texlive[55594] Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/prod-twill.w: [CTWILL]

commits+ascherer at tug.org commits+ascherer at tug.org
Fri Jun 19 09:48:49 CEST 2020

Revision: 55594
Author:   ascherer
Date:     2020-06-19 09:48:49 +0200 (Fri, 19 Jun 2020)
Log Message:
[CTWILL] Make prod-twill.w similar to ctwill-w2c.ch.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/prod-twill.w
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/prod-twill.w	2020-06-18 23:53:40 UTC (rev 55593)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/prod-twill.w	2020-06-19 07:48:49 UTC (rev 55594)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
      |decl_head| \altt|comma| |semi| |rpar| \hfill
      $D=D$\alt $B$ $C$ \unskip$E$ & \malt {\&{int} $f(\&{int}\ x=2)$} |int b:1| \cr
 \+& |decl_head| |cast| & |decl_head| & |int f(int)|\cr
 \+& |decl_head| \altt|int_like| |lbrace| |decl| & |fn_decl|
                    \altt|int_like| |lbrace| |decl| \hfill $F=D\,|in|\,|in|$
                              & |long time () {|\cr
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
    &$\langle\,$section name$\,\rangle$;\cr
 \+& |section_scrap| & |exp| &$\langle\,$section name$\,\rangle$\cr
 \+& |insert| |any| & |any| & \.{\v\#include\v}\cr
 \+& |prelangle| & |binop| \hfill \.< & $<$ not in template\cr
 \+& |prerangle| & |binop| \hfill \.> & $>$ not in template\cr
 \+& |langle| |prerangle| & |cast| \hfill $L\.{\\,}P$ & $\langle\,\rangle$\cr
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
     $O$\.\ \alt $N$ $S$ & |operator delete|\cr
 \+& |operator_like| |comma| & |exp| & \&{operator},\cr
 \+\dagit& |operator_like| & |new_exp| & |operator char*|\cr
-\vfill\eject \advance\midcol-3pt
+\penalty-10000 \advance\midcol-3pt
 \+\dag200\enspace& |typedef_like| |decl_head| \alt|exp| |int_like| &
       |typedef_like| |decl_head| \hfill $D=D$\alt $E^{**}$ $I^{**}$ \unskip &
           \&{typedef} \&{char} \&{ch};\cr

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