texlive[57703] Master/texmf-dist: fontsize (10feb21)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Feb 10 23:04:56 CET 2021

Revision: 57703
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-02-10 23:04:56 +0100 (Wed, 10 Feb 2021)
Log Message:
fontsize (10feb21)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fontsize/fontsize.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/fontsize/fontsize.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/fontsize/fontsize.dtx	2021-02-10 22:04:10 UTC (rev 57702)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/fontsize/fontsize.dtx	2021-02-10 22:04:56 UTC (rev 57703)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-  [2021/02/06 v0.6 'fontsize' package. Set main font sizes (Ivan Valbusa)]
+  [2021/02/10 v0.7 'fontsize' package. Set main font sizes (Ivan Valbusa)]
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@
@@ -106,9 +105,6 @@
-  %paperwidth=128mm,
-  %paperheight=96mm,
-  %margin=1cm,
@@ -199,7 +195,7 @@
 % \fi
-% \CheckSum{2991}
+% \CheckSum{3128}
 % \CharacterTable
 %  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
@@ -218,6 +214,7 @@
 %   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+% \changes{v0.7}{2021/02/10}{New font sizing commands \cmd{HUGE}, \cmd{HUGEr}, \cmd{HUGErr}, \cmd{HUGErrr}. Changed default name for the \file{.clo} file to \opt{fontsize}. Updated documentation.}
 % \changes{v0.6}{2021/02/06}{New font sizing commands from \cmd{small} down. Updated documentation.}
 % \changes{v0.5}{2021/01/31}{New font sizing commands from \cmd{normalsize} up. New command \cmd{printsamples}. Updated documentation.}
 % \changes{v0.4}{2021/01/25}{Maintenance release. Updated documentation.}
@@ -359,19 +356,18 @@
 % \cmd{small}, ecc.) and line spacings are set proportionally. 
 % You can use any unit recognized by \TeX\ and you can 
 % omit the unit as well (in which case it defaults to \texttt{pt}).
-% If a file named \file{\meta{name}\meta{fontsize}.clo} exists, it is used to setup
-% the font sizes. This file can be generated through the \cmd{generateclofile}
-% command (see below).
 % \optitem[fontsize]{cloname}{\meta{name}}
-% Sets to \meta{name} the name prefix of the \file{.clo} file generated 
-% by \cmd{generateclofile} (see below). 
+% If declared \textit{before} \opt{fontsize}, it loads the file named
+% \file{\meta{name}\meta{fontsize}.clo} to setup the font sizes.
+% This file can be generated through the \cmd{generateclofile}
+% command (see below).
 % \end{optionlist*}
-% \subsection{Commands}
+% \subsection{Commands}\label{sec:commands}
 % \begin{ltxsyntax}
@@ -405,7 +401,7 @@
 % \alert \emph{In fact the \file{.clo} file is only needed if you intend to modify it. 
 %  In this case remember to comment the command, otherwise the edited 
-% file will be overwrittern.}
+% file will be overwritten.}
@@ -419,6 +415,7 @@
 % A command thought to test the \sty{fontsize} settings. 
 % It prints a text sample for every size given in the third optional argument.
 % If this argument is omitted, it prints a sample for each available size. 
+% See the examples on page \pageref{sec:example}.
@@ -427,38 +424,70 @@
+%^^A \cmditem{sampletext}{text} 
+%^^A Defines the \meta{text} to be used by \cmd{printsamples}.
 % \end{ltxsyntax}
 % \section{New font sizing commands}\label{sec:sizingcmd}
 % The package provides three additional font sizing commands for each standard size:
+% \medskip
-%\cmd{tiny}            & \tiny \fshw            &\cmd{large}          & \large \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{tinyr}           & \tinyr \fshw           &\tcmd{larger}        & \larger \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{tinyrr}          & \tinyrr \fshw          &\tcmd{largerr}       & \largerr \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{tinyrrr}         & \tinyrrr \fshw         &\tcmd{largerrr}      & \largerrr \fshw \\
-%\cmd{scriptsize}      & \scriptsize \fshw      &\cmd{Large}          & \Large \fshw \\        
-%\tcmd{scriptsizer}     & \scriptsizer \fshw     &\tcmd{Larger}        & \Larger \fshw \\ 
-%\tcmd{scriptsizerr}    & \scriptsizerr \fshw    &\tcmd{Largerr}       &  \Largerr \fshw \\   
-%\tcmd{scriptsizerrr}   & \scriptsizerrr \fshw   &\tcmd{Largerrr}      & \Largerrr \fshw \\
-%\cmd{footnotesize}    & \footnotesize \fshw    &\cmd{LARGE}          & \LARGE \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{footnotesizer}   & \footnotesizer \fshw   &\tcmd{LARGEr}        & \LARGEr \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{footnotesizerr}  & \footnotesizerr \fshw  &\tcmd{LARGErr}       & \LARGErr \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{footnotesizerrr} & \footnotesizerrr \fshw &\tcmd{LARGErrr}      & \LARGErrr \fshw \\
-%\cmd{small}           & \small \fshw &\cmd{huge}           & \huge \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{smallr}        & \smallr \fshw  &\tcmd{huger}         & \huger \fshw \\   
-%\tcmd{smallrr}       & \smallrr \fshw    &\tcmd{huger}         & \hugerr \fshw \\ 
-%\tcmd{smallrrr}      & \smallrrr \fshw      &\tcmd{huger}         & \hugerrr \fshw \\
-%\cmd{normalsize}     & \normalsize \fshw &\cmd{Huge}           & \Huge \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{normalsizer}   & \normalsizer \fshw &\tcmd{Huger}         & \Huger \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{normalsizerr}  & \normalsizerr \fshw &\tcmd{Hugerr}        & \Hugerr \fshw \\
-%\tcmd{normalsizerrr} & \normalsizerrr \fshw &\tcmd{Hugerr}        & \Hugerrr \fshw
+% \centerline{
+%  \begin{tabular}[b]{ll}
+%   \cmd{tiny}             & \tiny             \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{tinyr}           & \tinyr            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{tinyrr}          & \tinyrr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{tinyrrr}         & \tinyrrr          \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{scriptsize}       & \scriptsize       \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{scriptsizer}     & \scriptsizer      \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{scriptsizerr}    & \scriptsizerr     \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{scriptsizerrr}   & \scriptsizerrr    \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{footnotesize}     & \footnotesize     \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{footnotesizer}   & \footnotesizer    \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{footnotesizerr}  & \footnotesizerr   \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{footnotesizerrr} & \footnotesizerrr  \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{small}            & \small            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{smallr}          & \smallr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{smallrr}         & \smallrr          \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{smallrrr}        & \smallrrr         \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{normalsize}       & \normalsize       \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{normalsizer}     & \normalsizer      \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{normalsizerr}    & \normalsizerr     \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{normalsizerrr}   & \normalsizerrr    \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{large}            & \large            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{larger}          & \larger           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{largerr}         & \largerr          \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{largerrr}        & \largerrr         \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{Large}            & \Large            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Larger}          & \Larger           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Largerr}         & \Largerr          \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Largerrr}        & \Largerrr         \fshw 
+%  \end{tabular}
+%  \begin{tabular}[b]{ll}
+%   \cmd{LARGE}            & \LARGE            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{LARGEr}          & \LARGEr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{LARGErr}         & \LARGErr          \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{LARGErrr}        & \LARGErrr         \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{huge}             & \huge             \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{huger}           & \huger            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{huger}           & \hugerr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{huger}           & \hugerrr          \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{Huge}             & \Huge             \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Huger}           & \Huger            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Hugerr}          & \Hugerr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{Hugerr}          & \Hugerrr          \fshw \\
+%   \cmd{HUGE}             & \HUGE             \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{HUGEr}           & \HUGEr            \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{HUGErr}          & \HUGErr           \fshw \\
+%   \tcmd{HUGErrr}         & \HUGErrr          \fshw
+%  \end{tabular}
+% }
 % \begin{normalsize}
 %\alert  If you want these commands to work as expected, the font must be 
@@ -476,7 +505,7 @@
 % \tcmd{large}   & \texttlf{14.40\,pt} &\large Hello world 
 % \end{tabular}
-% \tikz[overlay]{\draw[->,draw=red,very thick] (0.17,1.25) -- (3.7,1.4);}
+% \tikz[overlay]{\draw[->,draw=red,thick,dashed] (0.19,1.25) -- (3.7,1.4);}
 % \scalebox{3}{\large H} \scalebox{3}{\larger H} \scalebox{3}{\largerr H} 
 % \endgroup
@@ -489,17 +518,87 @@
 % but not less high (as you can see in the figure on the
 % right which shows the letter H appropriately scaled to see the 
 % differences better).
+% \clearpage\thispagestyle{empty}
+% \def\ivalbmidrule{\arrayrulecolor{black!40}\midrule\rowfont{\color{philA}}}
+% \begin{table}
+% \centering 
+% \centerline{%
+% \begin{tabu}{lSSSSSSSSS}
+%	\tcmd{tiny}           & 4.00  & 4.25  & 4.50  & 4.75  & 5.00  & 5.25  & 5.50  & 5.75  & 6.00  \\
+%	\cmd{tinyr}           & 4.33  & 4.60  & 4.88  & 5.15  & 5.42  & 5.69  & 5.96  & 6.23  & 6.50  \\
+%	\cmd{tinyrr}          & 4.67  & 4.96  & 5.25  & 5.54  & 5.83  & 6.12  & 6.42  & 6.71  & 7.00  \\
+%	\cmd{tinyrrr}         & 5.00  & 5.31  & 5.62  & 5.94  & 6.25  & 6.56  & 6.88  & 7.19  & 7.50  \\
+%	\tcmd{scriptsize}     & 5.33  & 5.67  & 6.00  & 6.33  & 6.67  & 7.00  & 7.33  & 7.67  & 8.00  \\
+%	\cmd{scriptsizer}     & 5.67  & 6.02  & 6.38  & 6.73  & 7.08  & 7.44  & 7.79  & 8.15  & 8.50  \\
+%	\cmd{scriptsizerr}    & 6.00  & 6.38  & 6.75  & 7.12  & 7.50  & 7.88  & 8.25  & 8.62  & 9.00  \\
+%	\cmd{scriptsizerrr}   & 6.33  & 6.73  & 7.13  & 7.52  & 7.92  & 8.31  & 8.71  & 9.10  & 9.50  \\
+%	\tcmd{footnotesize}   & 6.67  & 7.08  & 7.50  & 7.92  & 8.33  & 8.75  & 9.17  & 9.58  & 10.00 \\
+%	\cmd{footnotesizer}   & 6.83  & 7.25  & 7.68  & 8.10  & 8.53  & 8.96  & 9.38  & 9.81  & 10.24 \\
+%	\cmd{footnotesizerr}  & 6.98  & 7.42  & 7.86  & 8.29  & 8.73  & 9.17  & 9.60  & 10.04 & 10.48 \\
+%	\cmd{footnotesizerrr} & 7.14  & 7.59  & 8.03  & 8.48  & 8.93  & 9.37  & 9.82  & 10.27 & 10.71 \\
+%	\tcmd{small}          & 7.30  & 7.76  & 8.21  & 8.67  & 9.13  & 9.58  & 10.04 & 10.49 & 10.95 \\
+%	\cmd{smallr}          & 7.47  & 7.94  & 8.41  & 8.88  & 9.34  & 9.81  & 10.28 & 10.75 & 11.21 \\
+%	\cmd{smallrr}         & 7.65  & 8.13  & 8.61  & 9.08  & 9.56  & 10.04 & 10.52 & 11.00 & 11.48 \\
+%	\cmd{smallrrr}        & 7.82  & 8.31  & 8.80  & 9.29  & 9.78  & 10.27 & 10.76 & 11.25 & 11.74 \\
+%	\tcmd{normalsize}     & 8.00  & 8.50  & 9.00  & 9.50  & 10.00 & 10.50 & 11.00 & 11.50 & 12.00 \\
+%	\cmd{normalsizer}     & 8.40  & 8.93  & 9.45  & 9.98  & 10.50 & 11.03 & 11.55 & 12.08 & 12.60 \\
+%	\cmd{normalsizerr}    & 8.80  & 9.35  & 9.90  & 10.45 & 11.00 & 11.55 & 12.10 & 12.65 & 13.20 \\
+%	\cmd{normalsizerrr}   & 9.20  & 9.77  & 10.35 & 10.92 & 11.50 & 12.07 & 12.65 & 13.22 & 13.80 \\
+%	\tcmd{large}          & 9.60  & 10.20 & 10.80 & 11.40 & 12.00 & 12.60 & 13.20 & 13.80 & 14.40 \\
+%	\cmd{larger}          & 10.08 & 10.71 & 11.34 & 11.97 & 12.60 & 13.23 & 13.86 & 14.49 & 15.12 \\
+%	\cmd{largerr}         & 10.56 & 11.22 & 11.88 & 12.54 & 13.20 & 13.86 & 14.52 & 15.18 & 15.84 \\
+%	\cmd{largerrr}        & 11.04 & 11.73 & 12.42 & 13.11 & 13.80 & 14.49 & 15.18 & 15.87 & 16.56 \\
+%	\tcmd{Large}          & 11.52 & 12.24 & 12.96 & 13.68 & 14.40 & 15.12 & 15.84 & 16.56 & 17.28 \\
+%	\cmd{Larger}          & 12.10 & 12.85 & 13.61 & 14.36 & 15.12 & 15.88 & 16.63 & 17.39 & 18.14 \\
+%	\cmd{Largerr}         & 12.67 & 13.46 & 14.26 & 15.05 & 15.84 & 16.63 & 17.42 & 18.22 & 19.01 \\
+%	\cmd{Largerrr}        & 13.25 & 14.08 & 14.90 & 15.73 & 16.56 & 17.39 & 18.22 & 19.04 & 19.87 \\
+%	\tcmd{LARGE}          & 13.82 & 14.69 & 15.55 & 16.42 & 17.28 & 18.14 & 19.01 & 19.87 & 20.74 \\
+%	\cmd{LARGEr}          & 14.52 & 15.42 & 16.33 & 17.24 & 18.14 & 19.05 & 19.96 & 20.87 & 21.77 \\
+%	\cmd{LARGErr}         & 15.21 & 16.16 & 17.11 & 18.06 & 19.01 & 19.96 & 20.91 & 21.86 & 22.81 \\
+%	\cmd{LARGErrr}        & 15.90 & 16.89 & 17.89 & 18.88 & 19.88 & 20.87 & 21.86 & 22.86 & 23.85 \\
+%	\tcmd{huge}           & 16.59 & 17.63 & 18.67 & 19.70 & 20.74 & 21.78 & 22.81 & 23.85 & 24.89 \\
+%	\cmd{huger}           & 17.42 & 18.51 & 19.6  & 20.69 & 21.78 & 22.86 & 23.95 & 25.04 & 26.13 \\
+%	\cmd{hugerr}          & 18.25 & 19.39 & 20.53 & 21.67 & 22.81 & 23.95 & 25.09 & 26.23 & 27.37 \\
+%	\cmd{hugerrr}         & 19.08 & 20.27 & 21.46 & 22.65 & 23.85 & 25.04 & 26.23 & 27.42 & 28.61 \\
+%	\tcmd{Huge}           & 19.90 & 21.15 & 22.39 & 23.64 & 24.88 & 26.12 & 27.37 & 28.61 & 29.86 \\
+%	\cmd{Huger}           & 20.89 & 22.19 & 23.50 & 24.80 & 26.11 & 27.42 & 28.72 & 30.03 & 31.33 \\
+%	\cmd{Hugerr}          & 21.87 & 23.24 & 24.61 & 25.97 & 27.34 & 28.71 & 30.07 & 31.44 & 32.81 \\
+%	\cmd{Hugerrr}         & 22.86 & 24.28 & 25.71 & 27.14 & 28.57 & 30.00 & 31.43 & 32.86 & 34.28 \\
+%	\tcmd{HUGE}           & 24.05 & 25.55 & 27.05 & 28.56 & 30.06 & 31.56 & 33.07 & 34.57 & 36.07 \\
+%	\cmd{HUGEr}           & 25.24 & 26.82 & 28.39 & 29.97 & 31.55 & 33.13 & 34.70 & 36.28 & 37.86 \\
+%	\cmd{HUGErr}          & 26.43 & 28.08 & 29.74 & 31.39 & 33.04 & 34.69 & 36.34 & 38.00 & 39.65 \\
+%	\cmd{HUGErrr}         & 27.62 & 29.35 & 31.08 & 32.80 & 34.53 & 36.26 & 37.98 & 39.71 & 41.44 \\
+% \arrayrulecolor{black}\bottomrule
+% \caption{The value of all available sizes (rounded to the second decimal place) relative to \cmd{normalsize} ranging from 8\,pt to 12\,pt with an increment of 0.5\,pt}\label{tab:sizes}
 % \section{Some text samples}\label{sec:example}
+% The following examples are obtained with the \cmd{printsamples} command (see section \ref{sec:commands}).
 %^^A Below you can see some text samples scaled proportionally 
 %^^A to match the different values of the selected normal size and line spacing. 
-% \printsamples{13pt}{11pt}[normalsizerr,normalsizerrr,large]
-% \printsamples{13.4pt}{11.7pt}[normalsizerr,normalsizerrr]
+% \printsamples{13.2pt}{11.2pt}[normalsizer,normalsizerr,normalsizerrr,large,larger]
+% \printsamples{13.4pt}{11.7pt}[normalsizer,normalsizerr,normalsizerrr,large,larger]
 % \nocite{xkeyval,etoolbox}
@@ -513,16 +612,12 @@
 % \section{The Code}
-%\alert \textcolor{DarkBlue}{The parts added to the basic structure of \file{scrextend} and \file{scrfontsizes} are highlighted in blue.}
+%\textcolor{DarkBlue}{The parts added to the basic code of \file{scrextend} and \file{scrfontsizes} are highlighted in blue.}
-%\noindent All the options of the package are defined via \sty{xkeyval}, while \sty{etoolbox} 
-% is required to execute \cmd{AtEndOfPackage}. It is probably not necessary 
-% but for the moment I prefer to take advantage of it. Only a new package
-% option called \opt{cloname} is defined.
+%\noindent All the options of the package are defined via \sty{xkeyval}.
 % \baddition
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \eaddition
@@ -718,115 +813,120 @@
  \def\fontsize at app{%
-  \abovedisplayskip \the\abovedisplayskip
-  \abovedisplayshortskip \the\abovedisplayshortskip
-  \belowdisplayskip \the\belowdisplayskip
-  \belowdisplayshortskip \the\belowdisplayshortskip
+  \abovedisplayskip \the\abovedisplayskip%
+  \abovedisplayshortskip \the\abovedisplayshortskip%
+  \belowdisplayskip \the\belowdisplayskip%
+  \belowdisplayshortskip \the\belowdisplayshortskip%
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{smallr}, \cmd{smallrr}, \cmd{smallrrr}. Scale factor: 0,021875.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{smallr}, \cmd{smallrr}, \cmd{smallrrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,021875.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.934375\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.95625\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.978125\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallrrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.934375\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\smallr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.95625\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\smallrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.978125\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\smallrrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
+  }%
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{footnotesizer}, \cmd{footnotesizerr}, \cmd{footnotesizerrr}. Scale factor: 0.01979.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{footnotesizer}, \cmd{footnotesizerr}, \cmd{footnotesizerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0.01979.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.85313\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizer{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizer
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.87292\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizerr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.89271\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizerrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.85313\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\footnotesizer{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizer
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.87292\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\footnotesizerr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.89271\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\footnotesizerrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
+  }%
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{scriptsizer}, \cmd{scriptsizerr}, \cmd{scriptsizerrr}. Scale factor: 0,0416675.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{scriptsizer}, \cmd{scriptsizerr}, \cmd{scriptsizerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,0416675.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7083375\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizer{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizer
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.750005\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizerr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7916725\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizerrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7083375\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\scriptsizer{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizer
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.750005\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\scriptsizerr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7916725\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\scriptsizerrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{tinyr}, \cmd{tinyrr}, \cmd{tinyrrr}. Scale factor: 0.0416675.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{tinyr}, \cmd{tinyrr}, \cmd{tinyrrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0.0416675.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.5416675\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.583335\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.6250025\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyrrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.5416675\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\tinyr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.583335\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\tinyrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.6250025\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\tinyrrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{normalsizer}, \cmd{normalsizerr}, \cmd{normalsizerrr}. Scale factor: 0.05.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{normalsizer}, \cmd{normalsizerr}, \cmd{normalsizerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0.05.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -848,8 +948,8 @@
+   \fontsize at pre
-   \fontsize at pre
    \fontsize at app
@@ -856,7 +956,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{larger}, \cmd{largerr}, \cmd{largerrr}. Scale factor: 0,06.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{larger}, \cmd{largerr}, \cmd{largerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,06.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -877,7 +978,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{Larger}, \cmd{Largerr}, \cmd{Largerrr}. Scale factor: 0,072.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{Larger}, \cmd{Largerr}, \cmd{Largerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,072.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -898,7 +1000,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{LARGEr}, \cmd{LARGErr}, \cmd{LARGErrr}. Scale factor: 0,0865.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{LARGEr}, \cmd{LARGErr}, \cmd{LARGErrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,0865.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -919,7 +1022,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{huger}, \cmd{hugerr}, \cmd{hugerrr}. Scale factor: 0,1035.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{huger}, \cmd{hugerr}, \cmd{hugerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,1035.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -940,7 +1044,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{Huger}, \cmd{Hugerr}, \cmd{Hugerrr}. Scale factor: 0.123.}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{Huger}, \cmd{Hugerr}, \cmd{Hugerrr}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0.123.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -961,6 +1066,34 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% {\color{black}Definition of \cmd{HUGE}, \cmd{HUGER}, \cmd{HUGERR}, \cmd{HUGERRR}.\\
+% Scale factor: 0,149.}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{3.006\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\HUGE{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\HUGE
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{3,155\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\HUGEr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\HUGEr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{3,304\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\HUGErr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\HUGErr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{3,453\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \edef\HUGErrr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\HUGErrr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \eaddition
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -975,30 +1108,33 @@
 % For the following lengths, all values are calculated proportionally to the main font. I took the \file{bk11.clo} file as a reference point. Note that the differences of these lengths in the files \file{bk10.clo} \file{bk11.clo} and \file{bk12.clo} only affect \cmd{headsep}, \cmd{topskip} and \cmd{footskip}, which are not redefined here.
 % \baddition
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-\setlength\smallskipamount{\dimexpr((\@tempdimb+1pt)/4) \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@}%
-\setlength\medskipamount{\dimexpr((\@tempdimb+1pt)/2) \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@}%
-\setlength\bigskipamount{\dimexpr(\@tempdimb+1pt) \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 4\p@}%
+\setlength\smallskipamount{\dimexpr(1.1\@tempdimb/4) \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@}%
+\setlength\medskipamount{\dimexpr(1.1\@tempdimb/2) \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@}%
+\setlength\bigskipamount{\dimexpr(1.1\@tempdimb) \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 4\p@}%
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \eaddition
 % The following table shows the values of some specific lengths 
 % defined by the package, in relation to some significant settings 
 % of the main font and line spacing. The values are expressed in pt 
-% and rounded to the second decimal place.
+% and rounded to the second decimal place.\medskip
-% \begin{footnotesizer}
+% \begin{footnotesize}
 % \newcolumntype{Y}{@{}S[table-column-width=1.04cm]}
-% \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}m{3.7cm}@{\hskip2mm}YYYYYYYYYYY@{\hskip-2mm}}
-% \toprule
-% Normal size & 10 & 10.1 & 10.2 & 10.3 & 10.4 & 10.5 & 10.6 & 10.7 & 10.8 & 10.9 & 11\\
-% Line spacing &12 &12.12 &12.24 &12.36 &12.48 &12.6 &12.72 &12.84 &12.96 &13.08 &13.2\\\midrule
-% \cmd{headheight} &12 &12.1 &12.2 &12.3 &12.4 &12.5 &12.6 &12.7 &12.8 &12.9 &13\\
-% \cmd{parindent}  &10 &10.1 &10.2 &10.3 &10.4 &10.5 &10.6 &10.7 &10.8 &10.9 &11\\
-% \cmd{bigskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{4}{pt} &11 &11.1 &11.2 &11.3 &11.4 &11.5 &11.6 &11.7 &11.8 &11.9 &12\\
-% \cmd{medskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{2}{pt} &5.5 &5.55 &5.6 &5.65 &5.7 &5.75 &5.8 &5.85 &5.9 &5.95 &6\\
-% \cmd{smallskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{1}{pt} &2.75 &2.78 &2.8 &2.82 &2.85 &2.88 &2.9 &2.93 &2.95 &2.98 &3\\  
+% \centerline{%
+% \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}m{3.7cm}@{\hskip2mm}YYYYYYYYYYY@{}}
+% 	Normal size                                  & 10.00 & 10.10 & 10.20 & 10.30 & 10.40 & 10.50 & 10.60  & 10.70  & 10.80 & 10.90 & 11.00 \\
+% 	Line spacing                                 & 12.00 & 12.12 & 12.24 & 12.36 & 12.48 & 12.60 & 12.72  & 12.84  & 12.96 & 13.08 & 13.20 \\ 
+% \midrule
+% 	\cmd{headheight}                             & 12.00 & 12.10 & 12.20 & 12.30 & 12.40 & 12.50 & 12.60  & 12.70  & 12.80 & 12.90 & 13.00 \\
+% 	\cmd{parindent}                              & 10.00 & 10.10 & 10.20 & 10.30 & 10.40 & 10.50 & 10.60  & 10.70  & 10.80 & 10.90 & 11.00 \\
+% 	\cmd{smallskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{1}{pt} & 2.75  & 2.78  & 2.81  & 2.83  & 2.86  & 2.89  & 2.92   & 2.94   & 2.97  & 3.00  & 3.03  \\
+% 	\cmd{medskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{2}{pt}   & 5.50  & 5.56  & 5.61  & 5.67  & 5.72  & 5.78  & 5.83   & 5.89   & 5.94  & 6.00  & 6.05  \\
+% 	\cmd{bigskipamount}\ \hfill$\pm$\SI{4}{pt}   & 11.00 & 11.11 & 11.22 & 11.33 & 11.44 & 11.55 & 11.66  & 11.77  & 11.88 & 11.99 & 12.10 \\
 % \bottomrule
 % \end{tabular}
-% \end{footnotesizer}
+% }
+% \end{footnotesize}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\f at baselineskip}%
   \ctm at setlength{\parsep}%
@@ -1320,9 +1456,6 @@
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
 \def\fs at appnormal{
  \@ind\string\abovedisplayskip\space \the\abovedisplayskip^^J%
@@ -1345,53 +1478,53 @@
- \string\def\string\smallr{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
- \string\def\string\smallrr{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
- \string\def\string\smallrrr{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallrrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
- \string\def\string\footnotesizer{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizer{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
- \string\def\string\footnotesizerr{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizerr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
- \string\def\string\footnotesizerrr{\@percentchar^^J%
-  \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizerrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
-  \fs at appsmall%
- }\@percentchar%
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\smallr{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\smallrr\@listi
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\smallrr{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\smallrrr\@listi
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\smallrrr{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\smallrrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\footnotesizer\@listi
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\footnotesizer{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizer{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\footnotesizerr\@listi
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\footnotesizerr{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizerr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\footnotesizerrr\@listi
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\footnotesizerrr{\@percentchar^^J%
+   \@ind\string\@setfontsize\string\footnotesizerrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%  
+   \fs at appsmall%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
@@ -1528,6 +1661,34 @@
+  \begingroup\HUGE
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\HUGE{%
+   \string\@setfontsize\string\HUGE{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+  \begingroup\HUGEr
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\HUGEr{%
+   \string\@setfontsize\string\HUGEr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\HUGErr
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\HUGErr{%
+   \string\@setfontsize\string\HUGErr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup\HUGErrr
+ \immediate\write\@fontfile{%
+  \string\def\string\HUGErrr{%
+   \string\@setfontsize\string\HUGErrr{\f at size}{\f at baselineskip}%
+  }\@percentchar%
+ }%
 %    \end{macrocode} 
 % \eaddition
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1692,6 +1853,16 @@
 % Enrico Gregorio in place of the previous macros based on \sty{etoolbox}.
 % \baddition
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+ As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a 
+ representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown 
+ elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
+ The paralogisms of practical reason are what first give rise to the
+ architectonic of practical reason. As will easily be shown in the
+ next section, reason would thereby be made to contradict, in view of
+ these considerations, the Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold
+ depends on the phenomena.}
@@ -1707,7 +1878,9 @@
-   Huge,Huger,Hugerr,Hugerrr}
+   Huge,Huger,Hugerr,Hugerrr,
+  }
  \fontsize_printsamples:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
@@ -1727,16 +1900,16 @@
  % set the size
  % header
- \subsubsection*{Text~samples~for~#2~on~#1}
+ \subsubsection*{Text~samples~for~\symbol{92}normalsize~#2~on~#1}
  % map through the desired sizes
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #3 }
-  \use:c{##1}                         % set the font size
-  \noindent\texttt{\symbol{92}##1}:~  % print the font size command
-  \__fontsize_round_f:n {size}~           % print the size in points
+  \use:c{##1}                             % set the font size
+  \noindent\texttt{\symbol{92}##1}:~      % print the font size command
+  \__fontsize_round_f:n {size}~on~        % print the size in points
   \__fontsize_round_f:n {baselineskip}.~  % print the baseline skip in points
-  \kant[1][1-3]                       % sample text
-  \par\addvspace{\medskipamount}      % finish up
+  \fontsizelipsum                         % sample text
+  \par\addvspace{\medskipamount}          % finish up
  % close the group

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontsize/fontsize.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontsize/fontsize.sty	2021-02-10 22:04:10 UTC (rev 57702)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontsize/fontsize.sty	2021-02-10 22:04:56 UTC (rev 57703)
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
-  [2021/02/06 v0.6 'fontsize' package. Set main font sizes (Ivan Valbusa)]
+  [2021/02/10 v0.7 'fontsize' package. Set main font sizes (Ivan Valbusa)]
   \expandafter\@defaultunits\expandafter\@tempdima#1 pt\relax\@nnil
@@ -200,101 +199,101 @@
  \def\fontsize at app{%
-  \abovedisplayskip \the\abovedisplayskip
-  \abovedisplayshortskip \the\abovedisplayshortskip
-  \belowdisplayskip \the\belowdisplayskip
-  \belowdisplayshortskip \the\belowdisplayshortskip
+  \abovedisplayskip \the\abovedisplayskip%
+  \abovedisplayshortskip \the\abovedisplayshortskip%
+  \belowdisplayskip \the\belowdisplayskip%
+  \belowdisplayshortskip \the\belowdisplayshortskip%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.934375\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.95625\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.978125\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\smallrrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallrrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.85313\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizer{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizer
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.87292\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizerr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.89271\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \fontsize at pre
- \edef\footnotesizerrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\footnotesizerrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
-  \fontsize at app
-  \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at footnotesize
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7083375\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizer{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizer
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.750005\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizerr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.7916725\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\scriptsizerrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\scriptsizerrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.5416675\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.583335\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
- \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.6250025\@tempdimc}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
- \edef\tinyrrr{%
-  \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\tinyrrr
-  {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
- }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.934375\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\smallr{%
+   \noexpand\@setfontsize\noexpand\smallr
+   {\the\@tempdima}{\the\@tempdimb}%
+   \fontsize at app
+   \let\noexpand\@listi\noexpand\@listi at small
+  }%
+  \setlength{\@tempdima}{0.95625\@tempdimc}%
+  \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\@tempb\@tempdima}%
+  \fontsize at pre
+  \edef\smallrr{%
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+ \begingroup\HUGErrr
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+ }%
@@ -1067,6 +1118,16 @@
+ As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a
+ representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown
+ elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
+ The paralogisms of practical reason are what first give rise to the
+ architectonic of practical reason. As will easily be shown in the
+ next section, reason would thereby be made to contradict, in view of
+ these considerations, the Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold
+ depends on the phenomena.}
@@ -1082,7 +1143,9 @@
-   Huge,Huger,Hugerr,Hugerrr}
+   Huge,Huger,Hugerr,Hugerrr,
+  }
  \fontsize_printsamples:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
@@ -1100,16 +1163,16 @@
  % set the size
  % header
- \subsubsection*{Text~samples~for~#2~on~#1}
+ \subsubsection*{Text~samples~for~\symbol{92}normalsize~#2~on~#1}
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-  \use:c{##1}                         % set the font size
-  \noindent\texttt{\symbol{92}##1}:~  % print the font size command
-  \__fontsize_round_f:n {size}~           % print the size in points
+  \use:c{##1}                             % set the font size
+  \noindent\texttt{\symbol{92}##1}:~      % print the font size command
+  \__fontsize_round_f:n {size}~on~        % print the size in points
   \__fontsize_round_f:n {baselineskip}.~  % print the baseline skip in points
-  \kant[1][1-3]                       % sample text
-  \par\addvspace{\medskipamount}      % finish up
+  \fontsizelipsum                         % sample text
+  \par\addvspace{\medskipamount}          % finish up
  % close the group

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