texlive[55407] Master: kpfonts-otf (3jun20)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Jun 3 23:27:32 CEST 2020

Revision: 55407
Author:   karl
Date:     2020-06-03 23:27:32 +0200 (Wed, 03 Jun 2020)
Log Message:
kpfonts-otf (3jun20)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-English.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-English.ltx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-English.ltx	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+% Packages
+\usepackage{graphics, array, varioref}
+%Math demos
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[version=full, CharacterVariant=3,
+                                 StylisticSet={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[version=base, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}[version=light, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Bold.otf}[version=bold, Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Sans.otf}[version=sans, Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+            pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO},
+            unicode,
+            colorlinks,
+            urlcolor=DarkBlue,
+            linkcolor=Blue,
+            }
+\newcommand*{\textsb}[1]{{\Semibold #1}}
+\newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+\title{Kp-fonts: OpenType version}
+\author{\href{mailto:daniel.flipo at free.fr}{Daniel \textsc{Flipo}}}
+  This bundle provides OpenType versions of Type1 Kp-fonts designed by
+  Christophe Caignaert. See \file{Kpfonts-Doc-English.pdf} for the  full
+  documentation of the original Type1 fonts.
+  It is usable only with LuaTeX or XeTeX engines; it consists of sixteen Text
+  OpenType fonts, a Roman family \family{KpRoman} in eight shapes and weights
+  ---\famvar{Regular}, \famvar{Italic}, \famvar{Bold},
+  \famvar{Bold\-Italic}, \famvar{Light}, \famvar{Light\-Italic},
+  \famvar{Semi\-bold}, \famvar{Semibold\-Italic}---, a Sans-Serif family
+  \family{KpSans} and a TypeWriter family \family{KpMono}, each of them
+  in four shapes and weights---\famvar{Regular}, \famvar{Italic},
+  \famvar{Bold} and \famvar{Bold\-Italic}--- and five Math OpenType fonts
+  \family{KpMath-Regular}, \family{KpMath-Bold}, \family{KpMath-Light},
+  \family{KpMath-Semibold} and \family{KpMath-Sans}.
+  \family{KpRoman} and \family{KpSans} families have small caps available in
+  two sizes (SmallCaps and PetitesCaps), upper and lowercase digits
+  ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase} 0123456789}), ancient ligatures
+  {\addfontfeatures{Ligatures=Rare} ct, st} and
+  {\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash}Q} a long-tailed capital Q.
+  Superior and inferior digits and letters have been added to the OpenType
+  \family{KpRoman} and \family{KpSans} fonts for footnotes’ calls and
+  abbreviations 1\textsuperscript{st}, 2\textsuperscript{nd}…
+  Latin and Greek letters are available in Upright and Italic shapes, in Bold
+  and Regular weights, for all Math fonts:
+  $\symup{a}$ $\symup{\beta}$ $\symup{C}$ $\symup{\Delta}$,
+  $\symit{a}$ $\symit{\beta}$ $\symit{C}$ $\symit{\Delta}$,
+  $\symbfup{a}$ $\symbfup{\beta}$ $\symbfup{C}$ $\symbfup{\Delta}$,
+  $\symbfit{a}$ $\symbfit{\beta}$ $\symbfit{C}$ $\symbfit{\Delta}$.
+  Blackboard Bold capitals are available in two shapes, Serif and Sans:
+  |\mathbb{ABC}| prints either
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathbb{ABC}$ (option |[Style=bbsans]|) or
+  \mathversion{base} $\mathbb{ABC}$ (default).
+  %%% \mathcal = \mathscr (pas de diff. même pour STIX2Math)
+  Commands  |\mathcal{ABC}| and |\mathscr{ABC}| print either
+  $\mathscr{ABC}$ (default) or
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathscr{ABC}$ with option |[Style=mathcal]|,
+  \mathversion{base}.
+  File \file{unimath-kpfonts.pdf} shows the full list of Unicode Math symbols
+  provided by Kp-fonts, compared with other common Math fonts.
+  More symbols, specific to Kp-fonts, are listed in
+  section~\ref{ssec:symb-spec-kp}.
+  A style file \file{kpfont-otf.sty} is provided to load Kp-fonts easily.
+  It is derived from \file{kpfont.sty} but options differ.
+  Please beware that the current version (\version) is \emph{experimental}.
+  All fonts are covered by OFL licence, style file and documentation
+  are under LPPL-1.3 licence.
+\section{Loading \pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty}}
+For users of the original \pkg{kpfonts.sty} package, the easiest way to
+try the OpenType version is to load \pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty}:\\[.5\baselineskip]
+|\usepackage[ |\optit{options}| ]{kpfonts-otf}|\\[.5\baselineskip]
+this loads \pkg{unicode-math} (and \pkg{fontspec}) and defines
+\family{KpRoman} (\family{Regular} or \family{Light} depending on options),
+\family{KpSans} and \family{KpMono} as Text fonts, \family{KpMath}
+(\family{Regular} or \family{Light} depending on options) as Math fonts.
+\pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty} also defines all symbols available in \pkg{latexsym} and
+\pkg{amssymb} under the same names%
+\footnote{Unicode names often differ from AMS names.}
+and a bunch of Kp-fonts specifics symbols.
+\subsection{Global options for both Text and Maths}
+\item[light:] switches to \famvar{light} fonts, metrics are unchanged;
+  \famvar{light} fonts might not look perfect on screen but they print fine.
+  Please compare \famvar{regular} (left) and \famvar{light} fonts (right):
+\newcommand*{\test}{Normal or light? Just a matter of taste}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\test. $E=mc^2$\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\Light \test. \mathversion{light}$E=mc^2$
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\itshape \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\LightItalic \test\end{minipage}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\bfseries \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\Semibold \test\end{minipage}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\bfseries\itshape \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\SemiboldItalic \test\end{minipage}
+\item[nomath:] load neither \pkg{unicode-math} nor \family{KpMath} fonts;
+  useful for documents without Maths, or to choose other Math fonts.
+\item[notext:] do not change any Text font, use the defaults.
+\item[nosf:]   do not change Sans-Serif Text fonts, use the defaults.
+\item[nott:]   do not change Typewriter Text fonts, use the defaults.
+\item[onlyrm:] equivalent to the last two combined.
+\subsection{Options for Text fonts \emph{only}}
+\item[lighttext:] switches to \famvar{light} Text fonts.
+\item[oldstylenums:] provides lowercase digits as a default.
+  To get uppercase digits locally: |{\addfontfeature{Numbers=Lining} 123}|.
+  Examples, upright, italic, bold and bolditalic:
+  \begin{itemize}\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase}
+	\item 0123456789 !
+	\item \textit{0123456789 !}
+	\item \textbf{0123456789 !}
+	\item \textbf{\textit{0123456789 !}}
+  \end{itemize}
+\item[oldstyle:] provides lowercase digits as a default, long-tailed Q
+  ({\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash}Quebec}) and (for Roman and Sans-Serif
+  fonts only) old style ligatures
+  {\addfontfeatures{Ligatures=Rare}« ct » et « st »}.
+  Examples:
+  \begin{itemize}\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash,Ligatures=Rare}
+  \newcommand*{\test}{Quest for an attractive font!}
+	\item \test
+	\item \textit{\test}
+	\item \textbf{\test}
+	\item \textsc{\test}
+	\item \textbf{\textit{\test}}
+	\item \textsc{\textbf{\test}}
+  \end{itemize}
+\item[veryoldstyle:] same as option \opt{oldstyle} but the round `s’
+  is replaced by the long one {\addfontfeatures{RawFeature=+hist;+hlig}`s’},
+  unless it ends a word (then it remains `s’).
+  Just code \texttt{s=} to force  a round `s’ if needed.
+  {\addfontfeatures{RawFeature=+hist;+hlig;+fina;+calt}%
+    \textit{Highlands’ mysterious castles}} can be coded as\\
+  |\textit{{Highlands’ mysterious castles}|
+\item[largesmallcaps:] prints larger \textlsc{Small Caps} than the default
+  ones (\textsc{Petites Caps}).
+\subsection{Options for Math fonts \emph{only}}
+\item[lightmath:] uses \famvar{light} Math fonts.
+\item[bbsans:] command |\mathbb| prints Sans-Serif Blackboard Bold capitals
+  with Serif fonts too: compare
+  \mathversion{full}
+  $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{K}$, $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$,
+  $\mathbb{Z}$, with
+  \mathversion{base}
+  $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{K}$, $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$,
+  $\mathbb{Z}$ (default).
+\item[mathcal:] forces commands |\mathcal| and |\mathscr| to print
+  %%% Even with STIX2Math \mathcal and \mathscr print the same!!! BUG?
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathcal{ABCD}$  % $\mathscr{ABCD}$
+  instead of \mathversion{base} $\mathcal{ABCD}$ (default).
+\item[frenchstyle:] Latin uppercase letters and all Greek letters are
+  printed upright, only lowercase latin letters are printed in italics;
+  this follows the French typographic usage.
+\item[oldstylenumsmath:] prints lowercase digits in Maths (default is
+  uppercase).
+\item[narrowiints:] prints condensed repeated integrals :
+  \mathversion{full}$\iiint$ et $\displaystyle\iiint$
+  \quad instead of \quad
+  \mathversion{base}$\iiint$ et $\displaystyle\iiint$ (default).
+\item[partialup:] the |\partial| symbol is printed upright $\symup{\partial}$
+  instead of $\partial$.
+\item[fancyReIm:] commands |\Re| et |\Im| print $\RE$ and $\IM$ respectively
+  instead of $\Re$ et $\Im$.
+\item[noDcommand:] do not define |\D| to avoid incompatibilities with other
+  packages.
+\section{Another way to load Kp-fonts}
+Loading Kp-fonts through \file{kpfonts-otf.sty} offers only a limited choice
+of options; using the standard commands \cmd{setmainfont}, \cmd{setsansfont},
+\cmd{setmonofont}, \cmd{setmathfont} offers much more flexibility.
+On the other hand, \file{kpfonts-otf.sty} defines a lot of useful commands
+to access AMS and specific Kp-fonts symbols. Loading \pkg{kpfonts-otf} with
+the \opt{symbols} option enables to get all these commands defined without
+loading any font:
+Please note that \pkg{unicode-math}%
+\footnote{A carefull reading of both manuals \file{unicode-math.pdf} and
+  \file{fonspec.pdf} (available in all TeX distributions) is required in
+  order to take full advantage of these packages.}
+(and \pkg{fontspec}) \emph{are loaded} by this procedure, no need to do it
+again, unless specific options are required, then \pkg{unicode-math} has to be
+loaded \emph{before} \pkg{kpfonts-otf}, f.i.:
+Then, it is up to the user to load Kp-fonts with whatever option he/she likes
+using commands\\[.5\baselineskip]
+For documents requiring no Math fonts, loading \pkg{fontspec} and using
+the |\set...font| commands is enough.
+\subsection{Options for Text fonts}
+Here are the options available for Text Kp-fonts:
+\item[Numbers=Lowercase] to get lowercase digits
+  {\addfontfeature{Numbers=Lowercase} 1,2,3} instead of 1,2,3;
+  the defaut is\\   \style{Numbers=Lining}.
+\item[SmallCapsFeatures = \{Letters=SmallCaps\}] the |\textsc{}| command
+  will print larger \textlsc{Small Caps} than the default
+  \textpsc{Petites Caps}.\\
+  The default setting is \style{SmallCapsFeatures = \{Letters=PetiteCaps\}}.
+\item[Ligatures=TeX]  (default) |'|\quad|!`|\quad|?`|\quad|--|\quad |---|\quad
+  print respectively\quad ’ \quad !` \quad ?`\quad -- \quad ---.
+\item[Ligatures=Common] (default) automatic ligatures  ff ffi ffl fi fl.
+\item[Ligatures=Rare] {\addfontfeature{Ligatures=Rare} ct et st} ligatures.
+\item[Style=Swash] to get the long-tailed capital
+  Q: {\addfontfeature{Style=Swash}Queen, also in small caps (both sizes):
+    \textpsc{Queen} and \textlsc{Queen}} ;
+\item[Style=Historic] prints a long-s ({\addfontfeature{Style=Historic}s})
+  instead of `s’ except as last letter of a word:
+  {\addfontfeature{Style=Historic}`mysterious’}; getting a normal `s’ is
+  possible anytime coding `|s=|’.
+\item[Ligatures=Historic] switches specific ligatures for the long
+  {\addfontfeature{Style=Historic}s}:
+   {\addfontfeature{Style=Historic,Ligatures=Historic} si, sl, st}.
+Options may be are chosen for each font, say:
+but can also be shared by different typefaces:
+  Ligatures = Rare,
+  Style = Swash,
+  SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=SmallCaps},
+  }
+Notes : 1. |\setmonofont{KpMono}|, |\setsansfont{KpSans}|,
+|\setmainfont{KpRoman}| rely on files \file{KpMono.fontspec},
+\file{KpSans.fontspec} and \file{KpRoman.fontspec} installed by Kpfonts.
+2. Note the |+| ending |\defaultfontfeatures+| : options are \emph{added},
+not overwriting any other (including those of \file{fontspec.cfg}).
+3. Options can be gathered: |Ligatures={Rare,Historic}| (with braces)
+is equivalent to |Ligatures=Rare| and |Ligatures=Historic|.
+4. These options can also be switched on and off \emph{locally}
+using |\addfontfeatures| inside a group, f.i.\ to print lowercase digits
+{\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase}1234576890} with a font loaded with option
+Actually, a shortcup is available in this case: |\oldstylenums{1234576890}|.
+\subsection{Options for Math fonts}
+The following options can be passed either to \pkg{unicode-math}%
+\footnote{See the manual \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}
+or to |\setmathfont{}|:
+\item[math-style =] \opt{ISO}, \opt{TeX} (défaut), \opt{french}, \opt{upright};
+\item[bold-style =] \opt{ISO}, \opt{TeX} (défaut), \opt{upright};
+\item[partial =] \opt{upright} (default italic);
+\item[nabla =]  \opt{italic}  (default upright);
+Seven `Style Variants’ are available with Kp-fonts, here are the first thee:
+\item[Style=mathcal] (\texttt{+ss01}) commands |\mathcal{}| and |\mathscr{}|
+  print \mathversion{full}$\mathcal{ABC}$ instead of
+  \mathversion{base}$\mathcal{ABC}$ (default);
+\item[Style=bbsans] (\texttt{+ss02}) |\mathbb{}| prints Sans-Serif
+  Blackboard bold capitals \mathversion{full}$\mathbb{ABC}$ for Serif Math fonts
+  \file{KpMath-Regular} and \file{KpMath-light} instead of
+  \mathversion{base}$\mathbb{ABC}$ ;
+\item[Style=narrowiints] (\texttt{+ss03}) provides condensed repeated integrals:
+  \mathversion{full}$\iiint$ instead of
+  \mathversion{base}$\iiint$ (default).
+The next four tables present the other Style Variants available.
+  {\centering
+  \caption{Style=leqslant (\texttt{+ss04})}
+  \label{ss04}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command           & Default        & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{leq}         & $\leq$         & $\leqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geq}         & $\geq$         & $\geqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nleq}        & $\nleq$        & $\nleqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{ngeq}        & $\ngeq$        & $\ngeqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{leqq}        & $\leqq$        & $\leqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geqq}        & $\geqq$        & $\geqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{eqless}      & $\eqless$      & $\eqslantless$ \\
+      \cmd{eqgtr}       & $\eqgtr$       & $\eqslantgtr$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}\par}
+  \centering
+  \caption{Style=smaller (\texttt{+ss05})}
+  \label{ss05}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command                & Default        & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{mid}              & $\mid$              & $\shortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{nmid}             & $\nmid$             & $\nshortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{parallel}         & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallel$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}        & $\nparallel$        & $\nshortparallel$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  \centering
+  \caption{Style=subsetneq (\texttt{+ss06})}
+  \label{ss06}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command           & Default         & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{subsetneq}   & $\subsetneq$    & $\varsubsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneq}   & $\supsetneq$    & $\varsupsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{subsetneqq}  & $\subsetneqq$   & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneqq}  & $\supsetneqq$   & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{table}[ht]
+  {\centering
+  \caption{Style=parallelslant (\texttt{+ss07})}
+  \label{ss07}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command               & Default            & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{parallel}        & $\parallel$        & $\parallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}       & $\nparallel$       & $\nparallelslant$ \\
+  \hline
+  \end{tabular}\par}
+Example: switching styles 4 (leqslant) and 6 (subsetneq) can be achieved
+coding either\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[StylisticSet={4,6}]|\quad or\\
+Table~\vref{cv} shows the available `Glyph Variants’:
+  \centering
+  \caption{Variantes de glyphe}
+  \label{cv}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}}
+    \hline
+           & Default       & Variant          & Command\\
+    \hline
+      cv00 & $\Re\quad\Im$ & $\RE\quad\IM$    & \cmd{Re}\quad\cmd{Im}\\
+      cv01 & $\hslash$     & $\mithbar$       & \cmd{hslash} or \cmd{hbar} \\
+      cv02 & $\emptyset$   & $\varemptyset$   & \cmd{emptyset} \\
+      cv03 & $\mitepsilon$ & $\mitvarepsilon$ & \cmd{epsilon} \\
+      cv04 & $\mitkappa$   & $\mitvarkappa$   & \cmd{kappa} \\
+      cv05 & $\mitpi$      & $\mitvarpi$      & \cmd{pi} \\
+      cv06 & $\mitphi$     & $\mitvarphi$     & \cmd{phi} \\
+      cv07 & $\mitrho$     & $\mitvarrho$     & \cmd{rho} \\
+      cv08 & $\mitsigma$   & $\mitvarsigma$   & \cmd{sigma} \\
+      cv09 & $\mittheta$   & $\mitvartheta$   & \cmd{theta} \\
+      cv10 & $\mitTheta$   & $\mitvarTheta$   & \cmd{Theta}\\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+Example: with |\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[CharacterVariant={3,6}]|\\
+commands |\epsilon| and |\phi| print $\mitvarepsilon$
+and $\mitvarphi$ instead of $\mitepsilon$ et $\mitphi$.
+The same is true of course for all shapes and and weights (upright, bold,
+bolditalic, sans-derif, etc.): f.i.\ with \opt{math-syle=french}, |\epsilon|
+and |\phi| print $\mupvarepsilon$ and $\mupvarphi$.
+Note about \cmd{hbar}: \pkg{unicode-math} defines \cmd{hbar} as
+\cmd{hslash} (U+210F) while \pkg{amsmath} provides two different glyphs
+(italic h with horizontal or diagonal stroke).\\
+\pkg{kpfonts-otf} now follows \pkg{unicode-math}; the italic h with horizontal
+stroke can be printed using \cmd{hslash} or \cmd{hbar} together with character
+variant \texttt{cv01} or with \cmd{mithbar} (replacement for AMS’ command
+\section{Kp-fonts specific commands}
+Kp-fonts offers variants for integral symbols suitable for indefinite
+integrals, they are coded as |\varint|, |\variint|, |\variiint|, |\variiiint|
+and |\varidotsint|.  Compare $\int f(t)\,dt$ and $\varint f(t)\,dt$ and also
+\[\int f(t)\,dt \qquad\text{and}\qquad\varint f(t)\,dt\]
+|\D{...}| prints an upright `d’ and improves kernings around the differential
+|\displaystyle\varint f(t)\D{t}| donne	$\displaystyle\varint f(t)\D{t}$.
+\subsection{Specific Math symbols}
+The next tables present symbols unvailable as Unicode characters, they
+are coded in Kp-fonts’ private zone.
+\verb+\idotsint+ &\idotsint& $\displaystyle\idotsint$\\
+\verb+\ointclockwise+ &\ointclockwise&$\displaystyle\ointclockwise$
+&\verb+\varointctrclockwise+&\varointctrclockwise& $\displaystyle\varointctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\oiintclockwise+ &\oiintclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiintclockwise$&\verb+\oiintctrclockwise+&\oiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\varoiintclockwise+&\varoiintclockwise& $\displaystyle\varoiintclockwise$&\verb+\varoiintctrclockwise+&\varoiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\varoiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\oiiintclockwise+ &\oiiintclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiiintclockwise$&\verb+\oiiintctrclockwise+ &\oiiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\varoiiintclockwise+ &\varoiiintclockwise& $\displaystyle\varoiiintclockwise$&\verb+\varoiiintctrclockwise+&\varoiiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\varoiiintctrclockwise$\\
+The full list of Unicode symbols available with Kp-fonts is shown in file
+\subsection{Wide accents}
+\item \cmd{widehat} and \cmd{widetilde}
+\[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\;
+  \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxxxxx}\]
+\item \cmd{overline} and \cmd{underline}
+  \[\overline{x}\quad \overline{xy}\quad \overline{xyz}\quad
+    \overline{A\cup B}\quad \overline{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad
+    \underline{m+n+p}\]
+\item \cmd{overparen} and \cmd{underparen}
+  \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad
+    \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad
+    \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad
+    \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\]
+\[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz}
+  \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbrace} and \cmd{underbrace}
+  \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad
+  \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overrightarrow} and \cmd{overleftarrow}
+  \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
+\[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item Enfin \cmd{widearc} and \cmd{widearcarrow} (ou \cmd{overrightarc})
+\[\widearc{AMB}\quad \widearcarrow{AMB}\]
+\subsection{Math Versions}
+Different versions of the \family{KpMath} fonts may be definde in the
+document’s preamble:\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Bold.otf}[version=bold|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Semibold.otf}[version=semibold|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Sans.otf}[version=sans|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}[version=light|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+then, it is easy to switch from one version to another one with
+Example\footnote{Option \opt{CharacterVariant=3} changes
+$\epsilon$ into $\varepsilon$.} :
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+                              Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+                              Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+Here is the same equation in three versions, normal, bold and Sans-Serif:
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+|\mathversion{bold}| \mathversion{bold}
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+|\mathversion{sans}| \mathversion{sans}
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% End:

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+% Packages
+\usepackage{graphics, array, varioref}
+% Pour les démos :
+                                 CharacterVariant=3,
+                                 StylisticSet={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[version=base, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}[version=light, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Bold.otf}[version=bold, Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+\setmathfont{KpMath-Sans.otf}[version=sans, Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+\frenchsetup{og=«, fg=»,%ListItemsAsPar
+            }
+            pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO},
+            unicode,
+            colorlinks,
+            urlcolor=DarkBlue,
+            linkcolor=Blue,
+            }
+% Mise en page
+\newcommand*{\textsb}[1]{{\Semibold #1}}
+\newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+\title{Kp-fonts version OpenType}
+\author{\href{mailto:daniel.flipo at free.fr}{Daniel \textsc{Flipo}}}
+  Le but de ce travail est de proposer une version OpenType des polices
+  Kp-fonts dessinées par Christophe Caignaert au format type1. Pour une
+  présentation complète de celles-ci, on pourra consulter la documentation
+  originale \file{Kpfonts-Doc-French.pdf}.
+  La présente distribution, utilisable uniquement avec LuaTeX ou XeTeX,
+  contient seize polices OpenType de texte, une famille romaine \family{KpRoman}
+  en huit déclinaisons ---~\famvar{Regular}, \famvar{Italic}, \famvar{Bold},
+  \famvar{Bold\-Italic}, \famvar{Light}, \famvar{Light\-Italic},
+  \famvar{Semi\-bold}, \famvar{Semibold\-Italic}~---, une famille sans-serif
+  \family{KpSans} et une à espacement fixe \family{KpMono} chacune en quatre
+  déclinaisons ---~\famvar{Regular}, \famvar{Italic}, \famvar{Bold} et
+  \famvar{Bold\-Italic}~--- et cinq polices mathématiques
+  \family{KpMath-Regular}, \family{KpMath-Bold}, \family{KpMath-Light},
+  \family{KpMath-Semibold} et \family{KpMath-Sans}.
+  Les familles \family{KpRoman} et \family{KpSans} ont de vraies petites
+  capitales en deux tailles (\textpsc{normale} et \textlsc{grande}),
+  des chiffres elzéviriens ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase} 0123456789})
+  et offrent des ligatures anciennes comme
+  {\addfontfeatures{Ligatures=Rare} ct, st} et
+  le {\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash}Q} long.
+  Les chiffres et lettres supérieures et inférieures ont été ajoutées aux
+  polices OpenType pour les appels de notes et les abréviations M\up{me}
+  1\ier, etc.
+  Les cinq polices mathématiques disposent les lettres latines et grecques
+  droites, italiques, grasses droites et grasses italiques :
+  $\symup{a}$ $\symup{\beta}$ $\symup{C}$ $\symup{\Delta}$,
+  $\symit{a}$ $\symit{\beta}$ $\symit{C}$ $\symit{\Delta}$,
+  $\symbfup{a}$ $\symbfup{\beta}$ $\symbfup{C}$ $\symbfup{\Delta}$,
+  $\symbfit{a}$ $\symbfit{\beta}$ $\symbfit{C}$ $\symbfit{\Delta}$.
+  la commande |\mathbb{ABC}| affiche au choix
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathbb{ABC}$ (option |Style=bbsans|) ou
+  \mathversion{base} $\mathbb{ABC}$ par défaut,
+  %%% \mathcal = \mathscr (pas de diff. même pour STIX2Math)
+  les commandes  |\mathcal{ABC}| et |\mathscr{ABC}| affichent
+  $\mathscr{ABC}$ par défaut ou
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathscr{ABC}$ avec l’option |Style=mathcal|,
+  \mathversion{base}
+  tandis que la commande |\mathfrak{ABCabc}| affiche $\mathfrak{ABCabc}$.
+  La liste complète des symboles mathématiques présents dans Unicode et
+  disponibles dans les polices \family{KpMath} est présentée dans
+  le fichier \file{unimath-kpfonts.pdf}. Des symboles supplémentaires sont
+  également disponibles, ils sont présentés à la
+  section~\ref{ssec:symb-spec-kp}.
+  La distribution est accompagnée d’un fichier \file{kpfont-otf.sty} destiné
+  à faciliter la transition, certaines options de la version originale ont été
+  reprises, d’autres ont été abandonnées…
+  Veuillez noter que la présente version (\version) est \emph{expérimentale}.
+  \enlargethispage*{2\baselineskip}
+  La distribution est proposée sous license OFL pour les polices et LPPL-1.3
+  pour les fichiers LaTeX.
+\section{Chargement par \pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty}}
+Les utilisateurs de la version originale des Kp-fonts préfèreront probablement
+charger \pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty} comme ceci :\\[.5\baselineskip]
+|\usepackage[ |\optit{options}| ]{kpfonts-otf}|\\[.5\baselineskip]
+ceci charge \pkg{unicode-math} et donc \pkg{fontspec} et définit
+\family{KpRoman} (\family{Regular} ou \family{Light} selon les options),
+\family{KpSans} et \family{KpMono} comme polices de texte et \family{KpMath}
+(\family{Regular} ou \family{Light} selon les options) comme police
+En plus, tous les symboles disponibles dans \pkg{latexsym} et \pkg{amssymb}
+sont définis sous les mêmes noms dans \pkg{kpfonts-otf.sty}%
+\footnote{Les noms Unicode officiels diffèrent souvent.}
+ainsi qu’un certain nombre de symboles et de commandes spécifiques à Kp-fonts.
+\subsection{Options globales affectant texte et maths}
+\item[light :] pour utiliser la version \famvar{light} des polices. Les
+  métriques sont inchangées.  L'affichage n'est pas très bon, au contraire de
+  l'impression si vous aimez les polices fines.
+  Ce texte est composé avec les polices par défaut, vous pourrez comparer
+  ci-dessous les versions \famvar{regular} (à gauche) et \famvar{light} (à
+  droite) :
+\newcommand{\test}{Normal ou léger ? tous les goûts sont dans la nature…}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\test{} $E=mc^2$\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\Light \test{} \mathversion{light}$E=mc^2$
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\itshape \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\LightItalic \test\end{minipage}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\bfseries \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\Semibold \test\end{minipage}
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\bfseries\itshape \test\end{minipage}\hfill
+\begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\SemiboldItalic \test\end{minipage}
+\item[nomath :] ne charge ni \pkg{unicode-math} ni les fontes \family{KpMath} ;
+  utile pour les documents sans maths ou pour faire appel à d’autres fontes
+  pour les maths.
+\item[notext :] Kp-fonts ne modifie aucune des polices de texte par défaut.
+\item[nosf :] Kp-fonts ne modifie pas les polices sans-serif de texte.
+\item[nott :] Kp-fonts ne modifie pas les polices de texte à chasse fixe.
+\item[onlyrm :] équivalente aux deux précédentes options.
+\subsection{Options des polices de texte}
+Notez que ces options n'affectent que les polices de texte.
+\item[lighttext :] le texte est composé en utilisant les polices « light ».
+\item[oldstylenums :] Les polices fournissent ici les nombres elzéviriens par
+  défaut.
+  Pour accéder aux nombres usuels : |{\addfontfeature{Numbers=Lining} 123}|
+  (à faire dans un groupe).
+  Quelques exemples en droit et italique, medium et gras :
+  \begin{itemize}\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase}
+	\item 0123456789 !
+	\item \textit{0123456789 !}
+	\item \textbf{0123456789 !}
+	\item \textbf{\textit{0123456789 !}}
+  \end{itemize}
+\item[oldstyle :] Les polices fournissent ici les nombres elzéviriens par
+  défaut, le Q-long ({\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash}Qui ?}), les ligatures
+  anciennes {\addfontfeatures{Ligatures=Rare}« ct » et « st »}
+  (en romain et sans-serif uniquement).
+  Quelques exemples:
+  \begin{itemize}\addfontfeatures{Style=Swash,Ligatures=Rare}
+  \newcommand*{\test}{Quelle police, quelle esthétique actuelle !}
+	\item \test
+	\item \textit{\test}
+	\item \textbf{\test}
+	\item \textsc{\test}
+	\item \textbf{\textit{\test}}
+	\item \textsc{\textbf{\test}}
+  \end{itemize}
+\item[veryoldstyle :] identique à l'option \opt{oldstyle} sauf que le « s »
+  rond est remplacé par le « {\addfontfeatures{RawFeature=+hist;+hlig}s} » long.
+  sauf en fin de mot, où le « s » reste rond.
+  On peut toujours forcer le « s» rond par la ligature « \texttt{s=} ».
+  Le codage |\textit{« Des espoirs si funestes. »}| donne ceci :
+  {\addfontfeatures{RawFeature=+hist;+hlig;+fina;+calt}%
+    \textit{«Des espoirs si funestes.»}}.
+\item[largesmallcaps :] produit des petites capitales plus \textlsc{Grandes}
+  que par les \textsc{Petites} obtenues par défaut.
+\subsection{Options des polices mathématiques}
+\item[lightmath :] les mathématiques sont composées avec les polices
+      « light » ;
+\item[bbsans :] dans tous les cas, la commande |\mathbb| produit du
+  sans-serif :
+  \mathversion{full}
+  $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{K}$, $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$,
+  $\mathbb{Z}$, à comparer à
+  \mathversion{base}
+  $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{K}$, $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$,
+  $\mathbb{Z}$ ;
+\item[mathcal :] cette option modifie l’effet des commandes
+  |\mathcal| et |\mathscr|, elles produisent toutes les deux
+  %%% Même avec STIX2Math, je ne peux pas avoir les deux !!! BUG ?
+  \mathversion{full}$\mathcal{ABCD}$  % $\mathscr{ABCD}$
+  alors que par défaut \mathversion{base} on a $\mathcal{ABCD}$ ;
+\item[frenchstyle :] les majuscules romaines et toutes les lettres grecques
+  (majuscules ou minuscules) sont droites, selon la tradition typographique
+  française, seules les minuscules romaines restent obliques ;
+\item[oldstylenumsmath :] fournit les nombres elzéviriens en mode
+  mathématique ;
+\item[narrowiints :] fournit des intégrales multiples plus étroites, plus
+      « françaises » :
+  \mathversion{full}$\iiint$ et $\displaystyle\iiint$
+  \quad au lieu de\quad
+  \mathversion{base}$\iiint$ et $\displaystyle\iiint$
+\item[partialup :] le symbole |\partial| affiche $\symup{\partial}$
+  (droit) au lieu de $\partial$ ;
+\item[fancyReIm :] les commandes |\Re| et |\Im| donnent normalement
+  $\Re$ et $\Im$, avec cette option elles produisent respectivement $\RE$ et
+  $\IM$ ;
+\item[noDcommand :] pour éviter tout risque d’incompatibilité, la commande
+  |\D| n'est pas définie.
+\section{Autre façon de charger les Kp-fonts}
+Lorsqu’on charge les Kp-fonts comme indiqué à la section précédente en
+utilisant \file{kpfonts-otf.sty}, le choix des options reste assez limité.
+Certains préféreront probablement utiliser directement les commandes
+\cmd{setmainfont}, \cmd{setsansfont}, \cmd{setmonofont}, \cmd{setmathfont}
+pour avoir accès à toutes leurs options. Parmi eux, ceux qui voudraient
+bénéficier des définitions de symboles mathématiques faites dans
+\pkg{kpfonts-otf}, peuvent charger celui-ci avec l’option \opt{symbols} qui
+permet d’accéder à toutes ces définitions \emph{sans charger aucune fonte} :
+Noter que dans ce cas, \pkg{unicode-math}%
+\footnote{Une lecture attentive des manuels \file{unicode-math.pdf} et
+  \file{fonspec.pdf} (disponibles dans toutes les distributions TeX) est
+  indispensable pour bien maîtriser leur utilisation.}
+(et \pkg{fontspec}) \emph{sont chargés} par \pkg{kpfonts-otf}, inutile donc de
+les (re)charger, sauf à le faire \emph{avant} l’appel à \pkg{kpfonts-otf} pour
+leur passer des options, par exemple :
+L’utilisateur choisit ensuite librement ses polices de texte romaine,
+sans-serif et à chasse fixe ainsi que la police mathématique en utilisant
+la syntaxe classique\\[.5\baselineskip]
+Ceux qui veulent utiliser les KP-fonts pour des documents sans maths, peuvent
+évidemment charger uniquement \pkg{fontspec} et faire appel aux commandes
+\subsection{Options des polices de texte}
+Pour les polices de texte de Kp-fonts les options suivantes sont proposées :
+\item[Numbers=Lowercase :] pour avoir les chiffres minuscules ou elzéviriens
+  {\addfontfeature{Numbers=Lowercase} 1,2,3} ou
+  \style{Numbers=Lining} (par défaut 1,2,3) ;
+\item[SmallCapsFeatures = \{Letters=SmallCaps\} :] pour que la commande
+  |\textsc{}| affiche les \textlsc{Grandes} petites capitales à la place des
+  \textpsc{Petites} obtenues par défaut
+  (option \style{SmallCapsFeatures = \{Letters=PetiteCaps\}}%
+  \footnote{Accolades indispensables à cause du signe \texttt{=} !}) ;
+\item[Ligatures=TeX :]  (par défaut) |!`|\quad|?`|\quad|--|\quad |---|
+  affichent respectivement\quad !` \quad ?` -- et --- ;
+\item[Ligatures=Common :] (par défaut) ligatures automatiques ff ffi ffl fi fl ;
+\item[Ligatures=Rare :] ligatures {\addfontfeature{Ligatures=Rare} ct et st} ;
+\item[Style=Swash :] pour le {\addfontfeature{Style=Swash}Q long également en
+    petites et grandes capitales \textpsc{Que} et \textlsc{Que}} ;
+\item[Style=Historic :] pour remplacer systématiquement le « s » rond par un
+  {\addfontfeature{Style=Historic}« s »} long, sauf en fin de mot comme le veut
+  l’usage ; il est toujours possible de forcer un « s » rond en codant |s=| ;
+\item[Ligatures=Historic :] active les ligatures spécifiques au
+  {\addfontfeature{Style=Historic,Ligatures=Historic}« s » long  si, sl, st}.
+Le choix parmi ces options se fait normalement globalement pour tout le
+document, police par police éventuellement, exemple :
+mais si les options sont communes à plusieurs polices on peut ne les énoncer
+qu’une fois en procédant de la façon suivante :
+  Ligatures = Rare,
+  Style = Swash,
+  SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=SmallCaps},
+  }
+Remarques : 1. Les commandes |\setmonofont{KpMono}|, |\setsansfont{KpSans}| et
+|\setmainfont{KpRoman}| fonctionnent parce que la distribution Kp-fonts est
+fournie avec des fichiers \file{KpMono.fontspec}, \file{KpSans.fontspec} et
+2. Noter le |+| après |\defaultfontfeatures| : les options sont
+\emph{ajoutées} au options par défaut.
+3. On peut regrouper des options : |Ligatures={Rare,Historic}| (avec accolades)
+équivaut aux deux options |Ligatures=Rare| et |Ligatures=Historic|.
+4. Il est possible de modifier une option \emph{localement}, ainsi pour
+afficher les chiffres elzéviriens {\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lowercase}
+  1234576890} alors que l’option globale est |Numbers=Lining|, on utilise la
+commande |\addfontfeatures| dans un groupe :
+\subsection{Options des polices mathématiques}
+Les options suivantes peuvent être passées à \pkg{unicode-math}%
+\footnote{Voir la documentation \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}
+ou à la commande |\setmathfont{}| :
+\item[math-style =] \opt{ISO}, \opt{TeX} (défaut), \opt{french}, \opt{upright} ;
+\item[bold-style =] \opt{ISO}, \opt{TeX} (défaut), \opt{upright} ;
+\item[partial =] \opt{upright} (italique par défaut) ;
+\item[nabla =]  \opt{italic}  (droit par défaut) ;
+Les variantes de style affectent chacune une famille de glyphes, voici les
+trois premières :
+\item[Style=mathcal] (\texttt{+ss01}) les commandes |\mathcal{}| et
+  |\mathscr{}| produisent \mathversion{full}$\mathcal{ABC}$
+  au lieu de \mathversion{base}$\mathcal{ABC}$ ;
+\item[Style=bbsans]  (\texttt{+ss02}) les glyphes produits par la commande
+  |\mathbb{}| sont en sans-serif \mathversion{full}$\mathbb{ABC}$ au lieu de
+  \mathversion{base}$\mathbb{ABC}$ ;
+\item[Style=narrowiints] (\texttt{+ss03}) les intégrales multiples sont plus
+  compactes : \mathversion{full}$\iiint$ au lieu de
+  \mathversion{base}$\iiint$.
+Les quatre tables suivantes recensent les autres variantes de style proposées.
+  {\centering
+  \caption{Style=leqslant (\texttt{+ss04})}
+  \label{ss04}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Commande          & Base           & Variante \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{leq}         & $\leq$         & $\leqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geq}         & $\geq$         & $\geqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nleq}        & $\nleq$        & $\nleqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{ngeq}        & $\ngeq$        & $\ngeqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{leqq}        & $\leqq$        & $\leqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geqq}        & $\geqq$        & $\geqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{eqless}      & $\eqless$      & $\eqslantless$ \\
+      \cmd{eqgtr}       & $\eqgtr$       & $\eqslantgtr$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}\par}
+  \centering
+  \caption{Style=smaller (\texttt{+ss05})}
+  \label{ss05}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Commande               & Base                & Variante \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{mid}              & $\mid$              & $\shortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{nmid}             & $\nmid$             & $\nshortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{parallel}         & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallel$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}        & $\nparallel$        & $\nshortparallel$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  \centering
+  \caption{Style=subsetneq (\texttt{+ss06})}
+  \label{ss06}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Commande          & Base            & Variante \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{subsetneq}   & $\subsetneq$    & $\varsubsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneq}   & $\supsetneq$    & $\varsupsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{subsetneqq}  & $\subsetneqq$   & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneqq}  & $\supsetneqq$   & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{table}[ht]
+  {\centering
+  \caption{Style=parallelslant (\texttt{+ss07})}
+  \label{ss07}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Commande              & Base               & Variante \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{parallel}        & $\parallel$        & $\parallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}       & $\nparallel$       & $\nparallelslant$ \\
+  \hline
+  \end{tabular}\par}
+Exemple : pour activer les styles 4 (leqslant) et 6 (subsetneq) on code\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[StylisticSet={4,6}]|\quad ou bien\\
+La table~\vref{cv} recense les variantes de glyphes proposées :
+  \centering
+  \caption{Variantes de glyphe}
+  \label{cv}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}}
+    \hline
+           & Base          & Variante         & Commande\\
+    \hline
+      cv00 & $\Re\quad\Im$ & $\RE\quad\IM$    & \cmd{Re}\quad\cmd{Im}\\
+      cv01 & $\hslash$     & $\mithbar$       & \cmd{hslash} ou \cmd{hbar} \\
+      cv02 & $\emptyset$   & $\varemptyset$   & \cmd{emptyset} \\
+      cv03 & $\mitepsilon$ & $\mitvarepsilon$ & \cmd{epsilon} \\
+      cv04 & $\mitkappa$   & $\mitvarkappa$   & \cmd{kappa} \\
+      cv05 & $\mitpi$      & $\mitvarpi$      & \cmd{pi} \\
+      cv06 & $\mitphi$     & $\mitvarphi$     & \cmd{phi} \\
+      cv07 & $\mitrho$     & $\mitvarrho$     & \cmd{rho} \\
+      cv08 & $\mitsigma$   & $\mitvarsigma$   & \cmd{sigma} \\
+      cv09 & $\mittheta$   & $\mitvartheta$   & \cmd{theta} \\
+      cv10 & $\mitTheta$   & $\mitvarTheta$   & \cmd{Theta}\\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+Exemple : |\setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}[CharacterVariant={3,6}]|\\
+fera en sorte que les commandes |\epsilon| et |\phi| produisent $\mitvarepsilon$
+et $\mitvarphi$ plutôt que $\mitepsilon$ et $\mitphi$.
+Ceci vaut pour toutes les formes et graisses (droit, italique, gras, gras
+italique, sans-serif, etc.), ainsi avec l’option \opt{math-syle=french},
+|\epsilon| et |\phi| produisent $\mupvarepsilon$ and $\mupvarphi$.
+Note sur \cmd{hbar} : pour \pkg{unicode-math} les commandes \cmd{hbar} et
+\cmd{hslash} affichent le même caractère Unicode U+210F
+tandis que \pkg{amsmath} choisit deux définitions différentes pour ces
+commandes (un h italique avec une barre horizontale ou oblique).\\
+\pkg{kpfonts-otf} suit \pkg{unicode-math}, le h italique avec barre
+horizontale peut être obtenu grâce à la variante \texttt{cv01}
+(code \cmd{hslash} ou \cmd{hbar}) ou directement en codant \cmd{mithbar}.
+\section{Commandes spécifiques à Kp-fonts}
+\subsection{Variantes des symboles d'intégration}
+Kp-fonts propose des variantes des signes intégrales spécialement adaptées
+à la présentation des primitives, elles se codent |\varint|,
+|\variint|, |\variiint|, |\variiiint| et |\varidotsint|.
+Comparer $\int f(t)\,dt$ et $\varint f(t)\,dt$ et aussi
+\[\int f(t)\,dt \qquad\text{et}\qquad\varint f(t)\,dt\]
+On peut les coupler à la commande |\D{...}|, qui affiche un « d » droit
+et optimise les espacements :
+|\displaystyle\varint f(t)\D{t}| donne	$\displaystyle\varint f(t)\D{t}$.
+\subsection{Symboles spécifiques}
+Rappelons que la liste des symboles Unicode présents dans Kp-fonts est
+disponible dans le fichier \file{unimath-kpfonts.pdf}.
+Sauf erreur de ma part les symboles présentés dans les tableaux suivants,
+n’ont pas de code Unicode, ils sont codés en zone privée pour Kp-fonts.
+\verb+\idotsint+ &\idotsint& $\displaystyle\idotsint$\\
+\verb+\ointclockwise+ &\ointclockwise&$\displaystyle\ointclockwise$
+&\verb+\varointctrclockwise+&\varointctrclockwise& $\displaystyle\varointctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\oiintclockwise+ &\oiintclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiintclockwise$&\verb+\oiintctrclockwise+&\oiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\varoiintclockwise+&\varoiintclockwise& $\displaystyle\varoiintclockwise$&\verb+\varoiintctrclockwise+&\varoiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\varoiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\oiiintclockwise+ &\oiiintclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiiintclockwise$&\verb+\oiiintctrclockwise+ &\oiiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\oiiintctrclockwise$\\
+\verb+\varoiiintclockwise+ &\varoiiintclockwise& $\displaystyle\varoiiintclockwise$&\verb+\varoiiintctrclockwise+&\varoiiintctrclockwise&$\displaystyle\varoiiintctrclockwise$\\
+\subsection{Accents extensibles}
+\item \cmd{widehat} et \cmd{widetilde}
+\[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\;
+  \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxxxxx}\]
+\item \cmd{overline} et \cmd{underline}
+  \[\overline{x}\quad \overline{xy}\quad \overline{xyz}\quad
+    \overline{A\cup B}\quad \overline{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad
+    \underline{m+n+p}\]
+\item \cmd{overparen} et \cmd{underparen}
+  \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad
+    \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad
+    \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad
+    \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\]
+\[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz}
+  \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbrace} et \cmd{underbrace}
+  \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad
+  \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overrightarrow} et \cmd{overleftarrow}
+  \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
+\[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item Enfin \cmd{widearc} et \cmd{widearcarrow} (ou \cmd{overrightarc})
+\[\widearc{AMB}\quad \widearcarrow{AMB}\]
+\subsection{« Versions » math}
+Il est possible de définir plusieurs versions de la police mathématique
+\family{KpMath}, les plus courantes étant une version grasse (\textit{bold})
+et une version sans empattements (\textit{sans}).
+On définit dans le préambule les versions désirées, par exemple :\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Bold.otf}[version=bold|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Semibold.otf}[version=semibold|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Sans.otf}[version=sans|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+|\setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}[version=light|, \optit{options} |]|\\
+et ensuite on passe d’une version  à l’autre grâce à la commande
+Exemple\footnote{L’option \opt{CharacterVariant=3} remplace le
+$\epsilon$ par $\varepsilon$.} :
+                              Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+                              Style=leqslant, CharacterVariant=3]
+Voici la même équation en trois versions, normale, grasse et sans empattement :
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+\[ \mathbb{E}_i(N_i) = \sum_{n\ge1} P_i(N_i\ge n)
+                     = \frac{\epsilon_i}{1-\epsilon_i}<+\infty \]
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% End:

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-French.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-French.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-French.pdf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/Kpfonts-OTF-Doc-French.pdf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

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Added: svn:mime-type
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/README.md	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+kpfonts-otf package
+## Description
+`kpfonts-otf’ is meant as a replacement, for LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX users,
+of Christophe Caignaert’s `kpfonts’ package. Christophe’s Type1 fonts have
+been converted to OpenType using fontforge and Adobe's AFDKO bundle.
+The package is still experimental, bug reports and suggestions  are welcome.
+## Contents
+* the `font/` directory holds 23 OpenType fonts (16 for text and 5 for math);
+* the `tex/`  directory holds the style file kpfonts-otf.sty and
+  fontspec configuration files;
+* the `doc/`  directory holds documentation in English and French and
+  a table of available Math symbols comparing kpfonts-otf to LatinModern,
+  STIXTwo, Erewhon, TeXGyrePagella and DejaVu.
+## Installation
+This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc.
+Otherwise, `kpfonts-otf’ can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i.
+* alls fonts (fonts/*.otf files) in directory
+  `texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/`
+* style and fontspec files (tex/kpfonts-otf.sty and tex/*.fontspec) in directory
+  `texmf-local/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/`
+* documentation (from doc/ directory) in
+  `texmf-local/doc/fonts/public/kpfonts-otf/`
+Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install
+Finally, you may want to make the system font database aware of the
+`kpfonts-otf’ fonts (fontconfig under Linux).
+## License
+* The fonts included in `kpfonts-otf’ are licensed under the
+SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
+This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
+* The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
+Public License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later version.
+## Changes
+-- First release version: 0.30 (experimental, expect changes!).
+Copyright 2020-  Daniel Flipo
+E-mail: daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/kpfonts-otf/unimath-kpfonts.ltx
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@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+%%^^A%% unimath-symbols.ltx -- part of UNICODE-MATH <wspr.io/unicode-math>
+%%^^A%% Listing of Unicode mathematics symbols using a variety of fonts.
+%% Changes (df): XITS replaced by Erewhon.
+%!TEX TS-program = LuaLaTeX
+ [
+  Extension = .otf,
+  UprightFont = *-regular,
+  ItalicFont = *-italic,
+  BoldFont = *-bold,
+  BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
+  Ligatures=TeX,
+  Numbers={Lowercase,Monospaced},
+ ]
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \fontspec_set_fontface:NNnn {c}
+  \Nfonts=\numexpr\Nfonts+1\relax
+  \tl_set:cn {L#1} {#4}
+  \newcounter{#1}
+  \setcounter{#1}{-1}
+  \setmathfont[version=#1,SizeFeatures={
+      {Size=-10, Colour=999999},
+      {Size=10-, Colour=#3}}]{#2}
+  \fontspec_set_fontface:cNnn {#1} \x {ItalicFont={},BoldFont={}} {#2}
+  \tl_gput_right:Nn \FINISH {
+    \refstepcounter{#1}\label{count:#1}
+  }
+\begin{longtabu}[l]{@{}l *{\Nfonts}{c} lX[l]@{}}
+  \toprule
+  \textsc{usv} & \Llm & \Lstix & \Lerewhon & \Lkpfonts & \Ltermes & \Lgaramond & \Llibertinus
+  & Macro & Description \\
+  \midrule \endhead
+  \INPUT\\
+  \bottomrule
+  \begin{spacing}{0.5}
+    \RaggedRight\scriptsize #1%
+  \end{spacing}
+  \def\UnicodeMathSymbol##1##2##3##4{%
+    \def\1{#1}\def\2{##3}%
+    \ifx\1\2\PRINTLINE{##1}{##2}{##4}\fi
+  }%
+    \def\tempa{
+      \USV{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{lm}{#1} &
+%      \SYMB{#2}{xits}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{stix}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{erewhon}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{kpfonts}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{termes}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{garamond}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{libertinus}{#1} &
+      \CMD{#2}
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \PLAIN {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)} }
+        }
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \LTXSYM {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)} }
+        }
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \AMSSYMB {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)} }
+        }
+      &
+      \DESC{#3} \\
+    }%
+    \expandafter\tempa
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1$%
+  \fi
+\title{Symbols defined by \textsf{unicode-math}}
+\author{Will Robertson}
+\date{Modified (df) to show Kpfonts Math symbols}
+This document uses the file \texttt{unicode-math-table.tex}
+to print every symbol defined by the \textsf{unicode-math}
+Use this document to find the command name or the Unicode glyph slot for a symbol that you wish to use.
+The following fonts are shown: (with approximate symbol counts)
+\item[\Llm] \mathversion{lm} $\mathup{Latin\ Modern\ Math}$ (\ref{count:lm})
+%\item[\Lxits] \mathversion{xits} $\mathup{XITS\ Math}$ (\ref{count:xits})
+\item[\Lstix] \mathversion{stix} $\mathup{STIX\ Two\ Math}$ (\ref{count:stix})
+\item[\Lerewhon] \mathversion{erewhon} $\mathup{Erewhon\ Math}$ (\ref{count:erewhon})
+\item[\Lkpfonts] \mathversion{kpfonts} $\mathup{KpMath\ Regular}$ (\ref{count:kpfonts})
+\item[\Ltermes] \mathversion{termes} $\mathup{TeX\ Gyre\ Termes\ Math}$ (\ref{count:termes})
+\item[\Lgaramond] \mathversion{garamond} $\mathup{Garamond\ Math}$ (\ref{count:garamond})
+\item[\Llibertinus] \mathversion{libertinus} $\mathup{Libertinus\ Math}$ (\ref{count:libertinus})
+Symbols defined in Plain \TeX\ are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)}} after their macro name.
+\LaTeX\ follows Plain \TeX, but defines a handful more, indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)}}.
+Symbols defined in \textsf{amssymb} are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)}}.
+Note that this list of fonts is not intended to be exhaustive but I am happy to add new fonts by request if they are distributed in \TeX\ Live.\footnote{Only a single \TeX\ Gyre Math font is shown here by design as they all largely have the same symbol coverage.}
+\section{Opening symbols, \cmd\mathopen}
+\section{Closing symbols, \cmd\mathclose}
+\section{Fence symbols, \cmd\mathfence}
+\section{Punctuation symbols, \cmd\mathpunct}
+\section{`Over' symbols, \cmd\mathover}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{`Under' symbols, \cmd\mathunder}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{Accents, \cmd\mathaccent}
+Note that accents will only be properly placed if used with an OpenType font with the necessary information.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+\section{Accents, \cmd\mathaccent}
+Note that accents will only be properly placed if used with an OpenType font with the necessary information.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+\section{Bottom accents, \cmd\mathbotaccent}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+% Added (df)
+\section{Bottom accents wide, \cmd\mathbotaccentwide}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 {\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{Big operators, \cmd\mathop}
+Of the operators shown below, a subset need to be flagged by \textsf{unicode-math} for \cmd\nolimits\ adjustments.
+The limits behaviour as specified by \textsf{unicode-math} are shown with grey subscripts and superscripts.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \stepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1_0^1$%
+  \fi
+\section{Binary relations, \cmd\mathbin}
+\section{Ordinary symbols, \cmd\mathord}
+\section{Relation symbols, \cmd\mathrel}
+\section{Alphabetical symbols, \cmd\mathalpha}
+% first read in all \mathalpha symbols into a variable:
+\cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol #1#2#3#4 {
+  \str_if_eq:nnT {\mathalpha} {#3} {
+    \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} }
+  }
+  \ALPHA{unicode-math-table.tex}
+  {\char_set_catcode_space:N \ }
+% now each time we print an alphabet we remove the slot;
+% this ensures we won't miss anything
+\cs_new:Npn \SLOTS #1#2 {
+  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
+    \bool_lazy_and:nnT
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 >= #1} }
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 <= #2} }
+      {
+        \PRINTLINE{##1}{##2}{##4}
+      }
+  }
+  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
+    \bool_lazy_or:nnT
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 > #2} }
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 < #1} }
+      {
+        \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {##1}{##2}{##3}{##4} }
+      }
+  }
+  \edef\ALPHA{\ALPHA}
+\subsection{Normal weight}
+\subsubsection{Upright Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Upright Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Script, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Script, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, lowercase}
+% /©
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% The UNICODE-MATH package  <wspr.io/unicode-math>
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% This package is free software and may be redistributed and/or modified under
+% the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher
+% (your choice): <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/>.
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright 2006-2019  Will Robertson, LPPL "maintainer"
+% Copyright 2010-2017  Philipp Stephani
+% Copyright 2011-2017  Joseph Wright
+% Copyright 2012-2015  Khaled Hosny
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% ©/
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% End:

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Regular.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Regular.otf
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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Sans.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Sans.otf
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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Semibold.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Semibold.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Semibold.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Semibold.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMath-Semibold.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Bold.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Bold.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Bold.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-BoldItalic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-BoldItalic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-BoldItalic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Italic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Italic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Italic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Regular.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Regular.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpMono-Regular.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Bold.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Bold.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Bold.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-BoldItalic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-BoldItalic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-BoldItalic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Italic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Italic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Italic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Light.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Light.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Light.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Light.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Light.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-LightItalic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-LightItalic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-LightItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-LightItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-LightItalic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Regular.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Regular.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Regular.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Semibold.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Semibold.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Semibold.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Semibold.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-Semibold.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Bold.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Bold.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Bold.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Bold.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-BoldItalic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-BoldItalic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-BoldItalic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-BoldItalic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Italic.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Italic.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Italic.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Italic.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Regular.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Regular.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Regular.otf	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/kpfonts-otf/KpSans-Regular.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpLight.fontspec
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpLight.fontspec	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpLight.fontspec	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  { Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Light,
+    BoldFont =       *-Semibold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-LightItalic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-SemiboldItalic
+  }

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpMono.fontspec
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpMono.fontspec	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpMono.fontspec	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  { Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  }

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman.fontspec
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman.fontspec	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpRoman.fontspec	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  { Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  }

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpSans.fontspec
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpSans.fontspec	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/KpSans.fontspec	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  { Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  }

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/kpfonts-otf.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/kpfonts-otf.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/kpfonts-otf.sty	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+% Ensure luatex or xetex engine
+\newif\ifkp at math	\kp at mathtrue
+\newif\ifkp at text  	\kp at texttrue
+\newif\ifkp at sf      \kp at sftrue
+\newif\ifkp at tt      \kp at tttrue
+\newif\ifkp at lighttext
+\newif\ifkp at largesmallcaps
+\newif\ifkp at osn
+\newif\ifkp at os
+\newif\ifkp at vos
+\newif\ifkp at Qtail
+\newif\ifkp at lightmath
+\newif\ifkp at osnm
+\newif\ifkp at narrowiints
+\newif\ifkp at partialup
+\newif\ifkp at Dcommand    \kp at Dcommandtrue
+\newif\ifkp at sfmathbb
+\newif\ifkp at frenchstyle
+\newif\ifkp at calasscr
+\newif\ifkp at oldReIm
+\newif\ifkp at symbols     \kp at symbolstrue
+% Global options
+\DeclareOption{light}             {\kp at lighttexttrue\kp at lightmathtrue}
+\DeclareOption{nomath}            {\kp at mathfalse\kp at symbolsfalse}
+\DeclareOption{notext}            {\kp at textfalse}
+\DeclareOption{nosf}              {\kp at sffalse}
+\DeclareOption{nott}              {\kp at ttfalse}
+\DeclareOption{onlyrm}            {\kp at ttfalse\kp at sffalse}
+% Text options
+\DeclareOption{lighttext}         {\kp at lighttexttrue}
+\DeclareOption{oldstylenums}      {\kp at osntrue}
+\DeclareOption{oldstyle}          {\kp at ostrue\kp at Qtailtrue}
+\DeclareOption{veryoldstyle}      {\kp at vostrue\kp at Qtailtrue}
+\DeclareOption{largesmallcaps}    {\kp at largesmallcapstrue}
+% Math options
+\DeclareOption{lightmath}         {\kp at lightmathtrue}
+\DeclareOption{bbsans}            {\kp at sfmathbbtrue}
+\DeclareOption{mathcal}           {\kp at calasscrtrue}
+\DeclareOption{narrowiints}       {\kp at narrowiintstrue}
+\DeclareOption{frenchstyle}       {\kp at frenchstyletrue}
+\DeclareOption{partialup}         {\kp at partialuptrue}
+\DeclareOption{oldstylenumsmath}  {\kp at osnmtrue}
+\DeclareOption{fancyReIm}         {\kp at oldReImtrue}
+\DeclareOption{noDcommand}        {\kp at Dcommandfalse}
+\DeclareOption{symbols}           {\kp at textfalse\kp at sffalse\kp at ttfalse
+                                   \kp at mathfalse}
+\ifkp at symbols  % true unless "nomath"
+  \RequirePackage{unicode-math}[2019/01/01]
+  % \D close integral
+  \ifkp at Dcommand
+    \newcommand*{\D}[1]{\mathclose{\,\symup{d}}#1}%
+  \fi
+% Loading Math fonts...
+\ifkp at math
+  \ifkp at lightmath
+    \ifkp at calasscr
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{RawFeature=+ss01}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at sfmathbb
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{RawFeature=+ss02}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at narrowiints
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{RawFeature=+ss03}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at frenchstyle
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{math-style=french}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at osnm
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{Numbers=Lowercase}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at oldReIm
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{RawFeature=+cv03}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at partialup
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Light.otf]{partial=upright}
+    \fi
+    \setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}
+  \else
+    \ifkp at calasscr
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{RawFeature=+ss01}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at sfmathbb
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{RawFeature=+ss02}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at narrowiints
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{RawFeature=+ss03}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at frenchstyle
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{math-style=french}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at osnm
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{Numbers=Lowercase}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at oldReIm
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{RawFeature=+cv03}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at partialup
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[KpMath-Regular.otf]{partial=upright}
+    \fi
+    \setmathfont{KpMath-Regular.otf}
+  \fi
+% Loading Text fonts...
+\ifkp at text
+  \RequirePackage{fontspec}[2019/01/01]
+  \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight]{Contextuals={WordFinal,Alternate}}
+  %Oldstylenums
+  \ifkp at osn
+    \ifkp at sf
+      \ifkp at tt
+        \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight,\sffamily,\ttfamily]%
+                             {Numbers=Lowercase}
+      \else
+        \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight,\sffamily]{Numbers=Lowercase}
+      \fi
+    \else
+        \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight]{Numbers=Lowercase}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  % Oldstyle
+  \ifkp at os
+    \ifkp at sf
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight,\sffamily]{%
+              Style=Swash,Ligatures={TeX,Rare},Numbers=Lowercase}
+    \else
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight]{%
+              Style=Swash,Ligatures={TeX,Rare},Numbers=Lowercase}
+    \fi
+    \ifkp at tt\defaultfontfeatures+[\ttfamily]{Numbers=Lowercase}\fi
+  \fi
+  % Veryoldstyle
+  \ifkp at vos
+    \ifkp at sf
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight,\sffamily]{%
+              Style=Historic, Ligatures={TeX,Historic}}
+    \else
+      \defaultfontfeatures+[\rmfamily,\KpLight]{%
+              Style=Historic, Ligatures={TeX,Historic}}
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifkp at largesmallcaps
+    \defaultfontfeatures+{SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=SmallCaps}}
+  \else
+    \defaultfontfeatures+{SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=PetiteCaps}}
+  \fi
+  % Text Serif fonts:
+  \setmainfont{KpRoman}[
+      Extension = .otf,
+      UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+      BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+      ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+      BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  ]
+  \newfontfamily\KpLight{KpRoman-Light}[
+      Extension = .otf,
+      BoldFont =       KpRoman-Semibold,
+      ItalicFont =     KpRoman-LightItalic,
+      BoldItalicFont = KpRoman-SemiboldItalic,
+      Ligatures=TeX
+  ]
+  \newfontface\Light{KpRoman-Light.otf}[Ligatures=TeX]
+  \newfontface\LightItalic {KpRoman-LightItalic.otf}[Ligatures=TeX]
+  \newfontface\Semibold{KpRoman-Semibold.otf}[Ligatures=TeX]
+  \newfontface\SemiboldItalic{KpRoman-SemiboldItalic.otf}[Ligatures=TeX]
+% Text Sans Serif fonts:
+\ifkp at sf
+  \defaultfontfeatures+[\sffamily]{Contextuals={WordFinal,Alternate}}
+  \setsansfont{KpSans}[
+    Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  ]
+% Text Typewriter fonts:
+\ifkp at tt
+  \defaultfontfeatures+[\ttfamily]{Contextuals={WordFinal,Alternate}}
+  \setmonofont{KpMono}[
+    Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =    *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =       *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =     *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
+  ]
+% Light option
+\ifkp at lighttext
+  \renewcommand{\rmfamily}{\KpLight}
+% Large/Petites smallcaps
+\DeclareRobustCommand\textlsc[1]{{\lscshape #1}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand\textpsc[1]{{\pscshape #1}}
+\ifkp at symbols
+  % Style aliases
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{mathcal}{ss01}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{bbsans}{ss02}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{narrowiints}{ss03}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{leqslant}{ss04}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{smaller}{ss05}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{subsetneq}{ss06}
+  \newopentypefeature{Style}{parallelslant}{ss07}
+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    % Kpfonts specific math symbols
+    \Umathchardef\msanspartial =         0 0 "E000 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mitsanspartial =       0 0 "E010 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mitsanswp =            0 0 "E015 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mitsansell =           0 0 "E019 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varemptyset =          0 0 "E021 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\lambdaslash =          0 0 "E029 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\lambdabar =            0 0 "E02A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbfvec =               0 0 "E044 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbfwp =                0 0 "E045 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbfimath =             0 0 "E046 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbfjmath =             0 0 "E047 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbfell =               0 0 "E049 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbhbar =               0 0 "E068 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mbhslash =             0 0 "E06F \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mithbar =              0 0 "E078 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\parallelbackslant =    3 0 "E080 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\nparallelbackslant =   3 0 "E081 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\parallelslant  =       3 0 "E090 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\nparallelslant =       3 0 "E091 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\nsubseteqq =           3 0 "E0AE \relax
+    \Umathchardef\nsupseteqq =           3 0 "E0AF \relax
+    \Umathchardef\@idotsint =            1 0 "E111 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Mmapsfrom =            0 0 "E400 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Mmapsto =              0 0 "E401 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mmapsfrom =            0 0 "E402 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\mmapsto =              0 0 "E403 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Longmmapsfrom =        0 0 "E404 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Longmmapsto =          0 0 "E405 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\longmmapsfrom =        0 0 "E406 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\longmmapsto =          0 0 "E407 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\leftrightdasharrow =   0 0 "E408 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\leadsto =              0 0 "E409 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\leadstoext =           0 0 "E40A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\longleadsto =          0 0 "E40B \relax
+    \Umathchardef\colonapprox =          0 0 "E410 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\colonsim =             0 0 "E411 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Colonapprox =          0 0 "E412 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Colonsim =             0 0 "E413 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\colondash =            0 0 "E414 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\eqqColon =             0 0 "E415 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Colondash =            0 0 "E416 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\dashColon =            0 0 "E417 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\strictif =             0 0 "E418 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\strictfi =             0 0 "E419 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\strictiff =            0 0 "E41A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circledwedge =         0 0 "E41B \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circledvee =           0 0 "E41C \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circledbar =           0 0 "E41D \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdot =          0 0 "E420 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdotinv =       0 0 "E421 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdotboth =      0 0 "E422 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapbothvert =     0 0 "E423 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdotbothvert =  0 0 "E424 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdotbothAvert = 0 0 "E425 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\multimapdotbothBvert = 0 0 "E426 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Wr =                   0 0 "E427 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxbar =               0 0 "E428 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\opentimes =            0 0 "E429 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\openJoin =             0 0 "E42A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\VvDash =               0 0 "E42B \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Diamondright =         0 0 "E430 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Diamondleft =          0 0 "E431 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Diamonddotright =      0 0 "E432 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\Diamonddotleft =       0 0 "E433 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxright =             0 0 "E434 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxleft =              0 0 "E435 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxdotright =          0 0 "E436 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxdotleft =           0 0 "E437 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\DiamondRight =         0 0 "E438 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\DiamondLeft =          0 0 "E439 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\DiamonddotRight =      0 0 "E43A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\DiamonddotLeft =       0 0 "E43B \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxRight  =            0 0 "E43C \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxLeft =              0 0 "E43D \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxdotRight =          0 0 "E43E \relax
+    \Umathchardef\boxdotLeft =           0 0 "E43F \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circleright =          0 0 "E440 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circleleft =           0 0 "E441 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circledotright =       0 0 "E442 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\circledotleft =        0 0 "E443 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\capplus =              0 0 "E444 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\bigcapplus =           0 0 "E445 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\sqcapplus =            0 0 "E447 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\bigsqcapplus =         0 0 "E448 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\sqcupplus =            0 0 "E44A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\bigsqcupplus =         0 0 "E44B \relax
+    \Umathchardef\oint at cw =              1 0 "E44E \relax
+    \Umathchardef\oiint at acw =            1 0 "E450 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varoiint at cw =          1 0 "E452 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\oiiint at acw =           1 0 "E454 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varoiiint at cw =         1 0 "E456 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varoiint at acw =         1 0 "E458 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\oiint at cw =             1 0 "E45A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varoiiint at acw =        1 0 "E45C \relax
+    \Umathchardef\oiiint at cw =            1 0 "E45E \relax
+    \Umathchardef\sq at iint =              1 0 "E460 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\sq at iiint =             1 0 "E462 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\var at int =              1 0 "E464 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\var at iint =             1 0 "E466 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\var at iiint =            1 0 "E468 \relax
+    \Umathchardef\var at iiiint =           1 0 "E46A \relax
+    \Umathchardef\var at idotsint =         1 0 "E46C \relax
+    \Umathchardef\varoint at acw =          1 0 "E46E \relax
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\ointclockwise}{\oint at cw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varointctrclockwise}{\varoint at acw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\oiintclockwise}{\oiint at cw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\oiintctrclockwise}{\oiint at acw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varoiintclockwise}{\varoiint at cw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varoiintctrclockwise}{\varoiint at acw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\oiiintclockwise}{\oiiint at cw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\oiiintctrclockwise}{\oiiint at acw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varoiiintclockwise}{\varoiiint at cw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varoiiintctrclockwise}{\varoiiint at acw\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\idotsint}{\@idotsint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\sqiint}{\sq at iint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\sqiiint}{\sq at iiint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varint}{\var at int\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\variint}{\var at iint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\variiint}{\var at iiint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\variiiint}{\var at iiiint\nolimits}%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\varidotsint}{\var at idotsint\nolimits}%
+    \Umathchardef\IM =                   0 0 "E7FE \relax
+    \Umathchardef\RE =                   0 0 "E7FF \relax
+    %\widearc and\overrightarc
+    \newcommand*{\widearc}{\Umathaccent  0 0 "E540 }%
+    \newcommand*{\widearcarrow}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "20D5 }%
+    \let\overrightarc\widearcarrow
+    % amssymb
+    \@ifpackageloaded{amssymb}%
+      {\PackageWarning{kpfonts-otf}{%
+         kpfonts-otf provides all AMS symbols.\MessageBreak
+         Loading amssymb.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+         Reported}%
+      }%
+      {% AMS Symbols not referenced in unicode-math-table.tex
+       % \Umathchardef\sum = <math type> <family> <slot>
+       % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
+       \Umathchardef\circledR =       0 0 "24C7 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\circledS =       0 0 "24C8 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\npreceq =        3 0 "E096 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\nsucceq =        3 0 "E097 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\diagup =         0 0 "E0A0 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\diagdown =       0 0 "E0A1 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\shortmid =       3 0 "E0A2 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\shortparallel =  3 0 "E0A3 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\nshortmid =      3 0 "E0A4 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\nshortparallel = 3 0 "E0A5 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\lvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A6 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\gvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A7 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\varsubsetneq =   3 0 "E0AC \relax
+       \Umathchardef\varsupsetneq =   3 0 "E0AD \relax
+       \Umathchardef\varsubsetneqq =  3 0 "E09C \relax
+       \Umathchardef\varsupsetneqq =  3 0 "E09D \relax
+       \Umathchardef\nleqslant =      3 0 "E0A8 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\ngeqslant =      3 0 "E0A9 \relax
+       \Umathchardef\nleqq =          3 0 "E0AA \relax
+       \Umathchardef\ngeqq =          3 0 "E0AB \relax
+       \Umathchardef\leadsto =        3 0 "E409 \relax
+       \let\centerdot\cdotp                % vysmblksquare ?
+       \let\restriction\upharpoonright
+       \let\doteqdot\Doteq
+       \let\doublecup\Cup
+       \let\doublecap\Cap
+       \let\llless\lll
+       \let\gggtr\ggg
+       \let\circlearrowleft\acwopencirclearrow
+       \let\circlearrowright\cwopencirclearrow
+       \let\lozenge\diamondsuit
+       \let\blacklozenge\vardiamondsuit
+       \let\square\mdlgwhtsquare
+       \let\blacksquare\mdlgblksquare
+       \let\dashleftarrow\leftdasharrow
+       \let\dashrightarrow\rightdasharrow
+       \let\ntriangleleft\nvartriangleleft
+       \let\ntriangleright\nvartriangleright
+       \let\varpropto\propto
+       \let\thicksim\sim
+       \let\thickapprox\approx
+       \let\smallsmile\smile
+       \let\smallfrown\frown
+      }%
+    % latexsym
+    \@ifpackageloaded{latexsym}%
+      {\PackageWarning{kpfonts-otf}{%
+         kpfonts-otf provides all LaTeX symbols.\MessageBreak
+         Loading latexsym.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+         Reported}%
+      }%
+      {\let\lhd\triangleleft
+       \let\rhd\triangleright
+       \let\unlhd\trianglelefteq
+       \let\unrhd\trianglerighteq
+       \let\Box\mdlgwhtsquare
+       \let\Diamond\mdwhtdiamond
+      }%
+  }

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kpfonts-otf/kpfonts-otf.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
     knitting knittingpattern knowledge knuth knuth-lib knuth-local
     koma-moderncvclassic koma-script koma-script-examples koma-script-sfs
     komacv komacv-rg kotex-oblivoir kotex-plain kotex-utf kotex-utils
-    kpfonts ksfh_nat ksp-thesis
+    kpfonts kpfonts-otf ksfh_nat ksp-thesis
     ktv-texdata ku-template kurdishlipsum kurier
     kvdefinekeys kvmap kvoptions kvsetkeys
   l2picfaq l2tabu l2tabu-english l2tabu-french l2tabu-italian l2tabu-spanish

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -660,6 +660,7 @@
  'koma-script-examples-4', "die 'skipping, just have koma-script-examples'",
  'koma-script-obsolete',   "die 'skipping, obsolete on CTAN'",
  'kpfonts',		"&MAKEflatten",
+ 'kpfonts-otf',		"&MAKEflatten",
  'ktv-texdata',         "&MAKEflatten",
  'kurier',              "&MAKEcopy",
  'kuvio',               "die 'skipping, nonfree license'",

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc	2020-06-03 21:26:23 UTC (rev 55406)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc	2020-06-03 21:27:32 UTC (rev 55407)
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
 depend junicode
 depend kixfont
 depend kpfonts
+depend kpfonts-otf
 depend kurier
 depend lato
 depend lexend

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/kpfonts-otf.tlpsrc

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