texlive[57815] Master: eq-pin2corr (20feb21)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Feb 20 23:16:10 CET 2021

Revision: 57815
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-02-20 23:16:10 +0100 (Sat, 20 Feb 2021)
Log Message:
eq-pin2corr (20feb21)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/README.md	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+The eq-pin2corr package
+Author: D. P. Story
+Dated: 2021-02-20
+This package is an add-on to the quiz environment of the exerquiz
+package (part of the acrotex bundle). It adds PIN security to a quiz created by 
+the quiz environment. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must
+press the Correct button of the quiz and successfully enter the correct
+PIN number. The PIN security is designed for the instructor to mark and record
+the students effort on that quiz.
+The package works for a the usual workflows
+D. P. Story 
+dpstory at uakron.edu
+dpstory at acrotex.net

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eq-pin2corr.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eq-pin2corr.pdf
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eq-pin2corr.pdf	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)

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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.pdf
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Added: svn:mime-type
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+% Need some discussion on workflow
+% makeindex < aebpro_man.idx > aebpro_man.ind
+    web={centertitlepage,designv,forcolorpaper,latextoc,pro},
+    exerquiz,
+%    linktoattachments,
+    aebxmp
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN number, hash string
+    {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\theparagraph\space}%
+    \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+\renewcommand*\l at paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{5.0em}{1em}} %{7.0em}{4.1em}}
+    {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\thesubparagraph\space}%
+    \@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+   \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+   {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
+    \item\relax}{\endlist}
+    \raisebox{.5\baselineskip+#1}{%
+    \expandafter\parbox\expandafter[\parboxValign]%
+        {\marginparwidth}{\aebbkFmtMp#2}}}}
+    \ifusebw\color{gray}\else\color{blue}\fi
+    \raggedleft\hspace{0pt}}\newcommand{\BlogArticle}{%
+    \makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace{-1pt}\color{blue}\Pisymbol{webd}{254}%
+    }\raisebox{.5pt}{\ifusebw\color{black}\else
+    \color{red}\fi\ding{045}}}
+\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+   \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+%               {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
+%                \item\relax}
+%               {\endlist}
+    \normalfont #1}
+    university={Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net},
+    title={The \textsf{eq-pin2corr} package\tops{\\}{: } Apply PIN security to quizzes},
+    author={D. P. Story},
+    email={dpstory at acrotex.net},
+    subject={Documentation for the eq-pin2corr package from AcroTeX: Apply PIN security to quizzes},
+    talksite={\url{www.acrotex.net}},
+    version={0.5, 2021/15/06},
+    Keywords={AcroTeX, mini-toc},
+    copyrightStatus=True,
+    copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
+    copyrightInfoURL={http://www.acrotex.net}
+\def\dps{$\hbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\hbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+   \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+  var resp=app.response({
+    cQuestion: "Enter a PIN number",
+    cTitle: "Get Hash String"
+  });
+  if (resp != null) {
+    var f=this.getField("txt");
+    f.value=Collab.hashString(resp);
+  } 
+var titleOfManual="The eq-pin2corr package MANUAL";
+var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_pin2corr.pdf";
+var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Brown.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown
+var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate;
+var doc;
+var buildIt=false;
+if ( buildIt ) {
+    console.println("Creating new " + manualfilename + " file.");
+    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: _pathToBlank, bHidden: true});
+    var _path=this.path;
+    var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+    _path=_path.substring(0,pos)+"/"+manualfilename;
+    \docSaveAs\newDO ({ cPath: _path });
+    doc.closeDoc();
+    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: manualfilename, oDoc:this, bHidden: true});
+    f=doc.getField("ManualTitle");
+    f.value=titleOfManual;
+    doc.flattenPages();
+    \docSaveAs\newDO({ cPath: manualfilename });
+    doc.closeDoc();
+} else {
+    console.println("Using the current "+manualfilename+" file.");
+var _path=this.path;
+var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+    bOnTop:false,
+    bOnPrint:false,
+    cDIPath:_path
+\def\AcroEB{\AcroT{} eDucation Bundle}\def\cAcroEB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroEB}}
+\def\AcroB{\AcroT{} Bundle}\def\cAcroB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroB}}
+This package is an add-on to the \env{quiz} environment of the \pkg{exerquiz}
+\paragraph*{Purpose.} This package adds PIN security to a quiz created by
+ the \env{quiz} environment. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must
+press the \uif{Correct} button of a quiz and successfully enter the correct
+PIN number. For example,
+Solve each, passing is 100\%.\hfill\llap{\smash{\parbox[t]{145pt}{\leavevmode\llap{\color{red}\ding{042}\enspace}Take the quiz, when finished, press the \uif{Correct} button and enter the PIN number
+to correct the quiz.}}}
+    \item The sum of 1 and 1 is \dots
+  \Ans0 0\eAns
+  \Ans0 1\eAns
+  \Ans1 2\eAns
+  \Ans0 3\eAns
+  \Ans0 4\eAns
+  \item $ \cos(\pi) = \RespBoxMath{-1}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry[1bp]
+\CorrAnsButton{-1} $
+\item $\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}{\sin(x)}=\RespBoxMath{cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry[1bp]
+\CorrAnsButton{cos(x)} $
+\end{quiz*}\quad\ScoreField[\rectW{2.25in}]\currQuiz\olBdry\CorrButton{\currQuiz} (PIN: \numPINId)\vcgBdry[6pt]
+Answers: \AnswerField\currQuiz\vcgBdry[6pt]
+ This package is designed for the educational sector, for instructors who use
+ the quizzes from the \pkg{exerquiz} package to assess the
+ understanding their students of the course material.
+ \paragraph*{PDF Viewers.} Discussion of PDF viewers for the document author and the document consumer.
+ \begin{aebQuote}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\textbf{Instructor:}] Any PDF viewer may be used as a PDF
+     \emph{previewer}, \app{sumatraPDF}, for instance. To verify the newly
+     created quiz is functioning correctly, \app{Adobe Reader DC}
+     (\FmtMP{\app{AR}}\app{AR}) or \app{Acrobat DC}
+     (\FmtMP{\app{AA}}\app{AA}) \emph{must be used}.
+ \item[\textbf{Document consumers (students):}] The \pkg{exerquiz} and
+     \pkg{eq-pin2tocorr} extensively use JavaScript to perform many
+     background tasks. For the student to have any success in this
+     workflow, he/she must use \app{Adobe Reader DC}(\FmtMP{\app{AR}}\app{AR}).
+ \end{description}
+ \end{aebQuote}
+ \paragraph*{Workflow.} The package is designed for the following workflow:\begingroup\tightsettings
+ \begin{enumerate}
+     \item The instructor creates\FmtMP{create quiz} the quiz using the
+         \pkg{exerquiz} and \pkg{eq-pin2corr} packages.
+     \item The instructor delivers\FmtMP{deliver quiz} the ``PDF quiz'' to
+         each student. (System drive or email)
+     \item The student takes\FmtMP{take quiz} the quiz. The student can
+         press the \uif{Correct} but, unless s/he knows the PIN, the quiz
+         is not marked up.
+     \item The student saves\FmtMP{save quiz} the PDF quiz in \app{Adobe
+         Reader DC}.
+     \item The student returns\FmtMP{return quiz} the PDF to the
+         instructor. (System drive or email)
+     \item The instructor opens the returned PDF quiz in AA/AR and
+         presses\FmtMP{correct quiz} the \uif{Correct} button to mark up
+         the quiz. The instructor \emph{saves the quiz}. The instructor
+         records the grade of the student.
+     \item The instructor returns\FmtMP{returns quiz} the PDF, at some
+         point, to the student.
+     \item Both instructor and student happily\FmtMP{happy people} go on
+         with their lives.
+     \end{enumerate}
+ The implementation details are left to the instructor.
+\paragraph*{Document creation.} Any of the PDF creators current to the
+{\LaTeX} world can be used: (1) \app{pdflatex}, (2) \app{lualatex}, (3)
+\app{xelatex}, and my old friend, (4) \app{dvips}/\app{Distiller} (or
+\app{dvips}/\app{ps2pdf}). In the latter case (4), \app{Acrobat} is required
+to import Document JavaScripts.
+\section{The preamble}
+The minimal preamble for documents that use the \pkg{eq-pin2corr} package.
+\bVerb\def\1{\rlap{\hskip150pt\%\textsf{ or some other class}}}%
+\def\2{\rlap{\hskip150pt\%\textsf{ recommended but not required}}}%
+\eVerb A recent version of \pkg{exerquiz} (2021/02/17 or later) is required;
+\pkg{eq-pin2corr} brings in the \pkg{eq-save} package (2021/02/17 or later).
+\section{Package options}
+There are two options for this package: \opt{showscore} and \opt{!showscore}.
+If you took the test on page~3, you will have noticed that when \uif{End
+Quiz} control is pressed the phase \textsf{"Success! Now save and send to the
+instructor"} appears in the \cs{ScoreField} or the \cs{PointsField}, this is
+the default behavior. Passing \FmtMP{\opt{showscore}}\opt{showscore} in the
+optional argument list of \pkg{eq-key2corr} causes the actual score to appear
+in the same box (eg, \texttt{Score: 2 out of  3}), which is historically what
+always appears in these boxes. The other option \FmtMP{\opt{!showscore}}\opt{!showscore} is a
+convenience option to aid in switching from one option to the other without
+too much cut and paste. The default definition of the text string that
+appears is,
+\flJSStr[noquotes]{\SaveAndSendMsg}{Success! %
+Now save and send to the instructor}
+Refer to the \texttt{eformsman.pdf} for a discussion of \cs{flJSStr}.
+\paragraph*{Local controls.} The two options can be turned off and on locally with \FmtMP{\cs{showScoreOff}}\cs{showScoreOff} and
+\FmtMP{\cs{showScoreOn}}\cs{showScoreOn} commands.
+\section{Setting the pin-hash values}
+In the preamble, as indicated above, are two commands, the first is required,
+the second is optional.
+\eVerb It is through the \cs{declPINId} command that the PIN security is set up.
+\paragraph*{\cs{declPINId\darg{\ameta{pin-num}}\darg{\ameta{hash-string}}}} The \ameta{pin-num} is a number, perhaps four digits,
+that is used to pass through the security of the \uif{Correct} button.\footnote{The \ameta{pin-num} does not have to be a number,
+it can be any password (passcode) that is easy to remember. I prefer a four digit number.} Once you decide on the
+PIN number, you need to generate the corresponding \emph{hash-string}. The hash-string is obtained from the demo file
+\texttt{get-hash-string.pdf}, the contents of that files is reproduced below.
+Press the button labeled \uif{Push} and enter your PIN number into the dialog
+box (enter, for example, \texttt{\numPINId}), then press \uif{OK}, the
+corresponding hash-string appears in the text field, \texttt{\hashPINId}.
+Copy the PIN number (\texttt{\numPINId}) into the first argument of
+\cs{declPINId} and copy the hash-string (\texttt{\hashPINId}) from the text
+field into the second argument, like so,
+The above is placed in the preamble of the document.
+When the user enters a PIN number (right or wrong), it is converted to a
+hash-string and compared with the hash string of the correct PIN number; if
+they match, then the quiz is corrected. It is important to note that the PIN
+number \emph{does not appear anywhere} in the document, so it cannot be
+discovered. Knowledge of the correct hash-string does not help. Of course
+both PIN number and hash string appear in the source file of the document.
+\paragraph*{\cs{classPINVar\darg{\ameta{class-pin-var}}}} From the
+instructor's viewpoint, it takes a lot of effort to enter the PIN number for
+every quiz that is submitted (it may be in the hundreds). There is a way of
+avoiding the requirement of entering the PIN number, and that is through the
+use of the \cs{classPINVar} command. This method will work if you have
+\app{Adobe Acrobat} or if you only have \app{Adobe Reader DC}. The steps for
+doing this are as follows:
+    \item Decide on a class PIN variable name, it can be a generic one, or one specialize to your class,
+    for example, \cs{classPINVar\darg{Calc2Sprg21}}, then declare it in the preamble:
+The value of the argument must be a valid JavaScript name.
+    \item Go to the user config.js file of AA/AR and edit that file by
+        including the following line in it,
+var Calc2Spr21 = "!hashPINId";
+where the hash string used here is the same one corresponding to the PIN
+number for the document (\texttt{\numPINId} in our example).
+\app{AA/AR} only reads \texttt{config.js} one time when it opens, so
+\texttt{Calc2Spr21} will not be known until the next time \app{AA/AR} is opened.
+The location of the \texttt{config.js} file is described in general in the
+file \texttt{\href{install_jsfiles.pdf}{install\_jsfiles.pdf}}, found in the \texttt{doc} folder of this
+Once the above line is placed in the \texttt{config.js} file, the instructor does not
+enter the PIN number, pressing \uif{Correct} immediately corrects the quiz.
+\section{Turning the PIN security feature on and off}
+The security PIN feature can be turned on and off through the following two
+\def\1{\leavevmode\rlap{\sffamily\hskip\linewidth(Turn on PIN security)}}%
+\def\2{\leavevmode\rlap{\sffamily\hskip\linewidth(Turn off PIN security)}}%
+\eVerb These can placed anywhere outside a \env{quiz} environment. The
+commands take effect beginning at the next quiz in the document.
+Now, I really must get back to retirement.\enspace\dps

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.pdf	2021-02-20 22:14:42 UTC (rev 57814)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.pdf	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.tex	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+% the driver line is not necessary if you
+% have aebpro.cfg configured to your driver.
+    {\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{6pt}{-3pt}
+    {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}
+    {\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{6pt}{-3pt}%
+    {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}
+\def\AEBP{\app{AeB Pro}}
+\def\copyGetPath{\qquad\pushButton[\TU{Copy app.getPath to console}
+\def\copyGetPathJS{\qquad\pushButton[\TU{Copy app.getPath to console}
+console.println('\\napp.getPath("user", "javascript");');
+\def\jsSupInstr{How to install JavaScript support files}
+\author{D. P. Story}
+var titleOfManual="How to install JavaScript files";
+var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_jsfiles.pdf";
+var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Brown.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown
+var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate;
+var doc;
+var buildIt=true;
+if ( buildIt ) {
+    console.println("Creating new " + manualfilename + " file.");
+    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: _pathToBlank, bHidden: true});
+    var _path=this.path;
+    var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+    _path=_path.substring(0,pos)+"/"+manualfilename;
+    \docSaveAs\newDO ({ cPath: _path });
+    doc.closeDoc();
+    doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: manualfilename, oDoc:this, bHidden: true});
+    f=doc.getField("ManualTitle");
+    f.value=titleOfManual;
+    doc.flattenPages();
+    \docSaveAs\newDO({ cPath: manualfilename });
+    doc.closeDoc();
+} else {
+    console.println("Using the current "+manualfilename+" file.");
+var _path=this.path;
+var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+    bOnTop:false,
+    bOnPrint:false,
+    cDIPath:_path
+Because some of the \app{Acrobat} JavaScript methods have security
+restrictions, they can be only executed in the console window, or as part
+of a batch sequence, or from the JavaScript folder reserved by
+\app{Acrobat} for that use. The developer (of {\LaTeX} packages or {\PDF}
+form documents) may want to use these restricted JavaScript methods as
+part of document assembly. To use the restricted methods, they must be
+called from the user JavaScript folder. The scripts are contained in a
+\SC{JS} file that \app{Acrobat} reads when it first starts up.
+In this article, we provide detailed steps for locating the user
+JavaScript folder. For {\AEB} and {\AEBP}, the files \texttt{aeb.js} and
+\texttt{aeb\_pro.js} are placed in the folder. Other JavaScript files may
+be placed in the folder as well, for example, the \texttt{config.js} file
+is one that is commonly used for general purposes.
+Before we get started, if you are using a version of \app{Acrobat} prior
+to version~8.1, you need not read any further. The security restrictions
+described below were not in effect for those versions.
+\section{Installing the JavaScript support files}
+The functionality of {\AEB} and {\AEBP} depends, to some extent, on the
+proper installation of their JavaScript support files.
+    \item \AEB: For authors using the $\app{dvips}+\app{Acrobat Distiller}$
+        workflow, \texttt{aeb.js} is required; this file is not used by
+        \app{pdflatex} or \app{xelatex} users.
+    \item \AEBP: For authors using the $\app{dvips}+\app{Acrobat
+        Distiller}$ workflow, \texttt{aeb\_pro.js} is required; for authors
+        that prefer \app{pdflatex}, \app{lualatex}, or \app{xelatex} as the
+        {\PDF} creator \emph{and who own} the \app{Acrobat} application,
+        the \texttt{aeb\_pro.js} is required with the \opt{useacrobat}
+        option of \AEBP. When using the \opt{nopro} option of \AEBP, the
+        JavaScript file \texttt{aeb\_pro.js} is not used.
+The placement of the JavaScript files has changed over the years and is a
+function of the version number \meta{ver}. Start \app{Acrobat} and open the
+console debugger window by pressing \texttt{Ctrl+J} (for \app{Windows OS})
+or \texttt{Cmd+J} (for \app{Mac OS}). Now execute the code
+\texttt{app.getPath("user")} in the console window. To do this, press the
+\textsf{getPath} button provided below, which copies the necessary code to
+the console window.
+Now, with the cursor on the line containing the script, press the
+\texttt{Ctrl+Enter} (for \app{Windows OS}) or \texttt{Cmd+Enter} (for
+\app{Mac~OS}) key. This will execute the JavaScript and return the `root'
+path to the user's application data for \app{Acrobat}.
+The rest of the instructions depend on your operating system,
+\app{Windows} or \app{Mac}.
+\subsection{For users of \app{Windows OS}}
+There are several cases, jump to the numbered paragraph that describes your
+version (\meta{ver}) of \app{Acrobat}.
+%/C/Users/D. P. Story/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Acrobat/11.0
+%/C/Users/D. P. Story/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Acrobat/Privileged/11.0/JavaScripts
+\paragraph*{{\Stepi}For $\boldmath\text{\meta{ver}}$, $\boldmath 8.1 \le
+\text{\meta{ver}} < 10.1.1$.} For the \app{Windows OS}, executing the script
+in display~\eqref{display:getPath} returns a string of the
+form:\footnote{This string is for \app{Windows OS} beyond \app{WinXP}.}
+Navigate to this folder location. The correct location for the \SC{JS}
+files is in the \texttt{JavaScripts} subfolder. If the folder does not
+exist, create it. The final path for the JavaScript support files is then
+    Acrobat/!meta(ver)/JavaScripts
+Finally, copy \texttt{aeb.js} (and \texttt{aeb\_pro.js}, if applicable)
+into this folder. Close \app{Acrobat}, the next time \app{Acrobat}
+is started, it will read in the \SC{JS} files.
+\paragraph*{{\Stepii}For $\boldmath\text{\meta{ver}}$, $\boldmath10.1.1 \le
+\text{\meta{ver}} < 12$.} For these versions of \app{Acrobat} security has
+have tightened up even more; the \texttt{JavaScripts} folder is now a
+subfolder of a special \texttt{Privileged} folder. Execute
+\texttt{app.getPath("user")} in the console window, as in
+display~\eqref{display:getPath}. The method brings back a string similar to
+the one in display~\eqref{display:path}. The correct path is obtained by
+simply inserting \texttt{Privileged} into the path in
+display~\eqref{display:path}, between \texttt{Acrobat} and \meta{ver}, as
+displayed below.
+    Acrobat/!textbf(Privileged)/!meta(ver)/JavaScripts
+But this is a mere description of the correct location, the path must
+exist! The path must be created, if it does not already exist.
+Navigate to the folder, one folder above the path shown in
+display~\eqref{display:path}, that is, navigate to,
+If a \texttt{Privileged} folder exists, enter into it; otherwise, create
+it, then enter it.
+Now create a folder named \meta{ver}, unless it already exists, and enter
+it. The version is always the major release \texttt{8.0}, \texttt{9.0},
+\texttt{10.0}, or \texttt{11.0}.
+    Acrobat/Privileged/!meta(ver)
+Finally, create the \texttt{JavaScript} folder, unless it already exists,
+to obtain the final path to the user folder JavaScripts:
+    Acrobat/Privileged/!meta(ver)/JavaScripts
+Copy \texttt{aeb.js} (and \texttt{aeb\_pro.js}, if applicable) into this
+folder. Close \textsf{Acrobat}, the next time \textsf{Acrobat} is started,
+it will read in the \SC{JS} files.
+\paragraph*{{\Stepiii}For $\boldmath\text{\meta{ver}}$, $\boldmath
+\text{\meta{ver}} > 12 $.} Beginning with the next major version following
+version~11, Adobe changed its versioning scheme. There are now two tracks,
+\emph{subscription} and \emph{classic} (also called \emph{perpetual}). For
+subscription, the version, as I understand it, will always be \texttt{DC}
+(Document Cloud), and for the classic, for which you've purchased a
+\emph{perpetual license}, the \meta{ver} is a calendar year. The first
+classic version is \texttt{2015}, the next one is most likely \texttt{2017},
+since major releases occur about every two years.
+Execute the code of display~\eqref{display:getPath} by pressing the button
+provided to obtain a path of the form,
+for the subscription license or,
+for the classic (or perpetual) license. Of course, this last path is for
+the first classic version.
+Now, to obtain the path to the \texttt{JavaScripts} folder, follow the
+instructions for numbered paragraph \ding{183}, but with \meta{ver} equal
+to either \texttt{DC} or \texttt{2015} (a calendar year).
+%/C/Users/D. P. Story/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Acrobat/Privileged/11.0/JavaScripts
+\subsection{For users of \app{Mac OS}}
+\app{Mac OS} does not have the security restrictions that \app{Windows OS}
+does, as described in paragraphs \ding{183} and \ding{184}.
+Follow the instructions of paragraph \ding{182}, by first pressing the button
+provided in display~\eqref{display:getPath}, then, in the console window,
+execute this script as described in the paragraph following
+display~\eqref{display:getPath}. After working through \ding{182}, one
+obtains any of the following paths depending on the version (\meta{ver}) you
+are using:\medskip
+For $\text{\meta{ver}} = \texttt{8.0}, \texttt{9.0}, \texttt{10.0},
+/Users/!meta(user)/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/
+    Acrobat/!meta(ver)/JavaScripts
+For $\text{\meta{ver}} > 12$, the path is,
+/Users/!meta(user)/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/
+    Acrobat/DC/JavaScripts
+for a subscription license, and,
+/Users/!meta(user)/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/
+    Acrobat/2015/JavaScripts
+or more generally,
+/Users/!meta(user)/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/
+    Acrobat/!meta(year)/JavaScripts
+for the perpetual license.
+In all cases, if the \texttt{JavaScripts} folder does not exist, it must
+be created. Copy any \SC{JS} support files into the \texttt{JavaScripts}
+folder. The script files are read the next time \app{Acrobat} is started.
+\section{Testing the placement of the JavaScript support files}
+Assuming you have successfully followed the instructions and created the
+\texttt{JavaScripts} folder, test the validity of what you have done by
+closing \app{Acrobat} then opening it again. Open the console window
+(\texttt{Ctrl+J} or \texttt{Cmd+J}, for \app{Mac OS}) and execute this
+command in the console window:
+If you have followed the instructions, the return string should read the
+complete path to the \texttt{JavaScripts} folder.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/doc/install_jsfiles.tex
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(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/eq-pin2corr/examples/get-hash-string.pdf
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+var resp=app.response({
+  cQuestion: "Enter a PIN number",
+  cTitle: "Get Hash String"
+if (resp !=null) {
+  var f=this.getField("txtHashStr");
+  var hashStr=Collab.hashString(resp);
+  f.value=hashStr;
+  f=this.getField("txtPINNum");
+  f.value=resp;
+  f=this.getField("txtdeclPINId");
+  f.value = "\\\\declPINId{"+resp+"}{"+hashStr+"}";
+\section*{Get Hash String from PIN number}
+\textbf{Extensive Instructions.} Create a four digit (PIN) number.
+Push the button and enter the four digit number you just created into the response box.
+When you press the  \textsf{OK} button,
+the hash string of the PIN number you entered appears in the text field. The PIN number goes in as the
+first argument of \verb|\declPINId|, and the hash string is the second argument of \verb|\declPINId|; eg,
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN number, hash string
+\textbf{Brief Instructions.} Press \textsf{Push}, enter your PIN, press \textsf{OK}.\medskip\par\noindent
+\textField[\textSize{8}]{txtHashStr}{2in}{11bp} Chosen PIN: \textField[\textSize{8}]{txtPINNum}{\widthof{00000}}{11bp}
+Save these two values as arguments of \verb|\declPINId| and place in the preamble of your
+quiz document.\medskip
+Copy to quiz document: \textField[\textSize{8}]{txtdeclPINId}{3in}{13bp}\olBdry

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(Binary files differ)

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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+\showCreditMarkup  % optional
+\useMCCircles      % optional
+% When building your own quiz document, decide on a PIN number
+% then use the utility document get-hash-string.pdf to acquire
+% the corresponding hash string. Place your own PIN and hash string
+% in the two arguments of \declPINId.
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN number, hash string
+% So instructor can bypass entering the PIN.
+\section*{PIN Security for Quizzes}
+This demo file implements a feature that prevents that student from
+correcting his/her own quiz. The \uif{Correct} button appears at the end of
+the quiz, but a PIN number is needed for it to execute. For the purpose of
+this demo files, the PIN number is given to the right of the \uif{Correct}
+button; of course, the PIN is not given to the student. \verb~:-{)~ Test it
+out: (1) take the test; (2) press the \uif{End} button; (3) save and close
+the document; (4) open the document and press the \uif{Correct} button, the
+graded quiz should be reported. \textsf{Adobe Reader DC} (or \textsf{Adobe
+Acrobat}) is required for the document to function as designed.
+Solve each, passing is 100\%.
+    \item The sum of 1 and 1 is \dots
+  \Ans0 0\eAns
+  \Ans0 1\eAns
+  \Ans1 2\eAns
+  \Ans0 3\eAns
+  \Ans0 4\eAns
+  \item $ \cos(\pi) = \RespBoxMath{-1}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry\kern1bp
+\CorrAnsButton{-1} $
+\item $\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}{\sin(x)}=\RespBoxMath{cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry\kern1bp
+\CorrAnsButton{cos(x)} $
+\end{quiz*}\quad\ScoreField[\rectW{2.25in}]\currQuiz\olBdry\CorrButton{\currQuiz} (PIN: \numPINId)
+Answers: \AnswerField\currQuiz
+% remove this \end{document} and recompile. This next quiz has no PIN security.
+\section*{No PIN security}
+To restore the default definition of the \verb|\CorrButton| action, expand
+the freshly defined macro \verb|\restoreCorrBtnJS|.
+% restore the Correct button to its normal/default behavior: the student
+% can get his/her score and the quiz is marked up.
+Solve each, passing is 100\%.
+    \item The sum of 1 and 1 is \dots
+  \Ans0 0\eAns
+  \Ans0 1\eAns
+  \Ans1 2\eAns
+  \Ans0 3\eAns
+  \Ans0 4\eAns
+  \item $ \cos(\pi) = \RespBoxMath{-1}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry\kern1bp
+\CorrAnsButton{-1} $
+\item $\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}{\sin(x)}=\RespBoxMath{cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry\kern1bp
+\CorrAnsButton{cos(x)} $

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@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+% \iffalse
+% makeindex -s gglo.ist -o eq-pin2corr.gls eq-pin2corr.glo
+% makeindex -s gind.ist -o eq-pin2corr.ind eq-pin2corr.idx
+%% eq-pin2corr.sty package,                              %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2021  D. P. Story                       %%
+%%   dpstory at uakron.edu  dpstory at acrotex.net             %%
+%%                                                       %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under  %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License         %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory           %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version.       %%
+%<package> [2021/02/20 v1.0 Applies PIN security to quizzes]
+\OnlyDescription  % comment out for implementation details
+\renewcommand\theparagraph{\texorpdfstring{\protect\P\protect\ }{\textparagraph}}
+\renewcommand\thesubparagraph{\texorpdfstring{\protect\P\protect\P\protect\ }{\textparagraph\textparagraph}}
+  {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\thesection\quad}%
+  \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
+    {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+    {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
+    {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}}
+  {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\theparagraph\unskip\,}%
+  \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+    {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\thesubparagraph\unskip\,}%
+    \@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+               {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
+                \item\relax}
+               {\endlist}
+\InputIfFileExists{aebdocfmt.def}{\PackageWarning{eq-pin2corr}{Inputting aebdocfmt.def}}
+    {\def\IndexOpt{\DescribeMacro}\def\IndexKey{\DescribeMacro}\let\setupFullwidth\relax
+     \PackageInfo{eq-pin2corr}{aebdocfmt.def cannot be found}}
+  \GetFileInfo{eq-pin2corr.sty}
+  \title{The  \textsf{eq-pin2corr} Package}
+  \author{D. P. Story\\
+    Email: \texttt{dpstory at uakron.edu}}
+  \date{processed \today}
+  \maketitle
+  \tableofcontents
+  \DocInput{eq-pin2corr.dtx}
+\IfFileExists{\jobname.ind}{\newpage\setupFullwidth\par\PrintIndex}{\paragraph*{Index} The index goes here. Execute
+    \begin{quote}\texttt{makeindex -s gind.ist -o eq-pin2corr.ind eq-pin2corr.idx}\end{quote}
+    on the command line and recompile
+    \texttt{eq-pin2corr.dtx}.}
+\IfFileExists{\jobname.gls}{\PrintChanges}{\paragraph*{Change History} The list of changes goes here. Execute
+    \begin{quote}
+    \texttt{makeindex -s gglo.ist -o eq-pin2corr.gls eq-pin2corr.glo}
+    \end{quote}
+    on the command line and recompile \texttt{eq-pin2corr.dtx}.}
+% \fi
+% \MakeShortVerb{|}
+% \InputIfFileExists{aebdonotindex.def}{\PackageInfo{web}{Inputting aebdonotindex.def}}
+%    {\PackageInfo{web}{cannot find aebdonotindex.def}}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \section{Introduction}
+%    This package is an add-on to the \env{quiz} environment of the \pkg{exerquiz} package. It uses
+%    the \pkg{eq-save} package. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must press
+%    the \uif{Correct} button of a quiz and successfully enter the correct PIN number.
+%    \changes{v1.0}{2021/02/20}{Completed documentation, publish package for first time}
+%    \paragraph*{Purpose.} This package adds PIN security to a quiz created by
+%     the \env{quiz} environment. This package is designed for the educational
+%     sector, for instructors who use the quizzes of \pkg{exerquiz} to assess their
+%     students understanding of the course material.
+%     \paragraph*{PDF Viewers.} Discussion of PDF viewers for document author and document consumer.
+%     \begin{aebQuote}
+%     \begin{description}
+%     \item[Instructor] Any PDF viewer may be used as a PDF previewer, \app{sumatraPDF}, for instance,
+%     can be used, but it has not functionality. To test the newly created document
+%     to see if it is functioning correctly, must use \app{Adobe Reader DC} or \app{Acrobat DC}.\footnote
+%     {We use DC here to refer to actually any Adobe AA/AR application. Earlier versions of these applications
+%     will work.}
+%     \item[Document consumers (students)] The \pkg{exerquiz} and \pkg{eq-pin2tocorr} extensively
+%     use JavaScript to perform many background tasks. For the student to have any success in this
+%     workflow, he/she must use \app{Adobe Reader}.
+%     \end{description}
+%     \end{aebQuote}
+%     \paragraph*{Workflow.} The package is designed for the following workflow:
+%     \begin{enumerate}
+%         \item The instructor creates the quiz using the \pkg{exerquiz} and
+%           \pkg{eq-pin2corr} packages.
+%         \item The instructor delivers the ``PDF quiz'' to each student. (System drive or email)
+%         \item The student takes the quiz. The student can press the \uif{Correct}
+%           but, unless he/she knows the PIN, the quiz is not marked up.
+%         \item The student saves the PDF quiz in \app{Adobe Reader DC}.
+%         \item The student returns the PDF to the instructor. (System drive or email)
+%         \item The instructor presses the \uif{Correct} button to mark up the quiz
+%         and record the grade of the student. The instructor saves the quiz.
+%         \item The instructor returns the PDF, at some point, to the student.
+%         \item Both instructor and student happily go on with their lives.
+%     \end{enumerate}
+%     \section{Options and package requirements}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\ifPINshowScore \PINshowScorefalse
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%     \section{Package commands}
+%     Implement local versions\DescribeMacro{\showScoreOn}\DescribeMacro{\showScoreOff}{} of the package options \opt{showscore} and \opt{!showscore},
+%     these are \cs{showScoreOn} and \cs{showScoreOff}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    Define \DescribeMacro{\SaveAndSendMsg} a message that appears on the console when the PIN entered is not correct.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\flJSStr[noquotes]{\SaveAndSendMsg}{Success! %
+Now save and send to the instructor}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%     Make changes to the \uif{End Quiz} control and to the \uif{Correct} control.
+%     Begin by modifying the \DescribeMacro{\postSubmitQuiz}\cs{postSubmitQuiz} command, which is a hook within the executing
+%     code of the \uif{End Quiz} control.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+// Begin post submit quiz code%
+ at ifPINSecurity%
+ at ifPINshowScore@else
+    var f = this.getField("ScoreField. at oField");
+    if ( f!=null ) {
+      f.textSize=0;
+      f.value = "@SaveAndSendMsg";
+    } else {
+      var f = this.getField("PointsField. at oField");
+      if (f!=null) {
+        f.textSize=0;
+        f.value = "Success! Now save and send to instructor";
+      }
+    }@fi at fi
+    oRecordOfQuizData["ScoreData. at oField"]=%
+    oRecordOfQuizData["RightWrong. at oField"]=%
+    oRecordOfQuizData["ProbDist. at oField"]=%
+    cntCorrectResponses();
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    The command name for the action of the \uif{End Quiz} control is
+%    \DescribeMacro{\eQzBtnActns}\cs{eQzBtnActns}.
+%    We save this and pre-pend a single code line, as needed.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  var bDisplaySilent=true;\r\fi
+  \eQzBtnActnsSave
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    The command name for the action of the \uif{Correct} control is \cs{CorrBtnActionsJS}
+%    we save this and later modify it.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    We can turn on and off the PIN feature by expanding \DescribeMacro{\usePINCorrBtn}
+%    \cs{usePINCorrBtn} and \DescribeMacro{\restoreCorrBtn}\cs{restoreCorrBtn}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\ifPINSecurity \PINSecurityfalse
+  \let\CorrBtnActionsJS\CorrBtnActionsPwdJS}
+  \let\CorrBtnActionsJS\CorrBtnActionsJSSave}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    The instructor can tediously press the \uif{Correction} button, or place
+%    an entry,
+%var _PinCode1 = "02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD";
+%in the file \texttt{config.js}. If such a variable exists and its value
+%matches the PIN hash string, the instructor clicks the \uif{Correction} button
+%to get the quiz markup. Conceivably, the instructor might want different PIN names
+%and string hash values. The \DescribeMacro\classPINVar\cs{classPINVar} is a convenient
+%way of declaring the PIN variable name; eg, if |\classPINVar{_PinCode1}| is declared
+%prior to the \env{quiz} environment, the instructor need not manually enter the PIN.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    The modified action for the \uif{Correct} button.
+%    we save this and later modify it.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+var userPIN = "";!else%
+var userPIN = "!PINclassPV";!fi
+if (userPIN == "" ) userPIN = undefined;
+try {
+  if ( typeof eval(userPIN) == "undefined") userPIN = undefined;
+} catch(e) { userPIN = undefined; }
+if (typeof userPIN == "undefined") {
+  var resp=app.response({
+    cQuestion: "Enter the PIN number",
+    cTitle: "View Answers",
+    bPassword: true
+  });
+  var _resp=Collab.hashString(resp);
+  var _bQzResults = ( _resp ==_PinCode );
+} else var _bQzResults = ( eval(userPIN) ==_PinCode );
+if (_bQzResults) {
+  RightWrong=eval("RightWrong.!currQuiz");
+  ProbDist=eval("ProbDist.!currQuiz");
+  correctQuiz("!currQuiz",3);
+  DisplayQuizResults("!currQuiz",3,3);
+  if (typeof correctSumryTbl == "function")
+    correctSumryTbl("!currQuiz",3);
+} else {
+  console.println("Something went wrong, \\
+you entered an incorrect PIN Id, \\
+or the class PIN Id (\\\\classPINVar) was incorrect or undefined");
+  console.show();
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \DescribeMacro\declPINId\hskip-\marginparsep\texttt{\darg{\ameta{PIN-Id}}\darg{\ameta{hash-str}}}
+%    Set the basic parameters of this PIN security scheme: the pin-id and its corresponding hash-string.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN Id, hash-str
+\begin{insDLJS}{pin}{Pin Code}
+var _PinCode = "\hashPINId";
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.dtx
Added: svn:eol-style
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.ins	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+%% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation
+%% driver files from the doc files in this package when run through
+%% LaTeX or TeX.
+%% Copyright 2021 D. P. Story
+%% This file is part of the `AcroTeX eDucation Bundle'.
+%% -------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
+%% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any
+%% later version.  The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
+%% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------
+\input docstrip
+  \Msg{**********************************************}
+  \Msg{*}
+  \Msg{* This installation requires docstrip}
+  \Msg{* version 2.4 or later.}
+  \Msg{*}
+  \Msg{* An older version of docstrip has been input}
+  \Msg{*}
+  \Msg{**********************************************}
+  \errhelp{Move or rename old docstrip.tex and get a newer one.}
+  \errmessage{Old docstrip in input path}
+  \batchmode
+  \csname @@end\endcsname\end
+    \file{eq-pin2corr.sty}{\from{eq-pin2corr.dtx}{copyright,package}}
+\Msg{* \space To finish the installation you have to copy the files }
+\Msg{* \space *.sty, *.cfg and *.def into a directory searched by TeX}

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.sty	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+%% This is file `eq-pin2corr.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% eq-pin2corr.dtx  (with options: `copyright,package')
+%% eq-pin2corr.sty package,                              %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2021  D. P. Story                       %%
+%%   dpstory at uakron.edu  dpstory at acrotex.net             %%
+%%                                                       %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under  %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License         %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory           %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version.       %%
+ [2021/02/20 v1.0 Applies PIN security to quizzes]
+\newif\ifPINshowScore \PINshowScorefalse
+\flJSStr[noquotes]{\SaveAndSendMsg}{Success! %
+Now save and send to the instructor}
+// Begin post submit quiz code%
+ at ifPINSecurity%
+ at ifPINshowScore@else
+    var f = this.getField("ScoreField. at oField");
+    if ( f!=null ) {
+      f.textSize=0;
+      f.value = "@SaveAndSendMsg";
+    } else {
+      var f = this.getField("PointsField. at oField");
+      if (f!=null) {
+        f.textSize=0;
+        f.value = "Success! Now save and send to instructor";
+      }
+    }@fi at fi
+    oRecordOfQuizData["ScoreData. at oField"]=%
+    oRecordOfQuizData["RightWrong. at oField"]=%
+    oRecordOfQuizData["ProbDist. at oField"]=%
+    cntCorrectResponses();
+  var bDisplaySilent=true;\r\fi
+  \eQzBtnActnsSave
+\newif\ifPINSecurity \PINSecurityfalse
+  \let\CorrBtnActionsJS\CorrBtnActionsPwdJS}
+  \let\CorrBtnActionsJS\CorrBtnActionsJSSave}
+var userPIN = "";!else%
+var userPIN = "!PINclassPV";!fi
+if (userPIN == "" ) userPIN = undefined;
+try {
+  if ( typeof eval(userPIN) == "undefined") userPIN = undefined;
+} catch(e) { userPIN = undefined; }
+if (typeof userPIN == "undefined") {
+  var resp=app.response({
+    cQuestion: "Enter the PIN number",
+    cTitle: "View Answers",
+    bPassword: true
+  });
+  var _resp=Collab.hashString(resp);
+  var _bQzResults = ( _resp ==_PinCode );
+} else var _bQzResults = ( eval(userPIN) ==_PinCode );
+if (_bQzResults) {
+  RightWrong=eval("RightWrong.!currQuiz");
+  ProbDist=eval("ProbDist.!currQuiz");
+  correctQuiz("!currQuiz",3);
+  DisplayQuizResults("!currQuiz",3,3);
+  if (typeof correctSumryTbl == "function")
+    correctSumryTbl("!currQuiz",3);
+} else {
+  console.println("Something went wrong, \\
+you entered an incorrect PIN Id, \\
+or the class PIN Id (\\\\classPINVar) was incorrect or undefined");
+  console.show();
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN Id, hash-str
+\begin{insDLJS}{pin}{Pin Code}
+var _PinCode = "\hashPINId";
+%% End of file `eq-pin2corr.sty'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eq-pin2corr/eq-pin2corr.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2021-02-20 22:14:42 UTC (rev 57814)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -282,7 +282,8 @@
     epigrafica epigram epigraph epigraph-keys epiolmec eplain
     epsdice epsf epsf-dvipdfmx epsincl epslatex-fr
     epspdfconversion epstopdf epstopdf-pkg
-    eqell eqexpl eqlist eqnalign eqname eqnarray eqnnumwarn eqparbox
+    eq-pin2corr eqell eqexpl eqlist
+    eqnalign eqname eqnarray eqnnumwarn eqparbox
     erdc erewhon erewhon-math errata erw-l3
     esami es-tex-faq esdiff esindex esint esint-type1 esk eskd eskdx
     eso-pic esrelation esstix estcpmm esvect

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc	2021-02-20 22:14:42 UTC (rev 57814)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc	2021-02-20 22:16:10 UTC (rev 57815)
@@ -398,6 +398,7 @@
 depend epigraph
 depend epigraph-keys
 depend epiolmec
+depend eq-pin2corr
 depend eqell
 depend eqlist
 depend eqnalign

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/eq-pin2corr.tlpsrc

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