texlive[65277] Master: pdfmsym (15dec22)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Dec 15 21:42:42 CET 2022

Revision: 65277
Author:   karl
Date:     2022-12-15 21:42:42 +0100 (Thu, 15 Dec 2022)
Log Message:
pdfmsym (15dec22)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pdfmsym/README.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# PDF Math Symbols - pdfMsym
+## version 1.0.2
+The pdfMsym package provides mathematical symbols for PDF-dependent TeX compilers.
+Read the documentation (documentation.pdf) for more details.
+The pdfMsym package is provided under the MIT license.
+Compile the documentation via `pdftex pdfsym-doc.tex`.
+The pdfMsym package was created and is maintained by Slurp who can be reached via email: slurper04 at gmail.com
+Please report any bugs or issues with the package, doing so would be greatly appreciated.

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Added: svn:eol-style
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pdfmsym/pdfmsym-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pdfmsym/pdfmsym-doc.pdf
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pdfmsym/pdfmsym-doc.pdf	2022-12-15 20:42:42 UTC (rev 65277)

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+\input pdfmsym
+\font\scten  = cmcsc10
+\def\fakebold#1{\pdf at literal{2 Tr .2 w}#1\pdf at literal{0 Tr 1 w}}
+\def\scalebox[#1]#2{{\setbox0=\hbox{#2}\hbox to#1\wd0{\pdfliteral{q #1 0 0 #1 0 0 cm}\rlap{#2}\pdfliteral{Q}\hfil}}}
+\def\begincenter{\bgroup\leftskip=0pt plus 1fill \rightskip=\leftskip}
+\def\flip#1{{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\kern\wd0\pdf at literal{q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}\rlap{#1}\pdf at literal{Q}}}
+\font\sevenrm = cmr7
+\def\MatheX{Math\kern-.1ex\lower .6ex\hbox {E}\kern -.125emX}
+\def\LaTeX{L\kern-.36em{\setbox0=\hbox{T}\vbox to\ht0{\hbox{\sevenrm A}\vss}}\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\fontuse{\afterassignment\@@ \font\@@}
+\def\scalefont{\fontuse \curr at font scaled }
+%\def\title#1{\leavevmode\vskip.1\vsize\centerline{\fontuse cmcsc10 scaled 5000 \fakebold{#1}}\bigskip}
+\newcount\c at section
+\newcount\c at subsection
+\def\section#1{\bigskip\advance\c at section by 1 \c at subsection=0 \bgroup\fontuse cmbx10 scaled 2000 \the\c at section. #1\par\bigskip\egroup}
+\def\subsection#1{\medskip\advance\c at subsection by 1 \bgroup\fontuse cmbx10 scaled 1500 \the\c at section.\the\c at subsection. #1\par\medskip\egroup}
+    \bgroup\everypar={}%
+    \medskip%
+    \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup%
+    \global\dimen69=0pt%
+    \tt%
+    \catcode`\^^M=\active%
+    \def^^M{\egroup\ifnum\wd1>\dimen69 \global\dimen69=\wd1\fi\copy1\setbox1=\hbox\bgroup}%
+    \catcode`\ =\active%
+    \catcode`\{=12%
+    \catcode`\}=12%
+    \catcode`\/=0%
+    \catcode`\$=12%
+    \catcode`\\=12%
+    \catcode`\%=12 \setbox1=\hbox\bgroup}}
+    \egroup\egroup%
+    \hfil\hbox to \dimen69{\box0}\hfil\par%
+    \medskip%
+    %\let\@par=\par%
+    \egroup%
+    \catcode`\ =\active%
+    \catcode`\/=0%
+    \catcode`\{=12%
+    \catcode`\}=12%
+    \catcode`\$=12%
+    \catcode`\\=12%
+    \catcode`\ =\active%
+    \catcode`\/=0%
+    \catcode`\{=12%
+    \catcode`\}=12%
+    \catcode`\$=12%
+    \catcode`\\=12%
+    \catcode`\<=\active%
+    \def<##1>{$\langle${\it ##1}$\rangle$}%
+\def\macroexp#1{\par\smallskip\bgroup\leftskip=1cm\leavevmode\kern-1cm\macrousage \scantokens{#1}\emacrousageB:}
+\def\showcase#1#2{{\openup3\jot\halign{\tt\hskip 1cm\string##\hfil&\quad\hfil##\cr
+    \omit\tt\string#1: & $\displaystyle#1$\cr\noalign{\kern3pt\hrule\kern3pt}
+    \displaystyle & $\displaystyle #2$\cr
+    \textstyle & $\textstyle #2$\cr
+    \scriptstyle & $\scriptstyle #2$\cr
+    \scriptscriptstyle & $\scriptscriptstyle #2$\cr}
+\def\showcasevecc#1#2#3{\hbox to\hsize{\hss\vbox{\tabskip=5pt\openup3\jot%
+\halign{\tt\hskip 1cm\string##\tabskip=0pt\hfil&\quad##\hfil&\quad\hfil##\tabskip=5pt\cr
+    \omit\tt\string#1: & \tt\string#1 & \tt\expandafter\string\csname short\m at strip#1\endcsname%
+    \cr\noalign{\kern3pt\hrule\kern3pt}
+    \displaystyle      & $\displaystyle #2$      & $\displaystyle #3$\cr
+    \textstyle         & $\textstyle #2$         & $\textstyle #3$\cr
+    \scriptstyle       & $\scriptstyle #2$       & $\scriptstyle #3$\cr
+    \scriptscriptstyle & $\scriptscriptstyle #2$ & $\scriptscriptstyle #3$\cr}
+\def\showcasearrow#1#2#3#4{\hbox to\hsize{\hss\vbox{\tabskip=0pt\openup3\jot
+\halign{\tt\hskip 1cm\string##\tabskip=0pt\hfil&\quad##\hfil&\quad\hfil##\hfil\quad&\quad\hfil##\tabskip=5pt\cr
+    \omit\tt\string#1: & \tt\string#1 & \tt\expandafter\string\csname long\m at strip#1\endcsname &
+    \tt\expandafter\string\csname x\m at strip#1\endcsname\cr\noalign{\kern3pt\hrule\kern3pt}
+    \displaystyle      & $\displaystyle #2$      & $\displaystyle #3$        & $\displaystyle #4$\cr
+    \textstyle         & $\textstyle #2$         & $\textstyle #3$           & $\textstyle #4$\cr
+    \scriptstyle       & $\scriptstyle #2$       & $\scriptstyle #3$         & $\scriptstyle #4$\cr
+    \scriptscriptstyle & $\scriptscriptstyle #2$ & $\scriptscriptstyle #3$   & $\scriptscriptstyle #4$\cr}
+\def\showcaseaccent#1#2{{\openup3\jot\halign{\tt\hskip 1cm\string##\hfil&\quad\hfil##\cr
+    \omit\tt\string#1: & \cr\noalign{\kern3pt\hrule\kern3pt}
+    \displaystyle & $\displaystyle #2$\cr
+    \textstyle & $\textstyle #2$\cr
+    \scriptstyle & $\scriptstyle #2$\cr
+    \scriptscriptstyle & $\scriptscriptstyle #2$\cr}
+\hoffset=\dimexpr 2cm - 1in \relax
+\advance\hsize by -2\hoffset
+\advance\vsize by -2\voffset
+{\setbox0=\hbox{\fakebold{\pdfMsym}}\centerline{\hbox to8\wd0{\hfil\it version \pdfMsymversion}}}
+\centerline{\it S. Lurp}
+\centerline{\tt slurper04 at gmail.com}
+\centerline{\it December 15, 2022}
+\hbox to \hsize{\hfil\vbox{\hsize=.7\hsize
+The \pdfMsym{} package (the {\scten pdf} Math Symbols package)  was created as an extension to the math macros provided by \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}.
+It provides more obscure symbols not found in popular preexisting and reimpliments macros which were viewed as flawed.
+A big part of the package was implemented through \macroname\pdfliteral s and other {\scten pdf} primitives.
+So the \pdfMsym{} package is intended for use with {\scten pdf}\TeX, Lua\TeX, \xetex, and their \LaTeX{} counterparts.
+Unfortunately, some macros are not supported by \xetex.
+\section{An Introduction to \scalebox[2]{\fakebold\pdfMsym}}
+The main motivator for creating \pdfMsym{} was \TeX's poor implementation of the \macroname\overrightarrow{} macro which many
+times yields unsavory results.
+For example \icode \overrightarrow{\hbox{ABC}}/eicode{} yields:
+$$ \overrightarrow{\hbox{ABC}} $$
+As you can see, the arrow overlaps with the {\tt ABC} which is undesirable.
+This can be fixed by altering the \macroname\rightarrow{} macro, but I decided to make a more versatile alternative.
+The \pdfMsym{} alternative, \macroname\vecc{}, on the other hand yields:
+$$ \vecc{\hbox{ABC}} $$
+Along with a few other features, \pdfMsym{} provides a simple interface for creating your own style of arrows.
+\pdfMsym{} requires the current font size in order to properly scale its symbols, which must be provided after
+{\tt\string\input}ing {\tt pdfmsym.tex}.
+This can be done with the \macroname\pdfmsymsetscalefactor{} macro.
+If your font is 12pt then you can load \pdfMsym{} like so:
+\input pdfmsym
+It is {\it imperative} that you set the scale factor after loading {\tt pdfmsym} as otherwise almost none of the macros will
+\section{The Predefined Symbols}
+This section will simply be an exhaustive list of all the predefined symbols \pdfMsym{} provides.
+\subsection{Math Symbols}
+{\tabskip=10pt plus 5pt minus 5pt\openup3\jot\halign to \hsize{{\hsize=.45\hsize#}\hfil&\hfil{\hsize=.45\hsize#}\cr
+\vbox{\showcase\dwedge{A\dwedge B}}                         & \vbox{\showcase\dcup{A\dcup B}}\cr
+\vbox{\showcase\bigdwedge{A\dwedge\bigdwedge_{n=1}^N B_n}}  & \vbox{\showcase\bigdcup{A\dcup\bigdcup_{n=1}^N B_n}}\cr
+\vbox{\showcase\aint{f(x) + \aint_a^b g(x)\, dx}}           & \vbox{\showcase\divs{n\divs m}}\cr
+\vbox{\showcase\ndivs{n\ndivs m}}                           & \cr}}
+Additionally, \macroname\lightning{} is provided as a textmode command and renders \lightning.
+\subsection{Vector Symbols}
+Each vector comes as a pair: the normal form and the short form.
+The normal form is meant to cover longer material while the short form covers shorter material.
+The \macroname\constvec{} macro has the following usage:
+\macrousage \constvec<vector macro>{<material>} /emacrousage
+And it centers the {\tt vector macro} above {\tt material} as if it had the same height as {\tt x}, cropping anything above
+that height.
+So for example \icode \constvec\vecc{abc}/eicode{} yields $\constvec\vecc{abc}$.
+This macro cannot be used in \xetex.
+\subsection{Arrow Symbols}
+Each arrow comes as a triplet: the normal form, the long form, and the extendable form.
+The extendable form is similar to \macroname\xrightarrow{} and friends, an extendable arrow has the following use:
+\macrousage \xarrow{<top material>}[<bottom material>] /emacrousage
+And creates an extended arrow to fit both the top and bottom material.
+\showcasearrow\varrightarrow{A\varrightarrow B}{A\longvarrightarrow B}{A\xvarrightarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varleftarrow{A\varleftarrow B}{A\longvarleftarrow B}{A\xvarleftarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varrightharp{A\varrightharp B}{A\longvarrightharp B}{A\xvarrightharp{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varleftharp{A\varleftharp B}{A\longvarleftharp B}{A\xvarleftharp{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varleftrightarrow{A\varleftrightarrow B}{A\longvarleftrightarrow B}{A\xvarleftrightarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varleftrightharp{A\varleftrightharp B}{A\longvarleftrightharp B}{A\xvarleftrightharp{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varrightleftharp{A\varrightleftharp B}{A\longvarrightleftharp B}{A\xvarrightleftharp{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varmapsto{A\varmapsto B}{A\longvarmapsto B}{A\xvarmapsto{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varhookrightarrow{A\varhookrightarrow B}{A\longvarhookrightarrow B}{A\xvarhookrightarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varhookleftarrow{A\varhookleftarrow B}{A\longvarhookleftarrow B}{A\xvarhookleftarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\vardoublerightarrow{A\vardoublerightarrow B}{A\longvardoublerightarrow B}{A\xvardoublerightarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\vardoubleleftarrow{A\vardoubleleftarrow B}{A\longvardoubleleftarrow B}{A\xvardoubleleftarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varcirclerightarrow{A\varcirclerightarrow B}{A\longvarcirclerightarrow B}{A\xvarcirclerightarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\showcasearrow\varcircleleftarrow{A\varcircleleftarrow B}{A\longvarcircleleftarrow B}{A\xvarcircleleftarrow{ABC}[abc] B}
+\subsection{Wide Accents}
+Wide accents provide variants to the commonly used accents like \macroname\widehat{} and \macroname\widetilde.
+Unlike these accents, \pdfMsym's wide accents can grow arbitrarily large.
+{\tabskip=20pt plus 10pt minus 5pt\halign{{\hsize=.45\hsize#}\hfil&\hfil{\hsize=.45\hsize#}\cr
+\vbox{\showcaseaccent\varwidehat{\varwidehat{ABC}+D}} & \vbox{\showcaseaccent\varwidecheck{\varwidecheck{ABC}+D}}\cr}}
+\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\vbox{\tabskip=20pt plus 10pt minus 5pt\showcaseaccent\varwidetilde{\varwidetilde{ABC}+D}}\hfil}
+\subsection{Extendable Operators}
+Extendible operators extend to the width of the material in their limits.
+These operators should only be used in display mode, since they use the display modes of the operators.
+They are \macroname\suum{} and \macroname\prood{}:
+$$ \suum_{\hbox{abcdef}}^{\hbox{ABCDEF}} \qquad \prood_{\hbox{abcdef}}^{\hbox{ABCDEF}} $$
+These are not available in \xetex.
+\section{Defining Your Own Symbols}
+\pdfMsym{} provides an interface for creating your own mathematical symbols through the use of \macroname\pdfliteral s.
+This interface requires prior knowledege of drawing with PDFs.
+\macroexp{\@linehead at type{<pdf code>}{<width>}} This creates a ``linehead'' which is used to cap lines, like
+\macroname\@rarrow{} ($\@rarrow{.4}{2.5}$).
+{\it pdf code} is the actual code used to draw the symbol, and it should be noted that all necessary transformations to the
+linehead are done by \macroname\@linehead at type{} and should not be included in the code.
+This includes the setting of the width and transforming the coordinate system.
+The {\it width} is the width of the drawing of the {\it pdf code}.
+This macro actually accepts more parameters, but they're used internally and therefore aren't necessary to explain.
+Therefore the only use this macro should be for is defining line heads.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\@rarrow{} is:
+\def\@rarrow {\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 1 0 0 1 0 1.5 c 2 0 m 1 0 0 -1 0 -1.5 c S}{2}}
+The predefine lineheads are
+\icode \@rarrow, \@larrow, \@rharp, \@lharp, \@rdharp, \@rlharp, \@mapcap, \@rsarrow, \@lsarrow, \@backhook, \@fronthook, \@doublerarrow, \@doublelarrow, /hfil/break\@circlecap/eicode.
+\macroexp{\@vecc at def{<vector name>}<left cap><right cap>} This creates a vector macro, like \macroname\vecc.
+This creates both the normal and short variations of the vector.
+For example, the definition of the {\tt vecc} vectors is:
+\@vecc at def{vecc}\@linecap\@rarrow
+\macroexp{\@arrow at def{<arrow name>}<left cap><right cap>} This creates an arrow macro, like \macroname\varrightarrow.
+This creates the normal, long, and extendable versions of the arrow.
+For example, the definition of the {\it varrightarrow} vectors is:
+\@arrow at def{varrightarrow}\@linecap\@rarrow
+\macroexp{\@wide at accent{<pdf code>}} This creates a wide accent, like \macroname\varwidecheck.
+The width of the drawing by the {\it pdf code} should be $1$, and it should be filled not stroked (since the accent is
+transformed to stretch over the material beneath it).
+Again this macro should only be used to define wide accents.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\varwidecheck{} is:
+\def\varwidecheck{\@wide at accent{0 1.3 m .5 -.4 l 1 1.3 l 1 1.6 l .5 .3 l 0 1.6 l f}}
+\macroexp{\pdf at drawing@macro{<name>}{<pdf code>}{<width>}{<height>}{<horizontal skew>}{<depth>}} This creates a text mode
+symbol like \macroname\lightning.
+It is important that the {\it pdf code} fits inside the box created by {\it width, height,\/} and {\it depth} since the
+drawing is placed inside of an XForm and so anything outside the box will be cropped.
+The {\it horizontal skew} can be used to shift the symbol so that it fits horizontally inside the box.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\lightning{} is:
+\pdf at drawing@macro{lightning}       % The lightning symbol is drawn upright
+    {.86603 -.5 .5 .86603 0 0 cm    % and rotated 30 degrees
+    1 J 1 j .6 w
+    -3 10 m -3 4.133975 l 0 5.866025 l 0 0 l -1.125 1.5 l 0 0 l 1.125 1.5 l S}
+    {4.2pt}{10.5pt}{.5pt}{.9pt}
+\macroexp{\pdf at drawing@math at macro{<name>}{<pdf code>}{<width>}{<height>}{<skew>}{<depth>}<style scaling>} This creates a math
+mode symbol like \macroname\divs.
+The first few parameters are identical in use as \macroname\pdf at drawing@macro's, and {\it style scaling} is used to set the
+scaling for the symbol in different math styles.
+{\it style scaling} should be three groups: the first group is the scaling used in textstyle, the second in scriptstyle, and
+the third in scriptscriptstyle.
+Each of these scalings should consist of two components: the fractional scaling and the decimal scaling.
+So for example if we'd like to scale it by $0.6$ the scaling would be \icode {{6 /fslash 10}{0.6}}/eicode.
+This is necessary since \macroname\dimexpr{} doesn't play with decimals nicely, but \macroname\pdfliteral{} requires them.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\divs{} is:
+\pdf at drawing@math at macro{@divs}
+    {1.3 w 1 j
+    2.5 1 0 .1 re
+    2.5 5 0 .1 re
+    2.5 9 0 .1 re B}
+    {5.4pt}{10pt}{0pt}{.2pt}
+    {{1}{1}}{{7 /fslash 10}{.7}}{{11 /fslash 20}{.55}}
+\def\divs{\mathrel{\@divs}}     % Make divs a relation
+\macroexp{\putsym{<main symbol>}{<secondary symbol>}} This centers the {\it secondary symbol} over the {\it main symbol}, and
+can be used to create symbols like \macroname\aint.
+Note that doing this creates a symbol which acts like an Ord on the left side and whatever type of atom {\it main symbol} is
+on the right (glue-wise).
+So it may be necessary to add some math atom ``hackery'' around the \macroname\putsym{} in order to get the target glue.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\aint{} is:
+The \icode \mathop{}\mathclose{}/eicode{} makes it act like an Op on the left (the \macroname\mathclose{} removes any glue
+added on the right of the \macroname\mathop).
+Usually the definition is simpler, but this is slightly more complicated since \macroname\int{} has specially placed limits.
+Another example, this time the definition of \macroname\bigdcup{} is:
+\macroexp{\@wide at operator{<name>}<operator>{<first cut>}{<second cut>}} This creates an extendable operator of {\it operator}
+whose name is {\it name}, like \macroname\suum.
+{\it first cut} is a decimal value which is where on the width of {\it operator} to make the first slice, and similar for
+{\it second cut}.
+The extendable part of the new operator is the area between the two cuts.
+For example, the definition of \macroname\suum{} is:
+\@wide at operator{suum}\sum{.52}{.6}
+You can see where the slices are for a wide operator using the \macroname\@show at slices{} macro, for example
+\@show at slices{suum}
+$$ \@show at slices{suum} $$
+These macros are not available for \xetex.

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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+%              pdfMsym               %
+%      PDF Math Symbols Package      %
+%        Slurp December, 2022        %
+\def\pdfMsym{{\scten pdf}{\rm M}{\scten sym}}
+\def\m at strip{\expandafter\@gobble\string}
+    \def\@@ifnextchar{%
+        \ifx\@reg at D\@reg at A %
+            \expandafter\@reg at B%
+        \else%
+            \expandafter\@reg at C%
+        \fi%
+    }
+    \def\@ifnextchar#1#2#3{%
+        \let\@reg at A=#1\relax\def\@reg at B{#2}\def\@reg at C{#3}%
+        \futurelet\@reg at D\@@ifnextchar%
+    }
+\begingroup\lccode`\?=`\p \lccode`\!=`\t %
+\def\@ignorept#1.#2?!{\ifnum#2=0 #1\else \ifnum#1=0 \expandafter\@remzero\fi#1.#2\fi}}
+\def\@nopt#1{\expandafter\@ignorept\the\dimexpr #1\relax}
+\def\pdf at literal#1{\special{pdf:literal #1}}
+    \let\pdfxform=\saveboxresource
+    \let\pdfrefxform=\useboxresource
+    \let\pdflastxform=\lastsavedboxresourceindex
+\def\@normtrans/{0.996264 0 0 0.996264 0 0 cm}
+    \edef\@pdfmsym at ytrans/{0.996264 0 0 \@nopt{0.996264pt * \@font at scale} 0 0 cm}%
+    \edef\@pdfmsym at trans/{\@nopt{0.996264pt * \@font at scale} 0 0 \@nopt{0.996264pt * \@font at scale} 0 0 cm}%
+    \edef\@font at scale{#1 / 10}%
+    \pdfmsymsettransforms%
+    \math at sym@defs%
+\def\@@linehead at type#1#2#3#4[#5][#6]{\hbox to \dimexpr #4pt * #5 * \@font at scale\relax{%
+    \pdf at literal{%
+        q \@pdfmsym at trans/
+        0 #6 0 0 #6 0 0 cm
+        0 1 0 0 1 0 #2 cm
+        1 j 1 J #1 w
+        #3 Q%
+    }\hss}%
+\def\@linehead at type#1#2#3#4{%
+    \@ifnextchar[ {\@@linehead at type{#3}{#4}{#1}{#2}}%
+                  {\@@linehead at type{#3}{#4}{#1}{#2}[1][1]}%
+\def\@rarrow {\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 1 0 0 1 0 1.5 c 2 0 m 1 0 0 -1 0 -1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@larrow {\@linehead at type{2 0 m 0 0 l 1 0 2 1 2 1.5 c 0 0 m 1 0 2 -1 2 -1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@rharp  {\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 1 0 0 1 0 1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@lharp  {\@linehead at type{2 0 m 0 0 l 1 0 2 1 2 1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@rdharp {\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 1 0 0 -1 0 -1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@ldharp {\@linehead at type{2 0 m 0 0 l 1 0 2 -1 2 -1.5 c S}{2}}
+\def\@linecap{\@linehead at type{0 0 m 1 0 l S}{1}}
+\def\@mapcap {\@linehead at type{0 1.5 m 0 -1.5 l 0 0 m 1 0 l S}{1}}
+\def\@rsarrow{\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 0 1 l 2 0 m 0 -1 l S}{2}}
+\def\@lsarrow{\@linehead at type{2 0 m 0 0 l 2 1 l 0 0 m 2 -1 l S}{2}}
+\def\@backhook{\@linehead at type{.5 1 m .25 1 0 .75 0 .5 c 0 .25 .25 0 .5 0 c S}{0.5}}
+\def\@fronthook{\@linehead at type{0 1 m .25 1 .5 .75 .5 .5 c .5 .25 .25 0 0 0 c S}{0.5}}
+\def\@doublerarrow{\@linehead at type{0 0 m 2 0 l 1 0 0 1 0 1.5 c 2 0 m 1 0 0 -1 0 -1.5 c 2 0 m 4 0 l 3 0 2 1 2 1.5 c 4 0 m 3 0 2 -1 2 -1.5 c S}{4}}
+\def\@doublelarrow{\@linehead at type{4 0 m 2 0 l 3 0 4 1 4 1.5 c 2 0 m 3 0 4 -1 4 -1.5 c 2 0 m 0 0 l 1 0 2 1 2 1.5 c 0 0 m 1 0 2 -1 2 -1.5 c S}{4}}
+\def\@circlecap{\@linehead at type{0 0 m 0 .5 .5 1 1 1 c 1.5 1 2 .5 2 0 c 2 -.5 1.5 -1 1 -1 c .5 -1 0 -.5 0 0 c S}{2}}
+\def\vecc at w{.4} \def\vecc at hw{.2}  \def\vecc at skew{2.5}
+\def\vecc at displaystyle@s{1}       \def\vecc at displaystyle@sf{1}
+\def\vecc at textstyle@s{1}          \def\vecc at textstyle@sf{1}
+\def\vecc at scriptstyle@s{.8}       \def\vecc at scriptstyle@sf{8 / 10}
+\def\vecc at scriptscriptstyle@s{.6} \def\vecc at scriptscriptstyle@sf{6 / 10}
+\def\@@@vecc at type#1#2#3#4#5{%
+    \mathord{\mathop{\kern\z@#1}\limits^{%
+    \mkern\vecc at skew mu%
+    #2{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#4][#5]%
+    \cleaders\hrule height \dimexpr \vecc at w pt * #4 * \@font at scale\relax\hfill%
+    #3{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#4][#5]%
+    \mkern\vecc at skew mu}%
+\def\@@vecc at type#1#2{\@@@vecc at type#2{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at sf\endcsname}{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at s\endcsname}}
+\def\@vecc at type#1#2#3{\mathpalette\@@vecc at type{{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+\def\@vecc at def#1#2#3{%
+    \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1{\@vecc at type{##1}{#2}{#3}}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname short#1\endcsname##1{{\def\vecc at skew{0}\csname #1\endcsname{##1}}}%
+\@vecc at def{vecc}\@linecap\@rarrow
+\@vecc at def{lvecc}\@larrow\@linecap
+\@vecc at def{overrightharp}\@linecap\@rharp
+\@vecc at def{overleftharp}\@lharp\@linecap
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+\@vecc at def{overrightleftharp}\@ldharp\@rharp
+\@vecc at def{straightvecc}\@linecap\@rsarrow
+\@vecc at def{straightlvecc}\@lsarrow\@linecap
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+        #2{\smash{\pdfrefxform\pdflastxform}\vphantom{x}}%
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+    \def\@constvec#1#2{\@@constvec#1#2}
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+\def\arrow at skip{\mkern1mu}
+\def\xarrow at buffer{3}
+\def\@@@xarrow at type#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\mathrel{\arrow at skip%
+    \vcenter{\hbox{$#7%
+        #1{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#5][#6]%
+        \vrule width\dimexpr \xarrow at buffer pt * \@font at scale\relax height \dimexpr \vecc at w pt * #5 * \@font at scale\relax depth0pt%
+        \smash{\mathord{\mathop{\kern\z@\leaders\hrule height \dimexpr \vecc at w pt * #5 * \@font at scale\relax\hfill}\limits^{#3}_{#4}}}%
+        \vrule width\dimexpr \xarrow at buffer pt * \@font at scale\relax height \dimexpr \vecc at w pt * #5 * \@font at scale\relax depth0pt%
+        #2{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#5][#6]%
+    $}}%
+    \vphantom{\mathop{-}^{#3}_{#4}}% Fix vertical spacing
+    \arrow at skip%
+\def\@@xarrow at type#1#2{\@@@xarrow at type#2{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at sf\endcsname}{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at s\endcsname}{#1}}
+\def\@xarrow at type#1#2#3#4{\mathpalette\@@xarrow at type{{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+\def\@@@arrow at type#1#2#3#4#5#6{\mathrel{\arrow at skip%
+    \vcenter{\hbox{$#6%
+        #1{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#4][#5]%
+        \vrule width \dimexpr #3 * #4\relax height \dimexpr \vecc at w pt * #4 * \@font at scale\relax depth 0pt%
+        #2{\vecc at w}{\vecc at hw}[#4][#5]%
+    $}}\arrow at skip%
+\def\@@arrow at type#1#2{\@@@arrow at type#2{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at sf\endcsname}{\csname vecc@\m at strip#1 at s\endcsname}{#1}}
+\def\@arrow at type#1#2#3{\mathpalette\@@arrow at type{{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+\def\@arrow at def#1#2#3{%
+    \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\@arrow at type{#2}{#3}{1ex}}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname long#1\endcsname{\@arrow at type{#2}{#3}{3ex}}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname @x#1\endcsname##1[##2]{\@xarrow at type{#2}{#3}{##1}{##2}}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname x#1\endcsname##1{%
+        \@ifnextchar[ {\csname @x#1\endcsname{##1}}%
+                      {\csname @x#1\endcsname{##1}[]}%
+    }%
+\@arrow at def{varrightarrow}\@linecap\@rarrow
+\@arrow at def{varleftarrow}\@larrow\@linecap
+\@arrow at def{varrightharp}\@linecap\@rharp
+\@arrow at def{varleftharp}\@lharp\@linecap
+\@arrow at def{varleftrightarrow}\@larrow\@rarrow
+\@arrow at def{varleftrightharp}\@lharp\@rdharp
+\@arrow at def{varrightleftharp}\@ldharp\@rharp
+\@arrow at def{varmapsto}\@mapcap\@rarrow
+\@arrow at def{varhookrightarrow}\@backhook\@rarrow
+\@arrow at def{varhookleftarrow}\@larrow\@fronthook
+\@arrow at def{vardoublerightarrow}\@linecap\@doublerarrow
+\@arrow at def{vardoubleleftarrow}\@doublelarrow\@linecap
+\@arrow at def{varcirclerightarrow}\@circlecap\@rarrow
+\@arrow at def{varcircleleftarrow}\@larrow\@circlecap
+\def\accent at skew{.4}
+\def\accent at raise{.25}
+\def\@@@wide at accent#1#2#3{{%
+    \setbox0=\hbox{$#3#1$}%
+    \vbox{\offinterlineskip%
+        \ialign{##\cr
+            \hbox to \wd0{\hskip\dimexpr \accent at skew ex * \@font at scale\relax%
+                \pdf at literal{%
+                    q \@pdfmsym at ytrans/
+                    \@nopt{\wd0 - \accent at skew ex * \@font at scale} 0 0 1 0 -.5 cm
+                    #2
+                Q}%
+                \hss%
+            }\cr\noalign{\kern\accent at raise ex\relax}%
+            \box0\cr%
+        }%
+    }%
+\def\@@wide at accent#1#2{\@@@wide at accent#2#1}
+\def\@wide at accent#1#2{\mathpalette\@@wide at accent{{#2}{#1}}}
+\def\varwidecheck{\@wide at accent{0 1.3 m .5 -.4 l 1 1.3 l 1 1.6 l .5 .3 l 0 1.6 l f}}
+\def\varwidehat{\@wide at accent{0 0 m .5 .9 l 1 0 l 1 .3 l .5 1.6 l 0 .3 l f}}
+\def\varwidetilde{\@wide at accent{0 0 m .25 1.5 .45 1.1 .5 1 c .55 .9 .75 0 1 1.5 c 1 1.75 l .75 .5 .55 1.4 .5 1.5 c .45 1.6 .25 2 0 .25 c f}}
+\def\@@putsym#1#2#3{{\setbox0=\hbox{$#1#2$}\rlap{\hbox to \wd0{\hss$#1#3$\hss}}}}
+\long\def\@pdf at drawing@macro at def#1#2#3#4#5#6{%
+    \hbox to \dimexpr#3 * \@font at scale\relax{\hskip\dimexpr#6 * \@font at scale\relax%
+    \vrule width0pt height0pt depth\dimexpr#5 * \@font at scale\relax%
+    \vbox to \dimexpr#4 * \@font at scale\relax{\vss\pdf at literal{q \@pdfmsym at trans/ #2 Q}}\hss}%
+    \long\def\pdf at drawing@macro at def#1#2#3#4#5#6{{%
+        \setbox0=\@pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+        \pdfxform0%
+        \expandafter\xdef\csname @#1 at xformno\endcsname{\the\pdflastxform}%
+    }}
+    \long\def\pdf at drawing@macro#1#2#3#4#5#6{%
+        \pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+        \expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{\noexpand\leavevmode\noexpand\pdfrefxform\csname @#1 at xformno\endcsname}%
+    }
+    \def\math at drawing@get#1#2{\expandafter\pdfrefxform\csname @#1@\m at strip#2 at xformno\endcsname}
+    \long\def\pdf at drawing@macro#1#2#3#4#5#6{%
+        \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\@pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}%
+    }
+    \let\pdf at drawing@macro at def=\pdf at drawing@macro
+    \def\math at drawing@get#1#2{\csname #1@\m at strip#2\endcsname}
+\long\def\pdf at drawing@math at macro#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{%
+    \pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1 at displaystyle}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+    \pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1 at textstyle}
+        {\@secondoftwo#7 0 0 \@secondoftwo#7 0 0 cm #2}
+        {#3 * \@firstoftwo#7}
+        {#4 * \@firstoftwo#7}
+        {#5 * \@firstoftwo#7}
+        {#6 * \@firstoftwo#7}%
+    \pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1 at scriptstyle}
+        {\@secondoftwo#8 0 0 \@secondoftwo#8 0 0 cm #2}
+        {#3 * \@firstoftwo#8}
+        {#4 * \@firstoftwo#8}
+        {#5 * \@firstoftwo#8}
+        {#6 * \@firstoftwo#8}%
+    \pdf at drawing@macro at def{#1 at scriptscriptstyle}
+        {\@secondoftwo#9 0 0 \@secondoftwo#9 0 0 cm #2}
+        {#3 * \@firstoftwo#9}
+        {#4 * \@firstoftwo#9}
+        {#5 * \@firstoftwo#9}
+        {#6 * \@firstoftwo#9}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname @#1@\endcsname##1##2{\math at drawing@get{#1}{##1}}%
+    \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\expandafter\mathpalette\csname @#1@\endcsname{}}
+\def\math at sym@defs{%
+    \pdf at drawing@macro{lightning}
+        {.86603 -.5 .5 .86603 0 0 cm
+        1 J 1 j .6 w
+        -3 10 m -3 4.133975 l 0 5.866025 l 0 0 l -1.125 1.5 l 0 0 l 1.125 1.5 l S}
+        {4.2pt}{10.5pt}{.5pt}{.9pt}
+    \pdf at drawing@math at macro{@ndivs}
+        {0.4 w 1 j
+        0 3 m 5 7 l s
+        1.3 w
+        2.5 1 0 .1 re
+        2.5 5 0 .1 re
+        2.5 9 0 .1 re B}
+        {5.4pt}{10pt}{0pt}{.2pt}
+        {{1}{1}}{{7 / 10}{.7}}{{11 / 20}{.55}}
+    \def\ndivs{\mathrel{\@ndivs}}
+    \pdf at drawing@math at macro{@divs}
+        {1.3 w 1 j
+        2.5 1 0 .1 re
+        2.5 5 0 .1 re
+        2.5 9 0 .1 re B}
+        {5.4pt}{10pt}{0pt}{.2pt}
+        {{1}{1}}{{7 / 10}{.7}}{{11 / 20}{.55}}
+    \def\divs{\mathrel{\@divs}}
+% Thanks to Plante for this macro (it is a generalized version of the one found in TeX Pearls 2006 by
+% Bogusław Jackowski and Piotr Strzelczyk.
+% https://www.gust.org.pl/projects/pearls/2006p/boguslaw-jackowski/bachotex2006-boguslaw-jackowski-pearl1.pdf
+    \def\@@slice#1{%
+        \pdfxform\csname #1\endcsname%
+        \global\setbox\csname #1\endcsname=\hbox{\pdfrefxform\pdflastxform}%
+    }
+    \def\@inner at newbox{\alloc@ 4\box \chardef \insc at unt} % Non-outer \newbox
+    \def\@slice#1#2#3#4{{%
+        \setbox0=\hbox{#1}%
+        \expandafter\@inner at newbox\csname #2 at L\endcsname%
+        \expandafter\@inner at newbox\csname #2 at C\endcsname%
+        \expandafter\@inner at newbox\csname #2 at R\endcsname%
+        \global\setbox\csname #2 at L\endcsname=\hbox{\copy0 \kern\dimexpr #3\wd0 - \wd0\relax}%
+        \global\setbox\csname #2 at C\endcsname=\hbox{\kern-#3\wd0 \copy0 \kern\dimexpr #4\wd0 - \wd0\relax}%
+        \global\setbox\csname #2 at R\endcsname=\hbox{\kern-#4\wd0 \copy0}%
+        \@@slice{#2 at L}\@@slice{#2 at C}\@@slice{#2 at R}%
+    }}
+    \def\@show at slices#1{%
+        \hbox{\copy\csname #1 at L\endcsname\vrule width .1pt
+        \copy\csname #1 at C\endcsname\vrule width .1pt
+        \copy\csname #1 at R\endcsname}
+    }
+    \def\@wide at operator#1#2#3#4{%
+        \@slice{$\displaystyle#2$}{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+        \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{%
+            \mathop{\copy\csname #1 at L\endcsname \xleaders\copy\csname #1 at C\endcsname\hfill \copy\csname #1 at R\endcsname}\limits%
+        }%
+    }
+    \@wide at operator{suum}\sum{.52}{.6}
+    \@wide at operator{prood}\prod{.48}{.52}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pdfmsym/pdfmsym.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-15 12:41:31 UTC (rev 65276)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-15 20:42:42 UTC (rev 65277)
@@ -616,7 +616,8 @@
     pdf-trans pdfarticle pdfbook2 pdfcol pdfcolmk pdfcomment pdfcprot pdfcrop
     pdfescape pdfextra pdfjam
-    pdflatexpicscale pdflscape pdfmanagement-testphase pdfmarginpar pdfoverlay
+    pdflatexpicscale pdflscape
+    pdfmanagement-testphase pdfmarginpar pdfmsym pdfoverlay
     pdfpagediff pdfpages pdfpc pdfpc-movie pdfprivacy pdfreview
     pdfscreen pdfslide pdfsync
     pdftex-quiet pdftexcmds pdftricks pdftricks2 pdfx pdfxup

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2022-12-15 12:41:31 UTC (rev 65276)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2022-12-15 20:42:42 UTC (rev 65277)
@@ -2259,6 +2259,7 @@
  'pdfmanagement-testphase', '\.(lua|ltx)$|' . $standardtex,
  'pdftexcmds',	'\.lua$|' . $standardtex,
  'pdfscreen',   'overlay.*pdf|but.*pdf|left.*pdf|right\.pdf|pdfscreen.sty',
+ 'pdfmsym',	'pdfmsym\.tex$',
  'pdfslide',    '\.jpg|\.sty|\.clo|\.cfg|meta.*\.pdf',
  'pdfx',        '\.(def|dfu|icc|xmp)$|(glyph|Profiles).*tex|pdfx\.sty|ICC_LIC',
  'pdfxup',	'(template\.tex|\.xup)$',

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc	2022-12-15 12:41:31 UTC (rev 65276)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc	2022-12-15 20:42:42 UTC (rev 65277)
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
 depend outerhbox
 depend path
 depend pdf-trans
+depend pdfmsym
 depend pitex
 depend placeins-plain
 depend plainpkg

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pdfmsym.tlpsrc

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