texlive[65325] trunk: xput (19dec22)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Dec 21 21:56:12 CET 2022

Revision: 65325
Author:   karl
Date:     2022-12-21 21:56:12 +0100 (Wed, 21 Dec 2022)
Log Message:
xput (19dec22)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.am	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.am	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
 	texosquery/texosquery-jre8.sh \
 	tikztosvg/tikztosvg \
 	typeoutfileinfo/typeoutfileinfo.sh \
-	wordcount/wordcount.sh
+	wordcount/wordcount.sh \
+	xput/xputserver
 texmf_other_scripts = \
 	a2ping/a2ping.pl \

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.in
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.in	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile.in	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -312,7 +312,8 @@
 	texosquery/texosquery-jre8.sh \
 	tikztosvg/tikztosvg \
 	typeoutfileinfo/typeoutfileinfo.sh \
-	wordcount/wordcount.sh
+	wordcount/wordcount.sh \
+	xput/xputserver
 texmf_other_scripts = \
 	a2ping/a2ping.pl \

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/scripts.lst
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/scripts.lst	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/scripts.lst	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@

Added: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/xput/xputserver
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/xput/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/xput/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+# This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+# version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+# version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+#    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+# and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+# LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+_convert() {
+  turbo=$1
+  filename=$2
+  filenamecache=$3
+  fileextcache=$4
+  originalwidthsp=$5
+  originalheightsp=$6
+  originalcropleftsp=$7
+  originalcroprightsp=$8
+  originalcroptopsp=$9
+  originalcropbottomsp=${10}
+  density=${11}
+  displaywidth=${12}
+  displayheight=${13}
+  resizethreshold=${14}
+  unsharp=${15}
+  quality="${16}"
+  mkdir -p cache/"$filenamecache"
+  originalwidth=$( magick identify -ping -format %w "$filename" )
+  originalheight=$( magick identify -ping -format %h "$filename" )
+  width=$(( (10 * originalwidth * (originalwidthsp - originalcropleftsp - originalcroprightsp) / originalwidthsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  height=$(( (10 * originalheight * (originalheightsp - originalcroptopsp - originalcropbottomsp) / originalheightsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  cropleft=$(( (10 * originalwidth * originalcropleftsp / originalwidthsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  croptop=$(( (10 * originalheight * originalcroptopsp / originalheightsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  resizewidth=$(( (10 * displaywidth * 100 * density / 473628672 + 5) / 10 ))
+  if [ $(( resizewidth * resizethreshold / 100 )) -gt $width ]; then
+    resizewidth=$width
+    resizeheight=$height
+  else
+    resizeheight=$(( resizewidth * height / width + 1 ))
+  fi
+  x="x"
+  if [ $turbo = 1 ]; then
+  fi
+  if [ "$quality" != "" ]; then
+    quality="-quality $quality"
+  fi
+  if [ "$unsharp" != "" ]; then
+    unsharp="-unsharp $unsharp"
+  fi
+  magick "$filename" -crop $width$x$height+$cropleft+$croptop -resize $resizewidth$x$resizeheight $unsharp $quality "cache/$filenamecache/.g$fileextcache"
+  mv "cache/$filenamecache/.g$fileextcache" "cache/$filenamecache/g$fileextcache"
+_startbatchprocess() {
+  success=0
+  for file in cache/*; do
+    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
+      success=1
+      name=$( basename "${file}" )
+      mv "$file" "cache/.$name" 2> /dev/null
+      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        line=$(head -n 1 "cache/.$name")
+        IFS="%"
+        set -- $line
+        IFS=" "
+        _convert 1 "$@"
+        rm "cache/.$name"
+        break
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ $success -eq 1 ]; then
+    _startbatchprocess
+  fi
+getwidth() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filename=$1
+    originalwidth=$( magick identify -ping -format %w "$filename" )
+    echo $originalwidth
+  else
+    echo errormagicknotinstalled
+  fi
+optimize() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filenamecache=$2
+    fileextcache=$3
+    if [ -f cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      mv cache/"$filenamecache" cache/."$filenamecache" 2> /dev/null
+      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        line=$(head -n 1 "cache/.$filenamecache")
+        IFS="%"
+        set -- $line
+        IFS=" "
+        _convert 1 "$@"
+        rm "cache/.$filenamecache"
+      else
+        while [ ! -f cache/"$filenamecache"/g"$fileextcache" ]; do
+          sleep 0.05
+        done
+      fi
+    elif [ -d cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      while [ ! -f cache/"$filenamecache"/g"$fileextcache" ]; do
+        sleep 0.05
+      done
+    else
+      _convert 0 "$@"
+    fi
+    echo ok
+  else
+    echo errormagicknotinstalled
+  fi
+makeshadow() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filename=$1
+    stdDeviation=$2
+    opacity=$3
+    fill=$4
+    width=$5
+    height=$6
+    framewidth=$7
+    frameheight=$8
+    frameborder=$9
+    frameradius=${10}
+    [ ! -d cache ] && mkdir cache
+    mkdir -p cache/$filename
+    echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
+      <svg
+        width='$width'
+        height='$height'
+        version='1.1'
+        xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
+        xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
+        <defs>
+          <filter
+            style='color-interpolation-filters:sRGB'
+            id='blur'
+            x='-4'
+            y='-4'
+            width='8'
+            height='8'>
+            <feGaussianBlur
+              stdDeviation='$stdDeviation' />
+          </filter>
+        </defs>
+        <rect
+          style='filter:url(#blur);opacity:$opacity;fill:$fill'
+          width='$framewidth'
+          height='$frameheight'
+          x='$frameborder'
+          y='$frameborder'
+          rx='$frameradius'
+          ry='$frameradius' />
+      </svg>
+    " > cache/$filename/s.svg
+    inkscape cache/$filename/s.svg --export-dpi=600 --export-filename cache/$filename/s.pdf
+    rm cache/$filename/s.svg
+    echo ok
+  else
+    echo errorinkscapenotinstalled
+  fi
+import() {
+  if [ -d import ]; then
+    importdir=import
+  elif [ "$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY" != "" ]; then
+    if [ -d "$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY" ]; then
+      importdir="$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY"
+    else
+      exit
+    fi
+  else
+    echo errornoimportdir
+    exit
+  fi
+  defaultdirectory=$( echo $1 | sed -e 's/^{//g' | sed -e 's/}{.*//g' )
+  directorylist=$( echo $1 | sed -e 's/^{//g' | sed -e 's/}$//g' | sed -e 's/}{/$/g' )
+  for entry in "$importdir"/*.*
+  do
+    if [ -f "$entry" ]; then
+      name=$( basename "${entry}" )
+      if [ "$directorylist" != "" ]; then
+        echo "$directorylist" | tr '$' '\n' | while read directory; do
+          if [ -f "$directory$name" ]; then
+            mv "$entry" "$directory"
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if [ -f "$entry" ]; then
+        if [ -d "$defaultdirectory" ]; then
+          mv "$entry" "$defaultdirectory"
+        else
+          mv "$entry" .
+        fi
+      fi
+      cachename=$( echo "$name" | sed -e 's/\.[a-zA-Z]*$//g' )
+      rm -rf cache/"$cachename"*
+    fi
+  done
+startturbo() {
+  file=$1
+  if [ -f $file.tex ]; then
+    tmpdir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null )/xputturbo$( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )$RANDOM
+    mkdir $tmpdir
+    cp $file.tex $tmpdir/xputturbobatchoptimizexyz.tex
+    engine=$(echo $(ps -p $PPID -o command | sed -e 's/[A-Z]//g'| sed -e 's/ .*//g' | tr -d '\n'))
+    if [ "$engine" = "xelatex" ]; then
+      nopdf="-no-pdf"
+    fi
+    $engine -interaction=batchmode $nopdf --output-directory $tmpdir $tmpdir/xputturbobatchoptimizexyz.tex > /dev/null
+    rm -rf $tmpdir
+  fi
+batchoptimize() {
+  [ ! -d cache ] && mkdir cache
+  length=$(( $# / 15 ))
+  cores=$( nproc )
+  [ $cores -gt $length ] && cores=$length
+  while [ $length -gt 0 ]; do
+    filenamecache="$2"
+    if [ ! -e cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      index=0
+      while [ $index -lt 15 ]; do
+        if [ $index -eq 0 ]; then
+          item="$1"
+        else
+          item="$item%$1"
+        fi
+        shift
+        index=$(( index + 1 ))
+      done
+      echo $item > cache/"$filenamecache"
+    else
+      shift 15
+    fi
+    length=$(( length - 1 ))
+  done
+  cores=$(( cores - 1 ))
+  while [ $cores -gt 0 ]; do
+    _startbatchprocess &
+    sleep 0.01
+    cores=$(( cores - 1 ))
+  done
+input=$( echo "$@" | sed -e 's/\\//g' | sed -e 's/ %/%/g' | sed -e 's/% /%/g' )
+set -- $input
+IFS=" "
+case "$1" in
+  shift
+  getwidth "$1"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  optimize "$@"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  makeshadow "$@"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  if [ "$1" = "import" ]; then
+    shift
+    import "$1"
+    shift
+  fi
+  if [ "$1" = "turbo" ]; then
+    shift
+    startturbo "$1" &
+  fi
+  echo ok
+  ;;
+  shift
+  batchoptimize "$@" &
+  echo ok
+  ;;
+  echo 🤖 Hi, I serve the Xput LaTeX class.

Property changes on: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/xput/xputserver
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/aarch64-linux/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/aarch64-linux/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/aarch64-linux/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/aarch64-linux/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/amd64-freebsd/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/amd64-freebsd/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/amd64-freebsd/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/amd64-freebsd/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/amd64-netbsd/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/amd64-netbsd/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/amd64-netbsd/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/amd64-netbsd/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/armhf-linux/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/armhf-linux/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/armhf-linux/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/armhf-linux/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/i386-cygwin/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/i386-cygwin/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/i386-cygwin/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/i386-cygwin/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/i386-freebsd/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/i386-freebsd/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/i386-freebsd/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/i386-freebsd/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/i386-linux/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/i386-linux/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/i386-linux/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/i386-linux/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/i386-netbsd/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/i386-netbsd/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/i386-netbsd/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/i386-netbsd/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/i386-solaris/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/i386-solaris/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/i386-solaris/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/i386-solaris/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/universal-darwin/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/universal-darwin/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/universal-darwin/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/universal-darwin/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-cygwin/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-cygwin/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-cygwin/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-cygwin/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-darwinlegacy/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-darwinlegacy/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-darwinlegacy/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-darwinlegacy/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linux/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linux/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linux/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linux/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linuxmusl/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linuxmusl/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linuxmusl/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-linuxmusl/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-solaris/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-solaris/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-solaris/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/bin/x86_64-solaris/xputserver
Added: svn:special
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/1x1.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/1x1.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/1x1.pdf	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/1x1.pdf	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/1x1.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/2x1.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/2x1.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/2x1.pdf	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/2x1.pdf	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/2x1.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/3x2.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/3x2.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/3x2.pdf	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/3x2.pdf	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/3x2.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/LICENSE.txt
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/LICENSE.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/LICENSE.txt	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+The LaTeX Project Public License
+LPPL Version 1.3c  2008-05-04
+Copyright 1999 2002-2008 LaTeX3 Project
+    Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this
+    license document, but modification of it is not allowed.
+The LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) is the primary license under
+which the LaTeX kernel and the base LaTeX packages are distributed.
+You may use this license for any work of which you hold the copyright
+and which you wish to distribute.  This license may be particularly
+suitable if your work is TeX-related (such as a LaTeX package), but 
+it is written in such a way that you can use it even if your work is 
+unrelated to TeX.
+below, gives instructions, examples, and recommendations for authors
+who are considering distributing their works under this license.
+This license gives conditions under which a work may be distributed
+and modified, as well as conditions under which modified versions of
+that work may be distributed.
+We, the LaTeX3 Project, believe that the conditions below give you
+the freedom to make and distribute modified versions of your work
+that conform with whatever technical specifications you wish while
+maintaining the availability, integrity, and reliability of
+that work.  If you do not see how to achieve your goal while
+meeting these conditions, then read the document `cfgguide.tex'
+and `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution for suggestions.
+In this license document the following terms are used:
+   `Work'
+    Any work being distributed under this License.
+   `Derived Work'
+    Any work that under any applicable law is derived from the Work.
+   `Modification' 
+    Any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any applicable
+    law -- for example, the production of a file containing an
+    original file associated with the Work or a significant portion of
+    such a file, either verbatim or with modifications and/or
+    translated into another language.
+   `Modify'
+    To apply any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any
+    applicable law.
+   `Distribution'
+    Making copies of the Work available from one person to another, in
+    whole or in part.  Distribution includes (but is not limited to)
+    making any electronic components of the Work accessible by
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+   `Compiled Work'
+    A version of the Work that has been processed into a form where it
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+   `Current Maintainer'
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+   `Base Interpreter' 
+    A program or process that is normally needed for running or
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+    `LaTeX-format' a program implementing the `TeX language'.
+1.  Activities other than distribution and/or modification of the Work
+are not covered by this license; they are outside its scope.  In
+particular, the act of running the Work is not restricted and no
+requirements are made concerning any offers of support for the Work.
+2.  You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of the Work as you
+received it.  Distribution of only part of the Work is considered
+modification of the Work, and no right to distribute such a Derived
+Work may be assumed under the terms of this clause.
+3.  You may distribute a Compiled Work that has been generated from a
+complete, unmodified copy of the Work as distributed under Clause 2
+above, as long as that Compiled Work is distributed in such a way that
+the recipients may install the Compiled Work on their system exactly
+as it would have been installed if they generated a Compiled Work
+directly from the Work.
+4.  If you are the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may, without
+restriction, modify the Work, thus creating a Derived Work.  You may
+also distribute the Derived Work without restriction, including
+Compiled Works generated from the Derived Work.  Derived Works
+distributed in this manner by the Current Maintainer are considered to
+be updated versions of the Work.
+5.  If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may modify
+your copy of the Work, thus creating a Derived Work based on the Work,
+and compile this Derived Work, thus creating a Compiled Work based on
+the Derived Work.
+6.  If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Derived Work provided the following conditions are met
+for every component of the Work unless that component clearly states
+in the copyright notice that it is exempt from that condition.  Only
+the Current Maintainer is allowed to add such statements of exemption 
+to a component of the Work. 
+  a. If a component of this Derived Work can be a direct replacement
+     for a component of the Work when that component is used with the
+     Base Interpreter, then, wherever this component of the Work
+     identifies itself to the user when used interactively with that
+     Base Interpreter, the replacement component of this Derived Work
+     clearly and unambiguously identifies itself as a modified version
+     of this component to the user when used interactively with that
+     Base Interpreter.
+  b. Every component of the Derived Work contains prominent notices
+     detailing the nature of the changes to that component, or a
+     prominent reference to another file that is distributed as part
+     of the Derived Work and that contains a complete and accurate log
+     of the changes.
+  c. No information in the Derived Work implies that any persons,
+     including (but not limited to) the authors of the original version
+     of the Work, provide any support, including (but not limited to)
+     the reporting and handling of errors, to recipients of the
+     Derived Work unless those persons have stated explicitly that
+     they do provide such support for the Derived Work.
+  d. You distribute at least one of the following with the Derived Work:
+       1. A complete, unmodified copy of the Work; 
+          if your distribution of a modified component is made by
+          offering access to copy the modified component from a
+          designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy
+          the Work from the same or some similar place meets this
+          condition, even though third parties are not compelled to
+          copy the Work along with the modified component;
+       2. Information that is sufficient to obtain a complete,
+          unmodified copy of the Work.
+7.  If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Compiled Work generated from a Derived Work, as long as
+the Derived Work is distributed to all recipients of the Compiled
+Work, and as long as the conditions of Clause 6, above, are met with
+regard to the Derived Work.
+8.  The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do not
+apply to, the modification, by any method, of any component so that it
+becomes identical to an updated version of that component of the Work as
+it is distributed by the Current Maintainer under Clause 4, above.
+9.  Distribution of the Work or any Derived Work in an alternative
+format, where the Work or that Derived Work (in whole or in part) is
+then produced by applying some process to that format, does not relax or
+nullify any sections of this license as they pertain to the results of
+applying that process.
+10. a. A Derived Work may be distributed under a different license
+       provided that license itself honors the conditions listed in
+       Clause 6 above, in regard to the Work, though it does not have
+       to honor the rest of the conditions in this license.
+    b. If a Derived Work is distributed under a different license, that
+       Derived Work must provide sufficient documentation as part of
+       itself to allow each recipient of that Derived Work to honor the 
+       restrictions in Clause 6 above, concerning changes from the Work.
+11. This license places no restrictions on works that are unrelated to
+the Work, nor does this license place any restrictions on aggregating
+such works with the Work by any means.
+12.  Nothing in this license is intended to, or may be used to, prevent
+complete compliance by all parties with all applicable laws.
+There is no warranty for the Work.  Except when otherwise stated in
+writing, the Copyright Holder provides the Work `as is', without
+warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
+limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
+particular purpose.  The entire risk as to the quality and performance
+of the Work is with you.  Should the Work prove defective, you assume
+the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.
+In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
+will The Copyright Holder, or any author named in the components of the
+Work, or any other party who may distribute and/or modify the Work as
+permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general,
+special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of
+the Work or out of inability to use the Work (including, but not limited
+to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by
+anyone as a result of any failure of the Work to operate with any other
+programs), even if the Copyright Holder or said author or said other
+party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+The Work has the status `author-maintained' if the Copyright Holder
+explicitly and prominently states near the primary copyright notice in
+the Work that the Work can only be maintained by the Copyright Holder
+or simply that it is `author-maintained'.
+The Work has the status `maintained' if there is a Current Maintainer
+who has indicated in the Work that they are willing to receive error
+reports for the Work (for example, by supplying a valid e-mail
+address). It is not required for the Current Maintainer to acknowledge
+or act upon these error reports.
+The Work changes from status `maintained' to `unmaintained' if there
+is no Current Maintainer, or the person stated to be Current
+Maintainer of the work cannot be reached through the indicated means
+of communication for a period of six months, and there are no other
+significant signs of active maintenance.
+You can become the Current Maintainer of the Work by agreement with
+any existing Current Maintainer to take over this role.
+If the Work is unmaintained, you can become the Current Maintainer of
+the Work through the following steps:
+ 1.  Make a reasonable attempt to trace the Current Maintainer (and
+     the Copyright Holder, if the two differ) through the means of
+     an Internet or similar search.
+ 2.  If this search is successful, then enquire whether the Work
+     is still maintained.
+  a. If it is being maintained, then ask the Current Maintainer
+     to update their communication data within one month.
+  b. If the search is unsuccessful or no action to resume active
+     maintenance is taken by the Current Maintainer, then announce
+     within the pertinent community your intention to take over
+     maintenance.  (If the Work is a LaTeX work, this could be
+     done, for example, by posting to comp.text.tex.)
+ 3a. If the Current Maintainer is reachable and agrees to pass
+     maintenance of the Work to you, then this takes effect
+     immediately upon announcement.
+  b. If the Current Maintainer is not reachable and the Copyright
+     Holder agrees that maintenance of the Work be passed to you,
+     then this takes effect immediately upon announcement.  
+ 4.  If you make an `intention announcement' as described in 2b. above
+     and after three months your intention is challenged neither by
+     the Current Maintainer nor by the Copyright Holder nor by other
+     people, then you may arrange for the Work to be changed so as
+     to name you as the (new) Current Maintainer.
+ 5.  If the previously unreachable Current Maintainer becomes
+     reachable once more within three months of a change completed
+     under the terms of 3b) or 4), then that Current Maintainer must
+     become or remain the Current Maintainer upon request provided
+     they then update their communication data within one month.
+A change in the Current Maintainer does not, of itself, alter the fact
+that the Work is distributed under the LPPL license.
+If you become the Current Maintainer of the Work, you should
+immediately provide, within the Work, a prominent and unambiguous
+statement of your status as Current Maintainer.  You should also
+announce your new status to the same pertinent community as
+in 2b) above.
+This section contains important instructions, examples, and
+recommendations for authors who are considering distributing their
+works under this license.  These authors are addressed as `you' in
+this section.
+Choosing This License or Another License
+If for any part of your work you want or need to use *distribution*
+conditions that differ significantly from those in this license, then
+do not refer to this license anywhere in your work but, instead,
+distribute your work under a different license.  You may use the text
+of this license as a model for your own license, but your license
+should not refer to the LPPL or otherwise give the impression that
+your work is distributed under the LPPL.
+The document `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution explains
+the motivation behind the conditions of this license.  It explains,
+for example, why distributing LaTeX under the GNU General Public
+License (GPL) was considered inappropriate.  Even if your work is
+unrelated to LaTeX, the discussion in `modguide.tex' may still be
+relevant, and authors intending to distribute their works under any
+license are encouraged to read it.
+A Recommendation on Modification Without Distribution
+It is wise never to modify a component of the Work, even for your own
+personal use, without also meeting the above conditions for
+distributing the modified component.  While you might intend that such
+modifications will never be distributed, often this will happen by
+accident -- you may forget that you have modified that component; or
+it may not occur to you when allowing others to access the modified
+version that you are thus distributing it and violating the conditions
+of this license in ways that could have legal implications and, worse,
+cause problems for the community.  It is therefore usually in your
+best interest to keep your copy of the Work identical with the public
+one.  Many works provide ways to control the behavior of that work
+without altering any of its licensed components.
+How to Use This License
+To use this license, place in each of the components of your work both
+an explicit copyright notice including your name and the year the work
+was authored and/or last substantially modified.  Include also a
+statement that the distribution and/or modification of that
+component is constrained by the conditions in this license.
+Here is an example of such a notice and statement:
+  %% pig.dtx
+  %% Copyright 2005 M. Y. Name
+  %
+  % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+  % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+  % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+  % The latest version of this license is in
+  %   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+  % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+  % version 2005/12/01 or later.
+  %
+  % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+  % 
+  % The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Y. Name.
+  %
+  % This work consists of the files pig.dtx and pig.ins
+  % and the derived file pig.sty.
+Given such a notice and statement in a file, the conditions
+given in this license document would apply, with the `Work' referring
+to the three files `pig.dtx', `pig.ins', and `pig.sty' (the last being
+generated from `pig.dtx' using `pig.ins'), the `Base Interpreter'
+referring to any `LaTeX-Format', and both `Copyright Holder' and
+`Current Maintainer' referring to the person `M. Y. Name'.
+If you do not want the Maintenance section of LPPL to apply to your
+Work, change `maintained' above into `author-maintained'.  
+However, we recommend that you use `maintained', as the Maintenance
+section was added in order to ensure that your Work remains useful to
+the community even when you can no longer maintain and support it
+Derived Works That Are Not Replacements
+Several clauses of the LPPL specify means to provide reliability and
+stability for the user community. They therefore concern themselves
+with the case that a Derived Work is intended to be used as a
+(compatible or incompatible) replacement of the original Work. If
+this is not the case (e.g., if a few lines of code are reused for a
+completely different task), then clauses 6b and 6d shall not apply.
+Important Recommendations
+ Defining What Constitutes the Work
+   The LPPL requires that distributions of the Work contain all the
+   files of the Work.  It is therefore important that you provide a
+   way for the licensee to determine which files constitute the Work.
+   This could, for example, be achieved by explicitly listing all the
+   files of the Work near the copyright notice of each file or by
+   using a line such as:
+    % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
+   in that place.  In the absence of an unequivocal list it might be
+   impossible for the licensee to determine what is considered by you
+   to comprise the Work and, in such a case, the licensee would be
+   entitled to make reasonable conjectures as to which files comprise
+   the Work.

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+# Xput
+__Declarative Desktop Publishing with LaTeX__
+The Xput LaTeX class provides a collection of macros that wrap the macro put to offer a more desktop-publishing-like experience for creating graphic rich documents like photo books.
+With Xput you can create single- and double-sided documents, create pages with margins, safety margins and bleed, use templates, align text and graphics in a grid, wrap text across multiple pages and use before pages. 
+Generic templates, automatic grid layout and a simple and consistent user interface make it easier than ever to create graphic rich documents with LaTeX.
+Under the hood Xput uses the TikZ and tcolorbox packages, ImageMagick and Inkscape.
+Xput is distributed under the [LaTeX Project Public License](https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/) version 1.3c or later.
+To submit bug reports and feature requests go to the official repository on [GitHub](https://github.com/friedemannbartels/xput/issues).
+## Installation
+In general, you should use the package manager shipped with your TeX distribution to install Xput. Alternatively you can copy the contents of [xput-1.0.1.tds.zip](https://github.com/friedemannbartels/xput/releases/download/1.0.1/xput-1.0.1.tds.zip) to your local TeX directory tree.
+### Command Line Tools
+For image optimization, shadow creation and preflight perform these installation steps:
+- Add the directory `tex/latex/xput/scripts` in your local TeX file tree to your `$PATH`.
+- Add `xputserver` to the list of `shell_escape_commands` in your `texmf.cnf`.
+- Install ImageMagick 7.0 or newer and Inkscape 1.0 or newer.
+The setup is tested with the engines `xelatex`, `pdflatex` and `lualatex` and the shells `zsh`, `bash` and `dash`.
+## Known Issues
+### LuaLaTeX
+Setting the page width and height as document option or in the preamble does not work with LuaLaTeX. You need to set the page width and height after `begin{document}`.
+Multi-threaded batch processing of images does not work with LuaLaTeX too.
+### LuaLaTeX and pdfLaTeX
+LuaLaTeX and pdfLaTeX only work with restricted shell access. When running with unrestricted shell access (`--shell-escape`), image optimization, shadow creation and preflight do not work.
+## Development
+Run visual regression tests with the following command:
+    cd test
+    xput test
+The tests are not included in the [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/xput) package. You find the tests on [GitHub](https://github.com/friedemannbartels/xput/tree/main/test).

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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+  draft,
+  twoside,
+  beginright,
+  % fanfold,
+  import,
+  optimize={quality=50, density=144}
+  \setgrid[height=\margin, y=0mm]{{{}}}
+  \leftpage{
+    \text[center]{\thepage}
+  }
+  \rightpage{
+    \text[center]{\hspace*{\fill}\thepage}
+  }
+  \Large
+  \pagenumbering{roman}
+  \template[back cover,margin=0mm, inner margin=0mm]{f}{}
+  \page[front cover,color=white,page graphic=koepi, inner margin=\margin]{
+    \setgrid[width=100mm]{{{1}}}
+    \text[bottom]{
+      \fontsize{41.3mm}{46mm}\selectfont
+      \hskip -3mm
+      Berlin
+      \fontsize{7.5mm}{13mm}\selectfont%
+      \mbox{Photos by Friedemann Bartels}
+    }
+    \ifspine{
+      \setgrid[width=\spinewidth,x=-\spinewidth]{{{1}}}
+      \place{0 0 1 1}
+      \tikzgraphic{
+        \node[rotate=90] at (0.5\width,0.5\height){
+          \fontsize{4mm}{8mm}\selectfont
+          Xput\ \
+        };
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  \page{
+    \text{
+      \strut
+      \tableofcontents
+    }
+  }
+  \pagenumbering{arabic}
+  \setcounter{page}{0}
+  \page[before page=]{}
+  \page{
+    \text{
+      \strut
+      \section{Introduction}
+      \lipsum[1][1-7]
+    }
+  }
+  \newgraphic{koepi wide}{vpos=0.43, file=koepi}
+  \page[double, page graphic=koepi wide, before page=, color=white]{
+    \rightpage{
+      \text[bottom]{
+        \lipsum[1][8-10]
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+\newborder{my border}{width=2mm, color=magenta, radius=5mm}
+\newshadow{my shadow}{size=5, color=magenta, opacity=1}
+  \template{ff-ff}{
+    \graphic[
+      border=my border,
+      border radius=10mm
+    ]{1x1}
+    \graphic[
+      border=my border,
+      shadow=my shadow
+    ]{1x1}
+    \text[
+      shadow=my shadow,
+      shadow color=black,
+      shadow opacity=0.2
+    ]{\lipsum[1][1-5]}
+    \graphic[
+      shadow size=5,
+      shadow opacity=0.6,
+      shadow xshift=1mm,
+      shadow yshift=1mm
+    ]{1x1}
+  }

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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+\optimize[quality=50, density=144]
+\newgraphic{koepi scaled}{scale=1.02, hpos=0.2, vpos=1, file=koepi}
+  \page{
+    \graphic[hpos=0, scale=1.2]{3x2}
+  }
+  \page[page graphic=koepi scaled]{}

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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {{1}{1}}
+      {{1}{1}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with two rows and two cells in each row.
+    }
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {{3}{2}}
+      {{2}{3}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with a width relation between cells.
+    }
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {[3]{1}{1}}
+      {[1]{1}{1}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with a height relation between rows.
+    }
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {[2]{1}{3!}}
+      {[2]{1}{2!}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with a fixed aspect ratio of some cells.
+    }
+    \graphic{3x2}
+    \place{1 1 2 2}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {[1]{1!}{1!}{1!}}
+      {[2]{4!}{3!}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with a fixed aspect ratio of all cells.
+    }
+    \place{0 0 1 1}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{2x1}
+    \graphic{3x2}
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid{
+      {[2]{2!}{2!}{2!}}
+      {[2!]{4!}{3}}
+    }
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \graphic{2x1}
+    \text{
+      A grid with a fixed height relation between rows.
+    }
+  }
+  \page[gutter=10mm]{
+    \setgrid[
+      width=0.5\width,
+      x=\margin
+    ]{
+      {{1}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      Multiple grids on one page.
+    }
+    \setgrid[
+      width=0.5\width-\gutter,
+      x=\margin+0.5\width+\gutter
+    ]{
+      {{1}}
+      {{1}}
+      {{1}}
+    }
+  }
+  \page{
+    \setgrid[width=\height]{
+      {{1}{1}}
+      {{1}{1}}
+    }
+    \text{
+      A grid with free positioned content. The gutter is preserved.
+    }
+    \place{0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+    \place{1.5 1.5 2 2}
+    \graphic{1x1}
+  }

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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+  \template[gutter=5mm]{so-gs}{
+    \text{
+      This is a generic template.
+    }
+  }
+  \newtemplate{my template}{
+    \setgrid[height=\height-20mm]{
+      {[1]{1!}{1}}
+      {[1]{1!}{1}}
+    }
+    \placeholder{0 0 1 1}
+    \placeholder{1 0 2 1}
+    \placeholder{0 1 2 2}
+  }
+  \template[outer margin=10mm]{my template}{
+    \text{
+      This is a custom template.
+    }
+  }

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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+  {{1}{1}}
+  \page{
+    \text[breakable, name=lorem]{
+      \lipsum[2-3]
+      \par
+      \lipsum[4]
+    }
+    \usetext[lorem]
+  }
+  \page{
+    \usetext[lorem]
+    \tcbset{
+      boxrule=1mm,
+      boxsep=1mm,left=2mm,right=2mm,top=2mm,bottom=2mm,
+      colback=yellow,
+      colframe=red!75!black,
+      opacityframe=1,
+      opacityback=1,
+      arc=1mm
+    }
+    \text{
+      Text boxes use the package tcolorbox, so you can style these with the tcolorbox macro \texttt{tcbset}
+    }
+  }

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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+  bleed=3mm,
+  margin=10mm,
+  gutter=5mm,
+  page width=20cm,
+  page height=20cm,
+  draft,
+  safezone,
+  grid,
+  graphpaper
+  \newtemplate{layoutguidesexample}{
+    \setgrid{
+      {{6}{1}}
+    }
+    \placeholder{0 1 1 2}
+    \placeholder{0 0 1 1}
+  }
+  \template{layoutguidesexample}{
+  }

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@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+\hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}}
+  \Huge The \textsf{Xput} class\\
+  \Large\url{https://github.com/friedemannbartels/xput}\\
+  \Large Manual for Version \Xputversion
+\author{\href{mailto:mail at friedemannbartels.de}{Friedemann Bartels}}
+When Apple discontinued its photo book feature in Apple Photos, I was missing an easy-to-use photo book application.
+In 2020, I started to develop my own solution.
+What started with some SVG templates and shell scripts ended up in the Xput class, a declarative desktop publishing approach.
+With Xput you can create single- and double-sided documents, create pages with margins, safety margins, and bleed, use templates, align text and graphics in a grid, wrap text across multiple pages and use before pages.
+Generic templates, automatic grid layout and a simple and consistent user interface make it easier than ever to create graphics-rich documents with \LaTeX.
+Under the hood Xput uses the TikZ and tcolorbox packages, ImageMagick and Inkscape.
+The document options described in the following can be either set as a document option (|\documentclass[twoside]{xput}|) or with a macro (|\twoside|) in the preamble.
+\DescribeMacro {\documentclass}
+Use the class and define your options with the |\documentclass|\oarg{options}|{xput}| macro.
+A single sided document is the default.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (0,0) -- (0,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (1.25,0) rectangle (2.25,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1.25,0) -- (1.25,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (2.5,0) rectangle (3.5,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (2.5,0) -- (2.5,1);
+\DescribeMacro {\twoside}
+Using the document option |twoside| results in a document with left and right pages.
+When you create a two-sided document, your document always has an even number of pages.
+If you create a document with an odd number of pages, an additional page is automatically inserted.
+Two-sided documents start with a right page by default.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (0,0) -- (0,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (1.25,0) rectangle (2.25,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (2.25,0) -- (2.25,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (2.35,0) rectangle (3.35,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (2.35,0) -- (2.35,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (3.6,0) rectangle (4.6,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (4.6,0) -- (4.6,1);
+\DescribeMacro {\beginleft}
+Use the option |beginleft| to begin with a left page.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1,0) -- (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (1.1,0) rectangle (2.1,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1.1,0) -- (1.1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (2.35,0) rectangle (3.35,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (3.35,0) -- (3.35,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (3.45,0) rectangle (4.45,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (3.45,0) -- (3.45,1);
+By default, each page is placed on one paper.
+\DescribeMacro {\fanfold}
+With the |fanfold| option you can change this behavior so that a left and a right page are placed on one paper.
+In this case, the first page is a left one by default.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1,0) -- (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (2.25,0) rectangle (3.25,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (3.25,0) rectangle (4.25,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (3.25,0) -- (3.25,1);
+\DescribeMacro {\cover}
+The |cover| option is similar to the |fanfold| option, but only applied to cover pages.
+Read more about cover pages in section~\ref{sec:pages}.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (2.3,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1,0) -- (1,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1.3,0) -- (1.3,1);
+\DescribeMacro {\beginright}
+If you want your fanfold document to start with a right hand page, you can use the option |beginright|.
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,0) -- (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (0,1) -- (1,0);
+  \draw[black, thin] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (1,0) -- (1,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (2.25,0) rectangle (3.25,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (3.25,0) rectangle (4.25,1);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (3.25,0) -- (3.25,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (4.5,0) rectangle (5.5,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (5.5,0) rectangle (6.5,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (5.5,0) -- (6.5,1);
+  \draw[black, thin] (5.5,1) -- (6.5,0);
+  \draw[black, line width=1.5pt,line cap=round] (5.5,0) -- (5.5,1);
+The document lengths described below can be set either as a document option (|\documentclass[page width=21cm]{xput}|) or by assigning the dimension directly (|\pagewidth=21cm|) in the preamble or in the document.
+\DescribeMacro {\pagewidth}
+\DescribeMacro {\pageheight}
+You can set the lengths |page width| and |page height|.
+The default page size is |210mm| by |297mm|.
+\DescribeMacro {\bleed}
+You can set the |bleed| length.
+It applies to all paper edges.
+The default bleed is |0mm|.
+You can override the bleed for each edge separately by defining the lengths |top bleed|, |inner bleed|, |bottom bleed|, |outer bleed|.
+The paper size results from the page size and the bleed.
+\DescribeMacro {\safetymargin}
+The |safety margin| is the only length that has no influence on the final result.
+Its only purpose is to control the safe zone during editing.
+It is |0mm| by default and can be configured for each edge by defining |top safety margin|, |inner safety margin|, |bottom safety margin| and |outer safety margin|.
+\DescribeMacro {\margin}
+\DescribeMacro {\gutter}
+You can set the lengths |margin| and |gutter| for the document, for a page (see section~\ref{sec:pages}) or for a grid (see section~\ref{sec:grid}).
+The default margin is |20mm|, the default gutter is |0mm|.
+Similar to bleed and safety margin, the margin can be defined for each edge individually by setting |top margin|, |outer margin|, |bottom margin| and |inner margin|.
+You can create documents with cover pages.
+\DescribeMacro {\coverwidth}
+\DescribeMacro {\coverheight}
+Read more about creating cover pages in section~\ref{sec:pages}.
+You can set the lengths |coverwidth| and |coverheight|.
+By default, the cover pages are the same size as the inside pages.
+If you want to create a cover with a spine, use the |fanfold| or |cover| option described in section~\ref{sec:document}.
+In this case the length |spinewidth| takes effect.
+The default spine width is |3mm|.
+You can overwrite the bleed and the safety margin for cover pages.
+To do this, prefix the respective lengths described above.
+For example, define |cover inner bleed| or |cover safety margin|.
+\subsection{Page Graphics and Colors}\label{subsec:colors}
+You can define a page graphic and a page color with the options |page graphic| and |page color|.
+Set the option |color| to define the text color.
+These options can be defined for the document or for each page (see section~\ref{sec:pages}).
+Read how to set the scale and crop of a page graphic with the |\newgraphic| macro in section~\ref{sec:content}.
+\subsection{Layout Guides}
+The layout guides described in the following can be either set as a document option (|\documentclass[grid]{xput}|) or using a macro (|\grid|) in the preamble or the document.
+Layout guides can be switched on (|\safezone|) or off (|\nosafezone|).
+\DescribeMacro {\grid}
+The |grid| option visualizes the margin and the grid gutters with green lines.
+Read more about the grid in section~\ref{sec:grid}.
+\DescribeMacro {\safezone}
+The |safezone| layout guide shows a red border for the bleed and a thin pink line to indicate the safety margin.
+\DescribeMacro {\cuttingmarks}
+As an alternative to |safezone|, you can also use |cutting marks| to display cutting marks.
+\DescribeMacro {\graphpaper}
+Show a graph paper with the |graph paper| option.
+  \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[trim={15cm 16.5cm 0cm 0},clip,scale=1,page=1]{xputmanual-layout-guides.pdf}};
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (bleed) at (65mm,33mm) {Bleed};
+  \draw (bleed) -- ++(-32mm,0);
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (bleed) at (65mm,27mm) {Safety margin};
+  \draw (bleed) -- ++(-35mm,0.0);
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (margin) at (65mm,21mm) {Margin};
+  \draw (margin) -- ++(-43mm,0.0);
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (gutter) at (65mm,15mm) {Gutter};
+  \draw (gutter) -- ++(-70mm,0.0);
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (placeholder) at (65mm,9mm) {Placeholder};
+  \draw (placeholder) -- ++(-50mm,0.0);
+  \node[anchor=south west,text depth=0mm,text width=4cm] (graphpaper) at (65mm,3mm) {Graph paper};
+  \draw (graphpaper) -- ++(-40mm,0.0);
+\DescribeMacro {\placeholders}
+The |placeholders| option shows template placeholders.
+Read more about templates in section~\ref{sec:templates}.
+\DescribeMacro {\fillpages}
+If you create a document with a cover and a first right hand page, use the |fill pages| option during editing to add blank pages to get a better impression of the final result.
+\subsection{Draft Mode}\label{subsec:draftmode}
+The |draft| option is a shortcut to enable the options |placeholders|, |cutting marks| and |fill pages|.
+It also speeds up rebuilding the PDF when changing the document.
+\DescribeMacro {\page}
+Create a page with the macro |\page|\oarg{options}\marg{content}.
+You can overwrite the document options |margin|, |top margin|, |bottom margin|, |inner margin|, |outer margin|, |gutter|, |page color|, |page graphic| and |color| for each page.
+Use the option |double| to create a double page.
+When creating a double page after a left page, a right page is automatically inserted before the double page.
+The option |double| is only recognized for double sided documents.
+Use the options |front cover| or |back cover| to create a front or back cover.
+If you have a back cover and a front cover, the back cover page must be defined first.
+If no option is active, the front cover is placed as the first page and the back cover as the last page of the document.
+In this case, the only difference from normal pages is that the cover pages are not counted in the page numbering.
+If the option |fanfold| or |cover| is selected, the back and front covers are laid out on one paper so that the cover is suitable for a book with a hard or soft cover (see section~\ref{sec:document}).
+Space is reserved between the back and front covers for the spine.
+Set the |spine width| document option as described in section~\ref{subsec:size}.
+With the options |hpos| and |vpos| you can set the default grid alignment for a page.
+Read more about the grid in the next section.
+\DescribeMacro {\setpagecolor}Alternativly to the option you can use the macro |\setpagecolor|\marg{color} to set the page color for all following pages.
+\DescribeMacro {\setpagegraphic}With the macro |\setpagegraphic|\oarg{options}\marg{name} you can define a page graphic for all following pages.
+The name references a graphic version created with the |\newgraphic| macro (see section~\ref{sec:content}).
+If no graphic version with the given name exists, the macro uses the name as the file name.
+You can change the clipping by defining relative decimal values for the options |scale| (>1), |hpos| and |vpos| (0-1).
+\DescribeMacro {\newbeforepage}With the macro |\newbeforepage|\marg{name}\marg{content} you can create a reusable page layer, that can be set before pages.
+\DescribeMacro {\setbeforepage}
+Use the macro |\setbeforepage|\marg{name} to define a before page for all following pages or use the page option |before page| to specify a before page for a individual page.
+\DescribeMacro {\ifleftpage}
+\DescribeMacro {\ifrightpage}
+Use the condition |\ifleftpage|\marg{content} and |\ifrightpage|\marg{content} to check for the current page alignment.
+\DescribeMacro {\leftpage}
+Within a page scope you can use the |\leftpage|\marg{content} macro to place content only on a left page.
+In comparison to the |\ifleftpage|\marg{content} condition, the macro sets a grid for a single page.
+That way you can combine single with double page layouts.
+\DescribeMacro {\rightpage}
+Accordingly you can use the |\rightpage|\marg{content} macro.
+The grid allows you to create rows with cells.
+You can define width and height relations between rows and cells.
+All definitions are relative.
+The size and position results from these relations and the configured dimensions page width, page height, margin and gutter.
+Create a grid with the macro |\setgrid|\oarg{options}\marg{config}.
+The grid configuration is a nested list of rows and cells.
+A cell is defined by a number that describes the width ratio to the other cells in the row.
+The default grid describes a row with one cell:
+  \setgrid{
+    {{}}}
+You can define a width relation between cells by adding a integer value for each cell:
+  \setgrid{
+    {{1}{2}}}
+With an optional integer value for each row you can set a height relation between rows:
+  \setgrid{
+    {[2]{1}{2}}
+    {[1]{1}{2}}}
+You can set an aspect ratio for a cell by adding a |!| to the width.
+This way the aspect ratio is defined by the width of the cell and the height of the row.
+If all cells in a row have a fixed aspect ratio, the aspect ratio of the row is fixed too.
+In the following, a row with only fixed cells is named a fixed row.
+Because the height of a fixed row is determined by the aspect ratios of the cells, the height relation to the flexible rows is broken.
+In this case, you can force a height relation between flexible and fixed rows by adding a |!| to the height of the flexible row.
+In the following, a row with a forced height is named a forced row.
+The example defines a first fixed row with one cell and an aspect ratio of 3:2.
+The height of the second row is forced half of the height of the first row.
+The cells in the second row share the available width in the ratio one to two:
+  \setgrid{
+    {[2]{3!}}
+    {[1!]{1}{2}}}
+If the height of fixed and forced rows exceeds the available height, the grid shrinks to fit the available space.
+The defined aspect ratios of the cells are preserved and the grid is centered horizontally.
+In this case you can define the |hpos| option to align the grid horizontally.
+A value of |0| aligns the grid to the left, a value of |1| aligns the grid to the right.
+The default is a value of |0.5|.
+If the height of fixed and forced rows is less than the available height, all flexible rows share the excess height.
+If there are no flexible rows, the grid is centered vertically.
+In this case you can define the |vpos| option to align the grid vertically.
+A value of |0| aligns the grid to the top, a value of |1| aligns the grid to the bottom.
+The default is a value of |0.5|.
+As for a document or a page you can set |margin| and |gutter| options for a specific grid.
+With the options |width|, |height|, |x| and |y| you can override the intrinsic grid size and position.
+When overriding the grid size and position, you can calculate with the intrinsic values, for example |x=\x-1cm|.
+\subsection{Placing Content}
+The grid aligns content (see section~\ref{sec:content}) automatically in the given grid cells.
+To set the position of a content box manually use the macro |\place|\marg{fromrow fromcell torow tocell}.
+To place content in the first row and first cell use the macro |\place{0 0 1 1}| before the content.
+The definded place applies only for the following content box.
+The next boxes are then again placed with auto layout.
+The macro accepts decimals.
+That allows you to place content everywhere within the grid.
+The |gutter| is taken into account when calculating the positions.
+With the macro |\text|\oarg{options}\marg{text} you can place text.
+Align the text vertically with the |center| and |bottom| options.
+The |\text| macro uses the package tcolorbox and accepts tcolorbox options, for example to set text, frame or background color and transparency.
+The tcolorbox behaves slightly diffenrent then the standalone version: spacings, rules and background are removed by default.
+You can change the behaviour with the tcolorbox macro |\tcbset|\marg{options}.
+Also the |arc| options behaves different: if you set the |arc| to |0pt| the |outer arc| is also set to |0pt|.
+Add the option |breakable| to break text over multiple boxes and pages.
+Use the macro |\usetext|\oarg{name} to place the following text boxes in the grid.
+If you want to use multiple breakable text boxes you can initialize the text with the |name| option and define a name that you then can pass to the |\usetext| option.
+The |\text| macro accepts the options |shadow|, |shadow size|, |shadow color|, |shadow opacity|, |shadow xshift|, |shadow yshift|, |border|, |border width|,\break |border color| and |border radius|.
+Read more about shadows and borders in section~\ref{subsec:borders}.
+Create a reusable graphic version with the |\newgraphic|\marg{name}\marg{options} macro.
+Define the options |scale| (>1), |hpos| and |vpos| (0-1) to set the clipping of the graphic.
+With the option |file| you can link a file.
+If no file is defined, the name is used as the file name.
+The |\graphic|\oarg{options}\marg{name} macro places a graphic.
+The name references a graphic version created with the |\newgraphic| macro.
+If no graphic version with the given name exists, the macro uses the name as the file name.
+The graphic is scaled to fit in the content box.
+If the aspect ratio of the graphic differs from that of the defined content box, the graphic is cropped.
+You can change the cropping by defining relative decimal values for the options |scale| (>1), |hpos| and |vpos| (0-1).
+Same as the |\text| macro, the |\graphic| macro accepts the |border| and |shadow| options described in section~\ref{subsec:borders}.
+You can use the macro |\graphicspath|\marg{dir-list} of the graphics package to specify a list of directories in which to search for graphic files.
+The macro |\xput|\marg{code} is an easy way to place arbitrary content in the grid.
+Within the code block the dimensions |\width| and |\height| represent the size of the content area and can be used to create graphics, that fit and adapt to the available size.
+The macro |\tikzgraphic|\marg{tikz code} works like the |\xput| macro, but wraps your input in a |tikzpicture|.
+\subsection{Shadows and Borders}\label{subsec:borders}
+Text and graphic content can be placed with a border or a shadow.
+You can define a border or shadow for a specific content box by using the options |border width|, |border color|, |border radius| to add a border or |shadow size|, |shadow color|, |shadow opacity|, |shadow xshift|, |shadow yshift| to add a shadow.
+Define a reusable border or shadow with the macros |\newborder|\marg{name}\marg{options} or |\newshadow|\marg{name}\marg{options}.
+Apply the border or shadow to |\text| or |\graphic| with the option |border| or |shadow|.
+To set a border or shadow within a page or document scope, use the macros |\setborder|\oarg{options}\marg{name} or |\setshadow|\oarg{options}\marg{name}.
+With the macro |\newtemplate|\marg{name}\marg{layout} you can create a reusable layout.
+Creating a template works the same way as creating a page.
+In addition to graphics and text you can define placeholders.
+Use the macro |\placeholder|\marg{fromrow fromcell torow tocell} to define a content area that can later be filled with a text or a graphic.
+To use a template use the macro |\template|\oarg{options}\marg{name}\marg{content}.
+The available options are the same as for pages.
+The macro |\template| comes with an easy way to generate templates by using a name pattern.
+For example the template name \textit{sp} creates a template with a square and a portrait format placeholder.
+In this case the letter |s| specifies a square (1:1) and the letter |p| a portrait (2:3) format placeholder.
+Use the letter |l| to define a landscape ratio (3:2), |g| for golden ratio (5:3), |o| for golden upright ratio (3:5), |w| for wide ratio (2:1) or |f| for a flexible ratio.
+With the character |-| you can start a new row.
+Within a row you can mix the fixed placeholders (|s|, |p|, |l|, |g|, |o|, |w|) or use only flexible placeholders~(|f|).
+\section{Image Optimization}\label{sec:optimization}
+With the macro |\optimize|\oarg{options} you can enable image optimization.
+When enabled, JPG and PNG images are croped, resized and cached.
+This results in fast rebuilds when changing the document.
+You can set the options |density|, |quality|, |unsharp| and |downsample threshold|.
+The |density| option takes a number of the pixels per inch (default |300|), the |quality| option takes numbers between 1 and 100, the |unsharp| option an ImageMagick unsharp configuration (default |2x1|) and the |downsample threshold| a decimal value greater or equal 1 (default |1.2|).
+The |unsharp| option can also be applied for individual graphics.
+If you use image optimization and change the original graphics files, you must delete the cached versions so that the cache will update.
+The |\import| macro helps you to streamline this process.
+When enabled, you need an import directory in which to place the modified files.
+When the document is created, the files are moved to your image directory and the corresponding cached versions are automatically regenerated.
+The import directory is either the directory \emph{import} in your working directory.
+Or you can set a system wide import directory by defining the shell variable |XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY|.
+Use the |\preflight| macro to proof the image resolution.
+If images have a final resolution less then 300 ppi you get a warning, if less then 200 ppi you get an error.
+With preflight enabled the maximum possible resolution is shown next to each graphic.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xput/xputmanual.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xput
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xput	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xput	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+# This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+# version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+# version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+#    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+# and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+# LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+OK="$( tput setaf 2 )•$( tput sgr0 )"
+FAILED="$( tput setaf 1 )$( tput bold )x$( tput sgr0 )"
+NEW="$( tput setaf 3 )$( tput bold )+$( tput sgr0 )"
+REMOVED="$( tput setaf 5 )$( tput bold )-$( tput sgr0 )"
+ERROR="$( tput setaf 1 )$( tput bold )!$( tput sgr0 )"
+_playok() {
+  if [ -f /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff ]; then
+    afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff >/dev/null 2>&1
+  fi
+_playhm() {
+  if [ -f /System/Library/Sounds/Basso.aiff ]; then
+    afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Basso.aiff >/dev/null 2>&1
+  fi
+_playerror() {
+  if [ -f /System/Library/Sounds/Sosumi.aiff ]; then
+    afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Sosumi.aiff >/dev/null 2>&1
+  fi
+_gettime() {
+  if command -v gdate &> /dev/null; then
+    echo $( gdate +%s%3N )
+  else
+    if command -v date &> /dev/null; then
+      milliseconds=$( date +%3N )
+      if [ $milliseconds = 3N ]; then
+        echo $(( SECONDS * 1000 ))
+      else
+        echo $( date +%s%3N )
+      fi
+    else
+      echo $(( SECONDS * 1000 ))
+    fi
+  fi
+_starttimer() {
+  starttime=$( _gettime )
+_stoptimer() {
+  endtime=$( _gettime )
+  elapsedtime=$(( endtime - starttime ))
+  elapsedseconds=$(( elapsedtime / 1000 ))
+  elapsedmilliseconds=$(( elapsedtime % 1000 ))
+  elapsed=$elapsedseconds.$( printf "%03d" "$elapsedmilliseconds" )
+test() {
+  _starttimer
+  tmpdir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null )/textest$( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )$RANDOM
+  mkdir $tmpdir
+  if [ $3 = true ] && [ -d cache ]; then
+    rm -rf cache
+  fi
+  okcount=0
+  failedcount=0
+  newcount=0
+  removedcount=0
+  fileokcount=0
+  filefailedcount=0
+  defaultfiller=23
+  echo ""
+  for entry in *$5*.tex
+  do
+    if [ $entry != "*$5*.tex" ]; then
+      name=$( echo $entry | sed -e 's/\.tex$//g' )
+      if [ ${name:0:1} != _ ]; then
+        printf "$( tput sgr0 )$name"
+        runtwice=0
+        if [ "${name:$(( ${#name} - 2 )):2}" = "@2" ]; then
+          runtwice=1
+        fi
+        if [ "$4" != "xelatex" ]; then
+          name="$name.$4"
+        fi
+        passed=1
+        rm -f $name.failed.*
+        cp $entry $tmpdir/$name.tex
+        shell=""
+        if [ $1 = true ]; then
+          shell="--shell-escape"
+        fi
+        $4 -interaction=batchmode $shell --output-directory $tmpdir $tmpdir/$name.tex > /dev/null
+        if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+          passed=0
+        fi
+        if [ $runtwice -eq 1 ]; then
+          $4 -interaction=batchmode $shell --output-directory $tmpdir $tmpdir/$name.tex > /dev/null
+          if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+            passed=0
+          fi
+        fi
+        magick convert -density $2 -quiet $tmpdir/$name.pdf $tmpdir/$name.png
+        if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.png" ]; then
+          mv $tmpdir/$name.png $tmpdir/$name-0.png
+        fi
+        if [ -f "$name.approved.pdf" ]; then
+          magick convert -density $2 -quiet $name.approved.pdf $tmpdir/$name.approved.png
+          if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.approved.png" ]; then
+            mv $tmpdir/$name.approved.png $tmpdir/$name.approved-0.png
+          fi
+        fi
+        if [ $passed -eq 0 ]; then
+          filler=$(( defaultfiller - ${#name} - 2 ))
+        else
+          filler=$(( defaultfiller - ${#name} ))
+        fi
+        while [ 0 -le $filler ]; do
+          printf " "
+          filler=$(( filler - 1 ))
+        done
+        if [ $passed -eq 0 ]; then
+          printf " $ERROR"
+        fi
+        index=0
+        while [ -f "$tmpdir/$name-$index.png" ]; do
+          if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png" ]; then
+            changedpixels=$( magick compare -quiet -metric AE $tmpdir/$name-$index.png $tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png null: 2>&1 )
+            if [ $changedpixels -eq 0 ]; then
+              okcount=$(( okcount + 1 ))
+              printf " $OK"
+            else
+              failedcount=$(( failedcount + 1 ))
+              passed=0
+              printf " $FAILED"
+              magick compare -quiet $tmpdir/$name-$index.png $tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png $name.failed.$(( index + 1 )).png
+              if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.pdf" ]; then
+                mv $tmpdir/$name.pdf $name.failed.pdf
+              fi
+            fi
+          else
+            newcount=$(( newcount + 1 ))
+            passed=0
+            printf " $NEW"
+            mv $tmpdir/$name-$index.png $name.failed.$(( index + 1 )).png
+            if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.pdf" ]; then
+              mv $tmpdir/$name.pdf $name.failed.pdf
+            fi
+          fi
+          index=$(( index + 1 ))
+          if [ `expr $index % 20` -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$tmpdir/$name-$index.png" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            filler=$defaultfiller
+            while [ 0 -le $filler ]; do
+              printf " "
+              filler=$(( filler - 1 ))
+            done
+          fi
+        done
+        while [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png" ]; do
+          removedcount=$(( removedcount + 1 ))
+          passed=0
+          printf " $REMOVED"
+          mv $tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png $name.failed.$(( index + 1 )).png
+          if [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.pdf" ]; then
+            mv $tmpdir/$name.pdf $name.failed.pdf
+          fi
+          index=$(( index + 1 ))
+          if [ `expr $index % 20` -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$tmpdir/$name.approved-$index.png" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            filler=$defaultfiller
+            while [ 0 -le $filler ]; do
+              printf " "
+              filler=$(( filler - 1 ))
+            done
+          fi
+        done
+        if [ $passed -eq 1 ]; then
+          fileokcount=$(( fileokcount + 1 ))
+        else
+          filefailedcount=$(( filefailedcount + 1 ))
+        fi
+        echo ""
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  rm -rf $tmpdir
+  _stoptimer
+  seconds=$( printf "%.1f" "$elapsed" )
+  filecount=$(( fileokcount + filefailedcount ))
+  if [ $filecount -gt 0 ]; then
+    echo ""
+  fi
+  if [ $filecount -eq $fileokcount ]; then
+    if [ $filecount -eq 0 ]; then
+      _playhm &
+      echo "$( tput sgr0 )Tested 0 files 🧐."
+    else
+      _playok &
+      echo "$( tput sgr0 )Successfully tested $filecount files in $seconds seconds 🎉."
+    fi
+    echo ""
+  else
+    _playerror &
+    echo "$( tput sgr0 )Tested $filecount files in $seconds seconds."
+    echo ""
+    if [ $fileokcount -gt 0 ]; then
+      filler=$(( 6 + ${#filecount} - ${#fileokcount} ))
+      while [ 0 -le $filler ]; do
+        printf " "
+        filler=$(( filler - 1 ))
+      done
+      printf "$( tput setaf 2 )$fileokcount OK$( tput sgr0 )"
+      echo ""
+    fi
+    if [ $filefailedcount -gt 0 ]; then
+      filler=$(( 6 + ${#filecount} - ${#filefailedcount} ))
+      while [ 0 -le $filler ]; do
+        printf " "
+        filler=$(( filler - 1 ))
+      done
+      printf "$( tput setaf 1 )$filefailedcount Failed$( tput sgr0 )"
+      echo ""
+    fi
+    echo ""
+    exit 1
+  fi
+approve() {
+  filecount=0
+  suffix=""
+  if [ "$1" != "xelatex" ]; then
+    suffix=".$1"
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  for entry in *$2*$suffix.failed.pdf
+  do
+    if [ $entry != "*$2*$suffix.failed.pdf" ]; then
+      filecount=$(( filecount + 1 ))
+      name=$( echo $entry | sed -e "s/$suffix.failed.pdf//" )
+      echo $name
+      rm -f $name$suffix.approved.pdf
+      if [ -f "$name.aux" ]; then
+        cp $name$suffix.failed.pdf $name$suffix.approved.pdf
+      else
+        mv $name$suffix.failed.pdf $name$suffix.approved.pdf
+      fi
+      rm -f $name$suffix.failed.*
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ $filecount -gt 0 ]; then
+    echo ""
+  fi
+  if [ $filecount -eq 1 ]; then
+    echo "Approved 1 file."
+  else
+    echo "Approved $filecount files."
+  fi
+  echo ""
+compare() {
+  filea=$2
+  fileb=$3
+  tmpdir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null)/textest$( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )$RANDOM
+  mkdir $tmpdir
+  namea=$( echo $filea | sed -e 's/\.\///g' | sed -e 's/\.pdf$//g' )
+  nameb=$( echo $fileb | sed -e 's/\.\///g' | sed -e 's/\.pdf$//g' )
+  basenamea=$(basename $namea)
+  basenameb=$(basename $nameb)
+  rm -f $namea.diff.*.png
+  spacer=""
+  if [ -f "$filea" ]; then
+    if [ -f "$fileb" ]; then
+      magick convert -density $1 -quiet $filea $tmpdir/$basenamea.png
+      if [ -f "$tmpdir/$basenamea.png" ]; then
+        mv $tmpdir/$basenamea.png $tmpdir/$basenamea-0.png
+      fi
+      magick convert -density $1 -quiet $fileb $tmpdir/$basenameb.png
+      if [ -f "$tmpdir/$basenameb.png" ]; then
+        mv $tmpdir/$basenameb.png $tmpdir/$basenameb-0.png
+      fi
+      index=0
+      while [ -f "$tmpdir/$basenamea-$index.png" ]; do
+        if [ -f "$tmpdir/$basenameb-$index.png" ]; then
+          changedpixels=$( magick compare -quiet -metric AE $tmpdir/$basenamea-$index.png $tmpdir/$basenameb-$index.png null: 2>&1 )
+          if [ $changedpixels -eq 0 ]; then
+            printf "$spacer$OK"
+            spacer=" "
+          else
+            printf "$spacer$FAILED"
+            spacer=" "
+            magick compare -quiet $tmpdir/$basenamea-$index.png $tmpdir/$basenameb-$index.png $namea.diff.$(( index + 1 )).png
+          fi
+        else
+          printf "$spacer$NEW"
+          spacer=" "
+        fi
+        index=$(( index + 1 ))
+      done
+      while [ -f "$tmpdir/$basenameb-$index.png" ]; do
+        printf "$spacer$REMOVED"
+        spacer=" "
+        index=$(( index + 1 ))
+      done
+      echo ""
+    else
+      echo "File $fileb not found."
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "File $filea not found."
+  fi
+  rm -rf $tmpdir
+perf() {
+  if [ -f $4 ]; then
+    tmpdir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null )/textestperf$( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )$RANDOM
+    mkdir $tmpdir
+    basename=$(basename $4)
+    if [ $1 = true ] && [ -d cache ]; then
+      rm -rf cache
+    fi
+    cp $4 $tmpdir
+    shell=""
+    if [ $2 = true ]; then
+      shell="--shell-escape"
+    fi
+    _starttimer
+    $3 -interaction=batchmode $shell --output-directory $tmpdir $tmpdir/$basename > /dev/null
+    _stoptimer
+    echo "$elapsed"
+    rm -rf $tmpdir
+  else
+    echo "File $4 not found."
+  fi
+usage() {
+  cat <<HELP_USAGE
+usage: $(basename $0) test [-cs] [-e engine] [-d density] pattern
+   or: $(basename $0) approve [-e engine] pattern
+   or: $(basename $0) compare [-d density] files
+   or: $(basename $0) perf [-cs] [-e engine] file
+   -c          clear cache
+   -s          enable shell escape
+   -d density  set density in ppi (default 72)
+   -e engine   set latex engine (default xelatex)
+   Running \`$(basename $0) test\` creates pdf files for all tex files matching the
+   pattern and performs a visual regression test. If no pattern is specified,
+   all files in the current directory are tested except for files whose names
+   begin with an underscore.
+   Running \`$(basename $0) approve\` replaces the reference files with the test files.
+   Running \`$(basename $0) compare\` creates a visual diff for two pdf files.
+   Running \`$(basename $0) perf\` measures the time for creating a pdf file from the
+   given tex file.
+case "$1" in
+  shift
+  density=72
+  shell=false
+  clear=false
+  engine=xelatex
+  while getopts ":e:d:sc" arg; do
+    case "${arg}" in
+      c)
+        clear=true
+        ;;
+      d)
+        density="${OPTARG}"
+        ;;
+      e)
+        engine="${OPTARG}"
+        ;;
+      s)
+        shell=true
+        ;;
+      ?)
+        echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift "$(( OPTIND - 1 ))"
+  test $shell $density $clear $engine $1
+  ;;
+  shift
+  engine=xelatex
+  while getopts ":e:" arg; do
+    case "${arg}" in
+      e)
+        engine="${OPTARG}"
+        ;;
+      ?)
+        echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift "$(( OPTIND - 1 ))"
+  approve $engine $1
+  ;;
+  shift
+  density=72
+  while getopts ":d:" arg; do
+    case "${arg}" in
+      d)
+        density="${OPTARG}"
+        ;;
+      ?)
+        echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift "$(( OPTIND - 1 ))"
+  compare $density $1 $2
+  ;;
+  shift
+  shell=false
+  clear=false
+  engine=xelatex
+  while getopts ":e:sc" arg; do
+    case "${arg}" in
+      c)
+        clear=true
+        ;;
+      e)
+        engine="${OPTARG}"
+        ;;
+      s)
+        shell=true
+        ;;
+      ?)
+        echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift "$(( OPTIND - 1 ))"
+  perf $clear $shell $engine $1
+  ;;
+  usage

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xput
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+# This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+# version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+# version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+#    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+# and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+# LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+_convert() {
+  turbo=$1
+  filename=$2
+  filenamecache=$3
+  fileextcache=$4
+  originalwidthsp=$5
+  originalheightsp=$6
+  originalcropleftsp=$7
+  originalcroprightsp=$8
+  originalcroptopsp=$9
+  originalcropbottomsp=${10}
+  density=${11}
+  displaywidth=${12}
+  displayheight=${13}
+  resizethreshold=${14}
+  unsharp=${15}
+  quality="${16}"
+  mkdir -p cache/"$filenamecache"
+  originalwidth=$( magick identify -ping -format %w "$filename" )
+  originalheight=$( magick identify -ping -format %h "$filename" )
+  width=$(( (10 * originalwidth * (originalwidthsp - originalcropleftsp - originalcroprightsp) / originalwidthsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  height=$(( (10 * originalheight * (originalheightsp - originalcroptopsp - originalcropbottomsp) / originalheightsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  cropleft=$(( (10 * originalwidth * originalcropleftsp / originalwidthsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  croptop=$(( (10 * originalheight * originalcroptopsp / originalheightsp + 5) / 10 ))
+  resizewidth=$(( (10 * displaywidth * 100 * density / 473628672 + 5) / 10 ))
+  if [ $(( resizewidth * resizethreshold / 100 )) -gt $width ]; then
+    resizewidth=$width
+    resizeheight=$height
+  else
+    resizeheight=$(( resizewidth * height / width + 1 ))
+  fi
+  x="x"
+  if [ $turbo = 1 ]; then
+  fi
+  if [ "$quality" != "" ]; then
+    quality="-quality $quality"
+  fi
+  if [ "$unsharp" != "" ]; then
+    unsharp="-unsharp $unsharp"
+  fi
+  magick "$filename" -crop $width$x$height+$cropleft+$croptop -resize $resizewidth$x$resizeheight $unsharp $quality "cache/$filenamecache/.g$fileextcache"
+  mv "cache/$filenamecache/.g$fileextcache" "cache/$filenamecache/g$fileextcache"
+_startbatchprocess() {
+  success=0
+  for file in cache/*; do
+    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
+      success=1
+      name=$( basename "${file}" )
+      mv "$file" "cache/.$name" 2> /dev/null
+      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        line=$(head -n 1 "cache/.$name")
+        IFS="%"
+        set -- $line
+        IFS=" "
+        _convert 1 "$@"
+        rm "cache/.$name"
+        break
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ $success -eq 1 ]; then
+    _startbatchprocess
+  fi
+getwidth() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filename=$1
+    originalwidth=$( magick identify -ping -format %w "$filename" )
+    echo $originalwidth
+  else
+    echo errormagicknotinstalled
+  fi
+optimize() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filenamecache=$2
+    fileextcache=$3
+    if [ -f cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      mv cache/"$filenamecache" cache/."$filenamecache" 2> /dev/null
+      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        line=$(head -n 1 "cache/.$filenamecache")
+        IFS="%"
+        set -- $line
+        IFS=" "
+        _convert 1 "$@"
+        rm "cache/.$filenamecache"
+      else
+        while [ ! -f cache/"$filenamecache"/g"$fileextcache" ]; do
+          sleep 0.05
+        done
+      fi
+    elif [ -d cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      while [ ! -f cache/"$filenamecache"/g"$fileextcache" ]; do
+        sleep 0.05
+      done
+    else
+      _convert 0 "$@"
+    fi
+    echo ok
+  else
+    echo errormagicknotinstalled
+  fi
+makeshadow() {
+  if command -v magick >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    filename=$1
+    stdDeviation=$2
+    opacity=$3
+    fill=$4
+    width=$5
+    height=$6
+    framewidth=$7
+    frameheight=$8
+    frameborder=$9
+    frameradius=${10}
+    [ ! -d cache ] && mkdir cache
+    mkdir -p cache/$filename
+    echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
+      <svg
+        width='$width'
+        height='$height'
+        version='1.1'
+        xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
+        xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
+        <defs>
+          <filter
+            style='color-interpolation-filters:sRGB'
+            id='blur'
+            x='-4'
+            y='-4'
+            width='8'
+            height='8'>
+            <feGaussianBlur
+              stdDeviation='$stdDeviation' />
+          </filter>
+        </defs>
+        <rect
+          style='filter:url(#blur);opacity:$opacity;fill:$fill'
+          width='$framewidth'
+          height='$frameheight'
+          x='$frameborder'
+          y='$frameborder'
+          rx='$frameradius'
+          ry='$frameradius' />
+      </svg>
+    " > cache/$filename/s.svg
+    inkscape cache/$filename/s.svg --export-dpi=600 --export-filename cache/$filename/s.pdf
+    rm cache/$filename/s.svg
+    echo ok
+  else
+    echo errorinkscapenotinstalled
+  fi
+import() {
+  if [ -d import ]; then
+    importdir=import
+  elif [ "$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY" != "" ]; then
+    if [ -d "$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY" ]; then
+      importdir="$XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY"
+    else
+      exit
+    fi
+  else
+    echo errornoimportdir
+    exit
+  fi
+  defaultdirectory=$( echo $1 | sed -e 's/^{//g' | sed -e 's/}{.*//g' )
+  directorylist=$( echo $1 | sed -e 's/^{//g' | sed -e 's/}$//g' | sed -e 's/}{/$/g' )
+  for entry in "$importdir"/*.*
+  do
+    if [ -f "$entry" ]; then
+      name=$( basename "${entry}" )
+      if [ "$directorylist" != "" ]; then
+        echo "$directorylist" | tr '$' '\n' | while read directory; do
+          if [ -f "$directory$name" ]; then
+            mv "$entry" "$directory"
+          fi
+        done
+      fi
+      if [ -f "$entry" ]; then
+        if [ -d "$defaultdirectory" ]; then
+          mv "$entry" "$defaultdirectory"
+        else
+          mv "$entry" .
+        fi
+      fi
+      cachename=$( echo "$name" | sed -e 's/\.[a-zA-Z]*$//g' )
+      rm -rf cache/"$cachename"*
+    fi
+  done
+startturbo() {
+  file=$1
+  if [ -f $file.tex ]; then
+    tmpdir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null )/xputturbo$( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )$RANDOM
+    mkdir $tmpdir
+    cp $file.tex $tmpdir/xputturbobatchoptimizexyz.tex
+    engine=$(echo $(ps -p $PPID -o command | sed -e 's/[A-Z]//g'| sed -e 's/ .*//g' | tr -d '\n'))
+    if [ "$engine" = "xelatex" ]; then
+      nopdf="-no-pdf"
+    fi
+    $engine -interaction=batchmode $nopdf --output-directory $tmpdir $tmpdir/xputturbobatchoptimizexyz.tex > /dev/null
+    rm -rf $tmpdir
+  fi
+batchoptimize() {
+  [ ! -d cache ] && mkdir cache
+  length=$(( $# / 15 ))
+  cores=$( nproc )
+  [ $cores -gt $length ] && cores=$length
+  while [ $length -gt 0 ]; do
+    filenamecache="$2"
+    if [ ! -e cache/"$filenamecache" ]; then
+      index=0
+      while [ $index -lt 15 ]; do
+        if [ $index -eq 0 ]; then
+          item="$1"
+        else
+          item="$item%$1"
+        fi
+        shift
+        index=$(( index + 1 ))
+      done
+      echo $item > cache/"$filenamecache"
+    else
+      shift 15
+    fi
+    length=$(( length - 1 ))
+  done
+  cores=$(( cores - 1 ))
+  while [ $cores -gt 0 ]; do
+    _startbatchprocess &
+    sleep 0.01
+    cores=$(( cores - 1 ))
+  done
+input=$( echo "$@" | sed -e 's/\\//g' | sed -e 's/ %/%/g' | sed -e 's/% /%/g' )
+set -- $input
+IFS=" "
+case "$1" in
+  shift
+  getwidth "$1"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  optimize "$@"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  makeshadow "$@"
+  ;;
+  shift
+  if [ "$1" = "import" ]; then
+    shift
+    import "$1"
+    shift
+  fi
+  if [ "$1" = "turbo" ]; then
+    shift
+    startturbo "$1" &
+  fi
+  echo ok
+  ;;
+  shift
+  batchoptimize "$@" &
+  echo ok
+  ;;
+  echo 🤖 Hi, I serve the Xput LaTeX class.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/xput/xputserver
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xput/xput.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xput/xput.cls	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xput/xput.cls	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1,3740 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Friedemann Bartels
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version.  The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.
+\ProvidesClass{xput}[2022/12/19 declarative desktop publishing]
+% packages
+% helper
+\def\xput at emptystring{}
+\def\xput at striplastexclamationmark#1{\xput at striplastexclamationmarka{#1}#1\end !\end\eend}
+\def\xput at striplastexclamationmarka#1#2!\end#3\eend{\ifx\end#3\end#1\else#2\fi}
+\def\xput at instring#1#2{TT\fi\begingroup\edef\xput at x{\endgroup\noexpand\in@{#1}{#2}}\xput at x\ifin@}
+\def\xput at dimentonumber#1{\strip at pt\dimexpr #1*65536/\number\dimexpr 1\unitlength}
+% ifs
+\newif\ifxput at leftpage
+\newif\ifxput at rightpage
+\newif\ifxput at twoside
+\newif\ifxput at fanfold
+\newif\ifxput at cover
+\newif\ifxput at beginleft
+\newif\ifxput at beginright
+\newif\ifxput at grid
+\newif\ifxput at preflight
+\newif\ifxput at graphpaper
+\newif\ifxput at placeholder
+\newif\ifxput at safezone
+\newif\ifxput at cuttingmarks
+\newif\ifxput at fillpages
+\newif\ifxput at frontcover
+\newif\ifxput at backcover
+\newif\ifxput at hascover
+\newif\ifxput at haspages
+\newif\ifxput at isdoublepage
+\newif\ifxput at ispage
+\newif\ifxput at isemptypage
+\newif\ifxput at haslastemptypage
+\newif\ifxput at hasoddnumberofpages
+\newif\ifxput at cuttingmarksvisible
+\newif\ifxput at isfanfoldopen
+\newif\ifxput at isinitgrid
+\newif\ifxput at haspagegraphic
+\newif\ifxput at isperformancemode
+\newif\ifxput at isturbomode
+\newif\ifxput at isbatchmode
+\newif\ifxput at ismaskrequired
+\newif\ifxput at optimize
+\newif\ifxput at import
+\newif\ifxput at isluatex
+% dimensions
+\newdimen\xput at null\xput at null=0pt
+\newdimen\xput at undefdim\xput at undefdim=-1sp
+\ifdefined\pagewidth\xput at isluatextrue\else\newdimen\pagewidth\newdimen\pageheight\fi
+\newdimen\xput at pagewidth\newdimen\xput at pageheight
+\newdimen\xput at outerbleed\newdimen\xput at innerbleed\newdimen\xput at topbleed\newdimen\xput at bottombleed
+\newdimen\xput at topsafetymargin\newdimen\xput at bottomsafetymargin\newdimen\xput at innersafetymargin\newdimen\xput at outersafetymargin
+\newdimen\xput at topmargin\newdimen\xput at topmargintmp\newdimen\xput at innermargin\newdimen\xput at bottommargin\newdimen\xput at outermargin
+\newdimen\xput at gutter
+\newdimen\xput at x\newdimen\xput at y\newdimen\xput at xx\newdimen\xput at yy\newdimen\width\newdimen\height\newdimen\x\newdimen\y
+\newdimen\xput at gridoffsethorizontal\newdimen\xput at gridoffsetvertical\newdimen\xput at gridoffsethorizontaln\newdimen\xput at gridoffsetverticaln
+\newdimen\xput at graphpaperx\newdimen\xput at graphpapery\newdimen\xput at graphpaperoffset\newdimen\xput at graphpapersnap
+% interface
+\newcommand\ifleftpage[1]{\ifxput at leftpage#1\fi}
+\newcommand\ifrightpage[1]{\ifxput at rightpage#1\fi}
+\newcommand\ifspine[1]{\ifxput at cover#1\fi}
+\def\twoside{\xput at twosidetrue}
+\def\fanfold{\xput at fanfoldtrue}
+\def\cover{\xput at covertrue}
+\def\beginleft{\xput at beginlefttrue}
+\def\beginright{\xput at beginrighttrue}
+\def\grid{\xput at gridtrue}\def\nogrid{\xput at gridfalse}
+\def\preflight{\xput at preflighttrue}\def\nopreflight{\xput at preflightfalse}
+\def\graphpaper{\xput at graphpapertrue}\def\nographpaper{\xput at graphpaperfalse}
+\def\placeholders{\xput at placeholdertrue}\def\noplaceholders{\xput at placeholderfalse}
+\def\safezone{\xput at safezonetrue}\def\nosafezone{\xput at safezonefalse}
+\def\cuttingmarks{\xput at cuttingmarkstrue}\def\nocuttingmarks{\xput at cuttingmarksfalse}
+\def\fillpages{\xput at fillpagestrue}\def\nofillpages{\xput at fillpagesfalse}
+\newcommand\optimize[1][]{\xput at optimizetrue\pgfkeys{optimize,#1}}
+\def\density#1{\def\xput at density{#1}}
+\def\quality#1{\def\xput at quality{#1}}
+\def\import{\xput at importtrue}
+  \def\xput at graphpaperconfig{#1}
+  \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+    \global\xput at graphpapersnap=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem
+  }
+\def\xput at pagecolormodel{}
+\def\xput at pagecolor{}
+  \ifxput at ispage
+    \def\xput at pagecolormodel{#1}
+    \def\xput at pagecolor{#2}
+  \else
+    \global\def\xput at pagecolormodel{#1}
+    \global\def\xput at pagecolor{#2}
+  \fi
+\def\xput at current@color{black}
+\let\xput at originalcolor\color
+\def\color#1{\ifxput at ispage\ifx\xput at current@color#1\else\def\xput at current@color{#1}\xput at originalcolor{#1}\fi\else\def\xputoptions at color{#1}\fi}
+\let\xput at originalpagenumbering\pagenumbering
+\newif\ifxput at pagenumberinghaschanged
+\renewcommand\pagenumbering[1]{\xput at pagenumberinghaschangedtrue\xput at originalpagenumbering{#1}}
+% options
+\def\xput at density{300}
+\def\xput at downsamplethreshold{120}
+\def\xput at quality{}
+\def\xput at unsharp{2x1}
+\pgfkeysdef{/optimize/downsample threshold}{
+  \pgfmathqparse{#1pt*100pt}
+  \pgfmathround{\pgfmathresult}
+  \pgfmathint{\pgfmathresult}
+  \edef\xput at downsamplethreshold{\pgfmathresult}
+  /optimize/.is family,
+  /optimize,
+  density/.store in=\xput at density,
+  quality/.store in=\xput at quality,
+  unsharp/.store in=\xput at unsharp,
+  /xput/.cd,
+  % page dimensions
+  pagewidth/.code={\setlength{\pagewidth}{#1}},pagewidth=210mm,
+  pageheight/.code={\setlength{\pageheight}{#1}},pageheight=297mm,
+  bleed/.code={\setlength{\bleed}{#1}},bleed=0pt,
+  outerbleed/.code={\setlength{\outerbleed}{#1}},outerbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  innerbleed/.code={\setlength{\innerbleed}{#1}},innerbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  topbleed/.code={\setlength{\topbleed}{#1}},topbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  bottombleed/.code={\setlength{\bottombleed}{#1}},bottombleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  safetymargin/.code={\setlength{\safetymargin}{#1}},safetymargin=0pt,
+  outersafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\outersafetymargin}{#1}},outersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  innersafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\innersafetymargin}{#1}},innersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  topsafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\topsafetymargin}{#1}},topsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  bottomsafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\bottomsafetymargin}{#1}},bottomsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  % cover dimensions
+  coverwidth/.code={\setlength{\coverwidth}{#1}},coverwidth=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverheight/.code={\setlength{\coverheight}{#1}},coverheight=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverbleed/.code={\setlength{\coverbleed}{#1}},coverbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverouterbleed/.code={\setlength{\coverouterbleed}{#1}},coverouterbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverinnerbleed/.code={\setlength{\coverinnerbleed}{#1}},coverinnerbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  covertopbleed/.code={\setlength{\covertopbleed}{#1}},covertopbleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverbottombleed/.code={\setlength{\coverbottombleed}{#1}},coverbottombleed=\xput at undefdim,
+  coversafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\coversafetymargin}{#1}},coversafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  coveroutersafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\coveroutersafetymargin}{#1}},coveroutersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverinnersafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\coverinnersafetymargin}{#1}},coverinnersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  covertopsafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\covertopsafetymargin}{#1}},covertopsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  coverbottomsafetymargin/.code={\setlength{\coverbottomsafetymargin}{#1}},coverbottomsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  spinewidth/.code={\setlength{\spinewidth}{#1}},spinewidth=3mm,
+  bindingoffset/.code={\setlength{\bindingoffset}{#1}},bindingoffset=0pt,
+  % grid dimensions
+  margin/.code={\setlength{\margin}{#1}},margin=20mm,
+  outermargin/.code={\setlength{\outermargin}{#1}},outermargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  innermargin/.code={\setlength{\innermargin}{#1}},innermargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  topmargin/.store in=\xputoptions at topmargin,topmargin=-1sp,
+  bottommargin/.code={\setlength{\bottommargin}{#1}},bottommargin=\xput at undefdim,
+  gutter/.code={\setlength{\gutter}{#1}},gutter=0pt,
+  pagecolor/.store in=\xput at pagecolor,
+  pagegraphic/.store in=\xputoptions at pagegraphic,pagegraphic=,
+  color/.store in=\xputoptions at color,color=black,
+  grid/.is if=xput at grid,
+  safezone/.is if=xput at safezone,
+  cuttingmarks/.is if=xput at cuttingmarks,
+  graphpaper/.is if=xput at graphpaper,
+  placeholder/.is if=xput at placeholder,
+  fillpages/.is if=xput at fillpages,
+  draft/.code={\xput at placeholdertrue\xput at fillpagestrue\xput at cuttingmarkstrue\xput at isperformancemodetrue},
+  preflight/.is if=xput at preflight,
+  twoside/.is if=xput at twoside,
+  fanfold/.code={\xput at fanfoldtrue\xput at covertrue\xput at twosidetrue\xput at beginlefttrue},
+  cover/.is if=xput at cover,
+  beginleft/.is if=xput at beginleft,
+  beginright/.is if=xput at beginright,
+  optimize/.code={\xput at optimizetrue\pgfkeys{optimize,#1}},
+  density/.store in=\xput at density,
+  quality/.store in=\xput at quality,
+  turbo/.is if=xput at isturbomode,turbo=\ifxput at isluatex false\else true\fi,
+  import/.is if=xput at import
+\xput at originalcolor{\xputoptions at color}
+\Gin at draftfalse
+\setlength{\topmargin}{\xputoptions at topmargin}
+% grid
+\newdimen\xput at gridoffsetx
+\newdimen\xput at gridwidth\newdimen\xput at gridheight\newdimen\xput at maxgridheight\newdimen\xput at maxgridwidth
+\newcount\xput at gridtmp\newcount\xput at gridtmpRowH
+\newcount\xput at rowscount\newcount\xput at flexrowscount\newcount\xput at fixrowscount\newcount\xput at cellscount
+\newif\ifxput at gridisflexrow
+\def\xput at set#1#2{
+  \ifcsname xput at data#1\endcsname
+  \else
+    \expandafter\newcount\csname xput at data#1\endcsname
+  \fi
+  \csname xput at data#1\endcsname#2\relax
+\def\xput at get#1{
+  \ifcsname xput at data#1\endcsname
+    \csname xput at data#1\endcsname%
+  \else
+    0
+  \fi
+\def\xput at advance#1#2{
+  \advance\csname xput at data#1\endcsname by \csname xput at data#2\endcsname
+\newif\ifxput at flexmode
+\newif\ifxput at forcerow
+\newif\ifxput at forcecell
+\def\xput at leftsafetymargin{
+  \ifxput at backcover%
+    \xput at outersafetymargin%
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at frontcover%
+      \xput at innersafetymargin%
+    \else%
+      \ifxput at leftpage%
+        \xput at outersafetymargin%
+      \else%
+        \xput at innersafetymargin%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+\def\xput at rightsafetymargin{
+  \ifxput at backcover%
+    \xput at innersafetymargin%
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at frontcover%
+      \xput at outersafetymargin%
+    \else%
+      \ifxput at leftpage%
+        \xput at innersafetymargin%
+      \else%
+        \xput at outersafetymargin%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+\def\xput at leftbleed{
+  \ifxput at backcover%
+    \xput at outerbleed%
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at frontcover%
+      \xput at innerbleed%
+    \else%
+      \ifxput at leftpage%
+        \xput at outerbleed%
+      \else%
+        \xput at innerbleed%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+\def\xput at rightbleed{
+  \ifxput at backcover%
+    \xput at innerbleed%
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at frontcover%
+      \xput at outerbleed%
+    \else%
+      \ifxput at leftpage%
+        \xput at innerbleed%
+      \else%
+        \xput at outerbleed%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+\def\xput at leftmargin{
+  \ifxput at backcover%
+    \xput at outermargin%
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at frontcover%
+      \xput at innermargin%
+    \else%
+      \ifxput at leftpage%
+        \xput at outermargin%
+      \else%
+        \xput at innermargin%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+\newcommand\xput at addrow[1]{
+  \advance\xput at rowscount by 1
+  \xput at cells#1
+\newdimen\xput at gridheightdiff
+\newdimen\xput at gridwidthdiff
+\newdimen\xput at gridstartxdim
+\newdimen\xput at gridstartydim
+\newcommand\xput at processrows{
+  \advance\looprows 1
+  \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows F}=1
+    \xput at set{\the\looprows HR}{\numexpr(\xput at gridheight-\xput at gutter*\xput at rowscount)*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/\rowsH+\xput at gutter}
+  \else
+    \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows Fix}=0
+      \xput at set{\the\looprows HR}{\numexpr(\xput at maxgridheight-\xput at gridheight)*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/\rowsFlex+\xput at gutter}
+    \else
+      \xput at set{\the\looprows HR}{\numexpr(\xput at gridwidth-\xput at gutter*\xput at get{\the\looprows C})*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/\xput at get{\the\looprows W}+\xput at gutter}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \loopcells=0
+  \loop
+    \advance\loopcells 1
+    \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows-\the\loopcells F}=1
+      \xput at set{\the\looprows-\the\loopcells WR}{\numexpr(\xput at get{\the\looprows HR}-\xput at gutter)*\xput at get{\the\looprows-\the\loopcells W}/\xput at get{\the\looprows H}+\xput at gutter}
+    \else
+      \xput at set{\the\looprows-\the\loopcells WR}{\numexpr((\xput at gridwidth-\xput at gutter*\xput at get{\the\looprows C})\ifnum\xput at get{\the\looprows H}>0 -(\xput at get{\the\looprows HR}-\xput at gutter)*\xput at get{\the\looprows F}/\xput at get{\the\looprows H}\fi)*\xput at get{\the\looprows-\the\loopcells W}/(\xput at get{\the\looprows W}-\xput at get{\the\looprows F})+\xput at gutter}
+    \fi
+  \ifnum \loopcells<\xput at get{\the\looprows C}
+  \repeat
+  \ifnum \looprows<\xput at rowscount
+    \xput at processrows
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at closerows{
+  \xput at topmargin=\ifdim\xput at gridtopmargin=\xput at undefdim\xput at gridmargin\else\xput at gridtopmargin\fi
+  \xput at bottommargin=\ifdim\xput at gridbottommargin=\xput at undefdim\xput at gridmargin\else\xput at gridbottommargin\fi
+  \xput at innermargin=\ifdim\xput at gridinnermargin=\xput at undefdim\xput at gridmargin\else\xput at gridinnermargin\fi
+  \xput at outermargin=\ifdim\xput at gridoutermargin=\xput at undefdim\xput at gridmargin\else\xput at gridoutermargin\fi
+  \height=\dimexpr\xput at pageheight - \xput at topmargin - \xput at bottommargin\relax
+  \width=\dimexpr\xput at pagewidth - \xput at innermargin - \xput at outermargin\relax
+  \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionheight\relax=\xput at undefdim
+  \else
+    \xput at gridheightdiff=\dimexpr0.5\height - 0.5\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionheight\relax\relax
+    \xput at bottommargin=\dimexpr\xput at bottommargin+\xput at gridheightdiff\relax
+    \xput at topmargin=\dimexpr\xput at topmargin+\xput at gridheightdiff\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionwidth\relax=\xput at undefdim
+  \else
+    \xput at gridwidthdiff=\dimexpr\xput at calculaterealgridwidth/2 - 0.5\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionwidth\relax\relax
+    \xput at innermargin=\dimexpr\xput at innermargin+\xput at gridwidthdiff\relax
+    \xput at outermargin=\dimexpr\xput at outermargin+\xput at gridwidthdiff\relax
+  \fi
+  \xput at gutter=\xput at gridgutter
+  \x=\dimexpr\xput at gridstartx{\xput at undefdim}-\xput at leftbleed\relax
+  \y=\dimexpr\xput at gridstarty{\xput at undefdim}-\xput at bottombleed\relax
+  \xput at gridstartxdim=\dimexpr\xput at gridstartx{\xput at gridoptionx}\relax
+  \xput at gridstartydim=\dimexpr\xput at gridstarty{\xput at gridoptiony}\relax
+  \xput at gridwidth=\dimexpr\xput at calculatefullgridwidth\relax
+  \ifnum\rowsH>0
+    \xput at calculategridheight
+  \else
+    \xput at gridheight=\dimexpr\xput at gutter*\xput at rowscount\relax
+  \fi
+  \xput at gridoffsetvertical=\xput at null
+  \xput at gridoffsethorizontal=\xput at null
+  \xput at gridoffsetverticaln=\xput at null
+  \xput at gridoffsethorizontaln=\xput at null
+  \xput at maxgridheight=\dimexpr\xput at calculatefullgridheight\relax
+  \ifdim\xput at gridheight>\xput at maxgridheight
+    \xput at gridheight=\xput at maxgridheight
+    \xput at calculategridwidth
+    \xput at gridoffsethorizontal=\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionhpos\xput at gridwidth-\xput at gridoptionhpos\xput at maxgridwidth\relax
+    \xput at gridoffsethorizontaln=\dimexpr\xput at gridwidth-\xput at maxgridwidth-\xput at gridoffsethorizontal\relax
+    \xput at gridwidth=\xput at maxgridwidth
+  \else
+    \ifxput at flexmode
+    \else
+      \ifdim\xput at gridheight<\xput at maxgridheight
+        \xput at gridoffsetvertical=\dimexpr\xput at gridoptionvpos\xput at maxgridheight-\xput at gridoptionvpos\xput at gridheight\relax
+        \xput at gridoffsetverticaln=\dimexpr\xput at maxgridheight-\xput at gridheight-\xput at gridoffsetvertical\relax
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \looprows=0
+  \xput at processrows
+\newcommand\xput at addcell[1]{
+  \advance\xput at cellscount by 1
+  \if\xput at instring{!}{#1}
+    \xput at gridtmp \xput at striplastexclamationmark{#1}\relax
+    \xput at forcecelltrue
+  \else
+    \xput at gridisflexrowtrue
+    \ifnum\numexpr0#1\relax=0
+      \xput at gridtmp 1\relax
+    \else
+      \xput at gridtmp #1\relax
+    \fi
+    \xput at forcecellfalse
+  \fi
+  \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount-\the\xput at cellscount W}{\xput at gridtmp}
+  \ifxput at forcecell
+    \xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount-\the\xput at cellscount F}{1}
+    \xput at advance{\the\xput at rowscount F}{\the\xput at rowscount-\the\xput at cellscount W}
+  \else
+    \xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount-\the\xput at cellscount F}{0}
+  \fi
+  \xput at advance{\the\xput at rowscount W}{\the\xput at rowscount-\the\xput at cellscount W}
+\newif\ifxput at gridtop
+\newif\ifxput at gridbottom
+\newif\ifxput at gridleft
+\newif\ifxput at gridright
+\newif\ifxput at gridfull
+  /grid/.is family,
+  /grid,
+  gutter/.store in=\xput at gridgutter,
+  margin/.store in=\xput at gridmargin,
+  top margin/.store in=\xput at gridtopmargin,
+  bottom margin/.store in=\xput at gridbottommargin,
+  inner margin/.store in=\xput at gridinnermargin,
+  outer margin/.store in=\xput at gridoutermargin,
+  width/.store in=\xput at gridoptionwidth,
+  height/.store in=\xput at gridoptionheight,
+  x/.store in=\xput at gridoptionx,
+  y/.store in=\xput at gridoptiony,
+  vpos/.store in=\xput at gridoptionvpos,
+  hpos/.store in=\xput at gridoptionhpos,
+\def\xput at resetautogrid{
+  \global\xput at gridfullfalse
+  \def\xput at framey{0}\def\xput at framex{0}\def\xput at frameyy{1}\def\xput at framexx{1}
+  \def\xput at frameyymax{0}\def\xput at framexxmax{0}
+  \ifxput at haspages
+  \else
+    \def\xput at tmpgrid{\setgrid{#2}}
+  \fi
+  \xput at resetautogrid
+  \pgfkeys{
+    /grid,
+    gutter=\gutter,
+    margin=\margin,
+    top margin=\topmargin,
+    bottom margin=\bottommargin,
+    inner margin=\innermargin,
+    outer margin=\outermargin,
+    width=\xput at undefdim,
+    height=\xput at undefdim,
+    x=\xput at undefdim,
+    y=\xput at undefdim,
+    vpos=\xput at verticalpagealign,
+    hpos=\xput at horizontalpagealign,%
+    #1
+  }
+  \rowsH 0\relax
+  \rowsFlex 0\relax
+  \xput at flexrowscount 0\relax
+  \xput at fixrowscount 0\relax
+  \rowsF 0\relax
+  \xput at rowscount 0\relax
+  \xput at flexmodefalse
+  \def\xput at grid@input{#2}
+  \ifx\xput at grid@input\xput at emptystring
+    \xput at gobblenextrow{{1}}
+  \else
+    \xput at gobblenextrow#2
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at gobblenextrow[1]{
+  \xput at addrow{#1}
+  \@ifnextchar\bgroup{
+    \xput at gobblenextrow
+  }{
+    \ifxput at isinitgrid
+    \else
+      \xput at closerows
+    \fi
+  }
+\newcommand\xput at cells[2][1]{
+  \if\xput at instring{!}{#1}
+    \xput at gridtmpRowH \xput at striplastexclamationmark{#1}\relax
+    \xput at forcerowtrue
+    \advance\rowsF by \xput at gridtmpRowH
+    \advance\rowsH by \xput at gridtmpRowH
+    \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount H}{\xput at gridtmpRowH}
+    \advance \xput at fixrowscount by 1
+  \else
+    \xput at forcerowfalse
+    \xput at gridtmpRowH #1\relax
+  \fi
+  \xput at cellscount 0\relax
+  \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount W}{0}
+  \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount F}{0}
+  \ifxput at forcerow\xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount F}{1}\else\xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount F}{0}\fi
+  \xput at gridisflexrowfalse
+  \xput at gobblenextcell{#2}
+\newcommand\xput at gobblenextcell[1]{
+  \xput at addcell{#1}
+  \@ifnextchar\bgroup{
+    \xput at gobblenextcell
+  }{
+    \ifxput at forcerow
+    \else
+      \ifxput at gridisflexrow
+        \xput at flexmodetrue
+        \advance \xput at flexrowscount by 1
+        \advance\rowsFlex by \xput at gridtmpRowH
+        \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount H}{\xput at gridtmpRowH}
+        \xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount Fix}{0}
+      \else
+        \advance \xput at fixrowscount by 1
+        \advance\rowsH by \xput at gridtmpRowH
+        \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount H}{\xput at gridtmpRowH}
+        \xput at set{if\the\xput at rowscount Fix}{1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \xput at set{\the\xput at rowscount C}{\xput at cellscount}
+  }
+% grid shortcut
+\def\xput at flexkey{f}
+\def\xput at portraitkey{p}
+\def\xput at squarekey{s}
+\def\xput at landscapekey{l}
+\def\xput at goldenkey{g}
+\def\xput at goldenuprightkey{o}
+\def\xput at widekey{w}
+\def\xput at rowbreakkey{-}
+\newcount\xput at rowcountsc
+\newcount\xput at cellcountsc
+\newcommand\xput at breakrow{
+  \edef\xput at result{\xput at result{[30]\xput at rowindex}}
+\newif\ifxput at isgridvalid
+\newcommand\xput at transformgridconfig[1]{
+  \ifx\xput at rowbreakkey#1
+    \xput at breakrow
+    \def\xput at rowindex{}
+  \else
+    \ifx\xput at flexkey#1
+      \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{1}}
+    \else
+      \ifx\xput at portraitkey#1
+        \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{20!}}
+      \else
+        \ifx\xput at squarekey#1
+          \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{30!}}
+        \else
+          \ifx\xput at landscapekey#1
+            \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{45!}}
+          \else
+            \ifx\xput at widekey#1
+              \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{60!}}
+            \else
+              \ifx\xput at goldenkey#1
+                \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{50!}}
+              \else
+                \ifx\xput at goldenuprightkey#1
+                  \edef\xput at rowindex{\xput at rowindex{18!}}
+                \else
+                  \xput at isgridvalidfalse
+                \fi
+              \fi
+            \fi
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at setplaceholder[1]{
+  \ifx\xput at rowbreakkey#1
+    \advance\xput at rowcountsc by 1
+    \xput at cellcountsc 0\relax
+  \else
+    \placeholder{{\xput at rowcountsc} {\xput at cellcountsc} {\numexpr\xput at rowcountsc+1\relax} {\numexpr\xput at cellcountsc+1\relax}}
+    \advance\xput at cellcountsc by 1
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at gridsc[1]{
+  \edef\xput at gridsc@input{#1}
+  \def\xput at rowindex{}
+  \def\xput at result{}
+  \xput at isgridvalidtrue
+  \@tfor\next:=#1\do{\xput at transformgridconfig{\next}}%
+  \ifxput at isgridvalid
+    \xput at breakrow
+    \edef\xput at result{{\xput at result}}
+    \expandafter\setgrid\xput at result
+    \xput at rowcountsc 0\relax
+    \xput at cellcountsc 0\relax
+    \@tfor\next:=#1\do{\xput at setplaceholder{\next}}%
+  \else
+    \xput at errmsg@undefined{template}{\xput at gridsc@input}
+  \fi
+% grid dimensions
+\newif\ifxput at flexgrid
+\newcommand\xput at calculategridheight{
+  \xput at flexgridtrue
+  \xput at gridheight=\xput at null
+  \looprows=0
+  \loop
+    \advance\looprows 1
+    \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows F}=1
+      \xput at gridheight=\dimexpr\xput at gridheight+\xput at gutter\relax%
+    \else
+      \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows Fix}=0
+        \xput at gridheight=\dimexpr\xput at gridheight+\xput at gutter\relax%
+      \else
+        \xput at flexgridfalse
+        \xput at gridheight=\dimexpr\xput at gridheight+(\xput at gridwidth-\xput at gutter*\xput at get{\the\looprows C})*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/(\xput at get{\the\looprows W}*(\rowsH-\rowsF))*\rowsH+\xput at gutter\relax
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \ifnum \looprows<\xput at rowscount
+  \repeat
+  \ifxput at flexgrid
+    \xput at gridheight=\dimexpr\xput at calculatefullgridheight\relax
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at calculatefullgridheight{
+  \xput at pageheight - \xput at topmargin - \xput at bottommargin + \xput at gutter
+\newcommand\xput at calculategridwidth{
+  \def\xput at calculategridwidthcalc{(\xput at gridheight*(\rowsH-\rowsF)/\rowsH-\xput at gutter*(\rowsH-\rowsF)*\xput at rowscount/\rowsH}
+  \looprows=0
+  \loop
+    \advance\looprows 1
+    \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows F}=1
+    \else
+      \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows Fix}=0
+      \else
+        \edef\xput at calculategridwidthcalc{\xput at calculategridwidthcalc+\xput at gutter*\xput at get{\the\looprows C}*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/\xput at get{\the\looprows W}}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \ifnum \looprows<\xput at rowscount
+  \repeat
+  \edef\xput at calculategridwidthcalc{\xput at calculategridwidthcalc) * 10000 / (\xput at null}
+  \looprows=0
+  \loop
+    \advance\looprows 1
+    \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows F}=1
+    \else
+      \ifnum\xput at get{if\the\looprows Fix}=0
+      \else
+        \edef\xput at calculategridwidthcalc{\xput at calculategridwidthcalc+10000*\xput at get{\the\looprows H}/\xput at get{\the\looprows W}}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \ifnum \looprows<\xput at rowscount
+  \repeat
+  \edef\xput at calculategridwidthcalc{\xput at calculategridwidthcalc)}
+  \xput at maxgridwidth=\dimexpr\xput at calculategridwidthcalc\relax
+\newcommand\xput at calculatefullgridwidth{
+  \ifxput at isdoublepage
+    \xput at pagewidth * 2 - \xput at outermargin * 2
+    \ifxput at frontcover
+    \else
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+      \else
+        - \bindingoffset * 2
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \xput at pagewidth - \xput at innermargin - \xput at outermargin
+  \fi
+  + \xput at gutter
+\newcommand\xput at calculaterealgridwidth{
+  \ifxput at isdoublepage
+    (\xput at pagewidth * 2 - \xput at outermargin * 2)
+  \else
+    (\xput at pagewidth - \xput at innermargin - \xput at outermargin)
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at gridstartx[1]{
+  \ifdim\dimexpr#1\relax=\xput at undefdim
+    \ifxput at isdoublepage
+      (\xput at outermargin + \xput at leftbleed - \xput at gutter / 2
+      \ifxput at frontcover
+      \else
+        \ifxput at fanfold
+        \else
+          \ifxput at rightpage
+            + \bindingoffset * 2
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      )
+    \else
+      (\xput at leftmargin + \xput at leftbleed - \xput at gutter / 2)
+    \fi
+  \else%
+    \ifxput at isdoublepage
+      (#1 + \xput at leftbleed - \xput at gutter / 2
+      \ifxput at frontcover
+      \else
+        \ifxput at fanfold
+        \else
+          \ifxput at rightpage
+            + \bindingoffset * 2
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      )
+    \else
+      (#1 + \xput at leftbleed - \xput at gutter / 2)
+    \fi
+  \fi%
+\newcommand\xput at gridstarty[1]{
+  \ifdim\dimexpr#1\relax=\xput at undefdim
+    (\xput at bottommargin + \xput at bottombleed - \xput at gutter / 2)%
+  \else%
+    (#1 + \xput at bottombleed - \xput at gutter / 2)
+  \fi%
+\newcommand\xput at setdimensions{
+  \global\xput at gridfullfalse
+  \global\def\xput at framey{0}\global\def\xput at framex{0}\global\def\xput at frameyy{1}\global\def\xput at framexx{1}
+  \global\def\xput at frameyymax{0}\global\def\xput at framexxmax{0}
+  \paperheight=\dimexpr(\xput at pageheight + \xput at topbleed + \xput at bottombleed)\relax
+  \xput at gridoffsetx=\xput at null
+  \ifxput at isdoublepage
+    % doublepage
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \paperwidth=\dimexpr((\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed) * 2)\relax
+    \else
+      \paperwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed)\relax
+      \ifxput at rightpage
+        \xput at gridoffsetx=\dimexpr(-\xput at pagewidth)\relax
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \ifxput at frontcover
+      % frontcover
+      \paperwidth=\dimexpr((\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed) * 2 + \spinewidth)\relax
+    \else
+      % page
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+        \paperwidth=\dimexpr((\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed) * 2)\relax
+        \ifxput at rightpage
+          \xput at gridoffsetx=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at innerbleed)\relax
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \paperwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed)\relax
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+% grid coordinates
+\newcommand\xput at coordxrow[3]{\ifdim\dimexpr#2\dimexpr1pt\relax\relax<\dimexpr(#3\dimexpr1pt\relax-#1sp)\relax\the\numexpr#3\relax\else\xput at coordxrow{#1}{#2}{\numexpr#3+1\relax}\fi}
+\newcommand\xput at coordxcell[2]{\ifnum\numexpr(10000*#1)\relax<\numexpr(#2*10000+1)\relax\the\numexpr#2\relax\else\xput at coordxcell{#1}{\numexpr#2+1\relax}\fi}
+\newcommand\xput at coordx[3]{
+  \xput at get{%
+    \xput at coordxrow{#1}{#2}{1}-%
+    \xput at coordxcell{#3}{1}%
+    WR%
+  }
+  \ifnum#3>0
+    + \xput at coordx{#1}{#2}{#3}sp%
+  \fi%
+  \ifnum#3>1
+    \posxcell{#1}{#2}{\numexpr#3-1\relax}%
+  \fi%
+  \ifdim#4\dimexpr1pt\relax<\dimexpr#3\dimexpr1pt\relax+1sp\relax
+    \xput at gridstartxdim + #4\dimexpr\xput at coordx{#1}{#2}{#3}sp\relax - \xput at coordx{#1}{#2}{#3}sp * \numexpr#3 - 1\relax\posxcell{#1}{#2}{\numexpr#3-1\relax}%
+  \else%
+    \posxrow{#1}{#2}{\numexpr#3+1\relax}{#4}%
+  \fi%
+  \dimexpr(%
+    \posxrow{#1}{#2}{1}{#4}
+    + #3\xput at gutter / 2 + \xput at gridoffsetx + \xput at gridoffsethorizontal%
+  )\relax%
+  \ifnum#1>0
+    - \xput at get{#1HR} sp
+  \fi%
+  \ifnum#1>1
+    \posycell{\the\numexpr#1-1\relax}%
+  \fi%
+  \ifdim#1\dimexpr1pt\relax<\dimexpr#2\dimexpr1pt\relax+1sp\relax
+      \xput at gridstartydim + \xput at maxgridheight - #1\dimexpr\xput at get{#2HR} sp\relax + \xput at get{#2HR} sp * \numexpr#2 - 1\relax\posycell{\the\numexpr#2-1\relax}%
+  \else
+    \posyrow{#1}{\the\numexpr#2+1\relax}%
+  \fi
+  \dimexpr(%
+    \posyrow{#2}{1}
+    - #1\xput at gutter / 2 - \xput at gridoffsetvertical%
+  )\relax%
+\newcommand\xput at gridhalign[1]{
+  \def\xput at horizontalpagealign{#1}
+\newcommand\xput at gridvalign[1]{
+  \def\xput at verticalpagealign{#1}
+\xput at gridhalign{0.5}
+\xput at gridvalign{0.5}
+\xput at isinitgridtrue
+% graphic
+\newif\ifxput at isvisible
+\newif\ifxput at calculatecrop
+\newdimen\xput at originalgraphicwidth\newdimen\xput at originalgraphicheight
+\newdimen\xput at cropx\newdimen\xput at cropy
+\newdimen\xput at cropleft\newdimen\xput at cropright
+\newdimen\xput at cropbottom\newdimen\xput at croptop
+\newdimen\xput at cropstart\newdimen\xput at cropend
+\newdimen\xput at snapleft\newdimen\xput at snapright
+\newdimen\xput at snapbottom\newdimen\xput at snaptop
+\newdimen\xput at viewportwidth\newdimen\xput at viewportheight
+\newdimen\xput at frameborderwidth
+\newdimen\xput at frameborderradius
+\newdimen\xput at frameshadowradius
+\newdimen\xput at snapcroptmp
+\newdimen\xput at overprint
+\xput at overprint=0pt
+\def\xput at cropleftside{
+  \ifdim\xput at x>\xput at cropstart
+    \ifdim\xput at x<\xput at cropend
+      \xput at snapleft=\dimexpr(\xput at x - \xput at cropstart)\relax
+      \xput at x=\dimexpr(\xput at cropstart)\relax
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at croprightside{
+  \ifdim\xput at xx>\xput at cropstart
+    \ifdim\xput at xx<\xput at cropend
+      \xput at snapright=\dimexpr(\xput at cropend - \xput at xx)\relax
+      \xput at xx=\dimexpr(\xput at cropend)\relax
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at snapsafezonevertical{
+  \xput at snapbottom=\xput at null
+  \xput at snaptop=\xput at null
+  \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+  \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at bottombleed + 1pt)\relax
+  \ifdim\xput at y>\xput at cropstart
+    \ifdim\xput at y<\xput at cropend
+      \xput at snapbottom=\dimexpr(\xput at y - \xput at cropstart)\relax
+      \xput at y=\dimexpr(\xput at cropstart)\relax
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed - 1pt)\relax
+  \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed  + \xput at topbleed + \xput at overprint)\relax
+  \ifdim\xput at yy>\xput at cropstart
+    \ifdim\xput at yy<\xput at cropend
+      \xput at snaptop=\dimexpr(\xput at cropend - \xput at yy)\relax
+      \xput at yy=\dimexpr(\xput at cropend)\relax
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at snapsafezonehorizontal{
+  \xput at snapleft=\xput at null
+  \xput at snapright=\xput at null
+  \ifxput at isdoublepage
+    % doublepage
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+      \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+      \xput at cropleftside
+      \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed - 1pt)\relax
+      \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed * 2 + \xput at overprint)\relax
+      \xput at croprightside
+    \else
+      \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+      \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+      \xput at cropleftside
+      \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed - \xput at rightbleed - 1pt)\relax
+      \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed + \xput at overprint)\relax
+      \xput at croprightside
+      \ifxput at leftpage
+        \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed - \bindingoffset * 2 - 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at outerbleed - \bindingoffset * 2 + \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \xput at croprightside
+      \else
+        \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at innerbleed -\xput at pagewidth - \xput at outerbleed + \bindingoffset * 2 - \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(-\xput at pagewidth + \xput at innerbleed + \bindingoffset * 2 + 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropleftside
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \else
+    % frontcover
+    \ifxput at frontcover
+      \ifxput at cover
+        \ifxput at backcover
+          \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+        \else
+          \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed)\relax
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth + 1pt)\relax
+        \fi
+        \xput at cropleftside
+        \ifxput at backcover
+          \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - 1pt)\relax
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed)\relax
+        \else
+          \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \spinewidth + \xput at outerbleed - 1pt)\relax
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed * 2 + \spinewidth + \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \fi
+        \xput at croprightside
+      \else
+        \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropleftside
+        \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed - \xput at rightbleed - 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed + \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \xput at croprightside
+      \fi
+    \else
+      % page
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+        \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropleftside
+        \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed - 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed * 2 + \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \xput at croprightside
+      \else
+        \xput at cropstart=-\xput at overprint
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropleftside
+        \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed - \xput at rightbleed - 1pt)\relax
+        \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed + \xput at overprint)\relax
+        \xput at croprightside
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  /graphic/.is family,
+  /graphic,
+  file/.store in=\xput at graphicoptionfile,
+  scale/.store in=\xput at graphicoptionscale,
+  vpos/.store in=\xput at graphicoptionvpos,
+  hpos/.store in=\xput at graphicoptionhpos,
+  unsharp/.store in=\xput at graphicoptionunsharp,
+  border/.forward to=/defaultborder/name,
+  border radius/.forward to=/defaultborder/radius,
+  border width/.forward to=/defaultborder/width,
+  border color/.forward to=/defaultborder/color,
+  border opacity/.forward to=/defaultborder/opacity,
+  shadow/.forward to=/defaultshadow/name,
+  shadow size/.forward to=/defaultshadow/size,
+  shadow color/.forward to=/defaultshadow/color,
+  shadow opacity/.forward to=/defaultshadow/opacity,
+  shadow xshift/.forward to=/defaultshadow/xshift,
+  shadow yshift/.forward to=/defaultshadow/yshift,
+\def\xput at checkvisibility{
+  \xput at isvisibletrue
+  \ifxput at frontcover
+  \else
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \ifxput at leftpage
+          \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \bindingoffset - 1pt)\relax
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \xput at innerbleed)\relax
+          \ifdim\xput at x>\xput at cropstart
+            \xput at isvisiblefalse
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \xput at cropstart=\dimexpr(\xput at null)\relax
+          \xput at cropend=\dimexpr(\xput at null + \xput at leftbleed + \bindingoffset + 1pt)\relax
+          \ifdim\xput at xx<\xput at cropend
+            \xput at isvisiblefalse
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at snapoptimizedgraphic{
+  \ifdim\xput at snapleft>\xput at null
+    \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapleft\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snapright>\xput at null
+    \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapright\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snaptop>\xput at null
+    \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snaptop\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snapbottom>\xput at null
+    \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snapbottom\relax
+  \fi
+\def\xput at snapgraphic{
+  \pgfmathqparse{(\xput at originalgraphicheight-\xput at croptop-\xput at cropbottom)/\height}
+  \edef\xput at scale{\pgfmathresult}
+  \pgfmathqparse{\height/(\xput at originalgraphicheight-\xput at croptop-\xput at cropbottom)}
+  \edef\xput at scalerez{\pgfmathresult}
+  % snap
+  \ifdim\xput at snapleft>\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at cropleft>\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapleft>\xput at cropleft
+        \xput at snapbleedleft=\xput at cropleft
+        \xput at snapleft=\dimexpr\xput at snapleft-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropleft\relax
+        \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropleft\relax
+        \xput at cropleft=\xput at null
+      \else
+        \xput at snapbleedleft=\dimexpr\xput at scale\xput at snapleft\relax
+        \xput at cropleft=\dimexpr\xput at cropleft-\xput at scale\xput at snapleft\relax
+        \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapleft\relax
+        \xput at snapleft=\xput at null
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snapright>\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at cropright>\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapright>\xput at cropright
+        \xput at snapbleedright=\xput at cropright
+        \xput at snapright=\dimexpr\xput at snapright-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropright\relax
+        \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropright\relax
+        \xput at cropright=\xput at null
+      \else
+        \xput at snapbleedright=\dimexpr\xput at scale\xput at snapright\relax
+        \xput at cropright=\dimexpr\xput at cropright-\xput at scale\xput at snapright\relax
+        \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapright\relax
+        \xput at snapright=\xput at null
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snaptop>\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at croptop>\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snaptop>\xput at croptop
+        \xput at snapbleedtop=\xput at croptop
+        \xput at snaptop=\dimexpr\xput at snaptop-\xput at scalerez\xput at croptop\relax
+        \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at scalerez\xput at croptop\relax
+        \xput at croptop=\xput at null
+      \else
+        \xput at snapbleedtop=\dimexpr\xput at scale\xput at snaptop\relax
+        \xput at croptop=\dimexpr\xput at croptop-\xput at scale\xput at snaptop\relax
+        \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snaptop\relax
+        \xput at snaptop=\xput at null
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snapbottom>\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at cropbottom>\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapbottom>\xput at cropbottom
+        \xput at snapbleedbottom=\xput at cropbottom
+        \xput at snapbottom=\dimexpr\xput at snapbottom-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropbottom\relax
+        \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropbottom\relax
+        \xput at cropbottom=\xput at null
+      \else
+        \xput at snapbleedbottom=\dimexpr\xput at scale\xput at snapbottom\relax
+        \xput at cropbottom=\dimexpr\xput at cropbottom-\xput at scale\xput at snapbottom\relax
+        \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snapbottom\relax
+        \xput at snapbottom=\xput at null
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  % move
+  \ifdim\xput at snapbottom=\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at snaptop=\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at snapright>\xput at null
+        \ifdim\xput at cropleft>\xput at null
+          \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapright>\xput at cropleft
+            \xput at snapright=\dimexpr\xput at snapright-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropleft\relax
+            \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropleft\relax
+            \xput at cropleft=\xput at null
+          \else
+            \xput at cropleft=\dimexpr\xput at cropleft-\xput at scale\xput at snapright\relax
+            \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapright\relax
+            \xput at snapright=\xput at null
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      \ifdim\xput at snapleft>\xput at null
+        \ifdim\xput at cropright>\xput at null
+          \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapleft>\xput at cropright
+            \xput at snapleft=\dimexpr\xput at snapleft-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropright\relax
+            \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropright\relax
+            \xput at cropright=\xput at null
+          \else
+            \xput at cropright=\dimexpr\xput at cropright-\xput at scale\xput at snapleft\relax
+            \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapleft\relax
+            \xput at snapleft=\xput at null
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifdim\xput at snapleft=\xput at null
+    \ifdim\xput at snapright=\xput at null
+      \ifdim\xput at snaptop>\xput at null
+        \ifdim\xput at cropbottom>\xput at null
+          \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snaptop>\xput at cropbottom
+            \xput at snaptop=\dimexpr\xput at snaptop-\xput at scalerez\xput at cropbottom\relax
+            \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at scalerez\xput at cropbottom\relax
+            \xput at cropbottom=\xput at null
+          \else
+            \xput at cropbottom=\dimexpr\xput at cropbottom-\xput at scale\xput at snaptop\relax
+            \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snaptop\relax
+            \xput at snaptop=\xput at null
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      \ifdim\xput at snapbottom>\xput at null
+        \ifdim\xput at croptop>\xput at null
+          \ifdim\xput at scale\xput at snapbottom>\xput at croptop
+            \xput at snapbottom=\dimexpr\xput at snapbottom-\xput at scalerez\xput at croptop\relax
+            \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at scalerez\xput at croptop\relax
+            \xput at croptop=\xput at null
+          \else
+            \xput at croptop=\dimexpr\xput at croptop-\xput at scale\xput at snapbottom\relax
+            \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snapbottom\relax
+            \xput at snapbottom=\xput at null
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newdimen\xput at snapcropoffset
+\newdimen\xput at snapbleedleft\newdimen\xput at snapbleedright
+\newdimen\xput at snapbleedtop\newdimen\xput at snapbleedbottom
+\def\xput at hscalegraphic{
+  \pgfmathqparse{\width/(\width+\xput at snapleft+\xput at snapright)}
+  \edef\xput at snapscale{\pgfmathresult}
+  \xput at snapcroptmp=\dimexpr\xput at originalgraphicheight-\xput at cropbottom-\xput at croptop-\xput at snapscale\xput at originalgraphicheight+\xput at snapscale\xput at cropbottom+\xput at snapscale\xput at croptop\relax
+  \xput at snapcropoffset=\dimexpr\xput at snapbleedbottom-\xput at snapscale\xput at snapbleedbottom-\xput at snapbleedtop+\xput at snapscale\xput at snapbleedtop\relax
+  \xput at cropbottom=\dimexpr\xput at cropbottom+0.5\xput at snapcroptmp+0.5\xput at snapcropoffset\relax
+  \xput at croptop=\dimexpr\xput at croptop+0.5\xput at snapcroptmp-0.5\xput at snapcropoffset\relax
+  \width=\dimexpr\width+\xput at snapleft+\xput at snapright\relax
+  \xput at snapright=\xput at null
+  \xput at snapleft=\xput at null
+\def\xput at vscalegraphic{
+  \pgfmathqparse{\height/(\height+\xput at snaptop+\xput at snapbottom)}
+  \edef\xput at snapscale{\pgfmathresult}
+  \xput at snapcroptmp=\dimexpr\xput at originalgraphicwidth-\xput at cropleft-\xput at cropright-\xput at snapscale\xput at originalgraphicwidth+\xput at snapscale\xput at cropleft+\xput at snapscale\xput at cropright\relax
+  \xput at snapcropoffset=\dimexpr\xput at snapbleedleft-\xput at snapscale\xput at snapbleedleft-\xput at snapbleedright+\xput at snapscale\xput at snapbleedright\relax
+  \xput at cropleft=\dimexpr\xput at cropleft+0.5\xput at snapcroptmp+0.5\xput at snapcropoffset\relax
+  \xput at cropright=\dimexpr\xput at cropright+0.5\xput at snapcroptmp-0.5\xput at snapcropoffset\relax
+  \height=\dimexpr\height+\xput at snaptop+\xput at snapbottom\relax
+  \xput at snaptop=\xput at null
+  \xput at snapbottom=\xput at null
+\def\xput at getbase#1{\edef\Gin at base{\filename at area\filename at base}\edef\Gin at ext{#1}}
+\let\xput at getbaseorginal\Gin at getbase
+\def\xput at disablegraphicsfilecheck{
+  \let\Gin at getbase\xput at getbase
+\def\xput at enablegraphicsfilecheck{
+  \let\Gin at getbase\xput at getbaseorginal
+\let\xput at setfileorginal\Gin at setfile
+\def\xput at setfile#1#2#3{
+  \global\edef\xput at currfilebase{\Gin at base}
+  \global\edef\xput at currfileext{\Gin at ext}
+  \global\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at currfileext
+\edef\xput at extjpeg{.jpeg}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extjpeg
+\edef\xput at extJPEG{.JPEG}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extJPEG
+\edef\xput at extjpg{.jpg}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extjpg
+\edef\xput at extJPG{.JPG}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extJPG
+\edef\xput at extpng{.png}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extpng
+\edef\xput at extPNG{.PNG}\@onelevel at sanitize\xput at extPNG
+  \ifx#1\xput at extjpg
+    \def\xput at optimizedext{.jpg}#2
+  \else
+    \ifx#1\xput at extJPG
+      \def\xput at optimizedext{.jpg}#2
+    \else
+      \ifx#1\xput at extjpeg
+        \def\xput at optimizedext{.jpg}#2
+      \else
+        \ifx#1\xput at extJPEG
+          \def\xput at optimizedext{.jpg}#2
+        \else
+          \ifx#1\xput at extpng
+            \def\xput at optimizedext{.png}#2
+          \else
+            \ifx#1\xput at extPNG
+              \def\xput at optimizedext{.png}#2
+            \fi
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\newcommand\csname xput at graphic@#1\endcsname[2][0]{%
+    \ifnum##1=0
+      \pgfkeys{pagegraphic,file={#1},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,#2,##2}
+    \else
+      \ifnum##1=1
+        \pgfkeys{backcoverpagegraphic,file={#1},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,#2}
+      \else
+        \pgfkeys{graphic,file={#1},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,#2,##2}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  }%
+\newcommand\xput at putgraphic[6][]{
+  \xput at x=\posx{1}{#2}{1}{#3}
+  \xput at yy=\posy{1}{#2}
+  \xput at xx=\posx{-1}{#4}{-1}{#5}
+  \xput at y=\posy{-1}{#4}
+  \xput at checkvisibility
+  \ifxput at isvisible
+    \xput at cropleft=\xput at null
+    \xput at cropbottom=\xput at null
+    \xput at cropright=\xput at null
+    \xput at croptop=\xput at null
+    \width=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \height=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    % safezone horizontal
+    \xput at snapsafezonehorizontal
+    % safezone vertical
+    \xput at snapsafezonevertical
+    \xput at snapbleedleft=\xput at null
+    \xput at snapbleedright=\xput at null
+    \xput at snapbleedtop=\xput at null
+    \xput at snapbleedbottom=\xput at null
+    \begingroup
+    \xdef\xput at filename{#6-\xput at density-\xput at graphicoptionscale-\xput at graphicoptionhpos-\xput at graphicoptionvpos-\the\numexpr\xput at snaptop\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at snapright\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at snapbottom\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at snapleft\relax-\the\numexpr\width\relax-\the\numexpr\height\relax-\xput at downsamplethreshold-\xput at graphicoptionunsharp-\xput at quality}
+    \ifxput at optimize
+      \IfFileExists{./cache/\xput at filename/g.jpg}{
+        \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[width=\width]{cache/\xput at filename/g.jpg}}
+      }{
+        \IfFileExists{./cache/\xput at filename/g.png}{
+          \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[width=\width]{cache/\xput at filename/g.png}}
+        }{
+          \xput at calculatecroptrue
+        }
+      }
+      \ifxput at preflight
+        \xput at calculatecroptrue
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \xput at calculatecroptrue
+    \fi
+    \ifxput at calculatecrop
+      \global\edef\xput at currfilebase{}
+      \global\edef\xput at currfileext{}
+      \let\Gin at setfile\xput at setfile
+      \Ginclude at graphics#6
+      \let\Gin at setfile\xput at setfileorginal
+      \ifx\xput at currfileext\xput at emptystring
+        \xput at calculatecropfalse
+        \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \xput at disablegraphicsfilecheck
+    \ifxput at calculatecrop
+      % graphic crop
+      \settowidth{\xput at originalgraphicwidth}{\includegraphics{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+      \settoheight{\xput at originalgraphicheight}{\includegraphics{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+      \pgfmathqparse{1pt-\xput at graphicoptionvpos pt}
+      \edef\xput at graphicoptionvpos{\pgfmathresult}
+      \pgfmathqparse{\xput at originalgraphicwidth/\xput at originalgraphicheight}
+      \edef\xput at graphicratio{\pgfmathresult}
+      \pgfmathqparse{\width/\height}
+      \edef\xput at vpratio{\pgfmathresult}
+      \pgfmathqparse{\xput at graphicratio pt>\xput at vpratio pt}
+      \ifnum\pgfmathresult=1
+        \xput at cropx=\dimexpr(\numexpr(\xput at originalgraphicwidth - \width * \xput at originalgraphicheight / \height)\relax sp)\relax
+        \xput at cropy=\xput at null
+      \else
+        \xput at cropy=\dimexpr(\numexpr(\xput at originalgraphicheight - \height * \xput at originalgraphicwidth / \width)\relax sp)\relax
+        \xput at cropx=\xput at null
+      \fi
+      \xput at viewportwidth=\dimexpr\xput at originalgraphicwidth-\xput at cropx\relax
+      \xput at viewportheight=\dimexpr\xput at originalgraphicheight-\xput at cropy\relax
+      \pgfmathqparse{1pt/\xput at graphicoptionscale pt}
+      \edef\xput at reciprocalscale{\pgfmathresult}
+      \xput at cropx=\dimexpr\xput at cropx + \xput at viewportwidth - \xput at reciprocalscale\xput at viewportwidth\relax
+      \xput at cropy=\dimexpr\xput at cropy + \xput at viewportheight - \xput at reciprocalscale\xput at viewportheight\relax
+      \ifdim\xput at cropx>\xput at null
+        \xput at cropleft=\dimexpr(\xput at graphicoptionhpos\xput at cropx)\relax
+        \ifdim\xput at cropleft<\xput at null
+          \xput at cropleft=\xput at null
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at cropleft>\xput at cropx
+          \xput at cropleft=\xput at cropx
+        \fi
+        \xput at cropright=\dimexpr(\xput at cropx - \xput at cropleft)\relax
+      \fi
+      \ifdim\xput at cropy>\xput at null
+        \xput at cropbottom=\dimexpr(\xput at graphicoptionvpos\xput at cropy)\relax
+        \ifdim\xput at cropbottom<\xput at null
+          \xput at cropbottom=\xput at null
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at cropbottom>\xput at cropy
+          \xput at cropbottom=\xput at cropy
+        \fi
+        \xput at croptop=\dimexpr(\xput at cropy - \xput at cropbottom)\relax
+      \fi
+      \xput at snapgraphic
+      \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at snapleft+\xput at snapright\relax=\xput at null
+        \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at snaptop+\xput at snapbottom\relax>\xput at null
+          \xput at vscalegraphic
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at snaptop+\xput at snapbottom\relax=\xput at null
+          \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at snapleft+\xput at snapright\relax>\xput at null
+            \xput at hscalegraphic
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \ifdim\dimexpr\width/(\xput at snapleft + \xput at snapright)\relax<\dimexpr\height/(\xput at snaptop + \xput at snapbottom)\relax
+            \xput at hscalegraphic
+            \xput at snapgraphic
+          \else
+            \xput at vscalegraphic
+            \xput at snapgraphic
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      \ifdim\xput at snapleft>\xput at null
+        \xput at x=\dimexpr\xput at x+\xput at snapleft\relax
+      \fi
+      \ifdim\xput at snapbottom>\xput at null
+        \xput at y=\dimexpr\xput at y+\xput at snapbottom\relax
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \xput at snapoptimizedgraphic
+    \fi
+    \ifdefined\xput at nextincludegraphic
+    \else
+      \ifxput at optimize
+        \ifxput at isbatchmode
+          \isoptimizable{\xput at currfileext}{\xput at addtobatchlist{\xput at currfilebase}{\xput at currfileext}}
+          \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{}
+        \else
+          \isoptimizable{\xput at currfileext}{\xput at optimizegraphic{\xput at currfilebase}{\xput at currfileext}}
+          \ifdefined\xput at optimizedext
+            \IfFileExists{./cache/\xput at filename/g\xput at optimizedext}{
+              \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[width=\width]{cache/\xput at filename/g\xput at optimizedext}}
+            }{
+              \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at ok
+                \ClassError{Xput}{Unexpected error. File not optimized}{File `cache/#6/g\xput at optimizedext' not found.\MessageBreak Try to delete the `cache' directory.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+              \fi
+              \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[trim={\xput at cropleft} {\xput at cropbottom} {\xput at cropright} {\xput at croptop},\xput at clip,width=\width]{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+            }
+          \else
+            \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[trim={\xput at cropleft} {\xput at cropbottom} {\xput at cropright} {\xput at croptop},\xput at clip,width=\width]{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{\includegraphics[trim={\xput at cropleft} {\xput at cropbottom} {\xput at cropright} {\xput at croptop},\xput at clip,width=\width]{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \ifdim\xput at defaultborderradius>0.5\height
+      \def\xput at defaultborderradius{0.5\height}
+    \fi
+    \ifdim\xput at defaultborderradius>0.5\width
+      \def\xput at defaultborderradius{0.5\width}
+    \fi
+    \xput at frameborderwidth=\dimexpr\xput at defaultborderwidth\relax
+    \ifdim\xput at defaultborderradius=0pt
+      \xput at frameborderradius=0pt
+      \xput at frameshadowradius=0pt
+    \else
+      \xput at frameborderradius=\dimexpr\xput at defaultborderradius+0.5\xput at frameborderwidth\relax
+      \xput at frameshadowradius=\dimexpr\xput at defaultborderradius+\xput at frameborderwidth\relax
+    \fi
+    % draw shadow
+    \ifxput at isbatchmode
+    \else
+      \def\xput at frameshadowoffsetx{\xput at frameborderwidth}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowoffsety{\xput at frameborderwidth}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowwidth{\dimexpr\width+10cm+2\xput at frameborderwidth\relax}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowheight{\dimexpr\height+10cm+2\xput at frameborderwidth\relax}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowframewidth{\dimexpr\width+2\xput at frameborderwidth\relax}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowframeheight{\dimexpr\height+2\xput at frameborderwidth\relax}
+      \def\xput at frameshadowborder{\dimexpr5cm\relax}
+      \xput at drawshadow
+    \fi
+    % draw graphic and border
+    \ifxput at isbatchmode
+      \xput at ismaskrequiredfalse
+      \def\xput at nextincludegraphic{}
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isperformancemode
+        \ifdim\xput at defaultborderwidth>0pt
+          \xput at ismaskrequiredtrue
+        \else
+          \ifdim\xput at defaultborderradius>0pt
+            \xput at ismaskrequiredtrue
+          \else
+            \xput at ismaskrequiredfalse
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \xput at ismaskrequiredtrue
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \ifxput at ismaskrequired
+      \def\xput at clip{}%
+    \else
+      \def\xput at clip{clip}%
+    \fi
+    \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at y}){%
+      \ifxput at ismaskrequired%
+        \begin{tikzpicture}%
+          \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+          \ifdim\xput at defaultborderwidth>0pt
+            \draw[draw=\xput at defaultbordercolor,draw opacity=\xput at defaultborderopacity,line width=\xput at frameborderwidth,rounded corners=\xput at frameborderradius] (-0.5\xput at frameborderwidth,-0.5\xput at frameborderwidth) rectangle ++(\width+\xput at frameborderwidth,\height+\xput at frameborderwidth);%
+          \fi
+          \draw[draw opacity=0,rounded corners=\xput at defaultborderradius,path picture={
+            \node at (0.5\width,0.5\height){
+              \xput at nextincludegraphic
+            };
+          }] (0,0) rectangle ++(\width,\height);%
+        \end{tikzpicture}%
+      \else%
+        \xput at nextincludegraphic
+      \fi%
+    }
+    \xput at enablegraphicsfilecheck
+    % draw ppi
+    \ifxput at preflight
+      \ifx\xput at nextincludegraphic\xput at emptystring
+      \else
+        \isoptimizable{\xput at currfileext}{\xput at getppi{\xput at currfilebase\xput at currfileext}}
+        \ifdefined\xput at graphicdensity
+          \xput at drawppi{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{\xput at graphicdensity}
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \endgroup
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at drawppi[6]{
+  \xput at x=\posx{1}{#1}{1}{#2}
+  \xput at yy=\posy{1}{#1}
+  \xput at xx=\posx{-1}{#3}{-1}{#4}
+  \xput at y=\posy{-1}{#3}
+  \width=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+  \height=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+  \def\xput at ppicolor{green!50!black}
+  \def\xput at ppicolortext{white}
+  \ifnum#6<300
+    \def\xput at ppicolor{yellow}
+    \def\xput at ppicolortext{black}
+    \ifnum#6<200
+      \def\xput at ppicolor{red}
+      \def\xput at ppicolortext{white}
+      \xput at errmsg@lowdensity{1}{#5}{#6}
+    \else
+      \xput at errmsg@lowdensity{0}{#5}{#6}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at y}){%
+    \begin{tikzpicture}%
+      \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+      \node[fill=\xput at ppicolor,fill opacity=0.9,line width=0pt,anchor=north east] at (\width,\height){
+        \color{\xput at ppicolortext}\textbf{#6ppi}
+      };
+    \end{tikzpicture}%
+  }
+% pagegraphic
+\def\xput at pagegraphic{}
+  /pagegraphic/.is family,
+  /pagegraphic,
+  file/.store in=\xput at pagegraphic,
+  scale/.store in=\xput at pagegraphicoptionscale,
+  vpos/.store in=\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos,
+  hpos/.store in=\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos,
+  unsharp/.store in=\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp,
+  /backcoverpagegraphic/.is family,
+  /backcoverpagegraphic,
+  file/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicfile,
+  scale/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicscale,
+  vpos/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicvpos,
+  hpos/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphichpos,
+  unsharp/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicunsharp,
+\def\xput at putpagegraphic{
+  \begingroup
+    \margin=\xput at null
+    \topmargin=\xput at null
+    \bottommargin=\xput at null
+    \innermargin=\xput at null
+    \outermargin=\xput at null
+    \setgrid{{{1}}}
+    \pgfkeys{graphic,scale=\xput at pagegraphicoptionscale,hpos=\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos,vpos=\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos,unsharp=\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp,border width=0pt,border radius=0pt,shadow size=0}
+    \xput at putgraphic{0}{0}{1}{1}{\xput at pagegraphic}
+  \endgroup
+  \ifcsname xput at graphic@#2\endcsname%
+    \csname xput at graphic@#2\endcsname{#1}
+  \else%
+    \pgfkeys{pagegraphic,file={#2},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,#1}
+  \fi
+% text
+\newdimen\xput at textboxheight
+\newdimen\xput at textboxwidth
+\newdimen\xput at leftwidth
+\newdimen\xput at rightwidth
+\newcommand\xput at checkside[1]{
+  \ifxput at fanfold
+    \ifxput at isdoublepage
+      \xput at leftwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at x)\relax
+      \xput at rightwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at pagewidth - \xput at outerbleed)\relax
+      \ifdim\xput at rightwidth>\xput at leftwidth
+        \ifnum#1=1
+          \xput at leftpagefalse
+          \xput at rightpagetrue
+        \else
+          \xput at leftpagetrue
+          \xput at rightpagefalse
+        \fi
+        \addtocounter{page}{#1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at textoptionbottom{bottom}
+\def\xput at textoptioncenter{center}
+\newif\ifxput at text@option at top
+\newif\ifxput at text@option at center
+\newif\ifxput at text@option at bottom
+\newif\ifxput at text@option at parbox
+\newif\ifxput at text@option at breakable
+  /inittext/.is family,
+  /inittext,
+  color/.code={\color{#1}},
+  coltext/.forward to=/inittext/color,
+  boxrule/.code={\def\xput at defaultborderwidth{#1}\def\xput at text@option at leftrule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at rightrule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at toprule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at bottomrule{#1}},
+  toprule/.code={\def\xput at text@option at toprule{#1}},
+  rightrule/.code={\def\xput at text@option at rightrule{#1}},
+  bottomrule/.code={\def\xput at text@option at bottomrule{#1}},
+  leftrule/.code={\def\xput at text@option at leftrule{#1}},
+  height/.code={\def\xput at text@option at height{#1}},
+  arc/.code={\ifdim\xput at null=\dimexpr#1\relax\originaltcbset{outer arc=#1}\else\originaltcbset{auto outer arc}\fi\def\xput at defaultborderradius{#1}},
+  colframe/.store in=\xput at defaultbordercolor,
+  opacityframe/.store in=\xput at defaultborderopacity,
+  breakable/.is if=xput at text@option at breakable,
+  .unknown/.code=,
+  library/.unknown/.code=,
+  boxrule=0pt,
+  boxsep=0pt,left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt,
+  opacityframe=1,
+  colframe=black,
+  opacityback=0,
+  arc=0pt,
+  \ifcsname xput at border@#1\endcsname
+    \csname xput at border@#1\endcsname[1]{}
+  \else
+    \pgfkeys{textborder,opacity=1,width=0pt,color=black,radius=0pt}
+    \xput at errmsg@undefined{border}{#1}
+  \fi
+  /text/.is family,
+  /text,
+  name/.store in=\xput at text@option at name,
+  color/.code={\originaltcbset{coltext=#1}\def\xput at text@option at color{#1}},
+  opacity/.code={\originaltcbset{opacitytext=#1}},
+  top/.code={\originaltcbset{valign=top}\xput at text@option at toptrue},
+  center/.code={\originaltcbset{valign=center}\xput at text@option at centertrue},
+  bottom/.code={\originaltcbset{valign=bottom}\xput at text@option at bottomtrue},
+  boxrule/.code={\originaltcbset{boxrule=#1}\def\xput at defaultborderwidth{#1}\def\xput at text@option at leftrule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at rightrule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at toprule{#1}\def\xput at text@option at bottomrule{#1}},
+  toprule/.code={\originaltcbset{toprule=#1}\def\xput at text@option at toprule{#1}},
+  rightrule/.code={\originaltcbset{rightrule=#1}\def\xput at text@option at rightrule{#1}},
+  bottomrule/.code={\originaltcbset{bottomrule=#1}\def\xput at text@option at bottomrule{#1}},
+  leftrule/.code={\originaltcbset{leftrule=#1}\def\xput at text@option at leftrule{#1}},
+  height/.code={\originaltcbset{height=#1}\def\xput at text@option at height{#1}},
+  parbox/.is if=xput at text@option at parbox,
+  breakable/.is if=xput at text@option at breakable,
+  border radius/.code={\originaltcbset{arc=#1}\ifdim\xput at null=\dimexpr#1\relax\originaltcbset{outer arc=#1}\else\originaltcbset{auto outer arc}\fi\def\xput at defaultborderradius{#1}},
+  arc/.forward to=/text/border radius,
+  border width/.forward to=/text/boxrule,
+  border color/.code={\originaltcbset{colframe=#1}\def\xput at defaultbordercolor{#1}},
+  border opacity/.code={\originaltcbset{opacityframe=#1}\def\xput at defaultborderopacity{#1}},
+  shadow/.forward to=/defaultshadow/name,
+  shadow size/.forward to=/defaultshadow/size,
+  shadow color/.forward to=/defaultshadow/color,
+  shadow opacity/.forward to=/defaultshadow/opacity,
+  shadow xshift/.forward to=/defaultshadow/xshift,
+  shadow yshift/.forward to=/defaultshadow/yshift,
+  .unknown/.code={\originaltcbset{\pgfkeyscurrentname=#1}}
+\newdimen\xput at tcbheight
+\newcommand\xput at puttext[5]{
+  \ifxput at isbatchmode
+  \else
+    \xput at x=\posx{1}{#1}{1}{#2}
+    \xput at xx=\posx{-1}{#3}{-1}{#4}
+    \xput at y=\posy{-1}{#3}
+    \xput at yy=\posy{1}{#1}
+    \xput at xx=\dimexpr\xput at xx+\xput at text@option at rightrule\relax
+    \xput at x=\dimexpr\xput at x-\xput at text@option at leftrule\relax
+    \xput at yy=\dimexpr\xput at yy+\xput at text@option at toprule\relax
+    \xput at y=\dimexpr\xput at y-\xput at text@option at bottomrule\relax
+    \width=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \height=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    \xput at textboxwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \xput at textboxheight=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    \ifdefined\xput at text@option at height
+      \ifdim\xput at text@option at height=\height
+      \else
+        \xput at tcbheight=\dimexpr\xput at text@option at height\ifdefined\xput at text@option at toprule+\xput at text@option at toprule\else\ifdefined\xput at defaultborderwidth+\xput at defaultborderwidth\fi\fi\ifdefined\xput at text@option at bottomrule+\xput at text@option at bottomrule\else\ifdefined\xput at defaultborderwidth+\xput at defaultborderwidth\fi\fi\relax
+        \originaltcbset{height=\xput at tcbheight}
+      \fi
+    \else
+    \fi
+    \xput at checkvisibility
+    \ifxput at isvisible
+      \xput at checkside{1}
+      \ifxput at text@option at parbox
+        \ifdim\xput at textboxheight<\xput at null
+          \xput at yy=\dimexpr\xput at yy-\xput at textboxheight\relax
+          \xput at textboxheight=\dimexpr-1\xput at textboxheight\relax
+        \fi
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at yy}){%
+          \parbox[t][\xput at textboxheight][\ifxput at text@option at center c\else\ifxput at text@option at bottom b\else t\fi\fi]{\xput at textboxwidth}{\vskip \xput at null
+            \color{\xput at text@option at color}%
+            #5%
+          }
+        }
+      \else
+        \ifdim\xput at text@option at bottomrule<\xput at text@option at toprule
+          \def\xput at text@minvborderwidth{\xput at text@option at bottomrule}
+          \def\xput at text@maxvborderwidth{\xput at text@option at toprule}
+        \else
+          \def\xput at text@minvborderwidth{\xput at text@option at toprule}
+          \def\xput at text@maxvborderwidth{\xput at text@option at bottomrule}
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at text@option at leftrule<\xput at text@option at rightrule
+          \def\xput at text@minhborderwidth{\xput at text@option at leftrule}
+          \def\xput at text@maxhborderwidth{\xput at text@option at rightrule}
+        \else
+          \def\xput at text@minhborderwidth{\xput at text@option at rightrule}
+          \def\xput at text@maxhborderwidth{\xput at text@option at leftrule}
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at text@minvborderwidth<\xput at text@minhborderwidth
+          \def\xput at text@minborderwidth{\xput at text@minvborderwidth}
+          \def\xput at text@maxborderwidth{\xput at text@maxhborderwidth}
+        \else
+          \def\xput at text@minborderwidth{\xput at text@minhborderwidth}
+          \def\xput at text@maxborderwidth{\xput at text@maxvborderwidth}
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at text@maxborderwidth=\xput at null
+          \originaltcbset{opacityframe=0}
+        \fi
+        \ifxput at text@option at breakable
+          \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @offsetx\endcsname{\xput at text@option at leftrule}
+          \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @offsety\endcsname{\xput at text@option at bottomrule}
+        \else
+          \def\xput at text@option at name{xput at unbreakable}
+        \fi
+        \ifcsname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @index\endcsname
+          \global\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @index\endcsname 0 \relax%
+          \boxarrayclear[\xput at text@option at name]
+        \else
+          \global\expandafter\newcount\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @index\endcsname%
+          \newboxarray{\xput at text@option at name}
+        \fi
+        \put(0,0){
+          \ifxput at text@option at breakable%
+            \begin{tcolorbox}[
+              standard jigsaw,
+              width=\width,
+              enforce breakable,
+              break at=\height,
+              height fixed for=all,
+              reset box array=\xput at text@option at name,
+              store to box array=\xput at text@option at name,
+            ]%
+              #5
+            \end{tcolorbox}%
+          \else%
+            \begin{tcolorbox}[
+              standard jigsaw,
+              width=\width,
+              reset box array=\xput at text@option at name,
+              store to box array=\xput at text@option at name,
+            ]%
+              #5
+            \end{tcolorbox}%
+          \fi%
+        }
+        \global\expandafter\advance\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @index\endcsname by 1%
+        \boxarraygetheight[\xput at text@option at name]{\xput at text@height}{1}
+        \ifxput at text@option at bottom
+          \xput at yy=\dimexpr\xput at yy-(\xput at textboxheight-\xput at text@height)\relax
+        \else
+          \ifxput at text@option at center
+            \xput at yy=\dimexpr\xput at yy-(\xput at textboxheight-\xput at text@height)/2\relax
+          \fi
+        \fi
+        \xput at textboxheight=\xput at text@height
+        \xput at y=\dimexpr\xput at yy-\xput at textboxheight\relax
+        % draw shadow
+        \xput at ifshadow{
+          \ifdefined\xput at defaultborderradius
+            \ifdim\xput at defaultborderradius=0pt
+              \xput at frameshadowradius=0pt
+            \else
+              \xput at frameshadowradius=\dimexpr\xput at defaultborderradius+\xput at text@minborderwidth\relax
+            \fi
+          \else
+            \xput at frameshadowradius=0pt
+          \fi
+          \def\xput at frameshadowoffsetx{0pt}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowoffsety{0pt}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowwidth{\dimexpr\width+10cm\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowheight{\dimexpr\xput at textboxheight+10cm\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowframewidth{\width}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowframeheight{\xput at textboxheight}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowborder{\dimexpr5cm\relax}
+          \ifxput at text@option at breakable
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @shadowsize\endcsname{\xput at defaultshadowsize}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @shadowcolor\endcsname{\xput at defaultshadowcolor}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @shadowopacity\endcsname{\xput at defaultshadowopacity}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @shadowxshift\endcsname{\xput at defaultshadowxshift}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @shadowyshift\endcsname{\xput at defaultshadowyshift}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowwidth\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowwidth}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowheight\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowheight}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowframewidth\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowframewidth}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowframeheight\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowframeheight}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowborder\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowborder}
+            \expandafter\xdef\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @frameshadowradius\endcsname{\the\xput at frameshadowradius}
+          \fi
+          \xput at drawshadow
+        }
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at y}){%
+          \consumeboxarray[\xput at text@option at name]{\the\csname xput at textarray@\xput at text@option at name @index\endcsname}%
+        }
+      \fi
+      \xput at checkside{-1}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at putusetext[5][default]{
+  \ifxput at isbatchmode
+  \else
+    \xput at x=\posx{1}{#2}{1}{#3}
+    \xput at xx=\posx{-1}{#4}{-1}{#5}
+    \xput at y=\posy{-1}{#4}
+    \xput at yy=\posy{1}{#2}
+    \width=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \height=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    \xput at textboxwidth=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \xput at textboxheight=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    \xput at checkvisibility
+    \ifxput at isvisible
+      \ifcsname xput at textarray@#1 at index\endcsname
+        \global\expandafter\advance\csname xput at textarray@#1 at index\endcsname by 1%
+        \xput at y=\dimexpr\xput at yy-\xput at textboxheight\relax
+        \ifcsname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowsize\endcsname
+          \def\xput at frameshadowoffsetx{\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at offsetx\endcsname}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowoffsety{\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at offsety\endcsname}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowwidth{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowwidth\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowheight{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowheight\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowframewidth{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowframewidth\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowframeheight{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowframeheight\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowborder{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowborder\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at frameshadowradius{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at frameshadowradius\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at defaultshadowsize{\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowsize\endcsname}
+          \def\xput at defaultshadowcolor{\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowcolor\endcsname}
+          \def\xput at defaultshadowopacity{\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowopacity\endcsname}
+          \def\xput at defaultshadowxshift{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowxshift\endcsname\relax}
+          \def\xput at defaultshadowyshift{\dimexpr\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at shadowyshift\endcsname\relax}
+          \xput at drawshadow
+        \fi
+        \xput at checkside{1}
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x-\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at offsetx\endcsname},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at y-\expandafter\csname xput at textarray@#1 at offsety\endcsname}){%
+          \consumeboxarray[#1]{\the\csname xput at textarray@#1 at index\endcsname}%
+        }
+        \xput at checkside{-1}
+      \else
+        \xput at errmsg@undefined{breakable text}{#1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+% xput
+\newcommand\xput at putxput[6][0]{
+  \xput at x=\posx{1}{#2}{1}{#3}
+  \xput at xx=\posx{-1}{#4}{-1}{#5}
+  \xput at y=\posy{-1}{#4}
+  \xput at yy=\posy{1}{#2}
+  \xput at checkvisibility
+  \ifxput at isvisible
+    \ifnum#1=1
+      \xput at snapsafezonehorizontal
+      \xput at snapsafezonevertical
+    \fi
+    \width=\dimexpr(\xput at xx - \xput at x)\relax
+    \height=\dimexpr(\xput at yy - \xput at y)\relax
+    \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at x},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at y}){%
+      \ifx\xput at pageoptioncolor\xput at emptystring
+        \color{\xputoptions at color}%
+      \else
+        \color{\xput at pageoptioncolor}%
+      \fi
+      #6
+    }
+  \fi
+% tikzgraphic
+\newcommand\xput at puttikz[6][0]{
+  \ifxput at isbatchmode
+  \else
+    \xput at putxput[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{%
+      \begin{tikzpicture}
+        \pgflowlevelsynccm
+        #6
+      \end{tikzpicture}
+    }
+  \fi
+% border
+\def\xput at defaultborderwidth{0pt}
+\def\xput at defaultborderradius{0pt}
+\def\xput at defaultbordercolor{black}
+\def\xput at defaultborderopacity{1}
+  \ifcsname xput at border@#1\endcsname
+    \csname xput at border@#1\endcsname{}
+  \else
+    \pgfkeys{defaultborder,opacity=1,width=0pt,color=black,radius=0pt}
+    \xput at errmsg@undefined{border}{#1}
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\newcommand\csname xput at border@#1\endcsname[2][0]{%
+    \ifnum##1=1
+      \pgfkeys{textborder,opacity=1,width=0pt,color=black,radius=0pt,#2}
+    \else
+      \pgfkeys{defaultborder,opacity=1,width=0pt,color=black,radius=0pt,#2,##2}
+    \fi
+  }%
+  /textborder/.is family,
+  /textborder,
+  radius/.forward to=/text/border radius,
+  width/.forward to=/text/border width,
+  color/.forward to=/text/border color,
+  opacity/.forward to=/text/border opacity,
+  /defaultborder/.is family,
+  /defaultborder,
+  radius/.store in=\xput at defaultborderradius,
+  width/.store in=\xput at defaultborderwidth,
+  color/.store in=\xput at defaultbordercolor,
+  opacity/.store in=\xput at defaultborderopacity,
+  \ifxput at placeholdermode
+    \ifnum\xput at contentcounter<\xput at placeholdercounter
+      \xput at border{#1}{#2}
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \xput at border{#1}{#2}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at border[2]{
+  \pgfkeys{defaultborder,width=0pt,color=black,opacity=1,radius=0pt,#1}
+  \ifcsname xput at border@#2\endcsname
+    \csname xput at border@#2\endcsname{#1}
+  \fi
+% shadow
+\def\xput at defaultshadowsize{0}
+\def\xput at defaultshadowopacity{0.4}
+\def\xput at defaultshadowcolor{black}
+\def\xput at defaultshadowxshift{0pt}
+\def\xput at defaultshadowyshift{0pt}
+  \ifcsname xput at shadow@#1\endcsname
+    \csname xput at shadow@#1\endcsname{}
+  \else
+    \pgfkeys{defaultshadow,opacity=0.4,size=0,color=black,xshift=0pt,yshift=0pt}
+    \xput at errmsg@undefined{shadow}{#1}
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\newcommand\csname xput at shadow@#1\endcsname[1]{%
+    \pgfkeys{defaultshadow,opacity=0.4,size=0,color=black,xshift=0pt,yshift=0pt,#2,##1}
+  }%
+  /defaultshadow/.is family,
+  /defaultshadow,
+  size/.store in=\xput at defaultshadowsize,
+  color/.store in=\xput at defaultshadowcolor,
+  opacity/.store in=\xput at defaultshadowopacity,
+  xshift/.store in=\xput at defaultshadowxshift,
+  yshift/.store in=\xput at defaultshadowyshift,
+  \ifxput at placeholdermode
+    \ifnum\xput at contentcounter<\xput at placeholdercounter
+      \xput at shadow{#1}{#2}
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \xput at shadow{#1}{#2}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at shadow[2]{
+  \pgfkeys{defaultshadow,size=0pt,color=black,opacity=1,xshift=0pt,yshift=0pt,#1}
+  \ifcsname xput at shadow@#2\endcsname
+    \csname xput at shadow@#2\endcsname{#1}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at ifshadow[1]{
+  \ifdim\dimexpr\xput at defaultshadowsize pt\relax>\xput at null
+    #1
+  \else
+    \ifdim\xput at defaultshadowxshift>\xput at null
+      #1
+    \else
+      \ifdim\xput at defaultshadowyshift>\xput at null
+        #1
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at drawshadow{
+  \xput at ifshadow{
+    \xdef\xput at shadowid{shadow-\xput at defaultshadowsize-\xput at defaultshadowcolor-\xput at defaultshadowopacity-\the\numexpr\xput at frameshadowwidth\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at frameshadowheight\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at frameshadowradius\relax-\the\numexpr\xput at frameshadowborder\relax}
+    \IfFileExists{./cache/\xput at shadowid/s.pdf}{
+    \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\dimexpr\xput at x-5cm-\xput at frameshadowoffsetx+\xput at defaultshadowxshift\relax},\xput at dimentonumber{\dimexpr\xput at y-5cm-\xput at frameshadowoffsety-\xput at defaultshadowyshift\relax}){%
+      \includegraphics[width=\xput at frameshadowwidth]{cache/\xput at shadowid/s.pdf}
+    }
+    }{
+      \xput at makeshadow{\xput at shadowid}
+      \IfFileExists{./cache/\xput at shadowid/s.pdf}{
+      \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\dimexpr\xput at x-5cm-\xput at frameshadowoffsetx+\xput at defaultshadowxshift\relax},\xput at dimentonumber{\dimexpr\xput at y-5cm-\xput at frameshadowoffsety-\xput at defaultshadowyshift\relax}){%
+        \includegraphics[width=\xput at frameshadowwidth]{cache/\xput at shadowid/s.pdf}
+      }
+      }{
+        \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at ok
+          \ClassError{Xput}{Unexpected error. Shadow not created}{File `cache/\xput at shadowid/s.pdf' not\MessageBreak found.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+        \fi
+      }
+    }
+  }
+% layout helper
+\def\xput at gridcolor{green!90!black}
+\def\xput at gridopacity{0.8}
+\def\xput at gutteropacity{0.2}
+\newdimen\xput at gridx
+\newdimen\xput at gridxx
+\newdimen\xput at gridy
+\newdimen\xput at gridyy
+\newcommand\xput at putgrid{
+  \ifxput at isemptypage
+  \else
+    \ifxput at grid
+      \xput at gridx=\posx{1}{1}{1}{0}
+      \xput at gridxx=\posx{-1}{1}{-1}{\xput at get{1C}}
+      \xput at gridy=\posy{1}{0}
+      \xput at gridyy=\posy{-1}{\xput at rowscount}
+      \put(0,0){%
+        \begin{tikzpicture}%
+          \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+          \foreach \rowI in {1,...,\xput at rowscount} {
+            \ifnum\rowI<\xput at rowscount
+              \ifdim\xput at gutter=\xput at null
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.2mm,draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] ({\xput at gridx+0.05mm},{\posy{0}{\rowI}}) -- ({\xput at gridxx-0.05mm},{\posy{0}{\rowI}});%
+              \else
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=\xput at gutter,draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gutteropacity] ({\xput at gridx+\xput at gutter/2},{\posy{0}{\rowI}}) -- ({\xput at gridxx-\xput at gutter/2},{\posy{0}{\rowI}});%
+              \fi
+            \fi
+            \ifnum\numexpr\xput at get{\rowI C} - 1\relax>0
+              \foreach \cellI in {1,...,\numexpr\xput at get{\rowI C} - 1\relax} {
+                \ifdim\xput at gutter=\xput at null
+                  \draw[line width=0.2mm,draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] ({\posx{-1}{\rowI}{0}{\cellI}},{\posy{1}{\numexpr\rowI - 1\relax}}) -- ({\posx{-1}{\rowI}{0}{\cellI}},{\posy{-1}{\rowI}});%
+                \else
+                  \draw[line width=\xput at gutter,draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gutteropacity] ({\posx{-1}{\rowI}{0}{\cellI}},{\posy{1}{\numexpr\rowI - 1\relax}}) -- ({\posx{-1}{\rowI}{0}{\cellI}},{\posy{-1}{\rowI}});%
+                \fi
+              }
+            \fi
+          }
+          \draw[line width=0.2mm,draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] ({\xput at gridx},{\xput at gridy}) rectangle ({\xput at gridxx},{\xput at gridyy});%
+          \ifdim\xput at gridoffsethorizontal>0.001pt
+            \draw[line width=0.2mm,dash pattern={on 1mm off 1mm},draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] (\xput at gridx,\xput at gridy) -- (\xput at gridx-\xput at gridoffsethorizontal,\xput at gridy) -- (\xput at gridx-\xput at gridoffsethorizontal,\xput at gridyy) -- (\xput at gridx,\xput at gridyy);%
+          \fi
+          \ifdim\xput at gridoffsethorizontaln>0.001pt
+            \draw[line width=0.2mm,dash pattern={on 1mm off 1mm},draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] (\xput at gridxx,\xput at gridy) -- (\xput at gridxx+\xput at gridoffsethorizontaln,\xput at gridy) -- (\xput at gridxx+\xput at gridoffsethorizontaln,\xput at gridyy) -- (\xput at gridxx,\xput at gridyy);%
+          \fi
+          \ifdim\xput at gridoffsetvertical>0.001pt
+            \draw[line width=0.2mm,dash pattern={on 1mm off 1mm},draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity]  (\xput at gridx,\xput at gridy) -- (\xput at gridx,\xput at gridy+\xput at gridoffsetvertical)-- (\xput at gridxx,\xput at gridy+\xput at gridoffsetvertical) -- (\xput at gridxx,\xput at gridy);%
+          \fi
+          \ifdim\xput at gridoffsetverticaln>0.001pt
+            \draw[line width=0.2mm,dash pattern={on 1mm off 1mm},draw=\xput at gridcolor,opacity=\xput at gridopacity] ({\xput at gridx},{\xput at gridyy}) --({\xput at gridx},{\xput at gridyy-\xput at gridoffsetverticaln}) -- ({\xput at gridxx},{\xput at gridyy-\xput at gridoffsetverticaln}) -- ({\xput at gridxx},{\xput at gridyy});%
+          \fi
+        \end{tikzpicture}%
+      }
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at bleedcolor{red}
+\def\xput at bleedopacity{0.5}
+\newif\ifxput at putbleed
+\newcommand\xput at checkbleed{
+  \ifdim\xput at topbleed>\xput at null
+    \xput at putbleedtrue
+  \else
+    \ifdim\xput at bottombleed>\xput at null
+      \xput at putbleedtrue
+    \else
+      \ifdim\xput at innerbleed>\xput at null
+        \xput at putbleedtrue
+      \else
+        \ifdim\xput at outerbleed>\xput at null
+          \xput at putbleedtrue
+        \else
+          \xput at putbleedfalse
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at putbleed{
+  \ifxput at isemptypage
+  \else
+    \ifxput at safezone
+      \xput at checkbleed
+      \ifxput at putbleed
+        \put(0,0){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \ifxput at frontcover
+              \ifxput at backcover
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at topbleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+              \else
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,\xput at topbleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+              \fi
+            \else
+              \ifxput at fanfold
+                \ifxput at isdoublepage
+                  \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed * 2,\xput at topbleed);%
+                  \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed * 2,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                  \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+                \else
+                  \ifxput at leftpage
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at topbleed);%
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \else
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at topbleed);%
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                    \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth * 2 + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at outerbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \fi
+                \fi
+              \else
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at pageheight + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at leftbleed + \xput at rightbleed,\xput at topbleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, 0) rectangle ++(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at leftbleed + \xput at rightbleed,\xput at bottombleed);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (0, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at leftbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+                \fill[\xput at bleedcolor,opacity=\xput at bleedopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at leftbleed, \xput at bottombleed) rectangle ++(\xput at rightbleed,\xput at pageheight);%
+              \fi
+            \fi
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newdimen\xput at cuttingmarka
+\newdimen\xput at cuttingmarkb
+\xput at cuttingmarka=-3mm
+\xput at cuttingmarkb=-1mm
+\newcommand\xput at putcuttingmarks{
+  \ifxput at isemptypage
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \xput at cuttingmarksvisibletrue
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \xput at cuttingmarksvisibletrue
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at cuttingmarksvisible
+    \ifxput at cuttingmarks
+      \ifxput at safezone
+      \else
+        \xput at checkbleed
+        \ifxput at putbleed
+          \put(0,0){%
+            \begin{tikzpicture}%
+              \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+              \ifxput at frontcover
+                \ifxput at backcover
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor,line width=0.15mm](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor,line width=0.15mm](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at pageheight);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                \else
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                \fi
+              \else
+                \ifxput at fanfold
+                  \ifxput at isdoublepage
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                    \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \else
+                    \ifxput at leftpage
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                    \else
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                      \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (2\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                    \fi
+                  \fi
+                \else
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (\xput at outerbleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed + \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarka, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at cuttingmarkb, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight);%
+                  \draw[\xput at pageoptioncolor](\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarka) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed, \xput at bottombleed+\xput at pageheight - \xput at cuttingmarkb);%
+                \fi
+              \fi
+            \end{tikzpicture}%
+          }
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at safetymargincolor{pink}
+\def\xput at safetymarginopacity{0.8}
+\newif\ifxput at putsafezone
+\newcommand\xput at checksafezone{
+  \ifdim\xput at topsafetymargin>\xput at null
+    \xput at putsafezonetrue
+  \else
+    \ifdim\xput at bottomsafetymargin>\xput at null
+      \xput at putsafezonetrue
+    \else
+      \ifdim\xput at innersafetymargin>\xput at null
+        \xput at putsafezonetrue
+      \else
+        \ifdim\xput at outersafetymargin>\xput at null
+          \xput at putsafezonetrue
+        \else
+          \xput at putsafezonefalse
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at putsafezone{
+  \ifxput at isemptypage
+  \else
+    \ifxput at safezone
+      \xput at checksafezone
+      \ifxput at putsafezone
+        \put(0,0){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \ifxput at frontcover
+              \ifxput at backcover
+              \else
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,0.05mm) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+                \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at outersafetymargin + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at innersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,0.05mm) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+                \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth + \xput at innersafetymargin,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth - \xput at outerbleed - \xput at outersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+              \fi
+            \else
+              \ifxput at fanfold
+                \ifxput at isdoublepage
+                  \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at outersafetymargin + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth / 2 - \xput at innersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+                  \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\paperwidth / 2 + \xput at innersafetymargin,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth - \xput at outerbleed - \xput at outersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+                \else
+                  \ifxput at leftpage
+                    \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at outersafetymargin + \xput at outerbleed,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth / 2 - \xput at innersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+                  \else
+                    \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\paperwidth / 2 + \xput at innersafetymargin,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth - \xput at outerbleed - \xput at outersafetymargin,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+                  \fi
+                \fi
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\paperwidth / 2,0.05mm) -- (\paperwidth / 2,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+              \else
+                \draw[line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at leftsafetymargin + \xput at leftbleed,\xput at bottomsafetymargin + \xput at bottombleed) rectangle (\paperwidth - \xput at rightsafetymargin - \xput at rightbleed,\paperheight - \xput at topsafetymargin - \xput at topbleed);%
+              \fi
+            \fi
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+      \else
+        \ifxput at frontcover
+          \ifxput at backcover
+          \else
+            \put(0,0){%
+              \begin{tikzpicture}%
+                \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,0.05mm) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,0.05mm) -- (\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed + \spinewidth,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+              \end{tikzpicture}%
+            }
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \ifxput at fanfold
+            \put(0,0){%
+              \begin{tikzpicture}%
+                \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.1mm,draw=\xput at safetymargincolor,opacity=\xput at safetymarginopacity] (\paperwidth / 2,0.05mm) -- (\paperwidth / 2,\paperheight-0.05mm);%
+              \end{tikzpicture}%
+            }
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at graphpapercolor{gray!70}
+\def\xput at graphpaperopacity{0.2}
+\newcommand\xput at calcgraphpaperx{
+  \ifdim\xput at graphpaperx>\xput at null
+    \xput at graphpaperx=\dimexpr\xput at graphpaperx-\xput at graphpapersnap\relax
+    \xput at calcgraphpaperx
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at calcgraphpapery{
+  \ifdim\xput at graphpapery>\xput at null
+    \xput at graphpapery=\dimexpr\xput at graphpapery-\xput at graphpapersnap\relax
+    \xput at calcgraphpapery
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at calcgraphpaperoffset{
+  \xput at graphpaperoffset=\xput at null
+  \xput at graphpaperoffsetsnap \numexpr\number\xput at pagewidth/\xput at graphpapersnap\relax
+  \xput at graphpaperoffset=\dimexpr\xput at pagewidth-\xput at graphpapersnap*\xput at graphpaperoffsetsnap\relax
+  \ifdim\xput at graphpaperoffset<\xput at null
+    \xput at graphpaperoffset=\dimexpr\xput at graphpaperoffset+\xput at graphpapersnap\relax
+  \fi
+  \xput at graphpaperx=\dimexpr\xput at graphpaperx-\xput at graphpaperoffset\relax
+\newcount\xput at graphpaperoffsetsnap
+\newcommand\xput at putgraphpaper{
+  \ifxput at graphpaper
+    \xput at graphpapery=\xput at bottombleed
+    \xput at calcgraphpapery
+    \xput at graphpaperx=\xput at leftbleed
+    \xput at calcgraphpaperx
+    \ifxput at frontcover
+      \ifxput at backcover
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+              \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\xput at pagewidth-\xput at graphpaperx+\xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+            }
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+      \else
+        \xput at graphpaperx=\dimexpr\xput at pagewidth+\xput at outerbleed\relax
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+              \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\spinewidth,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+            }
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+        \xput at graphpaperx=\dimexpr\xput at pagewidth+\xput at outerbleed+\spinewidth\relax
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+              \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\xput at pagewidth+\xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+            }
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+        \ifxput at isdoublepage
+          \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+            \begin{tikzpicture}%
+              \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+              \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+                \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\paperwidth-\xput at graphpaperx,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+              }
+            \end{tikzpicture}%
+          }
+        \else
+          \ifxput at leftpage
+            \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+              \begin{tikzpicture}%
+                \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+                \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+                  \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\xput at pagewidth-\xput at graphpaperx+\xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+                }
+              \end{tikzpicture}%
+            }
+          \else
+            \xput at graphpaperx=\dimexpr\xput at pagewidth+\xput at outerbleed\relax
+            \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+              \begin{tikzpicture}%
+                \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+                \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+                  \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\xput at pagewidth+\xput at outerbleed,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+                }
+              \end{tikzpicture}%
+            }
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \ifxput at isdoublepage
+          \ifxput at rightpage
+            \xput at calcgraphpaperoffset
+          \fi
+        \fi
+        \put(\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpaperx},\xput at dimentonumber{\xput at graphpapery}){%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \foreach \xput at graphpaperconfigitem in \xput at graphpaperconfig {
+              \draw[line cap=rect,line width=0.05mm,step=\xput at graphpaperconfigitem,\xput at graphpapercolor,opacity=\xput at graphpaperopacity] (0pt,0pt) grid ++(\paperwidth-\xput at graphpaperx,\paperheight-\xput at graphpapery);%
+            }
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+% pages
+\newif\ifxput at isbeforepage
+\def\xput at currentbeforepage{}
+  \ifxput at ispage
+    \def\xput at currentbeforepage{#1}
+  \else
+    \global\def\xput at currentbeforepage{#1}
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\newcommand\csname xput at before@#1\endcsname{%
+    \begingroup%
+      #2
+    \endgroup%
+  }%
+\newcommand\xput at putbeforepage{
+  \ifx\xput at pagegraphic\xput at emptystring
+  \else
+    \xput at putpagegraphic
+  \fi
+  \ifx\xput at currentbeforepage\xput at emptystring
+  \else
+    \ifcsname xput at before@\xput at currentbeforepage\endcsname%
+      \xput at isbeforepagetrue
+      \csname xput at before@\xput at currentbeforepage\endcsname
+      \xput at isbeforepagefalse
+    \else
+      \xput at errmsg@undefined{before page}{\xput at currentbeforepage}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \xput at resetautogrid
+\newcommand\xput at beforepage{
+  \xput at closerows
+  \ifx\xput at pagecolor\xput at emptystring
+  \else
+    \begingroup
+      \margin=\xput at null
+      \topmargin=\xput at null
+      \bottommargin=\xput at null
+      \innermargin=\xput at null
+      \outermargin=\xput at null
+      \setgrid{{{1}}}
+      \ifx\xput at pagecolormodel\xput at emptystring
+      \else
+        \definecolor{tmpcolor}{\xput at pagecolormodel}{\xput at pagecolor}
+        \setpagecolor{tmpcolor}
+      \fi
+      \xput at putxput[1]{0}{0}{1}{1}{%
+        \begin{tikzpicture}%
+          \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+          \fill[\xput at pagecolor] (0,0) rectangle ++(\width,\height);
+        \end{tikzpicture}%
+      }
+    \endgroup
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at isemptypage
+  \else
+    \xput at putgraphpaper
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at setuppage{
+  \global\gutter=\gutter
+  \global\margin=\margin
+  \global\innermargin=\innermargin
+  \global\outermargin=\outermargin
+  \global\bottommargin=\bottommargin
+  \global\topmargin=\topmargin
+  \ifxput at grid\global\xput at gridtrue\else\global\xput at gridfalse\fi
+  \ifxput at graphpaper\global\xput at graphpapertrue\else\global\xput at graphpaperfalse\fi
+  \ifxput at safezone\global\xput at safezonetrue\else\global\xput at safezonefalse\fi
+  \ifxput at placeholder\global\xput at placeholdertrue\else\global\xput at placeholderfalse\fi
+  \global\let\xput at defaultborderwidth\xput at defaultborderwidth
+  \global\let\xput at defaultborderradius\xput at defaultborderradius
+  \global\let\xput at defaultborderopacity\xput at defaultborderopacity
+  \global\let\xput at defaultbordercolor\xput at defaultbordercolor
+  \global\let\xput at defaultshadowsize\xput at defaultshadowsize
+  \global\let\xput at defaultshadowopacity\xput at defaultshadowopacity
+  \global\let\xput at defaultshadowcolor\xput at defaultshadowcolor
+  \global\let\xput at defaultshadowxshift\xput at defaultshadowxshift
+  \global\let\xput at defaultshadowyshift\xput at defaultshadowyshift
+  \global\let\xput at pagegraphicoptionscale\xput at pagegraphicoptionscale
+  \global\let\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos
+  \global\let\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos
+  \global\let\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp
+  \xput at pagewidth=\pagewidth
+  \xput at pageheight=\pageheight
+  \xput at outerbleed=\ifdim\outerbleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\outerbleed\fi
+  \xput at innerbleed=\ifdim\innerbleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\innerbleed\fi
+  \xput at topbleed=\ifdim\topbleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\topbleed\fi
+  \xput at bottombleed=\ifdim\bottombleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\bottombleed\fi
+  \xput at outersafetymargin=\ifdim\outersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\outersafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at innersafetymargin=\ifdim\innersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\innersafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at topsafetymargin=\ifdim\topsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\topsafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at bottomsafetymargin=\ifdim\bottomsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\bottomsafetymargin\fi
+  \ifxput at haspages
+    \ifxput at twoside
+      \ifxput at leftpage
+        \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+        \global\xput at leftpagefalse
+      \else
+        \global\xput at rightpagefalse
+        \global\xput at leftpagetrue
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \xput at isinitgridfalse
+    \ifxput at beginleft
+      \global\xput at leftpagetrue
+    \fi
+    \ifxput at beginright
+      \global\xput at beginleftfalse
+      \global\xput at beginrightfalse
+      \global\xput at leftpagefalse
+    \fi
+    \ifxput at leftpage
+      \xput at haspagestrue
+      \global\xput at leftpagetrue
+      \global\xput at rightpagefalse
+    \else
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+        \global\xput at rightpagefalse
+        \global\xput at leftpagetrue
+        \setcounter{page}{0}
+        \xput at emptypage
+        \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+        \global\xput at leftpagefalse
+        \global\xput at haslastemptypagetrue
+      \else
+        \ifxput at hascover
+          \ifxput at fillpages
+            \ifxput at twoside
+              \global\xput at rightpagefalse
+              \global\xput at leftpagetrue
+              \setcounter{page}{0}
+              \xput at emptypage
+              \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+              \global\xput at leftpagefalse
+              \global\xput at haslastemptypagetrue
+            \else
+              \xput at haspagestrue
+              \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+            \fi
+          \else
+            \xput at haspagestrue
+            \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \xput at haspagestrue
+          \global\xput at rightpagetrue
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at setupcover{
+  \xput at isinitgridfalse
+  \xput at pagewidth=\ifdim\coverwidth=\xput at undefdim\pagewidth\else\coverwidth\fi
+  \xput at pageheight=\ifdim\coverheight=\xput at undefdim\pageheight\else\coverheight\fi
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+  \xput at innerbleed=\ifdim\coverinnerbleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coverbleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\innerbleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\innerbleed\fi\else\coverbleed\fi\else\coverinnerbleed\fi
+  \xput at topbleed=\ifdim\covertopbleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coverbleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\topbleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\topbleed\fi\else\coverbleed\fi\else\covertopbleed\fi
+  \xput at bottombleed=\ifdim\coverbottombleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coverbleed=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\bottombleed=\xput at undefdim\bleed\else\bottombleed\fi\else\coverbleed\fi\else\coverbottombleed\fi
+  \xput at outersafetymargin=\ifdim\coveroutersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coversafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\outersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\outersafetymargin\fi\else\coversafetymargin\fi\else\coveroutersafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at innersafetymargin=\ifdim\coverinnersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coversafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\innersafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\innersafetymargin\fi\else\coversafetymargin\fi\else\coverinnersafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at topsafetymargin=\ifdim\covertopsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coversafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\topsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\topsafetymargin\fi\else\coversafetymargin\fi\else\covertopsafetymargin\fi
+  \xput at bottomsafetymargin=\ifdim\coverbottomsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\coversafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\ifdim\bottomsafetymargin=\xput at undefdim\safetymargin\else\bottomsafetymargin\fi\else\coversafetymargin\fi\else\coverbottomsafetymargin\fi
+\newif\ifxput at pageoptiondouble
+\newif\ifxput at pageoptionfrontcover
+\newif\ifxput at pageoptionbackcover
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+\newdimen\xput at backcoverbottommargin
+\newdimen\xput at backcoverinnermargin
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+  /pagetype,
+  double/.is if=xput at pageoptiondouble,
+  front cover/.is if=xput at pageoptionfrontcover,
+  back cover/.is if=xput at pageoptionbackcover,
+  .unknown/.code=
+  /page/.is family,
+  /page,
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+  margin/.store in=\xput at pageoptionmargin,
+  margin=\margin,
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+  top margin=\topmargin,
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+  bottom margin=\bottommargin,
+  inner margin/.store in=\xput at pageoptioninnermargin,
+  inner margin=\innermargin,
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+  outer margin=\outermargin,
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+  color=,
+  page color/.code={\setpagecolor{#1}},
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+  back cover/.code={},
+  /backcover/.is family,
+  /backcover,
+  gutter/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptiongutter,
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+  margin/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionmargin,
+  margin=\margin,
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+  top margin=\topmargin,
+  bottom margin/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionbottommargin,
+  bottom margin=\bottommargin,
+  inner margin/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptioninnermargin,
+  inner margin=\innermargin,
+  outer margin/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionoutermargin,
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+  vpos=0.5,
+  hpos/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptionhpos,
+  hpos=0.5,
+  color/.store in=\xput at backcoveroptioncolor,
+  color=,
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+  page color=,
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+  page graphic=,
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+  back cover/.code={},
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+  \xput at gridhalign{\xput at backcoveroptionhpos}
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+    \setpagecolor{\xput at backcoveroptionpagecolor}
+  \fi
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+    \def\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp{\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicunsharp}
+  \fi
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+  \else
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+  \ifdefined\xput at backcovergrid
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+  \pgfkeys{/pagetype,#1}
+  \ifxput at pageoptiondouble
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+      \ifxput at pageoptionbackcover
+        \xput at backcover[#1]{#2}
+      \else
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+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
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+  \global\xput at placeholdercounter=0\relax
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+    \xput at setupcover
+  \else
+    \xput at setuppage
+  \fi
+  \xput at ispagetrue
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+      \begin{picture}(\xput at dimentonumber\paperwidth,\xput at dimentonumber\paperheight)
+    \fi
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+    \begin{picture}(\xput at dimentonumber\paperwidth,\xput at dimentonumber\paperheight)
+  \fi
+  \topmargin=\xput at topmargintmp
+  \begingroup
+    \ifxput at fanfold
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+        \ifxput at rightpage
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+        \fi
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+    \ifxput at backcover
+      \xput at applybackcoveroptions
+    \else
+      \xput at applypageoptions{#1}
+    \fi
+    \xput at putbeforepage
+    #2
+    \xput at putbleed
+    \xput at putgrid
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+    \xput at putsafezone
+  \endgroup
+  \ifxput at fanfold
+    \ifxput at rightpage
+      \ifnum\xput at tocfixpageoffset=-1
+        \addtocounter{page}{-1}
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+      \end{picture}
+      \ifnum\xput at tocfixpageoffset=-1
+        \addtocounter{page}{1}
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+\newcommand\xput at doublepage[2][]{
+  \global\xput at placeholdercounter=0\relax
+  \ifxput at twoside
+    \ifxput at haspages
+      \ifxput at leftpage\page{}\fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at beginleft
+        \ifxput at beginright
+          \page{}
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \page{}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \xput at ispagetrue
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+    \xput at setdimensions
+    \begin{picture}(\xput at dimentonumber\paperwidth,\xput at dimentonumber\paperheight)
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+      \xput at putbeforepage
+      #2
+      \xput at putbleed
+      \xput at putgrid
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+      \xput at putsafezone
+      \ifnum\xput at tocfixpageoffset=1
+        \addtocounter{page}{1}
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+    \ifxput at fanfold
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+      \xput at setdimensions
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+        \xput at applypageoptions{#1}
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+        \xput at putbeforepage
+        #2
+        \xput at putbleed
+        \xput at putgrid
+        \xput at putcuttingmarks
+        \xput at putsafezone
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+    \fi
+    \global\xput at isdoublepagefalse
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+    \xput at ispagefalse
+  \else
+    \xput at standardpage[#1]{#2}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at backcover[2][]{
+  \ifxput at hascover
+    \xput at errmsg@backcoverdefinedafterfrontcover
+  \else
+    \ifdefined\xput at tmpgrid
+      \let\xput at backcovergrid\xput at tmpgrid
+    \fi
+    \edef\xput at backcovercolor{\xputoptions at color}
+    \pgfkeys{/backcover,#1}
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+      \let\xput at backcoveroptionpagecolor\xput at pagecolor
+    \fi
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+        \let\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicscale\xput at pagegraphicoptionscale
+      \fi
+      \ifdefined\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos
+        \let\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphichpos\xput at pagegraphicoptionhpos
+      \fi
+      \ifdefined\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos
+        \let\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicvpos\xput at pagegraphicoptionvpos
+      \fi
+      \ifdefined\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp
+        \let\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicunsharp\xput at pagegraphicoptionunsharp
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifcsname xput at graphic@\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphic\endcsname
+        \csname xput at graphic@\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphic\endcsname[1]{}
+      \else
+        \def\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicfile{\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphic}
+        \def\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicscale{1}
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+        \def\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicvpos{0.5}
+        \def\xput at backcoveroptionpagegraphicunsharp{\xput at unsharp}
+      \fi
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+      \let\xput at backcovercontent\xput at currentcontents
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+    \else
+      \def\xput at backcovercontent{#2}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at frontcover[2][]{
+  \xput at ispagetrue
+  \xput at hascovertrue
+  \xput at setupcover
+  \setcounter{page}{0}
+  \global\xput at topmargintmp=\topmargin\global\topmargin=\xput at undefdim
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+    \global\xput at frontcovertrue
+    \xput at setdimensions
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+          \xput at applybackcoveroptions
+          \xput at putbeforepage
+          \ifdefined\xput at backcovertemplate
+            \xput at placeholdercounter 0\relax%
+            \let\xput at currentcontents\xput at backcovercontent%
+            \xput at backcovertemplate%
+          \else
+            \xput at backcovercontent
+          \fi
+        \fi
+        \xput at putbleed
+        \xput at putgrid
+        \xput at putcuttingmarks
+        \xput at putsafezone
+      \endgroup
+      \global\xput at backcoverfalse
+      \xput at resetautogrid
+      \xput at gridoffsetx=\dimexpr(\xput at pagewidth + \xput at outerbleed - \xput at innerbleed + \spinewidth)\relax
+      \xput at applypageoptions{#1}
+      \global\xput at placeholdercounter=0\relax
+      \xput at putbeforepage
+      #2
+      \xput at putbleed
+      \xput at putgrid
+      \xput at putcuttingmarks
+      \xput at putsafezone
+    \end{picture}
+    \global\xput at frontcoverfalse
+    \let\xput at backcovercontent\undefined
+  \else
+    \xput at setdimensions
+    \begin{picture}(\xput at dimentonumber\paperwidth,\xput at dimentonumber\paperheight)
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+      \xput at applypageoptions{#1}
+      \def\xput at currentbeforepage{}
+      \xput at putbeforepage
+      #2
+      \xput at putbleed
+      \xput at putgrid
+      \xput at putcuttingmarks
+      \xput at putsafezone
+    \end{picture}
+  \fi
+  \global\topmargin=\xput at topmargintmp
+  \xput at ispagefalse
+  \ifxput at leftpage
+    \xput at renderleftpage{#1}
+  \else
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \xput at renderleftpage{#1}
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \xput at renderleftpage[1]{#1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at rightpage
+    \xput at renderrightpage{#1}
+  \else
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \xput at renderrightpage{#1}
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \xput at renderrightpage[1]{#1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at renderleftpage[2][0]{
+  \begingroup
+    \xput at isdoublepagefalse
+    \xput at setdimensions
+    \xput at closerows
+    \ifnum#1=1
+      \xput at drymodetrue
+    \fi
+      #2
+    \ifnum#1=1
+      \xput at drymodefalse
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isbeforepage
+      \else
+        \xput at putgrid
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \endgroup
+\newif\ifxput at wasdoublepage
+\newif\ifxput at renderrightpage
+\newcommand\xput at renderrightpage[2][0]{
+  \xput at renderrightpagetrue
+  \begingroup
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \ifxput at isdoublepage
+        \xput at wasdoublepagetrue
+        \addtocounter{page}{1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \xput at isdoublepagefalse
+    \xput at rightpagetrue
+    \xput at leftpagefalse
+    \xput at setdimensions
+    \xput at closerows
+    \ifnum#1=1
+      \xput at drymodetrue
+    \fi
+      #2
+    \ifnum#1=1
+      \xput at drymodefalse
+    \else
+      \ifxput at isbeforepage
+      \else
+        \xput at putgrid
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \ifxput at fanfold
+      \ifxput at wasdoublepage
+        \xput at wasdoublepagefalse
+        \addtocounter{page}{-1}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \endgroup
+  \xput at renderrightpagefalse
+% templates
+\newif\ifxput at drymode
+\newif\ifxput at placeholderoptions
+\newif\ifxput at placeholdermode
+\newif\ifxput at isplace
+\xput at placeholderoptionstrue
+\newcount\xput at placeholdercounter
+\newcount\xput at contentcounter
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+\def\xput at setgridframe#1 #2 #3 #4 \\{
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+  \def\xput at framex{#2}
+  \def\xput at frameyy{#3}
+  \def\xput at framexx{#4}
+\def\xput at setdefaultgridframe#1 #2 #3 #4 \\{
+  \def\xput at defaultframey{#1}
+  \def\xput at defaultframex{#2}
+  \def\xput at defaultframeyy{#3}
+  \def\xput at defaultframexx{#4}
+  \xput at setgridframe #1 #2 #3 #4 \\
+\def\xput at resetgridframe{
+  \global\xput at isplacefalse
+  \pgfmathceil{\xput at frameyy}
+  \pgfmathint{\pgfmathresult}
+  \global\edef\xput at currentrow{\pgfmathresult}
+  \ifnum\xput at currentrow>\xput at frameyymax
+    \global\edef\xput at frameyymax{\xput at currentrow}
+    \global\def\xput at framexxmax{0}
+  \fi
+  \pgfmathceil{\xput at framexx}
+  \pgfmathint{\pgfmathresult}
+  \global\edef\xput at currentcell{\pgfmathresult}
+  \ifnum\xput at currentcell>\xput at framexxmax
+    \global\edef\xput at framexxmax{\xput at currentcell}
+  \fi
+  \pgfmathqparse{\xput at get{\xput at frameyymax C}pt>\xput at framexxmax pt}
+  \ifnum\pgfmathresult=1
+    \global\edef\xput at framey{\the\numexpr\xput at frameyymax-1\relax}
+    \global\edef\xput at framex{\xput at framexxmax}
+    \global\edef\xput at frameyy{\xput at frameyymax}
+    \global\edef\xput at framexx{\the\numexpr\xput at framexxmax+1\relax}
+  \else
+    \ifnum\xput at frameyymax=\xput at rowscount
+      \global\xput at gridfulltrue
+    \else
+      \global\edef\xput at framey{\xput at frameyymax}
+      \global\edef\xput at framex{0}
+      \global\edef\xput at frameyy{\the\numexpr\xput at frameyymax+1\relax}
+      \global\edef\xput at framexx{1}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \begingroup
+  \ifx#2\xput at emptystring
+  \else
+    \global\xput at isplacetrue
+  \fi
+  \def\xput at currentplaceholder{}
+  \ifnum#1=0
+    \global\advance \xput at placeholdercounter by 1
+  \else
+    \global\xput at placeholdercounter=#1
+  \fi
+  \xput at contentcounter 0\relax
+  \def\xput at tmp{\xput at currentcontents}
+  \xput at placeholdermode{1}
+  \xput at tmp
+  \xput at placeholdermode{0}
+  \xput at putcontent{
+    \ifx\xput at emptystring\xput at currentplaceholder
+      \ifxput at placeholder
+        \ifx#2\xput at emptystring
+        \else
+          \xput at setgridframe #2 \\
+        \fi
+        \xput at textboxheight=\dimexpr(\posy{1}{\xput at framey} - \posy{-1}{\xput at frameyy})\relax
+        \xput at textboxwidth=\dimexpr(\posx{-1}{\xput at frameyy}{-1}{\xput at framexx} - \posx{1}{\xput at framey}{1}{\xput at framex})\relax
+        \ifdim\xput at textboxwidth>\xput at textboxheight
+          \xput at placeholderfontsize=0.5\xput at textboxheight
+        \else
+          \xput at placeholderfontsize=0.5\xput at textboxwidth
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\xput at placeholderfontsize>1000pt
+          \xput at placeholderfontsize=1000pt
+        \fi
+        \xput at putxput{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}{%
+          \begin{tikzpicture}%
+            \pgflowlevelsynccm%
+            \filldraw[line width=0.1mm,draw=cyan!60,fill=cyan!30,opacity=0.3] (0,0) rectangle ++(\width,\height);
+            \ifdim\xput at placeholderfontsize>5mm
+              \node[opacity=0.3] at (0.5\width,0.5\height){
+                \fontsize{\xput at placeholderfontsize}{0pt}\selectfont\textcolor{cyan!60}{\textbf{\the\xput at placeholdercounter}}
+              };
+            \fi
+          \end{tikzpicture}%
+        }
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      \else
+        \ifx\xput at currentplaceholdertype\xput at placeholdertypeusetext
+          \ifx#2\xput at emptystring
+          \else
+            \xput at setgridframe #2 \\
+          \fi
+          \ifx\xput at currentplaceholderoptions\xput at emptystring
+            \xput at placeholderoptionsfalse
+            \csname \xput at currentplaceholdertype\endcsname
+            \xput at placeholderoptionstrue
+          \else
+            \csname \xput at currentplaceholdertype\endcsname[\xput at currentplaceholderoptions]
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifx#2\xput at emptystring
+      \else
+        \xput at setgridframe #2 \\
+      \fi
+      \ifx\xput at currentplaceholderoptions\xput at emptystring
+        \xput at placeholderoptionsfalse
+        \csname \xput at currentplaceholdertype\endcsname{\xput at currentplaceholder}
+        \xput at placeholderoptionstrue
+      \else
+        \csname \xput at currentplaceholdertype\endcsname[\xput at currentplaceholderoptions]{\xput at currentplaceholder}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  }
+  \endgroup
+\newcommand\xput at graphic[2][]{
+  \advance \xput at contentcounter by 1
+  \ifnum\xput at contentcounter=\xput at placeholdercounter
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholdertype{graphic}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholderoptions{}
+    \pgfkeys{graphic,file={#2},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,#1}
+    \ifcsname xput at graphic@#2\endcsname%
+      \csname xput at graphic@#2\endcsname[2]{#1}%
+    \fi
+    \edef\xput at currentplaceholder{\xput at graphicoptionfile}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at xput[1]{
+  \advance \xput at contentcounter by 1
+  \ifnum\xput at contentcounter=\xput at placeholdercounter
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholdertype{xput}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholderoptions{}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholder{#1}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at tikz[1]{
+  \advance \xput at contentcounter by 1
+  \ifnum\xput at contentcounter=\xput at placeholdercounter
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholdertype{tikzgraphic}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholderoptions{}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholder{#1}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at text[2][]{
+  \advance \xput at contentcounter by 1
+  \ifnum\xput at contentcounter=\xput at placeholdercounter
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholdertype{text}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholderoptions{}
+    \edef\xput at currentborderradius{\xput at defaultborderradius}
+    \edef\xput at currentborderwidth{\xput at defaultborderwidth}
+    \edef\xput at currentbordercolor{\xput at defaultbordercolor}
+    \edef\xput at currentborderopacity{\xput at defaultborderopacity}
+    \pgfkeys{text,name=default,color=\ifx\xput at pageoptioncolor\xput at emptystring\xputoptions at color\else\xput at pageoptioncolor\fi,border radius=\xput at currentborderradius,border width=\xput at currentborderwidth,border color=\xput at currentbordercolor,border opacity=\xput at currentborderopacity,#1}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholder{#2}
+  \fi
+\def\xput at placeholdertypeusetext{usetext}
+\newcommand\xput at usetext[1][default]{
+  \advance \xput at contentcounter by 1
+  \ifnum\xput at contentcounter=\xput at placeholdercounter
+    \edef\xput at currentplaceholdertype{\xput at placeholdertypeusetext}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholderoptions{#1}
+    \def\xput at currentplaceholder{}
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at rendertemplate[3]{
+  \xput at placeholdercounter 0\relax%
+  \global\def\xput at currentcontents{#2}%
+  \page[#1]{%
+    #3
+  }%
+  \expandafter\newcommand\csname xput at template@#2\endcsname[2][]{%
+    \xput at rendertemplate{#1,##1}{##2}{#3}
+  }%
+  \ifcsname xput at template@#2\endcsname%
+  \else%
+    \newtemplate[]{#2}{
+      \xput at gridsc{#2}
+    }
+  \fi
+  \csname xput at template@#2\endcsname[#1]{
+    #3
+  }
+\newcommand\xput at putcontent[1]{
+  \ifxput at drymode
+  \else
+    \begingroup
+    \ifxput at gridfull
+      \ifxput at isplace#1\fi
+    \else
+      #1
+    \fi
+    \endgroup
+  \fi
+\newcommand\xput at placeholdermode[1]{
+  \xput at placeholdermodefalse
+  \ifnum#1=0%
+    \renewcommand\graphic[2][]{%
+      \xput at putcontent{%
+        \def\xput at graphicoptionfile{##2}
+        \ifxput at placeholderoptions
+          \ifcsname xput at graphic@##2\endcsname%
+            \csname xput at graphic@##2\endcsname[2]{##1}
+          \else
+            \pgfkeys{graphic,file={##2},scale=1,vpos=0.5,hpos=0.5,unsharp=\xput at unsharp,##1}
+          \fi
+        \fi
+        \xput at putgraphic{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}{\xput at graphicoptionfile}%
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      }
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\xput[1]{%
+      \xput at putcontent{%
+        \xput at putxput{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}{##1}%
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      }
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\tikzgraphic[1]{%
+      \xput at putcontent{%
+        \xput at puttikz{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}{##1}%
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      }
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\usetext[1][default]{%
+      \xput at putcontent{%
+        \xput at putusetext[##1]{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}%
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      }
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\text[2][]{%
+      \xput at putcontent{%
+        \edef\xput at currentborderradius{\xput at defaultborderradius}
+        \edef\xput at currentborderwidth{\xput at defaultborderwidth}
+        \edef\xput at currentbordercolor{\xput at defaultbordercolor}
+        \edef\xput at currentborderopacity{\xput at defaultborderopacity}
+        \pgfkeys{text,name=default,color=\ifx\xput at pageoptioncolor\xput at emptystring\xputoptions at color\else\xput at pageoptioncolor\fi,border radius=\xput at currentborderradius,border width=\xput at currentborderwidth,border color=\xput at currentbordercolor,border opacity=\xput at currentborderopacity,##1}
+        \xput at puttext{\xput at framey}{\xput at framex}{\xput at frameyy}{\xput at framexx}{##2}%
+        \xput at resetgridframe
+      }
+    }%
+  \else%
+    \xput at placeholdermodetrue
+    \renewcommand\graphic[2][]{%
+      \xput at graphic[##1]{##2}%
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\xput[1]{%
+      \xput at xput{##1}%
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\tikzgraphic[1]{%
+      \xput at tikz{##1}%
+    }%
+    \renewcommand\usetext[1][default]{%
+      \xput at usetext[##1]%
+    }
+    \renewcommand\text[2][]{%
+      \xput at text[##1]{##2}%
+    }
+  \fi%
+\xput at placeholdermode{0}
+  \xput at isplacetrue
+  \xput at setgridframe #1 \\
+\xput at setdefaultgridframe 0 0 1 1 \\
+\newcommand\xput at emptypage{
+  \global\xput at isemptypagetrue
+  \page[before page=,page graphic=,page color=]{}
+  \global\xput at isemptypagefalse
+\def\xput at tocfixpageoffset{0}
+  \ifxput at fanfold
+    \ifxput at isdoublepage
+      \ifxput at rightpage
+        \global\def\xput at tocfixpageoffset{1}
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at renderrightpage
+        \global\def\xput at tocfixpageoffset{1}
+      \else
+        \ifxput at leftpage
+          \global\def\xput at tocfixpageoffset{-1}
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\xput at turbojobname{xputturbobatchoptimizexyz}
+\edef\xput at turbojobname{\meaning\xput at turbojobname}
+\edef\xput at jobname{\jobname}
+\edef\xput at jobname{\meaning\xput at jobname}
+  % fanfold toc partial fix
+  \let\xput at originalsection\section
+  \def\xput at nextsection#1{
+    \sectioncalled
+    \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\xput at originalsection*}{\xput at originalsection{#1}}}
+  \let\section\xput at nextsection
+  \let\xput at originalsubsection\subsection
+  \def\xput at nextsubsection#1{
+    \sectioncalled
+    \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\xput at originalsubsection*}{\xput at originalsubsection{#1}}}
+  \let\subsection\xput at nextsubsection
+  \ifxput at optimize
+  \else
+    \xput at isturbomodefalse
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at isturbomode
+    \ifx\xput at jobname\xput at turbojobname
+      \xput at placeholderfalse
+      \xput at gridfalse
+      \xput at safezonefalse
+      \xput at cuttingmarksfalse
+      \xput at fillpagesfalse
+      \xput at graphpaperfalse
+      \xput at preflightfalse
+      \xput at isbatchmodetrue
+    \else
+      \xput at start
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \ifxput at import
+      \xput at start
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifx\xput at pagegraphic\xput at emptystring
+    \ifx\xputoptions at pagegraphic\xput at emptystring
+    \else
+      \setpagegraphic{\xputoptions at pagegraphic}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at fanfold
+    \xput at covertrue
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at beginleft
+    \ifxput at leftpage
+      \xput at hasoddnumberofpagestrue
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \ifxput at rightpage
+      \xput at hasoddnumberofpagestrue
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifdefined\xput at backcovercontent
+    \xput at haspagestrue
+    \ifxput at haslastemptypage
+      \ifxput at hasoddnumberofpages
+        \xput at standardpage[before page=]{}
+        \xput at emptypage
+      \else
+        \xput at emptypage
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifxput at twoside
+        \ifxput at hasoddnumberofpages\page[before page=]{}\fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+    \xput at leftpagetrue
+    \xput at rightpagefalse
+    \xput at backcovertrue
+    \ifdefined\xput at backcovertemplate
+      \xput at placeholdercounter 0\relax%
+      \let\xput at currentcontents\xput at backcovercontent%
+      \def\xput at currentbeforepage{}
+      \xput at standardpage{%
+        \xput at backcovertemplate%
+      }%
+    \else
+      \def\xput at currentbeforepage{}
+      \xput at standardpage{
+        \xput at backcovercontent
+      }
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \ifxput at haspages
+      \ifxput at fanfold
+        \ifxput at isfanfoldopen
+          \ifxput at beginleft
+            \xput at standardpage[before page=]{}
+          \else
+            \xput at emptypage
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \ifxput at beginleft
+          \else
+            \xput at standardpage[before page=]{}
+            \xput at emptypage
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \else
+        \ifxput at haslastemptypage
+          \ifxput at hasoddnumberofpages
+            \xput at standardpage[before page=]{}
+            \xput at emptypage
+          \else
+            \xput at emptypage
+          \fi
+        \else
+          \ifxput at twoside
+            \ifxput at hasoddnumberofpages\xput at standardpage[before page=]{}\fi
+          \fi
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifxput at isbatchmode
+    \xput at batchoptimize
+  \fi
+% scripts
+\newread\xput at scriptresult
+\def\xput at batchlist{}
+\def\xput at ok{ok}
+\def\xput at err@shellaccessforbidden{errorshellaccessforbidden}
+\def\xput at err@importdirnotfound{errorimportdirnotfound}
+\def\xput at err@noimportdir{errornoimportdir}
+\def\xput at err@magicknotinstalled{errormagicknotinstalled}
+\def\xput at err@inkscapenotinstalled{errorinkscapenotinstalled}
+\def\preventunrestrictedshellexecution{";-)" \%}
+\newcommand\xput at getppi[1]{
+  \immediate\openin\xput at scriptresult={|xputserver \preventunrestrictedshellexecution getwidth\% "#1"}
+  \ifeof\xput at scriptresult
+    \xput at errmsg@shellaccessforbidden{Ppi not calculated}
+  \else
+    \endlinechar=-1
+    \read\xput at scriptresult to \xput at graphicwidth
+    \endlinechar=13
+    \ifx\xput at graphicwidth\xput at emptystring
+      \xput at errmsg@shellaccessfailed{Ppi not calculated}
+    \else
+      \ifx\xput at graphicwidth\xput at err@magicknotinstalled
+        \xput at errmsg@magicknotinstalled{Ppi not calculated}
+      \else
+        \pgfmathqparse{(\xput at originalgraphicwidth - \xput at cropleft - \xput at cropright) / \xput at originalgraphicwidth * \xput at graphicwidth pt / \the\width * 72.27pt}
+        \pgfmathint{\pgfmathresult}
+        \edef\xput at graphicdensity{\pgfmathresult}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \immediate\closein\xput at scriptresult
+\newcommand\xput at optimizegraphic[2]{
+  \immediate\openin\xput at scriptresult={|xputserver \preventunrestrictedshellexecution optimize\% "#1#2" \% "\xput at filename" \%\xput at optimizedext\%\the\numexpr\xput at originalgraphicwidth\%\the\numexpr\xput at originalgraphicheight\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropleft\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropright\%\the\numexpr\xput at croptop\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropbottom\%\the\numexpr\xput at density\%\the\numexpr\width\%\the\numexpr\height\%\xput at downsamplethreshold\%\xput at graphicoptionunsharp\%\xput at quality}
+  \ifeof\xput at scriptresult
+    \xput at errmsg@shellaccessforbidden{File not optimized}
+  \else
+    \endlinechar=-1
+    \read\xput at scriptresult to \xput at processresult
+    \endlinechar=13
+    \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at emptystring
+      \xput at errmsg@shellaccessfailed{File not optimized}
+    \else
+      \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at err@magicknotinstalled
+        \xput at errmsg@magicknotinstalled{File not optimized}
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \immediate\closein\xput at scriptresult
+\newcommand\xput at makeshadow[1]{
+  \immediate\openin\xput at scriptresult={|xputserver \preventunrestrictedshellexecution makeshadow\%#1\%\xput at defaultshadowsize\%\xput at defaultshadowopacity\%\xput at defaultshadowcolor\%\the\xput at frameshadowwidth\%\the\xput at frameshadowheight\%\the\xput at frameshadowframewidth\%\the\xput at frameshadowframeheight\%\the\xput at frameshadowborder\%\the\xput at frameshadowradius}
+  \ifeof\xput at scriptresult
+    \edef\xput at processresult{\xput at err@shellaccessforbidden}
+    \xput at errmsg@shellaccessforbidden{Shadow not created}
+  \else
+    \endlinechar=-1
+    \read\xput at scriptresult to \xput at processresult
+    \endlinechar=13
+    \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at emptystring
+      \xput at errmsg@shellaccessfailed{Shadow not created}
+    \else
+      \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at err@inkscapenotinstalled
+        \xput at errmsg@inkscapenotinstalled{Shadow not created}
+      \else
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \immediate\closein\xput at scriptresult
+\def\xput at start{
+  \immediate\openin\xput at scriptresult={|xputserver \preventunrestrictedshellexecution start\ifxput at import\%import\% "\ifdefined\Ginput at path\Ginput at path\fi" \fi\ifxput at isturbomode\%turbo\% "\jobname" \fi}
+  \ifeof\xput at scriptresult
+    \ifxput at import
+      \xput at errmsg@shellaccessforbidden{Import not working}
+    \fi
+  \else
+    \endlinechar=-1
+    \read\xput at scriptresult to \xput at processresult
+    \endlinechar=13
+    \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at emptystring
+      \ifxput at import
+        \xput at errmsg@shellaccessfailed{Import not working}
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at ok
+      \else
+        \ifx\xput at processresult\xput at err@noimportdir
+          \xput at errmsg@noimportdir
+        \else
+          \xput at errmsg@importdirnotfound{\xput at processresult}
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \immediate\closein\xput at scriptresult
+\newcommand\xput at addtobatchlist[2]{
+  \global\edef\xput at batchlist{\xput at batchlist\% "#1#2" \% "\xput at filename" \%\xput at optimizedext\%\the\numexpr\xput at originalgraphicwidth\%\the\numexpr\xput at originalgraphicheight\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropleft\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropright\%\the\numexpr\xput at croptop\%\the\numexpr\xput at cropbottom\%\the\numexpr\xput at density\%\the\numexpr\width\%\the\numexpr\height\%\xput at downsamplethreshold\%\xput at graphicoptionunsharp\%\xput at quality}
+\newcommand\xput at batchoptimize{
+  \immediate\openin\xput at scriptresult={|xputserver \preventunrestrictedshellexecution batchoptimize\xput at batchlist}
+  \ifeof\xput at scriptresult
+  \else
+    \endlinechar=-1
+    \read\xput at scriptresult to \xput at processresult
+    \endlinechar=13
+  \fi
+  \immediate\closein\xput at scriptresult
+% errors
+\def\xput at errmsg@undefined#1#2{
+  \ifx#2\xput at emptystring
+  \else
+    \ClassError{Xput}{Undefined #1 `#2'}{Check the name `#2'.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+  \fi
+\def\xput at errmsg@backcoverdefinedafterfrontcover{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{Back cover needs to be defined before front cover}{Define the back cover before the front cover.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@shellaccessforbidden#1{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{Shell access forbidden. #1}{Make sure `xputserver' is added to the list of shell escape commands\MessageBreak(shell_escape_commands = xputserver) in your `texmf.cnf'.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@shellaccessfailed#1{
+  \ifdefined\XeTeXversion
+    \ClassError{Xput}{Shell access failed. #1}{Make sure the xput `scripts' folder is added to your path.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+  \else
+    \ClassError{Xput}{Shell access failed. #1}{Make sure the xput `scripts' folder is added to your path.\MessageBreak Shell access does not work in unrestricted mode (--shell-escape).\MessageBreak Make sure `xputserver' is added to the list of shell escape commands\MessageBreak(shell_escape_commands = xputserver) in your `texmf.cnf'.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+  \fi
+\def\xput at errmsg@inkscapenotinstalled#1{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{Inkscape not installed. #1}{Make sure Inkscape is installed.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@magicknotinstalled#1{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{ImageMagick not installed. #1}{Make sure ImageMagick is installed.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@importdirnotfound#1{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{Import directory `#1' not found}{Create the directory `#1'.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@noimportdir{
+  \ClassError{Xput}{Import directory not found}{Create the directory `import' in your working directory\MessageBreak or define the shell variable `XPUT_IMPORT_DIRECTORY'.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+\def\xput at errmsg@lowdensity#1#2#3{
+  \ifnum#1=0
+    \ClassWarning{Xput}{The file `#2' has a low pixel density of #3 ppi}
+  \else
+    \ClassError{Xput}{The file `#2' has a very low a pixel density of #3 ppi}{Replace the image with one of higher resolution or reduce the display size.\MessageBreak\MessageBreak\@ehc}
+  \fi

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xput/xput.cls
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
     xifthen xii xii-lat xindex xindy-persian xint xintsession xistercian xits
     xkcdcolors xkeyval xlop xltabular xltxtra
     xml2pmx xmltex xmpincl xmuthesis xnewcommand
-    xoptarg xpatch xpeek xpiano xpicture xpinyin xprintlen xpunctuate
+    xoptarg xpatch xpeek xpiano xpicture xpinyin xprintlen xpunctuate xput
     xq xsavebox xsim xskak xstring xtab xtuthesis xunicode xurl
     xwatermark xyling xymtex xypic xypic-tut-pt xytree
   yafoot yagusylo yaletter yamlvars yannisgr yathesis yax yazd-thesis

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -3529,6 +3529,7 @@
  'tex4ebook'		=> '\.lua$',
  'texosquery'		=> '\.jar$',
  'tlcockpit'		=> '\.jar$',
+ 'xput'			=> 'xput$',

@@ -3663,6 +3664,7 @@
  'wordcount'		=> '\.sh$',
  'wheretotrim'          => '\.pl$',
  'xindex'		=> 'xindex\.lua$',
+ 'xput'			=> 'xputserver$',
  'yplan'                => 'yplan$',
@@ -4548,6 +4550,7 @@
         next if $s =~ /dtx(file)?gen/;
         next if $s =~ /(git-latexdiff|latexfileversion|ltxfileinfo)$/;
         next if $s =~ /pdf(book2|xup)/;
+        next if $package eq "xput";
         next if $package eq "pdfjam";
         next if $package eq "pdftex-quiet";
         next if $package eq "tikztosvg";

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc	2022-12-21 20:48:01 UTC (rev 65324)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -236,4 +236,5 @@
 depend worldflags
 depend xistercian
 depend xpicture
+depend xput
 depend xypic

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/xput.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/xput.tlpsrc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/xput.tlpsrc	2022-12-21 20:56:12 UTC (rev 65325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+binpattern f bin/${ARCH}/${PKGNAME}server

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