texlive[53624] Master: manual.cls not in runtime

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Feb 1 23:11:26 CET 2020

Revision: 53624
Author:   karl
Date:     2020-02-01 23:11:26 +0100 (Sat, 01 Feb 2020)
Log Message:
manual.cls not in runtime

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls (from rev 53623, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls	2020-02-01 22:11:26 UTC (rev 53624)
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% the CHEMFORMULA package
+%   typeset chemical compounds and reactions
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Clemens Niederberger
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% https://github.com/cgnieder/chemformula/
+% contact at mychemistry.eu
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
+% feel free to contact me.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright 2011--2020 Clemens Niederberger
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  package  = {chemformula},
+  info     = {typeset chemical compounds and reactions} ,
+  url      = http://www.mychemistry.eu/forums/forum/chemformula/ ,
+  authors  = Clemens Niederberger ,
+  email    = contact at mychemistry.eu ,
+  abstract = {%
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics{chemmacros-logo.pdf}
+    \par
+  } ,
+  add-cmds = {
+    bond,
+    ce, ch, charrow, chcpd, chemformula at bondlength, chemsetup, chlewis,
+      chname,
+    DeclareChemAdditionSymbol, DeclareChemArrow, DeclareChemBond,
+      DeclareChemBondAlias, DeclareChemCompoundProperty, DeclareChemSymbol,
+    mch,
+    NewChemAdditionSymbol, NewChemArrow, NewChemBond, NewChemBondAlias,
+      NewChemCompoundProperty, NewChemSymbol,
+    ox, OX,
+    pch,
+    redox, RemoveChemCompoundProperty, RenewChemAdditionSymbol,
+      RenewChemArrow, RenewChemBond, RenewChemCompoundProperty,
+      RenewChemSymbol,
+    setchemformula, ShowChemArrow, ShowChemBond
+  } ,
+  add-silent-cmds = {
+    addplot,
+    chemfig,
+    DeclareInstance, draw,
+    sample, setchemfig, sfrac,
+    usetikzlibrary
+  } ,
+  index-setup = { othercode=\footnotesize, level=\section } ,
+  makeindex-setup = {  columns=3, columnsep=1em }
+\def\libertine at figurestyle{LF}
+\undef\lvert \undef\lVert
+\undef\rvert \undef\rVert
+\def\libertine at figurestyle{OsF}
+\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at add@version[2]{%
+  \csdef{chemformula at ver@#2}{%
+    \DTMdate{#1}%
+    \csgdef{chemformula at ver@#2used}{}%
+    \csdef{chemformula at ver@#2}{\DTMdate{#1}}%
+  }%
+\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at date[1]{%
+  \ifcsdef{chemformula at ver@#1used}{}{ (\csuse{chemformula at ver@#1})}}
+\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at ifnew[1]{\ifcsstring{c_chemformula_version_tl}{#1}}
+\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at NEW{\faStarO\ New}
+  \chemformula at ifnew{#1}%
+    {\cnltx at version@note{\textcolor{red}{\chemformula at NEW}}}%
+    {\cnltx at version@note{\GetTranslation{cnltx-introduced}~#1\chemformula at date{#1}}}%
+  \cnltx at version@note{\GetTranslation{cnltx-changed}~#1\chemformula at date{#1}}%
+  \GetTranslation{cnltx-introduced}~#1\chemformula at date{#1},
+  changed with version~#2\chemformula at date{#2}\chemformula at ifnew{#2}{ \chemformula at NEW}{}%
+  {%
+    \cnltx at set@catcode_{12}%
+    \let\command\cnltx at command
+    \cnltxlist
+  }
+  {\endcnltxlist}
+\tcbset{enhanced,enhanced jigsaw}
+  colback  = white ,
+  colframe = red ,
+  underlay={%
+    \path[draw=none]
+      (interior.south west)
+      rectangle node[red]{\Huge\bfseries !}
+      ([xshift=-4mm]interior.north west);
+    }%
+  boxrule = 1pt ,
+  colback = cnltxbg ,
+  colframe = cnltx ,
+  arc = 5pt ,
+  beforeafter skip = .5\baselineskip ,%
+  #1%
+\newcommand*\chemformula at readoptions[1]{%
+  \catcode`\^^M=13
+  \chemformula at read@options{#1}%
+\gdef\chemformula at read@options#1#2^^M{%
+  \endgroup
+  \ifblank{#2}{}{\chemformula at read@options@#2}%
+  #1%
+  \XSIMfilewritestart*{\jobname.tmp}%
+\def\chemformula at read@options@[#1]{\pgfqkeys{/cnltx}{#1}}
+  {%
+    \begingroup
+    \chemformula at readoptions{%
+      \setlength\cnltx at sidebysidewidth
+        {\dimexpr .45\columnwidth -\lst at xleftmargin -\lst at xrightmargin\relax}%
+      \expanded{%
+        \noexpand\lstset{
+          style=cnltx,
+          \ifboolexpe{ bool {cnltx at sidebyside} and not bool {cnltx at codeonly} }
+            {linewidth=\cnltx at sidebysidewidth,}{}%
+          \expandonce\cnltx at local@listings at options
+        }%
+      }%
+      \XSIMgobblechars{2}%
+    }%
+  }
+  {%
+    \XSIMfilewritestop
+    \cnltxcode[breakable]%
+    \lstinputlisting[style=cnltx]{\jobname.tmp}%
+    \endcnltxcode
+  }
+  {%
+    \begingroup
+    \chemformula at readoptions{%
+      \setlength\cnltx at sidebysidewidth
+        {\dimexpr .45\columnwidth -\lst at xleftmargin -\lst at xrightmargin\relax}%
+      \expanded{%
+        \noexpand\lstset{
+          style=cnltx,
+          \ifboolexpe{ bool {cnltx at sidebyside} and not bool {cnltx at codeonly} }
+            {linewidth=\cnltx at sidebysidewidth,}{}%
+          \expandonce\cnltx at local@listings at options
+        }%
+      }%
+      \XSIMgobblechars{2}%
+    }%
+  }
+  {%
+    \XSIMfilewritestop
+    \ifbool{cnltx at sidebyside}
+      {%
+        \cnltxcode
+        \noindent
+        \minipage[c]{\cnltx at sidebysidewidth}%
+          \cnltx at pre@source at hook
+          \lstinputlisting[style=cnltx] {\jobname.tmp}%
+          \cnltx at after@source at hook
+        \endminipage\hfill
+        \minipage[c]{\cnltx at sidebysidewidth}%
+          \cnltx at pre@example at hook
+          \input {\jobname.tmp}%
+          \cnltx at after@example at hook
+        \endminipage
+      }
+      {%
+        \cnltxcode[breakable]%
+        \cnltx at pre@source at hook
+        \lstinputlisting{\jobname.tmp}%
+        \cnltx at after@source at hook
+        \tcblower
+        \cnltx at pre@example at hook
+        \input {\jobname.tmp}%
+        \cnltx at after@example at hook
+      }%
+    \endcnltxcode
+  }
+  backend=biber,
+  style=cnltx,
+  sortlocale=en_US,
+  indexing=cite]{biblatex}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-01-28}{3.0}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-01-30}{3.0a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-03}{3.0b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-05}{3.0c}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-10}{3.0d}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-19}{3.1}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-26}{3.1a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-03}{3.1b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-14}{3.1c}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-20}{3.2}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-07}{3.3}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-13}{3.3a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-18}{3.3b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-18}{3.3c}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-07-24}{3.3d}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-08-21}{3.3e}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-09-11}{3.4}
+\chemformula at add@version{2012-10-03}{3.4a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-01-04}{3.4b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-01-28}{3.5}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-19}{3.5a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-26}{3.6}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-27}{3.6a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-04-19}{3.6b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-07-06}{4.0}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-07-26}{4.0a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-08-24}{4.1}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-10-24}{4.2}
+\chemformula at add@version{2013-11-04}{4.2a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-01-24}{4.3}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-01-29}{4.4}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-04-07}{4.5}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-06-30}{4.6}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-08-04}{4.7}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-08-08}{4.8}
+\chemformula at add@version{2014-10-07}{4.9}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-03-16}{4.10}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-04-03}{4.10a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-06-30}{4.11}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-08-12}{4.12}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-08-29}{4.12a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-09-08}{4.12b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-01-01}{4.13}
+\chemformula at add@version{2015-10-21}{4.14}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-01-07}{4.14a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-05-03}{4.14b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-05-11}{4.15}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-06-08}{4.15a}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-06-08}{4.15b}
+\chemformula at add@version{2016-08-21}{4.15c}
+\chemformula at add@version{2017-02-02}{4.15d}
+\chemformula at add@version{2017-03-23}{4.15e}
+\chemformula at add@version{2019-09-23}{4.15f}
+\chemformula at add@version{2019-09-27}{4.15g}
+\chemformula at add@version{2019-10-13}{4.15h}
+\chemformula at add@version{2020-02-01}{4.15i}

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls	2020-02-01 22:10:11 UTC (rev 53623)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/chemformula/chemformula-manual.cls	2020-02-01 22:11:26 UTC (rev 53624)
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% the CHEMFORMULA package
-%   typeset chemical compounds and reactions
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Clemens Niederberger
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% https://github.com/cgnieder/chemformula/
-% contact at mychemistry.eu
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
-% feel free to contact me.
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Copyright 2011--2020 Clemens Niederberger
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  package  = {chemformula},
-  info     = {typeset chemical compounds and reactions} ,
-  url      = http://www.mychemistry.eu/forums/forum/chemformula/ ,
-  authors  = Clemens Niederberger ,
-  email    = contact at mychemistry.eu ,
-  abstract = {%
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics{chemmacros-logo.pdf}
-    \par
-  } ,
-  add-cmds = {
-    bond,
-    ce, ch, charrow, chcpd, chemformula at bondlength, chemsetup, chlewis,
-      chname,
-    DeclareChemAdditionSymbol, DeclareChemArrow, DeclareChemBond,
-      DeclareChemBondAlias, DeclareChemCompoundProperty, DeclareChemSymbol,
-    mch,
-    NewChemAdditionSymbol, NewChemArrow, NewChemBond, NewChemBondAlias,
-      NewChemCompoundProperty, NewChemSymbol,
-    ox, OX,
-    pch,
-    redox, RemoveChemCompoundProperty, RenewChemAdditionSymbol,
-      RenewChemArrow, RenewChemBond, RenewChemCompoundProperty,
-      RenewChemSymbol,
-    setchemformula, ShowChemArrow, ShowChemBond
-  } ,
-  add-silent-cmds = {
-    addplot,
-    chemfig,
-    DeclareInstance, draw,
-    sample, setchemfig, sfrac,
-    usetikzlibrary
-  } ,
-  index-setup = { othercode=\footnotesize, level=\section } ,
-  makeindex-setup = {  columns=3, columnsep=1em }
-\def\libertine at figurestyle{LF}
-\undef\lvert \undef\lVert
-\undef\rvert \undef\rVert
-\def\libertine at figurestyle{OsF}
-\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at add@version[2]{%
-  \csdef{chemformula at ver@#2}{%
-    \DTMdate{#1}%
-    \csgdef{chemformula at ver@#2used}{}%
-    \csdef{chemformula at ver@#2}{\DTMdate{#1}}%
-  }%
-\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at date[1]{%
-  \ifcsdef{chemformula at ver@#1used}{}{ (\csuse{chemformula at ver@#1})}}
-\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at ifnew[1]{\ifcsstring{c_chemformula_version_tl}{#1}}
-\newrobustcmd*\chemformula at NEW{\faStarO\ New}
-  \chemformula at ifnew{#1}%
-    {\cnltx at version@note{\textcolor{red}{\chemformula at NEW}}}%
-    {\cnltx at version@note{\GetTranslation{cnltx-introduced}~#1\chemformula at date{#1}}}%
-  \cnltx at version@note{\GetTranslation{cnltx-changed}~#1\chemformula at date{#1}}%
-  \GetTranslation{cnltx-introduced}~#1\chemformula at date{#1},
-  changed with version~#2\chemformula at date{#2}\chemformula at ifnew{#2}{ \chemformula at NEW}{}%
-  {%
-    \cnltx at set@catcode_{12}%
-    \let\command\cnltx at command
-    \cnltxlist
-  }
-  {\endcnltxlist}
-\tcbset{enhanced,enhanced jigsaw}
-  colback  = white ,
-  colframe = red ,
-  underlay={%
-    \path[draw=none]
-      (interior.south west)
-      rectangle node[red]{\Huge\bfseries !}
-      ([xshift=-4mm]interior.north west);
-    }%
-  boxrule = 1pt ,
-  colback = cnltxbg ,
-  colframe = cnltx ,
-  arc = 5pt ,
-  beforeafter skip = .5\baselineskip ,%
-  #1%
-\newcommand*\chemformula at readoptions[1]{%
-  \catcode`\^^M=13
-  \chemformula at read@options{#1}%
-\gdef\chemformula at read@options#1#2^^M{%
-  \endgroup
-  \ifblank{#2}{}{\chemformula at read@options@#2}%
-  #1%
-  \XSIMfilewritestart*{\jobname.tmp}%
-\def\chemformula at read@options@[#1]{\pgfqkeys{/cnltx}{#1}}
-  {%
-    \begingroup
-    \chemformula at readoptions{%
-      \setlength\cnltx at sidebysidewidth
-        {\dimexpr .45\columnwidth -\lst at xleftmargin -\lst at xrightmargin\relax}%
-      \expanded{%
-        \noexpand\lstset{
-          style=cnltx,
-          \ifboolexpe{ bool {cnltx at sidebyside} and not bool {cnltx at codeonly} }
-            {linewidth=\cnltx at sidebysidewidth,}{}%
-          \expandonce\cnltx at local@listings at options
-        }%
-      }%
-      \XSIMgobblechars{2}%
-    }%
-  }
-  {%
-    \XSIMfilewritestop
-    \cnltxcode[breakable]%
-    \lstinputlisting[style=cnltx]{\jobname.tmp}%
-    \endcnltxcode
-  }
-  {%
-    \begingroup
-    \chemformula at readoptions{%
-      \setlength\cnltx at sidebysidewidth
-        {\dimexpr .45\columnwidth -\lst at xleftmargin -\lst at xrightmargin\relax}%
-      \expanded{%
-        \noexpand\lstset{
-          style=cnltx,
-          \ifboolexpe{ bool {cnltx at sidebyside} and not bool {cnltx at codeonly} }
-            {linewidth=\cnltx at sidebysidewidth,}{}%
-          \expandonce\cnltx at local@listings at options
-        }%
-      }%
-      \XSIMgobblechars{2}%
-    }%
-  }
-  {%
-    \XSIMfilewritestop
-    \ifbool{cnltx at sidebyside}
-      {%
-        \cnltxcode
-        \noindent
-        \minipage[c]{\cnltx at sidebysidewidth}%
-          \cnltx at pre@source at hook
-          \lstinputlisting[style=cnltx] {\jobname.tmp}%
-          \cnltx at after@source at hook
-        \endminipage\hfill
-        \minipage[c]{\cnltx at sidebysidewidth}%
-          \cnltx at pre@example at hook
-          \input {\jobname.tmp}%
-          \cnltx at after@example at hook
-        \endminipage
-      }
-      {%
-        \cnltxcode[breakable]%
-        \cnltx at pre@source at hook
-        \lstinputlisting{\jobname.tmp}%
-        \cnltx at after@source at hook
-        \tcblower
-        \cnltx at pre@example at hook
-        \input {\jobname.tmp}%
-        \cnltx at after@example at hook
-      }%
-    \endcnltxcode
-  }
-  backend=biber,
-  style=cnltx,
-  sortlocale=en_US,
-  indexing=cite]{biblatex}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-01-28}{3.0}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-01-30}{3.0a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-03}{3.0b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-05}{3.0c}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-10}{3.0d}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-19}{3.1}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-02-26}{3.1a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-03}{3.1b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-14}{3.1c}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-03-20}{3.2}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-07}{3.3}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-13}{3.3a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-18}{3.3b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-05-18}{3.3c}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-07-24}{3.3d}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-08-21}{3.3e}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-09-11}{3.4}
-\chemformula at add@version{2012-10-03}{3.4a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-01-04}{3.4b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-01-28}{3.5}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-19}{3.5a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-26}{3.6}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-02-27}{3.6a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-04-19}{3.6b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-07-06}{4.0}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-07-26}{4.0a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-08-24}{4.1}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-10-24}{4.2}
-\chemformula at add@version{2013-11-04}{4.2a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-01-24}{4.3}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-01-29}{4.4}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-04-07}{4.5}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-06-30}{4.6}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-08-04}{4.7}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-08-08}{4.8}
-\chemformula at add@version{2014-10-07}{4.9}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-03-16}{4.10}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-04-03}{4.10a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-06-30}{4.11}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-08-12}{4.12}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-08-29}{4.12a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-09-08}{4.12b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-01-01}{4.13}
-\chemformula at add@version{2015-10-21}{4.14}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-01-07}{4.14a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-05-03}{4.14b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-05-11}{4.15}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-06-08}{4.15a}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-06-08}{4.15b}
-\chemformula at add@version{2016-08-21}{4.15c}
-\chemformula at add@version{2017-02-02}{4.15d}
-\chemformula at add@version{2017-03-23}{4.15e}
-\chemformula at add@version{2019-09-23}{4.15f}
-\chemformula at add@version{2019-09-27}{4.15g}
-\chemformula at add@version{2019-10-13}{4.15h}
-\chemformula at add@version{2020-02-01}{4.15i}

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-02-01 22:10:11 UTC (rev 53623)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-02-01 22:11:26 UTC (rev 53624)
@@ -1744,6 +1744,7 @@
  'captdef',     '^..[^s].*\.sty',       # not miscdoc.sty
  'carlisle',    '\.sty|\.ltx',
  'chemfig',     '(t-)?chemfig.tex|' . $standardtex,
+ 'chemformula', '\.sty$',		# not chemformula-manual.cls
  'chemstyle',   '\.jdf|' . $standardtex,
  'chickenize',  'chickenize\.tex|\.lua|' . $standardtex,
  'chronosys',   '^(x-)?chronosys',

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