texlive[65010] Master/texmf-dist: euler-math

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Nov 13 22:35:07 CET 2022

Revision: 65010
Author:   karl
Date:     2022-11-13 22:35:07 +0100 (Sun, 13 Nov 2022)
Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.ltx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.ltx	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+\DeclareDocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-2b, lang=en-GB}
+\usepackage{amsmath, array, varioref}
+    [BoldFont =       cmunobx.otf ,
+     ItalicFont =     cmunoti.otf ,
+     BoldItalicFont = cmunobi.otf
+    ]
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={Euler-Math User’s Guide},
+            pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO},
+            bookmarksopen,
+            colorlinks
+            }
+\newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}\newcommand*{\showtchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~\csname #1\endcsname}
+\newcommand*{\showmchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
+\newcommand*{\showmchardollar}[1]{\texttt{\$\cmd{#1}\$}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
+\title{Euler Math font, OTF version}
+\author{Daniel Flipo \\ \texttt{daniel.flipo at free.fr}}
+\section{What is \NEOTF{}?}
+\NEOTF{} is a fork of the Euler project initiated by Khaled Hosny in 2009
+and abandoned in 2016%
+\footnote{See \url{https://github.com/aliftype/euler-otf}}.
+The original font name `Neo~Euler’, has been changed to `Euler~Math’, the file
+name is now \file{Euler-Math.otf}.
+\file{Euler-Math.otf} is an OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font,
+as the original font it contains three alphabets $Euler Roman$,
+$\symscr{SCRIPT}$ and $\symfrak{Euler Fraktur}$ (none of them being suitable
+for typesetting text) and has some specificities:
+\item it is an \emph{upright} maths font, Latin and Greek letters are
+  \emph{not available} in italic or bold italic shape (only upright and bold) ;
+\item integral symbols are upright too;
+\item all inequalities symbols are \emph{slanted}, so \cmd{leq} and geq are
+  printed as $\leq$ and $\geq$ (same as \cmd{leqslant} and \cmd{geqslant}).
+\NEOTF{} requires LuaTeX or XeTeX as engine and the \pkg{unicode-math} package%
+\footnote{Please read the documentation \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}.
+Coverage: currently, all Plain, LaTeX and AMS maths symbols are provided; sans
+serif and typewriter families of Latin and Greek letters and digits are not
+Please note that the current version (\version) is \emph{experimental,
+do expect metrics and glyphs to change} until version 1.0 is reached.
+Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
+\subsection{Calling \cmd{setmathfont}}
+A basic call for \NEOTF{} would be:
+\setmathfont{Euler-Math.otf} % Call by file name or
+\setmathfont{Euler Math}     % Call by font name or
+this loads \NEOTF{} as maths font%
+\footnote{Both calls work equally well with LuaTeX; with XeTeX a call by font
+  name will fail unless the font is declared as a \emph{system font}.}
+ with the default options, see subsections~\ref{ssection-cv},
+ \ref{ssection-ss} and~\ref{ssec-other-features} for customisation.
+Please note that the three sets of text fonts have to be chosen separately.
+\subsection{Calling \pkg{euler-math.sty} (recommended)}
+As an alternative to load \NEOTF{} you can type:\\[.5\baselineskip]
+\verb+\usepackage[ +\textit{options}
+\footnote{Possible \textit{options} are \opt{Scale=} or any of the options
+  described in sections \ref{ssection-cv}, \ref{ssection-ss} and
+  \ref{ssec-other-features}.}%
+\verb+ ]{euler-math}+\\[.5\baselineskip]
+it loads \pkg{unicode-math} with the \opt{math-style=upright} option and
+sets Euler-Math as maths font but does a bit more:
+\item it checks at \verb+\begin{document}+ if packages \pkg{amssymb} or
+  \pkg{latexsym} are loaded and issues warnings in case they are;
+\item it provides aliases for glyphs named differently in Unicode, so that
+  \pkg{latexsym} or AMS names are also available;
+\item it defines some specific maths characters \showmchar{varemptyset}, etc.
+The \pkg{euler-math.sty} package is meant to replace the \pkg{eulervm.sty}
+package for users switching from pdfLaTeX to LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX.
+It does not interfere with text fonts which have to be chosen separately.
+\section{What is provided?}
+\NEOTF{} provides all glyphs available in the \pkg{amssymb} and \pkg{latexsym}
+packages and many more, f.i. lots of extensible accents and arrows.
+These two packages \emph{should not} be loaded as they might override \NEOTF{}
+As mentioned above, there is neither italic nor bold italic shapes.
+Furthermore, the font has currently no sans-serif, no typewriter family
+included.  Fraktur and Blackboard Bold styles are included.
+See in section~\vref{ssec-math-alphabets} how to choose
+from other maths fonts if sans-serif or typewriter glyphs are needed.
+A full list of available glyphs is shown in file \file{unimath-euler.pdf}.
+\subsection{Character variants}
+\NEOTF{} provides fourteen ``Character Variants’’ options, listed on
+table~\vref{cv}, to choose between different glyphs for Greek characters
+and some others.
+  \centering  \caption{Character variants.}
+  \hlabel{cv}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}}
+    \hline
+           & Default       & Variant          & Name\\
+    \hline
+      cv01 & $\hslash$     & $\muphbar$       & \cmd{hslash} \\
+      cv02 & $\emptyset$   & $\varemptyset$   & \cmd{emptyset} \\
+      cv03 & $\epsilon$    & $\varepsilon$    & \cmd{epsilon} \\
+      cv04 & $\kappa$      & $\varkappa$      & \cmd{kappa} \\
+      cv05 & $\pi$         & $\varpi$         & \cmd{pi} \\
+      cv06 & $\phi$        & $\varphi$        & \cmd{phi} \\
+      cv09 & $\theta$      & $\vartheta$      & \cmd{theta} \\
+      cv10 & $\Theta$      & $\varTheta$      & \cmd{Theta}\\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+For instance, to get \cmd{epsilon} and \cmd{phi} typeset as $\varepsilon$
+and $\varphi$ instead of $\epsilon$ and $\phi$ (with matching bold variants
+$\symbf{\varepsilon}$ and $\symbf{\varphi}$), you can
+add option \verb+CharacterVariant={3,6}+ to the \cmd{setmathfont} call:
+Please note that curly braces are mandatory whenever more than one
+``Character Variant’’ is selected.
+Note about \cmd{hbar}: \pkg{unicode-math} defines \cmd{hbar} as
+\cmd{hslash} (U+210F) while \pkg{amsmath} provides two different glyphs
+(h with horizontal or diagonal stroke).\\
+\pkg{euler-math} follows \pkg{unicode-math}; the h with horizontal
+stroke can be printed using \cmd{hslash} or \cmd{hbar} together with character
+variant \opt{cv01} or with \cmd{muphbar} (replacement for AMS’ command
+\subsection{Stylistic sets}
+\NEOTF{} provides two ``Stylistic Sets’’ options to choose between different
+glyphs for families of maths symbols.
+\verb+StylisticSet=5+, alias \verb+Style=smaller+, converts some symbols into
+their smaller variants, see table~\vref{ss05}.
+\verb+StylisticSet=6+, alias \verb+Style=subsetneq+, converts some inclusion
+symbols, see table~\vref{ss06}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Stylistic Sets 5 and 6}
+  \subfloat[\opt{Style=smaller\quad (+ss05)}]{\hlabel{ss05}%
+  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command           & Default         & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{in}               & $\in$               & $\smallin$ \\
+      \cmd{ni}               & $\ni$               & $\smallni$ \\
+      \cmd{mid}              & $\mid$              & $\shortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{nmid}             & $\nmid$             & $\nshortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{parallel}         & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallel$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}        & $\nparallel$        & $\nshortparallel$ \\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  }\hspace{10mm} % eof subfloat
+  \subfloat[\opt{Style=subsetneq\quad (+ss06)}]{\hlabel{ss06}%
+  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command                & Default             & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{subsetneq}   & $\subsetneq$    & $\varsubsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneq}   & $\supsetneq$    & $\varsupsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{subsetneqq}  & $\subsetneqq$   & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneqq}  & $\supsetneqq$   & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  }% eof subfloat
+To enable Stylistic Sets 5 and 6 for \NEOTF{}, you should enter
+\setmathfont{Euler-Math.otf}[StylisticSet={5,6}]  or
+{\samepage then, \verb+\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]+
+will print as
+\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]
+instead of
+\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]
+\subsection{Other font features}
+To get oldstyle numbers in maths, the feature \opt{+onum} is available:
+\setmathfont{Euler-Math.otf}[Numbers=OldStyle]  or
+$0123456789, \symbf{0123456789}$
+\subsection{Standard \LaTeX{} math commands}
+All standard \LaTeX{} maths commands, all \pkg{amssymb} commands and all
+\pkg{latexsym} commands are supported by \NEOTF{}, for some of them loading
+\pkg{euler-math.sty} is required.
+Various wide accents are also supported:
+\item \cmd{wideoverbar} and \cmd{mathunderbar}%
+  \footnote{\cmd{overline} and \cmd{underline} are not font related,
+     they are based on \cmd{rule}.}
+  \[\wideoverbar{x}\quad \wideoverbar{xy}\quad \wideoverbar{xyz}\quad
+    \wideoverbar{A\cup B}\quad \wideoverbar{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad
+    \mathunderbar{m+n+p}\]
+\item \cmd{widehat} and \cmd{widetilde}
+\[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\;
+  \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxxxxx}\]
+\item \cmd{widecheck}  and \cmd{widebreve}
+  \[\widecheck{x}\quad \widecheck{xxxx}\quad \widecheck{xxxxxx}\quad
+    \widebreve{x}\quad \widebreve{xxxx}\quad \widebreve{xxxxxx}\]
+\item \cmd{overparen} and \cmd{underparen}
+  \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad
+    \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad
+    \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad
+    \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\]
+\[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz}
+  \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbrace} and \cmd{underbrace}
+  \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad
+  \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\underbrace{a}\quad\underbrace{ab}\quad\underbrace{abc}\quad
+  \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbracket} and \cmd{underbracket}
+  \[\overbracket{a}\quad \overbracket{ab}\quad \overbracket{abc}\quad
+  \overbracket{abcd}\quad \overbracket{abcde}\quad
+  \overbracket{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbracket{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\underbracket{a}\quad\underbracket{ab}\quad\underbracket{abc}\quad
+  \underbracket{abcd}\quad \underbracket{abcde}\quad
+  \underbracket{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbracket{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overrightarrow}, \cmd{overleftarrow} and \cmd{overleftrightarrow}
+  \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
+  \]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\overleftrightarrow{v}\quad \overleftrightarrow{M}\quad
+    \overleftrightarrow{vv}\quad
+    \overleftrightarrow{AB}\quad \overleftrightarrow{ABC}\quad
+    \overleftrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item \cmd{overrightharpoon} and \cmd{overleftharpoon}
+  \[\overrightharpoon{v}\quad \overrightharpoon{M}\quad \overrightharpoon{vv}
+  \quad \overrightharpoon{AB}\quad \overrightharpoon{ABC}
+  \quad \overrightharpoon{ABCD} \quad \overrightharpoon{ABCDEFGH}.
+  \]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\overleftharpoon{v}\quad \overleftharpoon{M}\quad \overleftharpoon{vv}
+  \quad \overleftharpoon{AB}\quad \overleftharpoon{ABC}
+  \quad \overleftharpoon{ABCD} \quad \overleftharpoon{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item \cmd{underrightarrow}, \cmd{underleftarrow} and \cmd{underleftrightarrow}
+  \[\underrightarrow{v}\quad \underrightarrow{M}\quad \underrightarrow{vv}
+  \quad \underrightarrow{AB}\quad \underrightarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \underrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \underrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
+  \]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\underleftarrow{v}\quad \underleftarrow{M}\quad \underleftarrow{vv}
+  \quad \underleftarrow{AB}\quad \underleftarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \underleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \underleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\underleftrightarrow{v}\quad \underleftrightarrow{M}\quad
+    \underleftrightarrow{vv}\quad
+    \underleftrightarrow{AB}\quad \underleftrightarrow{ABC}\quad
+    \underleftrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \underleftrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item \cmd{underrightharpoondown} and \cmd{underleftharpoondown}
+  \[\underrightharpoondown{v} \quad \underrightharpoondown{M}\quad
+    \underrightharpoondown{vv}\quad \underrightharpoondown{AB}\quad
+    \underrightharpoondown{ABC}\quad \underrightharpoondown{ABCD}
+    \quad \underrightharpoondown{ABCDEFGH}.
+  \]
+  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
+  \[\underleftharpoondown{v} \quad \underleftharpoondown{M}\quad
+    \underleftharpoondown{vv}\quad \underleftharpoondown{AB}\quad
+    \underleftharpoondown{ABC}\quad \underleftharpoondown{ABCD}
+    \quad \underleftharpoondown{ABCDEFGH}.
+  \]
+\item Finally \cmd{widearc} and \cmd{overrightarc} (loading
+  \pkg{euler-math.sty} is required)
+\[\widearc{AMB}\quad \overrightarc{AMB}\]
+\subsection{Mathematical alphabets}
+\item  All Latin and Greek characters are available in upright
+  and bold via the \verb+\symup{}+ and \verb+\symbf{}+ commands.
+\item Calligraphic alphabet (\cmd{symscr} or \cmd{symcal} or
+  \cmd{mathcal} command), uppercase:\\
+  also in boldface (\cmd{symbfscr},\cmd{symbfcal} or \cmd{mathbfcal} command):\\
+\item Blackboard-bold alphabet (\cmd{symbb} or \cmd{mathbb} command),
+  uppercase, lowercase and digits:
+  $\symbb{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\quad 0123456789}$
+\item Fraktur alphabet medium and bold
+  (\cmd{symfrak}, or \cmd{symbffrak} commands):
+  $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\quad abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$\\
+  \hphantom{$\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\quad}$}%
+    $\symbffrak{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+\item Sans serif and Typewriter alphabets have to be imported from another
+  math font, f.i. \file{STIXTwoMath}:
+$\symsfup{ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijklm}$
+$\symtt{ABCDE...XYZ abcde...xyz}$
+$\symtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+\subsection{Missing symbols}
+\NEOTF{} does not aim at being as complete as \file{STIXTwoMath-Regular} or
+\file{Cambria}, the current glyph coverage compares with TeXGyre math fonts.
+In case some symbols do not show up in the output file, you will see warnings
+in the \file{.log} file, for instance:
+\texttt{Missing character: There is no }$⥤$%
+\texttt{ (U+2964) in font Euler Math}
+Borrowing them from a more complete font, say \file{Asana-Math},
+is a possible workaround:
+scaling is possible, multiple character ranges are separated with commas:\\
+Let’s mention \pkg{albatross}, a useful tool to find out the list of fonts
+providing a given glyph: f.i. type in a terminal ``\texttt{albatross U+2964}’’,
+see the manpage or \file{albatross-manual.pdf}.
+Khaled Hosni achieved most of the portage of Hermann Zapf’s Euler font to
+Unicode between 2009 and 2016.  After Hermann’s death in 2015, he decided to
+stop the project but his \file{euler.otf} font, although not available on CTAN,
+continued to be used, see
+I offered Khaled my help to finalise the font, we agreed I would try to
+complete the font and maintain it on my own.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% End:

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.ltx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.pdf	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.pdf	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Euler-Math.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Neo-Euler.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Neo-Euler.ltx	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Neo-Euler.ltx	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-\DeclareDocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-2b, lang=en-GB}
-\usepackage{amsmath, array, varioref}
-    [BoldFont =       cmunobx.otf ,
-     ItalicFont =     cmunoti.otf ,
-     BoldItalicFont = cmunobi.otf
-    ]
-\hypersetup{pdftitle={Neo-Euler User’s Guide},
-            pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO},
-            bookmarksopen,
-            colorlinks
-            }
-\newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}\newcommand*{\showtchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~\csname #1\endcsname}
-\newcommand*{\showmchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
-\newcommand*{\showmchardollar}[1]{\texttt{\$\cmd{#1}\$}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
-\title{Neo Euler maths font, OTF version}
-\author{Daniel Flipo \\ \texttt{daniel.flipo at free.fr}}
-\section{What is \NEOTF{}?}
-\NEOTF{} is a fork of the Euler project initiated by Khaled Hosny in 2009
-and abandoned in 2016%
-\footnote{See \url{https://github.com/aliftype/euler-otf}}.
-The font name has been kept (Neo Euler) but the file name has been changed
-from \file{euler.otf} to \file{Neo-Euler.otf}.
-\file{Neo-Euler.otf} is an OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font,
-as the original font it contains three alphabets $Euler Roman$,
-$\symscr{SCRIPT}$ and $\symfrak{Euler Fraktur}$ (none of them being suitable
-for typesetting text) and has some specificities:
-\item it is an \emph{upright} maths font, Latin and Greek letters are
-  \emph{not available} in italic or bold italic shape (only upright and bold) ;
-\item integral symbols are upright too;
-\item all inequalities symbols are \emph{slanted}, so \cmd{leq} and geq are
-  printed as $\leq$ and $\geq$ (same as \cmd{leqslant} and \cmd{geqslant}).
-\NEOTF{} requires LuaTeX or XeTeX as engine and the \pkg{unicode-math} package%
-\footnote{Please read the documentation \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}.
-Coverage: currently, all Plain, LaTeX and AMS maths symbols are provided; sans
-serif and typewriter families of Latin and Greek letters and digits are not
-Please note that the current version (\version) is \emph{experimental,
-do expect metrics and glyphs to change} until version 1.0 is reached.
-Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
-\subsection{Calling \cmd{setmathfont}}
-A basic call for \NEOTF{} would be:
-\setmathfont{Neo-Euler.otf} % Call by file name or
-\setmathfont{Neo Euler}     % Call by font name or
-this loads \NEOTF{} as maths font%
-\footnote{Both calls work equally well with LuaTeX; with XeTeX a call by font
-  name will fail unless the font is declared as a \emph{system font}.}
- with the default options, see subsections~\ref{ssection-cv},
- \ref{ssection-ss} and~\ref{ssec-other-features} for customisation.
-Please note that the three sets of text fonts have to be chosen separately.
-\subsection{Calling \pkg{neo-euler.sty} (recommended)}
-As an alternative to load \NEOTF{} you can type:\\[.5\baselineskip]
-\verb+\usepackage[ +\textit{options}
-\footnote{Possible \textit{options} are \opt{Scale=} or any of the options
-  described in sections \ref{ssection-cv}, \ref{ssection-ss} and
-  \ref{ssec-other-features}.}%
-\verb+ ]{neo-euler}+\\[.5\baselineskip]
-it loads \pkg{unicode-math} with the \opt{math-style=upright} option and
-sets Neo-Euler as maths font but does a bit more:
-\item it checks at \verb+\begin{document}+ if packages \pkg{amssymb} or
-  \pkg{latexsym} are loaded and issues warnings in case they are;
-\item it provides aliases for glyphs named differently in Unicode, so that
-  \pkg{latexsym} or AMS names are also available;
-\item it defines some specific maths characters \showmchar{varemptyset}, etc.
-The \pkg{neo-euler.sty} package is meant to replace the \pkg{eulervm.sty}
-package for users switching from pdfLaTeX to LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX.
-It does not interfere with text fonts which have to be chosen separately.
-\section{What is provided?}
-\NEOTF{} provides all glyphs available in the \pkg{amssymb} and \pkg{latexsym}
-packages and many more, f.i. lots of extensible accents and arrows.
-These two packages \emph{should not} be loaded as they might override \NEOTF{}
-As mentioned above, there is neither italic nor bold italic shapes.
-Furthermore, the font has currently no sans-serif, no typewriter family
-included.  Fraktur and Blackboard Bold styles are included.
-See in section~\vref{ssec-math-alphabets} how to choose
-from other maths fonts if sans-serif or typewriter glyphs are needed.
-A full list of available glyphs is shown in file \file{unimath-euler.pdf}.
-\subsection{Character variants}
-\NEOTF{} provides fourteen ``Character Variants’’ options, listed on
-table~\vref{cv}, to choose between different glyphs for Greek characters
-and some others.
-  \centering  \caption{Character variants.}
-  \hlabel{cv}
-  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}}
-    \hline
-           & Default       & Variant          & Name\\
-    \hline
-      cv01 & $\hslash$     & $\muphbar$       & \cmd{hslash} \\
-      cv02 & $\emptyset$   & $\varemptyset$   & \cmd{emptyset} \\
-      cv03 & $\epsilon$    & $\varepsilon$    & \cmd{epsilon} \\
-      cv04 & $\kappa$      & $\varkappa$      & \cmd{kappa} \\
-      cv05 & $\pi$         & $\varpi$         & \cmd{pi} \\
-      cv06 & $\phi$        & $\varphi$        & \cmd{phi} \\
-      cv09 & $\theta$      & $\vartheta$      & \cmd{theta} \\
-      cv10 & $\Theta$      & $\varTheta$      & \cmd{Theta}\\
-    \hline
-  \end{tabular}
-For instance, to get \cmd{epsilon} and \cmd{phi} typeset as $\varepsilon$
-and $\varphi$ instead of $\epsilon$ and $\phi$ (with matching bold variants
-$\symbf{\varepsilon}$ and $\symbf{\varphi}$), you can
-add option \verb+CharacterVariant={3,6}+ to the \cmd{setmathfont} call:
-Please note that curly braces are mandatory whenever more than one
-``Character Variant’’ is selected.
-Note about \cmd{hbar}: \pkg{unicode-math} defines \cmd{hbar} as
-\cmd{hslash} (U+210F) while \pkg{amsmath} provides two different glyphs
-(h with horizontal or diagonal stroke).\\
-\pkg{neo-euler} follows \pkg{unicode-math}; the h with horizontal
-stroke can be printed using \cmd{hslash} or \cmd{hbar} together with character
-variant \opt{cv01} or with \cmd{muphbar} (replacement for AMS’ command
-\subsection{Stylistic sets}
-\NEOTF{} provides two ``Stylistic Sets’’ options to choose between different
-glyphs for families of maths symbols.
-\verb+StylisticSet=5+, alias \verb+Style=smaller+, converts some symbols into
-their smaller variants, see table~\vref{ss05}.
-\verb+StylisticSet=6+, alias \verb+Style=subsetneq+, converts some inclusion
-symbols, see table~\vref{ss06}.
-  \centering
-  \caption{Stylistic Sets 5 and 6}
-  \subfloat[\opt{Style=smaller\quad (+ss05)}]{\hlabel{ss05}%
-  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}}
-    \hline
-      Command           & Default         & Variant \\
-    \hline
-      \cmd{in}               & $\in$               & $\smallin$ \\
-      \cmd{ni}               & $\ni$               & $\smallni$ \\
-      \cmd{mid}              & $\mid$              & $\shortmid$ \\
-      \cmd{nmid}             & $\nmid$             & $\nshortmid$ \\
-      \cmd{parallel}         & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallel$ \\
-      \cmd{nparallel}        & $\nparallel$        & $\nshortparallel$ \\
-    \hline
-  \end{tabular}
-  }\hspace{10mm} % eof subfloat
-  \subfloat[\opt{Style=subsetneq\quad (+ss06)}]{\hlabel{ss06}%
-  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}lcc@{}}
-    \hline
-      Command                & Default             & Variant \\
-    \hline
-      \cmd{subsetneq}   & $\subsetneq$    & $\varsubsetneq$ \\
-      \cmd{supsetneq}   & $\supsetneq$    & $\varsupsetneq$ \\
-      \cmd{subsetneqq}  & $\subsetneqq$   & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\
-      \cmd{supsetneqq}  & $\supsetneqq$   & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\
-    \hline
-  \end{tabular}
-  }% eof subfloat
-To enable Stylistic Sets 5 and 6 for \NEOTF{}, you should enter
-\setmathfont{Neo-Euler.otf}[StylisticSet={5,6}]  or
-{\samepage then, \verb+\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]+
-will print as
-\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]
-instead of
-\[A \subsetneq B\quad x \in E \quad D \parallel D' \]
-\subsection{Other font features}
-To get oldstyle numbers in maths, the feature \opt{+onum} is available:
-\setmathfont{Neo-Euler.otf}[Numbers=OldStyle]  or
-$0123456789, \symbf{0123456789}$
-\subsection{Standard \LaTeX{} math commands}
-All standard \LaTeX{} maths commands, all \pkg{amssymb} commands and all
-\pkg{latexsym} commands are supported by \NEOTF{}, for some of them loading
-\pkg{neo-euler.sty} is required.
-Various wide accents are also supported:
-\item \cmd{wideoverbar} and \cmd{mathunderbar}%
-  \footnote{\cmd{overline} and \cmd{underline} are not font related,
-     they are based on \cmd{rule}.}
-  \[\wideoverbar{x}\quad \wideoverbar{xy}\quad \wideoverbar{xyz}\quad
-    \wideoverbar{A\cup B}\quad \wideoverbar{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad
-    \mathunderbar{m+n+p}\]
-\item \cmd{widehat} and \cmd{widetilde}
-\[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\;
-  \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\;
-  \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\;
-  \widetilde{xxxxxx}\]
-\item \cmd{widecheck}  and \cmd{widebreve}
-  \[\widecheck{x}\quad \widecheck{xxxx}\quad \widecheck{xxxxxx}\quad
-    \widebreve{x}\quad \widebreve{xxxx}\quad \widebreve{xxxxxx}\]
-\item \cmd{overparen} and \cmd{underparen}
-  \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad
-    \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad
-    \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad
-    \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\]
-\[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz}
-  \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\]
-\item \cmd{overbrace} and \cmd{underbrace}
-  \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad
-  \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad
-  \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\underbrace{a}\quad\underbrace{ab}\quad\underbrace{abc}\quad
-  \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad
-  \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
-\item \cmd{overbracket} and \cmd{underbracket}
-  \[\overbracket{a}\quad \overbracket{ab}\quad \overbracket{abc}\quad
-  \overbracket{abcd}\quad \overbracket{abcde}\quad
-  \overbracket{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbracket{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\underbracket{a}\quad\underbracket{ab}\quad\underbracket{abc}\quad
-  \underbracket{abcd}\quad \underbracket{abcde}\quad
-  \underbracket{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbracket{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
-\item \cmd{overrightarrow}, \cmd{overleftarrow} and \cmd{overleftrightarrow}
-  \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv}
-  \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC}
-  \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
-  \]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv}
-  \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC}
-  \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\overleftrightarrow{v}\quad \overleftrightarrow{M}\quad
-    \overleftrightarrow{vv}\quad
-    \overleftrightarrow{AB}\quad \overleftrightarrow{ABC}\quad
-    \overleftrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
-\item \cmd{overrightharpoon} and \cmd{overleftharpoon}
-  \[\overrightharpoon{v}\quad \overrightharpoon{M}\quad \overrightharpoon{vv}
-  \quad \overrightharpoon{AB}\quad \overrightharpoon{ABC}
-  \quad \overrightharpoon{ABCD} \quad \overrightharpoon{ABCDEFGH}.
-  \]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\overleftharpoon{v}\quad \overleftharpoon{M}\quad \overleftharpoon{vv}
-  \quad \overleftharpoon{AB}\quad \overleftharpoon{ABC}
-  \quad \overleftharpoon{ABCD} \quad \overleftharpoon{ABCDEFGH}\]
-\item \cmd{underrightarrow}, \cmd{underleftarrow} and \cmd{underleftrightarrow}
-  \[\underrightarrow{v}\quad \underrightarrow{M}\quad \underrightarrow{vv}
-  \quad \underrightarrow{AB}\quad \underrightarrow{ABC}
-  \quad \underrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \underrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
-  \]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\underleftarrow{v}\quad \underleftarrow{M}\quad \underleftarrow{vv}
-  \quad \underleftarrow{AB}\quad \underleftarrow{ABC}
-  \quad \underleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \underleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\underleftrightarrow{v}\quad \underleftrightarrow{M}\quad
-    \underleftrightarrow{vv}\quad
-    \underleftrightarrow{AB}\quad \underleftrightarrow{ABC}\quad
-    \underleftrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \underleftrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
-\item \cmd{underrightharpoondown} and \cmd{underleftharpoondown}
-  \[\underrightharpoondown{v} \quad \underrightharpoondown{M}\quad
-    \underrightharpoondown{vv}\quad \underrightharpoondown{AB}\quad
-    \underrightharpoondown{ABC}\quad \underrightharpoondown{ABCD}
-    \quad \underrightharpoondown{ABCDEFGH}.
-  \]
-  \vspace{-\baselineskip}
-  \[\underleftharpoondown{v} \quad \underleftharpoondown{M}\quad
-    \underleftharpoondown{vv}\quad \underleftharpoondown{AB}\quad
-    \underleftharpoondown{ABC}\quad \underleftharpoondown{ABCD}
-    \quad \underleftharpoondown{ABCDEFGH}.
-  \]
-\item Finally \cmd{widearc} and \cmd{overrightarc} (loading
-  \pkg{neo-euler.sty} is required)
-\[\widearc{AMB}\quad \overrightarc{AMB}\]
-\subsection{Mathematical alphabets}
-\item  All Latin and Greek characters are available in upright
-  and bold via the \verb+\symup{}+ and \verb+\symbf{}+ commands.
-\item Calligraphic alphabet (\cmd{symscr} or \cmd{symcal} or
-  \cmd{mathcal} command), uppercase:\\
-  also in boldface (\cmd{symbfscr},\cmd{symbfcal} or \cmd{mathbfcal} command):\\
-\item Blackboard-bold alphabet (\cmd{symbb} or \cmd{mathbb} command),
-  uppercase, lowercase and digits:
-  $\symbb{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\quad 0123456789}$
-\item Fraktur alphabet medium and bold
-  (\cmd{symfrak}, or \cmd{symbffrak} commands):
-  $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\quad abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$\\
-  \hphantom{$\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\quad}$}%
-    $\symbffrak{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
-\item Sans serif and Typewriter alphabets have to be imported from another
-  math font, f.i. \file{STIXTwoMath}:
-$\symsfup{ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijklm}$
-$\symtt{ABCDE...XYZ abcde...xyz}$
-$\symtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
-\subsection{Missing symbols}
-\NEOTF{} does not aim at being as complete as \file{STIXTwoMath-Regular} or
-\file{Cambria}, the current glyph coverage compares with TeXGyre math fonts.
-In case some symbols do not show up in the output file, you will see warnings
-in the \file{.log} file, for instance:
-\texttt{Missing character: There is no }$⥤$%
-\texttt{ (U+2964) in font Neo Euler}
-Borrowing them from a more complete font, say \file{Asana-Math},
-is a possible workaround:
-scaling is possible, multiple character ranges are separated with commas:\\
-Let’s mention \pkg{albatross}, a useful tool to find out the list of fonts
-providing a given glyph: f.i. type in a terminal ``\texttt{albatross U+2964}’’,
-see the manpage or \file{albatross-manual.pdf}.
-Khaled Hosni achieved most of the portage of Hermann Zapf’s Euler font to
-Unicode between 2009 and 2016.  After Hermann’s death in 2015, he decided to
-stop the project but his \file{euler.otf} font, although not available on CTAN,
-continued to be used, see
-I offered Khaled my help to finalise the font, we agreed I would try to
-complete the font and maintain it on my own.
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-engine: luatex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% coding: utf-8
-%%% End:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/Neo-Euler.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/README.md	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/README.md	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-Neo-Euler package
+Euler-Math package
 ## Description
-`Neo-Euler.otf’ is an OpenType version of Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font.
-It is the continuation of the Euler project initiated by Khaled Hosny in
-2009 and abandoned in 2016.  
-A style file `neo-euler.sty’ is provided as a replacement of the
-`eulervm.sty’ package for LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX users.
+'Euler-Math.otf' (formerly named 'Neo-Euler.otf') is an OpenType version of
+Hermann Zapf’s Euler maths font. It is the continuation of the Euler project
+initiated by Khaled Hosny in 2009 and abandoned in 2016.  
+A style file 'euler-math.sty' is provided as a replacement of the
+'eulervm.sty' package for LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX users.
 ## Contents
-* Neo-Euler.otf     OpenType maths font
-* neo-euler.sty     LaTeX style file: replaces eulervm.sty for LuaTeX/XeTeX
-* Neo-Euler.pdf     Documentation in PDF format
-* Neo-Euler.ltx     LaTeX source of Neo-Euler.pdf
+* Euler-Math.otf     OpenType maths font
+* euler-math.sty     LaTeX style file: replaces eulervm.sty for LuaTeX/XeTeX
+* neo-euler.sty      For compatibility with the former name
+* Euler-Math.pdf     Documentation in PDF format
+* Euler-Math.ltx     LaTeX source of Euler-Math.pdf
 * unimath-euler.pdf Modified version of unimath-symbols.pdf
-                    showing available Neo-Euler symbols compared to
+                    showing available Euler-Math symbols compared to
 		            LatinModern, STIXTwo, Erewhon, TeXGyrePagella and Asana.
 * unimath-euler.ltx LaTeX source of unimath-concrete.pdf
 * README.md         (this file)
@@ -25,20 +26,20 @@
 This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc.
 Otherwise, the package can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i.
-Neo-Euler.otf in directory  texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/neo-euler/
-and neo-euler.sty in directory  texmf-local/tex/latex/neo-euler/.  
+Euler-Math.otf in directory  texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/
+and euler-math.sty in directory  texmf-local/tex/latex/euler-math/.  
 Documentation files and their sources can go to directory
 Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install
-Finally, make the system font database aware of the Neo-Euler font
+Finally, make the system font database aware of the Euler-Math font
 (fontconfig under Linux).
 ## License
-* The font `Neo-Euler.otf’ is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
+* The font 'Euler-Math.otf' is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
 Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
 * The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
@@ -56,6 +57,10 @@
      - Sizes of vertical variants of \lAngle, \rAngle, \langle and
        \rangle corrected.
 	 - Added extensible integral for U+222B (usable with luametatex).
+* v0.30:
+     - *Name of the package changed from Neo-Euler to Euler-Math*;  
+	 the former 'neo-euler.sty' style file has been kept for compatibility,
+	 it now loads 'euler-math.sty' and warns about the change.
 Copyright 2009-2016  Khaled Hosny  

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/unimath-euler.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/unimath-euler.ltx	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/unimath-euler.ltx	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 \title{Symbols defined by \textsf{unicode-math}}
 \author{Will Robertson}
-\date{Modified (df) to show Neo Euler Math symbols}
+\date{Modified (df) to show Euler Math symbols}
 This document uses the file \texttt{unicode-math-table.tex}
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 \item[\Lerewhon] \mathversion{erewhon} $\mathup{Erewhon\ Math}$ (\ref{count:erewhon})
 \item[\Lpagella] \mathversion{pagella} $\mathup{TeX\ Gyre\ Pagella\ Math}$ (\ref{count:pagella})
 \item[\Lasana] \mathversion{asana} $\mathup{Asana\ Math}$ (\ref{count:asana})
-\item[\Leuler] \mathversion{euler} $\mathup{Neo\ Euler}$ (\ref{count:euler})
+\item[\Leuler] \mathversion{euler} $\mathup{Euler\ Math}$ (\ref{count:euler})
 Symbols defined in Plain \TeX\ are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)}} after their macro name.
 \LaTeX\ follows Plain \TeX, but defines a handful more, indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)}}.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/euler-math/unimath-euler.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Euler-Math.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Euler-Math.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Euler-Math.otf	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Euler-Math.otf	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Euler-Math.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/euler-math/Neo-Euler.otf
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/euler-math.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/euler-math.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/euler-math.sty	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% Ensure luatex or xetex engine
+% Options: forward them to \setmathfont.
+\newcommand*{\Store at KV@Option}[2]{%
+  \NEUtoks=\expandafter{\the\NEUtoks #1={#2},}}
+\DeclareOptionX{CharacterVariant}{\Store at KV@Option{CharacterVariant}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{StylisticSet}{\Store at KV@Option{StylisticSet}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{Style}{\Store at KV@Option{Style}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{Scale}{\Store at KV@Option{Scale}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{Numbers}{\Store at KV@Option{Numbers}{#1}}
+% Following Joseph Wright in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/451
+  \edef\temp{%
+    \endgroup
+    \noexpand\setmathfont{Euler-Math.otf}%
+    [\unexpanded\expandafter{\the\NEUtoks}]%
+  }
+  \temp
+  % Euler specific math
+  % \Umathchardef\<cmd> = <math type> <family> <slot>
+  % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
+  \Umathchardef\muphbar =             0 0 "0127 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\varemptyset =         0 0 "E021 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfwp =               0 0 "E045 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessi =         0 0 "E046 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessj =         0 0 "E047 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfhbar =             0 0 "E048 \relax
+  \let\lesseqslantgtr\lesseqgtr
+  \let\gtreqslantless\gtreqless
+  \let\lesseqqslantgtr\lesseqqgtr
+  \let\gtreqqslantless\gtreqqless
+  \let\nleqqslant\nleqq
+  \let\ngeqqslant\ngeqq
+% \widearc and\overrightarc
+  \newcommand*{\widearc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "E540 }%
+  \newcommand*{\overrightarc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "20D5 }%
+  % amssymb
+  \@ifpackageloaded{amssymb}%
+    {\PackageWarning{euler-math}{%
+       Euler-Math provides all AMS symbols.\MessageBreak
+       Loading amssymb.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+       Reported}%
+    }%
+    {% AMS Symbols not referenced in unicode-math-table.tex
+     % \Umathchardef\<cmd> = <math type> <family> <slot>
+     % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
+     \Umathchardef\circledR =       0 0 "24C7 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\circledS =       0 0 "24C8 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\diagup =         0 0 "E0A0 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\diagdown =       0 0 "E0A1 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\shortmid =       3 0 "E0A2 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\shortparallel =  3 0 "E0A3 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nshortmid =      3 0 "E0A4 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nshortparallel = 3 0 "E0A5 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\lvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A6 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\gvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A7 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nleqslant =      3 0 "E0A8 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\ngeqslant =      3 0 "E0A9 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nleqq =          3 0 "E0AA \relax
+     \Umathchardef\ngeqq =          3 0 "E0AB \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneq =   3 0 "E0AC \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneq =   3 0 "E0AD \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nsubseteqq =     3 0 "E0AE \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nsupseteqq =     3 0 "E0AF \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneqq =  3 0 "E09C \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneqq =  3 0 "E09D \relax
+     \Umathchardef\npreceq =        3 0 "E09E \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nsucceq =        3 0 "E09F \relax
+     \let\centerdot\cdotp
+     \let\restriction\upharpoonright
+     \let\doteqdot\Doteq
+     \let\doublecup\Cup
+     \let\doublecap\Cap
+     \let\llless\lll
+     \let\gggtr\ggg
+     \let\circlearrowleft\acwopencirclearrow
+     \let\circlearrowright\cwopencirclearrow
+     \let\lozenge\mdlgwhtlozenge
+     \let\blacklozenge\mdlgblklozenge
+     \let\square\mdlgwhtsquare
+     \let\blacksquare\mdlgblksquare
+     \let\dashleftarrow\leftdasharrow
+     \let\dashrightarrow\rightdasharrow
+     \let\ntriangleleft\nvartriangleleft
+     \let\ntriangleright\nvartriangleright
+     \let\varpropto\propto
+     \let\thicksim\sim
+     \let\thickapprox\approx
+     \let\smallsmile\smile
+     \let\smallfrown\frown
+    }%
+  % latexsym
+  \@ifpackageloaded{latexsym}%
+    {\PackageWarning{euler-math}{%
+       Euler-Math provides all LaTeX symbols.\MessageBreak
+       Loading latexsym.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+       Reported}%
+    }%
+    {\let\lhd\vartriangleleft
+     \let\rhd\vartriangleright
+     \let\unlhd\trianglelefteq
+     \let\unrhd\trianglerighteq
+     \let\leadsto\rightcurvedarrow
+     \let\Box\lgwhtsquare
+     \let\Diamond\mdlgwhtdiamond
+    }%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/euler-math.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/neo-euler.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/neo-euler.sty	2022-11-13 21:26:09 UTC (rev 65009)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euler-math/neo-euler.sty	2022-11-13 21:35:07 UTC (rev 65010)
@@ -1,127 +1,15 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{neo-euler}[2022-11-06 v0.23]
-% Ensure luatex or xetex engine
+  Former package `neo-euler’ has been renamed\MessageBreak
+  to `euler-math’.  Please use this new name.\MessageBreak
+  The font has been renamed to `Euler-Math.otf’%
+  I’ll input `euler-math’ instead of `neo-euler’,\MessageBreak
+  but please correct your input file!%
-% Options: forward them to \setmathfont.
-\newcommand*{\Store at KV@Option}[2]{%
-  \NEUtoks=\expandafter{\the\NEUtoks #1={#2},}}
-\DeclareOptionX{CharacterVariant}{\Store at KV@Option{CharacterVariant}{#1}}
-\DeclareOptionX{StylisticSet}{\Store at KV@Option{StylisticSet}{#1}}
-\DeclareOptionX{Style}{\Store at KV@Option{Style}{#1}}
-\DeclareOptionX{Scale}{\Store at KV@Option{Scale}{#1}}
-\DeclareOptionX{Numbers}{\Store at KV@Option{Numbers}{#1}}
-% Following Joseph Wright in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/451
-  \edef\temp{%
-    \endgroup
-    \noexpand\setmathfont{Neo-Euler.otf}%
-    [\unexpanded\expandafter{\the\NEUtoks}]%
-  }
-  \temp
-  % Euler specific math
-  % \Umathchardef\<cmd> = <math type> <family> <slot>
-  % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
-  \Umathchardef\muphbar =             0 0 "0127 \relax
-  \Umathchardef\varemptyset =         0 0 "E021 \relax
-  \Umathchardef\mbfwp =               0 0 "E045 \relax
-  \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessi =         0 0 "E046 \relax
-  \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessj =         0 0 "E047 \relax
-  \Umathchardef\mbfhbar =             0 0 "E048 \relax
-  \let\lesseqslantgtr\lesseqgtr
-  \let\gtreqslantless\gtreqless
-  \let\lesseqqslantgtr\lesseqqgtr
-  \let\gtreqqslantless\gtreqqless
-  \let\nleqqslant\nleqq
-  \let\ngeqqslant\ngeqq
-% \widearc and\overrightarc
-  \newcommand*{\widearc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "E540 }%
-  \newcommand*{\overrightarc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "20D5 }%
-  % amssymb
-  \@ifpackageloaded{amssymb}%
-    {\PackageWarning{neo-euler}{%
-       Neo-Euler provides all AMS symbols.\MessageBreak
-       Loading amssymb.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
-       Reported}%
-    }%
-    {% AMS Symbols not referenced in unicode-math-table.tex
-     % \Umathchardef\<cmd> = <math type> <family> <slot>
-     % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
-     \Umathchardef\circledR =       0 0 "24C7 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\circledS =       0 0 "24C8 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\diagup =         0 0 "E0A0 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\diagdown =       0 0 "E0A1 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\shortmid =       3 0 "E0A2 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\shortparallel =  3 0 "E0A3 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nshortmid =      3 0 "E0A4 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nshortparallel = 3 0 "E0A5 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\lvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A6 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\gvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A7 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nleqslant =      3 0 "E0A8 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\ngeqslant =      3 0 "E0A9 \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nleqq =          3 0 "E0AA \relax
-     \Umathchardef\ngeqq =          3 0 "E0AB \relax
-     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneq =   3 0 "E0AC \relax
-     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneq =   3 0 "E0AD \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nsubseteqq =     3 0 "E0AE \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nsupseteqq =     3 0 "E0AF \relax
-     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneqq =  3 0 "E09C \relax
-     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneqq =  3 0 "E09D \relax
-     \Umathchardef\npreceq =        3 0 "E09E \relax
-     \Umathchardef\nsucceq =        3 0 "E09F \relax
-     \let\centerdot\cdotp
-     \let\restriction\upharpoonright
-     \let\doteqdot\Doteq
-     \let\doublecup\Cup
-     \let\doublecap\Cap
-     \let\llless\lll
-     \let\gggtr\ggg
-     \let\circlearrowleft\acwopencirclearrow
-     \let\circlearrowright\cwopencirclearrow
-     \let\lozenge\mdlgwhtlozenge
-     \let\blacklozenge\mdlgblklozenge
-     \let\square\mdlgwhtsquare
-     \let\blacksquare\mdlgblksquare
-     \let\dashleftarrow\leftdasharrow
-     \let\dashrightarrow\rightdasharrow
-     \let\ntriangleleft\nvartriangleleft
-     \let\ntriangleright\nvartriangleright
-     \let\varpropto\propto
-     \let\thicksim\sim
-     \let\thickapprox\approx
-     \let\smallsmile\smile
-     \let\smallfrown\frown
-    }%
-  % latexsym
-  \@ifpackageloaded{latexsym}%
-    {\PackageWarning{neo-euler}{%
-       Neo-Euler provides all LaTeX symbols.\MessageBreak
-       Loading latexsym.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
-       Reported}%
-    }%
-    {\let\lhd\vartriangleleft
-     \let\rhd\vartriangleright
-     \let\unlhd\trianglelefteq
-     \let\unrhd\trianglerighteq
-     \let\leadsto\rightcurvedarrow
-     \let\Box\lgwhtsquare
-     \let\Diamond\mdlgwhtdiamond
-    }%

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