texlive[65256] Master: scikgtex (12dec22)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Mon Dec 12 22:02:56 CET 2022

Revision: 65256
Author:   karl
Date:     2022-12-12 22:02:56 +0100 (Mon, 12 Dec 2022)
Log Message:
scikgtex (12dec22)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/LICENSE
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/LICENSE	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/LICENSE	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2022 Christof Bless
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/README	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    Christof Bless, christofbless at gmail.com
+    Scientific Knowledge Graph TeX (SciKgTeX) is a LuaLaTeX package which makes
+    it possible to annotate specific research contributions in scientific documents.
+    SciKGTeX will enrich the document by adding the marked contributions to PDF metadata
+    in a structured XMP format which can be picked up by Search Engines and
+    Knowledge Graphs.
+    More information on how to use the package can be found here: 
+    https://github.com/Christof93/SciKGTeX#readme
+    2.1.1 (13.11.2022)
+    This work is published under MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+    Copyright (C) 2022 Christof Bless

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/scikgtex/README
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.lua	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+RANDOM_SEED = math.randomseed(os.time())
+MATRIX_AND = {{0,0},{0,1}}
+MATRIX_OR = {{0,1},{1,1}}
+HEXES = '0123456789abcdef'
+local SciKGTeX = {}
+SciKGTeX.whole_string = ""
+SciKGTeX.properties_used = {}
+SciKGTeX.property_commands = {}
+SciKGTeX.mandatory_properties = {
+    'researchproblem',
+    'objective',
+    'method',
+    'result',
+    'conclusion'
+local XMP = {}
+XMP.lines = {}
+XMP.namespaces = {}
+XMP.property_ns = {}
+XMP.XMP_TOP = [[<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/">]]
+XMP.XMP_BOTTOM = [[</rdf:RDF>
+XMP.PACKET_END = [[<?xpacket end="r"?>]]
+local UUID = {}
+---------------------------- utilities -------------------------------
+-- performs the bitwise operation specified by truth matrix on two numbers.
+function BITWISE(x, y, matrix)
+  local z = 0
+  local pow = 1
+  while x > 0 or y > 0 do
+    z = z + (matrix[x%2+1][y%2+1] * pow)
+    pow = pow * 2
+    x = math.floor(x/2)
+    y = math.floor(y/2)
+  end
+  return z
+function INT2HEX(x)
+  local s,base,pow = '',16,0
+  local d
+  while x > 0 do
+    d = x % base + 1
+    x = math.floor(x/base)
+    s = string.sub(HEXES, d, d)..s
+  end
+  if #s == 1 then s = "0" .. s end
+  return s
+function get_output_dir()
+    if arg ~= nil then
+        for k,v in ipairs(arg) do
+            val, is_output_argument = v:gsub('%-%-output%-directory=(.*)','%1')
+            if is_output_argument > 0 then
+                return val
+            end
+        end
+        return  nil
+    end
+    return nil
+function read_header_of_file(path)
+    local fh = io.open(path, "rb")
+    if fh then
+        local first_line = assert(fh:read())
+        fh:close()
+        return first_line
+    else
+        print ("No xmp metadata file found!")
+        return nil 
+    end
+function extract_uuid_from_header(header)
+    return header:gsub('.*id=\"(.-)\".*','%1')
+function generate_UUID()
+    UUID:initialize('00:0c:29:69:41:c6')
+    return UUID:toString()
+function string:split(sep)
+    if sep == nil then
+        sep = "%s"
+    end
+    local t = {}
+    for str in self:gmatch("([^"..sep.."]+)") do
+        table.insert(t, str)
+    end
+    return t
+function spaces_to_underscores(s)
+    return s:gsub('%s+','_')
+function remove_environments(s)
+    s,c = s:gsub('\\begin%s*{.-}{.-}%s*','')
+    s,c = s:gsub('\\begin%s*{.-}%s*','')
+    s,c = s:gsub('\\end%s*{.-}%s*','')
+    return s
+function remove_any_latex_command(s)
+    s, c = s:gsub('\\%w+%s*%[%d*%]%s*{(.*)}','%1')
+    if c > 0 then
+        return remove_latex_commands(s)
+    end
+    s, c = s:gsub('\\%w+%s*{(.*)}','%1')
+    if c > 0 then
+        return remove_latex_commands(s)
+    end
+    s, c = s:gsub('\\%w+%s*','')
+    if c > 0 then
+        return remove_latex_commands(s)
+    end
+    return s
+function find_last_occurence(s, repls)
+    occurences = {}
+    for pattern, repl in pairs(repls) do
+        i, j = s:find(pattern)
+        if i ~= nil then
+            table.insert(occurences, {i,j,pattern})
+        end
+    end
+    table.sort(occurences, function(l, r) return l[1]>r[1] end)
+    if #occurences > 0 then
+        return occurences[1]
+    else
+        return nil
+    end
+function exhaustively_replace_last_occurence_of_pattern(s, repls)
+    last_occurence = find_last_occurence(s, repls)
+    if last_occurence ~= nil then
+        starts, ends, pattern = table.unpack(last_occurence)
+        to_replace = s:sub(starts,ends)
+    else
+        return s
+    end
+    new_string = s:sub(0,starts-1) .. to_replace:gsub(pattern, repls[pattern], 1) .. s:sub(ends+1)
+    return exhaustively_replace_last_occurence_of_pattern(new_string, repls)
+function remove_latex_commands(s)
+    replacements = {
+        -- contribution with * and []
+        ['\\contribution%s*%*%s*%[%d*%]%s*{.-}{.*}%s*'] = '',
+        -- contribution with *
+        ['\\contribution%s*%*%s*{.-}%s*{.*}%s*'] = '',
+        -- contribution with []
+        ['\\contribution%s*%[%d*%]%s*{.-}{(.*)}'] = '%1',
+        -- contribution normal
+        ['\\contribution%s*{.-}%s*{(.*)}'] = '%1',
+        ['\\uri%s*{.-}%s*{(.*)}'] = '%1',
+    }
+    for cmd, used in pairs(SciKGTeX.property_commands) do
+        -- []
+        replacements['\\'.. cmd .. '%s*%[%d*%]%s*{(.*)}'] = '%1'
+        -- normal command 
+        replacements['\\'.. cmd .. '%s*{(.*)}'] = '%1'
+        -- with * and []
+        replacements['\\'.. cmd .. '%s*%*%s*%[%d*%]%s*{.*}%s*'] = ''
+        -- with *
+        replacements['\\'.. cmd .. '%s*%*%s*{.*}%s*'] =''
+    end
+    s = remove_environments(s)
+    s = exhaustively_replace_last_occurence_of_pattern(s, replacements)    
+    s = remove_any_latex_command(s)
+    -- remove escape chars
+    s = s:gsub('\\','')
+    return s
+function uri_valid(s)
+    if s:find('http') ~= 1 then
+        return false
+    else
+        return true
+    end
+function resolve_entity(s)
+    -- make sure the entity is only resolved at the innermost of nested commands.
+    for _, cmd in ipairs(SciKGTeX.mandatory_properties) do
+        if s:find('\\' .. cmd) then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    if s:find('\\contribution') then
+        return false
+    end
+    uri, found = s:gsub('.*\\uri%s*{(.-)}%s*{.*}.*', '%1')
+    if found == 1 then
+        label = s:gsub('.*\\uri%s*{.-}%s*{(.*)}.*', '%1')
+        entity = string.format('<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"%s\"><rdfs:label>%s</rdfs:label></rdf:Description>', uri, label)
+        return entity
+    else
+        uri, found = s:gsub('.*\\uri%s*{(.-)}.*', '%1')
+        if found == 1 then
+            entity = string.format('<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"%s\"></rdf:Description>', uri)
+            return entity
+        else
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+---------------------------- UUID class methods  -------------------------------------
+-- hwaddr is a string: hexes delimited by colons. e.g.: 00:0c:29:69:41:c6
+function UUID:initialize(hwaddr)
+    self._bytes = {
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      math.random(0, 255),
+      -- should come from mac address
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(1, 2), 16),
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(4, 5), 16),
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(7, 8), 16),
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(10, 11), 16),
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(13, 14), 16),
+      tonumber(hwaddr:sub(16, 17), 16)
+    }
+    -- set the version
+    self._bytes[7] = BITWISE(self._bytes[7], 0x0f, MATRIX_AND)
+    self._bytes[7] = BITWISE(self._bytes[7], 0x40, MATRIX_OR)
+    -- set the variant
+    self._bytes[9] = BITWISE(self._bytes[7], 0x3f, MATRIX_AND)
+    self._bytes[9] = BITWISE(self._bytes[7], 0x80, MATRIX_OR)
+    self._string = nil
+  end
+  -- lazy string creation.
+  function UUID:toString()
+    if self._string == nil then
+      self._string = INT2HEX(self._bytes[1])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[2])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[3])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[4]).."-"..
+           INT2HEX(self._bytes[5])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[6]).."-"..
+           INT2HEX(self._bytes[7])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[8]).."-"..
+           INT2HEX(self._bytes[9])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[10]).."-"..
+           INT2HEX(self._bytes[11])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[12])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[13])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[14])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[15])..INT2HEX(self._bytes[16])
+    end
+    return self._string
+  end
+---------------------------- Main class methods -------------------------------
+function SciKGTeX:set_warning_level(wl)
+    self.WARNING_LEVEL = wl
+function SciKGTeX:warn(warning_message, ...)
+    if self.WARNING_LEVEL > 0 then
+        texio.write_nl("term and log", 
+                [[Package SciKGTeX Warning: ]] .. string.format(warning_message, ...))
+        texio.write_nl("term and log","\n")
+    end
+function SciKGTeX:error(warning_message, ...)
+    tex.error([[Package SciKGTeX Error: ]] .. string.format(warning_message, ...))
+SciKGTeX.command_factory = {}
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_top = [[\newcommand{\%s}[2][]{]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_top_star = [[\WithSuffix\newcommand\%s*[2][]{]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_top_override = [[\renewcommand{\%s}[2][]{]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_top_star_override = [[\WithSuffix\renewcommand\%s*[2][]{]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.directlua_part = [[  \directlua{
+    local content = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"
+    local belongs_to_contribution = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_annotation(belongs_to_contribution, '%s', content, 'annotation-id')
+  }]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_bottom = [[}]]
+SciKGTeX.command_factory.cmd_bottom_star = [[\ignorespaces}]]
+function SciKGTeX.command_factory:build_command(command_name)
+    full_cmd = self.cmd_top .. "\n" .. self.directlua_part .. "\n  #2\n" .. self.cmd_bottom
+    formatted_cmd = string.format(full_cmd, command_name, command_name)
+    for i, line in ipairs(formatted_cmd:split("\n")) do
+        tex.print(line .. "%")
+    end
+function SciKGTeX.command_factory:build_star_command(command_name)
+    full_cmd = self.cmd_top_star .. "\n" .. self.directlua_part .. "\n" .. self.cmd_bottom_star
+    formatted_cmd = string.format(full_cmd, command_name, command_name)
+    for i, line in ipairs(formatted_cmd:split("\n")) do
+        tex.print(line .. "%")
+    end
+function SciKGTeX.command_factory:override_command(command_name)
+    full_cmd = self.cmd_top_override .. "\n" .. self.directlua_part .. "\n  #2\n" .. self.cmd_bottom
+    formatted_cmd = string.format(full_cmd, command_name, command_name)
+    for i, line in ipairs(formatted_cmd:split("\n")) do
+        tex.print(line .. "%")
+    end
+function SciKGTeX.command_factory:override_star_command(command_name)
+    full_cmd = self.cmd_top_star_override .. "\n" .. self.directlua_part .. "\n" .. self.cmd_bottom_star
+    formatted_cmd = string.format(full_cmd, command_name, command_name)
+    for i, line in ipairs(formatted_cmd:split("\n")) do
+        tex.print(line .. "%")
+    end
+function SciKGTeX:make_new_command(new_property, namespace)
+    -- check if property already exists
+    if self.property_commands[new_property]~=nil then
+        self:warn([[Method newpropertycommand: Repeated definition.
+    Command %s already exists!
+    Are you sure you want to override it?]], new_property)
+        self:add_property(new_property, namespace)
+        self.command_factory:override_command(new_property, namespace)
+        self.command_factory:override_star_command(new_property, namespace)
+    else
+        self.property_commands[new_property] = false
+        self:add_property(new_property, namespace)
+        self.command_factory:build_command(new_property, namespace)
+        self.command_factory:build_star_command(new_property, namespace)
+    end
+function SciKGTeX:add_property(new_property, namespace)
+    new_property = self.XMP:escape_xml_tags(new_property)
+    -- check if property already exists
+    if self.properties_used[new_property]~=nil then
+        self:warn([[Method addmetaproperty: Repeated definition.
+    Property %s already added!
+    Are you sure you want to replace it?]], new_property)
+    -- if not make it known to the object
+    else
+        self.properties_used[new_property] = false
+    end
+    ns_prefix = self.XMP:extract_namespace_prefix(namespace)
+    self.XMP.property_ns[new_property] = ns_prefix
+function SciKGTeX:register_property(prop_type)
+    self.properties_used[prop_type] = true
+function SciKGTeX:warn_unused_command()
+    warning_message = [[No %s annotation found!
+    Are you sure you don't want to mark an entity with %s?]]
+    for i, p in ipairs(self.mandatory_properties) do
+        used = self.properties_used[p]
+        if not used then
+            self:warn(warning_message, p, p);
+        end
+    end
+function SciKGTeX:print_entity(uri, label)
+    if label ~= "" then
+        tex.print(string.format('\\href{%s}{%s}',uri , label))
+    else
+        tex.print(string.format('\\url{%s}',uri))
+    end
+---------------------------- XMP class methods -------------------------------
+function XMP:escape_xml_tags(s)
+    s = spaces_to_underscores(s)
+    s, i = s:gsub('[^%a%d%.-_]','')
+    if i > 0 then
+        SciKGTeX:warn([[Method escape_xml_tags: Forbidden characters.
+        Property %s can only contain letters, digits, underscores, hyphens and periods!
+        Forbidden characters removed.]], s)
+    end
+    s, i = s:gsub('^([Xx][Mm][Ll])','_%1')
+    if i > 0 then
+        SciKGTeX:warn([[Method escape_xml_tags: Forbidden characters.
+        Property %s can not start with xml!
+        Changed to _xml.]], s)
+    end
+    return s
+function XMP:escape_xml_content(s)
+    s = s:gsub('&', '&')
+    s = s:gsub('>', '>')
+    return s:gsub('<', '<')
+function XMP:add_line(...)
+    table.insert(self.lines, string.format(...))
+function XMP:add_paper_node(paper_iri) 
+    self.paper = {}
+    self.paper.contributions = {}
+    self.paper.id = paper_iri
+    self.paper.title = nil
+    self.paper.authors = {}
+    self.paper.researchfield = nil
+function XMP:add_contribution(key, contribution_iri)
+    local contribution = {}
+    contribution.properties = {}
+    contribution.id = contribution_iri:gsub("<(default_contribution)>", "ORKG_default")
+    self.paper.contributions[key] = contribution
+function XMP:extract_namespace_prefix(ns_arg)
+    if ns_arg == '' then
+        return nil
+    end
+    uri_and_prefix = ns_arg:split(',%s+?')
+    if #uri_and_prefix < 2 then
+        SciKGTeX:error([[Method addmetaproperty: No prefix found.
+    Unknown prefix, URI specification: %s.
+    Please specify the arguments as [prefix, URI]!]], ns_arg)
+        return nil
+    elseif #uri_and_prefix > 2 then
+        SciKGTeX:warn([[Method addmetaproperty: Too many arguments.
+    Too many arguments in prefix, URI specification: %s.
+    Excess arguments are ignored.]], ns_arg)
+    end
+    if not uri_valid(uri_and_prefix[2]) then 
+        message = [[Method addmetaproperty: Invalid URI.
+    The given URI %s is not a valid choice!
+    Please use a resolvable URI starting with 'http'.]]
+        SciKGTeX:error(message, uri_and_prefix[2])
+        return nil
+    end
+    -- add the namespace if it has not been added yet    
+    if self.namespaces[uri_and_prefix[1]]==nil then
+        self:add_namespace(uri_and_prefix[1], uri_and_prefix[2])
+    end
+    return uri_and_prefix[1] 
+function XMP:process_content(c)
+    c = self:escape_xml_content(c)
+    entity = resolve_entity(c)
+    if entity ~= false then
+        return entity
+    end
+    c = remove_latex_commands(c)
+    return c
+function XMP:property_has_namespace(annotation_type)
+    annotation_type_t = annotation_type:split(':')
+    if #annotation_type_t > 1 then
+        annotation_type = annotation_type_t[2]
+        prefix = annotation_type_t[1]
+    else
+        annotation_type = annotation_type_t[1]
+        prefix = nil
+    end
+    return prefix, annotation_type 
+function XMP:set_title(title)
+    self.paper.title = title
+function XMP:add_author(author)
+    table.insert(self.paper.authors, author)
+function XMP:set_researchfield(researchfield)
+    self.paper.researchfield = researchfield
+function XMP:add_annotation(contribution_ids, annotation_type, content, annotation_id)
+    local annotation = {}
+    -- check if a namespace is attached to the property specification
+    prefix, annotation_type = self:property_has_namespace(annotation_type)
+    annotation.content = content
+    annotation.id = annotation_id
+    annotation.type = self:escape_xml_tags(annotation_type)
+    -- take the prefix given, the prefix saved in the namespace dictionary or the default ns 
+    annotation.prefix = prefix or self.property_ns[annotation.type] or 'orkg_property'
+    -- register the use of the property in text
+    SciKGTeX:register_property(annotation.type)
+    -- check if the annotation was numbered
+    if contribution_ids == '' then
+        contribution_ids = '<default_contribution>'
+    end
+    contributions_ids_t = contribution_ids:split(',%s+?')
+    -- add the annotations at the specified contribution
+    for i, contribution_id in ipairs(contributions_ids_t) do
+        -- add a new contribution if it has not been added yet
+        if self.paper.contributions[contribution_id] == nil then
+            self:add_contribution(contribution_id, 'contribution_'..contribution_id)
+        end
+        -- add the property annotation to the list of properties of a contribution
+        -- check if the same annotation already exists (in case of double evaluation of the LaTeX command for example)
+        already_there = false
+        for _, prop in pairs(self.paper.contributions[contribution_id].properties) do
+            if prop.content == annotation.content and prop.type == annotation.type then
+                already_there = true
+                break
+            end
+        end
+        if not already_there then
+            table.insert(self.paper.contributions[contribution_id].properties, annotation)
+        end
+    end
+function XMP:add_namespace(abbr, uri)
+    self.namespaces[abbr] = uri
+function XMP:generate_rdf_root()
+    ns_key_array = {}
+    for ns, uri in pairs(self.namespaces) do table.insert(ns_key_array, ns) end
+    root_string = [[<rdf:RDF ]]
+    table.sort(ns_key_array)
+    for i, key in ipairs(ns_key_array) do
+        root_string = root_string .. "\n  xmlns:" .. key .. [[="]] .. self.namespaces[key] .. [["]]
+    end
+    root_string = root_string .. [[>]]
+    return root_string
+function XMP:generate_xmp_string(lb_char)
+    lb_char = lb_char or "\n"
+    if lb_char == "r" then
+        lb_char = "\r"
+    end
+    output_string = ""
+    sorted_contributions = {}
+    for cb_id, contribution in pairs(XMP.paper.contributions) do 
+        table.insert(sorted_contributions,cb_id)
+    end
+    table.sort(sorted_contributions)
+    self:add_line('<?xpacket begin="?" id="%s"?>',self.paper.id)
+    self:add_line(self.XMP_TOP)
+    self:add_line(self:generate_rdf_root())
+    --print(debug.traceback())
+    if self.paper then
+        self:add_line(
+            '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="https://www.orkg.org/orkg/paper/%s">',
+             self.paper.id
+        )
+        self:add_line('    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://orkg.org/core#Paper"/>')
+        if self.paper.title ~= nil then
+            self:add_line(
+                '    <orkg:hasTitle>%s</orkg:hasTitle>', 
+                self:process_content(self.paper.title)
+            )
+        end
+        for i, author in ipairs(self.paper.authors) do
+          self:add_line(
+            '    <orkg:hasAuthor>%s</orkg:hasAuthor>',
+            self:process_content(author))
+        end
+        if self.paper.researchfield ~= nil then
+            self:add_line(
+                '    <orkg:hasResearchField>%s</orkg:hasResearchField>',
+                self:process_content(self.paper.researchfield)
+            )
+        end
+        for i, cb_id in pairs(sorted_contributions) do
+            contribution = self.paper.contributions[cb_id]
+            self:add_line('    <orkg:hasResearchContribution>')
+            self:add_line(
+                '      <orkg:ResearchContribution rdf:about="https://www.orkg.org/orkg/paper/%s">', 
+                self.paper.id .. "/" ..contribution.id
+            )
+            for j, property in ipairs(contribution.properties) do
+                self:add_line(
+                    '          <%s:%s>%s</%s:%s>', 
+                    property.prefix,
+                    property.type, 
+                    self:process_content(property.content),
+                    property.prefix,
+                    property.type
+                )
+            end
+            self:add_line('      </orkg:ResearchContribution>')
+            self:add_line('    </orkg:hasResearchContribution>')
+        end
+        self:add_line('  </rdf:Description>')
+    end
+    self:add_line(self.XMP_BOTTOM)
+    self:add_line(self.PACKET_END)
+    return table.concat(self.lines, lb_char)
+function XMP:attach_metadata_pdfstream()
+    local xmp_string = self:generate_xmp_string()
+    local new_pdf = pdf.obj {
+        type = 'stream',
+        attr = '/Type/Metadata /Subtype/XML',
+        immediate = true,
+        compresslevel = 0,
+        string = xmp_string,
+    }
+    self.lines = {}
+    return new_pdf
+function XMP:dump_metadata()
+    local xmp_string = self:generate_xmp_string()
+    local dir = get_output_dir() or '.'
+    f = io.open(dir .. '/' .. tex.jobname .. '.xmp_metadata.xml','w')
+    io.output(f)
+    io.write(xmp_string)
+    io.close(f)
+luatexbase.add_to_callback('stop_run', function()
+    SciKGTeX:warn_unused_command()
+    if SciKGTeX.PRODUCE_XMP_FILE then
+        XMP:dump_metadata()
+    end
+end, 'at_end')
+--  Writing metadata packets
+luatexbase.add_to_callback('finish_pdffile', function()
+    if XMP.paper then
+        local metadata_obj = XMP:attach_metadata_pdfstream()
+        local catalog = pdf.getcatalog() or ''
+        pdf.setcatalog(catalog..string.format('/Metadata %s 0 R', metadata_obj))
+        --if SciKGTeX.PRODUCE_XMP_FILE then
+        --    XMP:dump_metadata()
+        --end
+    end
+end, 'finish')
+-- TODO: real identifier assigned
+-- get the id or generate UUID
+local output_dir = get_output_dir() or '.'
+local header = read_header_of_file(output_dir .. '/' .. tex.jobname .. '.xmp_metadata.xml')
+if  header ~= nil then
+    id = extract_uuid_from_header(header)
+if id == nil then
+    id = generate_UUID()
+    print('generate new id:', id)
+return SciKGTeX
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.lua
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.sty	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% scikgtex --- Scientific Knowledge Graph TeX (SciKgTeX) is a 
+%% LuaLaTeX package which makes it possible to annotate specific
+%% research contributions in scientific documents. SciKGTeX will 
+%% enrich the document by adding marked contributions to PDF
+%% metadata in a structured XMP format which can be picked up by 
+%% Search Engines and Knowledge Graphs.
+%% More information on how to use the package can be found here: 
+%% https://github.com/Christof93/SciKGTeX#readme
+%% Author: Christof Bless
+%% E-mail: christofbless at gmail.com
+%% Released under the MIT License 
+%% See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesPackage{scikgtex}[2022/11/13 v2.1.1]
+  \@ifnextchar\par
+    {\expandafter\ignorespacesandallpars\@gobble}%
+    {}%
+\directlua {
+  SciKGTeX = require('scikgtex')
+  \directlua{%
+    local new_property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    local ns = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
+    SciKGTeX:add_property(new_property, ns)%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \directlua{%
+    local new_property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    local ns = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
+    SciKGTeX:make_new_command(new_property, ns)%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:set_title(value)%
+  }%
+  #2%
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:set_title(value)%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_author(value)%
+  }%
+  #2%
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_author(value)%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:set_researchfield(value)%
+  }%
+  #2%
+  \directlua{%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:set_researchfield(value)%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \directlua{%
+    local label = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    local uri = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
+    SciKGTeX:print_entity(uri, label)%
+  }%
+  \directlua{%
+    local contrib_n = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
+    local property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#3}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_annotation(contrib_n, property, value, 'annotation-id')%
+  }%
+  #3%
+  \directlua{%
+    local contrib_n = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#1}}"%
+    local property = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"%
+    local value = "\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#3}}"%
+    SciKGTeX.XMP:add_annotation(contrib_n, property, value, 'annotation-id')%
+  }%
+  \ignorespaces
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Christof Bless <christofbless at gmail.com>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the MIT License.
+%% This work consists of the file scikgtex.sty
+%% and the lua file               scikgtex.lua.
+%% End of file `scikgtex.sty'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/scikgtex/scikgtex.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-12 21:02:03 UTC (rev 65255)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
     schedule schemabloc schemata schola-otf scholax schooldocs
     schulmathematik sclang-prettifier
     schule schulschriften schwalbe-chess
-    sciposter scientific-thesis-cover scontents
+    scikgtex sciposter scientific-thesis-cover scontents
     scrambledenvs scratch scratch3 scratchx screenplay screenplay-pkg
     scripture scrjrnl scrlayer-fancyhdr scrlttr2copy scsnowman
     sdaps sdrt sduthesis

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc	2022-12-12 21:02:03 UTC (rev 65255)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc	2022-12-12 21:02:56 UTC (rev 65256)
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
 depend placeat
 depend plantuml
 depend pyluatex
+depend scikgtex
 depend selnolig
 depend showhyphenation
 depend showkerning

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/scikgtex.tlpsrc

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