texlive[63789] Master/texmf-dist: biblatex-chicago (2jul22)
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commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Jul 2 22:06:42 CEST 2022
Revision: 63789
Author: karl
Date: 2022-07-02 22:06:41 +0200 (Sat, 02 Jul 2022)
Log Message:
biblatex-chicago (2jul22)
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Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/README 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/README 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
This is the package formerly known as biblatex-chicago-notes-df. It
-is designed for use with the latest version (3.16) of biblatex. The
+is designed for use with the latest version (3.18) of biblatex. The
package contains the 17th-edition Chicago style files, and I am also
maintaining the 16th-edition files for those for whom they remain a
necessity, though I have deprecated these older files and will remove
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
consult the RELEASE file to find out what alterations you may need to
make to your .bib files and document preambles to bring them up to
date. Most particularly please note that biber is now the required
-backend for all the included styles (version 2.16 is designed for use
+backend for all the included styles (version 2.18 is designed for use
with the latest biblatex).
-README (version 2.2, 2021-06-30):
+README (version 2.3, 2022-07-02):
Biblatex-chicago contains three biblatex styles implementing the
specifications of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. The
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@
in your working directory, I recommend the following, which should be
familiar from other packages:
- - The thirty-two files biblatex-chicago.sty, cmsendnotes.sty,
+ - The thirty-three files biblatex-chicago.sty, cmsendnotes.sty,
chicago-notes.cbx, chicago-notes.bbx, chicago-authordate.cbx,
chicago-authordate.bbx, chicago-authordate-trad.cbx,
chicago-authordate-trad.bbx, chicago-dates-common.cbx,
chicago-notes16.cbx, chicago-notes16.bbx, chicago-authordate16.cbx,
chicago-authordate16.bbx, chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx,
- chicago-authordate-trad16.bbx, chicago-dates-common16.cbx,
+ chicago-authordate-trad16.bbx, chicago-dates-common16.cbx, cms.dbx,
cms-american.lbx, cms-brazilian.lbx, cms-british.lbx,
cms-dutch.lbx, cms-finnish.lbx, cms-french.lbx, cms-german.lbx,
cms-icelandic.lbx, cms-ngerman.lbx, cms-norsk.lbx,
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
Changelog: See the RELEASE file, and also the end of
-Copyright (c) 2008-2021 David Fussner. This package is
+Copyright (c) 2008-2022 David Fussner. This package is
author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or
modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,
either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/RELEASE
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/RELEASE 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/RELEASE 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,3 +1,109 @@
+Release notes for version 2.3 [2022-07-02]:
+All styles now require the current biblatex (3.18) and biber (2.18).
+ - Since the release of biblatex 3.17, the full array of ISO8601-2
+ year divisions (seasons, quarters, quadrimestrals, semestrals,
+ etc.) is available to its users, and biblatex-chicago has followed
+ suit in all styles. The Manual itself, as far as I know, mentions
+ only the seasons, but if you use a month specification higher than
+ 24 in a "date" field you can access these new divisions. Cf. Table
+ 3 in biblatex-chicago.pdf.
+ - Since biblatex provides a mechanism for localizing name
+ presentation in the reference apparatus, Philipp Immel suggested I
+ add an option to facilitate access to it for users of
+ biblatex-chicago. The "cmsnameparts" option is the result, and is
+ available in all styles. Please consult section 7.1 in
+ biblatex-chicago.pdf for all the details.
+ - Philipp also pointed out that the name parts code requires the
+ standard biblatex option "uniquename" to be turned on in the notes
+ & bibliography style. (It's now set to "minfull".) This fixes an
+ ancient bug, as Chicago has always required authors with the same
+ surname to be distinguished by initials or full given names in
+ short notes (14.32).
+ - Patrick Danilevici pointed out that, in languages that don't use
+ the Oxford comma, it was generally wrong to have a comma after the
+ first, reversed name in an author list consisting of only two
+ names. I have removed it in such languages, but if you still want
+ the old behavior you can set something like the following in your
+ preamble: \DeclareDelimFormat{revsdnamedelim}{\addcomma}.
+ - After a request by Ryo Furue, I've added the "onlynd" switch to the
+ "doi" package option in all styles in order to suppress both the
+ "url" and the "urldate", rather than just the former. See sections
+ 4.4.2 and 5.4.2 in biblatex-chicago.pdf.
+ - After a bug report from Jon Arnold, I have tried to fix the
+ field-inheritance schemes for Audio, Music, and Video entries,
+ which should now work more intuitively in all styles if you use
+ "crossref" fields in them. Concretely, this means that a "title"
+ in one such entry (identifying a complete work or collection) can
+ become a "booktitle" in the child entry, identifying the work of
+ which the "title" is only one part.
+ - Tobias Becht suggests that using specialized citation commands for
+ printing author-only citations of ancient works (cf. Manual
+ 14.244-5) is unnecessarily awkward. I have therefore provided the
+ "notitle" option (sections 4.4.3 and 5.4.3 in biblatex-chicago.pdf)
+ to turn a short author-title citation (whether in the notes &
+ bibliography style or the author-date styles) into an author-only
+ citation. You can set this option by entry type or in the
+ "options" field of individual entries.
+ - Tobias also pointed out that the Manual permits using short
+ citations of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance works right from
+ the first citation in the notes & bibliography style, even if you
+ don't want to do the same for the entire document. You can
+ therefore now set the package option "short" for the whole
+ document, for specific entry types, and for specific entries.
+ - Again at Tobias' prompting, I've modified how the ibidem mechanism
+ works for entries with "classical" "entrysubtype". This includes
+ following the Manual's guidelines about suppressing the "ibid."
+ string when using abbreviated forms of authors' names (unless
+ you've set "useibid=true" in the "options" field of the entry
+ itself). I've also made the "noibid" and "useibid" options more
+ granular, the former in all styles and the latter in notes &
+ bibliography. You can now set them globally, per type, and per
+ entry.
+ - Having noticed that the "journaltitleaddon" field is standard in
+ biblatex, I have added it to the Article and Review types, as well
+ as adding the "titleaddon" field to the Periodical type, and this
+ in all styles. The "jtitleaddon" option controls the separator
+ between the main title and the annex in all these cases. It is set
+ to "space" by default. See sections 4.4.2 and 5.4.2 of
+ biblatex-chicago.pdf.
+ - Alanna Warner-Smith reported that the author-date styles weren't
+ distinguishing citations with "extradate" letters when a
+ "journaltitle" replaced the "author". This is, I hope, fixed.
+ - After input from Claudius Ellsel, I've revised the hyperref
+ functionality in the author-date styles, allowing you to choose
+ which parts of a citation will act as links to the entry in the
+ reference list. Two new user options, "hyperall" and "hypername",
+ complement the pre-existing "hypertitle" to give more fine-grained
+ control. All of these options are available globally, per type,
+ and per entry. See section 5.4.3 of biblatex-chicago.pdf.
+ - After a request from Samuel Foster, I've provided the
+ "suppressnoterefs" option for the notes & bibliography style,
+ settable per entry type and per entry, which prevents the printing
+ of the "noteref" back reference after such entries. This
+ may be more convenient than using the specialized citation commands
+ to achieve the same end. Cf. section 4.4.4.
+ - There were many other bugfixes, including another attempt to make
+ the "postnotepunct" option work more reliably, improvements to
+ "shorthand" behavior in the author-date styles, and fixes,
+ suggested by David Thiel, to the hyperref functionality when using
+ cmsendnotes.sty.
Release notes for version 2.2 [2021-06-30]:
All styles still require the current biblatex (3.16) and biber (2.16).
@@ -2199,7 +2305,7 @@
- First public release
-Copyright (c) 2008-2018 David Fussner. This package is
+Copyright (c) 2008-2022 David Fussner. This package is
author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or
modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,
either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.tex 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.tex 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
Style files for biblatex
-\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries David Fussner\qquad Version 2.2\\
+\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries David Fussner\qquad Version 2.3\\
\href{mailto:djf027 at googlemail.com}{djf027 at googlemail.com}\\ \today
@@ -208,12 +208,14 @@
this release, while \textcolor{Teal}{\textbf{blue-green}} text is a
clickable link to an external document.
\mylittlespace Here's a list of things you will need in order to use
\item The \textsf{biblatex} package, of course! The current version
- --- 3.16 at the time of writing --- has received extensive testing,
+ --- 3.18 at the time of writing --- has received extensive testing,
and contains features and bug fixes upon which my code relies.
Please don't use any earlier version. \textsf{Biblatex} requires
several packages, and it strongly recommends several more:
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@
\item \textsf{biber} --- the next-generation \textsc{Bib}\TeX\
replacement by Philip Kime and Fran\c{c}ois Charette, available
from SourceForge (required). You should use the latest version,
- 2.16, to work with \textsf{biblatex} 3.16 and
+ 2.18, to work with \textsf{biblatex} 3.18 and
\textsf{biblatex-chicago}; please note that any other backend will
not produce accurate results.
\item e-\TeX\ (required)
@@ -228,7 +230,11 @@
\item \textsf{etoolbox} --- available from CTAN (required)
\item \textsf{keyval} --- a standard package (required)
\item \textsf{ifthen} --- a standard package (required)
- \item \textsf{url} --- a standard package (required)
+ \item \textsf{url} --- a standard package (required). In
+ \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} you'll see that I set
+ \cmd{urlstyle\{rm\}}. If you happen to use a non-roman text font,
+ you may want to set \cmd{urlstyle\{same\}} in your preamble
+ instead.
\item \textsf{babel} --- a standard package (\emph{strongly}
\item \textsf{csquotes} --- available from CTAN (recommended).
@@ -296,10 +302,9 @@
choosing \texttt{english} as the main text language, should work out
of the box. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also provides (at least
partial) support for Brazilian Portuguese, British, Dutch, Finnish,
- French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, \mycolor{Romanian},
- \mycolor{Spanish}, and Swedish. Please see below
- (section~\ref{sec:international}) for a fuller explanation of all
- the options.
+ French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Romanian, Spanish, and
+ Swedish. Please see below (section~\ref{sec:international}) for a
+ fuller explanation of all the options.
\item \textsf{chicago-authordate.cbx, chicago-authordate-trad.cbx,
chicago-dates-common.cbx},\break \textsf{chicago-authordate.bbx},
\textsf{chicago-authordate-trad.bbx}, \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx},
@@ -309,16 +314,16 @@
\textsf{cms-french.lbx}, \textsf{cms-german.lbx},
\textsf{cms-icelandic.lbx}, \textsf{cms-ngerman.lbx},\break
\textsf{cms-norsk.lbx}, \textsf{cms-norwegian.lbx},
- \textsf{cms-nynorsk.lbx}, \mycolor{\textsf{cms-romanian.lbx}},
- \mycolor{\textsf{cms-spa-\break nish.lbx}},
- \textsf{cms-swedish.lbx}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and
- \textsf{cmsdocs.sty}, all from \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, installed
- either in a system-wide \TeX\ directory, or in the working directory
- where you keep your *.tex files. The .zip file from CTAN contains
- subdirectories to help keep the growing number of files organized,
- so the files listed above can be found in the \texttt{latex/}
- subdirectory. If you install in a system-wide directory, I suggest
- a standard layout like \texttt{<TEXMFLOCAL>\slash
+ \textsf{cms-nynorsk.lbx}, \textsf{cms-romanian.lbx},
+ \textsf{cms-spa-\break nish.lbx}, \textsf{cms-swedish.lbx},
+ \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and \textsf{cmsdocs.sty}, all from
+ \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, installed either in a system-wide \TeX\
+ directory, or in the working directory where you keep your *.tex
+ files. The .zip file from CTAN contains subdirectories to help keep
+ the growing number of files organized, so the files listed above can
+ be found in the \texttt{latex/} subdirectory. If you install in a
+ system-wide directory, I suggest a standard layout like
+ \texttt{<TEXMFLOCAL>\slash
tex/latex/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-chicago}, where\
\texttt{<TEXMFLOCAL>} is the root of your local \TeX\ installation
--- for example, and depending on your operating system, something
@@ -345,6 +350,12 @@
instead of footnotes. See section~\ref{sec:noteref}, below, and
+\item The file \mycolor{\textsf{cms.dbx}}, also to be found with the
+ previous files, and a clone of the standard \textsf{biblatex} file
+ \textsf{93-nameparts.dbx}. It extends the default data model by
+ adding new name parts, allowing the localized presentation of names
+ from a number of linguistic and geographical contexts. Please see
+ section~\ref{sec:nameparts} below for details of how to use it.
\item The very clear and detailed documentation of the
\textsf{biblatex} system, available in that package as
\textsf{biblatex.pdf}. Here the authors explain why you might want
@@ -420,7 +431,7 @@
-Copyright \copyright\ 2008--2021 David Fussner. This package is
+Copyright \copyright\ 2008--2022 David Fussner. This package is
author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or
modified under the conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License,
either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
@@ -453,8 +464,8 @@
site}. The dependent package \textsf{cmsendnotes.sty} contains code
by John Lavagnino and Ulrich Dirr. I am very grateful to Mar\c{c}al
-Orteu Punsola for the new Spanish localization, to Patrick Danilevici
-for the Romanian localization, to Wouter Lancee for the Dutch
+Orteu Punsola for the Spanish localization, to Patrick Danilevici for
+the Romanian localization, to Wouter Lancee for the Dutch
localization, to Gustavo Barros for the Brazilian Portuguese
localization, to Stefan Bj\"{o}rk for the Swedish localization, to
Antti-Juhani Kaijahano for the Finnish localization, to Baldur
@@ -595,18 +606,17 @@
\textbf{audio}, \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{booklet},
\textbf{collection}, \textbf{customc}, \textbf{dataset},
\textbf{image}, \textbf{inbook}, \textbf{incollection},
-\mycolor{\textbf{inproceedings}}, \textbf{inreference},
-\textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal}, \textbf{legislation},
-\textbf{letter}, \textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc}, \textbf{music},
-\textbf{mvbook}, \textbf{mvcollection}, \textbf{mvproceedings},
-\textbf{mvreference}, \textbf{online} (with its alias \textbf{www}),
-\textbf{patent}, \textbf{performance}, \textbf{periodical},
-\mycolor{\textbf{proceedings}}, \textbf{reference}, \textbf{report}
-(with its alias \textbf{techreport}), \textbf{review},
-\textbf{standard}, \textbf{suppbook}, \textbf{suppcollection},
-\textbf{suppperiodical}, \textbf{thesis} (with its aliases
-\textbf{mastersthesis} and \textbf{phdthesis}), \textbf{unpublished},
-and \textbf{video}.
+\textbf{inproceedings}, \textbf{inreference}, \textbf{jurisdiction},
+\textbf{legal}, \textbf{legislation}, \textbf{letter},
+\textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc}, \textbf{music}, \textbf{mvbook},
+\textbf{mvcollection}, \textbf{mvproceedings}, \textbf{mvreference},
+\textbf{online} (with its alias \textbf{www}), \textbf{patent},
+\textbf{performance}, \textbf{periodical}, \textbf{proceedings},
+\textbf{reference}, \textbf{report} (with its alias
+\textbf{techreport}), \textbf{review}, \textbf{standard},
+\textbf{suppbook}, \textbf{suppcollection}, \textbf{suppperiodical},
+\textbf{thesis} (with its aliases \textbf{mastersthesis} and
+\textbf{phdthesis}), \textbf{unpublished}, and \textbf{video}.
\mylittlespace What follows is an attempt to specify all the
differences between these types and the standard provided by
@@ -1018,7 +1028,7 @@
information about the app's version and about the system on which it
runs (14.268; angry:birds).
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookinbook}} type provides the
means of referring to parts of books that are considered, in other
@@ -1162,24 +1172,23 @@
command overrides the contents of a \textsf{pages} field in a .bib
file entry.
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type
-works pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, even more so now
-that, after a request from Patrick Danilevici, I have newly included
-the \mycolor{\textsf{eventdate}}, \mycolor{\textsf{eventtitle}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{eventtitleaddon}}, and \mycolor{\textsf{venue}}
-fields for specifying where and when the event occurred that produced
-the proceedings. These four fields are the main difference between it
-and \textsf{incollection}, along with the lack of an \textsf{edition}
-field and the possibility that an \textsf{organization} may be cited
-alongside the \textsf{publisher}, even though the \emph{Manual}
-doesn't specify the use of any of these supplementary fields (14.217).
-Please note, also, that the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref}
-mechanism for shortening citations of multiple pieces from the same
-\textsf{proceedings} is operative here, just as it is in
-\textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook} entries. See
-\textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and the option
-\texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset} for more
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type works
+pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, even more so now that,
+after a request from Patrick Danilevici, I have included the
+\textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, \textsf{eventtitleaddon}, and
+\textsf{venue} fields for specifying where and when the event occurred
+that produced the proceedings. These four fields are the main
+difference between it and \textsf{incollection}, along with the lack
+of an \textsf{edition} field and the possibility that an
+\textsf{organization} may be cited alongside the \textsf{publisher},
+even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't specify the use of any of these
+supplementary fields (14.217). Please note, also, that the
+\textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} mechanism for shortening citations
+of multiple pieces from the same \textsf{proceedings} is operative
+here, just as it is in \textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook}
+entries. See \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and
+the option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset} for
+more details.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{inreference}} entry type is
aliased to \textsf{incollection} in the standard styles, but the
@@ -1444,8 +1453,8 @@
using the \textsf{nameaddon} field, providing your own square brackets
if you're indicating that the \textsf{author} is pseudonymous, or
parentheses if it's another sort of information of interest to your
-readers. The package options \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} can help here, as well. See
+readers. The package options \texttt{nameaddonformat} and
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} can help here, as well. See
sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:chicpreset}, below.
\mylittlespace Now for the subtleties. First, the \emph{Manual}
@@ -1467,7 +1476,7 @@
the citation command. (The standard \textsf{biblatex} command
\cmd{printdate} will work if you prefer the standard date form.)
-% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
\mylittlespace Second, some material (roosevelt:speech) includes a
venue for the event recorded in the archive, so I have added the
@@ -2052,31 +2061,35 @@
initial lowercase letter to activate the automatic capitalization
routines. (See \emph{Manual} 14.178; good:wholeissue.)
-\mylittlespace It is worth noting a couple of things. First, the
-special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to
-present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article},
-\textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as
-facilitating the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the
-manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Because the \textsf{periodical}
-type uses the \textsf{title} field instead of \textsf{journaltitle},
-\textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle}
-field, if one is present, into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the
-documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in
-section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for all the details on how this works.
-Second, the \textsf{periodical} type is the place for citing whole
-blogs, rather than individual blog posts, which require either an
-\textsf{article} or a \textsf{review} entry. In such citations the
-17th edition (14.208) recommends that you include the name of any
-larger (usually periodical) publication of which the blog is a part.
-The \textsf{maintitle} field (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and
-\textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed) is the place for it. Cf.\
+\mylittlespace It is worth noting a few things. First, the
+\textsf{titleaddon} field is now available in these entries, but as
+the \textsf{title} here is analogous to the \textsf{journaltitle} in
+\textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries, the new
+\mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option (section~\ref{sec:chicpreset})
+governs the punctuation separating the \textsf{titleaddon} from the
+\textsf{title}. Second, the special \textsf{biblatex} field
+\textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened
+\textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and
+\textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of
+lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand}
+list. Because the \textsf{periodical} type uses the \textsf{title}
+field instead of \textsf{journaltitle}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago}
+automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle} field, if one is present,
+into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the documentation of
+\textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for all the
+details on how this works. Finally, the \textsf{periodical} type is
+the place for citing whole blogs, rather than individual blog posts,
+which require either an \textsf{article} or a \textsf{review} entry.
+In such citations the 17th edition (14.208) recommends that you
+include the name of any larger (usually periodical) publication of
+which the blog is a part. The \textsf{maintitle} field (with
+\textsf{mainsubtitle} and \textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed) is the
+place for it. Cf.\ amlen:wordplay.
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard
\textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, now also including
-the \mycolor{\textsf{eventdate}}, \mycolor{\textsf{eventtitle}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{eventtitleaddon}}, and \mycolor{\textsf{venue}}
-fields for identifying the event that produced the
+the \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, \textsf{eventtitleaddon},
+and \textsf{venue} fields for identifying the event that produced the
\textsf{proceedings}. The package can automatically provide
abbreviated references in notes and bibliography when you use a
\textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not
@@ -2226,10 +2239,9 @@
general usefulness. You can, of course, still provide your own square
brackets in \textsf{review} entries to indicate pseudonymous
authorship, which is the standard function of \textsf{nameaddon} in
-most entry types. The package options
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} and \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}}
-can help here, as well. See sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and
-\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below.
+most entry types. The package options \texttt{nameaddonformat} and
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} can help here, as well. See
+sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:chicpreset}, below.
\mylittlespace In this context I should mention a small change to the
default behavior of \textsf{review} entries when they utilize a
@@ -2555,7 +2567,7 @@
then \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will concatenate these fields in
the formatted references.
\mylittlespace As noted above, however, this field has a special
meaning in the \textsf{suppbook} entry type, used to make an
@@ -2566,7 +2578,7 @@
\textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction}. (See \emph{Manual}
14.105, 14.110; polakow:afterw.)
At the request of Emil Salim, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} provides
@@ -2580,29 +2592,28 @@
the \texttt{annotation} option so that you can print the field in the
bibliography (\texttt{=bib} or \texttt{=true}, the default), in long
notes (\texttt{=notes}), in both (\texttt{=all}), or in neither
-(\texttt{=false}). The two new options
-\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}}
-allow you to choose the separator between the rest of the entry and
-the \textsf{annotation}, and to choose a different one in notes and
-bibliography. The default formatting in the bibliography
-(\texttt{vpar}) is to print the \textsf{annotation} as a separate
-block using\ \verb+\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1+, while in long
-notes the default (\texttt{period}) is to print it simply as an
-additional field, separated by a period. The \emph{Manual's}
-guidelines (14.64) allow for both these possibilities, and I have
-provided a range of others, for which you should consult the full
-documentation in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. (Note also that both
-options can be set globally or per-type in the preamble, or per-entry
-in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For specialized
-needs, of course, you can re-declare the format
+(\texttt{=false}). The two options \texttt{bibannotesep} and
+\texttt{citeannotesep} allow you to choose the separator between the
+rest of the entry and the \textsf{annotation}, and to choose a
+different one in notes and bibliography. The default formatting in
+the bibliography (\texttt{vpar}) is to print the \textsf{annotation}
+as a separate block using\ \verb+\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1+,
+while in long notes the default (\texttt{period}) is to print it
+simply as an additional field, separated by a period. The
+\emph{Manual's} guidelines (14.64) allow for both these possibilities,
+and I have provided a range of others, for which you should consult
+the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. (Note also
+that both options can be set globally or per-type in the preamble, or
+per-entry in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For
+specialized needs, of course, you can re-declare the format
[\verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{annotation}+] in your preamble, or redefine
the \cmd{bibannotesep} and \cmd{citeannotesep} commands there.) In
section~\ref{sec:useropts} you will find instructions for employing
-the new \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} and \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}}
-options to give you fine-grained control over the formatting of the
-entire bibliography, particularly with regard to \TeX's page-breaking
-algorithms. The aim is to remove, in most cases, any need for you to
-delve into the low-level commands involved in these algorithms.
+the \texttt{formatbib} and \texttt{entrybreak} options to give you
+fine-grained control over the formatting of the entire bibliography,
+particularly with regard to \TeX's page-breaking algorithms. The aim
+is to remove, in most cases, any need for you to delve into the
+low-level commands involved in these algorithms.
\mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotator}} have implemented this
\textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles
@@ -2694,18 +2705,18 @@
by \textsf{biblatex} (lecarre:quest). If you have given the author's
real name in the \textsf{author} field, then the pseudonym goes in
\textsf{nameaddon}, in the form \texttt{Firstname Lastname,\,pseud.}\
-(creasey\hc ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death). This
-latter method will allow you to keep references to one author's work
-under different pseudonyms grouped together in the bibliography, as
-recommended by the \emph{Manual}, though it is now recommended that,
-whichever system you employ, you include a cross-reference from one
-name to the other in the bibliography. You can do this using a
+(creasey\hc ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death).
+This latter method will allow you to keep references to one author's
+work under different pseudonyms grouped together in the bibliography,
+as recommended by the \emph{Manual}, though it is now recommended
+that, whichever system you employ, you include a cross-reference from
+one name to the other in the bibliography. You can do this using a
\textsf{customc} entry (ashe:creasey, morton:creasey, york:creasey).
Please see the entry on \textbf{nameaddon}, below, for circumstances
where you may need to provide your own square brackets when presenting
-a pseudonym, and also the package options
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} and \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}}
-in sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:chicpreset}, below.
+a pseudonym, and also the package options \texttt{nameaddonformat} and
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} in sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and
+\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below.
\mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{authortype}}
\textsf{biblatex-chicago}, this field serves a function very much in
@@ -2736,9 +2747,9 @@
regardless of any \textsf{authortype} field that may be present. If
you want to distinguish between works certainly written by and works
merely ascribed to a given author, then you can use the
-\mycolor{\texttt{dashed}} option in the \textsf{options} field of
-individual entries, and possibly also a \textsf{sortname}, to get the
-results you want.
+\texttt{dashed} option in the \textsf{options} field of individual
+entries, and possibly also a \textsf{sortname}, to get the results you
\mybigspace For \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookauthor}} the most part, as in
\textsf{biblatex}, a \textsf{bookauthor} is the author of a
@@ -3027,6 +3038,8 @@
preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries,
allowing you to change the settings on an entry-by-entry basis.
\mylittlespace Please further note that in earlier releases of
\textsf{biblatex-chicago} I recommended against using
\textsf{shorthand}, \textsf{reprinttitle} and/or \textsf{userf} fields
@@ -3115,6 +3128,8 @@
entries, there are several other requirements --- please see the
documentation of \textsf{userd}, below.
\mylittlespace Sixth, and finally, please note that the
\textsf{nameaddon} field, which see, is no longer the place for time
stamps, as it was in the 16th-edition styles. Any such data there
@@ -3130,8 +3145,6 @@
sections~\ref{sec:presetopts}, \ref{sec:chicpreset}, and
\ref{sec:useropts}; and section~4.5.10 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}
-% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
\mylittlespace (Users of the Chicago author-date style who wish to
minimize the labor needed to convert a .bib database for the notes \&\
bibliography style should be aware that the latter style includes
@@ -3355,8 +3368,10 @@
the Renaissance and later, even if cited by the traditional divisions,
have short notes formatted normally, and therefore don't need an
\textsf{entrysubtype} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.242--54;
-aristotle:metaphy:gr, plato:republic:gr; euripides:orestes is an
-example of a translation cited by page number in a modern edition.)
+aristotle:metaphy:gr, herodotus:wilson, plato:republic:gr;
+euripides:orestes is an example of a translation cited by page number
+in a modern edition. Cf.\ also the \mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option
+in section~\ref{sec:useropts}.)
\mylittlespace The third use occurs in \textsf{misc} entries. If such
an entry contains no \textsf{entrysubtype} field, then the citation
@@ -3409,17 +3424,17 @@
% \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip}
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard
\textsf{biblatex} field which has gradually accumulated functions in
\textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It can now play a role in
\textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image},
-\mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}}, \textsf{music},
-\mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{standard},
-\textsf{suppperiodical}, \textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video}
-entries. In \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries it identifies
-the publication date of, most frequently, a photograph, in association
-with the \textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical
-or other medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In
+\textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{proceedings},
+\textsf{review}, \textsf{standard}, \textsf{suppperiodical},
+\textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{artwork}
+and \textsf{image} entries it identifies the publication date of, most
+frequently, a photograph, in association with the
+\textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical or other
+medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In
\textsf{standard} entries it will also usually be associated with a
\textsf{howpublished} field, allowing you to specify a later renewal
or reaffirmation of a standard (niso\hc bibref). In \textsf{audio}
@@ -3436,16 +3451,16 @@
want to do for filmed musical performances (friends:leia,
handel:messiah, holiday:fool).
-\mylittlespace In \mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}}, and \textsf{unpublished} entries it
-identifies the date of an event at which a published or unpublished
-work was presented, though in truth the \textsf{date} will do as well
-in \textsf{unpublished} entries (nass:address). The field's use in
-\textsf{review} entries, finally, includes a possible time stamp. In
-this context, an \textsf{eventdate} helps to identify a particular
-comment on, or reply to another comment on, a blog post. Given that
-many such posts by a single \textsf{author} could appear on the same
-day, you can distinguish them by putting a time specification in the
+\mylittlespace In \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{proceedings}, and
+\textsf{unpublished} entries it identifies the date of an event at
+which a published or unpublished work was presented, though in truth
+the \textsf{date} will do as well in \textsf{unpublished} entries
+(nass:address). The field's use in \textsf{review} entries, finally,
+includes a possible time stamp. In this context, an
+\textsf{eventdate} helps to identify a particular comment on, or reply
+to another comment on, a blog post. Given that many such posts by a
+single \textsf{author} could appear on the same day, you can
+distinguish them by putting a time specification in the
\textsf{eventdate} field itself (ac:comment). Please see the
\textbf{review} type, above, for the details of how to cite these
materials, possibly with the help of the \texttt{commenton}
@@ -3461,13 +3476,13 @@
like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses
around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191).
-\mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtitle}} standard
+\mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventtitle}} standard
\textsf{biblatex} field for identifying the name of the event that
-produces either a published record (\mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}}
-and \mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}} entries) or an unpublished one
+produces either a published record (\textsf{inproceedings} and
+\textsf{proceedings} entries) or an unpublished one
-\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtitleaddon}}
+\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventtitleaddon}}
\textsf{biblatex} field for adding information about an
\textsf{eventtitle}, and available in the same entry types as that
@@ -3583,6 +3598,17 @@
list of journal abbreviations. Cf.\ the \textsf{shortjournal}
documentation below.
+\mybigspace An \colmarginpar{\textbf{journaltitleaddon}} annex to the
+\textsf{journaltitle}, for which see previous entry. Such an annex
+would be printed in the main text font. If your data begins with a
+word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a
+sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing.
+The package and entry option \mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}}
+(section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}) allows you to customize the punctuation
+that appears before the \textsf{journaltitleaddon} field (hua:cms).
+The default is a \texttt{space}.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{keywords}} field is
\textsf{biblatex}'s powerful and flexible technique for filtering
bibliography entries, allowing you to subdivide a bibliography
@@ -3740,8 +3766,8 @@
\cmd{partedittransandcomp}, for which see
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided
-by \textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided by
+\textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In
\textsf{biblatex-chicago} its primary use, in most entry types, has
always been to specify that an author's name is a pseudonym, or to
provide either the real name or the pseudonym itself, if the other is
@@ -3770,9 +3796,9 @@
\mylittlespace If you do need or want to put the field to a different
use, the following options may help. All of them are available
globally, per type, and per entry. The first
-\colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} new option is simply called
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddon}}, and determines where and when the field
-will be printed at all. There are seven possible values:
+\mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} new option is simply called
+\texttt{nameaddon}, and determines where and when the field will be
+printed at all. There are seven possible values:
\item[\qquad \texttt{all}:] This is the default; if an entry has a
@@ -3798,10 +3824,9 @@
print the \textsf{nameaddon} field in the bibliography.
-The \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep}}
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} option controls the punctuation that
-appears before the \textsf{nameaddon}. It takes the following six
+The \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} \texttt{nameaddonsep} option
+controls the punctuation that appears before the
+\textsf{nameaddon}. It takes the following six keys:
@@ -3814,19 +3839,18 @@
\item[\qquad \texttt{semicolon}] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+.
-The \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}}
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} option allows you to change the
-format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field on the fly, so its value should
-be a field format that \textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes
-standard formats like \texttt{parens,\,brackets} or \texttt{emph}, and
-also custom formats that you provide in your preamble using
-\cmd{DeclareFieldFormat}, in case the standard ones aren't adequate.
-If you don't define this option, then the usual defaults apply, as
-delineated above, and you can use your own parentheses in
-\textsf{online, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well
-as in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, to
-distinguish screen names or other authorial information from
-traditional pseudonyms (in brackets).
+The \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} \texttt{nameaddonformat}
+option allows you to change the format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field
+on the fly, so its value should be a field format that
+\textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes standard formats like
+\texttt{parens,\,brackets} or \texttt{emph}, and also custom formats
+that you provide in your preamble using \cmd{DeclareFieldFormat}, in
+case the standard ones aren't adequate. If you don't define this
+option, then the usual defaults apply, as delineated above, and you
+can use your own parentheses in \textsf{online, review,} and
+\textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well as in \textsf{misc} entries
+with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, to distinguish screen names or other
+authorial information from traditional pseudonyms (in brackets).
\mylittlespace Finally, two more details. If you are using the
17th-edition styles for the first time, please note that the 16th
@@ -4133,7 +4157,7 @@
14.133--41; aristotle:metaphy:gr, cohen:schiff, creasey:ashe:blast,
\mylittlespace There are, as one might expect, a few further
subtleties involved here. If you give two publishers in the field
@@ -4305,10 +4329,10 @@
entries in the list of shorthands which contain full bibliographical
information, effectively allowing you to eschew the bibliography in
favor of a fortified shorthand list. (See 13.67, 14.59--60, and also
-\textsf{biblatex.pdf} for more information.) Finally, the new
-\mycolor{\texttt{shorthandintro}} option (section~\ref{sec:useropts})
-allows you to control whether the first, long citation will introduce
-the \textsf{shorthand} at all, rather than just leaving it to the
+\textsf{biblatex.pdf} for more information.) Finally, the
+\texttt{shorthandintro} option (section~\ref{sec:useropts}) allows
+you to control whether the first, long citation will introduce the
+\textsf{shorthand} at all, rather than just leaving it to the
shorthand list (or perhaps \enquote{common knowledge}) to clarify the
@@ -4346,23 +4370,22 @@
\textsf{shorthand} in an entry, it will ordinarily appear the first
time you cite the work, at the end of a long note, surrounded by
parentheses and prefaced by the phrase \enquote{hereafter cited as.}
-To modify this, you can either use the new
-\mycolor{\texttt{shorthandintro}} option (section~\ref{sec:useropts})
-or you can use this standard \textsf{biblatex} field to change the
-formatting and the phrase to suit your needs. Please note, first,
-that you need to include the shorthand in this field as you intend it
-to appear and, second, that you still need the \textsf{shorthand}
-field present in order to ensure the appropriate presentation of that
-shorthand in later citations and in the list of shorthands. Finally,
-I've tried to allow for as many different styles of notification as
-possible, so by default the only punctuation that will appear between
-the rest of the citation and the \textsf{shorthandintro} is a space.
-You can change this punctuation, either in the preamble for the whole
-document or in individual entries, using the \texttt{shorthandpunct}
-option, documented in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. If the available
-option keys aren't adequate, you can use \texttt{none} and then
-provide custom punctuation inside the \textsf{shorthandintro} field
+To modify this, you can either use the \texttt{shorthandintro} option
+(section~\ref{sec:useropts}) or you can use this standard
+\textsf{biblatex} field to change the formatting and the phrase to
+suit your needs. Please note, first, that you need to include the
+shorthand in this field as you intend it to appear and, second, that
+you still need the \textsf{shorthand} field present in order to ensure
+the appropriate presentation of that shorthand in later citations and
+in the list of shorthands. Finally, I've tried to allow for as many
+different styles of notification as possible, so by default the only
+punctuation that will appear between the rest of the citation and the
+\textsf{shorthandintro} is a space. You can change this punctuation,
+either in the preamble for the whole document or in individual
+entries, using the \texttt{shorthandpunct} option, documented in
+section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. If the available option keys aren't
+adequate, you can use \texttt{none} and then provide custom
+punctuation inside the \textsf{shorthandintro} field itself.
\mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{shortjournal}} special
\textsf{biblatex} field, used both to provide an abbreviated form of a
@@ -4594,7 +4617,7 @@
% \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip}
-\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}}
+\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}}
\textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles
that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves,
and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses it in just this way, with the
@@ -4613,13 +4636,16 @@
section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}, below. The package and entry
options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon}
(section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation
-that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. (Cf.\
-brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and white:ross:memo for
-examples where the field starts with a lowercase letter;
-morgenson:market provides an example where the \textsf{titleaddon}
-field, holding the name of a regular column in a newspaper, is
-capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would expect;
-coolidge:speech shows both entry options for controlling the
+that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. Please note,
+however, that I have added this field to the \textsf{periodical} entry
+type, and that the punctuation there is governed by the
+\mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option, which defaults to a
+\texttt{space}. (Cf.\ brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and
+white:ross:memo for examples where the field starts with a lowercase
+letter; morgenson:market provides an example where the
+\textsf{titleaddon} field, holding the name of a regular column in a
+newspaper, is capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would
+expect; coolidge:speech shows both entry options for controlling the
\mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{translator}} far as possible, I
@@ -4796,7 +4822,7 @@
(See 14.81--82; creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide,
creasey:york:death, lecarre:quest.)
\mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{userd}} \textsf{userd} field acts
as a sort of \enquote{\textsf{datetype}} field, allowing you in most
@@ -4849,7 +4875,7 @@
\mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}}
section~\ref{sec:related}, below.
-\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex}
+\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex}
offers this field for use in \textsf{proceedings} and
\textsf{inproceedings} entries, and after a request from Patrick
Danilevici I have followed suit. I have also implemented the field in
@@ -4961,6 +4987,8 @@
provided and a great deal that it couldn't. What follows is a
field-by-field discussion of the options now available.
\mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlanguage}} keeping with the
\emph{Manual}'s specifications, I have fairly thoroughly redefined
\textsf{biblatex}'s facilities for treating translations. The
@@ -5131,7 +5159,7 @@
\textsf{reprinttitle} mechanism to use the \texttt{reprintfrom}
string, which works better syntactically in this context.
-\mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{relatedtype}} standard
+\mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedtype}} standard
\textsf{biblatex} styles define six \textsf{relatedtypes}, and I have
either simply adopted them wholesale or adapted them to the needs of
the Chicago style, retaining the basic syntax as much as possible. I
@@ -5526,7 +5554,7 @@
Please remember, too, that the standard way of presenting reviewed
works is still available if the mechanism doesn't work for you in a
particular context.
-\item[\qquad \mycolor{short:}] This \textsf{relatedtype} is like the
+\item[\qquad short:] This \textsf{relatedtype} is like the
\texttt{default} type, only it prints \emph{short} references rather
than long ones. There is no default \textsf{relatedstring} for this
type, so if you leave that field blank then the short references
@@ -5730,6 +5758,8 @@
\cmd{headlessparencite(s)} command if you want to retain the long
citations inside the parentheses.)
\mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash letterdatelong}}
have provided this macro mainly for use in the optional postnote field
of the various citation commands. When citing a letter (published or
@@ -5983,9 +6013,12 @@
sometimes suffices in the absence of a \textsf{title}, e.g., Thuc.\
2.40.2--3 (14.244). You'll need to put it inside a \cmd{footnote}
command manually. (Cf.\ also \textsf{entrysubtype} in
-section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above.)
+section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above, and please note that the new
+\mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option (section~\ref{sec:useropts})
+produces the same effect without the need to worry about citation
-\mybigspace Although \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citeincite}}
+\mybigspace Although \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citeincite}}
the officially-sanctioned, and safest, way to present cross-references
to other works is by using the \textsf{related} mechanism, it would
appear, judging from various bug reports I've received, that there are
@@ -5997,24 +6030,23 @@
other entries. If you want to present long citations, I'm assuming
that you wouldn't want to do that in fields right in the middle of the
parent entry, and that, therefore, the usual methods detailed in
-section~\ref{sec:related} (above) or the new
-\mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincite}} command (below) will serve your
-needs. Similarly, if you want to provide short citations at the end of
-your parent entry, the new \textsf{relatedtype}
-\mycolor{\texttt{short}} should work.
+section~\ref{sec:related} (above) or the \cmd{fullciteincite} command
+(below) will serve your needs. Similarly, if you want to provide
+short citations at the end of your parent entry, the new
+\textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{short} should work.
\mylittlespace If, however, you must have a short reference in the
-midst of another field, then \mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} can help. It
-is certified to work properly only in the \textsf{addendum,
- annotation, annote, note, and titleaddon} fields, which I hope is a
-broad enough choice to cover most needs. The multicite command
-\mycolor{\cmd{citeincites}} is also available. In previous releases of
-\textsf{biblatex} there were differences in how the case-changing
-backends behaved with respect to citation commands inside entry
-fields, but in my testing the two backends appear currently to be
-equivalent on this score. Still, should you run into problems using
-\cmd{citeincite}, it might still be worth setting
-\texttt{casechanger=latex2e} in your preamble to see if that helps.
+midst of another field, then \cmd{citeincite} can help. It is
+certified to work properly only in the \textsf{addendum, annotation,
+ annote, note, and titleaddon} fields, which I hope is a broad enough
+choice to cover most needs. The multicite command \cmd{citeincites} is
+also available. In previous releases of \textsf{biblatex} there were
+differences in how the case-changing backends behaved with respect to
+citation commands inside entry fields, but in my testing the two
+backends appear currently to be equivalent on this score. Still,
+should you run into problems using \cmd{citeincite}, it might still be
+worth setting \texttt{casechanger=latex2e} in your preamble to see if
+that helps.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citejournal}}
command provides an alternative short form when citing journal
@@ -6060,19 +6092,18 @@
the previous command it doesn't automatically place it in a footnote.
It may be useful within long textual notes.
-\mybigspace Ordinarily, \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash
+\mybigspace Ordinarily, \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash
fullciteincite}} you can use one of the methods discussed in
section~\ref{sec:related} to present, in notes or bibliography, full
references to a work related in some way to the current entry. The new
-command \mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} (above) allows you to present short
-citations to other works within selected fields of the parent entry,
-while attempting to minimize the problems caused by citations within
-other citations. The \mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincite}} command does the
-same for full citations, but really is designed to work only in
-\textsf{annotation} fields, the idea being that you might want to
-refer in an annotated bibliography to works that you haven't cited in
-the main body of your text. The multicite command
-\mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincites}} is also available.
+command \cmd{citeincite} (above) allows you to present short citations
+to other works within selected fields of the parent entry, while
+attempting to minimize the problems caused by citations within other
+citations. The \cmd{fullciteincite} command does the same for full
+citations, but really is designed to work only in \textsf{annotation}
+fields, the idea being that you might want to refer in an annotated
+bibliography to works that you haven't cited in the main body of your
+text. The multicite command \cmd{fullciteincites} is also available.
\mybigspace Arne \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash gentextcite}}
Skj{\ae}rholt requested, for the author-date styles, a variant of the
@@ -6384,6 +6415,11 @@
timezone for a time stamp, usually using one of the \textsf{timezone}
fields, this option ensures it will be printed.
+\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{uniquename=\\minfull}}
+enables the package to distinguish, in short notes, different authors
+who share a surname, using initials in the first instance, and whole
+names if initials aren't enough (14.32).
\mylittlespace In \mymarginpar{\texttt{urltime=24h}} entries with
\textsf{urldate} fields containing time stamps, that stamp will by
default appear in 24-hour format, i.e., \enquote{16:45.} Cf.\
@@ -6511,20 +6547,25 @@
use this latter method it would make sense to eliminate the
\textsf{pages} field from the affected entries).
-\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls
+\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls
whether any \textsf{doi} fields present in the .bib file will be
printed in notes and bibliography. At the request of Daniel
Possenriede, and keeping in mind the \emph{Manual's} preference for
this field instead of a \textsf{url} (14.6), I have added a third
switch, \texttt{only}, which prints the \textsf{doi} if it is present
-and the \textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. The package
-default remains the same, however --- it defaults to true, which will
-print both \textsf{doi} and \textsf{url} if both are present. The
-option can be set to \texttt{only} or to \texttt{false} either in the
-preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a
-per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online}
-entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be printed, but the
-\texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any \textsf{url}.
+and the \textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. Ryo Furue more
+recently requested a way to suppress the \textsf{urldate} when using
+only the \textsf{doi}, so I've added the \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}}
+switch to do this. The package default remains the same, however ---
+it defaults to true, which will print both \textsf{doi} and
+\textsf{url} if both are present. The option can be set to
+\texttt{only}, \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}}, or to \texttt{false} either
+in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types,
+or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In
+\textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be
+printed, but the \texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any
+\textsf{url}, and \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}} will still eliminate both
+the \textsf{url} and the \textsf{urldate}.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{eprint=true}} option controls
whether any \textsf{eprint} fields present in the .bib file will be
@@ -6634,14 +6675,14 @@
\mylittlespace These
options define the relation of the \textsf{annotation} field to the
-main entry, \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} doing so in the
-bibliography and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}} in long notes. (The
-\texttt{annotation} option in section~\ref{sec:useropts} determines
-where, if anywhere, the field will appear.) Both options have the
-same set of keys, though they have different default settings if you
-don't define them yourself. The possible values are:
+main entry, \texttt{bibannotesep} doing so in the bibliography and
+\texttt{citeannotesep} in long notes. (The \texttt{annotation} option
+in section~\ref{sec:useropts} determines where, if anywhere, the field
+will appear.) Both options have the same set of keys, though they
+have different default settings if you don't define them yourself.
+The possible values are:
@@ -6672,13 +6713,12 @@
formatting directive, so it's possible to redefine these commands in
your preamble if you have needs that the available values don't
address. (You can also try sending an email to encourage me to add
-other keys.) Please also keep in mind that
-\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} interacts with the
-\mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} and \mycolor{\textsf{formatbib}} options
+other keys.) Please also keep in mind that \texttt{bibannotesep}
+interacts with the \texttt{entrybreak} and \textsf{formatbib} options
in section~\ref{sec:useropts}, below, to determine the general layout
of the bibliography. Depending on the settings of those options,
-changing the \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} from entry to entry may
-not work out well.
+changing the \texttt{bibannotesep} from entry to entry may not work
+out well.
\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref=\\true}} the
request of Bertold Schweitzer, I have included two options for
@@ -6782,6 +6822,20 @@
\texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field
of your entry to have it appear after the \textsf{maintitle}.
+\mylittlespace I \colmarginpar{\texttt{jtitleaddon=\\space}} have
+added the standard \textsf{biblatex}
+\mycolor{\textsf{journaltitleaddon}} field to the \textsf{article} and
+\textsf{review} entry types, and also the \textsf{titleaddon} field to
+the \textsf{periodical} type, fields that may, for example, be
+particularly useful when you want to provide the original form of a
+translated journal title. The \mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option
+controls the separator between the main title and the addon, as with
+the \texttt{ctitleaddon} and \texttt{ptitleaddon} options, above, and
+like them is settable globally, per type, or per entry. The possible
+settings are the same as for those options, but the default is a
+\texttt{space}. You can redefine \cmd{jtitleaddonpunct} directly if
+you have more unusual needs.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref=\\false}} is the
second option, requested by Bertold Schweitzer, for controlling
whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated
@@ -6823,11 +6877,10 @@
above, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep\\=space}}
-option sets the punctuation which appears
-before the \textsf{nameaddon} field in all entry types except
-\textsf{customc}. You can set it globally, per type or per entry,
-using one of the six following keys:
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep\\=space}} option
+sets the punctuation which appears before the \textsf{nameaddon} field
+in all entry types except \textsf{customc}. You can set it globally,
+per type or per entry, using one of the six following keys:
@@ -6840,8 +6893,8 @@
\item[\qquad \texttt{semicolon}] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+.
-Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddon}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} in section~\ref{sec:useropts}.
+Cf.\ \texttt{nameaddon} and \texttt{nameaddonformat} in
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nodates=true}} option means
that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically provides
@@ -6889,11 +6942,11 @@
These are parts of the specification that not everyone will wish to
-enable. All except the fifth, sixth, and eleventh can be used even if
-you load the package in the old way via a call to \textsf{biblatex},
-but most users can just place the appropriate string(s) in the options
-to the \cmd{usepackage} \texttt{\{biblatex-chicago\}} call in your
+enable. All except the sixth, seventh, and twelfth can be used even
+if you load the package in the old way via a call to
+\textsf{biblatex}, but most users can just place the appropriate
+string(s) in the options to the \cmd{usepackage}
+\texttt{\{biblatex-chicago\}} call in your preamble.
\mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago}
\mymarginpar{\texttt{alwaysrange}} now implements \textsf{biblatex's}
@@ -6909,7 +6962,7 @@
to centuries and decades, respectively. Please see
-\mylittlespace At \colmarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of
+\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of
Emil Salim, I included in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} the ability to
produce annotated bibliographies. More recently, Moritz Wemheuer
brought to my attention a
@@ -6921,18 +6974,17 @@
(\texttt{=notes}), in both (\texttt{=all}), or in neither
(\texttt{=false}). You can now set the option in the preamble both
globally and per-type, and in the \textsf{options} field of individual
-entries. There are two new options (\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}}
-and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}}) to allow you to choose the
-separator between the \textsf{annotation} and the rest of the entry,
-and also two new options (\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}}) to give you fine-grained control over
-the presentation of the bibliography as a whole, including an
-annotated one. Please have a look at the documentation for the latter
-two options just below, for the former two options in
-section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, and for the \textsf{annotation} field on
-page~\pageref{sec:annote}. Please also see \textsf{biblatex.pdf}
-\S~3.13.8 for details on how to use external files to store
+entries. There are two new options (\texttt{bibannotesep} and
+\texttt{citeannotesep}) to allow you to choose the separator between
+the \textsf{annotation} and the rest of the entry, and also two new
+options (\texttt{formatbib} and \texttt{entrybreak}) to give you
+fine-grained control over the presentation of the bibliography as a
+whole, including an annotated one. Please have a look at the
+documentation for the latter two options just below, for the former
+two options in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, and for the
+\textsf{annotation} field on page~\pageref{sec:annote}. Please also
+see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~3.13.8 for details on how to use external
+files to store annotations.
\mylittlespace As \mymarginpar{\texttt{blogurl}} a convenience
feature, this option, available only in the preamble, allows
@@ -6942,7 +6994,7 @@
have for a blog post. You'll need an extra \LaTeX - \textsf{Biber} -
\LaTeX\ run to make sure any changes to this option take effect.
-\mylittlespace Like \colmarginpar{\texttt{casechanger}} \texttt{mcite}
+\mylittlespace Like \mymarginpar{\texttt{casechanger}} \texttt{mcite}
and \texttt{natbib}, this is a standard \textsf{biblatex} option which
\textsf{biblatex-chicago} simply passes through to that package. In
\textsf{biblatex} it defaults to \texttt{auto}, but there were, and
@@ -6950,9 +7002,9 @@
code can work around some bugs when using, for example, citation
commands inside fields that have a case-changing element as an
automatic part of their formatting (\textsf{note},
-\textsf{titleaddon}, \textsf{type}). Cf.\ the
-\mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} command in section~\ref{sec:citecommands},
-and section~3.1.1 of \textsf{biblatex.pdf}.
+\textsf{titleaddon}, \textsf{type}). Cf.\ the \cmd{citeincite}
+command in section~\ref{sec:citecommands}, and section~3.1.1 of
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{centuryrange}} option works
just like \texttt{alwaysrange}, above, but only affects century
@@ -6987,7 +7039,7 @@
with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead then you'll get the default
\textsf{biblatex} compression style.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datamodel}} is the standard
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{datamodel}} is the standard
\textsf{biblatex} option for loading the named data model file
(excluding its\ .dbx extension). After a request by Philipp Immel,
you can now set this option when you load the Chicago styles with
@@ -7018,18 +7070,18 @@
without this option, be printed \emph{after} a \textsf{booktitle} or
\textsf{maintitle}. Cf.\ also \cmd{postvolpunct}, below.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{entrybreak}} option only
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{entrybreak}} option only
makes sense when used in conjunction with the \texttt{annotenp} switch
-to the \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} option (below). The latter allows
-\LaTeX\ to break a page inside an \textsf{annotation} field printed
-without starting a new paragraph, and it does so by allowing such a
-break in the entry only after a set number of lines, by default set to
-3. The idea is that most bibliography entries will fit within 3
-lines, so the break would generally be somewhere inside the
-\textsf{annotation}. If your document needs a value different from 3,
-provide the integer using the \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} option in
-your preamble. Some experimentation may be needed to find the optimum
-number for a given document.
+to the \texttt{formatbib} option (below). The latter allows \LaTeX\
+to break a page inside an \textsf{annotation} field printed without
+starting a new paragraph, and it does so by allowing such a break in
+the entry only after a set number of lines, by default set to 3. The
+idea is that most bibliography entries will fit within 3 lines, so the
+break would generally be somewhere inside the \textsf{annotation}. If
+your document needs a value different from 3, provide the integer
+using the \texttt{entrybreak} option in your preamble. Some
+experimentation may be needed to find the optimum number for a given
\mylittlespace Although \mymarginpar{\texttt{footmarkoff}} the
\emph{Manual} (14.24) recommends specific formatting for footnote (and
@@ -7047,7 +7099,7 @@
amount of other formatting, as well. See section~\ref{sec:loading},
-\mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{formatbib}} \emph{Manual} in
+\mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{formatbib}} \emph{Manual} in
fact says very little about formatting issues in bibliographies, e.g.,
whether to break entries across pages and whether to allow widows and
orphans (single lines at the start or end of a page). A quick and
@@ -7055,17 +7107,16 @@
Chicago Press suggests that actual practices are extremely varied, so
I've tried to provide a number of choices for users of
\textsf{biblatex-chicago}, most of them available as keys to the new
-\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} preamble option, but a few of them also
-involving settings of the \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} and the
-\mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} options. The keys of
-\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} are as follows:
+\texttt{formatbib} preamble option, but a few of them also involving
+settings of the \texttt{bibannotesep} and the \texttt{entrybreak}
+options. The keys of \texttt{formatbib} are as follows:
\item[\qquad max:] This is the \textsf{biblatex} default, so if you
- don't set \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} at all it's what you get. It
- provides maximal intervention, disallowing entries broken across
- pages, including even when an entry includes a lengthy annotation.
+ don't set \texttt{formatbib} at all it's what you get. It provides
+ maximal intervention, disallowing entries broken across pages,
+ including even when an entry includes a lengthy annotation.
\item[\qquad min:] This allows page breaks just about anywhere,
including inside entries, and it also allows widows and orphans, so
it will usually provide the most efficient use of available space on
@@ -7075,39 +7126,38 @@
\item[\qquad annote:] This option treats annotations separately from
bibliography entries, allowing them to be broken across pages while
the entry itself won't be. It is intended for use with, and will
- only properly work with, \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} set to one
- of the modes that start a new paragraph for the annotation, to wit,
+ only properly work with, \texttt{bibannotesep} set to one of the
+ modes that start a new paragraph for the annotation, to wit,
\texttt{par}, \texttt{vpar} (the default), \texttt{parbreak}, or
\texttt{vparbreak}. See below for the meaning of the
\enquote{\texttt{break}} options here.
\item[\qquad annotenp:] This option attempts to treat annotations
separately from bibliography entries in those settings of
- \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} which don't involve starting a new
- paragraph. It works by setting the number of lines in an entry
- after which page breaking is allowed. By default entries will only
- break after 3 lines, the idea being that most bibliography entries
- fit into three lines, so at that point you're likely to be inside
- the annotation, but you can set the \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}}
- option to any integer that works for your reference apparatus.
+ \texttt{bibannotesep} which don't involve starting a new paragraph.
+ It works by setting the number of lines in an entry after which page
+ breaking is allowed. By default entries will only break after 3
+ lines, the idea being that most bibliography entries fit into three
+ lines, so at that point you're likely to be inside the annotation,
+ but you can set the \texttt{entrybreak} option to any integer that
+ works for your reference apparatus.
Please note that there is one possible break point that isn't directly
addressed by these options, that is, the one between the main entry
and the annotation when that annotation starts a new paragraph. If
-you set \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} to \texttt{par} or
-\texttt{vpar}, then \LaTeX\ will try very hard not to break between
-entry and annotation, ensuring that the annotation at least starts on
-the same page as its entry. If you use \texttt{parbreak} or
-\texttt{vparbreak}, \LaTeX\ is positively encouraged to break a page
-there, as is usual between paragraphs.
+you set \texttt{bibannotesep} to \texttt{par} or \texttt{vpar}, then
+\LaTeX\ will try very hard not to break between entry and annotation,
+ensuring that the annotation at least starts on the same page as its
+entry. If you use \texttt{parbreak} or \texttt{vparbreak}, \LaTeX\ is
+positively encouraged to break a page there, as is usual between
-\mylittlespace You can of course ignore the
-\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} option and provide your own settings.
-\textsf{Biblatex} uses the \cmd{bibsetup} command which you can renew
-in your preamble. You can find a nice commentary on the default
-values set by the package in the file \textsf{biblatex.def}, which
-you'll find in the main \textsf{biblatex} directory of your \TeX\
+\mylittlespace You can of course ignore the \texttt{formatbib} option
+and provide your own settings. \textsf{Biblatex} uses the
+\cmd{bibsetup} command which you can renew in your preamble. You can
+find a nice commentary on the default values set by the package in the
+file \textsf{biblatex.def}, which you'll find in the main
+\textsf{biblatex} directory of your \TeX\ distribution.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{genallnames}} option affects
the choice of which names to present in the genitive case when using
@@ -7158,11 +7208,11 @@
names, and in this position it always takes a comma, the presence of
which is unaffected by this option.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} option
-determines where and when the \textsf{nameaddon }field will be
-printed. There are seven possible values, the first four of which are
-available globally, per type, and per entry, with the last three only
-applicable globally:
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} option determines
+where and when the \textsf{nameaddon} field will be printed. There
+are seven possible values, the first four of which are available
+globally, per type, and per entry, with the last three only applicable
\item[\qquad \texttt{all}:] This is the default; if an entry has a
@@ -7187,10 +7237,10 @@
print the \textsf{nameaddon} field in the bibliography.
-Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} just below, and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}.
+Cf.\ \texttt{nameaddonformat} just below, and \texttt{nameaddonsep} in
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} option,
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} option,
available globally, per type, and per entry, allows you to change the
format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field on the fly, so its value should
be a field format that \textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes
@@ -7203,7 +7253,7 @@
with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, while square brackets surround the
field in all other entry types with the exception of \textsf{customc},
which has its own rules and ignores this option. Cf.\
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}.
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}.
\mylittlespace These \mymarginpar{\texttt{natbib}\\\texttt{mcite}} are
the standard \textsf{biblatex} options, which formerly required
@@ -7236,20 +7286,33 @@
author-date styles, so it's impossible to do without both options.)
Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}.
-\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an
-early tester, I have included this option to allow you globally to
-turn off the \emph{ibidem} mechanism that
-\textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses by default. Some publishers, it
-would appear, require this. Setting this option will mean that
-instead of the \emph{ibidem} mechanism you'll get the short note form.
-Please note that the 17th edition no longer recommends the use of
-\enquote{\emph{ibid.}}\ at all (14.34), so depending on the state of
-the \texttt{useibid} option, below, what you'll be turning off may
-well no longer be the appearance of \emph{ibid.}\ itself. For more
-fine-grained control of individual citations you'll probably want to
-use specialized citation commands, instead. See section
+\mylittlespace At \colmarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an
+early tester, I have included this option to allow you to turn off the
+\emph{ibidem} mechanism that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses by
+default. Some publishers, it would appear, require this. Setting
+this option will mean that instead of the \emph{ibidem} mechanism
+you'll get the short note form. Please note that the 17th edition no
+longer recommends the use of \enquote{\emph{ibid.}}\ at all (14.34),
+so depending on the state of the \texttt{useibid} option, below, what
+you'll be turning off may well no longer be the appearance of
+\emph{ibid.}\ itself. The option is settable globally, per type, or
+per entry, so that fine-grained control of individual citations is now
+possible without the use of specialized citation commands, though
+these commands are still available in a pinch. See section
+\mylittlespace When \colmarginpar{\texttt{notitle}} citing sources
+from antiquity (using the \texttt{classical} \textsf{entrysubtype}),
+the \emph{Manual} (14.244--5) recommends using just the
+\textsf{author} in short citations if only one \textsf{title} by that
+author has come down to us, making the identification of the work
+unambiguous. I previously suggested using a command like
+\cmd{citeauthor} to achieve this, but Tobias Becht suggested that a
+less clumsy method would be better, so I've provided the
+\mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option, settable by entry type and also in
+the \textsf{options} field of specific entries. The option has no
+effect whatever in long notes. Cf.\ herodotus:wilson.
\mylittlespace As \mymarginpar{\texttt{omitxrefdate}} part of the
abbreviated cross-referencing functionality for \textsf{book},
\textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings}
@@ -7301,16 +7364,22 @@
bibliography only. For more details, see the documentation of
\textsf{shortseries} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above.
-\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{short}} option means that
+\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{short}} option means that
your text will only use the short note form, even in the first
citation of a particular work. The \emph{Manual} (14.19) recommends
this space-saving format only when you provide a \emph{full}
bibliography, though even with such a bibliography you may feel it
-easier for your readers to present long first citations. If you do
-use the \texttt{short} option, remember that there are several
-citation commands which allow you to present the full reference in
-specific cases (see section \ref{sec:citecommands}). If your
-bibliography is not complete, then you should not use this option.
+easier for your readers to present long first citations. Tobias Becht
+pointed out that the \emph{Manual} (14.242--54) envisages using short
+citations for ancient, medieval, and Renaissance works even in the
+first reference, and this without regard to whether you do so with
+other works, so now you can set the \mycolor{\texttt{short}} option
+for a whole document, for specific entry types, and for specific
+entries. If you do use the \texttt{short} option, remember that there
+are several citation commands which allow you to present the full
+reference in specific cases (see section \ref{sec:citecommands}). If
+your bibliography is not complete, then you should probably not set
+this option globally.
\mylittlespace N.\
@@ -7383,7 +7452,7 @@
of \emph{ibid.}\ instead of the shorthand in such circumstances,
though the default behavior remains the same as it always has.
-\mylittlespace Fr.\ Norbert \colmarginpar{\texttt{shorthand-\\intro}}
+\mylittlespace Fr.\ Norbert \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthand-\\intro}}
Keliher requested a way to turn off the printing, in the first
citation of a work, of the introduction of a \textsf{shorthand} that
will appear in subsequent citations. (A possible use case is when
@@ -7391,9 +7460,8 @@
introduction.) By default, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} prints a notice
--- (hereafter cited as) --- when no \textsf{shorthandintro} field is
present, the latter field allowing you to modify the notice but not
-eliminate it. The new \mycolor{\texttt{shorthandintro}} option is
-available globally, per-type, and per-entry, and has three possible
+eliminate it. The new \texttt{shorthandintro} option is available
+globally, per-type, and per-entry, and has three possible values:
@@ -7436,7 +7504,7 @@
\texttt{false} either in the preamble or in individual entries, but
please note that it does not apply to \textsf{online} entries.
-\mylittlespace In \mymarginpar{\texttt{useibid}} a change to previous
+\mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{useibid}} a change to previous
recommendations, the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual}
\enquote{discourages the use of \emph{ibid.,}}\ preferring instead a
shortened reference with only the author's name (14.34).
@@ -7444,7 +7512,13 @@
default, including the repetition of page references even when they're
exactly the same as the previous note. If you prefer to continue
using \emph{ibid.}, then set \texttt{useibid=true} in your document
-preamble and you'll get the traditional behavior.
+preamble either globally or per type, or else in the \textsf{options}
+field of individual entries, and you'll get the traditional behavior
+(To be perfectly accurate, in entries with \texttt{classical}
+\textsf{entrysubtype} and which have a \textsf{shortauthor}, the
+\emph{ibid.}\ string is suppressed unless you set
+\texttt{useibid=true} in the options field of the entry itself. The
+global setting will in this case be ignored.)
\mylittlespace Stefan \mymarginpar{\texttt{xrefurl}} Bj\"{o}rk pointed
out that when, using the \texttt{longcrossref} or
@@ -7595,6 +7669,8 @@
possibilities offered by CTAN, so please do let me know if something
breaks for you.
\mylittlespace I \mymarginpar{\texttt{noterefinterval}} mentioned
above that the gap between appearances of a \texttt{noteref} for a
given source was configurable. What I had in mind was this option,
@@ -7621,16 +7697,20 @@
spacing between \texttt{noterefs}, or indeed if you want them to
appear more frequently than the previous mechanisms allow, then these
new citation commands will allow you to do so, though perhaps without
-maximum convenience. The first two commands present, respectively,
-short notes and \textsf{shorthand} notes where the \texttt{noteref}
-will absolutely be printed (unless, of course, no full citation can be
+maximum convenience. (I suppose that it would be safest to introduce
+these commands into your documents at quite a late stage in their
+preparation.) The first two commands present, respectively, short
+notes and \textsf{shorthand} notes where the \texttt{noteref} will
+absolutely be printed (unless, of course, no full citation can be
found). The second two commands prevent the printing of the
\texttt{noteref}, no matter where the resulting note appears. All of
them will need enclosing in a \cmd{footnote} command if you want them
to appear in one, as I've provided only the most general form of each.
-I suppose, finally, that it would be safest to introduce these
-commands into your documents at quite a late stage in their
+I've \colmarginpar{\texttt{suppressnoterefs}} also, after a user
+request, provided the \mycolor{\texttt{suppressnoterefs}} option,
+settable per entry type and per entry, which prevents any
+\texttt{noteref} being printed for the entries concerned. This may be
+more convenient than the specialized citation commands.
\subsubsection*{Zero Sections}
@@ -7910,7 +7990,7 @@
provisions, then move on to the two handcrafted options, leaving you
to judge which seems best suited to your needs.
\mylittlespace For \mymarginpar{\texttt{\textbf{split}}} the automatic
subdivision of an endnotes section I have borrowed a concept, if not
@@ -8054,6 +8134,8 @@
contexts or you can define a \cmd{[value]name} command and a new
\cmd{bibstring} for the value in your language, both in your preamble.
\mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{subheadername}} same caveat
applies if you want to supply your own name for the \cmd{subsection*}
commands that divide up the general endnotes \cmd{section*}. Let's
@@ -8503,15 +8585,14 @@
\textbf{artwork}, \textbf{audio}, \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook},
\textbf{booklet}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{customc},
\textbf{dataset}, \textbf{image}, \textbf{inbook},
-\textbf{incollection}, \mycolor{\textbf{inproceedings}},
-\textbf{inreference}, \textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal},
-\textbf{legislation}, \textbf{letter}, \textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc},
-\textbf{music}, \textbf{mvbook}, \textbf{mvcollection},
-\textbf{mvproceedings}, \textbf{mvreference}, \textbf{online} (with
-its alias \textbf{www}), \textbf{patent}, \textbf{performance},
-\textbf{periodical}, \mycolor{\textbf{proceedings}},
-\textbf{reference}, \textbf{report} (with its alias
-\textbf{techreport}), \textbf{review}, \textbf{standard},
+\textbf{incollection}, \textbf{inproceedings}, \textbf{inreference},
+\textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal}, \textbf{legislation},
+\textbf{letter}, \textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc}, \textbf{music},
+\textbf{mvbook}, \textbf{mvcollection}, \textbf{mvproceedings},
+\textbf{mvreference}, \textbf{online} (with its alias \textbf{www}),
+\textbf{patent}, \textbf{performance}, \textbf{periodical},
+\textbf{proceedings}, \textbf{reference}, \textbf{report} (with its
+alias \textbf{techreport}), \textbf{review}, \textbf{standard},
\textbf{suppbook}, \textbf{suppcollection}, \textbf{suppperiodical},
\textbf{thesis} (with its aliases \textbf{mastersthesis} and
\textbf{phdthesis}), \textbf{unpublished}, and \textbf{video}.
@@ -9127,7 +9208,7 @@
either in individual entries or in the preamble for all examples of
the entry type.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{image}} entry type is now a
clone of the \textsf{artwork} type, which see. I retain it here for
@@ -9173,24 +9254,23 @@
require any \textsf{postnote} field to specify if it is a whole
chapter to which you are referring.
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type
-works pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, even more so now
-that, after a request from Patrick Danilevici, I have newly included
-the \mycolor{\textsf{eventdate}}, \mycolor{\textsf{eventtitle}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{eventtitleaddon}}, and \mycolor{\textsf{venue}}
-fields for specifying where and when the event occurred that produced
-the proceedings. These four fields are the main difference between it
-and \textsf{incollection}, along with the lack of an \textsf{edition}
-field and the possibility that an \textsf{organization} may be cited
-alongside the \textsf{publisher}, even though the \emph{Manual}
-doesn't specify the use of any of these supplementary fields (14.217).
-Please note, also, that the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref}
-mechanism for shortening citations of multiple pieces from the same
-\textsf{proceedings} is operative here, just as it is in
-\textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook} entries. See
-\textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and the option
-\texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below, for more
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type works
+pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, even more so now that,
+after a request from Patrick Danilevici, I have newly included the
+\textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, \textsf{eventtitleaddon}, and
+\textsf{venue} fields for specifying where and when the event occurred
+that produced the proceedings. These four fields are the main
+difference between it and \textsf{incollection}, along with the lack
+of an \textsf{edition} field and the possibility that an
+\textsf{organization} may be cited alongside the \textsf{publisher},
+even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't specify the use of any of these
+supplementary fields (14.217). Please note, also, that the
+\textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} mechanism for shortening citations
+of multiple pieces from the same \textsf{proceedings} is operative
+here, just as it is in \textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook}
+entries. See \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}
+and the option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset},
+below, for more details.
@@ -9949,37 +10029,44 @@
routines, though this isn't strictly necessary in the author-date
styles. (See \emph{Manual} 14.187; good:wholeissue.)
-\mylittlespace It is worth noting two things. First, the special
-\textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present
-shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review},
-and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation
-of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a
-\textsf{shorthand} list. Because the \textsf{periodical} type uses
-the \textsf{title} field instead of \textsf{journaltitle},
-\textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle}
-field, if one is present, into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the
-documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in
-section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for all the details on how this
-works. Second, although the 17th edition recommends that references
-to whole blogs, as opposed to individual blog posts, need appear only
-in the text (15.51), using the \textsf{periodical} type for such
-material can help with this, in or out of the reference list. The new
-\texttt{authortitle} entry option will ensure the presence of the name
-of the blog (as opposed to the non-existent date) in citations, and
-you could also use a \cmd{citeurl} command to give the URL in the text
-(or a note). Alternately, you could let the entry appear in the
-reference list and cite it in the usual way. In that list the
-\emph{Manual} (14.208) recommends that you include the name of any
-larger (usually periodical) publication of which the blog is a part.
-The \textsf{maintitle} field (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and
+\mylittlespace It is worth noting a few things. First, the
+\textsf{titleaddon} field is now available in these entries, but as
+the \textsf{title} here is analogous to the \textsf{journaltitle} in
+\textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries, the new
+\mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option (section~\ref{sec:authpreset})
+governs the punctuation separating the \textsf{titleaddon} from the
+\textsf{title}. Second, the special \textsf{biblatex} field
+\textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened
+\textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and
+\textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of
+lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand}
+list. Because the \textsf{periodical} type uses the \textsf{title}
+field instead of \textsf{journaltitle}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago}
+automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle} field, if one is present,
+into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the documentation of
+\textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for all the
+details on how this works. Finally, although the 17th edition
+recommends that references to whole blogs, as opposed to individual
+blog posts, need appear only in the text (15.51), using the
+\textsf{periodical} type for such material can help with this, in or
+out of the reference list. The new \texttt{authortitle} entry option
+will ensure the presence of the name of the blog (as opposed to the
+non-existent date) in citations, and you could also use a
+\cmd{citeurl} command to give the URL in the text (or a note).
+Alternately, you could let the entry appear in the reference list and
+cite it in the usual way. In that list the \emph{Manual} (14.208)
+recommends that you include the name of any larger (usually
+periodical) publication of which the blog is a part. The
+\textsf{maintitle} field (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and
\textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed) is the place for it. Cf.\
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard
\textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, now also including
-the \mycolor{\textsf{eventdate}}, \mycolor{\textsf{eventtitle}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{eventtitleaddon}}, and \mycolor{\textsf{venue}}
-fields for identifying the event that produced the
+the \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, \textsf{eventtitleaddon},
+and \textsf{venue} fields for identifying the event that produced the
\textsf{proceedings}. The package can provide automatically
abbreviated references in the reference list when you use a
\textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not
@@ -10205,11 +10292,10 @@
course, still provide your own square brackets in \textsf{review}
entries to indicate pseudonymous authorship, which is the standard
function of \textsf{nameaddon} in most entry types. The package
-options \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} can help here, as well. See
-sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and \ref{sec:authpreset}, below.
-Please also see the documentation of \textsf{date},
-\textsf{eventdate}, and \textsf{timezone} in
+options \texttt{nameaddonformat} and \texttt{nameaddonsep} can help
+here, as well. See sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and
+\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. Please also see the documentation of
+\textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, and \textsf{timezone} in
section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in
section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, and \texttt{avdate} in
@@ -10321,7 +10407,7 @@
\textsf{introduction} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.110;
friedman:intro, polakow:afterw, prose:intro).
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppcollection}} fulfills a
function analogous to \textsf{suppbook}. Indeed, I believe the
@@ -10507,7 +10593,7 @@
\textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction}. (See \emph{Manual}
14.105, 14.110; polakow:afterw.)
-\mybigspace At \colmarginpar{\textbf{annotation}} the request of Emil
+\mybigspace At \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotation}} the request of Emil
Salim, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides a package option (see
\texttt{annotation} below, section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}) to allow
you to produce annotated reference lists. A recent feature request by
@@ -10519,30 +10605,28 @@
the \texttt{annotation} option so that you can print the field in the
reference list (\texttt{=bib} or \texttt{=true}, the default), in long
(probably legal) notes (\texttt{=notes}), in both (\texttt{=all}), or
-in neither (\texttt{=false}). The two new options
-\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}}
-allow you to choose the separator between the rest of the entry and
-the \textsf{annotation}, and to choose a different one in reference
-list and notes. The default formatting in the reference list
-(\texttt{vpar}) is to print the \textsf{annotation} as a separate
-block using\ \verb+\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1+, while in long
-notes the default (\texttt{period}) is to print it simply as an
-additional field, separated by a period. The \emph{Manual's}
-guidelines (14.64) allow for both these possibilities, and I have
-provided a range of others, for which you should consult the full
-documentation in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. (Note also that both
-options can be set globally or per-type in the preamble, or per-entry
-in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For specialized
-needs, of course, you can re-declare the format
+in neither (\texttt{=false}). The two options \texttt{bibannotesep}
+and \texttt{citeannotesep} allow you to choose the separator between
+the rest of the entry and the \textsf{annotation}, and to choose a
+different one in reference list and notes. The default formatting in
+the reference list (\texttt{vpar}) is to print the \textsf{annotation}
+as a separate block using\ \verb+\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1+,
+while in long notes the default (\texttt{period}) is to print it
+simply as an additional field, separated by a period. The
+\emph{Manual's} guidelines (14.64) allow for both these possibilities,
+and I have provided a range of others, for which you should consult
+the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. (Note also
+that both options can be set globally or per-type in the preamble, or
+per-entry in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For
+specialized needs, of course, you can re-declare the format
[\verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{annotation}+] in your preamble, or redefine
the \cmd{bibannotesep} and \cmd{citeannotesep} commands there.) In
section~\ref{sec:authuseropts} you will find instructions for
-employing the new \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} options to give you fine-grained control
-over the formatting of the entire reference list, particularly with
-regard to \TeX's page-breaking algorithms. The aim is to remove, in
-most cases, any need for you to delve into the low-level commands
-involved in these algorithms.
+employing the new \texttt{formatbib} and \texttt{entrybreak} options
+to give you fine-grained control over the formatting of the entire
+reference list, particularly with regard to \TeX's page-breaking
+algorithms. The aim is to remove, in most cases, any need for you to
+delve into the low-level commands involved in these algorithms.
\mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotator}} have implemented this
\textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles
@@ -10642,11 +10726,11 @@
type, which see (ashe:creasey, morton:creasey, york:creasey). Please
see the entry on \textbf{nameaddon}, below, for circumstances where
you may need to provide your own square brackets when presenting a
-pseudonym, and also the package options
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} and \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}}
-in sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and \ref{sec:authpreset}, below.
+pseudonym, and also the package options \texttt{nameaddonformat} and
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} in sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and
+\ref{sec:authpreset}, below.
\mylittlespace As its name suggests, the author-date style very much
wants to have a name of some sort present both for the entries in the
@@ -11662,8 +11746,10 @@
the Renaissance and later, even if cited by the traditional divisions,
seem to have citations formatted normally, and therefore don't need an
\textsf{entrysubtype} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.242--54;
-aristotle:metaphy:gr, plato:republic:gr; euripides:orestes is an
-example of a translation cited by page number in a modern edition.)
+aristotle:metaphy:gr, herodotus:wilson, plato:republic:gr;
+euripides:orestes is an example of a translation cited by page number
+in a modern edition. Cf.\ also the \mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option
+in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}.)
\mylittlespace The third use of the \textsf{entrysubtype} field occurs
in \textsf{misc} entries. If such an entry contains no such field,
@@ -11710,17 +11796,17 @@
abbreviated references to online content than conventional URLs,
though I can find no specific reference to them in the \emph{Manual}.
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard
\textsf{biblatex} field which has gradually accumulated functions in
\textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It can now play a role in
\textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image},
-\mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}}, \textsf{music},
-\mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{standard},
-\textsf{suppperiodical}, \textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video}
-entries. In \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries it identifies
-the publication date of, most frequently, a photograph, in association
-with the \textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical
-or other medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In
+\textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{proceedings},
+\textsf{review}, \textsf{standard}, \textsf{suppperiodical},
+\textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{artwork}
+and \textsf{image} entries it identifies the publication date of, most
+frequently, a photograph, in association with the
+\textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical or other
+medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In
\textsf{standard} entries it will also usually be associated with a
\textsf{howpublished} field, allowing you to specify a later renewal
or reaffirmation of a standard (niso\hc bibref). In \textsf{audio}
@@ -11737,25 +11823,24 @@
want to do for filmed musical performances (friends:leia,
handel:messiah, holiday:fool).
-\mylittlespace In \mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}},
-\mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}}, and \textsf{unpublished} entries it
-identifies the date of an event at which a published or unpublished
-work was presented, though in truth the \textsf{date} will do as well
-in \textsf{unpublished} entries (nass:address). The field's use in
-\textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, finally, includes
-a possible time stamp. In this context, an \textsf{eventdate} helps
-to identify a particular comment on, or reply to another comment on, a
-blog post. Given that many such posts by a single \textsf{author}
-could appear on the same day, you can distinguish them by putting a
-time specification in the \textsf{eventdate} field itself
-(ac:comment). Please see the \textbf{review} type, above, for the
-details of how to cite these materials, possibly with the help of the
-new \texttt{commenton} \textsf{relatedtype}. See also the
-\textsf{date} field docs above, in particular
-table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, for details on how the \textsc{iso}8601-2
-Extended Format specifications offered by \textsf{biblatex}, including
-time stamps and much else besides, have been implemented in
+\mylittlespace In \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{proceedings}, and
+\textsf{unpublished} entries it identifies the date of an event at
+which a published or unpublished work was presented, though in truth
+the \textsf{date} will do as well in \textsf{unpublished} entries
+(nass:address). The field's use in \textsf{review} and
+\textsf{suppperiodical} entries, finally, includes a possible time
+stamp. In this context, an \textsf{eventdate} helps to identify a
+particular comment on, or reply to another comment on, a blog post.
+Given that many such posts by a single \textsf{author} could appear on
+the same day, you can distinguish them by putting a time specification
+in the \textsf{eventdate} field itself (ac:comment). Please see the
+\textbf{review} type, above, for the details of how to cite these
+materials, possibly with the help of the new \texttt{commenton}
+\textsf{relatedtype}. See also the \textsf{date} field docs above, in
+particular table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, for details on how the
+\textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specifications offered by
+\textsf{biblatex}, including time stamps and much else besides, have
+been implemented in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}.
\mylittlespace In the default configuration of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate},
dates for citations and for the head of reference list entries are
@@ -11778,13 +11863,13 @@
like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses
around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191).
-\mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtitle}} standard
+\mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventtitle}} standard
\textsf{biblatex} field for identifying the name of the event that
-produces either a published record (\mycolor{\textsf{inproceedings}}
-and \mycolor{\textsf{proceedings}} entries) or an unpublished one
+produces either a published record (\textsf{inproceedings} and
+\textsf{proceedings} entries) or an unpublished one
-\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtitleaddon}}
+\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{eventtitleaddon}}
\textsf{biblatex} field for adding information about an
\textsf{eventtitle}, and available in the same entry types as that
@@ -11843,7 +11928,7 @@
field, for providing the International Standard Book Number of a
publication. Not typically required by the \emph{Manual}.
\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{isrn}} \textsf{biblatex}
field, for providing the International Standard Technical Report
@@ -11898,6 +11983,17 @@
print a list of journal abbreviations. Cf.\ the \textsf{shortjournal}
documentation below.
+\mybigspace An \colmarginpar{\textbf{journaltitleaddon}} annex to the
+\textsf{journaltitle}, for which see previous entry. Such an annex
+would be printed in the main text font. If your data begins with a
+word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a
+sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically do the right
+thing. The package and entry option \mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}}
+(section~\ref{sec:authpreset}) allows you to customize the punctuation
+that appears before the \textsf{journaltitleaddon} field (hua:cms).
+The default is a \texttt{space}.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{keywords}} field is
\textsf{biblatex}'s powerful and flexible technique for filtering
entries in a list of references, allowing you to subdivide it
@@ -12041,8 +12137,8 @@
\cmd{partedittransandcomp}, for which see
-\mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided
-by \textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In
+\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided by
+\textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In
\textsf{biblatex-chicago} its primary use, in most entry types, has
always been to specify that an author's name is a pseudonym, or to
provide either the real name or the pseudonym itself, if the other is
@@ -12072,9 +12168,9 @@
\mylittlespace If you do need or want to put the field to a different
use, the following options may help. All of them are available
globally, per type, and per entry. The first
-\colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} new option is simply called
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddon}}, and determines where and when the field
-will be printed at all. There are three possible values:
+\mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} new option is simply called
+\texttt{nameaddon}, and determines where and when the field will be
+printed at all. There are three possible values:
\item[\qquad \texttt{all}:] This is the default; if an entry has a
@@ -12089,10 +12185,9 @@
\textsf{nameaddon} will be printed as usual.
-The \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep}}
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} option controls the punctuation that
-appears before the \textsf{nameaddon}. It takes the following six
+The \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} \texttt{nameaddonsep} option
+controls the punctuation that appears before the
+\textsf{nameaddon}. It takes the following six keys:
@@ -12105,19 +12200,18 @@
\item[\qquad \texttt{semicolon}] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+.
-The \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}}
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} option allows you to change the
-format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field on the fly, so its value should
-be a field format that \textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes
-standard formats like \texttt{parens,\,brackets} or \texttt{emph}, and
-also custom formats that you provide in your preamble using
-\cmd{DeclareFieldFormat}, in case the standard ones aren't adequate.
-If you don't define this option, then the usual defaults apply, as
-delineated above, and you can use your own parentheses in
-\textsf{online, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well
-as in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, to
-distinguish screen names or other authorial information from
-traditional pseudonyms (in brackets).
+The \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} \texttt{nameaddonformat}
+option allows you to change the format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field
+on the fly, so its value should be a field format that
+\textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes standard formats like
+\texttt{parens,\,brackets} or \texttt{emph}, and also custom formats
+that you provide in your preamble using \cmd{DeclareFieldFormat}, in
+case the standard ones aren't adequate. If you don't define this
+option, then the usual defaults apply, as delineated above, and you
+can use your own parentheses in \textsf{online, review,} and
+\textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well as in \textsf{misc} entries
+with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, to distinguish screen names or other
+authorial information from traditional pseudonyms (in brackets).
\mylittlespace There are two more details. If you are using the
17th-edition styles for the first time, please note that the 16th
@@ -12461,6 +12555,8 @@
all the details on this functionality, as aside from the difference
just mentioned the two fields are equivalent.
\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{part}} \textsf{biblatex}
field, which identifies physical parts of a single logical volume in
\textsf{book}-like entries, not in periodicals. It has the same
@@ -13004,7 +13100,7 @@
\textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad} might need your help in
order to comply with them.
\mylittlespace With regard to sentence-style capitalization, the rules
of the Chicago \textsf{authordate-trad} style are fairly simple:
@@ -13133,7 +13229,7 @@
latter anywhere in your document please be aware that it will also be
turned off there. See section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, below.
-\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}}
+\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}}
\textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles
that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves,
and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} uses it in just this way, with the
@@ -13152,13 +13248,16 @@
section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} below. The package and entry
options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon}
(section~\ref{sec:authpreset}) can help you customize the punctuation
-that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. (Cf.\
-brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and white:ross:memo for
-examples where the field starts with a lowercase letter;
-morgenson:market provides an example where the \textsf{titleaddon}
-field, holding the name of a regular column in a newspaper, is
-capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would expect;
-coolidge:speech shows an entry option for controlling the
+that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. Please note,
+however, that I have added this field to the \textsf{periodical} entry
+type, and that the punctuation there is governed by the
+\mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option, which defaults to a
+\texttt{space}. (Cf.\ brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and
+white:ross:memo for examples where the field starts with a lowercase
+letter; morgenson:market provides an example where the
+\textsf{titleaddon} field, holding the name of a regular column in a
+newspaper, is capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would
+expect; coolidge:speech shows an entry option for controlling the
\mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{translator}} far as possible, I
@@ -13316,7 +13415,7 @@
like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses
around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191).
\mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{usera}} supplemental
\textsf{biblatex} field which in certain contexts in
@@ -13408,7 +13507,7 @@
\mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}}
section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, below.
-\mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex}
+\mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex}
offers this field for use in \textsf{proceedings} and
\textsf{inproceedings} entries, and after a request from Patrick
Danilevici I have followed suit. I have also implemented the field in
@@ -13686,6 +13785,8 @@
entry. If the information appears inside the entry then there is no
equivalent \textsf{related} functionality.
\mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{related}} field is required to
use \textsf{biblatex's} \textsf{related} functionality, and it should
contain the entry key or keys from which \textsf{biblatex} should
@@ -13872,7 +13973,7 @@
and \textsf{review} entries (along with the latter's clone,
- \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
In \textsf{article} entries it replaces the \textsf{titleaddon} with
the \textsf{relatedstring} followed by the \textsf{title} of the
@@ -13895,7 +13996,7 @@
if the mechanism doesn't work for you in a particular context,
remember that the standard way of presenting reviewed works is still
-\item[\qquad \mycolor{short:}] This \textsf{relatedtype} is like the
+\item[\qquad short:] This \textsf{relatedtype} is like the
\texttt{default} type, only it prints author-date citations rather
than full reference-list entries. There is no default
\textsf{relatedstring} for this type, so if you leave that field
@@ -14142,6 +14243,8 @@
that, for them, all lower- and uppercase letters remain as they are
typed in your .bib file.
\mylittlespace Let me also add that this command interacts well with
Lehman's \textsf{csquotes} package, which I highly recommend, though
the latter isn't strictly necessary in texts using an American style,
@@ -14308,7 +14411,7 @@
the most common citation command you will use, and also works fine in
its multicite form, \textbf{\textbackslash autocites}.
-\mybigspace Although \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citeincite}}
+\mybigspace Although \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citeincite}}
the officially-sanctioned, and safest, way to present cross-references
to other works is by using the \textsf{related} mechanism, it would
appear, judging from various bug reports I've received, that there are
@@ -14320,47 +14423,44 @@
other entries. If you want to present long citations, I'm assuming
that you wouldn't want to do that in fields right in the middle of the
parent entry, and that, therefore, the usual methods detailed in
-section~\ref{sec:authrelated} (above) or the new
-\mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincite}} command (below) will serve your
-needs. Similarly, if you want to provide short citations at the end of
-your parent entry, the new \textsf{relatedtype}
-\mycolor{\texttt{short}} should work.
+section~\ref{sec:authrelated} (above) or the \cmd{fullciteincite}
+command (below) will serve your needs. Similarly, if you want to
+provide short citations at the end of your parent entry, the new
+\textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{short} should work.
\mylittlespace If, however, you must have a short reference in the
-midst of another field, then \mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} can help. It
-is certified to work properly only in the \textsf{addendum,
- annotation, annote, note, and titleaddon} fields, and in the
-author-date styles also in the \textsf{title} fields of
-\textsf{customc} entries, which allows you (via a multicite command)
-to include such citations as comments to other in-text citations. The
-multicite command \mycolor{\cmd{citeincites}} is also available in the
-same contexts. In previous releases of \textsf{biblatex} there were
-differences in how the case-changing backends behaved with respect to
-citation commands inside entry fields, but in my testing the two
-backends appear currently to be equivalent on this score. Still,
-should you run into problems using \cmd{citeincite}, it might still be
-worth setting \texttt{casechanger=latex2e} in your preamble to see if
-that helps.
+midst of another field, then \cmd{citeincite} can help. It is
+certified to work properly only in the \textsf{addendum, annotation,
+ annote, note, and titleaddon} fields, and in the author-date styles
+also in the \textsf{title} fields of \textsf{customc} entries, which
+allows you (via a multicite command) to include such citations as
+comments to other in-text citations. The multicite command
+\cmd{citeincites} is also available in the same contexts. In previous
+releases of \textsf{biblatex} there were differences in how the
+case-changing backends behaved with respect to citation commands
+inside entry fields, but in my testing the two backends appear
+currently to be equivalent on this score. Still, should you run into
+problems using \cmd{citeincite}, it might still be worth setting
+\texttt{casechanger=latex2e} in your preamble to see if that helps.
-\mybigspace Ordinarily, \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash
+\mybigspace Ordinarily, \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash
fullciteincite}} you can use one of the methods discussed in
section~\ref{sec:authrelated} to present, in a reference list, a full
-citation of a work related in some way to the current entry. The new
-command \mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} (above) allows you to present short
-citations to other works within selected fields of the parent entry,
-or indeed as part of comments inside other in-text citations, while
-attempting to minimize the problems caused by citations within other
-citations. The \mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincite}} command works similarly
-for full citations, but really is designed for use only in
-\textsf{annotation} fields, the idea being that you might want to
-refer in an annotated reference list to works that you haven't cited
-in the main body of your text. The multicite command
-\mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincites}} is also available. It may be worth
-noting here that, because the full reference list drivers don't
-contain code for printing \textsf{postnote} fields, any postnotes that
-you provide will be silently ignored. Inconsistently enough,
-\textsf{prenote}, \textsf{multiprenote}, and \textsf{multipostnote}
-fields will appear.
+citation of a work related in some way to the current entry. The new
+command \cmd{citeincite} (above) allows you to present short citations
+to other works within selected fields of the parent entry, or indeed
+as part of comments inside other in-text citations, while attempting
+to minimize the problems caused by citations within other
+citations. The \cmd{fullciteincite} command works similarly for full
+citations, but really is designed for use only in \textsf{annotation}
+fields, the idea being that you might want to refer in an annotated
+reference list to works that you haven't cited in the main body of
+your text. The multicite command \cmd{fullciteincites} is also
+available. It may be worth noting here that, because the full
+reference list drivers don't contain code for printing
+\textsf{postnote} fields, any postnotes that you provide will be
+silently ignored. Inconsistently enough, \textsf{prenote},
+\textsf{multiprenote}, and \textsf{multipostnote} fields will appear.
\mybigspace Arne \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash gentextcite}}
Skj{\ae}rholt requested, for the author-date styles, a variant of the
@@ -14447,6 +14547,8 @@
now compressed automatically according to the \emph{Manual's}
instructions (9.64; section~\ref{sec:authpreset}).
\mylittlespace In \mymarginpar{\texttt{alltimes=12h}} entries which
print time stamps, they will, when the stamp is part of a
\textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, or \textsf{origdate}, appear in
@@ -14455,8 +14557,6 @@
option, which is set to \texttt{24h}. See that option below, and
-% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{datecirca=true}} option
enables \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced \enquote{circa} date
specification, which given a \textsf{date} like \verb+1989~+ will
@@ -14517,7 +14617,7 @@
minor problem with punctuation in titles, ensuring that the colon
between a title and a subtitle appears in the correct, matching font.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{related=true}} is the
standard \textsf{biblatex} bibliography option, and it enables the use
@@ -14717,20 +14817,27 @@
this latter method it would make sense to eliminate the \textsf{pages}
field from the affected entries).
-\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls
+\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls
whether any \textsf{doi} fields present in the .bib file will be
printed in the reference list. At the request of Daniel Possenriede,
and keeping in mind the \emph{Manual's} preference for this field
instead of a \textsf{url} (14.7--8), I have added a third switch,
\texttt{only}, which prints the \textsf{doi} if it is present and the
-\textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. The package default
-remains the same, however --- it defaults to true, which will print
-both \textsf{doi} and \textsf{url} if both are present. The option
-can be set to \texttt{only} or to \texttt{false} either in the
-preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a
-per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online}
-entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be printed, but the
-\texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any \textsf{url}.
+\textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. Ryo Furue more
+recently requested a way to suppress the \textsf{urldate} when using
+only the \textsf{doi}, so I've added the \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}}
+switch to do this. The package default remains the same, however ---
+it defaults to true, which will print both \textsf{doi} and
+\textsf{url} if both are present. The option can be set to
+\texttt{only}, \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}}, or to \texttt{false} either
+in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types,
+or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In
+\textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be
+printed, but the \texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any
+\textsf{url}, and \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}} will still eliminate both
+the \textsf{url} and the \textsf{urldate}.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{eprint=true}} option controls
whether any \textsf{eprint} fields present in the .bib file will be
@@ -14833,10 +14940,10 @@
\mylittlespace These
options define the relation of the \textsf{annotation} field to the
-main entry, \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} doing so in the reference
-list and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}} in long (legal) notes. (The
+main entry, \texttt{bibannotesep} doing so in the reference list and
+\texttt{citeannotesep} in long (legal) notes. (The
\texttt{annotation} option in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}
determines where, if anywhere, the field will appear.) Both options
have the same set of keys, though they have different default settings
@@ -14871,13 +14978,12 @@
formatting directive, so it's possible to redefine these commands in
your preamble if you have needs that the available values don't
address. (You can also try sending an email to encourage me to add
-other keys.) Please also keep in mind that
-\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} interacts with the
-\mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} and \mycolor{\textsf{formatbib}} options
+other keys.) Please also keep in mind that \texttt{bibannotesep}
+interacts with the \texttt{entrybreak} and \textsf{formatbib} options
in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, below, to determine the general
layout of the reference list. Depending on the settings of those
-options, changing the \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} from entry to
-entry may not work out well.
+options, changing the \texttt{bibannotesep} from entry to entry may
+not work out well.
\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref=\\true}} the
request of Bertold Schweitzer, I have included two options for
@@ -15009,6 +15115,20 @@
more details, see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in
section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above.
+\mylittlespace I \colmarginpar{\texttt{jtitleaddon=\\space}} have
+added the standard \textsf{biblatex}
+\mycolor{\textsf{journaltitleaddon}} field to the \textsf{article} and
+\textsf{review} entry types, and also the \textsf{titleaddon} field to
+the \textsf{periodical} type, fields that may, for example, be
+particularly useful when you want to provide the original form of a
+translated journal title. The \mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option
+controls the separator between the main title and the addon, as with
+the \texttt{ctitleaddon} and \texttt{ptitleaddon} options, above, and
+like them is settable globally, per type, or per entry. The possible
+settings are the same as for those options, but the default is a
+\texttt{space}. You can redefine \cmd{jtitleaddonpunct} directly if
+you have more unusual needs.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref=\\false}} is
the second option, requested by Bertold Schweitzer, for controlling
whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated
@@ -15046,11 +15166,10 @@
above, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep\\=space}}
-option sets the punctuation which appears before the
-\textsf{nameaddon} field in all entry types except \textsf{customc}.
-You can set it globally, per type, or per entry, using one of the six
-following keys:
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddonsep\\=space}} option
+sets the punctuation which appears before the \textsf{nameaddon} field
+in all entry types except \textsf{customc}. You can set it globally,
+per type, or per entry, using one of the six following keys:
@@ -15063,8 +15182,8 @@
\item[\qquad \texttt{semicolon}] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+.
-Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddon}} and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}.
+Cf.\ \texttt{nameaddon} and \texttt{nameaddonformat} in
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nodates=true}} option means
that for all entry types except \textsf{misc} and \textsf{dataset}
@@ -15072,18 +15191,19 @@
\verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ for any entry that doesn't otherwise provide
a date for citations and for the heads of entries in the list of
references. If you set \texttt{nodates=false} either in your preamble
-(for global coverage) or in individual entries then the package won't
-perform this substitution. (The bibstring expands to
-\enquote{\texttt{n.d.}} in English.)
+(for global or for per-type coverage) or in individual entries then
+the package won't perform this substitution. (The bibstring expands
+to \enquote{\texttt{n.d.}} in English.)
\subsubsection{Style Options -- Preamble}
These are parts of the specification that not everyone will wish to
-enable. All except the fifth, eighth, and twelfth can be used even if
-you load the package in the old way via a call to \textsf{biblatex},
-but most users can just place the appropriate string(s) in the options
-to the \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex-chicago\}} call in your preamble.
+enable. All except the sixth, ninth, and thirteenth can be used even
+if you load the package in the old way via a call to
+\textsf{biblatex}, but most users can just place the appropriate
+string(s) in the options to the \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex-chicago\}}
+call in your preamble.
\mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago}
\mymarginpar{\texttt{alwaysrange}} now implements \textsf{biblatex's}
@@ -15099,7 +15219,7 @@
to centuries and decades, respectively. Please see
-\mylittlespace At \colmarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of
+\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of
Emil Salim, I included in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} the ability to
produce annotated reference lists. More recently, Moritz Wemheuer
brought to my attention a
@@ -15112,17 +15232,17 @@
in neither (\texttt{=false}). You can now set the option in the
preamble both globally and per-type, and in the \textsf{options} field
of individual entries. There are two new options
-(\mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} and \mycolor{\texttt{citeannotesep}})
-to allow you to choose the separator between the \textsf{annotation}
-and the rest of the entry, and also two new options
-(\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} and \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}}) to
-give you fine-grained control over the presentation of the reference
-list as a whole, including an annotated one. Please have a look at
-the documentation for the latter two options just below, for the
-former two options in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, and for the
-\textsf{annotation} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}.
-Please also see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~3.13.8 for details on how to
-use external files to store annotations.
+(\texttt{bibannotesep} and \texttt{citeannotesep}) to allow you to
+choose the separator between the \textsf{annotation} and the rest of
+the entry, and also two new options (\texttt{formatbib} and
+\texttt{entrybreak}) to give you fine-grained control over the
+presentation of the reference list as a whole, including an annotated
+one. Please have a look at the documentation for the latter two
+options just below, for the former two options in
+section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, and for the \textsf{annotation} field in
+section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}. Please also see
+\textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~3.13.8 for details on how to use external
+files to store annotations.
\mylittlespace In \mymarginpar{\texttt{authortitle}} a few contexts
--- classical references, some archival material, perhaps scientific
@@ -15143,7 +15263,7 @@
you can set it to \texttt{false} if you want to present such entries
-\mylittlespace Like \colmarginpar{\texttt{casechanger}} \texttt{mcite}
+\mylittlespace Like \mymarginpar{\texttt{casechanger}} \texttt{mcite}
and \texttt{natbib}, this is a standard \textsf{biblatex} option which
\textsf{biblatex-chicago} simply passes through to that package. In
\textsf{biblatex} it defaults to \texttt{auto}, but there were, and
@@ -15263,7 +15383,7 @@
package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead then you'll get the
default \textsf{biblatex} compression style.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datamodel}} is the standard
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{datamodel}} is the standard
\textsf{biblatex} option for loading the named data model file
(excluding its\ .dbx extension). After a request by Philipp Immel,
you can now set this option when you load the Chicago styles with
@@ -15275,18 +15395,18 @@
just like \texttt{alwaysrange}, above, but only affects decade
presentation, not century. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{entrybreak}} option only
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{entrybreak}} option only
makes sense when used in conjunction with the \texttt{annotenp} switch
-to the \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} option (below). The latter allows
-\LaTeX\ to break a page inside an \textsf{annotation} field printed
-without starting a new paragraph, and it does so by allowing such a
-break in the entry only after a set number of lines, by default set to
-3. The idea is that most reference list entries will fit within 3
-lines, so the break would generally be somewhere inside the
-\textsf{annotation}. If your document needs a value different from 3,
-provide the integer using the \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} option in
-your preamble. Some experimentation may be needed to find the optimum
-number for a given document.
+to the \texttt{formatbib} option (below). The latter allows \LaTeX\
+to break a page inside an \textsf{annotation} field printed without
+starting a new paragraph, and it does so by allowing such a break in
+the entry only after a set number of lines, by default set to 3. The
+idea is that most reference list entries will fit within 3 lines, so
+the break would generally be somewhere inside the \textsf{annotation}.
+If your document needs a value different from 3, provide the integer
+using the \texttt{entrybreak} option in your preamble. Some
+experimentation may be needed to find the optimum number for a given
\mylittlespace Although \mymarginpar{\texttt{footmarkoff}} the
\emph{Manual} (14.19) recommends specific formatting for footnote (and
@@ -15303,7 +15423,7 @@
course you also lose a fair amount of other formatting, as well. See
section~\ref{sec:loading:auth}, below.
-\mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{formatbib}} \emph{Manual} in
+\mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{formatbib}} \emph{Manual} in
fact says very little about formatting issues in reference lists,
e.g., whether to break entries across pages and whether to allow
widows and orphans (single lines at the start or end of a page). A
@@ -15311,17 +15431,17 @@
University of Chicago Press suggests that actual practices are
extremely varied, so I've tried to provide a number of choices for
users of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, most of them available as keys to
-the new \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} preamble option, but a few of
-them also involving settings of the \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}}
-and the \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}} options. The keys of
-\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} are as follows:
+the \texttt{formatbib} preamble option, but a few of them also
+involving settings of the \texttt{bibannotesep} and the
+\texttt{entrybreak} options. The keys of \texttt{formatbib} are as
\item[\qquad max:] This is the \textsf{biblatex} default, so if you
- don't set \mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} at all it's what you get. It
- provides maximal intervention, disallowing entries broken across
- pages, including even when an entry includes a lengthy annotation.
+ don't set \texttt{formatbib} at all it's what you get. It provides
+ maximal intervention, disallowing entries broken across pages,
+ including even when an entry includes a lengthy annotation.
\item[\qquad min:] This allows page breaks just about anywhere,
including inside entries, and it also allows widows and orphans, so
it will usually provide the most efficient use of available space on
@@ -15331,39 +15451,38 @@
\item[\qquad annote:] This option treats annotations separately from
reference list entries, allowing them to be broken across pages
while the entry itself won't be. It is intended for use with, and
- will only properly work with, \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} set to
- one of the modes that start a new paragraph for the annotation, to
- wit, \texttt{par}, \texttt{vpar} (the default), \texttt{parbreak},
- or \texttt{vparbreak}. See below for the meaning of the
+ will only properly work with, \texttt{bibannotesep} set to one of
+ the modes that start a new paragraph for the annotation, to wit,
+ \texttt{par}, \texttt{vpar} (the default), \texttt{parbreak}, or
+ \texttt{vparbreak}. See below for the meaning of the
\enquote{\texttt{break}} options here.
\item[\qquad annotenp:] This option attempts to treat annotations
separately from reference list entries in those settings of
- \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} which don't involve starting a new
- paragraph. It works by setting the number of lines in an entry
- after which page breaking is allowed. By default entries will only
- break after 3 lines, the idea being that most reference list entries
- fit into three lines, so at that point you're likely to be inside
- the annotation, but you can set the \mycolor{\texttt{entrybreak}}
- option to any integer that works for your reference apparatus.
+ \texttt{bibannotesep} which don't involve starting a new paragraph.
+ It works by setting the number of lines in an entry after which page
+ breaking is allowed. By default entries will only break after 3
+ lines, the idea being that most reference list entries fit into
+ three lines, so at that point you're likely to be inside the
+ annotation, but you can set the \texttt{entrybreak} option to any
+ integer that works for your reference apparatus.
Please note that there is one possible break point that isn't directly
addressed by these options, that is, the one between the main entry
and the annotation when that annotation starts a new paragraph. If
-you set \mycolor{\texttt{bibannotesep}} to \texttt{par} or
-\texttt{vpar}, then \LaTeX\ will try very hard not to break between
-entry and annotation, ensuring that the annotation at least starts on
-the same page as its entry. If you use \texttt{parbreak} or
-\texttt{vparbreak}, \LaTeX\ is positively encouraged to break a page
-there, as is usual between paragraphs.
+you set \texttt{bibannotesep} to \texttt{par} or \texttt{vpar}, then
+\LaTeX\ will try very hard not to break between entry and annotation,
+ensuring that the annotation at least starts on the same page as its
+entry. If you use \texttt{parbreak} or \texttt{vparbreak}, \LaTeX\ is
+positively encouraged to break a page there, as is usual between
-\mylittlespace You can of course ignore the
-\mycolor{\texttt{formatbib}} option and provide your own settings.
-\textsf{Biblatex} uses the \cmd{bibsetup} command which you can renew
-in your preamble. You can find a nice commentary on the default
-values set by the package in the file \textsf{biblatex.def}, which
-you'll find in the main \textsf{biblatex} directory of your \TeX\
+\mylittlespace You can of course ignore the \texttt{formatbib} option
+and provide your own settings. \textsf{Biblatex} uses the
+\cmd{bibsetup} command which you can renew in your preamble. You can
+find a nice commentary on the default values set by the package in the
+file \textsf{biblatex.def}, which you'll find in the main
+\textsf{biblatex} directory of your \TeX\ distribution.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{genallnames}} option affects
the choice of which names to present in the genitive case when using
@@ -15383,17 +15502,35 @@
latter anywhere in your document please be aware that it will also be
turned off there.
+\mylittlespace I \colmarginpar{\texttt{hyperall}} have received
+requests to allow more than one part of a citation to act as a
+hyperlink to the entry in the reference list (assuming you're using
+the \textsf{hyperref} package, that is). Setting this option for the
+whole document, for specific entry types, or for individual entries
+will make any names, titles, or dates present in the citation act as
+such a link. It acts, in other words, like a combination of
+\mycolor{\texttt{hypername}} and \texttt{hypertitle}, below.
+\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{hypername}} option ensures
+that the name component of a citation links to the entry in the
+reference list, again assuming that you're using \textsf{hyperref}.
+You can set it for the whole document, for specific entry types, or
+for individual entries. Should a citation appear that contains
+\emph{only} a name, then it will always be such a link, no matter what
+the state of this option.
\mylittlespace When \mymarginpar{\texttt{hypertitle}} you use the
\textsf{hyperref} package with the author-date styles, the in-text
citations will provide a hyperlink to the full information in the list
of references. Timo Thoms rightly pointed out that, generally, one
only wants one piece of the citation to provide the hyperlink, usually
-the \textsf{date} part. The author-date styles will instead link the
-\textsf{title} or the \textsf{shorthand} if there isn't a
-\textsf{date}, but if you set this option to \texttt{true} globally in
-your preamble then all \textsf{titles} and \textsf{shorthands} will
-link, regardless of whether a \textsf{date} is also present. You can
-also set \texttt{hypertitle} in the \textsf{options} field of
+the \textsf{date} part (though see the two previous options). The
+author-date styles will instead link the \textsf{title} or the
+\textsf{shorthand} if there isn't a \textsf{date}, but if you set this
+option to \texttt{true} globally in your preamble then all
+\textsf{titles} and \textsf{shorthands} will link, regardless of
+whether a \textsf{date} is also present. You can also set
+\texttt{hypertitle} by entry type or in the \textsf{options} field of
individual entries, allowing you to provide a hyperlink in cases where
the automatic mechanism gets it wrong (ency:britannica).
@@ -15417,10 +15554,10 @@
names, and in this position it always takes a comma, the presence of
which is unaffected by this option.
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} option
-determines where and when the \textsf{nameaddon }field will be
-printed. There are three possible values, available globally, per
-type, and per entry:
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon}} option determines
+where and when the \textsf{nameaddon} field will be printed. There
+are three possible values, available globally, per type, and per
\item[\qquad \texttt{all}:] This is the default; if an entry has a
@@ -15435,10 +15572,10 @@
\textsf{nameaddon} will be printed as usual.
-Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonformat}} just below, and
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}.
+Cf.\ \texttt{nameaddonformat} just below, and \texttt{nameaddonsep} in
-\mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} option,
+\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nameaddon-\\format}} option,
available globally, per type, and per entry, allows you to change the
format of the \textsf{nameaddon} field on the fly, so its value should
be a field format that \textsf{biblatex} understands. This includes
@@ -15451,7 +15588,7 @@
with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, while square brackets surround the
field in all other entry types with the exception of \textsf{customc},
which has its own rules and ignores this option. Cf.\
-\mycolor{\texttt{nameaddonsep}} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}.
+\texttt{nameaddonsep} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}.
\mylittlespace These \mymarginpar{\texttt{natbib}\\\texttt{mcite}} are
the standard \textsf{biblatex} options, which formerly required
@@ -15476,19 +15613,33 @@
controls dates in citations and at the head of entries in the
reference list. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}.
-\mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an
-early tester, I have included this option to allow you globally to
-turn off the \texttt{ibidem} mechanism that
-\textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} uses by default. This mechanism
-doesn't actually print \enquote{Ibid,} but rather includes only the
-\textsf{postnote} information in a citation, i.e., it will print (224)
-instead of (Author 2000, 224). Setting this option will mean that
-none of these shortened citations will appear automatically. For more
-fine-grained control of individual citations you'll probably want to
-use the \cmd{citereset} command, allied possibly with the
-\textsf{biblatex}\ \texttt{citereset} option, on which see
+\mylittlespace At \colmarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an
+early tester, I have included this option to allow you to turn off the
+\texttt{ibidem} mechanism that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}
+uses by default. This mechanism doesn't actually print
+\enquote{Ibid,} but rather includes only the \textsf{postnote}
+information in a citation, i.e., it will print (224) instead of
+(Author 2000, 224). Setting this option will mean that these
+shortened citations no longer appear automatically. The option is
+settable globally, per type, or per entry, so that fine-grained
+control of individual citations is now possible without the use of the
+\cmd{citereset} command and \textsf{biblatex}\ \texttt{citereset}
+option, though these are of course still available. See
\textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~
+\mylittlespace When \colmarginpar{\texttt{notitle}} citing sources
+from antiquity (using the \texttt{classical} \textsf{entrysubtype}),
+the \emph{Manual} (14.244--5) recommends using just the
+\textsf{author} in short citations if only one \textsf{title} by that
+author has come down to us, making the identification of the work
+unambiguous. I previously suggested using a command like
+\cmd{citeauthor} to achieve this, but Tobias Becht suggested that a
+less clumsy method would be better, so I've provided the
+\mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option, settable by entry type and also in
+the \textsf{options} field of specific entries. In effect, this turns
+an author-title citation into an author-only one, but it won't affect
+author-date citations. Cf.\ herodotus:wilson.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{ordinalgb}} option, which
only affects users of the \texttt{british} language, restores the
previous package defaults, printing the \textsf{day} part of a
@@ -16013,7 +16164,7 @@
commercial electronic database, of a legislative publication. It
will be associated with the \textsf{date} in long notes but won't
appear in short ones. (Cf.\ congress:debate:new and
- state:statute:ky.)\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+ state:statute:ky.)%\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
\item[addendum] You can use this field to specify the speaker at
hearings or in debates, the Canadian or British jurisdiction of some
laws if not otherwise clear from the citation, or possibly simply
@@ -16128,19 +16279,19 @@
The \emph{Manual}, for its part, suggests that \enquote{works that
cite only a few legal documents may be better off using the full
form for each citation} (14.275). In the author-date styles, you
-can set this option to \texttt{true} either in the preamble or in
+can set this option to \texttt{true} globally, per type, or in
individual .bib entries to accomplish this. Assuming you've only used
the \cmd{fullcite} commands for the \emph{Bluebook} entry types, the
option will only apply to such entries. In the notes \&\ bibliography
-style the global option would apply to all entry types, but you can,
-in addition to the two methods available to author-date users, set
-this to \texttt{true} on a type-by-type basis in your preamble. It is
-designed mainly for use with \emph{Bluebook} entries, but it might
-perhaps be useful elsewhere. Please be aware that, even with this
-option on, the \emph{ibidem} mechanism remains in operation for
-repeated citations, and also that the option may give surprising
-results in the presence of \textsf{shorthand} fields and/or the
-\texttt{shorthandfirst} and \texttt{short} options.
+style the global option would apply to all entry types, but you can
+also set this to \texttt{true} on a type-by-type basis or in
+individual entries. It is designed mainly for use with
+\emph{Bluebook} entries, but it might perhaps be useful elsewhere.
+Please be aware that, even with this option on, the \emph{ibidem}
+mechanism remains in operation for repeated citations, and also that
+the option may give surprising results in the presence of
+\textsf{shorthand} fields and/or the \texttt{shorthandfirst} and
+\texttt{short} options.
\mylittlespace I \mymarginpar{\texttt{short=false}} have ported this
option, already present in the notes \&\ bibliography style, to the
@@ -16148,7 +16299,8 @@
first citation. I'm not certain what the use case might be for this,
as it's intended for saving space in documents where short notes can
point to references in a full bibliography. Still, if for any reason
-you need this you can set the option to \texttt{true} in the preamble.
+you need this you can set the option to \texttt{true} globally, by
+entry type, or for specific entries.
\mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{supranotes=\\true}} is a
\emph{Bluebook}-specific option, and it produces, for some entry types
@@ -16281,6 +16433,147 @@
translations. If you have strong objections to any of the strings, or
indeed to any of my formatting decisions, please let me know.
+\subsection{The \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}} Option}
+\textsf{Biblatex} provides a mechanism for localizing name
+presentation in citations and in bibliographies, so for example making
+it possible to present Russian patronymics or Chinese names (both in
+the original script and in transliteration) in ways that the standard
+macros can't provide, focusing as those macros do on the usual Western
+European approaches. The files \textsf{93-nameparts.tex} and
+\textsf{93-nameparts.dbx} outline and demonstrate the changes
+required, providing code for Russian, Ethiopian, and CJK names. The
+\emph{Manual} (11.90) too provides some examples, admitting the
+necessity of such treatments in some contexts. At the request of
+Philipp Immel, I have provided the \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}}
+option in all styles to facilitate access to this mechanism for
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago} users. In practice what I have done is the
+\item Include \textsf{93-nameparts.dbx} in the package under the name
+ \mycolor{\textsf{cms.dbx}}. This extends the default data model,
+ adding new kinds of name part to it.
+\item Copy the code from \textsf{93-nameparts.tex} into the .cbx
+ files, along with some shims that allow the addition of new name
+ templates and also allow any of the templates to serve as the
+ default template, that is, the template to be used when a .bib entry
+ doesn't specify one.
+\item Define the \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}} option in such a way
+ that none of this code will be loaded unless you call the option,
+ which meant that I had to define it in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}
+ instead of in the individual styles themselves. If you don't load the
+ style in the standard way with a call to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}
+ then a little more work will be required.
+The \colmarginpar{\texttt{cmsnameparts}} basic usage is
+straightforward. If you just put \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}}
+among the options when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} and add no
+additional options to your .bib entries, nothing visible will change.
+Any entry that contains one of \textsf{biblatex's}
+\texttt{nametemplate} options will then be able to format its names
+according to the Russian, Ethiopian, or CJK specifications. You can
+see this in action in the entry hua:cms in the
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago} documentation
+(\href{file:cms-notes-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-sample.pdf}} and
+\href{file:cms-dates-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf}}). It
+uses \texttt{nametemplates=cjk} in its \textsf{options} field, which
+is the simplest approach, though more fine-grained approaches are
+possible with the \textsf{biblatex} options
+\texttt{sortingnamekeytemplate} and \texttt{uniquenametemplatename}
+(\textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~3.8.10 and appendix E; cf.\ also
+\textsf{93-nameparts.tex}). Please note that when you use a
+non-standard name part in a name list, you'll need to identify even
+those standard parts that are present, e.g., \texttt{family=Hua,
+ given=Linfu}.
+\mylittlespace It's
+\colmarginpar{\texttt{cmsnameparts=\\<nametemplate>}} possible that
+you might have a .bib database for a specific project that contains a
+majority of entries requiring a change of name template. In this case
+you can change the default template by giving its name to the
+\mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}} option. Any entry not having a
+\texttt{nametemplate} option will then use the default, which may save
+you some typing. If an entry requires the \textsf{biblatex} standard
+default template, its name, following the example of
+\textsf{93-nameparts.tex}, is \texttt{western}.
+\mylittlespace It's also perfectly possible that none of the available
+templates will suit your needs. The simplest course, at least for
+you, is to send me a feature request and a fairly thorough description
+of the specification, and I'll try to add it to the list of available
+templates. If you prefer to code it yourself while still using the
+\mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}} mechanism, you'll need to look over
+the code in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx} or
+\textsf{chicago-dates-common.cbx} and provide several macros according
+to a specific naming scheme. You'll need at least:
+\newbibmacro*{name:<templatename>}[<no. of nameparts as digit>]{<code>}
+If your name specification reverses the order of the first name in the
+bibliography or reference list (as in the \texttt{western} style),
+then you'll also need:
+\newbibmacro*{name:<templatename>-rev}[<no. of nameparts as digit>]{<code>}
+If you want to be able to use the your new template name as the
+default template, you'll need to wrap the first two declarations like
+\cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[<templatename>]{<spec>}
+\cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[<templatename>]{<spec>}
+If your specification requires new name parts, you can copy
+\mycolor{\texttt{cms.dbx}} to your working directory and add them to
+\cmd{DeclareDatamodelConstant} there. Similarly, if you already load
+your own datamodel (.dbx) file using the \texttt{datamodel} option,
+then if you want to use \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}}, which calls
+that option internally, you should add the code from your own .dbx
+file to \texttt{cms.dbx} and clear the \texttt{datamodel} option from
+your preamble. (That option can only load one file.)
+\mylittlespace Finally, a few notes if you use
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago} without loading
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}. You can easily load
+\mycolor{\texttt{cms.dbx}} using \textsf{biblatex's}
+\texttt{datamodel} option, or else just include the declaration there
+in your own .dbx file. In order to load the code in the .cbx files,
+however, you'll need to define \cmd{cms at ldt@cmsnameparts} in your
+preamble before loading \textsf{biblatex}. A line like:
+\gdef\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts{western}
+should do, or use another template name if you want something else as
+the default.
+\mylittlespace No matter how you load the code, I recommend at least a
+quick read of \textsf{93-nameparts.tex} just to get an idea of how to
+construct your .bib entries. If your entries are entirely devoid of
+western script, you may need a \cmd{DeclareSortTranslit} in your
+preamble to tell \textsf{biblatex} how to sort such entries when mixed
+with other scripts. An example of its use for Russian entries can be
+found in that file. More generally, the nameparts feature is new to
+\textsf{biblatex-chicago}, so please let me know if something doesn't
+work as you expect.
\section{One\,.bib Database, Two Chicago Styles}
@@ -16295,7 +16588,7 @@
two lists, items within the lists appearing in no particular order.
These may well be incomplete, so any additions are welcome.
-\subsection{Notes -> Author-Date }
+\subsection{Notes -> Author-Date}
This is, I believe, the simpler conversion, as most well-constructed
@@ -16427,14 +16720,14 @@
\mylittlespace Kenneth L. Pearce has reported a bug that appears when
using multiple citation commands inside the \textsf{annotation} field
-of annotated bibliographies. I have tried to remedy this with the new
-\mycolor{\cmd{citeincite}} and \mycolor{\cmd{fullciteincite}}
-commands, which print short and long citations, respectively. The
-first is intended for use inside a small selection of fields, while
-the long version should only be used in the \textsf{annotation} field.
-See sections~\ref{sec:citecommands} and \ref{sec:cite:authordate},
-above, for details. If you still encounter problems with these
-commands then it may be worth setting the \textsf{biblatex} option
+of annotated bibliographies. I have tried to remedy this with the
+\cmd{citeincite} and \cmd{fullciteincite} commands, which print short
+and long citations, respectively. The first is intended for use inside
+a small selection of fields, while the long version should only be
+used in the \textsf{annotation} field. See
+sections~\ref{sec:citecommands} and \ref{sec:cite:authordate}, above,
+for details. If you still encounter problems with these commands then
+it may be worth setting the \textsf{biblatex} option
\texttt{casechanger=latex2e} in the preamble to see if that helps,
though in my testing the two different case-changing backends are now
equivalent in this regard.
@@ -16448,10 +16741,10 @@
set of curly braces \{\}\ at the start of the field, but I shall look
into this further.
-\mylittlespace Patrick Danilevici's new Romanian localization
-(\mycolor{\textsf{cms-romanian.lbx}}) required some fairly extensive
-changes to the basic package code, so it's possible that I could
-improve the package's handling of other languages in a similar way.
+\mylittlespace Patrick Danilevici's Romanian localization
+(\textsf{cms-romanian.lbx}) required some fairly extensive changes to
+the basic package code, so it's possible that I could improve the
+package's handling of other languages in a similar way.
\mylittlespace This release fixes the formatting errors of which I am
aware. There remain the larger issues I've discussed throughout this
@@ -16466,8 +16759,113 @@
\section{Revision History}
-\textbf{2.2: Released \today}
+\textbf{2.3: Released \today}
+\mylittlespace All styles require the current \textsf{biblatex} (3.18)
+and \textsf{biber} (2.18).
+\item Since the release of \textsf{biblatex} 3.17, the full array of
+ \textsc{iso}8601-2 year divisions (seasons, quarters,
+ quadrimestrals, semestrals, etc.)\ is available to its users, and
+ \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has followed suit in all styles. The
+ \emph{Manual} itself, as far as I know, mentions only the seasons,
+ but if you use a month specification higher than 24 in a
+ \textsf{date} field you can access these new divisions. Cf.\
+ Table~\ref{ad:date:extras}.
+\item Since \textsf{biblatex} provides a mechanism for localizing name
+ presentation in the reference apparatus, Philipp Immel suggested I
+ add an option to facilitate access to it for users of
+ \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. The \mycolor{\texttt{cmsnameparts}}
+ option is the result, and is available in all styles. Please
+ consult section~\ref{sec:nameparts} above for all the details.
+\item Philipp also pointed out that the name parts code requires the
+ standard \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{uniquename} to be turned
+ on in the notes \&\ bibliography style. (It's now set to
+ \texttt{minfull}.) This fixes an ancient bug, as Chicago has always
+ required authors with the same surname to be distinguished by
+ initials or full given names in short notes (14.32).
+\item Patrick Danilevici pointed out that, in languages that don't use
+ the Oxford comma, it was generally wrong to have a comma after the
+ first, reversed name in an author list consisting of only two names.
+ I have removed it in such languages, but if you still want the old
+ behavior you can use \cmd{DeclareDelimFormat\{revsdnamedelim\}} to
+ set it to \cmd{addcomma}.
+\item After a request by Ryo Furue, I've added the
+ \mycolor{\texttt{onlynd}} switch to the \texttt{doi} package option
+ in all styles in order to suppress both the \textsf{url} and the
+ \textsf{urldate}, rather than just the former. See
+ sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}.
+\item After a bug report from Jon Arnold, I have tried to fix the
+ field-inheritance schemes for \textsf{audio}, \textsf{music}, and
+ \textsf{video} entries, which should now work more intuitively in
+ all styles if you use \textsf{crossref} fields in them. Concretely,
+ this means that a \textsf{title} in one such entry (identifying a
+ complete work or collection) can become a \textsf{booktitle} in the
+ child entry, identifying the work of which the \textsf{title} is
+ only one part.
+\item Tobias Becht suggests that using specialized citation commands
+ for printing author-only citations of ancient works (cf.\
+ \emph{Manual} 14.244--5) is unnecessarily awkward. I have therefore
+ provided the \mycolor{\texttt{notitle}} option
+ (sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:authuseropts}) to turn a
+ short author-title citation (whether in the notes \&\ bibliography
+ style or the author-date styles) into an author-only citation. You
+ can set this option by entry type or in the \textsf{options} field
+ of individual entries.
+\item Tobias also pointed out that the \emph{Manual} permits using
+ short citations of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance works right
+ from the first citation in the notes \&\ bibliography style, even if
+ you don't want to do the same for the entire document. You can
+ therefore now set the package option \mycolor{\texttt{short}} for
+ the whole document, for specific entry types, and for specific
+ entries.
+\item Again at Tobias' prompting, I've modified how the ibidem
+ mechanism works for entries with \texttt{classical}
+ \textsf{entrysubtype}. This includes following the \emph{Manual's}
+ guidelines about suppressing the \emph{ibid.}\ string when using
+ abbreviated forms of authors' names (unless you've set
+ \texttt{useibid=true} in the \textsf{options} field of the entry
+ itself). I've also made the \mycolor{\texttt{noibid}} and
+ \mycolor{\texttt{useibid}} options more granular, the former in all
+ styles and the latter in notes \&\ bibliography. You can now set
+ them globally, per type, and per entry.
+\item Having noticed that the \mycolor{\texttt{journaltitleaddon}}
+ field is standard in \textsf{biblatex}, I have added it to the
+ \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} types, as well as adding the
+ \textsf{titleaddon} field to the \textsf{periodical} type, and this
+ in all styles. The \mycolor{\texttt{jtitleaddon}} option controls
+ the separator between the main title and the annex in all these
+ cases. It is set to \texttt{space} by default. See
+ sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}.
+\item Alanna Warner-Smith reported that the author-date styles weren't
+ distinguishing citations with \textsf{extradate} letters when a
+ \textsf{journaltitle} replaced the \textsf{author}. This is, I
+ hope, fixed.
+\item After input from Claudius Ellsel, I've revised the
+ \textsf{hyperref} functionality in the author-date styles, allowing
+ you to choose which parts of a citation will act as links to the
+ entry in the reference list. Two new user options,
+ \mycolor{\texttt{hyperall}} and \mycolor{\texttt{hypername}},
+ complement the pre-existing \texttt{hypertitle} to give more
+ fine-grained control. All of these options are available globally,
+ per type, and per entry. See section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}.
+\item After a request from Samuel Foster, I've provided the
+ \mycolor{\texttt{suppressnoterefs}} option for the notes \&\
+ bibliography style, settable per entry type and per entry, which
+ prevents the printing of the \texttt{noteref} back reference after
+ such entries. This may be more convenient than using the
+ specialized citation commands to achieve the same end. Cf.\
+ section~\ref{sec:noteref}.
+\item There were many other bugfixes, including another attempt to
+ make the \textsf{postnotepunct} option work more reliably,
+ improvements to \textsf{shorthand} behavior in the author-date
+ styles, and fixes, suggested by David Thiel, to the
+ \textsf{hyperref} functionality when using \textsf{cmsendnotes.sty}.
+\textbf{2.2: Released June 30, 2021}
\mylittlespace All styles still require the current \textsf{biblatex}
(3.16) and \textsf{biber} (2.16). The next release of
\textsf{biblatex} (3.17) will necessitate some changes to Chicago's
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dates-intro.pdf
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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dates-intro.tex 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dates-intro.tex 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
% \usepackage[style=chicago-authordate,backend=biber,usecompiler=true,%
% babel=hyphen,bibencoding=auto,sorting=nyt,cmslos,autocite=inline]{biblatex}
% \usepackage{lmodern}
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
process your .bib files, as \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ (and its more recent
variants) will no longer provide all the features the style requires.
For this release, you really need the current versions of
-\textsf{biber} (2.16) and \textsf{biblatex} (3.16), which contain
+\textsf{biber} (2.18) and \textsf{biblatex} (3.18), which contain
features and bug-fixes on which my own code relies. The advice that
follows in this document assumes that you are using \textsf{biber}; if
you wish to continue using \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ then you need
@@ -389,6 +390,9 @@
edition, i.e., without \textsf{entrysubtype}:
+Classical works, with the \texttt{notitle} option:
Sacred works, e.g., the Bible and the Qur'an:
@@ -1077,6 +1081,21 @@
address = {Ansonia Station, NY}
+ author = {Herodotus},
+ title = {Historiae},
+ date = {2015},
+ shortauthor = {Hdt\adddot},
+ entrysubtype = {classical},
+ editor = {Wilson, N.~G\adddot},
+ options = {notitle},
+ volumes = 2,
+ series = {Oxford Classical Texts},
+ publisher = {Clarendon Press},
+ location = {Oxford}
author = {Hlatky, Mark~A. and Boothroyd, Derek and Vittinghoff, Eric and Sharp, Penny and Whooley, Mary~A.},
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Article: \autocite{amlen:hoot}; \autocite{black:infectious};
\autocite{kessler:nyt}; \autocite{saberhagen:beluga};
+\autocite{stoffle:ghost}; \texttt{cmsnameparts} example:
Artwork: \autocite{mccurry:afghangirl}.
@@ -517,7 +520,8 @@
Audio: \autocite{danforth:podcast}; \autocite{strayed:audiobook}.
Book: \autocite{angry:birds}; \autocite{gems:ipad};
+\autocite{gems:print}; \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{classical} with
+\texttt{notitle} option: \autocite[7.1.2]{herodotus:wilson}.
Dataset: \autocite{genbank:db}; \autocite{nasa:db}.
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abbreviated notes and bibliography entries will automatically
appear. The first full note citing such a source is not
abbreviated, but all subsequent notes, and all bibliography entries,
- are:
+ are:\enlargethispage{-\baselineskip}
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
@String{uchp = {University of Chicago Press}}
entrysubtype = {magazine},
author = {AC},
eventdate = {2008-07-01T10:18:00},
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
author = {Ashbrook, James~B. and Albright, Carol Rausch},
title = {The Frontal Lobes, Intending, and a Purposeful God},
booktitle = {The Humanizing Brain},
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
journaltitle = {MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour},
usera = {PBS},
entrysubtype = {magazine},
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
title = {Mesopotamia},
subtitle = {Between Two Rivers},
author = {Hazel V. Clark},
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
author = {Contributor, Anna},
title = {Contribution},
booktitle = {Edited Volume},
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
author = {Coolidge, Calvin},
title = {Equal Rights},
titleaddon = {(speech)},
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
author = {Creel, George},
entrysubtype = {letter},
title = {George Creel to Colonel House},
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
title = {Dynatext, Electronic Book Indexer/Browser},
organization = {Electronic Book Technology Inc.},
address = {Providence, RI},
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
author = {Ellet, Elizabeth~F.~L.},
title = {By Rail and Stage to Galena},
crossref = *\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault{prairie:state}%
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
author = {Ellis, Rhian},
title = {Squatters' Rights},
journaltitle = {Ward Six},
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
title = {Orestes},
year = 1958,
booktitle = {Euripides},
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
author = {Dorothea Frede},
title = {\mkbibemph{Nicomachean Ethics} VII. 11--12},
subtitle = {Pleasure},
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
title = {The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy},
date = 2003,
booktitle = {Friends},
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
+*\hyperlink{Hendnote.\csuse{cms at id@furet:related}}{\color{DarkBlue}@Book}*{furet:passing:eng,
title = {The Passing of an Illusion},
year = 1999,
author = {Furet, Fran*\c{c}*ois},
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
title = {Le pass*\'e* d'une illusion},
year = 1995,
related = {*\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault%
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
author = {Garaud, Marcel},
title = {Recherches sur les d*\'e*frichements dans la G*\^a*tine poitevine aux XIe et XIIe si*\`e*cles},
journaltitle = {Bulletin de la Soci*\'e*t*\'e* des antiquaires de l'Ouest},
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
author = {GenBank},
title = {for RP11-322N14 BAC},
number = {AC087526.3},
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
editor = {Miranda, Lin-Manuel},
editortype = {music and lyrics by},
editoratype = {director},
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
title = {Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean},
crossref = *\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault{harley:hoc}%
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
title = {Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies},
year = 1994,
crossref = *\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault{harley:hoc}%
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@
title = {The History of Cartography},
date = {1987/},
editor = {Harley, J.~B. and Woodward, David},
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
options = {useprefix=true},
author = {{van} Herwijnen, Eric},
title = {Future Office Systems Requirements},
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
title = {I'm a Fool to Want You},
eventdate = {1958-02-20},
date = {1960},
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
author = {Jackson, Paulina},
title = {Paulina Jackson to John Pepys Junior},
booktitle = {The Letters of Samuel Pepys and His Family Circle},
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
title = {The Ambassadors},
year = 1996,
origdate = 1909,
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
author = {Keating, William~H.},
title = {Fort Dearborn and Chicago},
crossref = *\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault{prairie:state}%
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
journaltitle = {Lake Forester},
date = {2000-03-23},
entrysubtype = {magazine},
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
author = {{Leonardo da Vinci}},
shortauthor = {Leonardo},
title = {Madonna of the Rocks},
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
+*\hyperlink{Hendnote.\csuse{cms at id@coolidge:speech}}{\color{DarkBlue}@Online}*{loc:leaders,
author = {Library of Congress},
title = {American Leaders Speak},
subtitle = {Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, 1918--1920},
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
title = {Annotations to \mkbibquote{Finnegans Wake}},
year = 1980,
author = {McHugh, Roland},
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
author = {Nass, Clifford},
title = {Why Researchers Treat On-Line Journals Like Real People},
note = {keynote address},
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
title = {Bibliographic References},
organization = {National Information Standards Organization},
userd = {approved},
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
title = {Republic},
entrysubtype = {classical},
year = 1902,
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@
title = {Timaeus},
date = 1902,
related = {*\hyperlink{\getrefbykeydefault%
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
title = {Clitopho, Res Publica, Timaeus, Critias},
date = 1902,
maintitle = {Opera},
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@
author = {Plato},
title = {Opera},
year = 1902,
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@
author = {Polakow, Valerie},
title = {Lives on the Edge},
subtitle = {Single Mothers and Their Children in the Other America},
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
author = {Pollan, Michael},
title = {Michael Pollan Gives a Plant's-Eye View},
organization = {TED video, 17:31},
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
author = {Powell, John},
date = {1998-04-23},
titleaddon = {Grapevine digest mailing list archives},
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
title = {Prairie State},
subtitle = {Impressions of Illinois, 1673--1967, by Travelers and Other Observers},
year = 1968,
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@
author = {Ratliff, Ben},
title = {\bibstring{reviewof} \mkbibemph{The Mystery of
Samba: Popular Music and
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@
author = {Ross, Dorothy},
title = {The Irish-Catholic Immigrant, 1880--1900},
subtitle = {A Study in Social Mobility},
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@
title = {Das Wandern (Wandering)},
date = 1895,
shorttitle = {Das Wandern},
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
author = {Souza, Pete},
title = {President Obama bids farewell
to President Xi of China at the
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@
organization = {CNN.com},
date = {1999-12-20},
author = {Stenger, Richard},
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@
title = {Wikipedia},
lista = {BibTeX},
entrysubtype = {online},
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note\autocite{harley:ancient:cart} note\autocite{harwood:biden}
note\autocite{gibbard} note\autocite{harleymt:hoc}
Note\autocite{hitchcock:nbynw} note\autocite{gems:print}
note\autocite{gems:ipad} note\autocite{good:wholeissue}
@@ -147,7 +153,8 @@
note\autocite{harley:ancient:cart} note\footfullcite{quora:thread}
-note\autocite{jackson:paulina:letter} note\autocite{harleymt:hoc}
+note\autocite{hua:cms} note\autocite{jackson:paulina:letter}
note\autocite{hlatky:hrt} note\autocite{james:ambassadors}
@@ -154,80 +161,82 @@
note\autocite{holiday:fool} note\autocite{horowitz:youtube}
note\autocite{horsley:prosodies} note\autocite{quora:thread}.
-Note\autocite{keating:dearborn} note\autocite{jackson:paulina:letter}
-note\autocite{kern} note\autocite{kessler:nyt}
-note\autocite{james:ambassadors} note\autocite{kimluu:diethyl}
-note\autocite{keating:dearborn} note\autocite{kozinn:review}
-note\autocite{kern} note\autocite{lach:asia}
-note\autocite{kessler:nyt} note\autocite{kimluu:diethyl}.
+Note\autocite{hua:cms} \autocite{keating:dearborn}
+note\autocite{jackson:paulina:letter} note\autocite{kern}
+note\autocite{kessler:nyt} note\autocite{james:ambassadors}
+note\autocite{kimluu:diethyl} note\autocite{keating:dearborn}
+note\autocite{kozinn:review} note\autocite{kern}
+note\autocite{lach:asia} note\autocite{kessler:nyt}.
-Note\autocite{lakeforester:pushcarts} note\autocite{kozinn:review}
-note\autocite{levistrauss:savage} note\autocite{lach:asia}
-note\autocite{leo:madonna} note\autocite{lewis}
+Note\autocite{kimluu:diethyl} note\autocite{lakeforester:pushcarts}
+note\autocite{kozinn:review} note\autocite{levistrauss:savage}
+note\autocite{lach:asia} note\autocite{leo:madonna}
+note\autocite{lewis} note\autocite{lakeforester:pushcarts}
note\autocite{levistrauss:savage} note\autocite{lecarre:quest}
note\autocite[29]{lewis} note\autocite{lecarre:quest}
-note\autocite{licis:diazcomment} note\autocite{lippincott:chicago}
-note\autocite{loften:hamlet} note\autocite{maisonneuve:relations}
-note\autocite{licis:diazcomment} note\autocite{lippincott:chicago}
-note\autocite{loften:hamlet} note\autocite{mayberry:brady}
-note\autocite{mccurry:afghangirl} note\autocite{mchugh:wake}
+note\autocite{lippincott:chicago} note\autocite{loften:hamlet}
+note\autocite{maisonneuve:relations} note\autocite{licis:diazcomment}.
+Note\autocite{lippincott:chicago} note\autocite{loften:hamlet}
+note\autocite{mayberry:brady} note\autocite{mccurry:afghangirl}
+note\autocite{mchugh:wake} note\autocite{mcmillen:antebellum}
note\autocite{mayberry:brady} note\autocite{mccurry:afghangirl}
-note\autocite{mchugh:wake} note\autocite[6.9.4]{mla:style}
-note\autocite{morgenson:market} note\autocite{mozart:figaro}
+note\autocite{mchugh:wake} note\autocite[6.9.4]{mla:style}.
+Note\autocite{morgenson:market} note\autocite{mozart:figaro}
note\autocite{murphy:silent} note\autocite{nasa:db}
-note\autocite{nass:address} note\autocite{mcmillen:antebellum}.
+note\autocite{nass:address} note\autocite{mcmillen:antebellum}
+note\autocite{niso:bibref} note\autocite{natrecoff:camera}
+note\autocite[2:25]{meredith:letters} note\autocite[6.9.5]{mla:style}
+note\autocite{morgenson:market} note\autocite{murphy:silent}.
-Note\autocite{niso:bibref} note\autocite{natrecoff:camera}
-note\autocite[2:25]{meredith:letters} note\autocite[6.9.5]{mla:style}
-note\autocite{morgenson:market} note\autocite{murphy:silent}
-note\autocite{mozart:figaro} note\autocite{nasa:db}
+Note\autocite{mozart:figaro} note\autocite{nasa:db}
note\autocite{nass:address} note\autocite{niso:bibref}
-note\autocite{nyt:obittrevor} note\autocite{nyt:trevorobit}.
-Note\autocite{nytrumpet:art} note\autocite{obrien:recycle}
+note\autocite{nyt:obittrevor} note\autocite{nyt:trevorobit}
+note\autocite{nytrumpet:art} note\autocite{obrien:recycle}
note\autocite{osborne:poison} note\autocite{oed:cdrom}
note\autocite{natrecoff:camera} note\autocite{palmatary:pottery}
note\autocite{nyt:obittrevor} note\autocite{nyt:trevorobit}
note\autocite{obrien:recycle} note\autocite[arithmetical]{oed:cdrom}
-note\autocite{nytrumpet:art} note\autocite{pelikan:christian}.
-Note\autocite{petroff:impurity} note\autocite{osborne:poison}
-note\autocite{phibbs:diary} note\autocite{palmatary:pottery}
-note\autocite{pirumova} note\autocite{pelikan:christian}
-note\autocite{petroff:impurity} note\autocite{plato:republic:gr}
-note\autocite{plato:total} note\autocite{plato:timaeus:gr}
-note\autocite{polakow:afterw} note\autocite{phibbs:diary}.
+Note\autocite{pelikan:christian} note\autocite{petroff:impurity}
+note\autocite{osborne:poison} note\autocite{phibbs:diary}
+note\autocite{palmatary:pottery} note\autocite{pirumova}
+note\autocite{pelikan:christian} note\autocite{petroff:impurity}
+note\autocite{plato:republic:gr} note\autocite{plato:total}
+note\autocite{plato:timaeus:gr} note\autocite{polakow:afterw}.
-Note\autocite[360e--361b]{plato:republic:gr} note\autocite{pirumova}
+note\autocite[360e--361b]{plato:republic:gr} note\autocite{pirumova}
note\autocite{polakow:afterw} note\autocite{pollan:plant}
note\autocite{powell:email} note\autocite{plato:total}
note\autocite[37d]{plato:timaeus:gr} note\autocite{prose:intro}
note\autocite{ratliff:review} note\autocite{reaves:rosen}
-note\autocite{pollan:plant} note\autocite{powell:email}.
-Note\autocite{prose:intro} note\autocite{rodman:walk}
-note\autocite{roosevelt:speech} note\autocite{angry:birds}
-note\autocite{ross:thesis} note\autocite{ratliff:review}
+Note\autocite{powell:email} note\autocite{prose:intro}
+note\autocite{rodman:walk} note\autocite{roosevelt:speech}
+note\autocite{angry:birds} note\autocite{ross:thesis}
+note\autocite{ratliff:review} note\autocite{rozner:liberation}
+note\autocite{rubinstein:chopin} note\autocite{saberhagen:beluga}
+note\autocite{schellinger:novel} note\autocite{reaves:rosen}
+note\autocite{schubert:muellerin} note\autocite{rodman:walk}.
+Note\autocite{schweitzer:bach} note\autocite{roosevelt:speech}
+note\autocite{ross:thesis} note\autocite{angry:birds}
note\autocite{rozner:liberation} note\autocite{rubinstein:chopin}
-note\autocite{saberhagen:beluga} note\autocite{schellinger:novel}
-note\autocite{reaves:rosen} note\autocite{schubert:muellerin}
-note\autocite{rodman:walk} note\autocite{schweitzer:bach}.
+note\autocite{sechzer:women} note\autocite{schellinger:novel}
+note\autocite{sereny:cries} note\autocite{schubert:muellerin}
+note\autocite{saberhagen:beluga} note\autocite{schweitzer:bach}.
-note\autocite{roosevelt:speech}. note\autocite{ross:thesis}
-note\autocite{angry:birds} note\autocite{rozner:liberation}.
-note\autocite{rubinstein:chopin} note\autocite{sechzer:women}
-note\autocite{schellinger:novel} note\autocite{sereny:cries}
-note\autocite{schubert:muellerin} note\autocite{saberhagen:beluga}
-Note\autocite{shapey:partita} note\autocite{sechzer:women}
+note\autocite{shapey:partita} note\autocite{sechzer:women}
note\autocite{sirosh:visualcortex} note\autocite{sereny:cries}
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@@ -1125,21 +1125,21 @@
annotation = {A manuscript presented in a \textsf{Misc} entry with
a randomly-selected \textsf{entrysubtype} to
distinguish it from a traditional \textsf{Misc}
- entry. The \textsf{title} begins\vadjust{\eject}
- with a generic term, hence the initial lowercase
- letter. This entry uses three fields to locate the
- manuscript, starting with \textsf{note} and
- ascending in generality through
- \textsf{organization} to \textsf{location}. If you
- are citing several items from the same collection,
- then the \emph{CMS}, 15.54, suggests not having
- individual entries but only one for the collection,
- with specific information forming part of the flow
- of the text. If, however, you cite only one item
- from a collection, then you can use an entry like
- this one. Note that, in \textsf{Misc} entries, an
- empty \textsf{year} field will not automatically
- produce a no date (\enquote{n.d\adddot} in English)
+ entry. The \textsf{title} begins with a generic
+ term, hence the initial lowercase letter. This entry
+ uses three fields to locate the manuscript, starting
+ with \textsf{note} and ascending in generality
+ through \textsf{organization} to
+ \textsf{location}. If you are citing several items
+ from the same collection, then the \emph{CMS},
+ 15.54, suggests not having individual entries but
+ only one for the collection, with specific
+ information forming part of the flow of the text.
+ If, however, you cite only one item from a
+ collection, then you can use an entry like this one.
+ Note that, in \textsf{Misc} entries, an empty
+ \textsf{year} field will not automatically produce a
+ no date (\enquote{n.d\adddot} in English)
abbreviation, so if you want one to be present
you'll have to provide it yourself, as here. Cf.\
\cmslink{creel:house} and \cmslink{house:papers}.}
@@ -1299,10 +1299,10 @@
edition = {15},
annotation = {An \textsf{InReference} entry, citing a well-known
reference work, and therefore generally not to
- appear in the list of references, but
- for\vadjust{\eject} demonstration purposes I here
- allow it to do so. With an \textsf{options} field
- set to \texttt{skipbib}, you'd only need the
+ appear in the list of references, but for
+ demonstration purposes I here allow it to do
+ so. With an \textsf{options} field set to
+ \texttt{skipbib}, you'd only need the
\textsf{shorttitle} for citations. As it stands, the
\textsf{options} field contains \texttt{hypertitle},
which ensures that the \textsf{title} acts as a
@@ -1741,22 +1741,21 @@
a whole, then you should probably use a
\textsf{Book} entry. (Cf.\
\texttt{schellinger:novel}.) Note the
- \textsf{sortkey}, so\vadjust{\eject} that the entry
- doesn't sort by the definite article. Note also that
- in citations of \textsf{InReference} entries, you
- can put an alphabetized article title in the
- \textsf{postnote} field, and it will be formatted
- for you automatically. The 17th edition has new
- instructions for treating online material that
- doesn't have, and never had, a printed
- counterpart. Specifically, the \textsf{title} can,
- at your discretion, appear in roman rather than
- italics, as in \textsf{Online} entries. To keep the
- features of \textsf{InReference} entries available
- to such resources you can add an
- \textsf{entrysubtype} to such an entry, rather than
- lose those features by using an \textsf{Online}
- entry. Cf. wikiped:bibtex.}
+ \textsf{sortkey}, so that the entry doesn't sort by
+ the definite article. Note also that in citations of
+ \textsf{InReference} entries, you can put an
+ alphabetized article title in the \textsf{postnote}
+ field, and it will be formatted for you
+ automatically. The 17th edition has new instructions
+ for treating online material that doesn't have, and
+ never had, a printed counterpart. Specifically, the
+ \textsf{title} can, at your discretion, appear in
+ roman rather than italics, as in \textsf{Online}
+ entries. To keep the features of
+ \textsf{InReference} entries available to such
+ resources you can add an \textsf{entrysubtype} to
+ such an entry, rather than lose those features by
+ using an \textsf{Online} entry. Cf. wikiped:bibtex.}
@@ -1869,6 +1868,38 @@
field. Cf. kessler:nyt.}
+ at Book{herodotus:wilson,
+ author = {Herodotus},
+ title = {Historiae},
+ date = {2015},
+ shortauthor = {Hdt\adddot},
+ entrysubtype = {classical},
+ editor = {Wilson, N.~G\adddot},
+ options = {notitle},
+ volumes = 2,
+ series = {Oxford Classical Texts},
+ publisher = {Clarendon Press},
+ location = {Oxford},
+ annote = {When citing works from classical antiquity, the
+ Manual presents some rather specialized usages. In
+ this particular case, it allows an abbreviated form
+ of the usual author-title citation when a classical
+ author has only one work extant, meaning that the
+ author's name alone, in full or abbreviated, will be
+ enough unambiguously to identify the work. Here,
+ citations will simply contain the
+ \textsf{shortauthor} and any page reference, the
+ \texttt{notitle} option suppressing the title of
+ Herodotus' only extant work. (The reference list
+ can hold the full details of the edition of the work
+ you're using.) The \texttt{classical}
+ \textsf{entrysubtype}, in addition to making the
+ citations author-title (the latter here suppressed),
+ also means that page references are expected to
+ point to the traditional divisions of Herodotus'
+ text, and that such references will be separated
+ from the shortened name only by a space.}}
options = {useprefix=true},
author = {{van} Herwijnen, Eric},
@@ -2044,6 +2075,48 @@
you know it.}
+ at Article{hua:cms,
+ author = {family=Hua, given=Linfu, cjk=\textzh{華林甫}},
+ title = {Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu
+ yanjiu},
+ titleaddon = {\textzh{清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步研究}},
+ options = {ptitleaddon=space,nametemplates=cjk},
+ usere = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the
+ Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty},
+ journaltitle = {Zhongguo shehui kexue},
+ journaltitleaddon = {\textzh{中國社會科學}},
+ volume = 1,
+ date = {1999},
+ pages = {168--179},
+ annote = {One of the Manual's examples of an entry containing
+ non-Latin scripts as an aid for readers needing to
+ follow the reference. Here the Chinese characters
+ from the original publication follow their romanized
+ versions with no intervening punctuation. The
+ titleaddon field requires the ptitleaddon option to
+ eliminate that punctuation, while the new
+ journaltitleaddon field uses the jtitleaddon option,
+ which defaults to a space and is therefore
+ unnecessary here. The usere field, demonstrating
+ one of its usual functions in biblatex-chicago,
+ translates the title. The author field shows how
+ the new cmsnameparts option works, the addition of a
+ "cjk" name part requiring that each part of the
+ name, romanized or not, is identified as here. The
+ nametemplates option tells biblatex that it should
+ present all names in the entry, including their
+ romanized parts, in the conventional Chinese order
+ rather than the usual western one. The inclusion of
+ the romanized version allows biblatex easily to
+ alphabetize this entry among others that use only
+ the Latin script. (The \cmd{textzh} command here is
+ just a convenience shorthand I've set up using babel
+ commands in the preamble. It tells babel to treat
+ the text as Chinese, and means I don't need to load
+ a more powerful and more complicated package just to
+ typeset a few words.)}
date = 1997,
title = {Information and Documentation---Rules for the
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/notes-test.bib
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/notes-test.bib 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-chicago/notes-test.bib 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1612,6 +1612,40 @@
field. Cf. kessler:nyt.}
+ at Book{herodotus:wilson,
+ author = {Herodotus},
+ title = {Historiae},
+ date = {2015},
+ shortauthor = {Hdt\adddot},
+ entrysubtype = {classical},
+ editor = {Wilson, N.~G\adddot},
+ options = {notitle,short},
+ volumes = 2,
+ series = {Oxford Classical Texts},
+ publisher = {Clarendon Press},
+ location = {Oxford},
+ annote = {When citing works from classical antiquity, the
+ Manual condones two rather specialized usages.
+ First, it permits using the short citation right
+ from the start even when other sorts of citation use
+ the long form first and, second, it allows a
+ particularly abbreviated form of the short citation
+ when a classical author has only one work extant,
+ meaning that the author's name alone, in full or
+ abbreviated, will be enough unambiguously to
+ identify the work. Here, all citations will simply
+ contain the shortauthor and any page reference, the
+ notitle option suppressing the title of Herodotus'
+ only extant work and the short option producing the
+ short citation even at first use. (Only the
+ bibliography, therefore, will contain the full
+ details of the edition of the work you're using.)
+ The classical entrysubtype means that page
+ references are expected to point to the traditional
+ divisions of Herodotus' text, and that such
+ references will be separated from the shortened name
+ only by a space.}}
options = {useprefix=true},
author = {{van} Herwijnen, Eric},
@@ -1752,6 +1786,48 @@
doing this.}
+ at Article{hua:cms,
+ author = {family=Hua, given=Linfu, cjk=\textzh{華林甫}},
+ title = {Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu
+ yanjiu},
+ titleaddon = {\textzh{清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步研究}},
+ options = {ctitleaddon=space,ptitleaddon=space,nametemplates=cjk},
+ usere = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the
+ Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty},
+ journaltitle = {Zhongguo shehui kexue},
+ journaltitleaddon = {\textzh{中國社會科學}},
+ volume = 1,
+ date = {1999},
+ pages = {168--179},
+ annote = {One of the Manual's examples of an entry containing
+ non-Latin scripts as an aid for readers needing to
+ follow the reference. Here the Chinese characters
+ from the original publication follow their romanized
+ versions with no intervening punctuation. The
+ titleaddon field requires the two titleaddon options
+ to eliminate that punctuation, while the new
+ journaltitleaddon field uses the jtitleaddon option,
+ which defaults to a space and is therefore
+ unnecessary here. The usere field, demonstrating
+ one of its usual functions in biblatex-chicago,
+ translates the title. The author field shows how
+ the new cmsnameparts option works, the addition of a
+ "cjk" name part requiring that each part of the
+ name, romanized or not, is identified as here. The
+ nametemplates option tells biblatex that it should
+ present all names in the entry, including their
+ romanized parts, in the conventional Chinese order
+ rather than the usual western one. The inclusion of
+ the romanized version allows biblatex easily to
+ alphabetize this entry among others that use only
+ the Latin script. (The \cmd{textzh} command here is
+ just a convenience shorthand I've set up using babel
+ commands in the preamble. It tells babel to treat
+ the text as Chinese, and means I don't need to load
+ a more powerful and more complicated package just to
+ typeset a few words.)}
author = {Jackson, Paulina},
title = {Paulina Jackson to John Pepys Junior},
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.sty 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/biblatex-chicago.sty 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% Copyright (c) 2009-2021 David Fussner. This package is
+% Copyright (c) 2009-2022 David Fussner. This package is
% author-maintained.
% This work may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
% but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
% fitness for a particular purpose.
-\ProvidesPackage{biblatex-chicago}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex style]
+\ProvidesPackage{biblatex-chicago}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex style]
\RequirePackage{nameref}% this already loads kvoptions
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
\ProcessLocalKeyvalOptions{cms at ldt}
@@ -68,6 +69,10 @@
\PassOptionsToPackage{casechanger=\cms at ldt@casechanger}{biblatex}
+\ifx\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts\@empty
\def\cms at authordate{%
@@ -89,7 +94,7 @@
- nodates=true}}
+ nodates=true,uniquename=minfull}}
\def\cms at authordatetrad{%
@@ -122,7 +127,7 @@
- nodates=true}}
+ nodates=true,uniquename=minfull}}
\def\cms at authordatetrold{%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
% the author-date (trad) style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th
% edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate-trad.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate-trad.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
@@ -213,10 +213,12 @@
- \printtext{%
- \printfield{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[subtitle]{subtitle}}%
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext{%
+ \printfield{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[subtitle]{subtitle}}}%
@@ -224,20 +226,22 @@
- \printtext{%
- \printfield{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[subtitle]{subtitle}}%
- \setunit{\ptitleaddonpunct}%\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}
- \ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at related}%
- and
- test {\iffieldequalstr{relatedtype}{reviewof}}%
- }%
- {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
- \usebibmacro{related}}%
- {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
- }%\newcunit\newblock
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext{%
+ \printfield{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[subtitle]{subtitle}}}%
+ \setunit{\ptitleaddonpunct}%\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at related}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{relatedtype}{reviewof}}%
+ }%
+ {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{related}}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
% providing inline citations (and a reference list) for the
% author-date (trad) style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.bbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.bbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.bbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Lehman's standard.bbx and from chicago-notes.bbx. It provides the
% reference list formatting for the Chicago author-date style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate.bbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate.bbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
bibliography style]
%%%% Initialize and format bibliography and los %%%%
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
\DeclareNameAlias{author}{sortname}% Needed in 0.9
@@ -649,10 +649,9 @@
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}%
- \newcunit}}%
+ {\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}\newcunit}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printlist{organization}\newcunit}}%
+ {\printlist{organization}\newcunit}%
test {\iffieldequalstr{labelnamesource}{shortauthor}}%
@@ -671,18 +670,26 @@
- \iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \ifentrytype{periodical}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
- {\printtext[journaltitle]{%
- \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[journaltitle]{%
+ \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{journaltitleaddon}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -900,6 +907,7 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
@@ -950,6 +958,7 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}{\usebibmacro{mag+news+title}\newunit}{}%
@@ -1005,7 +1014,7 @@
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}{}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}% 17th ed. ??
+ \usebibmacro{cmsbibsortdate}[1]% 17th ed. ??
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{}{\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}%
@@ -1056,7 +1065,11 @@
test {\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}}%
+ (
not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
@@ -1064,7 +1077,11 @@
test {\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}}%
+ (
test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
\newunit\newblock% 16th ed.
@@ -1073,7 +1090,8 @@
\usebibmacro{music+eventdate}% 17th ed.
- \iffieldundef{eventyear}%
+ \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{eventyear}\AND\NOT%
+ \(\iffieldundef{title}\AND\iffieldundef{titleaddon}\)}%
@@ -1604,7 +1622,7 @@
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}{}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}%
+ \usebibmacro{cmsbibsortdate}[1]%
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{}{\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}%
\newunit\newblock% 16th ed. added * (?)
@@ -2685,7 +2703,11 @@
test {\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}}%
+ (
not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
@@ -2693,7 +2715,11 @@
test {\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}}%
+ (
test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
\newunit% 16th ed.
@@ -2840,9 +2866,9 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \clearfield{origday}\clearfield{origseason}}%
+ \clearfield{origday}\clearfield{origyeardivision}}%
- \clearfield{day}\clearfield{season}}%
+ \clearfield{day}\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
@@ -2864,7 +2890,15 @@
- \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{urlyear}\AND\iffieldundef{urlmonth}}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{urlmonth}}%
+ )
+ or
+ togl {cms at doinodate}%
+ }%
@@ -2905,10 +2939,11 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
\usebibmacro{author+holder}% + holder?
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{\usebibmacro{patenttitle+stitle}}{}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}%
+ \usebibmacro{cmsbibsortdate}[1]%
\ifundef\bbx at lasthash{}{\usebibmacro{patenttitle+stitle}}%
@@ -3013,6 +3048,7 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
@@ -3021,25 +3057,37 @@
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ and
+ ((
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
test {\ifbibliography}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ ))
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
- \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
- \clearlist{location}%
- \clearfield{shorttitle}%
- \clearfield{title}%
- \clearfield{subtitle}%
- \newunit\newblock}{}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
+ \clearlist{location}%
+ \clearfield{shorttitle}%
+ \clearfield{title}%
+ \clearfield{subtitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock}{}%
@@ -3076,6 +3124,7 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
@@ -3084,25 +3133,37 @@
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ and
+ ((
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
test {\ifbibliography}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ ))
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
- \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
- \clearlist{location}%
- \clearfield{shorttitle}%
- \clearfield{title}%
- \clearfield{subtitle}%
- \newunit\newblock}{}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
+ \clearlist{location}%
+ \clearfield{shorttitle}%
+ \clearfield{title}%
+ \clearfield{subtitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock}{}%
@@ -3347,6 +3408,7 @@
+ \usebibmacro{shorthand:author}%
@@ -3472,7 +3534,7 @@
\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}{\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}{}%
- {\usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}% Like Patent entries (?)
+ {\usebibmacro{cmsbibsortdate}[1]}% Like Patent entries (?)
\ifundef{\bbx at lasthash}{}%
@@ -3811,7 +3873,9 @@
test {\iffieldundef{urlmonth}}%
- }%
+ or
+ togl {cms at doinodate}%
+ }%
@@ -3882,10 +3946,15 @@
\newbibmacro*{shorthand:label}{% Test this
\ifentrytype{periodical}}% Simplifies .bib creation
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}%
+ {\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printlist{organization}}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}}%
+ {\printlist{organization}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{article}\OR\ifentrytype{review}\OR%
+ \ifentrytype{suppperiodical}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}% Authorless articles w/o subtype
+ {\printfield[citetitle]{title}}%
+ {\printfield[citetitle]{shorttitle}}}%
+ {\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}}%
\ifboolexpr{ (
@@ -4017,13 +4086,47 @@
\newbibmacro*{cmsextradate}{% For use with some date specs
- {}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{% For authorless articles in newspapers & magazines
+ not test {\iffieldundef{extratitleyear}}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\ifentrytype{article}}%
+ or
+ test {\ifentrytype{review}}%
+ or
+ test {\ifentrytype{suppperiodical}}%
+ )
+ and
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}}%
+ and
+ test {\ifnameundef{labelname}}%
+ }%
+ {\setunit*{}%
+ \printfield{extratitleyear}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
+ {}}%
\newbibmacro*{cmsparensextradate}{% For use with other date specs
- {}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{% For authorless articles in newspapers & magazines
+ not test {\iffieldundef{extratitleyear}}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\ifentrytype{article}}%
+ or
+ test {\ifentrytype{review}}%
+ or
+ test {\ifentrytype{suppperiodical}}%
+ )
+ and
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}}%
+ and
+ test {\ifnameundef{labelname}}%
+ }%
+ {\setunit*{}%
+ \mkbibparens{\printfield{extratitleyear}}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
+ {}}%
@@ -4164,9 +4267,9 @@
\newrobustcmd*{\cms at mkbibrangetrunc}[2]{% DATE FIX
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4175,7 +4278,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -4185,12 +4288,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -4207,13 +4310,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -4242,13 +4345,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4264,9 +4367,9 @@
\newrobustcmd*{\cms at mkbibrangefull}[2]{%
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4275,7 +4378,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -4286,7 +4389,7 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -4302,7 +4405,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -4332,9 +4435,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4351,7 +4454,8 @@
- \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3season}\clearfield{#3endseason}%
+ \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3yeardivision}%
+ \clearfield{#3endyeardivision}%
\blx at metadateinfo{#3}%
{\blx at nounit}%
@@ -4543,25 +4647,14 @@
\iffieldequalstr{labelyear}{nodate}}% or new declaration ???
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}}%
- {}%
- {\bibstring{nodate}}}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\bibstring{nodate}}%
+ {}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -4576,25 +4669,14 @@
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}}%
- {}%
- {\bibstring{nodate}}}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\bibstring{nodate}}%
+ {}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -4609,25 +4691,14 @@
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}}%
- {}%
- {\bibstring{nodate}}}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\bibstring{nodate}}%
+ {}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -4644,7 +4715,8 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{origmonth}\AND\iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{origmonth}\AND%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
@@ -4652,7 +4724,7 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
togl {cms at origlabel}%
@@ -4662,18 +4734,19 @@
togl {cms at bothlabelnew}%
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{origmonth}\AND\iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{origmonth}\AND%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{month}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
@@ -4682,17 +4755,20 @@
- \iffieldundef{#1day}%
- {\iffieldundef{#1endyear}%
- {\clearfield{#1year}}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#1month}\AND\iffieldundef{#1season}}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at leaveit}%
+ {}%
+ {\iffieldundef{#1day}%
+ {\iffieldundef{#1endyear}%
- {\ifdateyearsequal{#1}{#1end}%
- {\clearfield{#1year}\clearfield{#1endyear}}%
- {}}}}%
- {}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#1month}\AND\iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}%
+ {\clearfield{#1year}}%
+ {\ifdateyearsequal{#1}{#1end}%
+ {\clearfield{#1year}\clearfield{#1endyear}}%
+ {}}}}%
+ {}}}
-\newbibmacro*{cmsbibsortdate}{% Attempt to solve date-related problems
+\newbibmacro*{cmsbibsortdate}[1][]{% Attempt to solve date-related problems
+ \ifblank{#1}{\togglefalse{cms at leaveit}}{\toggletrue{cms at leaveit}}%
test {\iffieldundef{origyear}}%
@@ -4748,11 +4824,11 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}% ???
- {\clearfield{extradate}}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}%
- {\clearfield{extradate}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
@@ -4785,7 +4861,7 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}%
- {\clearfield{extradate}}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}% ???
@@ -4795,13 +4871,13 @@
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
\printdateextra}}}% \usebibmacro{year+endyear}
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
% \usebibmacro{origyear+endyear}%
@@ -5053,7 +5129,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{#1season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}%
@@ -5081,7 +5157,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#1season}}% Test year for related entries??
+ \iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}% Test year for related entries??
@@ -5108,7 +5184,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#1season}}% See prev. macro
+ \iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}% See prev. macro
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
% intention of providing inline citations (and a reference list) for
% the author-date style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
@@ -158,10 +158,12 @@
- \printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}%
@@ -169,20 +171,22 @@
- \printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[noformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}%
- \setunit{\ptitleaddonpunct}%\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}
- \ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at related}%
- and
- test {\iffieldequalstr{relatedtype}{reviewof}}%
- }%
- {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
- \usebibmacro{related}}%
- {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
- }%\newcunit\newblock
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[noformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}}%
+ \setunit{\ptitleaddonpunct}%\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at related}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{relatedtype}{reviewof}}%
+ }%
+ {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+ \usebibmacro{related}}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.bbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.bbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.bbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% standard.bbx and from chicago-notes.bbx. It provides the
% reference list formatting for the Chicago author-date style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate16.bbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate16.bbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
bibliography style]
%%%% Initialize and format bibliography and los %%%%
@@ -3550,7 +3550,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3559,7 +3559,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -3569,12 +3569,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -3591,13 +3591,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -3626,13 +3626,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3650,7 +3650,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -3670,7 +3670,7 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -3686,7 +3686,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -3716,9 +3716,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3735,7 +3735,8 @@
- \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3season}\clearfield{#3endseason}%
+ \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3yeardivision}%
+ \clearfield{#3endyeardivision}%
\blx at metadateinfo{#3}%
{\blx at nounit}%
@@ -4008,7 +4009,7 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#1month}\AND\iffieldundef{#1season}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#1month}\AND\iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}%
@@ -4360,7 +4361,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
@@ -4388,7 +4389,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{season}}% Test year for related entries??
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}% Test year for related entries??
{\setunit{\addcolon\addspace}}}% This may not be universally correct.
@@ -4414,7 +4415,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{season}}% See prev. macro
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}% See prev. macro
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-authordate16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
% providing inline citations (and a reference list) for the
% author-date style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate16.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-authordate16.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
% list) for the two author-date styles of the Chicago Manual of Style,
% 17th edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-dates-common.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-dates-common.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
%%%% Biblatex initialization + Chicago options + Toggles %%%%
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
\providetoggle{cms at nodatebrackets}% For brackets in uncertain & circa
\providetoggle{cms at noyearbrackets}%
\providetoggle{cms at authorparens}
+\providetoggle{cms at strippunct}
+\providetoggle{cms at postspace}
\providetoggle{cms at modpostnote}
\providetoggle{cms at ukord}
\providetoggle{cms at fullnote}% For the legal entry types
@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@
\providetoggle{cms at urltime}% 17th ed.
\providetoggle{cms at doi}
\providetoggle{cms at doionly}
+\providetoggle{cms at doinodate}
\providetoggle{cms at eprint}
\providetoggle{cms at isbn}
\providetoggle{cms at numbermonth}
@@ -51,6 +55,7 @@
\providetoggle{cms at shser}
\providetoggle{cms at addendum}
\providetoggle{cms at hidevolumes}% Modify Volume fix
+\providetoggle{cms at notitle}% For classical short notes
\providetoggle{cms at comprange}
\providetoggle{cms at compyears}
@@ -81,6 +86,8 @@
\providetoggle{cms at xrefurl}
\providetoggle{cms at related}
\providetoggle{cms at linkit}
+\providetoggle{cms at linkname}
+\providetoggle{cms at leaveit}
\providetoggle{cms at authortitle}
\providetoggle{cms at shortrelated}
@@ -183,9 +190,15 @@
\settoggle{cms at genallnames}{#1}}%
\settoggle{cms at linkit}{#1}}%
+ \settoggle{cms at linkname}{#1}}%
+ \settoggle{cms at linkit}{#1}\settoggle{cms at linkname}{#1}}%
\ifcsdef{cms at opt@annot@#1}%
{\csuse{cms at opt@annot@#1}}%
@@ -315,10 +328,10 @@
\settoggle{cms at namedash}{#1}}
- \global\settoggle{cms at allshort}{#1}}
+ \settoggle{cms at allshort}{#1}}
\settoggle{cms at noneshort}{#1}}
@@ -330,8 +343,8 @@
\global\settoggle{cms at los}{#1}}%
- \global\settoggle{cms at noibid}{#1}}%
+ \settoggle{cms at noibid}{#1}}%
\global\settoggle{cms at comprange}{#1}}%
@@ -345,7 +358,7 @@
\settoggle{blx at usenamec}{#1}}%
\settoggle{cms at nodates}{#1}}%
@@ -486,8 +499,33 @@
\def\cms at opt@ctao at period{%
+ \ifcsdef{cms at opt@jtao@#1}%
+ {\csuse{cms at opt@jtao@#1}}%
+ {\csuse{cms at opt@jtao at space}\cms at warning@noline%
+ {'jtitleaddon=#1' is not a valid option.\MessageBreak
+ The default - 'space' - has been set.\MessageBreak
+ Please see biblatex-chicago.pdf for valid\MessageBreak
+ option keys}}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at none{%
+ \let\jtitleaddonpunct\@empty}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at comma{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addcomma\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at colon{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addcolon\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at space{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at semicolon{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addsemicolon\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at period{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\newunitpunct}}%
% The field-exclusion options %
+ \settoggle{cms at notitle}{#1}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at notitle}{\toggletrue{cms at linkname}}{}}%
\settoggle{cms at urltime}{#1}}%
@@ -505,6 +543,9 @@
\togglefalse{cms at doi}}%
\def\cms at opt@doi at only{%
\toggletrue{cms at doionly}}%
+\def\cms at opt@doi at onlynd{%
+ \toggletrue{cms at doionly}%
+ \toggletrue{cms at doinodate}}%
\settoggle{cms at eprint}{#1}}%
@@ -543,12 +584,15 @@
\settoggle{cms at authortitle}{#1}}%
- ctitleaddon,ptitleaddon,journalabbrev=notes,legalnotes,supranotes,%
- dashed,bibannotesep,citeannotesep,nameaddonsep=space}%
+ ctitleaddon,ptitleaddon,jtitleaddon,journalabbrev=notes,legalnotes,%
+ supranotes,dashed,bibannotesep,citeannotesep,nameaddonsep=space}%
\iftoggle{cms at legalnotes}%
@@ -583,6 +627,27 @@
+%% This is an ugly kludge, only required because we need the extradate
+%% mechanism for authorless articles in magazines where the
+%% journaltitle takes the place of the author, and the labelname
+%% mechanism won't accept non-name fields. No other idea presenting
+%% itself, we use the extratitleyear mechanism in these 3 types, and
+%% this declaration keeps any article with an author from interfering
+%% with it. It means we can't simply print the labeltitle for these
+%% entry types.
+ \field{shortauthor}
+ \field{author}
+ \field{shorteditor}
+ \field{namea}
+ \field{editor}
+ \field{nameb}
+ \field{translator}
+ \field{namec}
+ \field{shortjournal}
+ \field{journaltitle}}%
@@ -628,6 +693,16 @@
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
@@ -638,7 +713,7 @@
- \noinherit{urlseason}
+ \noinherit{urlyeardivision}
@@ -651,19 +726,19 @@
- \noinherit{season}
+ \noinherit{yeardivision}
- \noinherit{endseason}
+ \noinherit{endyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origseason}
+ \noinherit{origyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origendseason}}
+ \noinherit{origendyeardivision}}
% More authordate options %
@@ -772,6 +847,350 @@
+%%%% These are the macros and declarations needed to use non-default
+%%%% name presentations, including new name parts and different
+%%%% orderings of existing name parts. All of this becomes available
+%%%% only when a user sets the "cmsnameparts" option. Nearly all of it
+%%%% comes from the standard biblatex example file 93-nameparts.tex,
+%%%% with changes to make it possible for users to add new name
+%%%% treatments and also to set a new default name presentation style
+%%%% for their documents.
+\ifdefvoid{\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}{}{%
+ %% Wrapper for biblatex's Template declarations, allowing a chosen
+ %% named template also to provide the default ("global") template.
+ %% <template command><[template name]><definition of template>
+ \def\cms at template@wrapper#1[#2]#3{%
+ \def\cms at tpl{#2}
+ \ifx\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts\cms at tpl
+ #1{#3}%
+ #1[#2]{#3}
+ \blx at warning@noline{#2 is the So Global Template}
+ \else
+ #1[#2]{#3}
+ \blx at warning@noline{#2 is the Local Template}
+ \fi}
+ %% Name format declarations for bibliography and notes. The
+ %% "default" format is for the head of long notes and for names in
+ %% the body of long notes and bibliography entries. They should work
+ %% for any name styles users might want to add themselves.
+ \DeclareNameFormat{sortname}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts-rev}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts-rev}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western-rev}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename-rev}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename-rev}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western-rev}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ \DeclareNameFormat{default}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ \DeclareNameFormat{labelname}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmslabel:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:western}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmslabel:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:western}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ %% These are the template definitions for the four pre-defined
+ %% styles, each with two templates, one for the sortname and one for
+ %% the labelname. The "western" style, as in 93-nameparts.tex, is
+ %% identical to biblatex's default style, but giving it a name
+ %% allows other styles to become the default, if desired. You will
+ %% need one template of each sort for any new style you wish to
+ %% provide.
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[cjk]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{cjk}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[cjk]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{given}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{cjk}
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[ethiopian]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{papponymic}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[ethiopian]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{given}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{patronymic}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{papponymic}
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[russian]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[russian]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart{given}
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ \DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate[western]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=true]{prefix}
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{suffix}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=false]{prefix}
+ }
+ }
+ \DeclareUniquenameTemplate[western]{
+ \namepart[use=true, base=true]{prefix}
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ %% These bibmacros print the names when the standard biblatex
+ %% equivalents are insufficient. You only need to provide a new one
+ %% for a new style if standard biblatex doesn't provide one that is
+ %% suitable.
+ \newbibmacro*{name:cjk}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#3#1}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#3#1}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}}
+ \newbibmacro*{name:ethiopian}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \mkbibethgiven{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibethpat{#2}\isdot}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibethpap{#3}\isdot}}
+ \let\mkbibethgiven\mkbibnamefamily
+ \let\mkbibethpat\mkbibnamegiven
+ \let\mkbibethpap\mkbibnamegiven
+ \newbibmacro*{name:russian}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}
+ {}
+ {\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot\bibnamedelimd
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}
+ {}
+ {\mkbibnamepatronymic{#3}\isdot\bibnamedelimd}}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}}
+ \newbibmacro*{name:russian-rev}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}
+ {}
+ {\revsdnamepunct\bibnamedelimd
+ \mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}
+ {}
+ {\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamepatronymic{#3}\isdot}}}
+ %% These macros call the name-printing bibmacros with the
+ %% appropriate arguments for the "sortname" and "default" name
+ %% formats. Each style needs at least one for printing sortnames,
+ %% and possibly a second if you wish to reverse the first name in a
+ %% list.
+ \csdef{cmssort:cjk}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartcjk}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:russian}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:russian-rev}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian-rev}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}%
+ \ifboolexpe{%
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
+ and
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartpatronymic}}
+ {}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:revsdelim}}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:ethiopian}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\namepartpapponymic}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:western}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:western-rev}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \ifboolexpe{%
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
+ and
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}
+ {}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:revsdelim}}}%
+ %% These macros call the name-printing macros for the labelname,
+ %% i.e., in short notes. You'll need one for each new style you wish
+ %% to provide for your documents.
+ \csdef{cmslabel:cjk}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{given}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartcjk}}}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:ethiopian}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{patronymic}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\namepartpapponymic}}}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:russian}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\ifnum\namepartgivenun=1\relax
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartpatronymici}%
+ \else
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}%
+ \fi}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:western}{%
+ \ifcase\value{uniquename}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \or
+ \ifuseprefix
+ {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefixi}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}%
+ \or
+ \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \fi}}
%%%% Macros from authoryear-comp.cbx, revised for CMS %%%%
@@ -859,12 +1278,12 @@
- {\printtext{\bibleftbracket\printnames{labelname}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\bibleftbracket\printnames{labelname}%
- {\printtext{\bibleftbracket\printnames{labelname}?%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\bibleftbracket\printnames{labelname}?%
- {\printnames{labelname}}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\printnames{labelname}}}}}%
@@ -913,6 +1332,15 @@
{\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}%
+\def\cms at choose@unit{%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at notitle}%
+ and
+ bool {cbx:parens}%
+ }%
+ {\printunit}%
+ {\setunit}}
\iftoggle{cms at los}%
@@ -920,7 +1348,14 @@
\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at notitle}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}}%
+ \iffieldundef{postnote}%
{\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
\global\undef\cbx at lastyear}%
@@ -933,7 +1368,11 @@
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {\cms at choose@unit{\multicitedelim}}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}}%
togl {cms at authortitle}%
@@ -987,21 +1426,30 @@
- {\printnames{labelname}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{%
+ \printnames{labelname}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at gencite}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at genallnames}%
+ )
+ }%
+ {\thegen}%
+ {}}%
- togl {cms at gencite}%
+ togl {cms at notitle}%
- (
- test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
- or
- togl {cms at genallnames}%
- )
+ not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}}%
- {\thegen}%
- {}%
- \setunit{%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
- \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
+ {\setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
@@ -1015,21 +1463,30 @@
\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}%
- {\printfield{shorthand}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{%
+ \printfield{shorthand}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at gencite}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at genallnames}%
+ )
+ }%
+ {\thegen}%
+ {}}%
- togl {cms at gencite}%
+ togl {cms at notitle}%
- (
- test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
- or
- togl {cms at genallnames}%
- )
+ not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}}%
- {\thegen}%
- {}%
- \setunit{%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
- \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
+ {\setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
@@ -1052,129 +1509,172 @@
\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\iffieldundef{shorthand}%
- {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
- {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}%
- \global\undef\cbx at lastyear}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at authortitle}%
- or
- test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- or
- bool {cms:atcite}%
- }%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
- {\setunit{\compcitedelim}}}}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
- \ifboolexpr{%
+ {\ifbool{cms:postsh}%
+ {\ifciteibid%
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunit{\multicitedelim}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}}}%
+ {\global\boolfalse{cms:postsh}%
+ \ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {\printunit{\bibcloseparen\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}%
+ \textcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{textcite:mainref}}%
+ {\printunit{\textcitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{textcite:mainref}}}}%
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at notitle}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}}%
+ \iffieldundef{shorthand}%
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
+ {\setunit{\multicitedelim}%
+ \global\undef\cbx at lastyear}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at authortitle}%
+ or
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
+ or
+ bool {cms:atcite}%
+ }%
+ {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}}}}%
+ {\ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {\cms at choose@unit{\multicitedelim}}%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at authortitle}%
+ or
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
+ }%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
+ {\global\undef\cbx at lastyear}%
+ {}}%
+ {}%
+ \setunit{\multicitedelim}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{%
+ \printfield{shorthand}}}}}%
+ {\global\boolfalse{cms:postsh}%
+ \usebibmacro{textcite:mainref}}%
+ \setunit{%
+ \ifbool{cbx:parens}%
+ {\bibcloseparen\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}}%
+ {}%
+ \textcitedelim}}% Not \multicitedelim ???
+ \iffieldundef{shorthand}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifnameundef{labelname}\OR
+ \ifentrytype{inreference}\OR
+ \ifentrytype{reference}\OR
+ \ifentrytype{mvreference}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
togl {cms at authortitle}%
test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
- {\iffieldundef{postnote}%
- {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}%
- \global\undef\cbx at lastyear}%
- {\ifbool{cms:atcite}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
- {\setunit{\compcitedelim}}}}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
- \printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \printfield{shorthand}}}}%
- {\ifthenelse{\ifnameundef{labelname}\OR
- \ifentrytype{inreference}\OR
- \ifentrytype{reference}\OR
- \ifentrytype{mvreference}}%
- {\iffieldundef{shorthand}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at authortitle}%
- or
- test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- }%
- {\ifentrytype{customc}%
- {\setunit{%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
- \multicitedelim}%\bibopenparen%
- \ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}\clearfield{prenote}}%
- {}%
- \savefield{postnote}{\cms at tempz}\clearfield{postnote}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:label}%
- \restorefield{postnote}{\cms at tempz}}%
- {\setunit{%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
- \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
- \ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:label}%
- \ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at gencite}%
- and
- (
- test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
- or
- togl {cms at genallnames}%
- )
- }%
- {\thegen}%
+ {\ifentrytype{customc}%
+ {\setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \multicitedelim}%\bibopenparen%
+ \ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}%
+ {\usebibmacro{prenote}\clearfield{prenote}}%
- \setunit{%
+ \savefield{postnote}{\cms at tempz}\clearfield{postnote}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:label}%
+ \restorefield{postnote}{\cms at tempz}}%
+ {\setunit{%
\cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \printfield{shorthand}}}}%
- {\printnames{labelname}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:label}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at gencite}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at genallnames}%
+ )
+ }%
+ {\thegen}%
+ {}%
+ \setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
+ \ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{1}%
+ {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
+ {}%
+ \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\printnames{labelname}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at gencite}%
+ and
+ (
+ test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at genallnames}%
+ )
+ }%
+ {\thegen}%
+ {}}%
- togl {cms at gencite}%
- and
- (
- test {\iffinalcitedelim}%
- or
- togl {cms at genallnames}%
- )
- }%
- {\thegen}%
- {}%
- \setunit{%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
- \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}%
+ togl {cms at notitle}%
+ and
+ not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}}%
+ }%
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
+ {\setunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
- \iffieldundef{shorthand}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at authortitle}%
- or
- test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- }%
- {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{manual}\OR\ifentrytype{standard}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \printfield{shorthand}}}%
- \savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}%
- \stepcounter{textcitecount}}% Added ???
- \setunit{%
- \ifbool{cbx:parens}%
- {\bibcloseparen\global\boolfalse{cbx:parens}}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at authortitle}%
+ or
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
+ }%
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{manual}\OR\ifentrytype{standard}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}%
+ \savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}%
+ {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
+ \printfield{shorthand}}%
+ \iffieldundef{postnote}%
- \textcitedelim}}% Not \multicitedelim ???
+ {\printunit{%
+ \global\booltrue{cbx:parens}%
+ \cms at testspace\bibopenparen}}%
+ \savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
+ \global\booltrue{cms:postsh}}%
+ \stepcounter{textcitecount}}
{\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lastyear}%
- \postnotewrapper%\setunit{\postnotewrapper}
+ \iftoggle{blx at keepunit}{}{\postnotewrapper}% Shorthand or notitle
@@ -1191,69 +1691,67 @@
\iftoggle{cms at los}%
{\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{%
- \ifbool{cms:atcite}%
- {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
- {\setunit{\compcitedelim}}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}}%
- {\printfield{shorthand}%
- \printtext[cmshyper]{%
- \setunit{\nameyeardelim}%
- \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}%
+ {\ifbool{cms:atcite}%
+ {\setunit{\multicitedelim}}%
+ {\setunit{\compcitedelim}}%
+ \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
+ \setunit{\nameyeardelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cmscitesortdate}%
\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
\iftoggle{cms at los}%
{\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{%
- \setunit{\multicitedelim}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
- {\printfield{shorthand}%
- \printtext[cmshyper]{%
- \setunit{\addcomma\addspace}% FIXME: wrong in 16th _and_ 17th eds?
- \ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{standard}\OR\ifentrytype{manual}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}}%
+ {\setunit{\multicitedelim}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:label}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsnamehyper]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
+ \setunit{\addcomma\addspace}% FIXME: wrong in 16th _and_ 17th eds?
+ \ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{standard}\OR\ifentrytype{manual}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:label}}%
\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
+ {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\printfield{shorthand}}%
\newbibmacro*{cite:label}{% Test this
- \iffieldundef{label}%
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}\AND\NOT%
- \ifentrytype{periodical}}% Simplifies .bib creation
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
- and
- ((
- test {\ifcitation}%
- and
- togl {cms at citejtabb}%
- )
- or
- (
- test {\ifbibliography}%
- and
- togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- ))
- }%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[shortjournal]{shortjournal}}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}%
- {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{manual}\OR\ifentrytype{standard}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printlist{organization}}}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at notitle}%
+ {}%
+ {\iffieldundef{label}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}\AND\NOT%
+ \ifentrytype{periodical}}% Simplifies .bib creation
- test {\ifentrytype{video}}%
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
- test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{tvepisode}}%
+ ((
+ test {\ifcitation}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ togl {cms at citejtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}%
+ togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ ))
- {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[shortjournal]{shortjournal}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{manual}\OR\ifentrytype{standard}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printlist{organization}}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\ifentrytype{video}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{tvepisode}}%
+ and
+ not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}%
+ }%
+ {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{%
\printfield[booksubtitle]{booksubtitle}}% (?)
@@ -1260,13 +1758,18 @@
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}%
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
- \printfield{booktitleaddon}%
- \iffieldundef{booktitleaddon}{}{\addcomma\addspace}}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}}}%
- {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield{label}}}%
- \global\booltrue{cms:atcite}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}%
+ \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{booktitleaddon}%
+ \iffieldundef{booktitleaddon}{}{\addcomma\addspace}}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{article}\OR\ifentrytype{review}\OR%
+ \ifentrytype{suppperiodical}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}% Authorless articles w/o subtype
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{title}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{shorttitle}}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}}}}%
+ {\printtext[cmshyper]{\printfield{label}}}%
+ \global\booltrue{cms:atcite}}}%
\ifboolexpr{ (
@@ -1291,27 +1794,15 @@
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}%
- }%
- {}%
- {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}}% For CMS?
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}%
+ {}}% For CMS?
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -1322,27 +1813,15 @@
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}%
- }%
- {}%
- {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}}% For CMS?
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}% For CMS?
+ {}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -1353,27 +1832,15 @@
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- or
- test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- or
- not togl {cms at nodates}%
- }%
- {}%
- {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}}% For CMS?
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
+ {\printtext[cmsyearhyper]{\bibstring{nodate}}}% For CMS?
+ {}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at nodates}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{misc}}%
- and
- not test {\ifentrytype{dataset}}%
- }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at nodates}%
@@ -1452,11 +1919,11 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}% ???
- {\clearfield{extradate}}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}%
- {\clearfield{extradate}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
\printorigdateextra}}}}}}% \usebibmacro{origyear+endyear}
@@ -1481,13 +1948,13 @@
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
\printorigdateextra}}% \usebibmacro{origyear+endyear}
{\iffieldundef{origyear}% ???
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}%
- {\clearfield{extradate}}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}}%
{\iftoggle{cms at ordate}% Added test for year field ???
@@ -1497,13 +1964,13 @@
\setunit{\addspace}%\addspace% ???
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
- \clearfield{extradate}%
+ \clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}%
% \usebibmacro{origyear+endyear}%
@@ -2104,6 +2571,8 @@
togl {cms at url}%
not test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ and
+ not togl {cms at doinodate}%
\ifboolexpr{% 17th ed.
@@ -2327,8 +2796,14 @@
\xappto\cbx at savedkeys{\thefield{entrykey},}%
\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\stepcounter{textcitetotal}%
- \savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}
+ {\ifboolexpr{% The shorthand isn't a name, but the ID of a whole work.
+ togl {cms at los}% Hence we don't treat it as common to what follows.
+ or
+ test {\iffieldundef{shorthand}}%
+ }%
+ {\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}%
+ {\global\undef\cbx at lasthash}%
+ \stepcounter{textcitetotal}}}%
{\protected at xappto\cbx at savedcites{%
[\thefield{prenote}][\thefield{postnote}]{\cbx at savedkeys}}}
@@ -2368,8 +2843,14 @@
\xappto\cbx at savedkeys{\thefield{entrykey},}%
\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}%
- {\stepcounter{textcitetotal}%
- \savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}}
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ togl {cms at los}%
+ or
+ test {\iffieldundef{shorthand}}%
+ }%
+ {\savefield{fullhash}{\cbx at lasthash}}%
+ {\global\undef\cbx at lasthash}%
+ \stepcounter{textcitetotal}}}
{\protected at xappto\cbx at savedcites{%
[\thefield{prenote}][\thefield{postnote}]{\cbx at savedkeys}}}
@@ -2754,6 +3235,11 @@
{\bibstring{broadcast}\space #1}%
{\printfield{userd}\addspace #1}}
+ \iffieldnums{labelyear}%
+ {\mknumalph{#1}}%
+ {\mkbibparens{\mknumalph{#1}}}}
\DeclareFieldAlias{userd}{titleaddon}% 16th ed.
@@ -2802,10 +3288,19 @@
\if at cms@capital{#1}{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}%\custpunctc?
+ \ifcapital{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}
+ \ifcapital{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}
@@ -2871,25 +3366,28 @@
-\DeclareFieldFormat{cmshyper}{% Control the number of elements hyperlinked.
+\DeclareFieldFormat{cmshyper}{% Control number of elements hyperlinked
- ((
- not test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- and
- not togl {cms at authortitle}%
- )
+ togl {cms at authortitle}%
- togl {blx at skipbib}%
- )
- and
- not togl {cms at linkit}%
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
- {\iftoggle{cms at shortrelated}%
- {\ifentryinbib{\strfield{clonesourcekey}}%
- {\bibhyperref[\strfield{clonesourcekey}]{#1}}%
+ {\iftoggle{blx at skipbib}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at shortrelated}%
+ {\ifentryinbib{\strfield{clonesourcekey}}%
+ {\bibhyperref[\strfield{clonesourcekey}]{#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
- {#1}}%
- {\bibhyperref{#1}}}%
+ {\bibhyperref{#1}}}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at linkit}%
+ {\iftoggle{blx at skipbib}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at shortrelated}%
+ {\ifentryinbib{\strfield{clonesourcekey}}%
+ {\bibhyperref[\strfield{clonesourcekey}]{#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {\bibhyperref{#1}}}%
+ {#1}}}%
\DeclareFieldFormat{cmsyearhyper}{% Only link when in ref list
\iftoggle{blx at skipbib}
@@ -2900,6 +3398,33 @@
+\DeclareFieldFormat{cmsnamehyper}{% Two cases: 1. only a name is present
+ \ifboolexpr{% 2. new user option hypername
+ togl {cms at nodates}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at authortitle}%
+ or
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{labeldate}}%
+ }%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at linkname}%
+ {\iftoggle{blx at skipbib}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at shortrelated}%
+ {\ifentryinbib{\strfield{clonesourcekey}}%
+ {\bibhyperref[\strfield{clonesourcekey}]{#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {\bibhyperref{#1}}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {\iftoggle{blx at skipbib}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at shortrelated}%
+ {\ifentryinbib{\strfield{clonesourcekey}}%
+ {\bibhyperref[\strfield{clonesourcekey}]{#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {\bibhyperref{#1}}}}
%%%% Related field formats from biblatex.def %%%%
\DeclareFieldFormat{related:origpubas}{#1}% This and next remove parens
@@ -3194,42 +3719,67 @@
- \iftoggle{cms at modpostnote}% Multiple bugs in v 2.0.
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{,}}%
- or
- test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{\bibrangessep}}%
- }%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
+\newcounter{cms at punct}
+\def\cms at strip@spaces#1{%
+ \def\do at i##1{%
+ \iffieldstart{postnote}{##1}%
+ {\toggletrue{cms at postspace}%
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addcomma}}%
- {\newcunit}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{;}%
+ \StrGobbleLeft{#1}{1}[#1]\listbreak}%
+ {}}%
+ \forcmslist{\do at i}{\space|\,|\addspace|\;|\:|\!}}
+\newcommand*{\postnotewrapper}{% To fix bugs in v 2.0 & ff.
+ \setcounter{cms at punct}{0}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at modpostnote}%
+ {\def\do##1{%
+ \iffieldstart{postnote}{##1}%
{\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
+ \toggletrue{cms at strippunct}%
+ \ifcase\c at cms@punct% Allows US-style punctuation to work
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcolon}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addsemicolon}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addperiod}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcomma}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcomma}%
+ \else
+ \def\cms at userpunct{##1}%
+ \fi
\StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
+ \cms at strip@spaces{\abx at field@postnote}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ not test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{ }}%
+ }%
+ {\StrSubstitute[1]{\abx at field@postnote}{ }{\ }[\abx at field@postnote]}%
+ {}%
\iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addsemicolon}}%
- {\setunit{\addsemicolon\addspace}}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{:}%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
- \expandarg
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addcolon}}%
- {\setunit{\addcolon\addspace}}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{.}%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
- \expandarg
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addperiod}}%
- {\newunit}}%
- {\postnotedelim}}}}}%
- {\postnotedelim}}%
+ {\setunit{\cms at userpunct}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{ }}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at postspace}%
+ }%
+ {\togglefalse{cms at postspace}%
+ \setunit{\cms at userpunct\addspace}}%
+ {\setunit{\cms at userpunct}}}%
+ \listbreak}%
+ {\stepcounter{cms at punct}}}%
+ \docmslist{:|;|.|,|\bibrangessep|\addcolon|\addsemicolon|
+ \addcomma|\addperiod}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at strippunct}%
+ {\togglefalse{cms at strippunct}}%
+ {\postnotedelim}}%
+ {\postnotedelim}}
\newrobustcmd*{\iffieldstart}[2]{% Philipp Lehman's code, from
\begingroup% comp.text.tex
@@ -3485,10 +4035,15 @@
togl {cms at namedash}%
- {\usebibmacro{journal+sub}{}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
- \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
- \savefield{journaltitle}{\bbx at lasthash}}}%
+ {\iftoggle{cms at authorparens}%
+ {\bibopenparen\usebibmacro{journal+sub}{}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \printlist[periodplace]{location}\bibcloseparen%
+ \savefield{journaltitle}{\bbx at lasthash}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{journal+sub}{}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \printlist[periodplace]{location}%
+ \savefield{journaltitle}{\bbx at lasthash}}}}%
@@ -3784,6 +4339,12 @@
test {\ifentrytype{audio}}%
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ and
+ (
+ not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
@@ -3802,6 +4363,12 @@
not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}%
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ and
+ (
+ not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}
+ )
@@ -3815,11 +4382,11 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}% Date fix
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
@@ -3942,11 +4509,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -3957,11 +4524,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\printdate}% For interviews and other dated non-letters
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -3979,11 +4546,11 @@
\renewbibmacro*{date}{% Adding the test solved some issues in 0.9 with
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \AND\iffieldundef{origday}\AND\iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{origday}\AND\iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
- \AND\iffieldundef{day}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}% Punctuation in some
+ \AND\iffieldundef{day}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}% Punctuation in some
{}% entry types (Misc). The whole \printdate thing may need further work.
@@ -4029,29 +4596,33 @@
- \iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
- {}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
- and
- ((
- test {\ifcitation}%
- and
- togl {cms at citejtabb}%
- )
- or
- (
- test {\ifbibliography}%
- and
- togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- ))
- }%
- {\clearlist{location}\printtext[#1shortjournal]{%
- \printfield[jtsnoformat]{shortjournal}}}%
- {\printtext[#1journaltitle]{%
- \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}}}}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
+ and
+ ((
+ test {\ifcitation}%
+ and
+ togl {cms at citejtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
+ and
+ togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ ))
+ }%
+ {\clearlist{location}\printtext[#1shortjournal]{%
+ \printfield[jtsnoformat]{shortjournal}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}%
+ {}%
+ {\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}%
+ {\printtext[#1journaltitle]{%
+ \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}}%
@@ -4078,7 +4649,7 @@
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
\printfield{usera}% For network ID and possible section of newspaper.
@@ -4098,7 +4669,7 @@
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -4105,8 +4676,8 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\clearfield{extradate}\printorigdateextra}% \printfield{origyear}
- {\clearfield{extradate}\printdateextra}}% \printfield{year}
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}\printorigdateextra}%
+ {\clearfield{extradate}\clearfield{extratitleyear}\printdateextra}}%
\newbibmacro*{cmsorigdate}{% New for 0.9
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
@@ -4114,31 +4685,40 @@
\newbibmacro*{cperiodical+ser+vol+num}[1]{% For periodical entries,
- \ifboolexpr{% article subtype
+ \ifboolexpr{% no subtype
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ and
+ ((
togl {cms at citejtabb}%
test {\ifcitation}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ ))%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- and
- test {\ifbibliography}%
- and
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
- }%
- {\clearlist{location}\printtext[shorttitle]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{shorttitle}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -4145,7 +4725,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{#1season}}% New, more accurate
+ \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{#1yeardivision}}% New, more accurate
{\iffieldundef{volume}% test, also in article
@@ -4160,29 +4740,38 @@
\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}}}% Moved eid for 17th ed.
\newbibmacro*{periodical+date+issue}{% For periodical type &
- \ifboolexpr{% magazine subtype
+ \ifboolexpr{% no subtype
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ and
+ ((
togl {cms at citejtabb}%
test {\ifcitation}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ ))%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- and
- test {\ifbibliography}%
- and
- not test {\iffieldundef{shorttitle}}%
- }%
- {\clearlist{location}\printtext[shorttitle]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{shorttitle}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -4348,8 +4937,8 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{season}}%
- {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origseason}}%
+ {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
+ {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origyeardivision}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common16.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-dates-common16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
% for the two author-date styles of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th
% edition.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-dates-common16.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-dates-common16.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
citation style]
%%%% Biblatex initialization + Chicago options + Toggles %%%%
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
- \noinherit{urlseason}
+ \noinherit{urlyeardivision}
@@ -464,19 +464,19 @@
- \noinherit{season}
+ \noinherit{yeardivision}
- \noinherit{endseason}
+ \noinherit{endyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origseason}
+ \noinherit{origyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origendseason}}
+ \noinherit{origendyeardivision}}
% More authordate options %
@@ -3058,11 +3058,11 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}% Date fix
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
@@ -3173,11 +3173,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -3188,11 +3188,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\printdate}% For interviews and other dated non-letters
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -3210,11 +3210,11 @@
\renewbibmacro*{date}{% Adding the test solved some issues in 0.9 with
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \AND\iffieldundef{origday}\AND\iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{origday}\AND\iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
- \AND\iffieldundef{day}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}% Punctuation in some
+ \AND\iffieldundef{day}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}% Punctuation in some
{}% entry types (Misc). The whole \printdate thing may need further work.
@@ -3366,7 +3366,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{season}}% New, more accurate
+ \iffieldundef{issue}\AND\iffieldundef{yeardivision}}% New, more accurate
{\iffieldundef{volume}% test, also in article
@@ -3568,8 +3568,8 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{season}}%
- {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origseason}}%
+ {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
+ {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origyeardivision}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.bbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.bbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.bbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Lehman's standard.bbx. It provides the bibliography formatting for
% the Chicago notes + bibliography style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes.bbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex bibliography style]
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes.bbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex bibliography style]
%%%% Initialize and format bibliography and los %%%%
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
{\iffieldequals{fullhash}\blx at lasthash@text}}%
\DeclareNameAlias{author}{sortname}% Needed in 0.9
@@ -678,18 +678,26 @@
- \iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \ifentrytype{periodical}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
- {\printtext[journaltitle]{%
- \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[journaltitle]{%
+ \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{journaltitleaddon}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -966,6 +974,18 @@
\step[fieldsource=booktitle, final]
\step[fieldset=sorttitle, origfieldval]
+ \map[overwrite]{
+ \step[fieldsource=entrysubtype, match=classical, final]
+ \step[fieldsource=shortauthor, final]
+ \step[fieldsource=options, notmatch=\regexp{useibid}, final]
+ \step[fieldset=options, fieldvalue=\regexp{,useibid=false}, append]
+ }
+ \map{
+ \step[fieldsource=entrysubtype, match=classical, final]
+ \step[fieldsource=shortauthor, final]
+ \step[notfield=options, final]
+ \step[fieldset=options, fieldvalue=\regexp{useibid=false}]
+ }
@@ -1115,7 +1135,8 @@
- \usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}%
+ \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{title}\AND\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}{}%
+ {\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}%
\newunit\newblock% 16th ed.
@@ -1122,7 +1143,8 @@
\usebibmacro{music+eventdate}% 17th ed.
- \iffieldundef{eventyear}%
+ \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{eventyear}\AND\NOT%
+ \(\iffieldundef{title}\AND\iffieldundef{titleaddon}\)}%
@@ -1565,7 +1587,7 @@
- \usebibmacro{pageref}%!!!\printlist{pageref}::\strlist{pageref}%
+ \usebibmacro{pageref}%
togl {cms at related}%
@@ -2527,7 +2549,8 @@
- \usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}%
+ \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{title}\AND\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}{}%
+ {\usebibmacro{italtitle+stitle}}%
\newunit% 16th ed.
@@ -3113,7 +3136,11 @@
- \iffieldundef{urlyear}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at doinodate}%
+ }%
@@ -3881,10 +3908,11 @@
- \printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[noformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \iffieldundef{title}{}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[noformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}}%
\iffieldundef{booktitle}% Comma after italics, period after quotes
@@ -3975,6 +4003,8 @@
togl {cms at url}%
not test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ and
+ not togl {cms at doinodate}%
@@ -4342,7 +4372,7 @@
-%%%% New date macros enabling special handling of seasons, decades,
+%%%% New date macros enabling special handling of yeardivisions, decades,
%%%% centuries, date eras, and uncertain dates (circa and ?), along
%%%% with CMS compression of year ranges.
@@ -4585,7 +4615,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4594,7 +4624,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -4604,12 +4634,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -4626,13 +4656,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -4661,13 +4691,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4685,7 +4715,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4694,7 +4724,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -4705,7 +4735,7 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -4721,7 +4751,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -4751,9 +4781,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -4769,7 +4799,8 @@
\newrobustcmd*{\cms at mkyearrangeextra}[3][]{%
- \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3season}\clearfield{#3endseason}%
+ \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3yeardivision}%
+ \clearfield{#3endyeardivision}%
\blx at metadateinfo{#3}%
{\blx at nounit}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
% formatted according to the specifications of the Chicago Manual of
% Style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex citation style]
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex citation style]
%%%% Biblatex initialization + Chicago options + Toggles %%%%
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
\providetoggle{cms at urltime}% 17th ed.
\providetoggle{cms at doi}
\providetoggle{cms at doionly}
+\providetoggle{cms at doinodate}
\providetoggle{cms at eprint}
\providetoggle{cms at isbn}
\providetoggle{cms at numbermonth}
@@ -35,9 +36,12 @@
\providetoggle{cms at bibshser}
\providetoggle{cms at notefield}
\providetoggle{cms at addendum}
+\providetoggle{cms at notitle}% For classical short notes
\providetoggle{cms at comprange}
\providetoggle{cms at compyears}
\providetoggle{cms at modpostnote}
+\providetoggle{cms at strippunct}
+\providetoggle{cms at postspace}
\providetoggle{cms at url@innotes}
\providetoggle{cms at ukord}
@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@
\providetoggle{cms at running@text}% For Jurisdiction entries
\providetoggle{cms at noterefs}% Backrefs inside notes
\providetoggle{cms at forcenoteref}% For shortrefcite command
+\providetoggle{cms at nonoterefs}% To turn off noterefs by type or entry
\providetoggle{cms at zeropages}% For replacing zero sections
\providetoggle{cms at hidezeros}% Ditto, but differently
\providetoggle{cms at fullrefs}% Force printing of sec. no. w/in same sec.
@@ -300,17 +305,17 @@
\def\cmspens#1{\space #1\cmspens at i{#1}}
- \global\toggletrue{cms at noibid}}
+ \settoggle{cms at noibid}{#1}}
- \global\toggletrue{cms at useibid}}
+ \settoggle{cms at useibid}{#1}}
\settoggle{cms at namedash}{#1}}
- \global\settoggle{cms at allshort}{#1}}
+ \settoggle{cms at allshort}{#1}}
\global\settoggle{cms at hidezeros}{#1}}
@@ -333,6 +338,9 @@
\def\cms at note@introname{#1}}%
+ \settoggle{cms at nonoterefs}{#1}}
\global\settoggle{cms at fullrefs}{#1}}%
@@ -1100,6 +1108,9 @@
% The field-exclusion options %
+ \settoggle{cms at notitle}{#1}}%
\settoggle{cms at url@innotes}{#1}}%
@@ -1120,6 +1131,9 @@
\togglefalse{cms at doi}}%
\def\cms at opt@doi at only{%
\toggletrue{cms at doionly}}%
+\def\cms at opt@doi at onlynd{%
+ \toggletrue{cms at doionly}%
+ \toggletrue{cms at doinodate}}%
\settoggle{cms at eprint}{#1}}%
@@ -1314,6 +1328,27 @@
\def\cms at opt@ctao at period{%
+ \ifcsdef{cms at opt@jtao@#1}%
+ {\csuse{cms at opt@jtao@#1}}%
+ {\csuse{cms at opt@jtao at space}\cms at warning@noline%
+ {'jtitleaddon=#1' is not a valid option.\MessageBreak
+ The default - 'space' - has been set.\MessageBreak
+ Please see biblatex-chicago.pdf for valid\MessageBreak
+ option keys}}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at none{%
+ \let\jtitleaddonpunct\@empty}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at comma{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addcomma\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at colon{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addcolon\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at space{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at semicolon{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\addsemicolon\addspace}}%
+\def\cms at opt@jtao at period{%
+ \def\jtitleaddonpunct{\newunitpunct}}%
% Controlling punctuation before shorthand in notes %
@@ -1342,9 +1377,9 @@
- related,booklongxref,ptitleaddon,ctitleaddon,shorthandpunct,urlnotes,%
- legalnotes,supranotes,shortextrapunct,dashed,bibannotesep,citeannotesep,%
- nameaddonsep=space}
+ related,booklongxref,ptitleaddon,ctitleaddon,jtitleaddon,shorthandpunct,%
+ urlnotes,legalnotes,supranotes,shortextrapunct,dashed,bibannotesep,%
+ citeannotesep,nameaddonsep=space}
@@ -1396,12 +1431,355 @@
%%%% Initialize and define bibstrings %%%%
+%%%% This one needed for 16th edition. Others in cms-*.lbx %%%%
citedas = {hereafter cited as},}
-%%%% This one needed for 16th edition. Others in cms-*.lbx %%%%
+%%%% These are the macros and declarations needed to use non-default
+%%%% name presentations, including new name parts and different
+%%%% orderings of existing name parts. All of this becomes available
+%%%% only when a user sets the "cmsnameparts" option. Nearly all of it
+%%%% comes from the standard biblatex example file 93-nameparts.tex,
+%%%% with changes to make it possible for users to add new name
+%%%% treatments and also to set a new default name presentation style
+%%%% for their documents.
+\ifdefvoid{\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}{}{%
+ %% Wrapper for biblatex's Template declarations, allowing a chosen
+ %% named template also to provide the default ("global") template.
+ %% <template command><[template name]><definition of template>
+ \def\cms at template@wrapper#1[#2]#3{%
+ \def\cms at tpl{#2}
+ \ifx\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts\cms at tpl
+ #1{#3}%
+ #1[#2]{#3}
+ \blx at warning@noline{#2 is the So Global Template}
+ \else
+ #1[#2]{#3}
+ \blx at warning@noline{#2 is the Local Template}
+ \fi}
+ %% Name format declarations for bibliography and notes. The
+ %% "default" format is for the head of long notes and for names in
+ %% the body of long notes and bibliography entries. They should work
+ %% for any name styles users might want to add themselves.
+ \DeclareNameFormat{sortname}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts-rev}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts-rev}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western-rev}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename-rev}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename-rev}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western-rev}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ \DeclareNameFormat{default}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmssort:western}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ \DeclareNameFormat{labelname}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}{global}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmslabel:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:\cms at ldt@cmsnameparts}}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:western}}}%
+ {\ifcsdef{cmslabel:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:\blx at refcontext@sortingnamekeytemplatename}}%
+ {\csuse{cmslabel:western}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}%
+ %% These are the template definitions for the four pre-defined
+ %% styles, each with two templates, one for the sortname and one for
+ %% the labelname. The "western" style, as in 93-nameparts.tex, is
+ %% identical to biblatex's default style, but giving it a name
+ %% allows other styles to become the default, if desired. You will
+ %% need one template of each sort for any new style you wish to
+ %% provide.
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[cjk]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{cjk}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[cjk]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{given}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{cjk}
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[ethiopian]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{papponymic}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[ethiopian]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{given}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{patronymic}
+ \namepart[disambiguation=full]{papponymic}
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate}[russian]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ }
+ \cms at template@wrapper{\DeclareUniquenameTemplate}[russian]{
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart{given}
+ \namepart{patronymic}
+ }
+ \DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate[western]{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=true]{prefix}
+ \namepart{family}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{suffix}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=false]{prefix}
+ }
+ }
+ \DeclareUniquenameTemplate[western]{
+ \namepart[use=true, base=true]{prefix}
+ \namepart[base=true]{family}
+ \namepart{given}
+ }
+ %% These bibmacros print the names when the standard biblatex
+ %% equivalents are insufficient. You only need to provide a new one
+ %% for a new style if standard biblatex doesn't provide one that is
+ %% suitable.
+ \newbibmacro*{name:cjk}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#3#1}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#3#1}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}}
+ \newbibmacro*{name:ethiopian}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \mkbibethgiven{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibethpat{#2}\isdot}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibethpap{#3}\isdot}}
+ \let\mkbibethgiven\mkbibnamefamily
+ \let\mkbibethpat\mkbibnamegiven
+ \let\mkbibethpap\mkbibnamegiven
+ \newbibmacro*{name:russian}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}
+ {}
+ {\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot\bibnamedelimd
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}
+ {}
+ {\mkbibnamepatronymic{#3}\isdot\bibnamedelimd}}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}}
+ \newbibmacro*{name:russian-rev}[3]{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1#2#3}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1#2#3}%
+ \mkbibnamefamily{#1}%
+ \ifdefvoid{#2}
+ {}
+ {\revsdnamepunct\bibnamedelimd
+ \mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot
+ \ifdefvoid{#3}
+ {}
+ {\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamepatronymic{#3}\isdot}}}
+ %% These macros call the name-printing bibmacros with the
+ %% appropriate arguments for the "sortname" and "default" name
+ %% formats. Each style needs at least one for printing sortnames,
+ %% and possibly a second if you wish to reverse the first name in a
+ %% list.
+ \csdef{cmssort:cjk}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartcjk}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:russian}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:russian-rev}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian-rev}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}%
+ \ifboolexpe{%
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
+ and
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartpatronymic}}
+ {}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:revsdelim}}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:ethiopian}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\namepartpapponymic}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:western}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}}%
+ \csdef{cmssort:western-rev}{%
+ \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \ifboolexpe{%
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
+ and
+ test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}
+ {}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:revsdelim}}}%
+ %% These macros call the name-printing macros for the labelname,
+ %% i.e., in short notes. You'll need one for each new style you wish
+ %% to provide for your documents.
+ \csdef{cmslabel:cjk}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{given}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:cjk}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartcjk}}}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:ethiopian}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{patronymic}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:ethiopian}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}
+ {\namepartpapponymic}}}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:russian}{%
+ \iffieldequalstr{uniquepart}{base}%
+ {\usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\empty}
+ {\empty}}
+ {\ifnum\namepartgivenun=1\relax
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartpatronymici}%
+ \else
+ \usebibmacro{name:russian}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartpatronymic}%
+ \fi}}
+ \csdef{cmslabel:western}{%
+ \ifcase\value{uniquename}%
+ \usebibmacro{name:family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \or
+ \ifuseprefix
+ {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}
+ {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefixi}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}%
+ \or
+ \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartsuffix}%
+ \fi}}
%%%% Cite macros for use by the citation commands %%%%
@@ -1491,9 +1869,11 @@
% {<entrytype>}
\global\let\cms at pnsaved\undefined%
- \ifcsundef{cite:short:#1}%
- {\csuse{cite:short:book}}%
- {\csuse{cite:short:#1}}}
+ \iftoggle{cms at notitle}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:short:ibid}}%
+ {\ifcsundef{cite:short:#1}%
+ {\csuse{cite:short:book}}%
+ {\csuse{cite:short:#1}}}}
\newbibmacro*{cite:short:ibid}{% For 17th edition
@@ -1516,6 +1896,10 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
@@ -1580,16 +1964,16 @@
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
\printfield[letterday]{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{season}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{yeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{origseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{origyeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{eventseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{eventyeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{urlseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{urlyeardivision}}%
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}}%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}}%
{\IfSubStr{\cms at xfield}{year}%
{\StrCut{\cms at xfield}{year}\cms at yeartype\cms at tempnull%
\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at yeartype}year}%
@@ -1611,7 +1995,7 @@
{\StrCut{\cms at xfield}{date}\cms at datetype\cms at tempnull%
\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}year}\AND%
\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}month}\AND%
- \iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}yeardivision}}%
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
\csuse{print\cms at datetype date}}}}%
@@ -1648,6 +2032,8 @@
not togl {cms at allshort}%
+ not togl {cms at nonoterefs}% Type and entry option
+ and
test {\iffootnote}%
and not
@@ -1681,6 +2067,10 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
@@ -1691,6 +2081,19 @@
+ \usebibmacro{allshort+firstcite+xref}%
+ \ifnameundef{labelname}%
+ {}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cms+name+idem}}%
+ \iffieldundef{labeltitle}%
+ {\iffieldundef{booktitle}%
+ {}%
+ {\cmshyper{\printtext[booktitle]{%
+ \printfield[btnoformat]{booktitle}}}}}%
+ {\cmshyper{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
+ \usebibmacro{cms+extra+test}}%
@@ -1843,6 +2246,8 @@
@@ -1893,6 +2298,10 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
@@ -1970,7 +2379,12 @@
- {\cmshyper{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{labeltitle}%
+ {\iffieldundef{booktitle}%
+ {}%
+ {\cmshyper{\printtext[booktitle]{%
+ \printfield[btnoformat]{booktitle}}}}}%
+ {\cmshyper{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}%
\newbibmacro*{cms+extra+test}{% Used in previous defs
@@ -2084,7 +2498,7 @@
{\global\toggletrue{cms at shortnote}%
\global\togglefalse{cms at fullnote}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:short:legal}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:short}{\thefield{entrytype}}%
@@ -2103,7 +2517,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at useibid}%
- {\ifbibliography%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at noibid}%
+ }%
{\global\toggletrue{cms at shortnote}%
\global\togglefalse{cms at fullnote}%
@@ -2123,10 +2541,19 @@
{\global\toggletrue{cms at loccit}%
\global\let\cms at pnsaved\undefined}%
{\global\let\cms at pnsaved\undefined}}}%
- {\global\toggletrue{cms at shortnote}%
- \global\togglefalse{cms at fullnote}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:short:ibid}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at noibid}%
+ }%
+ {\global\toggletrue{cms at shortnote}%
+ \global\togglefalse{cms at fullnote}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:short}{\thefield{entrytype}}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:save}}%
+ {\global\toggletrue{cms at shortnote}%
+ \global\togglefalse{cms at fullnote}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:short:ibid}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}}%
@@ -2134,7 +2561,8 @@
- {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{journaltitle}\AND\iffieldundef{shortjournal}\AND%
+ \iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}}%
@@ -2173,12 +2601,20 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}%
+ {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
+ \printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}}%
not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
@@ -2192,12 +2628,20 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}}%
- {\printtext[bibhyperlink]{%
- \printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\printtext[bibhyperlink]{\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}%
+ {\printtext[bibhyperlink]{%
+ \printfield[journaltitle]{journaltitle}}}}}%
@@ -2387,7 +2831,7 @@
- {\finentry}% Helps with annotated bibliographies (?)
+ {}%\finentry% (No longer) Helps with annotated bibliographies (?)
\DeclareCiteCommand{\origpublcite}% Similar to above, w/o title.
@@ -2407,7 +2851,7 @@
\global\togglefalse{cms at reprintfrom}}%
- {\finentry}
+ {}%\finentry
@@ -5510,7 +5954,11 @@
- \iffieldundef{urlyear}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at doinodate}%
+ }%
@@ -6967,10 +7415,19 @@
\if at cms@capital{#1}{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}%
+ \ifcapital{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}
+ \ifcapital{\MakeCapital{#1\isdot}}{#1\isdot}}
@@ -7416,42 +7873,67 @@
- \iftoggle{cms at modpostnote}% Multiple bugs in v 2.0.
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{,}}%
- or
- test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{\bibrangessep}}%
- }%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
+\newcounter{cms at punct}
+\def\cms at strip@spaces#1{%
+ \def\do at i##1{%
+ \iffieldstart{postnote}{##1}%
+ {\toggletrue{cms at postspace}%
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addcomma}}%
- {\newcunit}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{;}%
+ \StrGobbleLeft{#1}{1}[#1]\listbreak}%
+ {}}%
+ \forcmslist{\do at i}{\space|\,|\addspace|\;|\:|\!}}
+\newcommand*{\postnotewrapper}{% To fix bugs in v 2.0 & ff.
+ \setcounter{cms at punct}{0}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at modpostnote}%
+ {\def\do##1{%
+ \iffieldstart{postnote}{##1}%
{\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
+ \toggletrue{cms at strippunct}%
+ \ifcase\c at cms@punct% Allows US-style punctuation to work
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcolon}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addsemicolon}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addperiod}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcomma}%
+ \or
+ \def\cms at userpunct{\addcomma}%
+ \else
+ \def\cms at userpunct{##1}%
+ \fi
\StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
+ \cms at strip@spaces{\abx at field@postnote}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ not test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{ }}%
+ }%
+ {\StrSubstitute[1]{\abx at field@postnote}{ }{\ }[\abx at field@postnote]}%
+ {}%
\iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addsemicolon}}%
- {\setunit{\addsemicolon\addspace}}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{:}%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
- \expandarg
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addcolon}}%
- {\setunit{\addcolon\addspace}}}%
- {\iffieldstart{postnote}{.}%
- {\togglefalse{blx at unit}%
- \expandarg
- \StrGobbleLeft{\abx at field@postnote}{1}[\abx at field@postnote]%
- \iffieldstart{postnote}{\ }%
- {\setunit{\addperiod}}%
- {\newunit}}%
- {\postnotedelim}}}}}%
- {\postnotedelim}}%
+ {\setunit{\cms at userpunct}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{%
+ test {\iffieldstart{postnote}{ }}%
+ or
+ togl {cms at postspace}%
+ }%
+ {\togglefalse{cms at postspace}%
+ \setunit{\cms at userpunct\addspace}}%
+ {\setunit{\cms at userpunct}}}%
+ \listbreak}%
+ {\stepcounter{cms at punct}}}%
+ \docmslist{:|;|.|,|\bibrangessep|\addcolon|\addsemicolon|
+ \addcomma|\addperiod}%
+ \iftoggle{cms at strippunct}%
+ {\togglefalse{cms at strippunct}}%
+ {\postnotedelim}}%
+ {\postnotedelim}}
\newrobustcmd*{\iffieldstart}[2]{% Philipp Lehman's code, from
\begingroup% comp.text.tex
@@ -7752,7 +8234,7 @@
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
\savefield{journaltitle}{\bbx at lasthash}}}%
@@ -8190,6 +8672,12 @@
test {\ifentrytype{audio}}%
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ and
+ (
+ not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
@@ -8210,6 +8698,12 @@
not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}%
not togl {cms at origpublished}%
+ and
+ (
+ not test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ or
+ not test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
+ )
@@ -8309,18 +8803,22 @@
- \printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[noformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[noformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}}%
- \printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[noformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \iffieldundef{title}%
+ {}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[noformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[noformat]{subtitle}}}%
@@ -8666,11 +9164,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -8681,11 +9179,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\printdate}% For interviews and other dated non-letters.
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -8824,9 +9322,9 @@
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -8850,15 +9348,25 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -8871,29 +9379,39 @@
\printfield[journum]{number}}% Move eid field for 17th ed.
- \iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
- {}%
- {\ifboolexpr{%
- not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
- and
- ((
- test {\ifcitation}%
- and
- togl {cms at citejtabb}%
- )
- or
- (
- test {\ifbibliography}%
- and
- togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
- ))
- }%
- {\clearlist{location}\printtext[#1shortjournal]{%
- \printfield[jtsnoformat]{shortjournal}}}%
- {\printtext[#1journaltitle]{%
- \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}}}}%
+ \ifboolexpr{%
+ not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}%
+ and
+ ((
+ test {\ifcitation}%
+ and
+ togl {cms at citejtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\ifbibliography}%
+ and
+ togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}}%
+ ))
+ }%
+ {\clearlist{location}\printtext[#1shortjournal]{%
+ \printfield[jtsnoformat]{shortjournal}}}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}%
+ {\iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon}%
+ {}%
+ {\printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}%
+ {\printtext[#1journaltitle]{%
+ \printfield[jtnoformat]{journaltitle}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[sjtnoformat]{journalsubtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}}%
\newbibmacro*{cite+doi+url}{% 16th ed.
\iftoggle{cms at url@innotes}%
@@ -8901,6 +9419,8 @@
togl {cms at url}%
not test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}%
+ and
+ not togl {cms at doinodate}%
\ifboolexpr{% 17th ed.
@@ -8957,7 +9477,7 @@
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
@@ -8981,7 +9501,7 @@
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -8990,7 +9510,7 @@
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
\printfield{usera}% For network ID and possible section of newspaper.
@@ -8999,7 +9519,7 @@
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
@@ -9008,7 +9528,7 @@
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
\printfield{usera}% For network ID and possible section of newspaper.
@@ -9029,15 +9549,25 @@
test {\ifbibliography}%
togl {cms at bibjtabb}%
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ test {\iffieldundef{title}}%
+ and
+ test {\iffieldundef{titleaddon}}%
- {\printtext[title]{%
- \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
- \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
- \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}}%
- \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ {\iffieldundef{title}%
+ {\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+ {\printtext[title]{%
+ \printfield[tnoformat]{title}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[stnoformat]{subtitle}}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
+ \printfield{titleaddon}}}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
\iftoggle{cms at fullnote}{\newcunit}{\newunit}%
@@ -9046,7 +9576,7 @@
- \setunit{\ctitleaddonpunct}%
+ \setunit{\jtitleaddonpunct}%
\printfield{usera}% For network ID and possible section of newspaper.
@@ -9609,6 +10139,16 @@
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
@@ -9680,7 +10220,7 @@
- \noinherit{urlseason}
+ \noinherit{urlyeardivision}
@@ -9693,19 +10233,19 @@
- \noinherit{season}
+ \noinherit{yeardivision}
- \noinherit{endseason}
+ \noinherit{endyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origseason}
+ \noinherit{origyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origendseason}}
+ \noinherit{origendyeardivision}}
\DeclareSortingTemplate{cms}{% Updated for biblatex > 3.7
@@ -9910,8 +10450,8 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{season}}%
- {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origseason}}%
+ {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
+ {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origyeardivision}}%
@@ -9998,7 +10538,7 @@
{\usebibmacro{at+every+item}\toggletrue{cms at fullnote}%
- \iffieldundef{savedseason}{}{\clearfield{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{savedyeardivision}{}{\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
@@ -10130,6 +10670,7 @@
+ \togglefalse{cms at headlessnote}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.bbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.bbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.bbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% standard.bbx It provides the bibliography formatting for the Chicago
% notes + bibliography style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes16.bbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes16.bbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex
bibliography style]
%%%% Initialize and format bibliography and los %%%%
@@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3288,7 +3288,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -3298,12 +3298,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -3320,13 +3320,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -3355,13 +3355,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3379,7 +3379,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3388,7 +3388,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -3399,7 +3399,7 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -3415,7 +3415,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -3445,9 +3445,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -3463,7 +3463,8 @@
\newrobustcmd*{\cms at mkyearrangeextra}[3][]{%
- \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3season}\clearfield{#3endseason}%
+ \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3yeardivision}%
+ \clearfield{#3endyeardivision}%
\blx at metadateinfo{#3}%
{\blx at nounit}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/chicago-notes16.cbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
% of providing footnote citations and a bibliography formatted
% according to the specifications of the Chicago Manual of Style.
-\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes16.cbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex citation style]
+\ProvidesFile{chicago-notes16.cbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex citation style]
%%%% Biblatex initialization + Chicago options + Toggles %%%%
@@ -725,16 +725,16 @@
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
\printfield[letterday]{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{season}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{yeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{origseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{origyeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{eventseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{eventyeardivision}}%
- test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{urlseason}}%
+ test {\ifcsstring{cms at xfield}{urlyeardivision}}%
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}}%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{\csuse{cms at xfield}}}}}%
{\IfSubStr{\cms at xfield}{year}%
{\StrCut{\cms at xfield}{year}\cms at yeartype\cms at tempnull%
\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at yeartype}year}%
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
{\StrCut{\cms at xfield}{date}\cms at datetype\cms at tempnull%
\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}year}\AND%
\iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}month}\AND%
- \iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{\csuse{cms at datetype}yeardivision}}%
{\printtext[\csuse{cms at xformat}]{%
\csuse{print\cms at datetype date}}}}%
@@ -5727,11 +5727,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -5742,11 +5742,11 @@
\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- \iffieldundef{season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{yeardivision}}%
{\cms at datelong{}}}%
- \iffieldundef{origseason}}%
+ \iffieldundef{origyeardivision}}%
{\printdate}% For interviews and other dated non-letters.
{\cms at datelong{orig}}}}
@@ -6605,7 +6605,7 @@
- \noinherit{urlseason}
+ \noinherit{urlyeardivision}
@@ -6618,19 +6618,19 @@
- \noinherit{season}
+ \noinherit{yeardivision}
- \noinherit{endseason}
+ \noinherit{endyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origseason}
+ \noinherit{origyeardivision}
- \noinherit{origendseason}}
+ \noinherit{origendyeardivision}}
\DeclareSortingTemplate{cms}{% Updated for biblatex > 3.7
@@ -6824,8 +6824,8 @@
{\iftoggle{cms at switchdates}%
- {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{season}}%
- {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origseason}}%
+ {\clearfield{year}\clearfield{month}\clearfield{yeardivision}}%
+ {\clearfield{origyear}\clearfield{origmonth}\clearfield{origyeardivision}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-american.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-american.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-american.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-american.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-american.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondateshort#1#2{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{#2}}%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondateshort#1#2{%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{#2}}%
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondatelong#1#2{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{#2}}%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondatelong#1#2{%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{#2}}%
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -782,12 +782,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -804,13 +804,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
@@ -848,8 +848,8 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}
@@ -884,12 +884,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -935,13 +935,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@
\clearfield{#2endyear}}% Clear up inheritance problem ???
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -1025,9 +1025,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-brazilian.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-brazilian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-brazilian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-brazilian.lbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-brazilian.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Strings provided by native speaker Gustavo Barros.
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-british.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-british.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-british.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-british.lbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-british.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondateshort#1#2{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{#2}}%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondateshort#1#2{%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{#2}}%
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondatelong#1#2{%
- \mkbibseason{\thefield{#2}}%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondatelong#1#2{%
+ \mkbibyeardivision{\thefield{#2}}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dutch.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dutch.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-dutch.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-dutch.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-dutch.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Strings provided by native speaker Wouter Lancee.
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-finnish.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-finnish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-finnish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-finnish.lbx}[2021/03/27 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-finnish.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho).
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-french.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-french.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-french.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-french.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-french.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Some strings still missing
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-german.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-german.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-german.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-german.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-german.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated strings and formatting decisions need review by native
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-icelandic.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-icelandic.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-icelandic.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-icelandic.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-icelandic.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (Baldur Kristinsson).
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
% makes straight translations difficult in some cases.
% - Harmonized with icelandic.lbx + other fixes by dfussner (2021-04-17).
% - Date handling altered by dfussner, along with a few other small
-% fixes. I have attempted to make the new decade, century, season,
+% fixes. I have attempted to make the new decade, century, yeardivision,
% and dateuncertain code as grammatically correct as I can, but all
% fixes would be gratefully received. I have added guesses for many
% strings, but need help from a native speaker to provide better
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@
%%% The following code attempts to take account of the grammatical
- %%% complexity of season presentation in Icelandic. Corrections
+ %%% complexity of yeardivision presentation in Icelandic. Corrections
%%% gratefully received.
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondateshort#1#2{%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondateshort#1#2{%
\let\cms at tempa\@empty
- \blx at ifstrendswith{#2}{endseason}%
- {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{endseason}\cms at datetype%
+ \blx at ifstrendswith{#2}{endyeardivision}%
+ {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{endyeardivision}\cms at datetype%
\def\cms at tempa{end}}%
- {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{season}\cms at datetype}%
+ {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{yeardivision}\cms at datetype}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}}%
{\csuse{cms at datetype}end}}%
- not test {\iffieldsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}season}%
- {\csuse{cms at datetype}endseason}}%
+ not test {\iffieldsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}yeardivision}%
+ {\csuse{cms at datetype}endyeardivision}}%
{\ifdefstring{\cms at tempa}{end}%
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@
- \protected\def\mkbibseasondatelong#1#2{%
+ \protected\def\mkbibyeardivisiondatelong#1#2{%
\let\cms at tempa\@empty
- \blx at ifstrendswith{#2}{endseason}%
- {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{endseason}\cms at datetype%
+ \blx at ifstrendswith{#2}{endyeardivision}%
+ {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{endyeardivision}\cms at datetype%
\def\cms at tempa{end}}%
- {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{season}\cms at datetype}%
+ {\blx at stripfromendinto{#2}{yeardivision}\cms at datetype}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}}%
{\csuse{cms at datetype}end}}%
- not test {\iffieldsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}season}%
- {\csuse{cms at datetype}endseason}}%
+ not test {\iffieldsequal{\csuse{cms at datetype}yeardivision}%
+ {\csuse{cms at datetype}endyeardivision}}%
{\ifdefstring{\cms at tempa}{end}%
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
chapter = {{kafli}{k\adddot}},
track = {{lag}{lag}},
circa = {{um \'arin}{um \'ari\dh}},% 2 cases of noun, these five
- spring = {{vor}{vori\dh}},% Indefinite in long slot, for mkbibseason
+ spring = {{vor}{vori\dh}},% Indefinite in long slot, for mkbibyeardivision
summer = {{sumar}{sumari\dh}},% in NB style (?)
autumn = {{haust}{hausti\dh}},%
winter = {{vetur}{veturinn}},%
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
@@ -401,12 +401,12 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2yeardivision}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -423,13 +423,13 @@
- {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endseason}\OR%
- \iffieldsequal{#2season}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}\OR%
+ \iffieldsequal{#2yeardivision}{#2endyeardivision}}%
- \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}}%
+ \csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
@@ -458,13 +458,13 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2endseason}}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2endyeardivision}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
\blx at metadateinfo{#2}%
- \iffieldundef{#2season}}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}}%
\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2season}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2yeardivision}%
test {\ifdateyearsequal{#2}{#2end}}%
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2year}{#2season}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2year}{#2yeardivision}%
\if at cms@bracket%
{\if at cms@uncertain%
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
- \AND\iffieldundef{#2endseason}}%
+ \AND\iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}}%
@@ -550,9 +550,9 @@
- \iffieldundef{#2endseason}%
+ \iffieldundef{#2endyeardivision}%
- {\csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endseason}}%
+ {\csuse{mkbibyeardivisiondate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endyeardivision}}%
{\if at cms@bracket%
@@ -569,7 +569,8 @@
- \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3season}\clearfield{#3endseason}%
+ \clearfield{#3endday}\clearfield{#3yeardivision}%
+ \clearfield{#3endyeardivision}%
\blx at metadateinfo{#3}%
{\blx at nounit}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-ngerman.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-ngerman.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-ngerman.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-ngerman.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-ngerman.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated strings and formatting decisions need review by native
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norsk.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norsk.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norsk.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-norsk.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-norsk.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (H{\aa}kon Malmedal).
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norwegian.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norwegian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-norwegian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-norwegian.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-norwegian.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (H{\aa}kon Malmedal).
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-nynorsk.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-nynorsk.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-nynorsk.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-nynorsk.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-nynorsk.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (H{\aa}kon Malmedal).
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-romanian.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-romanian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-romanian.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-romanian.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-romanian.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Strings provided by native speaker Patrick Danilevici, creator of
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-spanish.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-spanish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-spanish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-spanish.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-spanish.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Strings provided by native speaker Mar\c{c}al Orteu Punsola
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-swedish.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-swedish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms-swedish.lbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesFile{cms-swedish.lbx}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex localization]
+\ProvidesFile{cms-swedish.lbx}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex localization]
% - Translated by a native speaker (Stefan Bj\"{o}rk).
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms.dbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms.dbx (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cms.dbx 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsdocs.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsdocs.sty 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsdocs.sty 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+\newcounter{cms at docnote}
% Redefining portions of endnotes-package:
@@ -65,15 +66,17 @@
+ \stepcounter{cms at docnote}%
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
+ \stepcounter{cms at docnote}%
\begingroup\c at endnote#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@
\c at endnote=#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
@@ -95,16 +98,18 @@
+ \stepcounter{cms at docnote}%
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
+ \stepcounter{cms at docnote}%
\c at endnote=#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at refsection\number\c at cms@docnote}%
@@ -254,8 +259,11 @@
- \hyperlink{Hendnote.#2\the\value{#1}}{\color{DarkBlue}@#1}}
+ \hyperlink{Hendnote.\csuse{cms at id@#2}}{\color{DarkBlue}@#1}\{#2,}
+% \newrobustcmd*{\lnbackref}[2]{%
+% \hyperlink{Hendnote.#2\the\value{#1}}{\color{DarkBlue}@#1}}
{\adlnbackref at i{#1}{#2}}%
@@ -273,7 +281,8 @@
- {\iffieldequalstr{entrykey}{lac:leaders}%
+ {\global\cslet{cms at id@\thefield{entrykey}}{\@theenvalue}%
+ \iffieldequalstr{entrykey}{lac:leaders}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsendnotes.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsendnotes.sty 2022-07-02 20:05:54 UTC (rev 63788)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-chicago/cmsendnotes.sty 2022-07-02 20:06:41 UTC (rev 63789)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% Copyright (c) 2003 John Lavagnino
% 2003 Ulrich Dirr
-% 2020-2021 David Fussner
+% 2020-2022 David Fussner
% This package is currently maintained by David Fussner.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
% Please see biblatex-chicago.pdf for details of how to use this
% package.
-\ProvidesPackage{cmsendnotes}[2021/06/30 v 3.16 biblatex auxiliary package]
+\ProvidesPackage{cmsendnotes}[2022/07/02 v 3.18 biblatex auxiliary package]
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
\newcounter{cms at enttotal}
\newcounter{cms at entprinted}
+\newcounter{cms at endnote}% Give each endnote in document a unique ID
%%% Hyperendnotes redefines portions of the endnotes package, now
%%% further redefined for CMS
@@ -159,14 +160,16 @@
+ \stepcounter{cms at endnote}%
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
+ \stepcounter{cms at endnote}%
\begingroup\c at endnote#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@
\c at endnote=#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
@@ -189,15 +192,17 @@
+ \stepcounter{cms at endnote}%
\protected at xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \protected at xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
+ \stepcounter{cms at endnote}%
\c at endnote=#1\relax
\unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}%
- \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at endnote}%
+ \unrestored at protected@xdef\@theenvalue{\number\c at cms@endnote}%
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