texlive[56728] Master/texmf-dist: ejpecp (22oct20)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Oct 22 22:46:30 CEST 2020

Revision: 56728
Author:   karl
Date:     2020-10-22 22:46:30 +0200 (Thu, 22 Oct 2020)
Log Message:
ejpecp (22oct20)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/README.md	2020-10-21 23:47:34 UTC (rev 56727)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/README.md	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
+-   2020/10/21 v1.9.0
+    -   Supplement environment added
 -   2020/08/26 v1.8.3
     -   Updated URLs
 -   2020/08/05

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/getmref.py
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/getmref.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/getmref.py	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -0,0 +1,1809 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#  getmref.py - gets the references links to MathSciNet through the BatchMRef:
+#                                 https://mathscinet.ams.org/batchmref?qdata=xmldocument
+#  Copyright (C) 2017 Sigitas Tolusis, VTeX Ltd., Jim Pitman, Dept. Statistics,
+#  U.C. Berkeley and Lolita Tolene, VTeX Ltd.
+#  E-mail: latex-support at vtex.lt
+#  http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  Requires:
+#    - python ver. >=2.2
+#    - [ for option --enc=auto ]
+#      Universal Encoding Detector library, written by Mark Pilgrim.
+#  Usage:
+#    getmref.py <bbl or tex file>
+#  Program (description):
+#    - makes inputfile copy to <inputfilename>.getmref.bak;
+#    - for each successful bibitem reference search adds line \MR{<mrid>},
+#      where <mrid> is data from XML tag <mrid> without front symbols "MR";
+#    - writes all adds to <inputfilename>;
+#    - generates log file <inputfilename>.getmref.log;
+#    - writes to stdout log info
+#  Changes:
+#    2004/04/26 - \bibitem line removed from the query
+#    2017/01/12 - input file may contain 'amsrefs', 'bibtex' and 'tex' type
+#                 references (all at once);
+#                 input references can be formatted as 'amsrefs', 'bibtex',
+#                 'tex' or 'html' type references
+__version__ = "GetMRef, v2.4"
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import ssl
+import shutil
+import logging
+from time import time, sleep
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
+BASICFORMATTER = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
+DEBUGFORMATTER = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+flog = slog = log
+class RefTypes(object):
+    """ This class declares recognized bibliography reference formats
+        Formats description
+        -------------------
+        Source: only AMS
+        "tex": LaTeX code without any specific beginning/ending;
+               MR number is given in plain text
+        "html": <a href="http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=7digits">
+                    7digits
+                </a>
+        Source: only user
+        "bibitem": \bibitem[<name-year info>]{<cite_key>}
+                       ...
+                   \MR{<7 digits>}
+                   \endbibitem,
+                   where '[<name-year info>]' and '\endbibitem' are optional
+                   Requires environment
+                       \begin{thebibliography}{<ref no>}
+                           ...
+                       \end{thebibliography}
+        Source: AMS and user
+        "bibtex": @<ref type>{<cite_key>,
+                      <key1>={<value1>},
+                      <key2>={<value2>},
+                      MRNUMBER={<7 digits>}
+                      ...}
+        "amsrefs": \bib{<cite_key>}{<ref type>}{
+                       <key1>={<value1>},
+                       <key2>={<value2>},
+                       review={\MR{<7 digits>}}
+                       ...}
+                   Requires environment
+                       \begin{biblist}
+                           ...
+                       \end{biblist}
+    """
+    TEX = "tex"
+    BIBITEM = "bibitem"
+    IMS = "ims"
+    BIBTEX = "bibtex"
+    AMSREFS = "amsrefs"
+    HTML = "html"
+    # Reference input formats
+    # Reference output formats
+class LessThanFilter(logging.Filter):
+    """ This class allows to add an upper bound to the logged messages
+        Example
+        -------
+        One needs to log all non-error messages to stdout, and all errors
+        (higher level) only to stderr
+    """
+    def __init__(self, exclusive_maximum, name=""):
+        super(LessThanFilter, self).__init__(name)
+        self.max_level = exclusive_maximum
+    def filter(self, record):
+        # A non-zero return means we log this message
+        return 1 if record.levelno <= self.max_level else 0
+class FilesHandler(RefTypes):
+    """ This class unites methods and attributes related to
+        files I/O actions """
+    IN = 'in'
+    BAK = 'bak'
+    OUT = 'out'
+    DATA = 'data'
+    TMP = 'tmp'
+    AUX = 'aux'
+    BIB = 'bib'
+    HTML = 'html'
+    LOG = 'log'
+    ERR = 'err'
+    # File status map:
+    #   if True file will be open until closed;
+    #   if False it will be opened on demand
+    FILE_STATUS = {OUT: True,
+                   LOG: False,
+                   ERR: False,
+                   DATA: True,
+                   BIB: True,
+                   AUX: True,
+                   HTML: True,
+                   TMP: False}
+    READ = 'r'
+    WRITE = 'w'
+    GMR_SUFFIX = 'getmref'
+    def __init__(self, infile, outputtype):
+        """ Initiate file handling methods and attributes
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            infile : str or None
+                Path to input file
+            outputtype : str or None
+                Required bibliography reference output format type
+        """
+        self.infile = infile
+        self._basename = os.path.splitext(infile)[0]
+        # Determining needed file types for given reference output type
+        msg = ("The given references will be formatted in '%s' format. "
+               % (outputtype if outputtype is not None else "orig"))
+        unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.BIB, self.AUX, self.HTML]
+        if outputtype in [self.BIBTEX, self.IMS]:
+            unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.HTML]
+            # Referring to 'BIB' file as 'DATA'
+            self.DATA = self.BIB
+            msg += "Additional files will be created: *.%s, *.%s" \
+                   % (self.BIB, self.AUX)
+        elif outputtype == self.HTML:
+            unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.BIB, self.AUX]
+            # Referring to 'HTML' file as 'DATA'
+            self.DATA = self.HTML
+            msg += "Additional file will be created: *.%s" % self.HTML
+        elif outputtype in [self.TEX, self.AMSREFS]:
+            unnecessary = [self.HTML, self.BIB, self.AUX]
+            msg += "Additional file will be created: *.%s" % self.DATA
+        self.files = dict()
+        for suffix, status in self.FILE_STATUS.items():
+            # Deleting old files
+            self._delete(suffix)
+            if suffix in unnecessary:
+                continue
+            if status:
+                self.open(suffix)
+                continue
+            self.files.update({suffix: self.get_fname(suffix)})
+        flog.info("File: %s" % infile)
+        if not (os.path.isfile(infile) and os.path.exists(infile)):
+            logging.shutdown()
+            for suffix in self.FILE_STATUS:
+                self.close_and_delete(suffix)
+            raise ValueError("Provided source file does not exist! "
+                             "Please provide the valid one.")
+        flog.debug("Workdir: %s" % os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(infile)))
+        flog.debug(msg)
+    def set_fname(self, suffix):
+        """ Set a filepath for a file with the provided suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+        """
+        return ("%s.%s.%s" % (self._basename, self.GMR_SUFFIX, suffix)
+                if suffix != self.IN else self.infile)
+    def get_fname(self, suffix):
+        """ Get filepath of a file with the required suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+                If requested file is open, returning file object name,
+                or the filepath otherwise
+        """
+        target = self.files.get(suffix, self.set_fname(suffix))
+        if isinstance(target, file):
+            return target.name
+        return target
+    def open(self, suffix, mask=WRITE):
+        """ Open file for the selected action
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+            mask : str
+                Possible actions are read or write
+            File is opened and file object is added to the dictionary
+            for later access
+        """
+        self.files.update({suffix: file(self.get_fname(suffix), mask)})
+    def read(self, suffix):
+        """ Get the content of a file with the required suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+            Yields
+            ------
+            str
+        """
+        with open(self.get_fname(suffix), self.READ) as ifile:
+            for iline in ifile:
+                yield iline
+    def write(self, suffix, msg):
+        """ Write to the file with the required suffix
+            only if this file is open
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+            msg : str
+        """
+        target = self.files.get(suffix, None)
+        if isinstance(target, file):
+            target.write(msg)
+    def close(self, suffix):
+        """ Close the file with the required suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+        """
+        fileobj = self.files.get(suffix, "")
+        if isinstance(fileobj, file):
+            fileobj.close()
+    def _delete(self, suffix):
+        """ Delete the file with the required suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+        """
+        dfile = self.get_fname(suffix)
+        try:
+            os.unlink(dfile)
+            flog.debug("Deleted: %s" % os.path.split(dfile)[1])
+        except OSError:
+            if os.path.isfile(dfile) and os.path.exists(dfile):
+                flog.exception("Can't remove file: %s" % dfile)
+    def close_and_delete(self, suffix):
+        """ Close and delete the file with the required suffix
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            suffix : str
+                File suffix without punctuation
+        """
+        self.close(suffix)
+        self._delete(suffix)
+    def close_files(self):
+        """ Close all open files and logging instances,
+            create backup of the input file and
+            overwrite it with the new content, delete auxiliary files
+        """
+        flog.debug("Closing files...")
+        for suffix in self.files:
+            self.close(suffix)
+        self._delete(self.TMP)
+        bfile = self.get_fname(self.BAK)
+        if os.path.exists(bfile):
+            shutil.copy2(self.infile, bfile)
+        else:
+            os.rename(self.infile, bfile)
+        flog.debug("Created backup of the input file: %s"
+                   % os.path.split(bfile)[1])
+        ofile = self.get_fname(self.OUT)
+        if os.path.exists(ofile):
+            shutil.copy2(ofile, self.infile)
+            self._delete(self.OUT)
+        else:
+            os.rename(ofile, self.infile)
+        flog.debug("The input file is overwritten with: %s"
+                   % os.path.split(ofile)[1])
+        logging.shutdown()
+class RefHandler(RefTypes):
+    """ This class unites methods and attributes related to bibliography
+        reference format types and their content modifications """
+    # Bibliography environment
+    BIBL_ENV = "environment"
+    BIBL_BEGIN = "begin"
+    BIBL_END = "end"
+    # Declaration of typical reference type ending and
+    # MR id format for this type
+        RefTypes.BIBTEX: {
+            "ref_ending": "}",
+            "mr_format": ",\nMRNUMBER={%s},\n"
+            },
+        RefTypes.AMSREFS: {
+            "ref_ending": "}",
+            "mr_format": ",\nreview={\MR{%s}},\n"
+            },
+        RefTypes.BIBITEM: {
+            "ref_ending": "\\endbibitem",
+            "mr_format": "\n\\MR{%s}\n"
+            }
+        }
+    # Meaningful reference keys for AMS Batch MR Lookup query
+    KEYS = {"0AUTH": ("author",),
+            "1TTL": ("title", "maintitle"),
+            "2JOUR": ("journal", "journaltitle", "fjournal", "booktitle"),
+            "3VID": ("volume",),
+            "4IID": ("number", "series"),
+            "5PID": ("pages",),
+            "6YNO": ("year", "date"),
+            "7ISSN": ("issn", "isrn", "isbn")}
+    PATTERN_KEY_VALUE = "^\s*([\w-]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)$"
+    PATTERN_LINE_END = r'(\r?\n)+'
+    PATTERN_PAR = r'(\r?\n){2}'
+    PATTERN_BIBL_ENV = (r'\s*\\(?P<envstatus>begin|end)\s*'
+                        r'\{(thebibliography|biblist\*?)\}(.*)$')
+    PATTERN_BIBRE = r'^\s*\\bibitem.*'
+    PATTERN_BIBREF = (r'\s*\\bibitem\s*(?P<biblabel>\[.*?\])*?\s?'
+                      r'\{(?P<citekey>.*?)\}(?P<text>.*)$')
+    PATTERN_BIBTEX = (r'^\s*(@\S+)(?<!@preamble)\s*'
+                      r'{(?P<citekey>\S+)\s*,(?P<text>.*)$')
+    PATTERN_AMSREFS = r"\\bib\s*{(?P<citekey>.*)}\s*{(.*)}\s*{(?P<text>.*)$"
+    def __init__(self, outputtype):
+        """ Initiate reference handling methods and attributes
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            outputtype : str or None
+                Required reference output format type
+        """
+        self.outputtype = outputtype
+        self.re_bibl_env = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBL_ENV)
+        self.re_bibre = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE)
+        self.re_bibreF = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBREF, re.S)
+        self.re_bibtex = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBTEX, re.M)
+        self.re_amsrefs = re.compile(self.PATTERN_AMSREFS, re.M)
+        self.re_lineend = re.compile(self.PATTERN_LINE_END)
+        self.re_par = re.compile(self.PATTERN_PAR)
+        self.re_key_value = re.compile(self.PATTERN_KEY_VALUE, re.DOTALL)
+    def find_reference(self, line):
+        """ Identify reference environment or element by using regex patterns
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            line : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str or None
+                If match is found, returns the reference type, None otherwise
+            dict
+                Dictionary contains regex pattern group names and their matches
+                The value of the key 'text' is the line part without user
+                defined strings, such as citekey and biblabel, because they may
+                contain some misleading information for BatchMRef query
+        """
+        elems = {self.BIBL_ENV: self.re_bibl_env,
+                 self.BIBTEX: self.re_bibtex,
+                 self.AMSREFS: self.re_amsrefs}
+        # BIBITEM search starts with an additional check
+        # which other reference types doesn't have
+        if self.re_bibre.search(line) is not None:
+            elems = {self.BIBITEM: self.re_bibreF}
+        for reftype, pattern in elems.items():
+            match = pattern.search(line)
+            if match is not None:
+                return reftype, match.groupdict()
+            elif reftype == self.BIBITEM:
+                # If final search for BIBITEM fails, it means that the typical
+                # structure for this reference type is placed on several lines,
+                # therefore the current line is prepended to the next input line
+                return reftype, {"line": line}
+        return None, dict()
+    def extract_keys_data(self, lines):
+        """ Extract values from selected keys in reference
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            lines : list
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+                Output contains extracted values separated by commas
+        """
+        flog.debug(">> Extracting key values from reference")
+        querystring = ""
+        user_key = None
+        found = list()
+        for line in lines:
+            match = self.re_key_value.search(line)
+            if match:
+                user_key, user_value = match.groups()
+                user_key = user_key.lower()
+                for key, value in sorted(self.KEYS.items()):
+                    if user_key in value and (user_key in found or key not in found):
+                        found.append(key)
+                        found.append(user_key)
+                        querystring += "%s, " % user_value.strip().rstrip(",")\
+                                                          .strip().strip('"')\
+                                                          .strip().rstrip("}")\
+                                                          .lstrip("{").strip()
+                        break
+            elif len(found) > 0 and found[-1] == user_key:
+                querystring = "%s %s, " % (querystring.strip(", "),
+                                           line.strip().rstrip(",").strip().strip('"')
+                                               .strip().rstrip("}").lstrip("{")
+                                               .strip().rstrip(",").strip())
+        return querystring.strip(", ")
+    def insert_mrid(self, reftype, refstring, mrid):
+        """ Format MR number according to the input reference format and
+            append it to the input reference
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            reftype : str
+                Determined input bibliography reference item type
+            refstring : str
+                Input bibliography reference item content
+            mrid : str
+                MR number returned by query to BatchMRef
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+                Output contains input bibliography reference element including
+                according to reftype formatted mrid.
+        """
+        properties = self.FORMAT_PROPERTIES.get(reftype, None)
+        if properties is None:
+            outstring = self.re_lineend.sub('\n', refstring)
+            return '%s\\MR{%s}\n\n' % (outstring, mrid)
+        mr_string = properties["mr_format"] % mrid
+        ending_index = refstring.rfind(properties["ref_ending"])
+        if ending_index == -1:
+            paragraph = self.re_par.search(refstring)
+            if paragraph is not None:
+                ending_index = paragraph.start()
+                mr_string += "\n"
+        if ending_index != -1:
+            return "%s%s%s" % (refstring[:ending_index].strip().strip(","),
+                               mr_string,
+                               refstring[ending_index:].lstrip())
+        return refstring.strip() + mr_string + "\n"
+    def insert_citekey(self, outref, citekey, biblabel, querystring):
+        """ Add a cite key, extracted from an input reference item,
+            to the reference content, returned by the query to BatchMRef
+            (XML tag <outref>), in the required reference output format
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            outref : str or None
+                Reference item content returned by the query to BatchMRef
+            citekey : str
+                Input bibliography reference item cite key
+            biblabel : str or None
+                Input bibliography reference item label,
+                provided in optional parameter of reference type of BIBITEM
+            querystring : str
+                Input bibliography reference item formatted for query
+                to BatchMRef
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str or None
+                Returned string is the outref including the citekey and
+                the biblabel (if provided) if reference has been found in
+                the AMS MR DB, else string is formatted according to the
+                requested output type.
+                If allowed output type is not provided, None is returned
+        """
+        if self.outputtype is None:
+            return None
+        if outref is None:
+            if self.outputtype == self.TEX:
+                return ("\\bibitem%s{%s}\n   Not Found!\n\n"
+                        % (biblabel if biblabel is not None else "",
+                           citekey))
+            if self.outputtype == self.BIBTEX:
+                return '@MISC {%s,\n   NOTE = {Not Found!}\n}\n\n' % citekey
+            if self.outputtype == self.IMS:
+                return ('@MISC {%s,\n   HOWPUBLISHED = {%s},\n}\n\n'
+                        % (citekey, querystring))
+            if self.outputtype == self.AMSREFS:
+                return ('\\bib{%s}{misc}{\n    note = {Not Found!}\n}\n\n'
+                        % citekey)
+            if self.outputtype == self.HTML:
+                return '<!-- %s -->\nNot Found!\n<br/><br/>\n\n' % citekey
+            return None
+        outref = outref.strip() + '\n\n'
+        if self.outputtype == self.TEX:
+            return ('\\bibitem%s{%s}\n%s'
+                    % (biblabel if biblabel is not None else "",
+                       citekey, outref))
+        if self.outputtype in [self.BIBTEX, self.IMS]:
+            return self.re_bibtex.sub(r'\1 {%s,' % citekey, outref)
+        if self.outputtype == self.AMSREFS:
+            return self.re_amsrefs.sub(r'\\bib\0{%s}{\2}' % citekey, outref)
+        if self.outputtype == self.HTML:
+            return '<!-- %s -->\n%s<br/><br/>\n' % (citekey, outref)
+        return None
+class RefElement(object):
+    """ This is a container for one bibliography reference item,
+        containing all data related to it """
+    def __init__(self, refid=None, reftype=None, citekey=None, biblabel=None):
+        """ Initiate reference item container
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            refid : int or None
+            reftype : str or None
+                Input bibliography reference type (one of RefTypes.ITYPES).
+            citekey : str or None
+                Input bibliography reference cite key
+            biblabel : str or None
+                Input bibliography reference label,
+                provided in the optional parameter of RefTypes.BIBITEM type
+                reference item
+        """
+        self.reftype = reftype
+        self.refid = refid
+        self.citekey = citekey
+        self.biblabel = biblabel
+        self.orig_lines = list()
+        self.cleaned_lines = list()
+        self.query_lines = list()
+        self.comment_lines = list()
+        self.errno = 0
+        self._init_querystring = None
+        self._querystring = None
+        self._mrid = None
+        self.outref = None
+    def normalize(self, lines):
+        """ Normalize the reference item content
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            lines : list
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+                Returned string doesn't contain trailing spaces and
+                typical ending for the reference of reftype (if found)
+        """
+        nstring = re.sub('\s+', ' ', ''.join(lines)).strip()
+        ending = self.FORMAT_PROPERTIES.get(self.reftype,
+                                            dict()).get("ref_ending", "")
+        ending_index = nstring.rfind(ending)
+        if ending_index != -1:
+            nstring = nstring[:ending_index].strip()
+        return nstring
+    @property
+    def init_querystring(self):
+        if self._init_querystring is not None:
+            return self._init_querystring
+        flog.debug(">> Normalizing the reference")
+        self._init_querystring = self.normalize(self.query_lines)
+        return self._init_querystring
+    @property
+    def querystring(self):
+        if self._querystring is not None:
+            return self._querystring
+        return self.init_querystring
+    @querystring.setter
+    def querystring(self, istring):
+        self._querystring = istring
+    @property
+    def mrid(self):
+        return self._mrid
+    @mrid.setter
+    def mrid(self, mrid):
+        """ Normalize MR number, returned by the query to BatchMRef
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            mrid : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+                If original MR number is shorter than 7 symbols, prepending 0,
+                till it reaches 7 symbol length
+        """
+        if mrid is not None:
+            self._mrid = mrid.encode('ascii').lstrip("MR").rjust(7, '0')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        result = "<%s:\n" % self.__class__.__name__
+        for key, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
+            if key.startswith("_"):
+                continue
+            result += "     %s = %s\n" % (key, repr(value))
+        result += "     >\n"
+        return result
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__repr__()
+class RefsContainer(object):
+    """ This is a container holding as many bibliography reference items as
+        is allowed by the denoted query to BatchMRef limit and data common
+        to all of them """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(RefsContainer, self).__init__()
+        self.elems = list()
+        self.qerrno = 0
+    def append_elem(self, ref_element):
+        """ Add bibliography reference item instance to the container
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            ref_element : RefElement() instance
+        """
+        self.elems += (ref_element,)
+    def get_elem_by_refid(self, refid):
+        """ Get bibliography reference item instance by its id
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            refid : int
+            Returns
+            -------
+            RefElement() instance or None
+                If element with required id is not found, None is returned
+        """
+        elem = [e for e in self.elems if e.refid == refid]
+        if elem:
+            return elem[0]
+    def __str__(self):
+        result = "<%s:\n" % self.__class__.__name__
+        for key, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
+            if key == "elems":
+                for elem in value:
+                    result += "  %s" % repr(elem)
+            elif key not in ["elems", "qresult", "xml"]:
+                result += "  GLOBAL: {} = {}\n".format(key, value)
+        result += "  >\n"
+        return result
+class QueryHandler(RefTypes):
+    """ This class unites methods and attributes related to actions necessary
+        for the AMS BatchMRef query """
+    AUTO_ENC = "auto"
+    LATIN1 = 'latin1'
+    ASCII = "ascii"
+    AMS_URL = 'https://mathscinet.ams.org/batchmref'
+    # AMS BatchMRef limit of items no per query
+    QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
+        '<mref_batch>\n'
+        ' %s'
+        '</mref_batch>'
+        )
+        '<mref_item outtype="%s">\n'
+        ' <inref>\n'
+        '  %s\n'
+        ' </inref>\n'
+        ' <myid>%d</myid>\n'
+        '</mref_item>\n'
+        )
+        RefTypes.TEX: RefTypes.TEX,
+        RefTypes.BIBTEX: RefTypes.BIBTEX,
+        RefTypes.IMS: RefTypes.BIBTEX,
+        RefTypes.AMSREFS: RefTypes.AMSREFS,
+        RefTypes.HTML: RefTypes.HTML,
+        None: RefTypes.TEX
+        }
+    PATTERN_MREF_ITEM = '(\<mref_item outtype="(?:bibtex|tex|amsrefs|html)"\>.*?\</mref_item\>)'
+    PATTERN_BATCH_ERROR = '\<batch_error\>(.*?)\</batch_error\>'
+    # AMS gives the following message in HTML if requested website is broken
+    AMS_MSG = "The AMS Website is temporarily unavailable."
+    def __init__(self, encoding, outputtype, refscontainer, address=AMS_URL):
+        """ Initiate query to BatchMRef handling methods and attributes
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            encoding : str
+                Input file encoding
+            outputtype : str or None
+                Reference output format type passed for BatchMRef query
+            refscontainer : RefsContainer() instance
+            address : str
+                BatchMRef query address
+        """
+        self.encoding = encoding
+        flog.debug("Provided encoding format: %s" % encoding)
+        self.address = address
+        self.query_format = self.QUERY_FORMATS.get(outputtype, self.TEX)
+        flog.debug("Query settings: URL = %s, output format = %s"
+                   % (address, self.query_format))
+        self.outputtype = outputtype
+        self.errno = 0
+        self.qresult = None
+        self.qcode = None
+        self.xml = None
+        self.re_mref_item = re.compile(self.PATTERN_MREF_ITEM, re.DOTALL)
+        self.re_batch_error = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BATCH_ERROR, re.DOTALL)
+        self._refscontainer = refscontainer
+        self.query_elems = list()
+    @property
+    def refscontainer(self):
+        return self._refscontainer
+    def _encode_str(self, istring):
+        """ Change query string encoding into the ASCII
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            istring : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+        """
+        str_enc = self.encoding
+        self.errno = 0
+        if str_enc == self.AUTO_ENC:
+            detector = UniversalDetector()
+            detector.feed(istring)
+            detector.close()
+            str_enc = detector.result.get('encoding', self.ASCII)
+            flog.debug(">> Determined string encoding: %s" % str_enc)
+        if str_enc == self.ASCII:
+            return istring
+        if str_enc is None:
+            flog.debug(">> Encoding determination has FAILED! ")
+            return istring
+        try:
+            return istring.decode(str_enc.lower()).encode(self.ASCII,
+                                                          errors='replace')
+        except:
+            flog.debug(">> encoding given reference element FAILED!")
+            msg = (">> encoding given reference element FAILED!\n"
+                   "[Input string]:\n%s\n" % istring)
+            flog.exception(msg)
+            self.errno = -2
+            return istring
+    @staticmethod
+    def _escape_tex(istring):
+        """ Convert TeX symbols into XML valid symbols
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            istring : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+        """
+        flog.debug(">> Converting TeX symbols into XML valid symbols")
+        return reduce(lambda a, b: string.replace(a, b[0], b[1]),
+                      (istring, ("\\&", '&'), ("<", '<'), (">", '>'),
+                                ("&", '&'), (r"\ndash ", "-")))
+    def _parse_str(self, istring, check=False):
+        """ Parse string into XML object
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            istring : str
+            check : bool
+                If True, checking if string parses to valid XML.
+                If False, saving parsed XML or an error code
+                if parsing was unsuccessful
+        """
+        try:
+            xml = parseString(istring)
+            if not check:
+                self.xml = xml
+            else:
+                flog.debug("VALIDATING XML string ...")
+            flog.debug(">> XML contains no errors")
+        except ExpatError as err:
+            flog.debug(">> Parsing given XML FAILED!")
+            msg = (">> Parsing given XML FAILED!\n",
+                   "[Parse query]:\n%s\n" % istring)
+            flog.exception(msg)
+            self.errno = err.code
+    def prepare_query_str(self, refid, querystring):
+        """ Format the reference as an XML string and validate it
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            refid : int
+                RefElement() instance id
+            querystring : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            int
+                If query string was encoded and parsed into valid XML
+                successfully, it is appended to a future query strings list
+                and error code is set to 0
+                If something went wrong, non-zero value is returned
+        """
+        self.errno = 0
+        flog.debug("PREPARING query reference")
+        single_qstring = self._encode_str(
+            self.QUERY_ITEM_STRING % (self.query_format,
+                                      self._escape_tex(querystring),
+                                      refid)
+            )
+        flog.debug(">> Formed query XML:\n"
+                   + "~" * 70 + "\n%s\n" % single_qstring + "~" * 70)
+        # Checking if formed string is a valid XML
+        self._parse_str(single_qstring, check=True)
+        if self.errno != 0:
+            return self.errno
+        self.query_elems.append(single_qstring)
+        return self.errno
+    def _send_query(self, querystring):
+        """ Send query to BatchMRef
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            querystring : str
+                Validated XML query string, containing as many reference items
+                as QueryHandler.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT allows
+            If request to BatchMRef was successful, saving query result,
+            otherwise non-zero error code is saved
+        """
+        queryinfo = {'qdata': querystring}
+        queryval = urllib.urlencode(queryinfo)
+        try:
+            flog.debug("SENDING query ...")
+            req = urllib2.Request(url=self.address, data=queryval)
+            flog.debug(">> Query POST data: %s" % req.get_data())
+            context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
+            batchmref = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=context)
+            self.qcode = batchmref.getcode()
+            flog.debug(">> Query result code: %s" % self.qcode)
+            self.qresult = batchmref.read()
+            if self.qcode == 200 and \
+                    self.qresult.startswith(self.QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING):
+                flog.debug(">> Query result string:\n"
+                           + "~"*70 + "\n%s\n" % self.qresult.strip() + "~"*70)
+            else:
+                msg = "\n%s" % self.AMS_MSG if self.AMS_MSG in self.qresult else ""
+                flog.debug(">> Query FAILED! %s" % msg)
+                flog.error("Query returned an error:\n%s\n\n%s"
+                           % (msg, self.qresult))
+                self.errno = self.qcode if self.qcode != 200 else -2
+                self.qresult = None
+            batchmref.close()
+        except:
+            msg = ">> Query FAILED!"
+            flog.debug(msg)
+            flog.exception(msg)
+            self.errno = -2
+            self.qresult = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def _extract_xml_data(xml_elem, tag):
+        """ Extract text data from an XML object
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            xml_elem : XML object
+            tag : str
+                XML tag of interest
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str or None
+                Content of XML element with the requested tag.
+                If element with the tag hasn't been found, None is returned
+        """
+        childelem = xml_elem.getElementsByTagName(tag)
+        if childelem:
+            childnodes = childelem[0].childNodes
+            if childnodes:
+                return childnodes[0].data
+    def _analyze_xml(self, xml):
+        """ Extract reference data from the BatchMRef returned XML string,
+            parsed into XML object
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            xml : XML object
+            If no matches have been found in the AMS MR DB,
+            current RefElement() instance gets a non-zero error code.
+            Otherwise MR number and reference content (if requested output type
+            is not None) are saved in the current RefElement() instance
+        """
+        mref_item = xml.getElementsByTagName("mref_item")[0]
+        refid = int(self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "myid"))
+        elem = self.refscontainer.get_elem_by_refid(refid)
+        matches = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "matches")
+        if matches == '1':
+            flog.debug(">> MRef DB: reference `%s' found!" % elem.citekey)
+            elem.mrid = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "mrid")
+            flog.debug(">> MRef ID: %s" % elem.mrid)
+            if self.outputtype is not None:
+                elem.outref = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "outref")
+                flog.debug(">> MRef output reference:\n"
+                           + "~"*70 + "\n%s\n" % elem.outref.strip() + "~"*70)
+        else:
+            elem.errno = -1
+            flog.debug(">> MRef DB: reference `%s' not found!" % elem.citekey)
+    def query(self):
+        """ Send a request to AMS BatchMRef and analyze the returned data
+            If query result contains 'batch_error' element or returned
+            XML string can't be parsed into XML object,
+            RefsContainer() instance gets a non-zero error code.
+        """
+        self.errno = 0
+        self.qresult = None
+        querystring = (self.QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING
+                       + self.QUERY_HEADING_STRING % ("\n".join(self.query_elems)))
+        if self.errno == 0:
+            self._send_query(querystring)
+            if self.qresult is not None:
+                error_obj = self.re_batch_error.search(self.qresult)
+                if error_obj:
+                    flog.debug(">> Query XML contains an ERROR!")
+                    flog.error("[batch_error]:\n%s\n\n[querystring]:\n%s"
+                               % (self._encode_str(error_obj.group(1)),
+                                  querystring))
+                    self.errno = -2
+                flog.debug("Splitting query result and analyzing parts separately")
+                for item_qresult in self.re_mref_item.finditer(self.qresult):
+                    self.xml = None
+                    self._parse_str(self._encode_str(item_qresult.group()))
+                    if self.xml is not None:
+                        self._analyze_xml(self.xml)
+        self.refscontainer.qerrno = self.errno
+        self.query_elems = list()
+class HandleBBL(RefTypes):
+    """ This is the main class containing and initiating other classes'
+        methods and attributes for provided input data processing """
+    # MR number pattern matching all recognized reference formats
+    PATTERN_MR = r'MRNUMBER=\{.*?\}(,|)|review=\{\\MR\{.*?\}\}(,|)|\\MR\{.*?\}'
+    PATTERN_BIBRE_LINE = r'^%.*\r?\n$'
+    PATTERN_BIBRE_PART = r'\s*(.*?)(?<!\\)%.*\r?\n$'
+    PATTERN_TEX_ACCENTS = r"""(?:\{|)\\(?:"|'|`|\^|-|H|~|c|k|=|b|\.|d|r|u|v|A)(?:|\{)([a-zA-Z])\}(?:\}|)"""
+    PATTERN_BRACED_LETTERS = r"""(\s)(?<!\\)([a-zA-Z]*)\{([A-Z]+)\}"""
+    # Mark of the input file ending
+    EOF = "EOF"
+    # Default bibstyle format
+    PLAIN = 'plain'
+    def __init__(self, inputfile, encoding, clean_comments,
+                 itemno, wait, outputtype, bibstyle, debug, version=str()):
+        """ Initiate all methods and attributes required to process input data
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            inputfile : str or None
+            encoding : str
+                Input file encoding
+            clean_comments : bool
+                If TeX comments cleaning is selected,
+                full comment lines will be moved to the beginning of each
+                identified bibliography reference item
+            itemno : int
+                Limit of reference items per query to BatchMRef
+            wait: int
+                Pause length after each query to BatchMRef
+            outputtype : str or None
+                If not None, additional files with the requested references,
+                extracted from the AMS MR DB in the requested output format,
+                will be generated
+            bibstyle : str or None
+                Used only if the requested output type is BIBTEX or IMS
+            debug : int
+                If debug value is greater than 0, debug messages will be
+                written to the FileHandler.LOG file.  Also, depending on the
+                given debug value, final data written to the input file will
+                contain TeX comments with query data.
+            version : str
+        """
+        self.refscontainer = RefsContainer()
+        self.fh = FilesHandler(inputfile, outputtype)
+        self.rh = RefHandler(outputtype)
+        self.qh = QueryHandler(encoding, outputtype, self.refscontainer)
+        if itemno < self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT:
+            self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT = itemno
+        self.wait = wait
+        self.outputtype = outputtype
+        self.bibstyle = bibstyle
+        flog.debug("Comments will be cleaned from the output: %s"
+                   % clean_comments)
+        self.clean_comments = clean_comments
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.version = version
+        self.re_bibre_line = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE_LINE)
+        self.re_bibre_part = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE_PART)
+        self.re_MR = re.compile(self.PATTERN_MR)
+        self.re_tex_accents = re.compile(self.PATTERN_TEX_ACCENTS)
+        self.re_braced_letters = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BRACED_LETTERS)
+        self.eof = False
+        self.ifile_end_lines = list()
+    @property
+    def icontent(self):
+        """ Input file content """
+        return self.fh.read(self.fh.IN)
+    @property
+    def write(self):
+        return self.fh.write
+    @property
+    def get_fname(self):
+        return self.fh.get_fname
+    def preprocess_ofiles(self):
+        """ Depending on the requested bibliography output type,
+            certain files are pre-filled with required data.
+            Writing action is fulfilled only if requested file was pre-opened.
+        """
+        self.write(self.fh.AUX, '\\bibstyle{%s}\n' % self.bibstyle)
+        self.write(self.fh.HTML, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<body>\n\n")
+    def postprocess_ofiles(self, refcount):
+        """ Depending on the requested bibliography output type,
+            certain files are filled up with the required data.
+            Writing action is fulfilled only if requested file was pre-opened.
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            refcount: int
+                If refcount is 0, it means no references have been found
+                in the input file, and pre-opened additional files are deleted
+            If requested bibliography output type is TEX,
+            number of bibliography items found is written to the first line of
+            FileHandler.DATA file.  Therefore this file is written twice into.
+        """
+        if refcount == 0:
+            self.fh.close_and_delete(self.fh.DATA)
+            self.fh.close_and_delete(self.fh.AUX)
+            return None
+        datafilepath = self.get_fname(self.fh.DATA)
+        self.write(self.fh.AUX,
+                   '\\bibdata{%s}' % os.path.splitext(datafilepath)[0])
+        self.write(self.fh.HTML, "\n</body>\n</html>\n")
+        # Formatting the DATA file output according to requested output format
+        obiblenv = {
+            self.TEX: {
+                "begin": "\\begin{thebibliography}{%s}\n"
+                          "\\csname bibmessage\\endcsname\n\n",
+                "end": "\\end{thebibliography}\n"
+                },
+            self.AMSREFS: {
+                "begin": "\\begin{bibdiv}\n\\begin{biblist}\n\n",
+                "end": "\\end{biblist}\n\\end{bibdiv}"
+                }
+            }
+        strings = obiblenv.get(self.outputtype, None)
+        if strings is None:
+            return None
+        start_string, finish_string = sorted(strings.values())
+        self.write(self.fh.DATA, finish_string)
+        # Total items count is known only after processing all references and
+        # writing to the DATA file, therefore 'thebibliography' environment
+        # starting string is written to this file when all processing is
+        # finished
+        self.fh.close(self.fh.DATA)
+        os.rename(datafilepath, self.get_fname(self.fh.TMP))
+        self.fh.open(self.fh.TMP, self.fh.READ)
+        if self.outputtype == self.TEX:
+            start_string = start_string % refcount
+        self.fh.open(self.fh.DATA, self.fh.WRITE)
+        self.write(self.fh.DATA, start_string)
+        shutil.copyfileobj(self.fh.files[self.fh.TMP],
+                           self.fh.files[self.fh.DATA])
+    def _remove_tex_comments(self, line):
+        """ Remove TeX comments
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            line : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+        """
+        fmtline = self.re_bibre_line.sub('', line)
+        if fmtline:
+            matchobj = self.re_bibre_part.search(fmtline)
+            if matchobj is not None:
+                return "%s\n" % matchobj.groups(1)[0]
+            return fmtline
+        return fmtline
+    def _remove_tex_accents(self, line):
+        """ Remove TeX accents and braces around upper case letters
+            BatchMRef may not found a reference in the AMS MR DB because of
+            braces and accents present in reference string (tested), therefore
+            accented letters "{\'a}" and "\'{a}" are changed to plain "a".
+            Also "{ABC}" is changed to "ABC".
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            line : str
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str
+        """
+        mline = self.re_tex_accents.sub(r'\1', line)
+        if mline:
+            return self.re_braced_letters.sub(r'\1\2\3', mline)
+        return mline
+    def gather_records(self, require_env):
+        """ Extract bibliography reference items from the input file
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            require_env : bool
+                If True, get bibliography reference items only inside
+                the bibliography environment.  If False, gel all bibliography
+                reference items found in the input file
+            Yields
+            -------
+            str
+                Denotes reference format type (one of ITYPES),
+                bibliography environment state (RefHandler.BIBL_BEGIN or
+                RefHandler.BIBL_END),
+                or input file end mark (EOF)
+            RefElement() instance, str, or None
+                If reference of one of ITYPES type has been found,
+                a RefElement() instance is returned with the following
+                attributes filled in:
+                reftype, citekey, biblabel,
+                orig_lines, cleaned_lines, query_lines
+                If end of input file has been determined, None is returned
+                Otherwise current line is returned
+        """
+        def sort_comments_out(comment_lines):
+            """ Assign gathered comment lines to the rightful reference item
+                Parameters
+                ----------
+                comment_lines : list
+                Returns
+                -------
+                list
+                    Comment lines, belonging to current reference item
+                list
+                    Comment lines, belonging to the next reference item
+            """
+            next_elem_comments = []
+            reversed_comments = comment_lines[::-1]
+            reversed_comments_backup = comment_lines[::-1]
+            advanced_by = 0
+            for no, cline in enumerate(reversed_comments):
+                if len(element.orig_lines) < (no + 1 + advanced_by):
+                    break
+                while not element.orig_lines[-(no + 1 + advanced_by)].strip():
+                    # skipping empty lines
+                    advanced_by += 1
+                if cline == element.orig_lines[-(no + 1 + advanced_by)]:
+                    reversed_comments_backup.pop(0)
+                    next_elem_comments.append(reversed_comments[no])
+            current_elem_comments = reversed_comments_backup[::-1]
+            return current_elem_comments, next_elem_comments
+        # Allowing gathering the references according to
+        # the bibliography environment status
+        envmap = {self.rh.BIBL_BEGIN: True,
+                  self.rh.BIBL_END: False,
+                  "not found": False if require_env else True}
+        gather = envmap["not found"]
+        search = True
+        multiline = ""
+        element = RefElement()
+        envstatus = None
+        for line in self.icontent:
+            line = multiline + line
+            clean_line = self._remove_tex_comments(line)
+            if not clean_line and element.orig_lines:
+                element.orig_lines.append(line)
+                element.comment_lines.append(line)
+                continue
+            reftype = None
+            if search:
+                reftype, additional_info = self.rh.find_reference(clean_line)
+            if require_env and reftype == self.rh.BIBL_ENV:
+                if element.reftype is not None:
+                    # Full bibliography item
+                    element.comment_lines, next_elem_comments = \
+                        sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines)
+                    yield element.reftype, element
+                    element = RefElement()
+                    element.comment_lines = next_elem_comments
+                # Bibliography environment
+                envstatus = additional_info.pop("envstatus", None)
+                if envstatus in envmap:
+                    gather = envmap[envstatus]
+                    search = gather
+                    yield envstatus, line
+                    continue
+            elif reftype in self.ITYPES:
+                multiline = additional_info.get("line", "")
+                if multiline:
+                    continue
+                if element.reftype is not None:
+                    # Full bibliography item
+                    element.comment_lines, next_elem_comments = \
+                        sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines)
+                    yield element.reftype, element
+                    element = RefElement()
+                    element.comment_lines = next_elem_comments
+                if gather:
+                    element.reftype = reftype
+                    element.citekey = additional_info.get("citekey", None)
+                    element.biblabel = additional_info.get("biblabel", None)
+                    element.orig_lines.append(line)
+                    mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', clean_line)
+                    element.cleaned_lines.append(mrid_free_line)
+                    ref_format_free_line = additional_info.get("text", clean_line)
+                    mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', ref_format_free_line)
+                    accent_free_line = self._remove_tex_accents(mrid_free_line)
+                    element.query_lines.append(accent_free_line)
+                    continue
+            if gather and element.reftype is not None:
+                element.orig_lines.append(line)
+                mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', clean_line)
+                element.cleaned_lines.append(mrid_free_line)
+                accent_free_line = self._remove_tex_accents(mrid_free_line)
+                element.query_lines.append(accent_free_line)
+            else:
+                # Before and after the bibliography environment
+                yield envstatus, line
+        if element.reftype is not None:
+            # The last full bibliography item
+            element.comment_lines, _ = sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines)
+            yield element.reftype, element
+        yield self.EOF, None
+    def transfer_to_file(self):
+        """ After each query to BatchMRef write gathered data into files
+            Returns
+            -------
+            int
+                Number of references, for which data has been successfully
+                obtained
+        """
+        successful = 0
+        for elem in self.refscontainer.elems:
+            if self.refscontainer.qerrno != 0:
+                elem.errno = self.refscontainer.qerrno
+            outstring = ''.join(elem.cleaned_lines if self.clean_comments else
+                                elem.orig_lines)
+            elem.outref = self.rh.insert_citekey(
+                elem.outref, elem.citekey, elem.biblabel,
+                elem.normalize(elem.cleaned_lines[1:]))
+            if elem.mrid is not None:
+                outstring = self.rh.insert_mrid(elem.reftype, outstring, elem.mrid)
+                slog.info(elem.mrid)
+            elif elem.errno == -1:
+                slog.warn('NotFound')
+            else:
+                slog.error('QueryError')
+            if self.clean_comments:
+                outstring = "".join(elem.comment_lines) + outstring
+            if self.debug == 1:
+                outstring = '%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.querystring, outstring)
+            elif self.debug == 2:
+                outstring = '%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.errno, outstring)
+            elif self.debug == 3:
+                outstring = '%%%% %s\n%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.querystring,
+                                                      elem.errno,
+                                                      outstring)
+            flog.debug("\n" + ">" * 70
+                       + "\nFINAL reference with MR id in original format:\n"
+                       + "\n%s\n" % outstring.strip())
+            if elem.outref is not None:
+                flog.debug("FINAL reference in '%s' format:\n" % self.outputtype
+                           + "\n%s\n" % elem.outref.strip() + "<" * 70)
+            self.write(self.fh.OUT, outstring)
+            self.write(self.fh.DATA, elem.outref if elem.outref else "")
+            self.write(self.fh.AUX, '\\citation{%s}\n' % elem.citekey)
+            if elem.errno == 0 and self.refscontainer.qerrno == 0:
+                successful += 1
+        if self.eof:
+            while self.ifile_end_lines:
+                self.write(self.fh.OUT, self.ifile_end_lines.pop(0))
+        self.refscontainer = RefsContainer()
+        self.qh._refscontainer = self.refscontainer
+        return successful
+    def get_mr_codes(self, require_env):
+        """ Analyze input file content and process found reference items
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            require_env : bool
+                If True, and if no bibliography reference items have been found
+                inside the bibliography environment, or an environment hasn't
+                been found at all, parameter is set to False this method and
+                reruns itself in order to search reference items in
+                the whole input file.
+            Returns
+            -------
+            int
+                Total bibliography reference items found
+            int
+                Total number of references, for which data has been
+                successfully obtained
+            int
+                Reference items processed with errors count
+            If reference item of ITYPES has been found, current
+            RefElement() instance attribute 'refid' is assigned a value
+        """
+        msg = ("in the bibliography environment only"
+               if require_env else "in the whole input file")
+        flog.debug("SEARCHING for reference items: %s" % msg)
+        total = 0
+        valid = 0
+        successful = 0
+        records = self.gather_records(require_env=require_env)
+        pseudo_citekey = 0
+        for reftype, record in records:
+            if reftype == self.EOF:
+                self.eof = True
+            elif reftype not in self.ITYPES:
+                if reftype != self.rh.BIBL_END:
+                    self.write(self.fh.OUT, record)
+                else:
+                    self.ifile_end_lines.append(record)
+                continue
+            elif valid == 0 or valid % self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT != 0:
+                total += 1
+                record.refid = total
+                if not record.citekey:
+                    pseudo_citekey += 1
+                    record.citekey = '%s' % pseudo_citekey
+                flog.debug("=" * 70)
+                flog.debug("FOUND reference %s: type=%s, cite_key=%s, biblabel=%s"
+                           % (total, reftype, record.citekey, record.biblabel))
+                if reftype != self.BIBITEM:
+                    record.querystring = self.rh.extract_keys_data(record.query_lines)
+                self.refscontainer.append_elem(record)
+                record.errno = self.qh.prepare_query_str(record.refid,
+                                                         record.querystring)
+                if record.errno == 0:
+                    valid += 1
+            if valid != 0 and (valid % self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT == 0
+                               or self.eof):
+                self.qh.query()
+                successful += self.transfer_to_file()
+                valid = 0
+                if not self.eof:
+                    sleep(self.wait)
+        if total == 0 and require_env:
+            # If no bibliography items were found in the bibliography
+            # environment, then trying to search for them everywhere
+            # in the input file
+            flog.debug("FOUND no references! Changing the search mode ... ")
+            self.eof = False
+            self.ifile_end_lines = list()
+            self.fh.close(self.fh.OUT)
+            self.fh.open(self.fh.OUT)
+            return self.get_mr_codes(require_env=False)
+        if self.ifile_end_lines:
+            self.transfer_to_file()
+        flog.debug("=" * 70)
+        errors = total - successful
+        return total, successful, errors
+    def run(self, require_env):
+        """ Main method
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            require_env : bool
+            Returns
+            -------
+            get_mr_codes() output
+        """
+        slog.info("# %s #\nJob started:" % self.version)
+        starttime = time()
+        self.preprocess_ofiles()
+        total, successful, errors = self.get_mr_codes(require_env=require_env)
+        self.postprocess_ofiles(refcount=total)
+        flog.info("   total: %s, found: %s, not found: %s, time: %ss"
+                  % (total, successful, errors, int(round(time()-starttime))))
+        slog.info("Job ended")
+        slog.info("Total: %s, found: %s, not found: %s"
+                  % (total, successful, errors))
+        slog.info('Job completed in %ss' % int(round(time()-starttime)))
+        self.fh.close_files()
+        return total, successful, errors
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
+    # Logging to console
+    osh = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
+    osh.setFormatter(BASICFORMATTER)
+    osh.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    osh.addFilter(LessThanFilter(logging.INFO))
+    esh = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
+    esh.setFormatter(BASICFORMATTER)
+    esh.setLevel(logging.WARN)
+    slog = logging.getLogger("%s.StreamLogger" % __name__)
+    slog.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    slog.addHandler(osh)
+    slog.addHandler(esh)
+    # Logging to files
+    flog = logging.getLogger("%s.FileLogger" % __name__)
+    flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    def setup_logging_files(debug, basename=""):
+        """ Set up logging files
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            debug : int
+            basename: str
+                Input file name
+            Returns
+            -------
+            logging instance
+        """
+        if debug == 0:
+            log_min_level = logging.INFO
+            log_max_level = logging.INFO
+            formatter = BASICFORMATTER
+        else:
+            log_min_level = logging.DEBUG
+            log_max_level = logging.WARN
+            formatter = DEBUGFORMATTER
+        ofh = logging.FileHandler(filename="{}.{}.{}".format(basename,
+                                                             FilesHandler.GMR_SUFFIX,
+                                                             FilesHandler.LOG),
+                                  mode='w', delay=True)
+        ofh.setFormatter(formatter)
+        ofh.setLevel(log_min_level)
+        ofh.addFilter(LessThanFilter(log_max_level))
+        flog.addHandler(ofh)
+        efh = logging.FileHandler(filename="{}.{}.{}".format(basename,
+                                                             FilesHandler.GMR_SUFFIX,
+                                                             FilesHandler.ERR),
+                                  mode='w', delay=True)
+        efh.setFormatter(DEBUGFORMATTER)
+        efh.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+        flog.addHandler(efh)
+        return flog
+    VERSION = __version__.split("-")[0]
+        "Tool %s, is designed for: " % VERSION
+        + "(1) getting MR numbers for given references from AMS MRef database, "
+        + "(2) formatting the given references in one of AMS allowed formats. "
+        + "Maintainer: L.Tolene <lolita.tolene at vtex.lt>."
+    )
+    def get_cmd_args():
+        """ Command line input parser """
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description=DESCRIPTION,
+            formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+        )
+        parser.add_argument("filepath", help="References containing file")
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--enc", '-e', type=str, default=QueryHandler.LATIN1,
+            help="Source file encoding or 'auto'"
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--format", '-f', choices=set(RefTypes.OTYPES),
+            help="Outputs the given references in provided format.  "
+                 "For more information about these formats please "
+                 "consult the AMS MRef tool website.  The 'ims' format "
+                 "is almost the same as the 'bibtex' format"
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--bibstyle", '-s',  default=HandleBBL.PLAIN,
+            help="BibTeX style.  For more information please consult "
+                 "the BibTeX documentation"
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--nobibenv", action='store_true',
+            help="If activated, references are searched throughout "
+                 "all source file content; otherwise searching only "
+                 "inside the bibliography environment.  Currently "
+                 "recognizable are the 'thebibliography' and 'biblist' "
+                 "environments"
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--clean", '-c', action='store_true',
+            help="If activated, cleans comments appearing in references"
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--itemno", default=100, type=int,
+            help="Maximum item count for one AMS query. "
+                 "AMS batchmref has a limit of 100 items per query."
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--wait", default=10, type=int,
+            help="time (in seconds) to wait between queries to AMS batchmref."
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--debug", '-d', choices={0, 1, 2, 3}, default=0, type=int,
+            help="Outputs additional info for debugging purposes."
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--version", '-v', action='version', version=VERSION,
+            help="Module version."
+        )
+        args = parser.parse_args()
+        return (args.filepath, args.enc, args.format, args.bibstyle,
+                args.nobibenv, args.clean, args.itemno, args.wait, args.debug)
+    # Get input parameter values
+    inputfile, encoding, output_format, bibstyle, nobibenv, clean, itemno, wait, debug \
+        = get_cmd_args()
+    # Load additional library is needed
+    if encoding == QueryHandler.AUTO_ENC:
+        from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector
+    # Setup logging files
+    flog = setup_logging_files(debug=debug,
+                               basename=os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0])
+    # Create HandleBBL() instance
+    bblobj = HandleBBL(inputfile=inputfile, encoding=encoding,
+                       clean_comments=clean, itemno=itemno, wait=wait,
+                       outputtype=output_format, bibstyle=bibstyle,
+                       debug=debug, version=VERSION)
+    # Process input file
+    bblobj.run(require_env=not nobibenv)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/getmref.py
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/mgetmref.py
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/mgetmref.py	2020-10-21 23:47:34 UTC (rev 56727)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/mgetmref.py	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-#  getmref.py - gets the references links to MathSciNet throught the BatchMRef:
-#                                 http://www.ams.org/batchref?qdata=xmldocument
-#  Copyright (C) 2004 Sigitas Tolusis, VTeX Ltd. and Jim Pitman, Dept. Statistics,
-#  U.C. Berkeley
-#  E-mail: sigitas at vtex.let
-#  http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  Requires python ver. 2.2
-#  Usage:
-#    getmref.py <bbl or tex file>
-#  Program (description):
-#    - makes inputfile copy to <inputfilename>.getmref.bak;
-#    - for each successful bibitem reference search adds line \MR{<mrid>},
-#      where <mrid> is data from XML tag <mrid> without front symbols "MR";
-#    - writes all adds to <inputfilename>;
-#    - generates log file <inputfilename>.getmref.log;
-#    - writes to stdout log info
-#  Changes:
-#    2004/04/26 - \bibitem line removed from the query
-SVNinfo = "$Id: getmref.py 46 2006-03-30 07:02:14Z sigitas $"
-import sys, urllib, re, os.path, time, string
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
-import xml.parsers.expat as par
-starttime = time.time()
-res = re.search(r'\S+:\s\S+\s+(.*?)\s.*\$', SVNinfo)
-if res:
-  ver = res.group(1)
-  ver = '0.0'
-print "# getmref, v. %s #" % ver
-# bbl file parsing /begin
-def escapetex(instr):
-  res = reduce(lambda a,b: string.replace(a, b[0], b[1]), (instr, ("\\&", '&'), ("<", '<'), (">", '>')))
-  return res
-def query(instring, bibID, address = 'http://www.ams.org/batchmref'):
-  domas = None; res = None; err = 0
-  escapetexstring = escapetex(instring)
-  querystring = r'''<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
-<mref_item outtype="tex">
-</mref_batch>''' % (escapetexstring, bibID)
-  try:
-    indom = parseString(querystring)
-  except par.ExpatError, err:
-    print >>sys.stderr,"[parse query]: %s" % querystring
-    print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-    pass
-  else:
-    queryinfo = {}
-    queryinfo['qdata'] = querystring
-    queryval = urllib.urlencode(queryinfo)
-    try:
-      batchmref = urllib.urlopen(address, queryval)
-      res = batchmref.read()
-      domas = parseString(res)
-    except err:
-      print >>sys.stderr,"[parse res]: %s" % res
-      print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-      pass
-  return domas, res, err
-def remcomm(line):
-  "Removes TeX comments"
-  bibre = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)(?<!\\)%.*\n$')
-  fmtline = re.sub('^%.*\n$','', line)
-  if fmtline:
-    matchobj = bibre.search(fmtline)
-    if matchobj:
-      return matchobj.groups(1)[0]
-    else:
-      return fmtline
-  else:
-    return fmtline
-def formatbibitem(bibID, domas):
-  errstring = None; outtype = None; mrid = None; myid = bibID; outref = None; err = 0
-  try:
-    mref = domas.getElementsByTagName("mref_batch")[0]
-    mref_errors = mref.getElementsByTagName("batch_error")
-    if len(mref_errors):
-      errlist =  [ mref_error.childNodes[0].nodeValue() for mref_error in mref_errors ]
-      errstring = ''.join(errlist)
-      err = -2
-    else:
-      mref_items = [item for item in mref.getElementsByTagName("mref_item")]
-      matches = mref_items[0].getElementsByTagName("matches")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
-      if matches == '1':
-        for item in mref_items:
-          outtype = dict(item.attributes.items())["outtype"]
-          mrid = item.getElementsByTagName("mrid")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
-          err = 0
-          if mrid[:2] == "MR":
-            mrid = mrid[2:]
-          myids = item.getElementsByTagName("myid")
-          if len(myids):
-            myid = myids[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
-          else:
-            myid = bibID
-          outref = string.strip(item.getElementsByTagName("outref")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue())
-      else:
-        err = -1
-  except:
-    err = -3
-    print >>sys.stderr,"[formatbibitem]: %s" % bibID
-    print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-    pass
-  return mrid, outref, err
-def handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel=None):
-  res = 0; err = None; outref = None
-  outstring = string.strip(''.join(lines))
-  lines[:] = [re.sub(r'\\MR\{.*?\}', '', a) for a in lines]
-  biblines = [x for x in [remcomm(a) for a in lines] if x]
-  bibstring = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', ''.join(biblines))
-  match = re.search(r'\\bibitem\s*?(?:\[.*?\])?\s?\{(?:.*?)\}(.*)(\\endbibitem)?$',bibstring.strip())
-  if match:
-      querystring = match.group(1).strip()
-  else:
-      querystring = bibstring
-  domas = None
-  try:
-    domas, xmlres, err = query(querystring, bibID)
-  except:
-    res = -2
-    print >>sys.stderr,"[parse query]: %s" % querystring
-    print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-    print 'Error',
-  else:
-    mrid, outref, err = formatbibitem(bibID, domas)
-    if not mrid:
-      print 'Not Found',
-      res = -1
-    else:
-      print mrid,
-      if mrid[:2] == "MR":
-        outstring = bibstring + '\\MR{%s}' % mrid[2:].rjust(7,'0')
-      else:
-        outstring = bibstring + '\\MR{%s}' % mrid.rjust(7,'0')
-      outstrip, nsub = re.subn(r'\\endbibitem',r'',outstring)
-      if nsub:
-        outstrip += '\n\\endbibitem'
-      outstring = re.sub(r'  ', r' ', outstrip)
-  if not outref:
-    outref = "Not found!"
-  else:
-    outref = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)#',r'\#', outref)
-  if biblabel:
-    print >>datafile, '\\bibitem%s{%s}\n%s\n' % (biblabel, bibID, outref)
-  else:
-    print >>datafile, '\\bibitem{%s}\n%s\n' % (bibID, outref)
-  return '%s\n' % outstring, res
-def handleextra(extralines):
-  if len(extralines):
-    print >>outputfile, ''.join(extralines),
-def handlebbl(inputfile, out=sys.stdout, data=sys.stdout):
-  print "Job started:",
-  total = 0; successful = 0; errors = 0; state = 0; pseudobibID = 0; readbib = ''
-  bibl_begin = re.compile(r'\s*\\begin\s*\{thebibliography\}.*$')
-  bibre = re.compile(r'^\s*\\bibitem.*')
-  bibreF = re.compile(r'\s*\\bibitem\s*(\[.*?\])*?\s?\{(.*?)\}.*$',re.S)
-  comments = re.compile(r'\s*%.*$')
-  bibl_end = re.compile(r'\s*\\end\s*\{thebibliography\}.*$')
-  for line in inputfile:
-    if len(readbib):
-      readbib += line
-      matchobj = bibreF.search(readbib)
-      if matchobj:
-        line = "%s" % readbib
-        readbib = ''
-      else:
-        continue
-    if line:
-      if state == 0:
-        matchobj = bibl_begin.search(line)
-        if matchobj:
-          print >>data,matchobj.group(0)
-          print >>data,"\\csname bibmessage\\endcsname\n"
-          state = 1
-        print >>out, line,
-        continue
-      elif state == 1:
-        matchobj = bibre.search(line)
-        if matchobj:
-          matchobj = bibreF.search(line)
-          if matchobj:
-            biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
-            if not len(bibID):
-              pseudobibID += 1
-              bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
-            state = 2
-            lines = [line]
-            extralines = []
-            continue
-          else:
-            readbib = line
-            continue
-        else:
-          print >>out, line,
-          continue
-      elif state == 2:
-        matchobj = bibre.search(line)
-        if matchobj:
-          matchobj = bibreF.search(line)
-          if matchobj:
-            total += 1
-            print >>data,line
-            outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
-            if not sres:
-              successful += 1
-            else:
-              errors += 1
-            print >>out, outstring,
-            handleextra(extralines)
-            lines = [line]
-            extralines = []
-            biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
-            if not len(bibID):
-              pseudobibID += 1
-              bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
-            continue
-          else:
-            readbib = line
-            continue
-        else:
-          matchobj = bibl_end.search(line)
-          if matchobj:
-            state = 0
-            total += 1
-            outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
-            if not sres:
-              successful += 1
-            else:
-              errors += 1
-            print >>out, outstring,
-            handleextra(extralines)
-            print >>out, line,
-            print >>data,matchobj.group(0)
-            continue
-          else:
-            if line[:-1] == '':
-              state = 3
-              extralines = [line]
-              continue
-            matchobj = comments.search(line)
-            if matchobj:
-              state = 3
-              extralines = [line]
-              continue
-            lines.append(line)
-            continue
-      elif state == 3:
-        matchobj = bibre.search(line)
-        if matchobj:
-          matchobj = bibreF.search(line)
-          if matchobj:
-            state = 2
-            total += 1
-            outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
-            if not sres:
-               successful += 1
-            else:
-               errors += 1
-            print >>out, outstring,
-            handleextra(extralines)
-            lines = [line]
-            extralines = []
-            biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
-            if not len(bibID):
-              pseudobibID += 1
-              bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
-            continue
-          else:
-            readbib = line
-            continue
-        else:
-          matchobj = bibl_end.search(line)
-          if matchobj:
-            state = 0
-            total += 1
-            outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
-            if not sres:
-              successful += 1
-            else:
-              errors += 1
-            print >>out, outstring,
-            handleextra(extralines)
-            print >>out, line,
-            print >>data,matchobj.group(0)
-            continue
-          else:
-            if line[:-1] == '':
-              extralines.append(line)
-              continue
-            matchobj = comments.search(line)
-            if matchobj:
-              extralines.append(line)
-              continue
-            state = 2
-            lines.extend(extralines)
-            lines.append(line)
-            extralines = []
-            continue
-    else:
-      break
-  print "Job ended"
-  print "Total: %s, found: %s, errors: %s" % (total, successful, errors)
-  return (total, successful, errors)
-# bbl file parsing /end
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-  progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-  print "Usage:\n   %s <bbl or tex file>" % progname
-  sys.exit(1)
-infilename = sys.argv[1]
-filebase = os.path.splitext(infilename)[0]
-outfilename = "%s.getmref.tmp" % filebase
-datafilename = "%s.getmref.data" % filebase
-logfilename = "%s.getmref.log" % filebase
-inputfile = file(infilename, 'r')
-outputfile = file(outfilename, 'w')
-datafile = file(datafilename, 'w')
-logfile = file(logfilename, 'w')
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase):
-  os.unlink("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-sys.stderr = file("%s.getmref.err" % filebase, 'w')
-total = 0; successful = 0; errors = 0
-print >>logfile, "File: %s" % infilename
-  total, successful, errors = handlebbl(inputfile, outputfile, datafile)
-  print >>sys.stderr,"[handlebbl]"
-  print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-print >>logfile, "   total: %s, found: %s, errors: %s, time: %ss" % (total, successful,
- errors, int(round(time.time()-starttime)))
-sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.err" % filebase):
-  if not os.stat("%s.getmref.err" % filebase)[6]:
-    os.unlink("%s.getmref.err" % filebase)
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase):
-  os.unlink("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-os.rename(infilename, "%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-#mes modif
-#os.rename(outfilename, infilename)
-g.write(re.sub(r"\r"," ",x))
-#fin de la modif
-print 'Job completed in %ss' % int(round(time.time()-starttime))

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex	2020-10-21 23:47:34 UTC (rev 56727)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
@@ -459,7 +459,22 @@
 identifier. It is acceptable to leave arXiv links in the bibliography
 (alongside MR links) even if the article has been published.
+%%                                                               %%
+%% Supplementary Material, if any, should be provided in         %%
+%% {supplement} environment  with title and short description.   %%
+%%                                                               %%
+\stitle{Title of Supplement A.}
+\sdescription{Short description of Supplement A.}
+\stitle{Title of Supplement B.}
+\sdescription{Short description of Supplement B.}
 %%                                                               %%
 %% Use the two commands below for producing your bibliography    %%

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.dtx	2020-10-21 23:47:34 UTC (rev 56727)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.dtx	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-    [2020/08/26 v1.8.3 class for EJP and ECP journals]
+    [2020/10/21 v1.9.0 class for EJP and ECP journals]
 %<class>\ClassInfo{ejpecp}{Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Edgaras SAKURAS, VTeX, Lithuania.}
 %<class>\ClassInfo{ejpecp}{Copyright (c) 2018 Deimantas GALCIUS, VTeX, Lithuania.}
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 % \fi
-% \CheckSum{805}
+% \CheckSum{845}
 % \CharacterTable
 %  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
 % \changes{v1.7}{2019/04/04}{merged with production version: fixltx2e removed, natbib setup with afterpackage, etc}
 % \changes{v1.8.2}{2020/07/30}{no. prefix updated and msc2020}
 % \changes{v1.8.3}{2020/08/26}{Update URLs}
+% \changes{v1.9.0}{2020/10/21}{Supplement envirnment}
 % \GetFileInfo{ejpecp.dtx}
 % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
@@ -382,6 +383,26 @@
   \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Please see \@doiprefix\@DOI}}%
+%% Supplement
+\def\supplement at name{Supplementary Material}
+\def\stitle at fmt#1{\textbf{#1.}\ }
+\def\suppsection at fmt{\section*{\supplement at name}}
+    \suppsection at fmt
+    \global\let\suppsection at fmt\smallskip
+    }
+    \@ifundefined{@stitle}%
+        {}%
+        {\stitle at fmt{\@stitle}}%
+    %
+    \@ifundefined{@sdescription}{}{\@sdescription}%
+    \par
+    }
 %% Bibliography
 \def\@MRExtract#1 #2!{#1}     % thanks, Martin!
 \newcommand{\MR}[1]{% we need to strip the "(...)"

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.cls	2020-10-21 23:47:34 UTC (rev 56727)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ejpecp/ejpecp.cls	2020-10-22 20:46:30 UTC (rev 56728)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-    [2020/08/26 v1.8.3 class for EJP and ECP journals]
+    [2020/10/21 v1.9.0 class for EJP and ECP journals]
 \ClassInfo{ejpecp}{Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Edgaras SAKURAS, VTeX, Lithuania.}
 \ClassInfo{ejpecp}{Copyright (c) 2018 Deimantas GALCIUS, VTeX, Lithuania.}
 \ClassInfo{ejpecp}{Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Eimantas GUMBAKIS, VTeX, Lithuania for EJP-ECP.}
@@ -284,6 +284,26 @@
   \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Please see \@doiprefix\@DOI}}%
+%% Supplement
+\def\supplement at name{Supplementary Material}
+\def\stitle at fmt#1{\textbf{#1.}\ }
+\def\suppsection at fmt{\section*{\supplement at name}}
+    \suppsection at fmt
+    \global\let\suppsection at fmt\smallskip
+    }
+    \@ifundefined{@stitle}%
+        {}%
+        {\stitle at fmt{\@stitle}}%
+    %
+    \@ifundefined{@sdescription}{}{\@sdescription}%
+    \par
+    }
 %% Bibliography
 \def\@MRExtract#1 #2!{#1}     % thanks, Martin!
 \newcommand{\MR}[1]{% we need to strip the "(...)"

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