texlive[57884] branches/branch2020/Master: pdfmanagement-testphase

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Feb 25 00:39:12 CET 2021

Revision: 57884
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-02-25 00:39:12 +0100 (Thu, 25 Feb 2021)
Log Message:
pdfmanagement-testphase runtime files

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua
--- branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua	2021-02-24 23:29:52 UTC (rev 57883)
+++ branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua	2021-02-24 23:39:12 UTC (rev 57884)
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
---  This is file `l3backend-testphase.lua',
---  generated with the docstrip utility.
---  The original source files were:
---  l3backend-testphase.dtx  (with options: `lua')
---  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The LaTeX Project
---  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
---  the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
---  this license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest
---  version of this license is in the file:
---     https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
---  This file is part of the "LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
---  and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
---  File: l3backend-testphase.dtx
-ltx= ltx or {}
-ltx.__pdf      = ltx.__pdf or {}
-ltx.__pdf.Page = ltx.__pdf.Page or {}
-ltx.__pdf.Page.dflt = ltx.__pdf.Page.dflt or {}
-ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources = ltx.__pdf.Resources or {}
-ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties = ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties or {}
-ltx.__pdf.object = ltx.__pdf.object or {}
-ltx.pdf= ltx.pdf or {} -- for "public" functions
-local __pdf = ltx.__pdf
-local pdf = pdf
-local function __pdf_backend_Page_gput (name,value)
- __pdf.Page.dflt[name]=value
-local function __pdf_backend_Page_gremove (name)
- __pdf.Page.dflt[name]=nil
-local function __pdf_backend_Page_gclear ()
- __pdf.Page.dflt={}
-local function __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value)
- __pdf.Page[page] = __pdf.Page[page] or {}
- __pdf.Page[page][name]=value
-local function __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush (page)
- local token=""
- local t = {}
- local tkeys= {}
- for name,value in pairs(__pdf.Page.dflt) do
-   t[name]=value
- end
- if __pdf.Page[page] then
-  for name,value in pairs(__pdf.Page[page]) do
-   t[name] = value
-  end
- end
- -- sort the table to get reliable test files.
- for name,value in pairs(t) do
-  table.insert(tkeys,name)
- end
- table.sort(tkeys)
- for _,name in ipairs(tkeys) do
-   token = token .. "/"..name.." "..t[name]
- end
- return token
-function ltx.__pdf.backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value) -- tex.count["g_shipout_readonly_int"]
- __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value)
-function ltx.__pdf.backend_ThisPage_gpush (page)
-  pdf.setpageattributes(__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush (page))
-function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gput (name,value)
-  __pdf_backend_Page_gput (name,value)
-function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gremove (name)
-  __pdf_backend_Page_gremove (name)
-function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gclear ()
-  __pdf_backend_Page_gclear ()
-local Properties  = ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties
-local ResourceList= ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.List
-local function __pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page)
- local token=""
- if Properties[page] then
--- we sort the table, so that the pdf test works
-  local t = {}
-  for name,value in pairs  (Properties[page]) do
-   table.insert (t,name)
-  end
-  table.sort (t)
-  for _,name in ipairs(t) do
-   token = token .. "/"..name.." ".. Properties[page][name]
-  end
-  token = "/Properties <<"..token..">>"
- end
-  for i,name in ipairs(ResourceList) do
-   if ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources[name] then
-   token = token .. "/"..name.." "..ltx.pdf.object_ref("Page/Resources/"..name)
-   end
-  end
- return token
--- the function is public, as I probably need it in tagpdf too ...
-function ltx.pdf.Page_Resources_Properties_gput (page,name,value) -- tex.count["g_shipout_readonly_int"]
- Properties[page] = Properties[page] or {}
- Properties[page][name]=value
- pdf.setpageresources(__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page))
-function ltx.pdf.Page_Resources_gpush(page)
- pdf.setpageresources(__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page))
-function ltx.pdf.object_ref (objname)
- if ltx.__pdf.object[objname] then
-  local ref= ltx.__pdf.object[objname]
-  return ref
- else
-  return "false"
- end
---  End of File `l3backend-testphase.lua'.

Deleted: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx
--- branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx	2021-02-24 23:29:52 UTC (rev 57883)
+++ branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx	2021-02-24 23:39:12 UTC (rev 57884)
@@ -1,1940 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% pdfmanagement-testphase.dtx  (with options: `header')
-%% l3pdfdict.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdfmanagement.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% ltdocinit.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdfannot.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdfxform.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdfmeta.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdftools.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% l3pdffile.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The LaTeX Project
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
-%% this license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest
-%% version of this license is in the file:
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% This file is part of the "LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
-%% and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
-%% File: pdfmanagement-testphase.dtx
-  {pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx}{2021-02-22}{0.95a}
-  {PDF~management~code~(testphase)}
-%% File: l3pdfdict.dtx
-\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_get_type:n #1
-  {
-    \str_case_e:nn { \str_head:n{#1} }
-     {
-       {g}{global}
-       {l}{local}
-     }
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { show-dict }
-  { %#1: name of the dictionary
-    %#2: expanded content
-    %#3: type
-    The~#3~dictionary~'#1'~
-    \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
-      { is~empty \\>~ . }
-      { contains~the~pairs~(without~outer~braces): #2 . }
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { unknown-dict }
-  {
-    The~dictionary~'#1'~is~unknown.
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { dict-already-defined  }
-  {
-    The~#2~dictionary~'#1'~is~already~defined.
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { empty-value }
-              { The~value~#1~for~#2~is~blank~and~will~be~ignored }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { invalid-name }
-              { Name~'#1'~is~not~valid\\
-                Names~of~dictionaries~should~start~with~'g_'~or~'l_' }
-\seq_new:N \g__pdfdict_lnames_seq
-\seq_new:N \g__pdfdict_gnames_seq
-\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_name:n #1  % #1 dictionary name
-  {
-    \str_head:n{#1}__pdfdict_/#1_prop
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n \__pdfdict_name:n
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_new:n #1
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nnxx
-          { pdfdict }
-          { dict-already-defined }
-          { \tl_to_str:n {#1} }
-          { \__pdfdict_get_type:n{#1} }
-       }
-       {
-         \str_case_e:nnF { \str_head:n{#1} }
-           {
-             {g}
-             {
-                 \prop_new:c  { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
-                 \seq_gput_right:cn {g__pdfdict_gnames_seq} { #1 }
-             }
-             {l}
-             {
-                 \prop_new:c  { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
-                 \seq_gput_right:cn {g__pdfdict_lnames_seq} { #1 }
-             }
-           }
-           {
-             \msg_error:nnx{pdfdict}{invalid-name}{\tl_to_str:n{#1}}
-           }
-       }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_new:n \__pdfdict_new:n
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_set_eq:nn #1 #2
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #2 }
-      {
-        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nF { #1 }
-          {
-            \__pdfdict_new:n { #1 }
-          }
-        \prop_set_eq:cc { \__pdfdict_name:n {#1} }{ \__pdfdict_name:n {#2} }
-      }
-      {
-         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_set_eq:nn \__pdfdict_set_eq:nn
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gset_eq:nn #1 #2
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #2 }
-      {
-        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nF { #1 }
-          {
-            \__pdfdict_new:n { #1 }
-          }
-        \prop_gset_eq:cc { \__pdfdict_name:n {#1} }{ \__pdfdict_name:n {#2} }
-      }
-      {
-         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gset_eq:nn \__pdfdict_gset_eq:nn
-\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfdict_if_exist:n #1 { p , T , F , TF }
-  {
-    \prop_if_exist:cTF
-      { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 }  }
-      { \prg_return_true:  }
-      { \prg_return_false: }
-  }
-  \pdfdict_if_exist:n \__pdfdict_if_exist:n { p , T , F , TF }
-\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfdict_if_empty:n #1 { p , T , F , TF }
-  {
-    \prop_if_empty:cTF
-      { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
-      { \prg_return_true:  }
-      { \prg_return_false: }
-  }
-  \pdfdict_if_empty:n \__pdfdict_if_empty:n { p , T , F , TF }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_put:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 (local) dict, #2 name, #3 value
-  {
-    \tl_if_blank:nTF { #3 }
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnnn { pdfdict }{ empty-value }{ #2 } { #1 }
-      }
-      {
-        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #1 }
-          {
-            \exp_args:Nnx \prop_put:cnn
-              { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } { #3 }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_put:nnn \__pdfdict_put:nnn
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_put:nnn {nnx,nno}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gput:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 global dict, #2 name, #3 value
-  {
-    \tl_if_empty:nTF { #3 }
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnnn { pdfdict }{ empty-value }{ #2 } { #1 }
-      }
-      {
-        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
-          {
-            \exp_args:Nnx \prop_gput:cnn
-              { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } { #3 }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gput:nnn \__pdfdict_gput:nnn
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_gput:nnn {nnx,nno}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_get:nnN  #1 #2 #3 %dict,key,macro
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
-      {
-        \exp_args:Nnx \prop_get:cnN
-          { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
-          { \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } #3
-      }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_get:nnN \__pdfdict_get:nnN
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_remove:nn #1 #2 %dict,name
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
-      {
-        \exp_args:Nnx \prop_remove:cn
-          { \__pdfdict_name:n  { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
-      }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_remove:nn \__pdfdict_remove:nn
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gremove:nn #1 #2 %dict,name
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #1 }
-       {
-         \exp_args:Nnx \prop_gremove:cn
-           { \__pdfdict_name:n  { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
-       }
-       {
-         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-       }
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gremove:nn \__pdfdict_gremove:nn
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_show:Nn #1#2 %#1 message command, #2 dict
-  {
-    \prop_if_exist:cTF { \__pdfdict_name:n { #2 } }
-       {
-         #1
-            { pdfdict }
-            { show-dict }
-            { \tl_to_str:n {#2}  }
-            { \prop_map_function:cN {\__pdfdict_name:n { #2 }} \msg_show_item:nn }
-            { \__pdfdict_get_type:n{#2} }
-            { }
-       }
-       {
-         #1 { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #2 } {}{}{}
-       }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfdict_show:n #1
-  {
-    \__pdfdict_show:Nn \msg_show:nnxxxx {#1}
-  }
-\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_item:nn #1 #2 %#1 name, #2 value
-  {
-    \tl_if_blank:nF {#2} { /#1~#2~ }
-  }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdfdict_item:nn {ne}
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_item:nn \__pdfdict_item:nn
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_item:nn {ne}
-\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_use:n #1  %#1 dict
-  {
-    \prop_map_function:cN { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } } \__pdfdict_item:ne
-  }
-\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_use:n \__pdfdict_use:n
-%% File: l3pdfmanagement.dtx
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict }
-              { The~PDF~management~resource~'#1'~is~unknown. }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { empty-value }
-              { The~value~for~#1~is~empty~and~will~be~ignored }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { no-removal }
-              { It~is~not~possible~to~remove~values~from~'#1'.}
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { no-show }
-              { It~is~not~possible~to~show~the~content~of~'#1'.}
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { show-dict }
-  {
-    The~PDF~resource~'#1'~
-    \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
-      { is~empty \\>~ . }
-      { contains~the~pairs~(without~outer~braces): #2 . }
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { dict-already-defined  }
-  {
-    The~path~'#1'~is~already~defined.
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { inactive  }
-  {
-    The~PDF~resources~management~is~not~active\\
-    command~'#1'~ignored.
-  }
-\bool_new:N \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfmanagement_if_active:  { p , T , F , TF }
-  {
-    \bool_if:NTF \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-      { \prg_return_true:  }
-      { \prg_return_false: }
-  }
-  \pdfmanagement_if_active: \__pdfmanagement_if_active: { p , T , F , TF }
-\hook_new:n {pdfmanagement/add}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn #1 #2 #3
-  {
-    \__pdfmanagement_if_active:TF
-      {
-        \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
-          {
-            \hook_gput_code:nnn
-              {pdfmanagement/add}
-              {pdfmanagement}
-              {
-                \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn { #1 }{ #2 }{ #3 }
-              }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
-          }
-      }
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnx {pdfmanagement}{inactive}
-          {\tl_to_str:n {\pdfmanagement_add:nnn}}
-      }
-  }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn {nnx,nxx}
-\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl
-\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl
-\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl
-\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl
-  {
-     \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-       {
-         \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush:n      { \g_shipout_readonly_int }
-         \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush:n { \g_shipout_readonly_int }
-       }
-  }
-\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl
-  {
-    \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-       {
-         \__pdf_backend_PageResources_obj_gpush:          %ExtGState etc
-       }
-  }
-\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl
-  {
-    \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-       {
-         \__pdfmanagement_Pages_gpush:            %pagesattr
-         \__pdfmanagement_Info_gpush:             %pdfinfo
-         \__pdfmanagement_Catalog_gpush:
-       }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 dict, #2 name, #3 value
-  {
-    \tl_if_empty:nTF { #3 }
-      {
-        \msg_none:nnn { pdfmanagement }{ empty-value }{ /#1/#2 }
-      }
-      {
-        \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
-          {
-            \cs_if_exist:cTF
-              { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gput:nn } %general, name independant handler
-              { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gput:nn} {#2} {#3} }
-              {
-                \cs_if_exist:cTF
-                  { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gput:n }
-                  { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gput:n} {#3} } %special handler
-                  {
-                    \exp_args:Nnx
-                    \prop_gput:cnn
-                      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
-                      { \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
-                      { #3 }
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn {nxx}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_get:nnN  #1 #2 #3 %path,key,macro
-  {
-    \exp_args:Nnx
-    \prop_get:cnN
-      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
-      { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} } #3
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key
-  {
-    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
-          {
-            \cs_if_exist:cTF
-              { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gremove:n } %general, name independant handler
-              { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gremove:n} {#2} }
-              {
-                \cs_if_exist:cTF
-                  { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gremove: }
-                  { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gremove:} } %special handler
-                  {
-                    \exp_args:Nnx
-                    \prop_gremove:cn
-                      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
-                      { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} }
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-          }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key
-  {
-    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
-          {
-            \exp_args:Nnx
-            \prop_gremove:cn
-              { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
-              { \str_convert_pdfname:n{#2} }
-          }
-          {
-            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
-          }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_show:Nn #1#2
-  {
-    \cs_if_exist:cTF
-      { __pdfmanagement_handler/#2/?_show: } %general, name independant handler
-      { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#2/?_show:} }
-      {
-        \prop_if_exist:cTF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 } }
-          {
-             #1
-               { pdfmanagement } { show-dict }
-               { \tl_to_str:n {#2} }
-               {
-                 \prop_map_function:cN
-                  {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 }}
-                  \msg_show_item:nn
-               }
-               { } { }
-          }
-          {
-            #1 { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } {#2}{}{}{}
-          }
-       }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_show:n #1  %path
-  {
-    \prop_show:c { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_show:n #1
-  {
-    \__pdfmanagement_show:Nn \msg_show:nnxxxx {#1}
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-      {
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-      }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
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-      {
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-      {
-        \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
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-      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} }
-      \__pdf_backend_info_gput:nn
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-    OCProperties/D,
-    OpenAction,
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-    PageLayout,
-    PageMode,
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-    Version
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-    MarkInfo,
-    ViewerPreferences,
-    OCProperties
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-    AF,
-    OCProperties/OCGs,
-    OCProperties/Configs,
-    OutputIntents,
-    Requirements,
-    AcroForm/Fields,
-    AcroForm/CO
-  }
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- {
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-   \cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Catalog/#1_gput:n } ##1
-     {
-       \seq_gput_right:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/#1_seq } {  ##1  }
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- }
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-      { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq }
-      {  #1  }
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-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush: }
-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AF_gpush: }
-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/MarkInfo_gpush: }
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-      {
-        \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties_gpush: }
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-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_gpush: }
-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Requirements_gpush: }
-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_gpush: }
-    % output the single values:
-    \prop_map_function:cN
-      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog} }
-      \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn
-    % output names tree:
-    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles_gpush: }
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-     {
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-           {AA}
-           {
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-        \exp_args:Nnnx
-          \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
-            { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
-            { Fields }
-            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_obj } }
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-        \exp_args:Nnnx
-          \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
-            { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
-            { CO }
-            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_obj } }
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-         \exp_args:Nnnx
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-             { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } }
-             { Font }
-             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font_obj } }
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-             { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } }
-         \exp_args:Nnnx
-           \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
-             { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
-             { DR }
-             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR_obj } }
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-         \exp_args:Nnnx
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-             { Catalog }
-             { AcroForm }
-             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm_obj } }
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-     {
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-       \exp_args:Nnx
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-       \exp_args:Nnx
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-           {AF}
-           {
-             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AF_obj}
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-     {
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-      {
-        ( \seq_count:c { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/OCGs_seq }  )*
-        ( \seq_count:c { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq } )
-      }
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-      { 0 }
-      {
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-            {
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-              /D~\l_tmpa_tl~
-              \seq_if_empty:cF { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq }
-                {
-                  /Configs~
-                  [ \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq} {~} ]
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-        \exp_args:Nnx
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-            { OCProperties }
-            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties_obj} }
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-            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_obj }
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-           {OutputIntents}
-           {
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-            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Requirements_obj }
-            { \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Requirements_seq } {~} }
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-           {Requirements}
-           {
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-     {
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-            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_obj }
-            { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } }
-       \exp_args:Nnx
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-           {ViewerPreferences}
-           {
-             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_obj}
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-  {
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-  }
-\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles_gpush: }
-  {
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-      {
-        \exp_args:Nx \__pdf_backend_NamesEmbeddedFiles_gpush:n
-          {
-            \seq_use:Nn \g__pdf_backend_EmbeddedFiles_seq {~}
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:cpn {__pdfmanagement_handler/Catalog/?_show:}
-  {
-    \iow_term:x
-      {
-        \iow_newline:
-        The~Catalog~contains~in~the~top~level~the~single~value~entries
-        \prop_map_function:cN
-          {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog }}
-          \msg_show_item:nn
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-    \clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_seq_clist
-     {
-       \seq_if_empty:cF {  g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/##1_seq }
-         {
-           \iow_term:x
-             {
-               The~'##1'~array~contains~the~entries
-               \seq_map_function:cN { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/##1_seq } \msg_show_item:n
-             }
-         }
-      }
-    \clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_sub_clist
-      {
-        \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 } }
-          {
-            \iow_term:x
-              {
-                The~Catalog~subdirectory~'##1'~contains~the~single~value~entries
-                \prop_map_function:cN
-                  {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 }}
-                  \msg_show_item:nn
-              }
-          }
-      }
-    \tl_show:x {\tl_to_str:n{\pdfmanagement_show:n{Catalog}}}
-  }
-\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Xform/Resources/Properties}
-%% File: ltdocinit.dtx
-\msg_new:nnn  { document } { setup-after-documentclass }
-              {
-                \token_to_str:N \DeclareDocumentMetadata \c_space_tl
-                should~be~used~only~before~\token_to_str:N\documentclass
-              }
-\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareDocumentMetadata { m }
-  {
-    \cs_if_eq:NNTF \documentclass \@twoclasseserror
-      { \msg_error:nn { document }{ setup-after-documentclass } }
-      {
-        \keys_set_groups:nnn { document / metadata} {init}{ #1 }
-        %should be loaded after the backend is set, and only if not in the kernel
-        \cs_if_free:NTF \pdf_uncompress:
-         {\RequirePackage{l3pdf}}{\RequirePackage{expl3}}
-        \ExplSyntaxOn\makeatletter
-          \file_input:n {l3backend-testphase-\c_sys_backend_str.def}
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-          {
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-        \hook_use_once:n {pdfmanagement/add}
-        \RenewDocumentCommand\DeclareDocumentMetadata { m }
-          {
-            \keys_set_filter:nnn  { document / metadata } { init } { ##1 }
-            \bool_if:NTF \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-             {
-               \str_remove_all:cn {opt at hyperref.sty}{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}
-               \PassOptionsToPackage{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}{hyperref}
-             }
-             {
-               \str_remove_all:cn {opt at hyperref.sty}{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}
-             }
-          }
-        \RequirePackage{pdfmanagement-firstaid}
-      }
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-  {
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-      \prop_gput:Nnn \g__pdfmanagement_documentproperties_prop
-        {
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-        { #3}
-  }
-  {
-    \prop_item:Nn \g__pdfmanagement_documentproperties_prop {#1}
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { show-properties }
-  {
-    The~following~document~properties~have~been~stored:
-    #1
-  }
-\NewDocumentCommand\ShowDocumentProperties {}
-  {
-    \msg_show:nnx {pdfmanagement}{show-properties}
-      {
-        \prop_map_function:NN \g__pdfmanagement_documentproperties_prop \msg_show_item:nn
-      }
-  }
-\clist_new:N \g__pdfmanagement_firstaidoff_clist
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-  {
-    backend .code:n =
-      {
-        \PassOptionsToPackage { driver=#1 } {expl3}
-        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{backend}{#1}
-      },
-    backend .groups:n = { init } ,
-  }
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-  {
-    ,pdfversion .code:n =
-      {
-        \pdf_version_gset:n { #1 }
-        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{pdfversion}{#1}
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-    ,uncompress .code:n =
-      {
-        \pdf_uncompress:
-      }
-    ,uncompress .value_forbidden:n = true
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-      {
-        \pdfmanagement_add:nnn {Catalog} {Lang}{(#1)}
-        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{lang}{#1}
-      }
-    %,xmpmeta .bool_gset:N = \g_pdfmeta_xmp_bool %see pdfmeta unused and undefined for now!
-    % this uses internal command from pdfmeta, it should probably move there ...
-    ,pdfstandard .code:n =
-      {
-        \exp_args:Nnx
-        \keys_set:nn {document / metadata} {_pdfstandard=\str_uppercase:n{#1}}
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-      {A-1B,A-2B,A-3B}
-      {
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-          {
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-          }
-        \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{pdfstandard}{#1}
-      }
-    ,_pdfstandard / unknown .code:n =
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnn{pdf}{unknown-standard}{#1}
-      }
-    ,pdfmanagement .bool_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
-    ,pdfmanagement .initial:n =  {true}
-    ,firstaidoff .clist_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_firstaidoff_clist
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-%% File: l3pdfannot.dtx
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-%% File: l3pdfxform.dtx
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-%% File: l3pdfmeta.dtx
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-    % means: no AA dictionary
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-    % Rule 6.9-2: PDAnnot, Subtype != "Widget" || (A_size == 0 && AA_size == 0)
-    % (looks like a tightening of the previous rule)
-      ,annot_widget_no_A_AA    =
-    %===============
-    % Rule 6.9-1 PDAcroForm, NeedAppearances == null || NeedAppearances == false
-    ,form_no_NeedAppearances =
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-    %Rule 6.9-3 PDFormField, AA_size == 0
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-    % to be continued https://docs.verapdf.org/validation/pdfa-part1/
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-%% File: l3pdftools.dtx
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-%% TODO Names need a review when it is clear which converters
-%% are actually needed
-%% string conversions and printing
-%% we assume here that the text purify step has been done. The input is
-%% a list of (utf8) chars.
-%% str convert, not expandable.
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-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 2A} {*}
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-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 2C} {,}
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-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 31} {1}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 32} {2}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 33} {3}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 34} {4}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 35} {5}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 36} {6}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 37} {7}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 38} {8}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 39} {9}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 28} {\c_backslash_str(}
-     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 29} {\c_backslash_str)}
-  }
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-  {
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-     \str_put_right:Nn #2 {)}
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-  {
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-      { #1 }
-      { default }
-      {utf16/string}
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-  {
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-    \str_put_left:Nn #2  {(}
-    \str_put_right:Nn #2 {)}
-  }
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-  {
-     \str_set_convert:Nnnn #2
-       { #1 }
-       { default }
-       {utf16/hex}
-  }
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-  {
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-    \str_put_left:Nn #2  {<}
-    \str_put_right:Nn #2 {>}
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-\cs_new_protected:Npn  \pdf_emc:         { \__pdf_backend_emc: }
-%% File: l3pdffile.dtx
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdffile_filename_convert_to_print:nN #1 #2
-  {\pdf_string_from_unicode:nnN {utf16/hex}{#1}{#2}}
-\msg_new:nnn { pdffile } { file-not-found }
-  {
-    File~'\tl_to_str:n{#1}'~not~found
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn { pdffile } { mimetype-missing }
-  {
-    Mime~type~not~set~for~file~'\tl_to_str:n{#1}'
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn { pdffile } { target-name-missing }
-  {
-    a~target~name~for~the~/FileSpec~dictionary~is~missing.
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn { pdffile } { object-exists }
-  {
-    object~name~'#1'~is~already~used.
-  }
-\msg_new:nnn  { pdffile } { show-files }
-  {
-    The~following~files~have~been~embedded\\
-     #1
-  }
-\tl_new:N  \l__pdffile_tmpa_tl
-\tl_new:N  \l__pdffile_tmpb_tl
-\str_new:N \l__pdffile_tmpa_str
-\str_new:N \l__pdffile_tmpb_str
-\str_new:N \l__pdffile_ext_str
-\tl_new:N  \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-\tl_new:N  \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl
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-  {
-    ,.csv = text/csv
-    ,.html= text/html
-    ,.dtx = text/plain %or application/x-tex, not in iana.org list
-    ,.eps = application/postscript
-    ,.jpg = image/jpeg
-    ,.mp4 = video/mp4
-    ,.pdf = application/pdf
-    ,.png = image/png
-    ,.tex = text/plain %or application/x-tex, not in iana.org list
-    ,.txt = text/plain
-    ,.sty = text/plain
-  }
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-  {Size}     { \file_size:n { \l_pdffile_source_name_str } }
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-  {CheckSum} { (\file_mdfive_hash:n { \l_pdffile_source_name_str }) }
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-  {ModDate}  {
-               (
-                 D:\int_use:N\c_sys_year_int
-                  \int_compare:nNnT{\c_sys_month_int}<{10}{0}
-                  \int_use:N\c_sys_month_int
-                  \int_compare:nNnT{\c_sys_day_int}<{10}{0}
-                  \int_use:N\c_sys_day_int
-               )
-             }
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-  {Type} { /FileSpec }
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-  {AFRelationship} { /Unspecified }
-\prop_new:N \g_pdffile_embed_prop
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdffile_embed_show:
-  {
-    \msg_show:nnx
-     {pdffile}{show-files}
-     {
-       \prop_map_function:NN {\g_pdffile_embed_prop} \msg_show_item:nn
-     }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN #1 #2
-  {
-    \file_parse_full_name:nNNN
-          {#1}
-          \l__pdffile_tmpa_str %unused
-          \l__pdffile_tmpb_str %unused
-          \l__pdffile_ext_str
-        %check if Subtype has been set
-        \pdfdict_get:nnN { l_pdffile}{Subtype}\l__pdffile_tmpa_tl
-        %if not look up in the prop:
-        \quark_if_no_value:NT \l__pdffile_tmpa_tl
-          {
-            \prop_get:NVNTF
-              \g_pdffile_mimetypes_prop
-              \l__pdffile_ext_str
-              \l__pdffile_tmpb_tl
-              {
-                \tl_set:Nx #2 {/Subtype~\pdf_name_from_unicode_e:V \l__pdffile_tmpb_tl}
-              }
-              {
-                \msg_warning:nnx { pdffile }{ mimetype-missing} {#1}
-                \tl_clear:N #2
-              }
-          }
-    }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN {VN}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdffile_fstream_write:nN #1 #2
-  {
-    \pdf_object_unnamed_write:nx { fstream }
-      {
-        {
-          #2
-          \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile}
-          \pdfdict_if_empty:nF { l_pdffile/Params}
-            {
-              /Params
-                <<
-                  \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile/Params}
-                >>
-            }
-        }
-        { #1 }
-      }
-     \tl_clear:N \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-   }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdffile_fstream_write:nN {VN}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdffile_stream_write:nN #1 #2
-  {
-    \pdf_object_unnamed_write:nx { stream }
-      {
-        {
-          #2
-          \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile}
-          \pdfdict_if_empty:nF { l_pdffile/streamParams}
-            {
-              /Params
-                <<
-                  \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile/streamParams}
-                >>
-            }
-        }
-        { \exp_not:n { #1 } }
-      }
-     \tl_clear:N \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-   }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdffile_stream_write:nN {VN}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn #1 #2 #3
-  {
-    \tl_if_blank:nT { #2 }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nn {pdffile}{target-name-missing}
-      }
-      {
-        \pdf_object_new:nn   { #1 } {dict}
-        \group_begin:
-          \__pdffile_filename_convert_to_print:nN  { #2 } \l__pdffile_tmpa_str
-          \pdfdict_put:nnx {l_pdffile/FileSpec}{F} { \l__pdffile_tmpa_str }
-          \pdfdict_put:nnx {l_pdffile/FileSpec}{UF}{ \l__pdffile_tmpa_str }
-          \pdf_object_write:nx { #1 }
-            {
-              \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile/FileSpec}
-              \tl_if_empty:nF { #3 }
-                {
-                  /EF <</F~#3 /UF~#3>>
-                }
-            }
-        \group_end:
-      }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdffile_embed_file:nnn #1 #2 #3
-  { %               if #1 empty => only filespec
-    %               if #2 empty => = #1
-    \pdf_object_if_exist:nTF { #3 }
-      {
-        \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ object-exists } { #3 }
-      }
-      {
-        \tl_if_blank:nTF { #1 }
-          {
-            \tl_set:Nn \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl {}
-          }
-          {
-            \file_get_full_name:nNTF {#1} \l_pdffile_source_name_str
-              {
-                \__pdffile_mimetype_set:VN
-                  \l_pdffile_source_name_str
-                  \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-                \__pdffile_fstream_write:VN
-                  \l_pdffile_source_name_str
-                  \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-                \tl_set:Nx \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl { \pdf_object_ref_last: }
-              }
-              {
-                \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ file-not-found }{ #1 }
-              }
-           }
-        \prop_gput:Nnx
-           \g_pdffile_embed_prop
-           { #3 }
-           {
-             { \tl_if_blank:nTF { #1 } {filespec}{file} }
-             {\l_pdffile_source_name_str}
-             {
-               \tl_if_blank:nTF { #2 }
-                 { \l_pdffile_source_name_str }
-                 { \tl_to_str:n{#2}}
-             }
-           }
-        \tl_if_blank:nTF { #2 }
-          {
-            \exp_args:Nnnx
-              \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
-                %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
-                { #3 }
-                { #1 }
-                {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
-          }
-          {
-            \exp_args:Nnnx
-              \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
-                %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
-                { #3 }
-                { #2 }
-                {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdffile_embed_stream:nnn #1 #2 #3
-  {
-    %               if #2 empty => error
-    \pdf_object_if_exist:nTF { #3 }
-      {
-         \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ object-exists } { #3 }
-      }
-      {
-         \prop_gput:Nnx
-            \g_pdffile_embed_prop
-            { #3 }
-            {{stream}{}{\tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}{stream.txt}{\exp_not:n{#2}}}}
-         \tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}
-          { \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN {stream.txt}\l__pdffile_automimetype_tl}
-          { \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN { #2 } \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl }
-         \__pdffile_stream_write:nN
-           { #1 }
-           \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
-         \tl_set:Nx \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl { \pdf_object_ref_last: }
-         \exp_args:Nnxx
-           \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
-             %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
-             { #3 }
-             { \tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}{stream.txt}{\exp_not:n{#2}} }
-             {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
-     }
-  }
-%% End of file `pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx'.

Added: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua
--- branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua	2021-02-24 23:39:12 UTC (rev 57884)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+--  This is file `l3backend-testphase.lua',
+--  generated with the docstrip utility.
+--  The original source files were:
+--  l3backend-testphase.dtx  (with options: `lua')
+--  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The LaTeX Project
+--  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+--  the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
+--  this license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest
+--  version of this license is in the file:
+--     https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+--  This file is part of the "LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
+--  and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
+--  File: l3backend-testphase.dtx
+ltx= ltx or {}
+ltx.__pdf      = ltx.__pdf or {}
+ltx.__pdf.Page = ltx.__pdf.Page or {}
+ltx.__pdf.Page.dflt = ltx.__pdf.Page.dflt or {}
+ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources = ltx.__pdf.Resources or {}
+ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties = ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties or {}
+ltx.__pdf.object = ltx.__pdf.object or {}
+ltx.pdf= ltx.pdf or {} -- for "public" functions
+local __pdf = ltx.__pdf
+local pdf = pdf
+local function __pdf_backend_Page_gput (name,value)
+ __pdf.Page.dflt[name]=value
+local function __pdf_backend_Page_gremove (name)
+ __pdf.Page.dflt[name]=nil
+local function __pdf_backend_Page_gclear ()
+ __pdf.Page.dflt={}
+local function __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value)
+ __pdf.Page[page] = __pdf.Page[page] or {}
+ __pdf.Page[page][name]=value
+local function __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush (page)
+ local token=""
+ local t = {}
+ local tkeys= {}
+ for name,value in pairs(__pdf.Page.dflt) do
+   t[name]=value
+ end
+ if __pdf.Page[page] then
+  for name,value in pairs(__pdf.Page[page]) do
+   t[name] = value
+  end
+ end
+ -- sort the table to get reliable test files.
+ for name,value in pairs(t) do
+  table.insert(tkeys,name)
+ end
+ table.sort(tkeys)
+ for _,name in ipairs(tkeys) do
+   token = token .. "/"..name.." "..t[name]
+ end
+ return token
+function ltx.__pdf.backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value) -- tex.count["g_shipout_readonly_int"]
+ __pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput (page,name,value)
+function ltx.__pdf.backend_ThisPage_gpush (page)
+  pdf.setpageattributes(__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush (page))
+function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gput (name,value)
+  __pdf_backend_Page_gput (name,value)
+function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gremove (name)
+  __pdf_backend_Page_gremove (name)
+function ltx.__pdf.backend_Page_gclear ()
+  __pdf_backend_Page_gclear ()
+local Properties  = ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.Properties
+local ResourceList= ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources.List
+local function __pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page)
+ local token=""
+ if Properties[page] then
+-- we sort the table, so that the pdf test works
+  local t = {}
+  for name,value in pairs  (Properties[page]) do
+   table.insert (t,name)
+  end
+  table.sort (t)
+  for _,name in ipairs(t) do
+   token = token .. "/"..name.." ".. Properties[page][name]
+  end
+  token = "/Properties <<"..token..">>"
+ end
+  for i,name in ipairs(ResourceList) do
+   if ltx.__pdf.Page.Resources[name] then
+   token = token .. "/"..name.." "..ltx.pdf.object_ref("Page/Resources/"..name)
+   end
+  end
+ return token
+-- the function is public, as I probably need it in tagpdf too ...
+function ltx.pdf.Page_Resources_Properties_gput (page,name,value) -- tex.count["g_shipout_readonly_int"]
+ Properties[page] = Properties[page] or {}
+ Properties[page][name]=value
+ pdf.setpageresources(__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page))
+function ltx.pdf.Page_Resources_gpush(page)
+ pdf.setpageresources(__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush (page))
+function ltx.pdf.object_ref (objname)
+ if ltx.__pdf.object[objname] then
+  local ref= ltx.__pdf.object[objname]
+  return ref
+ else
+  return "false"
+ end
+--  End of File `l3backend-testphase.lua'.

Property changes on: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/l3backend-testphase.lua
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx
--- branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx	2021-02-24 23:39:12 UTC (rev 57884)
@@ -0,0 +1,1940 @@
+%% This is file `pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% pdfmanagement-testphase.dtx  (with options: `header')
+%% l3pdfdict.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdfmanagement.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% ltdocinit.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdfannot.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdfxform.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdfmeta.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdftools.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% l3pdffile.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The LaTeX Project
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
+%% this license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest
+%% version of this license is in the file:
+%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% This file is part of the "LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
+%% and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
+%% File: pdfmanagement-testphase.dtx
+  {pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx}{2021-02-22}{0.95a}
+  {PDF~management~code~(testphase)}
+%% File: l3pdfdict.dtx
+\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_get_type:n #1
+  {
+    \str_case_e:nn { \str_head:n{#1} }
+     {
+       {g}{global}
+       {l}{local}
+     }
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { show-dict }
+  { %#1: name of the dictionary
+    %#2: expanded content
+    %#3: type
+    The~#3~dictionary~'#1'~
+    \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
+      { is~empty \\>~ . }
+      { contains~the~pairs~(without~outer~braces): #2 . }
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { unknown-dict }
+  {
+    The~dictionary~'#1'~is~unknown.
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { dict-already-defined  }
+  {
+    The~#2~dictionary~'#1'~is~already~defined.
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { empty-value }
+              { The~value~#1~for~#2~is~blank~and~will~be~ignored }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfdict } { invalid-name }
+              { Name~'#1'~is~not~valid\\
+                Names~of~dictionaries~should~start~with~'g_'~or~'l_' }
+\seq_new:N \g__pdfdict_lnames_seq
+\seq_new:N \g__pdfdict_gnames_seq
+\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_name:n #1  % #1 dictionary name
+  {
+    \str_head:n{#1}__pdfdict_/#1_prop
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n \__pdfdict_name:n
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_new:n #1
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnxx
+          { pdfdict }
+          { dict-already-defined }
+          { \tl_to_str:n {#1} }
+          { \__pdfdict_get_type:n{#1} }
+       }
+       {
+         \str_case_e:nnF { \str_head:n{#1} }
+           {
+             {g}
+             {
+                 \prop_new:c  { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
+                 \seq_gput_right:cn {g__pdfdict_gnames_seq} { #1 }
+             }
+             {l}
+             {
+                 \prop_new:c  { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
+                 \seq_gput_right:cn {g__pdfdict_lnames_seq} { #1 }
+             }
+           }
+           {
+             \msg_error:nnx{pdfdict}{invalid-name}{\tl_to_str:n{#1}}
+           }
+       }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_new:n \__pdfdict_new:n
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_set_eq:nn #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #2 }
+      {
+        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nF { #1 }
+          {
+            \__pdfdict_new:n { #1 }
+          }
+        \prop_set_eq:cc { \__pdfdict_name:n {#1} }{ \__pdfdict_name:n {#2} }
+      }
+      {
+         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_set_eq:nn \__pdfdict_set_eq:nn
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gset_eq:nn #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #2 }
+      {
+        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nF { #1 }
+          {
+            \__pdfdict_new:n { #1 }
+          }
+        \prop_gset_eq:cc { \__pdfdict_name:n {#1} }{ \__pdfdict_name:n {#2} }
+      }
+      {
+         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gset_eq:nn \__pdfdict_gset_eq:nn
+\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfdict_if_exist:n #1 { p , T , F , TF }
+  {
+    \prop_if_exist:cTF
+      { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 }  }
+      { \prg_return_true:  }
+      { \prg_return_false: }
+  }
+  \pdfdict_if_exist:n \__pdfdict_if_exist:n { p , T , F , TF }
+\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfdict_if_empty:n #1 { p , T , F , TF }
+  {
+    \prop_if_empty:cTF
+      { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
+      { \prg_return_true:  }
+      { \prg_return_false: }
+  }
+  \pdfdict_if_empty:n \__pdfdict_if_empty:n { p , T , F , TF }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_put:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 (local) dict, #2 name, #3 value
+  {
+    \tl_if_blank:nTF { #3 }
+      {
+        \msg_warning:nnnn { pdfdict }{ empty-value }{ #2 } { #1 }
+      }
+      {
+        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #1 }
+          {
+            \exp_args:Nnx \prop_put:cnn
+              { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } { #3 }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_put:nnn \__pdfdict_put:nnn
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_put:nnn {nnx,nno}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gput:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 global dict, #2 name, #3 value
+  {
+    \tl_if_empty:nTF { #3 }
+      {
+        \msg_warning:nnnn { pdfdict }{ empty-value }{ #2 } { #1 }
+      }
+      {
+        \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
+          {
+            \exp_args:Nnx \prop_gput:cnn
+              { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } { #3 }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gput:nnn \__pdfdict_gput:nnn
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_gput:nnn {nnx,nno}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_get:nnN  #1 #2 #3 %dict,key,macro
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
+      {
+        \exp_args:Nnx \prop_get:cnN
+          { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } }
+          { \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } #3
+      }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_get:nnN \__pdfdict_get:nnN
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_remove:nn #1 #2 %dict,name
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { #1 }
+      {
+        \exp_args:Nnx \prop_remove:cn
+          { \__pdfdict_name:n  { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
+      }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_remove:nn \__pdfdict_remove:nn
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_gremove:nn #1 #2 %dict,name
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_if_exist:nTF  { #1 }
+       {
+         \exp_args:Nnx \prop_gremove:cn
+           { \__pdfdict_name:n  { #1 } }{ \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
+       }
+       {
+         \msg_error:nnn { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+       }
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_gremove:nn \__pdfdict_gremove:nn
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfdict_show:Nn #1#2 %#1 message command, #2 dict
+  {
+    \prop_if_exist:cTF { \__pdfdict_name:n { #2 } }
+       {
+         #1
+            { pdfdict }
+            { show-dict }
+            { \tl_to_str:n {#2}  }
+            { \prop_map_function:cN {\__pdfdict_name:n { #2 }} \msg_show_item:nn }
+            { \__pdfdict_get_type:n{#2} }
+            { }
+       }
+       {
+         #1 { pdfdict } { unknown-dict } { #2 } {}{}{}
+       }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfdict_show:n #1
+  {
+    \__pdfdict_show:Nn \msg_show:nnxxxx {#1}
+  }
+\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_item:nn #1 #2 %#1 name, #2 value
+  {
+    \tl_if_blank:nF {#2} { /#1~#2~ }
+  }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdfdict_item:nn {ne}
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_item:nn \__pdfdict_item:nn
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfdict_item:nn {ne}
+\cs_new:Npn \__pdfdict_use:n #1  %#1 dict
+  {
+    \prop_map_function:cN { \__pdfdict_name:n { #1 } } \__pdfdict_item:ne
+  }
+\cs_set_eq:NN \pdfdict_use:n \__pdfdict_use:n
+%% File: l3pdfmanagement.dtx
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict }
+              { The~PDF~management~resource~'#1'~is~unknown. }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { empty-value }
+              { The~value~for~#1~is~empty~and~will~be~ignored }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { no-removal }
+              { It~is~not~possible~to~remove~values~from~'#1'.}
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { no-show }
+              { It~is~not~possible~to~show~the~content~of~'#1'.}
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { show-dict }
+  {
+    The~PDF~resource~'#1'~
+    \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
+      { is~empty \\>~ . }
+      { contains~the~pairs~(without~outer~braces): #2 . }
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { dict-already-defined  }
+  {
+    The~path~'#1'~is~already~defined.
+  }
+\msg_new:nnn  { pdfmanagement } { inactive  }
+  {
+    The~PDF~resources~management~is~not~active\\
+    command~'#1'~ignored.
+  }
+\bool_new:N \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__pdfmanagement_if_active:  { p , T , F , TF }
+  {
+    \bool_if:NTF \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+      { \prg_return_true:  }
+      { \prg_return_false: }
+  }
+  \pdfmanagement_if_active: \__pdfmanagement_if_active: { p , T , F , TF }
+\hook_new:n {pdfmanagement/add}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn #1 #2 #3
+  {
+    \__pdfmanagement_if_active:TF
+      {
+        \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+          {
+            \hook_gput_code:nnn
+              {pdfmanagement/add}
+              {pdfmanagement}
+              {
+                \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn { #1 }{ #2 }{ #3 }
+              }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
+          }
+      }
+      {
+        \msg_warning:nnx {pdfmanagement}{inactive}
+          {\tl_to_str:n {\pdfmanagement_add:nnn}}
+      }
+  }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn {nnx,nxx}
+\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl
+\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl
+\tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl
+\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl
+  {
+     \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+       {
+         \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush:n      { \g_shipout_readonly_int }
+         \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush:n { \g_shipout_readonly_int }
+       }
+  }
+\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl
+  {
+    \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+       {
+         \__pdf_backend_PageResources_obj_gpush:          %ExtGState etc
+       }
+  }
+\tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl
+  {
+    \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+       {
+         \__pdfmanagement_Pages_gpush:            %pagesattr
+         \__pdfmanagement_Info_gpush:             %pdfinfo
+         \__pdfmanagement_Catalog_gpush:
+       }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn #1 #2 #3  %#1 dict, #2 name, #3 value
+  {
+    \tl_if_empty:nTF { #3 }
+      {
+        \msg_none:nnn { pdfmanagement }{ empty-value }{ /#1/#2 }
+      }
+      {
+        \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+          {
+            \cs_if_exist:cTF
+              { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gput:nn } %general, name independant handler
+              { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gput:nn} {#2} {#3} }
+              {
+                \cs_if_exist:cTF
+                  { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gput:n }
+                  { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gput:n} {#3} } %special handler
+                  {
+                    \exp_args:Nnx
+                    \prop_gput:cnn
+                      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
+                      { \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } }
+                      { #3 }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gput:nnn {nxx}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_get:nnN  #1 #2 #3 %path,key,macro
+  {
+    \exp_args:Nnx
+    \prop_get:cnN
+      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
+      { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} } #3
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_handler_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key
+  {
+    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+          {
+            \cs_if_exist:cTF
+              { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gremove:n } %general, name independant handler
+              { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/?_gremove:n} {#2} }
+              {
+                \cs_if_exist:cTF
+                  { __pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gremove: }
+                  { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#1/#2_gremove:} } %special handler
+                  {
+                    \exp_args:Nnx
+                    \prop_gremove:cn
+                      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
+                      { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+          }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key
+  {
+    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+          {
+            \exp_args:Nnx
+            \prop_gremove:cn
+              { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
+              { \str_convert_pdfname:n{#2} }
+          }
+          {
+            \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 }
+          }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_show:Nn #1#2
+  {
+    \cs_if_exist:cTF
+      { __pdfmanagement_handler/#2/?_show: } %general, name independant handler
+      { \use:c {__pdfmanagement_handler/#2/?_show:} }
+      {
+        \prop_if_exist:cTF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 } }
+          {
+             #1
+               { pdfmanagement } { show-dict }
+               { \tl_to_str:n {#2} }
+               {
+                 \prop_map_function:cN
+                  {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 }}
+                  \msg_show_item:nn
+               }
+               { } { }
+          }
+          {
+            #1 { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } {#2}{}{}{}
+          }
+       }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_show:n #1  %path
+  {
+    \prop_show:c { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_show:n #1
+  {
+    \__pdfmanagement_show:Nn \msg_show:nnxxxx {#1}
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_remove:nn #1 #2
+  {
+    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+      {
+        \__pdfmanagement_handler_gremove:nn { #1 }{ #2 }
+      }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
+      }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_get:nnN #1 #2 #3
+  {
+    \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 }
+      {
+        \__pdfmanagement_get:nnN { #1 }{ #2 } #3
+      }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1}
+      }
+  }
+\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Info}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_Info_gpush:
+  {
+    \prop_map_function:cN
+      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} }
+      \__pdf_backend_info_gput:nn
+    \prop_gclear:c { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} }
+  }
+\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Pages}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_Pages_gpush:
+  {
+    \exp_args:Nx \__pdf_backend_Pages_primitive:n
+      {
+        \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Pages}
+      }
+  }
+\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Page }
+\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/ThisPage }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_Page_gput:nn { #1 }{ #2 }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/?_gremove:n } #1
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_Page_gremove:n { #1 }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/ThisPage/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \prop_gput:cnn  { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/ThisPage } }{ #1 } { #2 }
+    \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+      {
+        \__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput:nn { #1 }{ #2 }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/ThisPage/?_gremove:n } #1
+  {
+    \msg_warning:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-removal }{ThisPage}
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/ThisPage/?_show: }
+  {
+    \msg_warning:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-show }{ThisPage}
+  }
+\clist_const:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_PageResources_clist
+  {
+    ExtGState,
+    ColorSpace,
+    Pattern,
+    Shading,
+  }
+\clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_PageResources_clist
+  {
+    \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Page/Resources/#1}
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/Resources/ExtGState/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {ExtGState} { #1 }{ #2 }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/Resources/ColorSpace/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {ColorSpace} { #1 }{ #2 }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/Resources/Shading/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {Shading} { #1 }{ #2 }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Page/Resources/Pattern/?_gput:nn } #1 #2
+  {
+    \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {Pattern} { #1 }{ #2 }
+  }
+\pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog}
+\clist_const:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_toplevel_clist
+  {
+    Collection,
+    DPartRoot,
+    Lang,
+    Legal,
+    Metadata,
+    NeedsRendering,
+    OCProperties/D,
+    OpenAction,
+    PageLabels,
+    PageLayout,
+    PageMode,
+    Perms,
+    PieceInfo,
+    SpiderInfo,
+    StructTreeRoot,
+    Threads,
+    URI,
+    Version
+  }
+\clist_const:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_sub_clist
+  {
+    AA,
+    AcroForm,
+    AcroForm/DR,
+    AcroForm/DR/Font,
+    MarkInfo,
+    ViewerPreferences,
+    OCProperties
+  }
+\clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_sub_clist
+  {
+    \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/#1}
+  }
+\clist_const:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_seq_clist
+  {
+    AF,
+    OCProperties/OCGs,
+    OCProperties/Configs,
+    OutputIntents,
+    Requirements,
+    AcroForm/Fields,
+    AcroForm/CO
+  }
+\clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_seq_clist
+ {
+   \seq_new:c { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/#1_seq } % new name later
+   \cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Catalog/#1_gput:n } ##1
+     {
+       \seq_gput_right:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/#1_seq } {  ##1  }
+     }
+ }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_handler/Catalog/OCProperties/D_gput:n } #1
+  {
+    \seq_gput_left:cn
+      { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq }
+      {  #1  }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \__pdfmanagement_Catalog_gpush:
+  {
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AA_gpush: }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush: }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AF_gpush: }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/MarkInfo_gpush: }
+    \pdfmeta_standard_verify:nT {Catalog_no_OCProperties}
+      {
+        \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties_gpush: }
+      }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_gpush: }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Requirements_gpush: }
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_gpush: }
+    % output the single values:
+    \prop_map_function:cN
+      { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog} }
+      \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn
+    % output names tree:
+    \use:c { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles_gpush: }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AA_gpush: }
+  {
+    \prop_if_empty:cF
+     { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AA } }
+     {
+       \__pdf_backend_object_new:nn  { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AA_obj } { dict }
+       \__pdf_backend_object_write:nx
+            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AA_obj }
+            { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AA } }
+       \exp_args:Nnx
+         \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn
+           {AA}
+           {
+             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AA_obj }
+           }
+     }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:cpn { __pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush: }
+  {
+    \seq_if_empty:cF { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_seq }
+      {
+        \__pdf_backend_object_new:nn  { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_obj } { array }
+        \__pdf_backend_object_write:nx
+            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_obj }
+            { \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_seq } {~} }
+        \exp_args:Nnnx
+          \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
+            { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
+            { Fields }
+            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_obj } }
+      }
+    \seq_if_empty:cF { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_seq }
+      {
+        \__pdf_backend_object_new:nn  { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_obj } { array }
+        \exp_args:Nnx
+          \__pdf_backend_object_write:nn
+            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_obj }
+            { \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_seq } {~} }
+        \exp_args:Nnnx
+          \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
+            { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
+            { CO }
+            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_obj } }
+      }
+     \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font}}
+       {
+         \__pdf_backend_object_new:nn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font_obj } {dict}
+         \exp_args:Nnx
+           \__pdf_backend_object_write:nn
+             { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font_obj }
+             { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font } }
+         \exp_args:Nnnx
+           \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
+             { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } }
+             { Font }
+             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font_obj } }
+       }
+     \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR}}
+       {
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+             { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } }
+         \exp_args:Nnnx
+           \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ...
+             { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } }
+             { DR }
+             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm/DR_obj } }
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+             { AcroForm }
+             { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AcroForm_obj } }
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+  {
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+     {
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+       \exp_args:Nnx
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+            { \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AF_seq } {~} }
+       \exp_args:Nnx
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+           {AF}
+           {
+             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/AF_obj}
+           }
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+  }
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+  {
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+     { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/MarkInfo } }
+     {
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+            { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/MarkInfo } }
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+  {
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+      {
+        ( \seq_count:c { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/OCGs_seq }  )*
+        ( \seq_count:c { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq } )
+      }
+      >
+      { 0 }
+      {
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+        \seq_gpop_left:cN { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq} \l_tmpa_tl
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+            {
+              /OCGs~[ \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/OCGs_seq } {~} ]
+              /D~\l_tmpa_tl~
+              \seq_if_empty:cF { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq }
+                {
+                  /Configs~
+                  [ \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq} {~} ]
+                }
+            }
+        \exp_args:Nnx
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+            { OCProperties }
+            { \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OCProperties_obj} }
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+  {
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+     { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_seq }
+     {
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+            { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_obj }
+            { \seq_use:cn { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_seq } {~} }
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+           {OutputIntents}
+           {
+             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/OutputIntents_obj}
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+  {
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+     {
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+           {
+             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/Requirements_obj }
+           }
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+  {
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+     { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } }
+     {
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+            { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } }
+       \exp_args:Nnx
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+           {
+             \__pdf_backend_object_ref:n {g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_obj}
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+  {
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+  }
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+  {
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+      {
+        \exp_args:Nx \__pdf_backend_NamesEmbeddedFiles_gpush:n
+          {
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+          }
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+  }
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+  {
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+      {
+        \iow_newline:
+        The~Catalog~contains~in~the~top~level~the~single~value~entries
+        \prop_map_function:cN
+          {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog }}
+          \msg_show_item:nn
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+    \clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_seq_clist
+     {
+       \seq_if_empty:cF {  g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/##1_seq }
+         {
+           \iow_term:x
+             {
+               The~'##1'~array~contains~the~entries
+               \seq_map_function:cN { g__pdfmanagement_/Catalog/##1_seq } \msg_show_item:n
+             }
+         }
+      }
+    \clist_map_inline:Nn \c__pdfmanagement_Catalog_sub_clist
+      {
+        \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 } }
+          {
+            \iow_term:x
+              {
+                The~Catalog~subdirectory~'##1'~contains~the~single~value~entries
+                \prop_map_function:cN
+                  {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 }}
+                  \msg_show_item:nn
+              }
+          }
+      }
+    \tl_show:x {\tl_to_str:n{\pdfmanagement_show:n{Catalog}}}
+  }
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+%% File: ltdocinit.dtx
+\msg_new:nnn  { document } { setup-after-documentclass }
+              {
+                \token_to_str:N \DeclareDocumentMetadata \c_space_tl
+                should~be~used~only~before~\token_to_str:N\documentclass
+              }
+\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareDocumentMetadata { m }
+  {
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+      { \msg_error:nn { document }{ setup-after-documentclass } }
+      {
+        \keys_set_groups:nnn { document / metadata} {init}{ #1 }
+        %should be loaded after the backend is set, and only if not in the kernel
+        \cs_if_free:NTF \pdf_uncompress:
+         {\RequirePackage{l3pdf}}{\RequirePackage{expl3}}
+        \ExplSyntaxOn\makeatletter
+          \file_input:n {l3backend-testphase-\c_sys_backend_str.def}
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+          {
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+        \hook_use_once:n {pdfmanagement/add}
+        \RenewDocumentCommand\DeclareDocumentMetadata { m }
+          {
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+            \bool_if:NTF \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
+             {
+               \str_remove_all:cn {opt at hyperref.sty}{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}
+               \PassOptionsToPackage{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}{hyperref}
+             }
+             {
+               \str_remove_all:cn {opt at hyperref.sty}{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}
+             }
+          }
+        \RequirePackage{pdfmanagement-firstaid}
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+        {
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+        { #3}
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+  {
+    \prop_item:Nn \g__pdfmanagement_documentproperties_prop {#1}
+  }
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+  {
+    The~following~document~properties~have~been~stored:
+    #1
+  }
+\NewDocumentCommand\ShowDocumentProperties {}
+  {
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+      {
+        \prop_map_function:NN \g__pdfmanagement_documentproperties_prop \msg_show_item:nn
+      }
+  }
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+  {
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+      {
+        \PassOptionsToPackage { driver=#1 } {expl3}
+        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{backend}{#1}
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+    backend .groups:n = { init } ,
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+        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{pdfversion}{#1}
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+      {
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+        \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{lang}{#1}
+      }
+    %,xmpmeta .bool_gset:N = \g_pdfmeta_xmp_bool %see pdfmeta unused and undefined for now!
+    % this uses internal command from pdfmeta, it should probably move there ...
+    ,pdfstandard .code:n =
+      {
+        \exp_args:Nnx
+        \keys_set:nn {document / metadata} {_pdfstandard=\str_uppercase:n{#1}}
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+      {
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+          {
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+    ,_pdfstandard / unknown .code:n =
+      {
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+    ,pdfmanagement .bool_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool
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+    ,firstaidoff .clist_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_firstaidoff_clist
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+%% File: l3pdfannot.dtx
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+%% File: l3pdfxform.dtx
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+%% File: l3pdfmeta.dtx
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+     {\prg_return_true:}
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+    % means: no AA dictionary
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+    % Rule 6.9-2: PDAnnot, Subtype != "Widget" || (A_size == 0 && AA_size == 0)
+    % (looks like a tightening of the previous rule)
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+    % to be continued https://docs.verapdf.org/validation/pdfa-part1/
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+%% File: l3pdftools.dtx
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+%% TODO Names need a review when it is clear which converters
+%% are actually needed
+%% string conversions and printing
+%% we assume here that the text purify step has been done. The input is
+%% a list of (utf8) chars.
+%% str convert, not expandable.
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+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 5D} {]}
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+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 21} {!}
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+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 27} {'}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 2A} {*}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 2B} {+}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 2C} {,}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 3B} {;}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 3D} {=}
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+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 31} {1}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 32} {2}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 33} {3}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 34} {4}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 35} {5}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 36} {6}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 37} {7}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 38} {8}
+     \exp_not:N \str_replace_all:Nnn #2 {\c_percent_str 39} {9}
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+      { default }
+      {utf16/string}
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+  {
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+    \str_put_right:Nn #2 {)}
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+       { default }
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+%% File: l3pdffile.dtx
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+  {
+    File~'\tl_to_str:n{#1}'~not~found
+  }
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+  {
+    Mime~type~not~set~for~file~'\tl_to_str:n{#1}'
+  }
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+  {
+    a~target~name~for~the~/FileSpec~dictionary~is~missing.
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+  {
+    object~name~'#1'~is~already~used.
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+     #1
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+    ,.pdf = application/pdf
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+    ,.tex = text/plain %or application/x-tex, not in iana.org list
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+          \pdf_object_write:nx { #1 }
+            {
+              \pdfdict_use:n { l_pdffile/FileSpec}
+              \tl_if_empty:nF { #3 }
+                {
+                  /EF <</F~#3 /UF~#3>>
+                }
+            }
+        \group_end:
+      }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdffile_embed_file:nnn #1 #2 #3
+  { %               if #1 empty => only filespec
+    %               if #2 empty => = #1
+    \pdf_object_if_exist:nTF { #3 }
+      {
+        \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ object-exists } { #3 }
+      }
+      {
+        \tl_if_blank:nTF { #1 }
+          {
+            \tl_set:Nn \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl {}
+          }
+          {
+            \file_get_full_name:nNTF {#1} \l_pdffile_source_name_str
+              {
+                \__pdffile_mimetype_set:VN
+                  \l_pdffile_source_name_str
+                  \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
+                \__pdffile_fstream_write:VN
+                  \l_pdffile_source_name_str
+                  \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
+                \tl_set:Nx \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl { \pdf_object_ref_last: }
+              }
+              {
+                \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ file-not-found }{ #1 }
+              }
+           }
+        \prop_gput:Nnx
+           \g_pdffile_embed_prop
+           { #3 }
+           {
+             { \tl_if_blank:nTF { #1 } {filespec}{file} }
+             {\l_pdffile_source_name_str}
+             {
+               \tl_if_blank:nTF { #2 }
+                 { \l_pdffile_source_name_str }
+                 { \tl_to_str:n{#2}}
+             }
+           }
+        \tl_if_blank:nTF { #2 }
+          {
+            \exp_args:Nnnx
+              \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
+                %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
+                { #3 }
+                { #1 }
+                {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
+          }
+          {
+            \exp_args:Nnnx
+              \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
+                %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
+                { #3 }
+                { #2 }
+                {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
+          }
+      }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pdffile_embed_stream:nnn #1 #2 #3
+  {
+    %               if #2 empty => error
+    \pdf_object_if_exist:nTF { #3 }
+      {
+         \msg_error:nnn { pdffile }{ object-exists } { #3 }
+      }
+      {
+         \prop_gput:Nnx
+            \g_pdffile_embed_prop
+            { #3 }
+            {{stream}{}{\tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}{stream.txt}{\exp_not:n{#2}}}}
+         \tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}
+          { \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN {stream.txt}\l__pdffile_automimetype_tl}
+          { \__pdffile_mimetype_set:nN { #2 } \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl }
+         \__pdffile_stream_write:nN
+           { #1 }
+           \l__pdffile_automimetype_tl
+         \tl_set:Nx \l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl { \pdf_object_ref_last: }
+         \exp_args:Nnxx
+           \__pdffile_filespec_write:nnn
+             %#1 dict, #2 target file name, #3 object ref
+             { #3 }
+             { \tl_if_blank:nTF {#2}{stream.txt}{\exp_not:n{#2}} }
+             {\l__pdffile_embed_ref_tl}
+     }
+  }
+%% End of file `pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx'.

Property changes on: branches/branch2020/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfmanagement-testphase/pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: branches/branch2020/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- branches/branch2020/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2021-02-24 23:29:52 UTC (rev 57883)
+++ branches/branch2020/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2021-02-24 23:39:12 UTC (rev 57884)
@@ -2096,6 +2096,7 @@
  'patch',       '\.tex',
  'pdf-trans',   'pdf-trans.tex',
  'pdfcprot',    '\.cpa|\.sty',
+ 'pdfmanagement-testphase', '\.(lua|ltx)$|' . $standardtex,
  'pdftexcmds',	'\.lua$|' . $standardtex,
  'pdfscreen',   'overlay.*pdf|but.*pdf|left.*pdf|right\.pdf|pdfscreen.sty',
  'pdfslide',    '\.jpg|\.sty|\.clo|\.cfg|meta.*\.pdf',

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