
+        \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}}%  ->2nd Col left page and newpage
+      \else
+        \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}% ->newpage ( 2columns)
+      \fi
+    \else % onecol
+      \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption}}% evenpage->newpage->newpage
+    \fi % end \if at twocolumn
+  \fi% main ifoddpage
+  \endgroup% started at main macro \hvFloat
+\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFullPage at ObjectAndCaption{%
+  \begin{\hv at floatType*}[t]
+    \hv at set@noverticalSpace
+    \hfuzz=\maxdimen
+    \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}% 
+    \hv at leftPageObjectWidth=\dimexpr\paperwidth-\hvSet at bindCorrection%
+    \savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
+    \vspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\voffset-\topmargin-\headheight-\headsep}%-\baselineskip-\parskip+1.5\lineskip}%  no interlineskip
+    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-\evensidemargin-\parindent-1in}%
+    \clipbox*{0 -\depth{} \hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
+    \ifx\hv at label\@empty
+    \else
+      \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
+        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
+      \else
+        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
+      \fi
+      \label{\hv at label}%
+    \fi        
+    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left %  left side a caption
+      \ifhv at onlyText
+        \hv at longCap
+      \else
+        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
+          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
+        \else
+          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
+    \else
+      \ifhv at global@sameHeight
+        \par\noindent\phantom{\parbox{\textwidth}{\caption*{\hv at longCap}}}%
+%      \vspace{-2pt}%
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \hv at reset@noverticalSpace
+  \end{\hv at floatType*}%
+  %  start right half of the image ----------------- RIGHT
+  \begin{\hv at floatType*}[t]
+    \hv at set@noverticalSpace
+    \hfuzz=\maxdimen
+%    \let\c at hv@tempCNTfigA\c at figure
+%    \let\c at hv@tempCNTtabA\c at table
+    \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}% 
+    \hv at leftPageObjectWidth=\dimexpr\paperwidth-\hvSet at bindCorrection
+    \savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
+    \vspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\voffset-\topmargin-\headheight-\headsep}%-\baselineskip-\parskip+1.5\lineskip}%  no interlineskip
+    \hspace*{\the\dimexpr-1in-\oddsidemargin+\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
+    \clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height{}}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
+    \ifx\hv at label\@empty
+    \else
+      \ifx\hv at floatType\hv at figure
+        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTfigA}%
+      \else
+        \global\refstepcounter{hv at tempCNTtabA}%   before caption
+      \fi
+      \label{\hv at label}%
+    \fi        
+    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Left %  left side a caption
+      \ifhv at global@sameHeight
+        \par\noindent\phantom{\parbox{\textwidth}{\caption*{\hv at longCap}}}%
+%      \vspace{-2pt}%
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifhv at onlyText
+        \hv at longCap
+      \else
+        \ifx\hv at shortCap\@empty
+          \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
+        \else
+          \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
+    \fi
+    \hv at reset@noverticalSpace
+  \end{\hv at floatType*}%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-0.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
+%% Copyright (C) 2023
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||
+\def\do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE#1{%  image on left and right page with caption before/below/right/after
+  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
+  \hvfloat at typeout{>>> do at hvFloat@doubleFULLPAGE: #1}%
+  \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%    
+  \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
+      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
+        \expandafter
+           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
+                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
+  \fi
+  \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at After \global\hv@@capPos=1
+  \else
+    \ifx\hvSet at capPos\hv at Before  \global\hv@@capPos=0
+    \else
+      \global\hv@@capPos=2 % other caption type
+  \fi\fi
+  %\checkoddpage
+  \global\savebox{\hvObjectBox}{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
+  \global\hv at tempWidthA=\dimexpr-\oddsidemargin-1in-\parindent+\hvSet at bindCorrection%  the width of the right side offset
+  \global\hv at tempWidthB=\dimexpr\ht\hvCaptionBox+\wd\hvObjectBox+2\hvSet at bindCorrection%
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-1.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+%% Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>
+%% Copyright (C) 2023
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% ||1in+evenside --- |1in+oddside ---||
+\def\do at hvFloat@doublePAGE#1{%  image on left and right page with caption on the right ----------------------------------
+  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
+%  \global\setlength\hv at tempWidthA{\the\dimexpr1in+\oddsidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
+%  \global\setlength\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{\the\dimexpr\paperwidth-1in-\evensidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection}%
+  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hvObjectBox\expandafter{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
+  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hv at boxLeftPage\expandafter{\clipbox*{0 -\depth{} \hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
+  \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hv at boxRightPage\expandafter{\clipbox*{\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}}%
+  %\checkoddpage
+  \ifoddpage
+    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: oddpage}%
+    \if at twocolumn
+      \if at firstcolumn
+        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: ifoddpage->twocolumn->firstcolumn}%
+        \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}%
+      \else
+        \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: ifoddpage->twocolumn->secondcolumn}%
+        \do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}%
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}%
+    \fi  
+  \else
+    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGE: evenpage}%
+    \if at twocolumn
+      \if at firstcolumn
+        \afterpage{\afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}}}%
+      \else
+        \afterpage{\afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}}%
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \afterpage{\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight{#1}}%   onecolumn/left page
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \endgroup% startet at main macro
+\def\do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight#1{%  image on left and right page with caption on the right ----------------------------------
+  % #1-> 0/1 caption under/right
+    \hvfloat at typeout{do at hvFloat@doublePAGECaptionRight->start}%
+    \afterpage{%
+      \hfuzz=\maxdimen
+      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting}%
+      \ifx\hv at caption@format\@empty\else\expandafter\captionsetup\expandafter{\hv at caption@format}\fi
+      \ifx\hv at subcaption@format\@empty\else
+        \expandafter
+           \captionsetup\expandafter[\expandafter s\expandafter u\expandafter b\expandafter]\expandafter
+                             {\hv at subcaption@format}%
+      \fi
+      \ifhv at useOBox
+        \global\let\hvObjectBox\hvOBox
+      \else      
+        \global\savebox\hvObjectBox{\hv at floatObject}%
+      \fi
+      \noindent
+      \global\hv at tempWidthA=\the\dimexpr1in+\oddsidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection%
+      \global\hv at leftPageObjectWidth=\the\dimexpr\paperwidth-1in-\evensidemargin-\hvSet at bindCorrection%
+      \clipbox*{0 -\depth{} \hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} \height}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
+      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label}\fi            
+      \null\newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
+      \expandafter\global\expandafter\savebox\expandafter\hvObjectBox\expandafter{\ifhv at useOBox\usebox{\hvOBox}\else\hv at floatObject\fi}%
+      \noindent
+      \hspace*{\dimexpr-\hv at tempWidthA}%
+      \clipbox*{\the\hv at leftPageObjectWidth{} -\depth{} \width{} \height{}}{\usebox\hvObjectBox}%
+      \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-2}\fi            
+      \begingroup
+          \ifnum#1>0
+            \medskip
+            \ifdim\dp\hvObjectBox > \z@
+              \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\parbox{\the\dimexpr\ht\hvObjectBox+\dp\hvObjectBox}{%
+                \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
+                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
+                \else
+                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
+                \fi
+              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
+              }}%
+            \else
+              \rotatebox{90}{\parbox{\the\dimexpr\ht\hvObjectBox+\dp\hvObjectBox}{%
+                \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
+                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
+                \else
+                  \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
+                \fi
+              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi            
+              }}%
+            \fi
+        \else% caption not rotated
+          \par\noindent
+          \parbox{\textwidth}{%
+      \expandafter\hvFloatSet\expandafter{\hv at save@setting,capFormat={font={tiny},labelsep=newline}}%
+              \ifx\relax\hv at shortCap\relax
+                \captionof{\hv at floatType}{\hv at longCap}%
+              \else
+                \captionof{\hv at floatType}[\hv at shortCap]{\hv at longCap}%
+              \fi
+              \ifx\hv at label\@empty\else\label{\hv at label-cap}\fi
+            }%
+        \fi
+        \endgroup
+        \newpage\if at twocolumn\null\newpage\fi
+  }%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hvfloat/hvfloat-2.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2023-10-18 20:31:57 UTC (rev 68585)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2023-10-18 21:09:23 UTC (rev 68586)
@@ -2188,6 +2188,7 @@
  'hrefhide',    '\.sty|[^c]\.cfg',        # omit ltxdoc.cfg, would be system-wide
  'huawei',	'.*cover-picture\.pdf|' . $standardtex,
  'hvextern',	'hv(?!doctools).*\.sty|\.lua',  # negative lookahead fun
+ 'hvfloat',	'hvfloat.*\.inc|' . $standardtex,
  'hwemoji',	'hwemoji-assets.pdf|' . $standardtex,
  'hyper',       '^[^d].*\.sty|\.hyp',     # not defpattern.sty
  'hyphenex',    'ushyphex\.tex',

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