texlive[57902] Master/texmf-dist: principia (25feb21)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Feb 25 16:02:24 CET 2021

Revision: 57902
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-02-25 16:02:24 +0100 (Thu, 25 Feb 2021)
Log Message:
principia (25feb21)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/README	2021-02-25 14:35:42 UTC (rev 57901)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/README	2021-02-25 15:02:24 UTC (rev 57902)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 principia.sty - a LaTeX2e package for typesetting the "Peanese" notation of Whitehead and Russell's 1910 "Principia Mathematica".
-The file principia.sty is the original work of Landon D. C. Elkind (Copyright (c) 2020). It is released under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c.
+The file principia.sty is the original work of Landon D. C. Elkind (Copyright (c) 2021). It is released under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c.
-This is principia package Version 1.1 (25/10/2020). Like Version 1.0, it covers typesetting the notations through Volume I of "Principia Mathematica". Version 1.1 has some minor updates. See the file principia.pdf for information on these changes and for further information on how to typeset Peanese symbols in LaTeX with the principia package. 
+This is principia package Version 1.2 (23/02/2021). Like Versions 1.0-1.1, this version covers typesetting the notations through Volume I of "Principia Mathematica". Version 1.2 has some minor updates. See the file principia.pdf for information on these changes and for further information on how to typeset Peanese symbols in LaTeX with the principia package. 
 Updates to include all notations throughout Volumes II and III are planned. Further information and updates can be found at https://logicalatomist.github.io/principia/

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/principia.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/principia.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/principia.tex	2021-02-25 14:35:42 UTC (rev 57901)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/principia/principia.tex	2021-02-25 15:02:24 UTC (rev 57902)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 \ProvidesPackage{principia}[2020/10/25 principia package version 1.1] %This package supports typesetting the Peanese notation in Volume I of Whitehead and Russell’s 1910 ``Principia Mathematica". 
 %Version 1.0 (superseded by Version 1.1): Covers typesetting of notation through Volume I. 2020/10/24
 %Version 1.1 (updates): fixed the spacing of scope dots around parentheses; fixed spacing of theorem sign; fixed spacing around primitive proposition and definition signs. 2020/10/25
+%Version 1.2 (updates): boldfaced (`thickened') the truth-functional connectives, existential quantifier, set and relation symbols; added numerous commands for typesetting brackets and substitutions into theorems. 2021/02/23
 %Licensed under LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c. 
 %Copyright Landon D. C. Elkind, 2020.  (https://landondcelkind.com/contact/).
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
 \usepackage{marvosym} %This loads the male and female symbol.
 \usepackage{graphicx} %This loads commands that flip iota for definite descriptions, Lambda for the universal class, and so on. The (superseded) graphics package should also work here, but is not recommended.
-\title{\texttt{principia.sty }\\ A \LaTeXe \space Package for Typesetting Whitehead and Russell's \textit{Principia Mathematica} (Version 1.1)}
+\title{\texttt{principia.sty }\\ A \LaTeXe \space Package for Typesetting Whitehead and Russell's \textit{Principia Mathematica} (Version 1.2)}
 \author{Landon D. C. Elkind \texttt{elkind at ualberta.ca}}
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
 In \textit{Principia Mathematica} some symbols occur with an argument and sometimes that same symbol occurs without an argument. For example, `$\pmsome{x}$' occurs in some formulas, but sometimes `$\pmSome$' occurs in the text when they talk about the symbol itself. \texttt{principia} is designed to accommodate these different occurrences of symbols. When a symbol is to occur without an argument, capitalize the first letter following the `\texttt{$\backslash$pm}' part of the command. E.g. \verb|\pmsome{x}| produces $\pmsome{x}$ and \verb|\pmSome| produces `$\pmSome$'. Note the former command requires an argument and the latter command does not. Not all commands in the \texttt{principia} package admit of such dual use because some symbols in \textit{Principia Mathematica} never occur without an argument or do not take an argument in the usual sense. For example, the propositional connectives do not take an `argument' in the way singular or plural descriptions do.
-Version 1.1 of \texttt{principia}, like Version 1.0, is adequate to typeset all notations throughout Volume I of \textit{Principia} and includes some fixes to spacing, etc. See the package documentation for details. Updates to include all notations throughout Volumes II and III are planned.
+Version 1.2 (and 1.0-1.1) of \texttt{principia} is adequate to typeset all notations throughout Volume I of \textit{Principia} and includes some fixes to spacing, etc. See the package documentation for details. Updates to include all notations throughout Volumes II and III are planned.
 \texttt{principia}'s dependencies are \texttt{amsmath}, \texttt{amssymb}, \texttt{pifont}, \texttt{marvosym}, and \texttt{graphicx}. Make sure to load these package by typing \texttt{$\backslash$usepackage\{graphicx\}}, etc., into the document preamble. To load \texttt{principia}, type \texttt{$\backslash$usepackage\{principia\}} in the document's preamble.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty	2021-02-25 14:35:42 UTC (rev 57901)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/principia/principia.sty	2021-02-25 15:02:24 UTC (rev 57902)
@@ -14,15 +14,29 @@
 \RequirePackage{pifont} %This loads the symbols such as the eight-pointed asterisk.
 %Meta-logical symbols
+\newcommand{\pmfd}{\begin{center} \rule{5cm}{.5pt} \end{center}} %Dividing line between introductory remarks in a starred number and the formal deductions.
 \newcommand{\pmdem}{\textit{Dem}.} %This notation begins a proof.
+\newcommand{\pmdemi}{\indent \pmdem} %This idents the notation that begins a proof.
+\newcommand{\pmhp}{\text{Hp}} %This typesets Hp (short for antecedent), which occurs at the beginning of a proof.
+\newcommand{\pmprop}{\text{Prop}} %This occurs at the end of a proof.
+\newcommand{\pmithm}{\pmimp\;\pmthm} %This occurs when a meta-theoretic implication is asserted.
+\newcommand{\pmbr}[1]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \bigg \rbrack} %These are larger brackets for substitution.
 \newcommand{\pmsub}[2]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c} #1 \\ \hline #2 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubb}[4]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c} #1, & #3 \\ \hline #2, & #4 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubbb}[6]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c} #1, & #3, & #5 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsubbbb}[8]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
 \newcommand{\pmSub}[3]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c} #2 \\ \hline #3 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
-\newcommand{\pmsubb}[4]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c} #1, & #3 \\ \hline #2, & #4 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
 \newcommand{\pmSubb}[5]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c} #2, & #4 \\ \hline #3, & #5 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
-\newcommand{\pmsubbb}[6]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c} #1, & #3, & #5 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
 \newcommand{\pmSubbb}[7]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c} #2, & #4, & #6 \\ \hline #3, & #5, & #7 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
-\newcommand{\pmsubbbb}[8]{\bigg \lbrack \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
-\newcommand{\pmSubbbb}[9]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array}  \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSubbbb}[9]{\bigg \lbrack \normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array} \bigg \rbrack} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsUb}[2]{\small \begin{array}{c} #1 \\ \hline #2 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsUbb}[4]{\small \begin{array}{c c} #1, & #3 \\ \hline #2, & #4 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsUbbb}[6]{\small \begin{array}{c c c} #1, & #3, & #5 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmsUbbbb}[8]{\small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSUb}[3]{\normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c} #2 \\ \hline #3 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSUbb}[5]{\normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c} #2, & #4 \\ \hline #3, & #5 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSUbbb}[7]{\normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c} #2, & #4, & #6 \\ \hline #3, & #5, & #7 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
+\newcommand{\pmSUbbbb}[9]{\normalsize #1 \text{ } \small \begin{array}{c c c c} #1, & #3, & #5, & #7 \\ \hline #2, & #4, & #6, & #8 \end{array}} %This is the substitution command.
 \newcommand{\pmthm}{\mathpunct{\text{\scalebox{.5}[1]{$\boldsymbol\vdash$}}}} %This is the theorem sign.
 \newcommand{\pmast}{\text{\resizebox{!}{.75\height}{\ding{107}}}} %This is the sign introducing a theorem number.
 \newcommand{\pmcdot}{\text{\raisebox{.05cm}{$\boldsymbol\cdot$}}} %This is a sign introducing a theorem sub-number.
@@ -39,13 +53,14 @@
 %Logical connectives
@@ -63,10 +78,10 @@
 \newcommand{\pmpredd}[3]{#1\pmshr(#2, #3)} %for predicates (``predicative functions'') of two variables
 \newcommand{\pmpreddd}[4]{#1\pmshr(#2, #3, #4)} %for predicates (``predicative functions'') of three variables
 \newcommand{\pmnid}{\mathrel{\ooalign{$=$\cr\hidewidth\footnotesize\rotatebox[origin=c]{210}{\textbf{/}}\hidewidth\cr}}} %*13.01
-\newcommand{\pmiota}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\iota$}} %the rotated Greek iota used in definite descriptions
+\newcommand{\pmiota}{\ooalign{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\mathbf{\iota}$}\cr\hidewidth\raisebox{.0125em}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\mathbf{\iota}$}}\cr\hidewidth\raisebox{.025em}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\mathbf{\iota}$}}\cr\hidewidth\raisebox{.0375em}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\mathbf{\iota}$}}\cr\hidewidth\raisebox{.05em}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\mathbf{\iota}$}}}} %the rotated Greek iota used in definite descriptions
 \newcommand{\pmdsc}[1]{(\pmiota#1)} %*14.01
 \newcommand{\pmDsc}{\pmiota} %*14.01
-\newcommand{\pmexists}{\text{E}\pmshr} %*14.02
+\newcommand{\pmexists}{\textbf{E}\hspace{.1em}\pmshr} %*14.02
 %Class signs
@@ -74,13 +89,13 @@
-\newcommand{\pmccup}{\mathop{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}
-\newcommand{\pmccap}{\mathop{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}
+\newcommand{\pmccup}{\mathop{\ooalign{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.1em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.2em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.3em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.4em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.5em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.6em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2.5){\oval(4,4)[b]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}}
+\newcommand{\pmccap}{\mathop{\ooalign{\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.1em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.2em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.3em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.4em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.5em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}\cr\hidewidth\hspace{.6em}\scalebox{1.3}[1.75]{$\put(3, 2){\oval(4,1)[t]}\phantom{\circ}$}}}}
 %Relation signs
@@ -167,7 +182,7 @@
 %Relative type symbols
@@ -198,9 +213,10 @@
+\newcommand{\pmex}[1]{\text{Cls} \mathop{\text{excl}}\mathbf{`}#1}
 \newcommand{\pmexc}{\text{Cls}^2 \mathop{\text{excl}}}
 \newcommand{\pmexcc}[1]{\text{Cl} \mathop{\text{excl}}\textbf{`}#1}
-\newcommand{\pmexcn}{\text{Cls} \mathop{\text{ex}}^2 \mathop{\text{excl}}}
+\newcommand{\pmexcn}{\text{Cls} \mathop{\text{ex}^2} \mathop{\text{excl}}}
 \newcommand{\pmselc}[2]{#1 \mathrel{\rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$\boldsymbol{\mapsto}$}} #2}
 \newcommand{\pmmultr}{\mathop{\text{Rel}} \mathop{\text{Mult}}}
 \newcommand{\pmmultc}{\mathop{\text{Cls}^2} \mathop{\text{Mult}}}
@@ -231,4 +247,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+\newcommand{\pmclsrefl}{\text{Cls} \mathop{\text{refl}}} 
+\newcommand{\pmncrefl}{\text{NC} \mathop{\text{refl}}} 
\ No newline at end of file

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