texlive[57293] Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr:

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Jan 2 23:02:58 CET 2021

Revision: 57293
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-01-02 23:02:58 +0100 (Sat, 02 Jan 2021)
Log Message:
latex-doc-ptr (2jan21)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/LICENSE
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/LICENSE	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/LICENSE	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This material, called latex-doc-ptr, is Public Domain.
+2020-Dec-31  Jim Hefferon, Karl Berry
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/Makefile
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/Makefile	2021-01-02 21:59:43 UTC (rev 57292)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/Makefile	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -1,2 +1,70 @@
-latex-doc-ptr.pdf: latex-doc-ptr.tex latex-doc-ptr.sty
+# Makefile
+#  For latex-doc-ptr.
+# 2020-Dec-31 Jim Hefferon
+latex-doc-ptr.pdf: latex-doc-ptr.tex latex-doc-ptr.sty dash.sty
 	pdflatex --file-line-error --interaction=nonstopmode $<
+latex-doc-ptr.html: latex-doc-ptr.tex latex-doc-ptr.sty dash.sty
+	make4ht latex-doc-ptr.tex 
+	cp latex-doc-ptr.css.bak latex-doc-ptr.css
+        # Get subsections headers
+	awk -f massage_html.awk <latex-doc-ptr.html > latex-doc-ptr-massaged.html 
+	# Correct lost ligatures (all very fragile, but I can't grok tex4ht)
+	sed -e 's/>\Wname\W</>name</' \
+            -e 's/also available o\W*ine/also available offline/' \
+	    -e 's/\W*nd them by/find them by/' \
+	    -e 's/uno\W*cial reference/unofficial reference/' \
+	    -e 's/Many web pages o\W*er quick help with/Many web pages offer quick help with/' \
+	    -e 's/You are likely to \W*nd an answer/You are likely to find an answer/' \
+	    -e 's/has the latest o\W*cial versions/has the latest official versions/' \
+	    -e 's/If you have trouble \W*nding something/\n<p>If you have trouble finding something/' \
+	    -e 's/any document containing signi\W*cant amounts of mathematics/any document containing significant amounts of mathematics/' \
+	    -e 's/control \W*oating environments/control floating environments/' \
+	    -e 's/override automatic \W*oat placement/override automatic float placement/' \
+	    -e 's/cause issues \W what if/cause issues\ \— what if/' \
+	    -e 's/left? \W but it/left?\ \— but it/' \
+	    -e 's/and \W*le paths that can break/and file paths that can break/' \
+	    -e 's/The \W*rst/The first/' \
+	    -e 's/which lets you de\W*ne your own/which lets you define your own/' \
+	    -e 's/scienti\W*c units,/scientific units,/' \
+	    -e 's/often want to generate \W*ller text./often want to generate filler text./' \
+	    -e 's/give the \W*le name without/give the file name without/' \
+	    -e 's/lists of \W*gures/lists of figures/' \
+	    -e 's/to an external \W*le/to an external file/' \
+	    -e 's/via a completely di\W*erent/via a completely different/' \
+	    -e 's/as \W*la-tech\W* or \W*lay-tech,\W*/as \'la-tech\' or \'lay-tech\', /' \
+	    -e 's/as as \Wla-tech\W or \Wlay-tech,\W apos;la-techas \Wla-tech\W or \Wlay-tech,\W apos; or as \Wla-tech\W or \Wlay-tech,\W apos;lay-techas \Wla-tech\W or \Wlay-tech,\W apos;,/as \'la-tech' or \'lay-tech\', /' \
+	    -e 's/We prefer the \Wrst,/We prefer the first,/' \
+	    -e 's/the \Wrst syllable./the first syllable./'  \
+            < latex-doc-ptr-massaged.html > latex-doc-ptr-massaged-ligs.html
+	# Correct lost paragraphs inside subsections
+	sed -e 's/Many people use/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/If you have trouble/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/As referred to above,/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Also, include/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Enhance captions/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Get hyperlinks/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Inside verbatim/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/If you use Python,/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Make boxes that/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Use <a/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Finally, when/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/To include/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/In your plots/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/For footnotes,/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/Bibliographies are/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/There are many/<p>&/' \
+	    -e 's/To make presentations,/<p>&/' < latex-doc-ptr-massaged-ligs.html > latex-doc-ptr-massaged-pars.html
+	# Correct misc
+	sed -e 's/X  E </Xe</' \
+	    -e 's/Books  <\/span><p>/Books  <\/span>/' \
+	    -e 's/filler text. <p>/filler text. /' \
+        < latex-doc-ptr-massaged-pars.html > latex-doc-ptr-massaged-misc.html
+	# Bring it back to latex-doc-ptr.html
+	cp latex-doc-ptr-massaged-misc.html latex-doc-ptr.html 
+	rm latex-doc-ptr-massaged-ligs.html \
+           latex-doc-ptr-massaged-pars.html \
+           latex-doc-ptr-massaged-misc.html
+all: latex-doc-ptr.pdf latex-doc-ptr.html

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/README	2021-01-02 21:59:43 UTC (rev 57292)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/README	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -1,20 +1,44 @@
-This is intended as the document that comes up when a person runs 
+  This is intended as the document that comes up when a person runs 
 'texdoc latex'.  The idea is that an exhaustive reference for LaTeX
 is not what the overwhelming majority of users would find useful at
-that point.  So instead, in addition to naming such a reference,
-it points to a selection of docs that may be of value to a variety
-of users.
+that point.  Instead, it gives a selection of resources, for a
+variety of users.
-See also http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/first-latex-doc .
+  See also http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/first-latex-doc .
   public domain
+  If you have a recent TeX distribution,
+    pdflatex latex-doc-ptr
+should do nicely.
+  My version of TeX is old, so I have some trouble with tex4ht.  If you
+are in my situation then try the Makefile, which does a lot of hacking.
+1) My version of make4ht requires that I change
+    \def\IfFileExists#1#2#3{%
+    \long\def\IfFileExists#1#2#3{%
+in a local copy of tex4ht.sty.  See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/423729/339  
+2) Repo is here.
+  https://gitlab.com/jim.hefferon/latex-doc-ptr
 Comments to:
-  Jim Hefferon  email ftpmaint at tug.ctan.org
+  Jim Hefferon  email jhefferon at smcvt.edu
+  2021-Jan-02 JH, KB  Merged with another doc, first-packages.
   2009-Mar-24 Jim Hefferon, Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard, Karl Berry

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/dash.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/dash.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/dash.sty	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Dash code stolen from tugboat.dtx
+\def\thinskip{\hskip 0.16667em\relax}
+\def\d at sh#1#2{\unskip#1\thinskip#2\thinskip\ignorespaces}
+\def\dash{\d at sh\nobreak\endash}
+\def\Dash{\d at sh\nobreak\emdash}
+\def\ldash{\d at sh\empty{\hbox{\endash}\nobreak}}
+\def\rdash{\d at sh\nobreak\endash}
+\def\Ldash{\d at sh\empty{\hbox{\emdash}\nobreak}}
+\def\Rdash{\d at sh\nobreak\emdash}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/dash.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.css
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.css	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.css	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+/* start css.sty */
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+span.footnote-mark sup.textsuperscript, span.footnote-mark a sup.textsuperscript{ font-size:80%; }
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+td.td10{ padding-left:5pt; padding-right:0pt; }
+td.td11{ padding-left:5pt; padding-right:5pt; }
+table[rules] {border-left:solid black 0.4pt; border-right:solid black 0.4pt; }
+.hline hr, .cline hr{ height : 1px; margin:0px; }
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+table.equation {width:100%;}
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+td.equation { margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:1em; } 
+td.equation-label { width:5%; text-align:center; }
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+td.eqnarray2 { width:5%; }
+table.eqnarray-star, table.eqnarray {width:100%;}
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+table.pmatrix {width:100%;}
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+div.pmatrix {text-align:center;}
+table.pmatrix {width:100%;}
+span.bar-css {text-decoration:overline;}
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+div.caption {text-indent:-2em; margin-left:3em; margin-right:1em; text-align:left;}
+div.caption span.id{font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; }
+h1.partHead{text-align: center}
+p.bibitem { text-indent: -2em; margin-left: 2em; margin-top:0.6em; margin-bottom:0.6em; }
+p.bibitem-p { text-indent: 0em; margin-left: 2em; margin-top:0.6em; margin-bottom:0.6em; }
+.paragraphHead, .likeparagraphHead { margin-top:2em; font-weight: bold;}
+.subparagraphHead, .likesubparagraphHead { font-weight: bold;}
+.quote {margin-bottom:0.25em; margin-top:0.25em; margin-left:1em; margin-right:1em; text-align:justify;}
+.verse{white-space:nowrap; margin-left:2em}
+div.maketitle {text-align:center;}
+div.maketitle{ margin-bottom: 2em; }
+div.author, div.date {text-align:center;}
+div.thanks{text-align:left; margin-left:10%; font-size:85%; font-style:italic; }
+div.author{white-space: nowrap;}
+.quotation {margin-bottom:0.25em; margin-top:0.25em; margin-left:1em; }
+.abstract p {margin-left:5%; margin-right:5%;}
+div.abstract {width:100%;}
+.figure img.graphics {margin-left:10%;}
+.lstlisting .label{margin-right:0.5em; }
+div.lstlisting{font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap; margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; }
+div.lstinputlisting{ font-family: monospace; white-space: nowrap; }
+.lstinputlisting .label{margin-right:0.5em;}
+.columns-2 p:first-child { margin-top: 0em; }
+/* .columns-2{-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -moz-column-gap: 27.2197pt; -webkit-column-gap: 27.2197pt; column-gap: 27.2197pt; -moz-column-rule-width: 0.0pt; -webkit-column-rule-width: 0.0pt; column-rule-rule-width: 0.0pt; -moz-column-rule-color: #555;; -webkit-column-rule-color: #555;; column-rule-color: #555;; -moz-column-rule-style: outset; -webkit-column-rule-style: outset; column-rule-style: outset; -moz-column-fill: balance; -webkit-column-fill: balance; column-fill: balance; } */
+/* end css.sty */
+/* added JH */
+/* Adjust the generated defs */
+.Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-172 {font-size:156%;
+			       font-weight: bold;} /* doc title in bold */
+.Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109 {margin-top:2em;
+			      font-weight: bold;
+			      margin-right: 0.25em} /* run-in subsection name */
+p.indent{ text-indent: 0em } /* make all paragraphs un-indented */
+a { text-decoration: none; } /* remove underlines, since below LaTeX is ugly*/
+.Spectral-LightItalic-osf-t-1x-x-109 { font-style: italic;
+	                      } /* make "name" in `texdoc name' */

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.css
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.html
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.html	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> 
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
+  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">  
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"  
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> 
+<meta name="generator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.tug.org/tex4ht/)" /> 
+<meta name="originator" content="TeX4ht (http://www.tug.org/tex4ht/)" /> 
+<!-- xhtml,html --> 
+<meta name="src" content="latex-doc-ptr.tex" /> 
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="latex-doc-ptr.css" /> 
+<div class="center" 
+<!--l. 6--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7--><p class="noindent" ><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-172">A First Set of </span><span class="LATEX"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-172">L</span><span class="A"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-172">A</span></span><span class="TEX"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-172">X</span></span></span> <span 
+   <div class="columns-2">
+<!--l. 17--><p class="indent" >   This page suggests documentation, add-on components, and other resources for a beginning <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+</p><!--l. 20--><p class="indent" >   The links here are to freely available materials, so you can click to see the documentation online. Where
+the documentation is also available offline in a typical <span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> installation, we provide its name as an end note.
+View it by running `<span 
+class="ectt-1095">texdoc </span><span 
+class="Spectral-LightItalic-lf-t-1x-x-109">name</span>' in a terminal.
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-1000"></a>Starting</h3>
+<!--l. 32--><p class="noindent" >To run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, you must use an online service or install a distribution. Online services are commercial;
+find them by entering `online latex' in a search engine. For distributions, your choices are <a 
+href="https://tug.org/texlive/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live</a> on a
+Unix system, including GNU/Linux, or on Windows, or the related <a 
+href="https://tug.org/mactex/" >Mac<span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></a> on Macintosh, or <a 
+href="https://miktex.org/" >MiK<span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></a> on
+Windows or a Unix system.
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Tutorials  </span>The site <a 
+href="https://www.learnlatex.org/" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">learnlatex.org</span></a> teaches you the basics in a sound way, and also lets you play with the
+commands to see the results. For a more traditional document, the most widely recommended one is <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/lshort-english" >The
+Not-So Short Guide to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="cmmi-10x-x-109">&#x03B5;</span></a>, available in many languages.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-1" id="enmark-1"><span 
+   <p>Many people use <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> to write mathematical text and for this the premier choice is from the
+American Mathematical Society. See their <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/info/amslatex/primer/amshelp.pdf" >Getting up and running with AMS-<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-2" id="enmark-2"><span 
+class="cmr-8">2</span></a></sup> and more detail is
+in <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/amsmath/amsldoc.pdf" >Users Guide for the <span 
+class="ectt-1095">amsmath </span>package</a>.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-3" id="enmark-3"><span 
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-2000"></a>Documentation</h3>
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">References  </span>The nearest thing to a general reference for <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> is <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/info/latex2e-help-texinfo/latex2e.html" ><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="cmmi-10x-x-109">&#x03B5;</span> unofficial reference manual</a>.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-4" id="enmark-4"><span 
+Look for symbols in the <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-letter.pdf" >Comprehensive List of Symbols</a>.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-5" id="enmark-5"><span 
+class="cmr-8">5</span></a></sup> And, <a 
+href="https://tug.org/TUGboat/" >TUGboat</a>, the journal of the <a 
+href="https://tug.org" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Users
+Group</a>, has published many articles, at levels from beginner to expert, almost since the inception of
+<span class="TEX">T<span 
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">FAQs  </span>Many web pages offer quick help with <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, although they can be out of date. Particularly useful
+and reliable are the <a 
+href="https://texfaq.org/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> FAQ</a>,<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-6" id="enmark-6"><span 
+class="cmr-8">6</span></a></sup> as well as <a 
+href="https://tug.org/interest.html" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Resources on the Web</a>. You can also get a handy
+general <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/info/latexcheat/latexcheat/latexsheet.pdf" ><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> Cheat Sheet</a>,<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-7" id="enmark-7"><span 
+class="cmr-8">7</span></a></sup> as well as the <a 
+href="http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/undergradmath/undergradmath.pdf" >Math for Undergraduates Cheat Sheet</a>.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-8" id="enmark-8"><span 
+class="cmr-8">8</span></a></sup> Also,
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/info/l2tabu/english/l2tabuen.pdf" >An essential guide to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="cmmi-10x-x-109">&#x03B5;</span> usage</a><sup><a 
+href="#ennote-9" id="enmark-9"><span 
+class="cmr-8">9</span></a></sup> helps you develop sound habits, by saying what not to
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Questions  </span>If you are stuck on an issue, the <a 
+href="https://tex.stackexchange.com/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> Stack Exchange</a> site and the mailing list
+href="https://lists.tug.org/texhax" >texhax at tug.org</a> are where knowledgeable people hang out. You are likely to find an answer in their past
+discussions, which cover decades, and if not then you can post a question yourself.
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Books  </span>There are many excellent books about <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. Visit the <a 
+href="https://tug.org/books/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Users Group's book list</a> for a
+selection, and for discounts.
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-3000"></a>Packages</h3>
+<!--l. 131--><p class="noindent" >One of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>'s strengths is the tremendous number of available add-on packages. This list covers most of
+what beginners want to do. (There are some comments in parentheses that often come up in conjunction
+with these recommendations.)
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Our archive  </span>The Comprehensive <span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Archive Network, <a 
+href="https://ctan.org" ><span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">CTAN</span></a>, has the latest official versions of the
+packages that are in the distributions, along with documentation. <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/topics/cloud" >Browsing by topic</a> can be very
+<p><p>If you have trouble finding something, it may be the house package of a journal or institution. Look on
+their web page as well as on <span 
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Every document  </span>To change page size, margins, and orientation, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/geometry" ><span 
+href="#ennote-10" id="enmark-10"><span 
+class="cmr-8">10</span></a></sup> Get multiple columns
+with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/multicol" ><span 
+href="#ennote-11" id="enmark-11"><span 
+   <p>As referred to above, any document containing significant amounts of mathematics should use the
+American Mathematical Society's packages <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath" ><span 
+href="#ennote-12" id="enmark-12"><span 
+class="cmr-8">12</span></a></sup> and <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsfonts" ><span 
+href="#ennote-13" id="enmark-13"><span 
+class="cmr-8">13</span></a></sup> Also use their <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm" ><span 
+href="#ennote-14" id="enmark-14"><span 
+class="cmr-8">14</span></a></sup> for
+producing theorem environments. Notes: (1)&#x00A0;<a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsfonts" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">amssymb</span></a> inputs <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsfonts" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">amsfonts</span></a> so load the former instead of the
+latter, (2)&#x00A0;many authors also use the calligraphic characters in <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/rsfs" ><span 
+href="#ennote-15" id="enmark-15"><span 
+class="cmr-8">15</span></a></sup> (3)&#x00A0;get bold math symbols with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/bm" ><span 
+href="#ennote-16" id="enmark-16"><span 
+(4)&#x00A0;don't load <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">amsmath</span></a> directly, instead get it by loading <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/mathtools" ><span 
+href="#ennote-17" id="enmark-17"><span 
+class="cmr-8">17</span></a></sup> for some useful improvements, and
+(4)&#x00A0;load <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">amsthm</span></a> after <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/mathtools" ><span 
+   <p>Also, include <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/microtype" ><span 
+href="#ennote-18" id="enmark-18"><span 
+class="cmr-8">18</span></a></sup> It will make your document have fewer awkward lines.
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Inside a document  </span>Tweak the layout of lists with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem" ><span 
+href="#ennote-19" id="enmark-19"><span 
+   <p>Enhance captions with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/caption" ><span 
+href="#ennote-20" id="enmark-20"><span 
+class="cmr-8">20</span></a></sup> and control floating environments with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/float" ><span 
+href="#ennote-21" id="enmark-21"><span 
+class="cmr-8">21</span></a></sup> (In particular, this
+package provides the `<span 
+class="ectt-1095">H</span>' option to override automatic float placement and put something exactly where you
+ask. This may cause issues — what if you want to include a two inch tall graphic on a page that has only an
+inch left? — but it sometimes is what you want.)
+   <p>Get hyperlinks and turn references into links with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref" ><span 
+href="#ennote-22" id="enmark-22"><span 
+class="cmr-8">22</span></a></sup> (make sure to set it up, for
+example with <span class="lstinline"></span><span 
+class="ectt-1000">}</span>). Have cross-references that say `Theorem&#x00A0;1.2'
+instead of just `1.2' with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/cleveref" ><span 
+href="#ennote-23" id="enmark-23"><span 
+class="cmr-8">23</span></a></sup> For <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">URL</span>'s and file paths that can break across lines, use
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/url" ><span 
+href="#ennote-24" id="enmark-24"><span 
+class="cmr-8">24</span></a></sup> (If you use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">hyperref</span></a> then note that it has its own commands for the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/cleveref" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">cleveref</span></a> and <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/url" ><span 
+   <p>Inside verbatim text, make single quotes come out correctly with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/upquote" ><span 
+href="#ennote-25" id="enmark-25"><span 
+class="cmr-8">25</span></a></sup> For including computer
+code, the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/listings" ><span 
+href="#ennote-26" id="enmark-26"><span 
+class="cmr-8">26</span></a></sup> package is very popular. (Copy and paste for computer code is especially convenient.
+This is a start for the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/listings" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">listings</span></a> package. </p><!--l. 219-->
+     <div class="lstlisting" id="listing-1"><span class="label"><a 
+ id="x1-3001r1"></a></span><span 
+class="ectt-1000">&#x00A0;</span><br /><span class="label"><a 
+ id="x1-3002r2"></a></span><span 
+class="ectt-1000">&#x00A0;</span><br /><span class="label"><a 
+ id="x1-3003r3"></a></span><span 
+   </div>
+   But it is not a full solution. The results depend on the <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">PDF </span>viewer and worse, if your code line begins
+with blank spaces then after copy and paste those spaces are gone.)
+   <p>If you use Python, <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pythontex" ><span 
+href="#ennote-27" id="enmark-27"><span 
+class="cmr-8">27</span></a></sup> will show code listings, but it also allows you to execute Python and put
+the results in your output. Do the same for the <span 
+class="Spectral-LightItalic-lf-t-1x-x-109">Sage </span>mathematics software with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/sagetex" ><span 
+class="ectt-1095">sagetex</span></a>, and similar
+support exists for other languages.
+   <p>There are many packages that add table capabilities, such as multirow entries and breaking across
+pages. The first package to try is <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/array" ><span 
+href="#ennote-28" id="enmark-28"><span 
+class="cmr-8">28</span></a></sup> which lets you define your own column types. To handle
+scientific units, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/siunitx" ><span 
+href="#ennote-29" id="enmark-29"><span 
+class="cmr-8">29</span></a></sup> (which also has a table column type for aligning on a decimal
+   <p>Make boxes that are colored or framed, such as boxes for theorems, with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox" ><span 
+href="#ennote-30" id="enmark-30"><span 
+   <p>Use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/babel" ><span 
+href="#ennote-31" id="enmark-31"><span 
+class="cmr-8">31</span></a></sup> for internationalization, including changing the title of the abstract or the bibliography.
+(Note that <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> now defaults to UTF-8 encoded input.)
+   <p>Finally, when developing a document, you often want to generate filler text. Use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum" ><span 
+href="#ennote-32" id="enmark-32"><span 
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Color and graphics  </span>For colors, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor" ><span 
+href="#ennote-33" id="enmark-33"><span 
+   <p>To include graphics and do simple manipulations such as resizing, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/graphicx" ><span 
+href="#ennote-34" id="enmark-34"><span 
+class="cmr-8">34</span></a></sup> Use the <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">JPG </span>format
+for photos, <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">PNG </span>for other kinds of raster graphics, and <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">PDF </span>for vector graphics. If your graphic is in another
+format then convert it to one of these three. (Usually in your <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> source, you give the file name without
+the extension, as with <span class="lstinline"></span><span 
+class="ectt-1000">}</span>.) Include parts of an outside <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">PDF </span>document with
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pdfpages" ><span 
+href="#ennote-35" id="enmark-35"><span 
+class="cmr-8">35</span></a></sup> Include video or sound using <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/media9" ><span 
+href="#ennote-36" id="enmark-36"><span 
+   <p>In your plots and graphics, you want that the fonts and notations match your document. You have a few
+choices. Draw inside your document with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pgf" >Ti<span 
+href="#ennote-37" id="enmark-37"><span 
+class="cmr-8">37</span></a></sup> You can instead draw using an external command
+language such as <a 
+href="https://asymptote.sourceforge.io/" >Asymptote</a>,<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-38" id="enmark-38"><span 
+class="cmr-8">38</span></a></sup> and bring the results in as graphics. And there are other options, such as
+that the <a 
+href="http://www.gnuplot.info/" >Gnuplot</a> plotting software will output Ti<span 
+class="Spectral-LightItalic-lf-t-1x-x-109">k</span>Z commands, and the <a 
+href="https://inkscape.org/" >Inkscape</a> vector graphics editor
+allows you to embed <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>-generated equations.
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Front and back matter, headers, footers  </span>To style chapter and section titles, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/titlesec" ><span 
+href="#ennote-39" id="enmark-39"><span 
+class="cmr-8">39</span></a></sup> For page
+headers and footers, reach for <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr" ><span 
+href="#ennote-40" id="enmark-40"><span 
+class="cmr-8">40</span></a></sup> You can tweak the format of tables of contents, lists of figures,
+etc., with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/tocloft" ><span 
+href="#ennote-41" id="enmark-41"><span 
+   <p>For footnotes, use <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/footmisc" ><span 
+href="#ennote-42" id="enmark-42"><span 
+class="cmr-8">42</span></a></sup> Make an index with <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/makeindex" ><span 
+href="#ennote-43" id="enmark-43"><span 
+class="cmr-8">43</span></a></sup> With <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/answers" ><span 
+href="#ennote-44" id="enmark-44"><span 
+class="cmr-8">44</span></a></sup> you can send exercise
+answers to an external file, where you can make them a separate document or include them at the end of the
+current one.
+   <p>Bibliographies are a thorny area. Often you have strict requirements, such as from the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/MLA" ><span 
+href="#ennote-45" id="enmark-45"><span 
+class="cmr-8">45</span></a></sup> <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">CTAN </span>is a
+big help here; check out the many styles for both <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/topic/bibtex-sty" >B<span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-sc-t-1x-x-109">ib</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-46" id="enmark-46"><span 
+class="cmr-8">46</span></a></sup> and <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/topic/biblatex" >B<span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-sc-t-1x-x-109">ib</span><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-47" id="enmark-47"><span 
+<p class="subsection"><span 
+class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">Special documents  </span>Make exams and problem sets with the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/exam" ><span 
+href="#ennote-48" id="enmark-48"><span 
+class="cmr-8">48</span></a></sup> class.
+   <p>There are many, many resume and CV packages. Start with <span 
+class="Spectral-Light-lf-t-1">CTAN</span>'s <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/topic/cv" >cv topic</a>.
+   <p>To make presentations, use the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/beamer" ><span 
+href="#ennote-49" id="enmark-49"><span 
+class="cmr-8">49</span></a></sup> class. (However, with this package you are entering another
+world, where many of the packages discussed here do not work. For example, section title styling happens
+via a completely different mechanism.)
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-4000"></a>Fonts and engines</h3>
+<!--l. 344--><p class="noindent" >The documentation for font use commands from the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> developers is <a 
+href="http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/fntguide.pdf" ><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="cmmi-10x-x-109">&#x03B5;</span> font selection</a>.<sup><a 
+href="#ennote-50" id="enmark-50"><span 
+</p><!--l. 348--><p class="indent" >   To move beyond the default fonts, visit the <a 
+href="https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/" ><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;Font Catalogue</a>, which includes copy and paste code
+to make each one work.
+</p><!--l. 353--><p class="indent" >   Beyond that list, you can also use your computer system's fonts (beware this makes your source  le
+harder to share with friends, though). The background is:&#x00A0;to convert <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> source to <span 
+output there are three varieties of the <span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> engine. Currently the most common is <a 
+href="https://tug.org/applications/pdftex/" >pdf<span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-51" id="enmark-51"><span 
+For instance, this document was generated with <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
+class="ectt-1095">&#x00A0;latex-doc-ptr.tex</span></span></span>. Two further
+developments, <a 
+href="https://tug.org/xetex/" >Xe<span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-52" id="enmark-52"><span 
+class="cmr-8">52</span></a></sup> and <a 
+href="http://www.luatex.org/" >Lua<span class="TEX">T<span 
+href="#ennote-53" id="enmark-53"><span 
+class="cmr-8">53</span></a></sup> can leverage the <a 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec" ><span 
+href="#ennote-54" id="enmark-54"><span 
+class="cmr-8">54</span></a></sup> package to use your system's fonts,
+such as OpenType and TrueType fonts, in addition to the ones from your <span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> distribution.
+(Mathematics requires much special tuning, though, so most of the time you cannot use system fonts for
+</p><!--l. 376--><p class="indent" >   More is on the <a 
+href="https://tug.org/fonts/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Users Group's font page</a>.
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-5000"></a>Writing <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+<!--l. 386--><p class="noindent" ><p>There are many ways to make writing <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> source easier. Most people use a source code editor, such as
+href="https://www.texstudio.org/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span>studio</a>, or Emacs with the add-on mode <a 
+href="https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/" >AUC-<span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></a>, or <a 
+href="https://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span>Shop</a> on a Mac.
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-6000"></a>Pronunciation</h3>
+<!--l. 401--><p class="noindent" >Pronounce <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> as 'la-tech' or 'lay-tech', with emphasis on either syllable. We prefer the first, with
+emphasis on the first syllable.
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-7000"></a>Welcome to the community!</h3>
+<!--l. 409--><p class="noindent" >One reason that all of these resources are available is the work of the many <a 
+href="https://tug.org/usergroups.html" >user groups</a>, including the <a 
+href="https://tug.org/" ><span class="TEX">T<span 
+Users Group</a>. Please consider joining.
+</p><!--l. 421--><p class="noindent" >_________________________________________________________________________________________
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-8000"></a>Package names, for texdoc</h3>
+<!--l. 424--><p class="noindent" ></p><!--l. 4--><p class="indent" >   <a 
+href="#enmark-1" id="ennote-1"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/lshort" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">lshort</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-2" id="ennote-2"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amshelp" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">amshelp</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-3" id="ennote-3"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">amsmath</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-4" id="ennote-4"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/latex2e" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">latex2e</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-5" id="ennote-5"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/comprehensive" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">comprehensive</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-6" id="ennote-6"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/faq" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">faq</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-7" id="ennote-7"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/latexcheat" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">latexcheat</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-8" id="ennote-8"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/undergradmath" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">undergradmath</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-9" id="ennote-9"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/l2tabuen" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">l2tabuen</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-10" id="ennote-10"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/geometry" ><span 
+href="#enmark-11" id="ennote-11"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/multicol" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">multicol</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-12" id="ennote-12"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">amsmath</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-13" id="ennote-13"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amssymb" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">amssymb</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-14" id="ennote-14"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">amsthm</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-15" id="ennote-15"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/rsfs" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">rsfs</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-16" id="ennote-16"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/bm" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">bm</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-17" id="ennote-17"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/mathtools" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">mathtools</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-18" id="ennote-18"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/microtype" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">microtype</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-19" id="ennote-19"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">enumitem</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-20" id="ennote-20"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/caption" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">caption</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-21" id="ennote-21"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/float" ><span 
+href="#enmark-22" id="ennote-22"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">hyperref</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-23" id="ennote-23"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/cleveref" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">cleveref</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-24" id="ennote-24"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/url" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">url</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-25" id="ennote-25"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/upquote" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">upquote</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-26" id="ennote-26"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/listings" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">listings</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-27" id="ennote-27"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pythontex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">pythontex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-28" id="ennote-28"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/array" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">array</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-29" id="ennote-29"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/siunitx" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">siunitx</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-30" id="ennote-30"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">tcolorbox</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-31" id="ennote-31"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/babel" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">babel</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-32" id="ennote-32"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum" ><span 
+href="#enmark-33" id="ennote-33"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">xcolor</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-34" id="ennote-34"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/graphics" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">graphics</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-35" id="ennote-35"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pdfpages" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">pdfpages</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-36" id="ennote-36"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/media9" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">media9</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-37" id="ennote-37"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/tikz" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">tikz</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-38" id="ennote-38"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/asymptote" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">asymptote</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-39" id="ennote-39"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/titlesec" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">titlesec</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-40" id="ennote-40"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">fancyhdr</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-41" id="ennote-41"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/tocloft" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">tocloft</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-42" id="ennote-42"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/footmisc" ><span 
+href="#enmark-43" id="ennote-43"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/makeindex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">makeindex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-44" id="ennote-44"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/answers" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">answers</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-45" id="ennote-45"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/mla" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">mla</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-46" id="ennote-46"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/bibtex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">bibtex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-47" id="ennote-47"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">biblatex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-48" id="ennote-48"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/exam" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">exam</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-49" id="ennote-49"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/beamer" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">beamer</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-50" id="ennote-50"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/fntguide" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">fntguide</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-51" id="ennote-51"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/pdftex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">pdftex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-52" id="ennote-52"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/xetex" ><span 
+class="ectt-0900">xetex</span></a>  <a 
+href="#enmark-53" id="ennote-53"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/luatex" ><span 
+href="#enmark-54" id="ennote-54"><sup><span 
+href="https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec" ><span 
+   </div>

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.html
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.sty	2021-01-02 21:59:43 UTC (rev 57292)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.sty	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -1,31 +1,132 @@
 % latex-doc-ptr.sty  style for LaTeX doc pointer document  
-% Jim Hefferon  public domain
+% 2021-Jan-02 Jim Hefferon, Karl Berry  public domain
+% include graphics
+\usepackage{graphicx} % needed for \XeLaTeX command
+% Color, for links and titles
+% Color theme from Rodryggo Sylva
+% https://color.adobe.com/explore?page=2
+\definecolor{darkblue}{HTML}{274375} % {023059}
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+% \definecolor{papyrus}{HTML}{D9D8D7}
+% \pagecolor{papyrus}
+% \usepackage{url}
-            linkcolor=black,citecolor=blue,
-            filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,
+            linkcolor=black,citecolor=lightblue,
+            filecolor=blue,urlcolor=lightblue,
-% Change horiz room between fn mark and fn hskip from .5em 
-% Suggested to RF making this settable
+% fonts
+% \usepackage{cochineal}
+% ====== Page design =========
+% margins, multicolumn
+% space between paragraphs
+\setlength{\parskip}{.15ex plus .02ex minus .01ex}
+% Page headers and footers
+% Section titles
+% \titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2ex plus 0.1ex minus 0.05ex}{0.85ex plus 0.05ex}
+% \titlespacing{\subsection}{0pt}{0.5ex plus 0.1ex minus 0.05ex}{0.15ex plus 0.05ex}
+\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Number the sections only if level -1 or less 
+% footnotes and package macro\patchcmd{\@makefntext}{.5em}{0em}{}{}
+\usepackage{etoolbox} % for patchcmd
+\usepackage[para, norule, hang]{footmisc} % from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60949
+\def\theendnotes{\immediate\closeout\@enotes \global\@enotesopenfalse
+  \begingroup
+    \makeatletter
+    \edef\@tempa{`\string >}%
+    \ifnum\catcode\@tempa=12%
+      \let\@ResetGT\relax
+    \else
+      \edef\@ResetGT{\noexpand\catcode\@tempa=\the\catcode\@tempa}%
+      \@makeother\>%
+    \fi
+    \def\@doanenote##1##2>{\def\@theenmark{##1}\begingroup
+        \@ResetGT
+        \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p at endnote\endcsname\@theenmark}%
+        \enoteformat}
+    \def\@endanenote{\hspace{0.65em plus 0.1em}\endgroup}%
+    \enoteheading
+    \enotesize % worth a look: \RaggedRight
+    \input{\jobname.ent}%
+  \endgroup}
+% \patchcmd{\enoteformat}{1.8em}{0em}{}{}
+% \def\makeenmark{\hbox{XX$^\theenmark$}}
+\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
+  \leavevmode\hbox{\makeenmark}}
+\renewcommand\enoteheading{% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/62425
+  \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-2}
+  \section{\notesname}
+  % \mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip
+  \mbox{}\par\vspace{-1.08\baselineskip}%  \vskip-0.9\baselineskip
+  \let\@afterindentfalse\@afterindenttrue
+\renewcommand{\notesname}{Package names, for texdoc}
+% \long\def\@makefntext#1{\leavevmode
+% \@makefnmark\nobreak
+% \hskip.04em\relax#1%
+% }
+% computer code
+\lstset{basicstyle = \small\ttfamily,
+        keepspaces=true,
+        columns=fullflexible,
+        xleftmargin=10pt}
+% Get ISO dates
-\setlength{\parskip}{-.25ex plus -.05ex minus -.05ex}
+% Definitions for this doc
+% Refer to texdoc
+% Name package by CTAN and texdoc name
+% \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{\href{https://ctan.org/pkg/#1}{\texttt{#1}}}
 %            optional * [ALTHEADING]{HEADING}
 %    Generic command to start a section.  
@@ -46,20 +147,16 @@
 %  is normally defined to \@startsection + its first six arguments.
 % \makeatletter
-\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-3ex plus -.45ex minus 
-    -.20ex}{4.75ex plus .45ex minus .20ex}{\centering\Large\bf}}
-\def\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{-2.5ex plus -.15ex minus 
-    -.10ex}{.80ex plus .1ex}{\centering\large\bf}}
-\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-.85ex plus -.15ex minus 
-   -.05ex}{-.75em}{\normalsize\sc}}
+% \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-3ex plus -.45ex minus 
+%     -.20ex}{4.75ex plus .45ex minus .20ex}{\centering\Large\bf}}
+% \def\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{-2.5ex plus -.15ex minus 
+%     -.10ex}{.80ex plus .1ex}{\centering\large\bf}}
+% \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-.85ex plus -.15ex minus 
+%    -.05ex}{-.75em}{\normalsize\sc}}
 % \makeatother
-\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Number the sections only if level -1 or less 
-\setlength{\parskip}{.85ex plus .15ex minus .05ex}
+% \newcommand{\program}[1]{\texttt{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\package}[1]{\textit{#1}}
 % Used for backslash
 % Last thing before the document: define the \XeTeX logo (stolen from
@@ -70,24 +167,110 @@
 % least a chance to look ok.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+% \def\tubreflect#1{%
+%   \ifx\reflectbox\relax
+%     \errmessage{A graphics package must be loaded for \string\XeTeX}%
+%   \else
+%     \ifdim \fontdimen1\font>0pt
+%       \raise 1.35ex \hbox{\kern.1em\rotatebox{180}{#1}}\kern-.1em
+%     \else
+%       \reflectbox{#1}%
+%     \fi
+%   \fi
+% }
+% \def\tubhideheight#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0 }
+% \DeclareRobustCommand\Xe[1]{\leavevmode
+%   \tubhideheight{\hbox{X%
+%     \setbox0=\hbox{\TeX}\setbox1=\hbox{E}%
+%     \lower\dp0\hbox{\raise\dp1\hbox{\kern-.125em\tubreflect{E}}}%
+%     \kern-.1667em #1}}}
+% \newcommand{\xetex}{\Xe\TeX}
+% \newcommand{\pdftex}{pdf\TeX}
+% \newcommand{\luatex}{Lua\TeX}
+% \newcommand{\texworks}{\TeX{}works}
+% Logos and acronyms, some of them to match TUGboat commands
+% \RequirePackage{mflogo} % for MetaPost \MP
+% \newcommand\pdfLaTeX{pdf\LaTeX}
+% \newcommand\PDFLaTeX{\pdfLaTeX}
+% \newcommand\LuaLaTeX{Lua\LaTeX}
+% Stuff from ltugboat.cls
+  \ifx\@currsize\normalsize\small\else
+   \ifx\@currsize\small\footnotesize\else
+    \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize\scriptsize\else
+     \ifx\@currsize\large\normalsize\else
+      \ifx\@currsize\Large\large\else
+       \ifx\@currsize\LARGE\Large\else
+        \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize\tiny\else
+         \ifx\@currsize\tiny\tiny\else
+          \ifx\@currsize\huge\LARGE\else
+           \ifx\@currsize\Huge\huge\else
+            \small\SMC at unknown@warning
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+\newcommand{\SMC at unknown@warning}{\TBWarning{\string\SMC: nonstandard
+    text font size command -- using \string\small}}
+\newcommand{\textSMC}[1]{{\SMC #1}}
-  \ifx\reflectbox\relax
-    \errmessage{A graphics package must be loaded for \string\XeTeX}%
-  \else
+  \@ifundefined{reflectbox}{%
+    \TBerror{A graphics package must be loaded for \string\XeTeX}%
+  }{%
     \ifdim \fontdimen1\font>0pt
-      \raise 1.35ex \hbox{\kern.1em\rotatebox{180}{#1}}\kern-.1em
+      \raise 1.75ex \hbox{\kern.1em\rotatebox{180}{#1}}\kern-.1em
-  \fi
+  }%
 \def\tubhideheight#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0 }
-    \lower\dp0\hbox{\raise\dp1\hbox{\kern-.125em\tubreflect{E}}}%
-    \kern-.1667em #1}}}
+    \lower\dp0\hbox{\raise\dp1\hbox{\kern\XekernbeforeE\tubreflect{E}}}%
+    \kern\XekernafterE}}}
+\def\XeLaTeX{\Xe{\kern.11em \LaTeX}}
+  \ifdim \fontdimen1\font>0pt
+     B{\SMC\SMC IB}%
+  \else
+     B\textsc{ib}%
+  \fi
+\def\BibLaTeX{\Bib\kern.02em \LaTeX}
+\def\BibTeX{\Bib\kern-.08em \TeX}
+\newcommand{\TikZ}{Ti{\textit k}Z}  % from TUB
+\newcommand{\Asymptote}{Asymptote} % the manual uses typewriter
+\newcommand{\gnuplot}{Gnuplot} % the FAQ says lower case first letter
+% Style I chopped out of ltugboat.cls
+% stubs
+% \newcommand{\texdoc}[1]{\relax}
+% Give paras just a bit of room
+% \setlength{\parskip}{0.45ex}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.tex
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/latex-doc-ptr.tex	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -1,257 +1,434 @@
-% This document is intended as the result of a "texdoc latex" in TeX Live.  
-% The license is Public Domain.  See README file for more.
+  {\color{black}\LARGE\bf A First Set of \LaTeX{} Resources}  
-\LaTeX{} is the most popular macro package for \TeX{}.
-(A macro package is a set of commands that an author typically uses
-to write documents.) 
-This page does not try to answer all questions about \LaTeX; 
-we suggest some documentation, add-on components, and resources
-that a \LaTeX{} user can start with.
-We limit our recommendations to freely-available materials,
-and you can click on the text to see the documentation on the Internet.
-(In case the Internet is not convenient, when the documentation is also 
-in a typical \TeX{} installation we provide its name in a footnote;
-to view it locally using 
-run ``\texttt{texdoc \textit{name}}'' at a command prompt.)
+% \section{\LaTeX}
+% \LaTeX{} is a collection of commands for 
+% writing documents with the \TeX{} typesetting system.
+% It is by far the most popular way to use that system. 
+This page suggests documentation, add-on components, and other resources
+for a beginning \LaTeX{} user.
+The links here are to freely available materials,
+so you can click to see the documentation online.
+Where the documentation is also available
+offline in a typical \TeX{} installation, we provide its name as an end note.
+View it
+by running `\texttt{texdoc {\it name}}' in a terminal.
-\subsection{Starting out}
-The article
-\href{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/first-latex-doc/first-latex-doc.pdf}{Getting something out of \LaTeX}
-walks a beginner through writing a sample document.
-In particular, to use \LaTeX{}, users must install a \TeX{} distribution, 
-such as 
-\href{http://miktex.org/}{MiK\TeX{}} on Windows, or  
-\href{http://www.tug.org/texlive/}{\TeX{}~Live} on
-a Unix system such as GNU/Linux or on Windows,
+% ========================================================
+To run \LaTeX{}, you must use an online service or 
+install a distribution.
+Online services are commercial; find them by entering `online latex' in
+a search engine.
+For distributions, your choices are
+\href{https://tug.org/texlive/}{\TeX{}~Live} on
+a Unix system, including GNU/Linux, or on Windows,
+or the related 
+\href{https://tug.org/mactex/}{Mac\TeX{}} on Macintosh,
-\href{http://www.tug.org/mactex/}{Mac\TeX{}} on Macintosh OS~X.
+\href{https://miktex.org/}{MiK\TeX{}} on Windows or a Unix system.   
+The site \href{https://www.learnlatex.org/}{\texttt{learnlatex.org}}
+teaches you the basics in a sound way, and also
+lets you play with the commands to see the results.
+For a more traditional document, 
+the most widely recommended one is 
+ {\package{The Not-So Short Guide to \LaTeXe}}, available in many
+ languages.\texdoc{lshort}
+% and another good one is from the
+% \href{https://tug.org/tutorials/tugindia/}{\package{Indian \TeX{} User Group}}.
+% The article
+% \href{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/first-latex-doc/first-latex-doc.pdf}{\package{Getting something out of \LaTeX}}
+% walks a beginner through writing a sample document.
+Many people use \LaTeX{} to write mathematical text and
+for this the premier choice is from the American Mathematical Society. 
+See their
+ {\package{Getting up and running with AMS-\LaTeX}},\texdoc{amshelp}
+and more detail is in 
+ {\package{Users Guide for the {\tt amsmath} package}}.\texdoc{amsmath}
-The most widely-recommended introduction is 
- {\package{The Not-So Short Guide to \LaTeXe}}.\texdoc{lshort}
-Another good one is from the
-\href{http://tug.org/tutorials/tugindia/}{\package{TUGIndia user group}}.
-For typesetting mathematics, use the
-the American Mathematical Society's  
-AMS-\LaTeX{} package, 
-introduced in the primer,
- {\package{Getting up and running with AMS-\LaTeX}}.\texdoc{amshelp}
+% ========================================================
-The official \LaTeX{} documentation from the development team 
- {\package{\LaTeXe{} for Authors}};\texdoc{usrguide} this focuses on
-changes made in recent versions of \LaTeX{}.
-The nearest thing to a general reference manual for \LaTeX{} is the unofficial
+The nearest thing to a general reference for \LaTeX{} is
- {\package{\LaTeX: Structured documents for \TeX}}.\texdoc{latex2e}
+ {\package{\LaTeXe{} unofficial reference manual}}.\texdoc{latex2e}
 Look for symbols in the
  {\package{Comprehensive List of Symbols}}.\texdoc{comprehensive}
-A two-page
- {\package{\LaTeX{} Cheat Sheet}}\texdoc{latexcheat} is available.
-The document 
- {\textit{l2tabu}}\texdoc{l2tabuen}
-can help you to acquire sound habits by
-suggesting what you should consider taboo.
+And, \href{https://tug.org/TUGboat/}{\package{TUGboat}}, 
+the journal of the  
+\href{https://tug.org}{\TeX{} Users Group},
+has published many articles, at levels from beginner to expert, 
+almost since the inception of \TeX{}.
-Many web pages offer help with \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}.
-Particularly useful is the
-\href{http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq}{\package{English FAQ}}\texdoc{faq} 
-and the 
-\href{http://tug.org/interest.html}{\package{TUG web resources page}}.
-The \href{http://tug.org/pracjourn/}{\package{Prac\TeX{} Journal}}
-is an online magazine aimed at beginning and intermediate users, and
-has published many articles at all levels nearly since the inception of 
-There are many books about \LaTeX{}; 
-visit the 
- {\package{\TeX{} Users Group Bookstore}} for discounts.
+Many web pages offer quick help with \LaTeX{},
+although they can be out of date.
+Particularly useful and reliable are the
+\href{https://texfaq.org/}{\package{\TeX{} FAQ}},\texdoc{faq} 
+as well as
+\href{https://tug.org/interest.html}{\package{\TeX{} Resources on the Web}}.
+You can also get a handy general
+ {\package{\LaTeX{} Cheat Sheet}},\texdoc{latexcheat}
+as well as the
+ {\package{Math for Undergraduates Cheat Sheet}}.\texdoc{undergradmath}
+ {An essential guide to \LaTeXe{} usage}\texdoc{l2tabuen}
+helps you develop sound habits, by
+saying what not to do.
+If you are stuck on an issue, the
+\href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/}{\TeX{}-\LaTeX{} Stack Exchange} site 
+and the mailing list
+\href{https://lists.tug.org/texhax}{texhax at tug.org}
+are where knowledgeable people hang out. 
+You are likely to find an answer in their past discussions, which cover 
+decades, and if not then you can post a question yourself.
-\subsection{Selected \LaTeX{} packages}
+There are many excellent books about \LaTeX{}. 
+Visit the 
+ {\package{\TeX{} Users Group's book list}} for a selection, and for discounts.
-\subsubsection{Page size and shape}
-Adjust the page dimensions 
-and orientation with  
- {\package{geometry}}.\texdoc{geometry}
-Control headers and footers with 
- {\package{fancyhdr}}.\texdoc{fancyhdr}
-Import graphics into a \LaTeX{} document with the \LaTeX{} team's  
- {\package{graphicx}} package, and the related \textit{graphics}.
-The official documentation is  
- {\package{Packages in the `graphics' bundle}}.\texdoc{grfguide}
-Another package in the same bundle is \package{color}.\texdoc{color}
-For even more color capability use
- {\package{xcolor}}.\texdoc{xcolor}
-An excellent introduction to using these is the article
- {\package{Strategies for including graphics in \LaTeX{} documents}}. 
-% not free: 
-% \href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/epslatex/}{\textit{Using Imported Graphics in \LaTeX{} and pdf\LaTeX{}}}.
-\subsubsection{Index and bibliography}
-Make an index with \href{http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/makeindx.dtx}
- {\package{makeidx}}.\texdoc{makeindex}
-For bibliographies, people use 
-\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX}{\package{B{\footnotesize IB}\TeX{}}}.\texdoc{bibtex}
-Two powerful tools based on it are: produce your bibliography
-in a natural science styles with 
- {\package{natbib}},\texdoc{natbib}
-and generate your own style by answering a sequence of questions with 
- {\package{custom-bib}}.\texdoc{custom-bib}
+% =========================================================
-\subsubsection{Computer code and commenting out}
-For computer code, look at
- {\package{listings}}.\texdoc{listings}
- {\package{verbatim}}\texdoc{verbatim}
-package is also useful for computer code, and 
-includes a \texttt{comment} environment to suppress parts of the document.
+One of \LaTeX's strengths is the tremendous number of available add-on
+This list covers most of what
+beginners want to do.
+(There are some comments in parentheses that
+often come up in conjunction with these recommendations.)
- {\package{hyperref}}\texdoc{hyperref}
-package gives you 
-hyper-document features, such as making table of contents 
-entries link to the corresponding document part.
-If you don't need active links, typeset web addresses with 
-  {\package{url}},\texdoc{url}
-which also does computer file names.
-You can get presentation slides by
-adjusting the page geometry and writing a regular document.
-For more sophisticated effects use
- {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf}
- {\package{beamer}}.\texdoc{beamer}
-The article
-  {\package{Beamer by example}} will get you started.
+\subsection{Our archive}
+The Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network, 
+has the latest official versions of 
+the packages that are in the distributions,
+along with documentation.
+\href{https://ctan.org/topics/cloud}{\color{darkblue}Browsing by topic}
+can be very handy.
+% If you develop a package, please upload it to \CTAN.
+If you have trouble finding something, it may be
+the house package of a journal or institution. 
+Look on their web page as well as on \CTAN. 
-\subsection{Output and fonts}
-program extends \TeX{}:
-it can directly produce web-friendly PDF files, as well as the
-traditional DVI format.
-For instance,  this document was generated under \TeX{}~Live with 
-\verb!pdflatex latex_doc_ptr.tex!.
-A further extension to that, 
-can use fonts from your underlying computer platform,
-in addition to the fonts from your \TeX{} distribution.
-(Mathematics requires much special tuning, though, so most
-system fonts cannot be used for math.)
+\subsection{Every document}
+To change page size, margins, and orientation, use 
+Get multiple columns with \pkg{multicol}.\texdoc{multicol}
+As referred to above, any document containing significant amounts of 
+mathematics should use 
+the American Mathematical Society's packages
+Also use their \pkg{amsthm}\texdoc{amsthm}
+for producing theorem environments.
+Notes: (1)~\pkglink{amsfonts}{amssymb} inputs \pkg{amsfonts} so load the former 
+instead of the latter,
+(2)~many authors also use the calligraphic characters in 
+(3)~get bold math symbols with \pkg{bm},\texdoc{bm} 
+(4)~don't load \pkg{amsmath} directly, instead get it by loading 
+\pkg{mathtools}\texdoc{mathtools} for some useful improvements,
+(4)~load \pkg{amsthm} after \pkg{mathtools}.
-The font system documentation from the \LaTeX{} developers is 
+Also, include
+It will make 
+your document have fewer awkward lines.
+\subsection{Inside a document}
+Tweak the layout of lists with \pkg{enumitem}.\texdoc{enumitem}
+Enhance captions with 
+and control floating environments with 
+(In particular, this package provides the `\texttt{H}' option 
+to override automatic float placement and put something
+exactly where you ask.
+This may cause issues\Dash what if you want to include a two inch tall
+graphic on a page that has only an inch left?\Dash but it sometimes
+is what you want.)
+Get hyperlinks and turn references into links with 
+(make sure to set it up, 
+for example with \lstinline!\hypersetup{colorlinks=true}!).
+Have cross-references that say `Theorem~1.2' instead of just `1.2'
+with \pkg{cleveref}.\texdoc{cleveref}
+For \acro{URL}'s and file paths that can break across lines, use 
+(If you use \pkg{hyperref} then note that it has its own 
+commands for the \pkg{cleveref} and \pkg{url} functions.)
+Inside verbatim text, make single quotes come out correctly with 
+For including computer code, the 
+\pkg{listings}\texdoc{listings} package is very popular.
+% although \pkg{minted}\texdoc{minted} 
+% has many things to recommend it. 
+(Copy and paste for computer code is especially 
+This is a start for the \pkg{listings} package.
+        keepspaces=true,
+        columns=fullflexible}
+But it is not a full solution.  
+The results depend on the \PDF{} viewer and 
+worse, if your code line begins with
+blank spaces then after copy and paste those spaces are gone.) 
+If you use Python, 
+will show code listings, but it also allows you to execute
+Python and put the results in your output.
+Do the same for 
+the \textit{Sage} mathematics software with 
+\pkg{sagetex}, % \texdoc{sagetex}? not in TL
+and similar support exists for other languages.
+There are many packages that add table capabilities, such as
+multirow entries and breaking across pages.
+The first package to try is \pkg{array},\texdoc{array} 
+which lets you define your own column
+To handle scientific units, 
+use \pkg{siunitx}\texdoc{siunitx} 
+(which also has a table column type for aligning on a decimal point).
+Make boxes that are colored or framed, such as boxes for theorems,
+Use \pkg{babel}\texdoc{babel} 
+for internationalization, including changing the 
+title of the abstract or the bibliography.
+(Note that \LaTeX{} now defaults to UTF-8 encoded input.)
+Finally, when developing a document, you often want to 
+generate filler text.
+\subsection{Color and graphics}
+For colors, use 
+To include graphics and do simple manipulations such as resizing, 
+use \pkg{graphicx}.\texdoc{graphics}
+Use the \acro{JPG} format for photos,
+\acro{PNG} for other kinds of raster graphics,
+and \PDF{} for vector graphics.
+If your graphic is in another format then convert it to one of these three.
+(Usually in your \LaTeX{} source, you give the file name without the extension,
+as with \lstinline!\includegraphics{myplot}!.)
+Include parts of an outside \PDF{} document with
+Include video or sound using
+In your plots and graphics, you want that
+the fonts and notations match your document.
+You have a few choices.  
+Draw inside your document with 
+You can instead draw using an external command language such as 
+and bring the results in as graphics.
+And there are other options, such as that the
+\href{http://www.gnuplot.info/}{\gnuplot{}} plotting software
+will output \TikZ{} commands,
+and the  
+\href{https://inkscape.org/}{Inkscape} vector graphics editor allows
+you to embed \LaTeX{}-generated equations.
+\subsection{Front and back matter, headers, footers}
+To style chapter and section titles, use
+For page headers and footers, reach for 
+You can tweak the format of tables of contents, lists of figures, etc., 
+For footnotes, use 
+Make an index with 
+With \pkg{answers}\texdoc{answers}
+you can send exercise answers to an external file, where you can make them
+a separate document or include them at the end of the current one. 
+Bibliographies are a thorny area.
+Often you have strict requirements, such as from the
+\CTAN{} is a big help here; check out the many styles for both
+\subsection{Special documents}
+Make exams and problem sets with the 
+There are many, many resume and CV packages.
+Start with \acro{CTAN}'s
+\href{https://ctan.org/topic/cv}{cv topic}.
+To make presentations, use the 
+(However, with this package you are entering another world, where many of the
+packages discussed here do not work.
+For example, section title styling happens via a completely
+different mechanism.)
+% =====================================================
+\section{Fonts and engines}
+The documentation for font use commands from the \LaTeX{} developers is 
  {\package{\LaTeXe{} font selection}}.\texdoc{fntguide}
-To move beyond \TeX's default fonts, these two
-documents describe some reasonable and free alternatives:
- {\package{A Survey of Free Math Fonts for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}}}
+To move beyond the default fonts, 
+visit the 
+\href{https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/}{\LaTeX\ Font Catalogue},
+which includes copy and paste code to make each one work.
+Beyond that list, you can also use your computer system's fonts
+(beware this makes your source file harder to share with friends, though).
+The background is:~to convert \LaTeX{} source to \PDF{} output
+there are three varieties of the \TeX{} engine.
+Currently the most common is 
+For instance, this document was generated with 
+\verb!pdflatex latex-doc-ptr.tex!.
+Two further developments, 
-\href{http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/}{\package{The \LaTeX{} Font Catalogue}}.
+can leverage
+the \pkg{fontspec}\texdoc{fontspec}
+package to use your system's fonts,
+such as OpenType and TrueType fonts,
+in addition to the ones from your \TeX{} distribution.
+(Mathematics requires much special tuning, though, so most
+of the time you cannot use system fonts for math.)
+% (A word about the preprint site \texttt{arXiv.org}.
+% If your document was produced with \XeLaTeX{} or \LuaLaTeX{} then 
+% you can only submit a \PDF, not the document source.)
 More is on the 
-\href{http://tug.org/fonts/}{\TeX{} Users Group's font page}.
+\href{https://tug.org/fonts/}{\TeX{} Users Group's font page}.
-\subsection{Tools for composing \LaTeX{}}
-There are many environments to make writing \LaTeX{} source easier.
-For instance, many people use a text editor of some sort, such as 
+% =========================================================
+\section{Writing \LaTeX{}}
+There are many ways to make writing \LaTeX{} source easier.
+Most people use a source code editor, such as 
+\href{https://www.texstudio.org/}{\TeX{}studio}, or 
 Emacs with the add-on mode 
-A new environment that is free, runs on all major 
-computer platforms, and combines the best ideas 
-from available environments while retaining simplicity, is 
+or \href{https://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop/}{\TeX{}Shop} on
+a Mac.
+% A new environment that is free, runs on all major 
+% computer platforms, and combines the best ideas 
+% from available environments while retaining simplicity, is 
+% \href{https://tug.org/texworks/}{\texworks}.
+% ====================================================
+Pronounce \LaTeX{} as
+``la-tech'' or ``lay-tech,'' with emphasis on either syllable.
+We prefer the first, with emphasis on the first syllable.
-There are many
-\href{http://tug.org/usergroups.html}{user groups}
-for \TeX{}.
-\href{http://www.ctan.org/}{Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network}
-contains many more packages than any distribution.
-In addition, if you are stuck on an issue, the Usenet group
-\href{http://lists.tug.org/texhax}{\texttt{texhax at tug.org}} 
-are the most popular mailing lists. 
-You can search more than a decade of 
-\LaTeX{} discussions, or post a question yourself.
+% ====================================================
+\section{Welcome to the community!}
+One reason that all of these resources are available is 
+the work of the many
+\href{https://tug.org/usergroups.html}{user groups}, 
+including the \href{https://tug.org/}{\TeX{} Users Group}.
+Please consider joining.
+% The 
+% \href{https://www.ctan.org/}{Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network}
+% contains more packages than any distribution.
-\LaTeX{} was first written in 1985 by Leslie Lamport, building on 
-Donald Knuth's \TeX{}.
-It is now maintained and developed by the 
-\href{http://www.latex-project.org}{\LaTeX{}3 Project}\texdoc{latex3} group.
+% \vfill\null
+% \columnbreak
-\LaTeX{} can be pronounced as
-``la-tech'' or ``lay-tech,'' with emphasis on either syllable.
-(We prefer the first, with emphasis on the first syllable.)
+\hbadness=10000 % we know
+% \subsection{Feedback?}
+% Contact me via 
+% \href{https://hefferon.net}{\color{lightblue}\texttt{hefferon.net}}.
+% (This version is from \today.)
+% The source is at
+% \href{https://gitlab.com/jim.hefferon/latexpackages}{\color{lightblue}my GitLab repository}.)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/massage_html.awk
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/massage_html.awk	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/massage_html.awk	2021-01-02 22:02:58 UTC (rev 57293)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# massage_html.awk
+# Part of latex-doc-ptr
+#   make4ht loses the subsection run-in headers.  It puts the resulting material
+# on two lines.  So this small state machine passes through the .html file
+# and creates subsection classes from paragraphs.
+# 2020-Dec-31 Jim Hefferon
+BEGIN { lastLine = ""}
+# Look for second line of two-line patterns for subsections
+/^class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">/ {
+  if(lastLine == "<span ") {
+      printf("<p class=\"subsection\">%s\n", lastLine)
+  } else {
+      print lastLine
+  }
+!/^class="Spectral-Bold-lf-t-1x-x-109">/ {
+    print lastLine
+{ lastLine = $0 }
+END {print lastLine}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-doc-ptr/massage_html.awk
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property

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