texlive[56172] trunk: pst2pdf (24aug20)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Mon Aug 24 22:55:24 CEST 2020

Revision: 56172
Author:   karl
Date:     2020-08-24 22:55:24 +0200 (Mon, 24 Aug 2020)
Log Message:
pst2pdf (24aug20)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl	2020-08-24 20:51:50 UTC (rev 56171)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 use v5.26;
 ############################# LICENCE ##################################
-# $Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2014-09-24 12:04:09Z herbert $                   #
-# v0.19  2020-08-16 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf              #
+# v0.20  2020-08-24 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf              #
 # (c) Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>                                     #
 #     Pablo González L <pablgonz at yahoo.com>                            #
 #                                                                      #
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@
 my $noprew  = 0;        # 1->create images in nopreview mode
 my $runbibtex = 0;      # 1->runs bibtex
 my $runbiber  = 0;      # 1->runs biber and sets $runbibtex=0
-my $all = 0;            # 1->create all images and files for type
 my $xetex  = 0;         # 1->Using (Xe)LaTeX for compilation.
 my $luatex = 0;         # 1->Using dvilualatex for compilation.
 my $latexmk = 0;        # 1->Using latexmk for compiler output file.
@@ -81,9 +79,9 @@
 ### Script identification
 my $scriptname = 'pst2pdf';
-my $nv         = 'v0.19';
-my $date       = '2020-08-17';
-my $ident      = '$Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2020-08-16 12:04:09Z herbert $';
+my $nv         = 'v0.20';
+my $date       = '2020-08-22';
+my $ident      = '$Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2020-08-22 12:04:09Z herbert $';
 ### Log vars
 my $LogFile = "$scriptname.log";
@@ -347,7 +345,7 @@
     'imgdir=s'           => \$imgdir,   # string
     'myverb=s'           => \$myverb,   # string
     'ignore=s'           => \$tmpverbenv, # string
-    'c|clear'            => \$clear,    # flag
+    'c|clear'            => \$clear,    # flag (unused)
     'ni|norun|noimages'  => \$norun,    # flag
     'np|noprew|single'   => \$noprew,   # flag
     'bibtex'             => \$runbibtex,# flag
@@ -368,7 +366,6 @@
     's|svg'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{svg}, # pdftocairo
     'e|eps'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{eps}, # pdftops
     'P|ppm'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{ppm}, # pdftoppm
-    'a|all'              => \$all,      # flag
     'x|xetex'            => \$xetex,    # flag
     'luatex'             => \$luatex,   # flag
     'ns|nosource'        => \$nosource, # flag
@@ -1153,14 +1150,15 @@
 ### Pass verbatim write environments to dtxtag
 Log("Pass verbatim write environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
-$document  =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                ($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$document   =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 ($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$atbegindoc =~ s/($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
 ### Pass verbatim environments to dtxtag
 Log("Pass verbatim environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
-$document  =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                \%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                ($verb_std)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$document   =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 \%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 ($verb_std)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
 ### Pass %CleanPST to dtxtag
 Log("Pass %CleanPST ... %CleanPST to %<*remove$tmp> ... %</remove$tmp>");
@@ -1409,9 +1407,7 @@
 ### Set -q for system command line (gs, poppler-utils, dvips)
-my $quiet = $verbose ? q{}
-          :            '-q'
-          ;
+my $quiet = $verbose ? q{} : '-q';
 ### Set options for ghostscript
 my %opt_gs_dev = (
@@ -1590,6 +1586,7 @@
 ### Remove %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb> in tmpbodydoc and preamout
 $tmpbodydoc =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
 $preamout   =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+$atbeginout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
 ### Adjust nopreview environments
 $tmpbodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp
@@ -1848,45 +1845,6 @@
 ### Constant
 my $findgraphicx = 'true';
-### Suport for pst-exa package
-my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x;
-my @pst_exa;
-my %pst_exa;
-### Possible packages that load graphicx
-my @pkgcandidates = qw (
-    rotating epsfig lyluatex xunicode parsa xepersian-hm gregoriotex teixmlslides
-    teixml fotex hvfloat pgfplots grfpaste gmbase hep-paper postage schulealt
-    schule utfsym cachepic abc doclicense rotating epsfig semtrans mgltex
-    graphviz revquantum mpostinl cmpj cmpj2 cmpj3 chemschemex register papercdcase
-    flipbook wallpaper asyprocess draftwatermark rutitlepage dccpaper-base
-    nbwp-manual mandi fmp toptesi isorot pinlabel cmll graphicx-psmin ptmxcomp
-    countriesofeurope iodhbwm-templates fgruler combinedgraphics pax pdfpagediff
-    psfragx epsdice perfectcut upmethodology-fmt ftc-notebook tabvar vtable
-    teubner pas-cv gcard table-fct pdfpages keyfloat pdfscreen showexpl simplecd
-    ifmslide grffile reflectgraphics markdown bclogo tikz-page pst-uml realboxes
-    musikui csbulobalka lwarp mathtools sympytex mpgraphics miniplot.sty:77
-    dottex pdftricks2 feupphdteses tex4ebook axodraw2 hagenberg-thesis dlfltxb
-    hu-berlin-bundle draftfigure quicktype endofproofwd euflag othelloboard
-    pdftricks unswcover breqn pdfswitch latex-make figlatex repltext etsvthor
-    cyber xcookybooky xfrac mercatormap chs-physics-report tikzscale ditaa
-    pst-poker gmp CJKvert asypictureb hletter tikz-network powerdot-fuberlin
-    skeyval gnuplottex plantslabels fancytooltips ieeepes pst-vectorian
-    phfnote overpic xtuformat stubs graphbox ucs pdfwin metalogo mwe
-    inline-images asymptote UNAMThesis authorarchive amscdx pst-pdf adjustbox
-    trimclip fixmetodonotes incgraph scanpages pst-layout alertmessage
-    svg quiz2socrative realhats autopdf egplot decorule figsize tikzexternal
-    pgfcore frontespizio textglos graphicx tikz tcolorbox pst-exa
-    );
-my $pkgcandidates = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @pkgcandidates;
-$pkgcandidates = qr/$pkgcandidates/x;
-my @graphicxpkg;
-### \graphicspath
-my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix;
-my @graphicspath;
 ### Replacing the extracted environments with \includegraphics
 Log("Convert pstricks extracted environments to \\includegraphics for $name-pdf$ext");
 my $grap  =  "\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$name-fig-";
@@ -1900,49 +1858,84 @@
 ### Remove content in preamble
 my @tag_remove_preamble = $preamble =~ m/(?:^\%<\*remove$tmp>.+?\%<\/remove$tmp>)/gmsx;
 if (@tag_remove_preamble) {
-    Log("Removing the content between <*remove> ... </remove> tags in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    Log("Removing the content between %CleanPST ... %CleanPST in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $preamble =~ s/^\%<\*remove$tmp>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/remove$tmp>(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
-### To be sure that the package is in the main document and not in a
-### verbatim write environment we make the changes using the hash and
-### range operator in a copy
+### Suport for pst-exa package
+my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x;
+my @pst_exa;
+my %pst_exa;
+### Search pst-exa package
+ at pst_exa  = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$pstexa/gmsx;
+%pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa;
+### If found comment and adjust path for graphic files
+if (@pst_exa) {
+    Log("Comment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    $findgraphicx = 'false';
+    $preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                  (\\usepackage\[)\s*(swpl|tcb)\s*(\]\{pst-exa\})/\%$1$2,pdf$3/msxg;
+    # Change for [tcb] option (path for graphic files)
+    if (exists $pst_exa{tcb}) {
+        Log("Suport for \\usepackage[tcb,pdf]\{pst-exa\} for $name-pdf$ext");
+        $bodydoc =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imgdir\/$name-fig-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+    }
+### Regex for remove (pst-?) packages in preamble
+$PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add | -pdf )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf(?: -lua )? )/x;
+$FAMILIA  = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
+Log("Remove pstricks packages in preamble for $name-pdf$ext [no pst-exa]");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
+### Uncomment pst-exa package
+if (@pst_exa) {
+    Log("Uncomment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    $preamble =~ s/(?:\%)(\\usepackage\[\s*)(swpl|tcb)(,pdf\s*\]\{pst-exa\})/$1$2$3/msxg;
+Log("Remove \\psset\{...\} in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+Log("Remove \\SpecialCoor in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+Log("Remove empty lines in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### To be sure that the package graphicx and \graphicspath is in the main
+### document and not in a verbatim write environment we make the changes
 my %tmpreplace = (
     'graphicx'     => 'TMPGRAPHICXTMP',
-    'pst-exa'      => 'TMPPSTEXATMP',
     'graphicspath' => 'TMPGRAPHICSPATHTMP',
 my $findtmp     = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %tmpreplace;
-my $preambletmp = $preamble;
-my @lineas = split /\n/, $preambletmp;
-### We remove the commented lines
-s/\%.*(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//msg foreach @lineas;
-### We make the changes in the environments verbatim write
-my $DEL;
-for (@lineas) {
-    if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) {
-        s/($findtmp)/$tmpreplace{$1}/g;
-    }
+### We go line by line and make the changes [need /p for ${^MATCH}]
+while ($preamble =~ /\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb> | $tmpcomment /pgmsx) {
+    my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+    my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+    $encontrado =~ s/($findtmp)/$tmpreplace{$1}/g;
+    substr $preamble, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+    pos ($preamble) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
-### Join lines in $preambletmp
-$preambletmp = join "\n", @lineas;
+### Now we're trying to capture \graphicspath{...}
+my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix;
+my @graphicspath;
+ at graphicspath = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|($graphicspath)/gmsx;
-### We removed the blank lines
-$preambletmp =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
-### Now we're trying to capture
- at graphicxpkg = $preambletmp =~ m/($pkgcandidates)/gmsx;
-if (@graphicxpkg) {
-    Log("Found graphicx package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $findgraphicx = 'false';
-### Search graphicspath
- at graphicspath = $preambletmp =~ m/graphicspath/msx;
 if (@graphicspath) {
     Log("Found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $findgraphicx = 'false';
@@ -1961,19 +1954,53 @@
-### Search pst-exa
- at pst_exa  = $preambletmp =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$pstexa/xg;
-%pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa;
-if (@pst_exa) {
-    Log("Comment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+### Possible packages that load graphicx
+my @pkgcandidates = qw (
+    rotating epsfig lyluatex xunicode parsa xepersian-hm gregoriotex teixmlslides
+    teixml fotex hvfloat pgfplots grfpaste gmbase hep-paper postage schulealt
+    schule utfsym cachepic abc doclicense rotating epsfig semtrans mgltex
+    graphviz revquantum mpostinl cmpj cmpj2 cmpj3 chemschemex register papercdcase
+    flipbook wallpaper asyprocess draftwatermark rutitlepage dccpaper-base
+    nbwp-manual mandi fmp toptesi isorot pinlabel cmll graphicx-psmin ptmxcomp
+    countriesofeurope iodhbwm-templates fgruler combinedgraphics pax pdfpagediff
+    psfragx epsdice perfectcut upmethodology-fmt ftc-notebook tabvar vtable
+    teubner pas-cv gcard table-fct pdfpages keyfloat pdfscreen showexpl simplecd
+    ifmslide grffile reflectgraphics markdown bclogo tikz-page pst-uml realboxes
+    musikui csbulobalka lwarp mathtools sympytex mpgraphics miniplot.sty:77
+    dottex pdftricks2 feupphdteses tex4ebook axodraw2 hagenberg-thesis dlfltxb
+    hu-berlin-bundle draftfigure quicktype endofproofwd euflag othelloboard
+    pdftricks unswcover breqn pdfswitch latex-make figlatex repltext etsvthor
+    cyber xcookybooky xfrac mercatormap chs-physics-report tikzscale ditaa
+    pst-poker gmp CJKvert asypictureb hletter tikz-network powerdot-fuberlin
+    skeyval gnuplottex plantslabels fancytooltips ieeepes pst-vectorian
+    phfnote overpic xtuformat stubs graphbox ucs pdfwin metalogo mwe
+    inline-images asymptote UNAMThesis authorarchive amscdx adjustbox
+    trimclip fixmetodonotes incgraph scanpages alertmessage
+    svg quiz2socrative realhats autopdf egplot decorule figsize tikzexternal
+    pgfcore frontespizio textglos graphicx tikz tcolorbox
+    );
+my $pkgcandidates = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @pkgcandidates;
+$pkgcandidates = qr/$pkgcandidates/x;
+my @graphicxpkg;
+### Now we're trying to capture graphicx package
+ at graphicxpkg = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|($pkgcandidates)/gmsx;
+if (@graphicxpkg and $findgraphicx ne 'false') {
+    Log("Found graphicx package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $findgraphicx = 'false';
-    $preamble =~ s/(\\usepackage\[)\s*(swpl|tcb)\s*(\]\{pst-exa\})/\%$1$2,pdf$3/msxg;
-if (exists $pst_exa{tcb}) {
-    Log("Suport for \\usepackage[tcb,pdf]\{pst-exa\} for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $bodydoc =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imgdir\/$name-fig-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+### Revert changes in preamble for temp <output file>
+my %tmpoutreplace = (
+    'TMPGRAPHICXTMP'     => 'graphicx',
+    'TMPGRAPHICSPATHTMP' => 'graphicspath',
+%replace  = (%changes_out,%tmpoutreplace);
+$find     = join q{|}, map {quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
 ### Try to capture arara:compiler in preamble of <output file>
 my @arara_engines = qw (latex pdflatex lualatex xelatex luahbtex);
 my $arara_engines = join q{|}, map { quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } @arara_engines;
@@ -1981,28 +2008,36 @@
 my $arara_rule = qr /^(?:\%\s{1}arara[:]\s{1}) ($arara_engines) /msx;
 ### Capture graphicx.sty in .log of LaTeX file
-if ($findgraphicx eq 'true') {
+if ($findgraphicx ne 'false') {
     Log("Couldn't capture the graphicx package for $name-pdf$ext in preamble");
     my $ltxlog;
     my @graphicx;
     my $null = devnull();
+    # Copy preamble and revert changes
+    my $preambletmp = $preamble;
+    $preambletmp =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+    $preambletmp   =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
     Log("Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext [only preamble]");
     if ($verbose) { say "Creating [$name-fig-$tmp$ext] with only preamble"; }
     open my $OUTfile, '>', "$name-fig-$tmp$ext";
-        print {$OUTfile} "$preamble\n\\stop";
+        print {$OUTfile} "$preambletmp\n\\stop";
     close $OUTfile;
-    # Set compiler
+    # Set compiler for arara
     if ($opts_cmd{compiler}{arara}) {
-        my @engine = $preamble =~ m/$arara_rule/msx;
+        my @engine = $atbegindoc =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$arara_rule/msx;
         my %engine = map { $_ => 1 } @engine;
         if (%engine) {
             for my $var (@arara_engines) {
                 if (defined $engine{$var}) {
+                    Log("Found engine [$var] for arara");
                     $compiler = $var;
-        else { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
+        else {
+            Log("Not detected engine for arara, use default [pdflatex]");
+            $compiler = 'pdflatex';
+        }
     if ($compiler eq 'latex') { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
     if ($compiler eq 'dvilualatex') { $compiler = 'lualatex'; }
@@ -2025,48 +2060,28 @@
     else {
         Log("Not found graphicx package in $name-fig-$tmp.log");
         Log("Add \\usepackage\{graphicx\} to preamble of $name-pdf$ext");
-        $preamble= "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{graphicx\}";
+        $preamble= "$preamble\\usepackage\{graphicx\}\n";
-### Regex for clean (pst-?) in preamble
-$PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add | -pdf )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf(?: -lua )? )/x;
-$FAMILIA  = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
-Log("Remove pstricks packages in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
-if (@pst_exa) {
-    Log("Uncomment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $preamble =~ s/(?:\%)(\\usepackage\[\s*)(swpl|tcb)(,pdf\s*\]\{pst-exa\})/$1$2$3/msxg;
 ### Add last lines
 if (!@graphicspath) {
     Log("Not found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     Log("Add \\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $preamble= "$preamble\n\\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\}";
+    $preamble= "$preamble\\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\}\n";
 Log("Add \\usepackage\{grfext\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble = "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{grfext\}";
+$preamble = "$preamble\\usepackage\{grfext\}\n";
 Log("Add \\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble = "$preamble\n\\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\}";
+$preamble = "$preamble\\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\}";
 $preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
 ### Create a <output file>
 my $out_file = "$preamble\n$bodydoc\n$enddoc";
-### Clean \psset content in output file
+### Clean \psset{...} content in <output file>
+Log("Remove \\psset\{...\} in body for $name-pdf$ext");
 $out_file =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp.+?\\end\{nopreview\}\%$tmp(*SKIP)(*F)|
                \%<\*$dtxverb> .+? \%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
                \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
@@ -2087,7 +2102,7 @@
 ### Remove internal mark for verbatim and verbatim write environments
 $out_file =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
-%replace  = (%changes_out);
+%replace  = (%changes_out,%tmpoutreplace);
 $find     = join q{|}, map {quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
 $out_file =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
@@ -2115,6 +2130,7 @@
              : $luatex ? "-pdflua -silent -lualatex=\"lualatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
              :           "-pdf -silent -pdflatex=\"pdflatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
 ### Set options for compiler
 $opt_compiler = $arara   ? '--log'
               : $latexmk ? "$ltxmkopt"
@@ -2121,7 +2137,13 @@
               :            "$write18 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder"
-### Set compiler name for arara and latexmk
+### Set message in terminal
+$msg_compiler = $xetex  ? 'xelatex'
+              : $luatex ? 'lualatex'
+              :           'pdflatex'
+              ;
+### Set compiler message and compiler for arara and latexmk
 if ($arara) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'arara'; }
 if ($latexmk) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'latexmk'; }

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Changes
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Changes	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Changes	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+pst2pdf.pl --------
+0.20  2020-08-24  - Fix graphicx detection
+                  - Fix typo in documentation
+                  - Remove unused vars
+0.19  2020-08-17  - Add new options to CLI
+                  - Remove deprecate code
+                  - Rewrite documentation
+                  - Remove unused options
+0.18  2017-10-04  - Fix typos in the code comments
+0.17  2017-09-11  - Fix escape character in regex
+0.16  2014-09-14  - Using gs for split pdf (no more pdftk)
+                  - Support package pst-exa for examples
+                  - Adding svg image support
+                  - Ignore inline verbatim
+0.15  2013-06-16  - Adding short options for command line
+                  - Create png and jpg files in Linux and Windows
+                  - Pass options to ps2pdf
+0.14  2013-02-27  - Suport xelatex and -help from command line
+0.13  2011-12-12  - Some more improvements to the code
+0.12  2011-01-19  - New optional arguments for running
+                    bibtex or biber
+0.11  2010-10-03  - Use graphicspath instead of $imageDir to
+                    allow working with Windows
+                  - Test for pst-exa to write \psset in the
+                    pdf file
+0.10  2010-01-04  - Allow using the package pst-exa
+0.09  2009-10-01  - Allow pspicture*
+0.08  2009-08-28  - Test for png files (only for Linux)
+0.07  2009-07-24  - Fix bug with \begin{postscript} and following
+                    pspicture environment
+                  - Add some more documentation
+0.06  2007-08-28  - Fix bug with \begin{pspicture} and \pspicture
+0.05  2007-07-05  - Allow different extensions for the source file
+                    e.g. tex, ltx
+                  - Ignore verbatim environment
+                  - Better log file support
+0.04  2007-07-04  - Allow all \begin ..\end sequences anywhere
+                    in a line, see testcase
+0.03  2007-06-21  - Fix nested environments
+0.02  2007-06-20  - First (public) version

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Makefile.doc
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Makefile.doc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/Makefile.doc	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# `Makefile' for `pst2pdf.pdf', hv, 2017/08/11
+.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps
+PACKAGE = pst2pdf
+MAIN = $(PACKAGE)-doc
+LATEX = xelatex
+ARCHNAME = $(MAIN)-$(shell date +%y%m%d)
+ARCHFILES = $(PACKAGE).sty $(PACKAGE).tex $(PACKAGE).pro $(MAIN).tex README Changes Makefile
+TDS = ~/PSTricks/PSTricks-TDS
+all : doc clean
+	$(LATEX) --shell-escape $(MAIN)
+	biber  $(MAIN)
+	$(LATEX) --shell-escape $(MAIN)
+	$(LATEX) --shell-escape $(MAIN)
+clean : 
+	$(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .log .aux .glg .glo .gls .ilg .idx .ind .tmp .toc .out )
+	$(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .dvi .ps .bbl .bcf .blg .run.xml)
+veryclean : clean
+	$(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .pdf .bbl .blg)
+arch :
+	zip $(ARCHNAME).zip $(ARCHFILES)
+#	cp -u Changes     $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u README      $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u doc/$(MAIN).pdf $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u doc/$(MAIN).tex $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u doc/$(MAIN).bib $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u Makefile    $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u doc/test?.tex   $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u doc/test?-pdf.pdf   $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+#	cp -u script/pst2pdf.pl  $(TDS)/scripts/$(PACKAGE)/
+# EOF

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/README.md	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# pst2pdf – Running a PSTricks document with pdflatex
+Release v0.19 \[2020-08-17\]
+## Description
+`pst2pdf` is a Perl _script_ which isolates all `PostScript` or `PSTricks` related
+parts of the TeX document, read all `postscript`, `pspicture`, `psgraph` and `PSTexample`
+environments, extract source code in standalone files and converting them into image
+format \(default `pdf`\). Create new file with all extracted environments converted to `\includegraphics`
+and runs \(pdf/xe/lua\)latex.
+## Usage
+pst2pdf.pl [<options>] <texfile>[.tex|.ltx]
+pst2pdf.pl <texfile>[.tex|.ltx] [<options>]
+Relative or absolute `paths` for directories and files is not supported. Options that accept
+a _value_ require either a blank space or `=` between the option and the _value_. Some short
+options can be bundling.
+If used without `[<options>]` the extracted environments are converted to `pdf` image format
+and saved in the `./images` directory using `latex>dvips>ps2pdf` and `preview` package to
+process `<texfile>` and `pdflatex` to process the output file `<texfile-pdf>`.
+## Restrictions
+The `pspicture` environment can be nested, the `postscript` one **NOT!** `pspicture` can be
+inside of a `postscript` environment, but not vice versa.
+  ...
+    \begin{pspicture}
+      ....
+    \end{pspicture}
+  ...
+The `postscript` environment should be used for all other PostScript related commands, which
+are not part of a `pspicture` environment, e.g. nodes inside normal text or `\psset{...}`
+outside of environment.
+## Installation
+The script `pst2pdf` is present in `TeXLive` and `MiKTeX`, use the package manager to install.
+For manual installation, download [pst2pdf.zip](http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pstricks/scripts/pst2pdf.zip) and unzip it
+and move all files to appropriate locations:
+  pst2pdf-doc.pdf    -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf
+  pst2pdf-doc.tex    -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.tex
+  pst2pdf-doc.bib    -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.bib
+  test1.tex          -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test1.tex
+  test2.tex          -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test2.tex
+  test3.tex          -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test3.tex
+  test1-pdf.tex      -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test1-pdf.pdf
+  test2-pdf.tex      -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test2-pdf.pdf
+  test3-pdf.tex      -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/test3-pdf.pdf
+  tux.jpg            -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/tux.jpg
+  README.md          -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/README.md
+  Changes            -> TDS:doc/support/pst2pdf/Changes
+  pst2pdf.pl         -> TDS:scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl
+## Documentation
+For more documentation use:
+$ pst2pdf --help
+$ texdoc pst2pdf
+To reproduce the documentation run `xelatex pst2pdf-doc.tex`.
+## Copyright
+Copyright 2013 - 2020 by Herbert Voss `<hvoss at tug.org>` and Pablo González L `<pablgonz at yahoo.com>`.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.bib
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.bib	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.bib	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ at STRING{tugboat	= {TUGboat} }
+ at STRING{beiprogramm	= {{\TeX}-Beiprogramm} }
+ at STRING{bretter	= {Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten} }
+ at STRING{dtk		= {{D}ie {\TeX}nische {K}om{\"o}die} }
+ at STRING{editorial	= {Editorial} }
+ at STRING{fremdebuehne	= {Von fremden B{\"u}hnen} }
+ at STRING{fundus		= {Aus dem Fundus} }
+ at STRING{hinterbuehne	= {Hinter der B{\"u}hne} }
+ at STRING{leserbrief	= {Leserbrief(e)} }
+ at STRING{magazin	= {Magazin} }
+ at STRING{rezension	= {Rezensionen} }
+ at STRING{schonimmer	= {Was Sie schon immer {\"u}ber {\TeX} wissen wollten \dots} }
+ at STRING{theaterkasse	= {Von der Theaterkasse} }
+ at STRING{theatertage	= {{\TeX}-Theatertage} }
+ at Book{tlgc2,
+  author	= {Michel Goosens and Frank Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz and Denis Roegel and Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+  title		= {The {\LaTeX} {G}raphics {C}ompanion},
+  publisher	= {{Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}},
+  edition	= 2,
+  year		= {2007},
+  address	= {Reading, Mass.}
+ at Article{girou:01:,
+  author	= {Denis Girou},
+  title		= {Pr\'esentation de {PST}ricks},
+  journal	= {Cahier {GUT}enberg},
+  year		= 1994,
+  volume	= {16},
+  month		= apr,
+  pages		= {21-70}
+ at Article{girou:02:,
+  author	= {{Timothy van} Zandt and Denis Girou},
+  title		= {Inside {PST}ricks},
+  journal	= TUGboat,
+  year		= 1994,
+  volume	= {15},
+  month		= sep,
+  pages		= {239-246}
+ at online{pstricks,
+  Title          = {PSTricks - {\PS} macros for generic {\TeX}},
+  Author         = {{Timothy van} Zandt},
+  url        = {http://www.tug.org/application/PSTricks},
+  year           = 1993
+ at Book{PSTricks2,
+  author	= {Herbert Vo\ss},
+  title		= {\texttt{PSTricks} -- {G}rafik f\"ur \TeX{} und \LaTeX},
+  edition	= {7},
+  publisher	= {DANTE -- Lehmanns},
+  year		= {2010},
+  address	= {Heidelberg/Berlin}
+ at Book{PSTricks2-UIT,
+  author	= {Herbert Vo\ss},
+  title		= {PSTricks -- Graphics for \TeX\ and \LaTeX},
+  publisher	= {UIT},
+  year		= {2011},
+  address	= {Cambridge}
+ at Book{LaTeXRef-UIT,
+  author	= {Herbert Vo\ss},
+  title		= {{\LaTeX} quick reference},
+  publisher	= {UIT},
+  year		= {2012},
+  address	= {Cambridge}
+ at online{pst-tools,
+  author	= {Herbert Voß},
+  title		= {\texttt{pst-tools} -- Helper functions},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2012},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pst-tools}
+ at online{preview,
+  author	= {David Kastrup},
+  title		= {The \texttt{preview} package for \hologo{LaTeX}},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2017},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/preview}
+ at online{pst-pdf,
+  author	= {Rolf Niepraschk},
+  title		= {The \texttt{pst-pdf} package},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2019},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pst-pdf}
+ at online{auto-pst-pdf,
+  author	= {Will Robertson},
+  title		= {The \texttt{auto-pst-pdf} package},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2009},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/auto-pst-pdf}
+ at online{auto-pst-pdf-lua,
+  author	= {Herbert Voß},
+  title		= {The \texttt{auto-pst-pdf-lua} package  - Using \hologo{LuaLaTeX} with \texttt{PSTricks}},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2018},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/auto-pst-pdf-lua}
+ at online{pst-exa,
+  author	= {Herbert Voß},
+  title		= {\texttt{pst-exa} - Typeset \texttt{PSTricks} examples, with \hologo{pdfTeX}},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2017},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pst-exa}
+ at online{graphicx,
+  author	= {The \hologo{LaTeX3} Project},
+  title		= {\texttt{graphics} - Enhanced support for graphics},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2017},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/graphicx}
+ at online{grfext,
+  author	= {Heiko Oberdiek},
+  title		= {The \texttt{grfext} package},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2017},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/grfext}
+ at online{pst-plot,
+  author	= {{Timothy van} Zandt and Herbert Voß},
+  title		= {\texttt{pst-plot} - Plot data using \texttt{PSTricks}},
+  publisher	= {CTAN},
+  year		= {2019},
+  url	= {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pst-plot}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.bib
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf	2020-08-24 20:51:50 UTC (rev 56171)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.tex	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+               BCOR=10mm,DIV=10,% <- changed
+               bibliography=totoc,parskip=half*,<- changed
+               headings=small,% <- changed
+               headinclude=false,% <- changed
+               footinclude=false,oneside,mpinclude=false]{pst-doc}
+  \newgeometry{top=0.5in, bottom=0.3in,left=1.4in,right=0.7in,%
+               marginparwidth=1.3in,marginparsep=0.1in,footskip=0.2in,%
+               headheight=1cm,headsep=0.27cm,reversemarginpar}%
+  \KOMAoptions{headwidth=text,headsepline=:text,footwidth=text}% <- added
+  %runin=false,
+  afterindent=false,
+  beforeskip=\baselineskip,
+  afterskip=.5\baselineskip]{section}
+  %runin=false,
+  afterindent=false,
+  beforeskip=.75\baselineskip,
+  afterskip=.5\baselineskip]{subsection}
+  %runin=false,
+  afterindent=false,
+  beforeskip=.5\baselineskip,
+  afterskip=.25\baselineskip]{subsubsection}
+% Identification
+% Config hyperref
+  linktoc            = all,
+  pdftitle           = {.:: pst2pdf v\fileversion{} [\filedate] --- Running a PSTricks document with (pdf/xe/lua)latex ::.},%
+  pdfauthor          = {Herbert Vo\ss, Pablo Gonz\'{a}lez Luengo},%
+  pdfsubject         = {Documentation for version \fileversion},%
+  pdfkeywords        = {extract, conversion, images, pstricks, standalone files},
+  pdfstartview       = {FitH},%
+  bookmarksopenlevel = 2,%
+% Some font for verbatim examples
+   Scale             = 0.95,%
+   Extension         = .otf,%
+   ItalicFont        = lmmono10-italic,%
+   SmallCapsFont     = lmmonocaps10-oblique,%
+   SlantedFont       = lmmonoslant10-regular,
+   ]
+% The character of visible space is now taken from Latin Modern Mono
+% to prevent fonts in T1. The original definition for xetex/luatex is
+% \def\verbvisiblespace{\usefont{OT1}{cmtt}{m}{n}\asciispace}
+% Add some colors
+\definecolor{araracolor}{rgb}{0, 0.72, 0.28}
+% new macros
+\def\Losystem#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1}}\index{Operating system!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
+\def\Loptcmd#1{\index{Options in command line!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% \index{#1@\texttt{#1}}
+\def\Limgform#1{\texttt{#1}\index{Image format!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% \index{#1@\texttt{#1}}
+\def\Loptprg#1{\index{Compiler options!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% \index{#1@\texttt{#1}}
+\def\Venv#1{\texttt{#1}\index{Environment Verbatim!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
+\def\Wenv#1{\texttt{#1}\index{Environment Verbatim Write!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
+% Only index a starred version
+  {
+    \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+      {%
+        \LFile{#2}
+      }%
+      {%
+        \texttt{#2}%
+      }%
+  }%
+% \prgopt{sm} : #1 compiler opt, #2 program opt:
+  {
+    \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+      {%
+        \mbox{\textcolor{gray}{\texttt{-{}#2}}}%
+        \Loptprg{-{}#2}%
+      }%
+      {%
+        \mbox{\textcolor{gray}{\texttt{-{}#2}}}%
+        \index{#2@\texttt{-{}#2}}\index{Program options!#1@\texttt{-{}#2}}%
+      }%
+  }%
+% \DescribeIF{m}, #1 image format
+\NewDocumentCommand{\DescribeIF}{ m }
+  {%
+    \begin{lrbox}{\marginIF}%
+      \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}%
+        \raggedleft\ttfamily\bfseries%
+        \textcolor{optcolor}{#1}\hfill
+      \end{minipage}%
+    \end{lrbox}%
+    \index{Image format!#1@\texttt{#1}}%
+    \leavevmode%
+    \marginpar{\usebox{\marginIF}}%
+    \ignorespaces%
+  }%
+% \myenv{environ} for margin
+  {
+    \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}%
+        \raggedleft\ttfamily\small%
+        {\textcolor{gray}{\textbackslash begin\{}}{\bfseries\textcolor{pkgcolor}{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{\}}\par%
+        \meta[ac=lightgray,cf=gray]{env content}\par%
+        {\textcolor{gray}{\textbackslash end\{}}{\bfseries\textcolor{pkgcolor}{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{\}}%
+    \end{minipage}%
+    \index{Environment suport by default!#1@\texttt{#1}}
+  }
+% CleanPST for margin
+  {%
+   \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}%
+        \raggedleft\ttfamily\small%
+        \textcolor{gray}{\%}{\bfseries\textcolor{pkgcolor}{#1}}\par%
+        \meta[ac=lightgray,cf=gray]{code}\par%
+        \textcolor{gray}{\%}{\bfseries\textcolor{pkgcolor}{#1}}%
+    \end{minipage}%
+    \index{Remove PST code!#1@\texttt{#1}}
+  }%
+% \DescribeTE{sm}, #1 tag, #2 env
+   \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}%
+    \raggedleft
+    \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\mytag{#2}}{\myenv{#2}}
+    \end{minipage}%
+    \leavevmode%
+    \marginpar{\usebox{\marginenvtag}}%
+    \ignorespaces%
+% \cmdopt[short]{long}
+  {
+    \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+      {
+        \textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{-\/-#2}}
+      }
+      {
+        \textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{-{}#1}},
+        \textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{-\/-#2}}
+      }
+    \Loptcmd{-\/-#2}
+  }
+% Custom \meta[...]{...}, \marg[...]{...} and \oarg[...]{...} for color
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_generic:Nnn \myscript_meta:n { #1 } { #2 }
+  }
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_generic:Nnn \myscript_marg:n { #1 } { #2 }
+  }
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_generic:Nnn \myscript_oarg:n { #1 } { #2 }
+  }
+% Variables and keys
+\tl_new:N \l_myscript_meta_font_tl
+\keys_define:nn { myscript/meta }
+  {
+   type .choice:,
+   type / tt .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_myscript_meta_font_tl { \ttfamily },
+   type / rm .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_myscript_meta_font_tl { \rmfamily },
+   type .initial:n = rm,
+   cf .tl_set:N = \l_myscript_meta_color_tl,
+   cf .initial:n = black,%
+   ac .tl_set:N = \l_myscript_meta_anglecolor_tl,
+   ac .initial:n = lightgray,
+   sbc .tl_set:N = \l_myscript_meta_brackcolor_tl,
+   sbc .initial:n = gray,
+   cbc .tl_set:N = \l_myscript_meta_bracecolor_tl,
+   cbc .initial:n = gray,
+  }
+% Internal commands
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \myscript_meta_generic:Nnn #1 #2 #3
+  {
+   \group_begin:
+    \keys_set:nn { myscript/meta } { #2 }
+    \color{ \l_myscript_meta_color_tl }
+    \l_myscript_meta_font_tl
+    #1 { #3 } % #1 is \myscript_meta:n, \myscript_marg:n or \myscript_oarg:n
+   \group_end:
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \myscript_meta:n #1
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_angle:n { \textlangle }
+   \myscript_meta_meta:n { #1 }
+   \myscript_meta_angle:n { \textrangle }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \myscript_marg:n #1
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_brace:n { \textbraceleft }
+   \myscript_meta:n { #1 }
+   \myscript_meta_brace:n { \textbraceright }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \myscript_oarg:n #1
+  {
+   \myscript_meta_brack:n { [ }
+   \myscript_meta:n { #1 }
+   \myscript_meta_brack:n { ] }
+  }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \myscript_meta_meta:n #1
+  {
+   \textnormal{\textit{#1}}
+  }
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+% Don't copy numbers in code example for listings
+% Create a language for documentation
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+% Important words 2 (macros)
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+    PreviewBbAdjust,setlength,parindent,usetikzlibrary,tikzexternalize,psset,tikzset,PrependGraphicsExtensions,%
+    DefineShortVerb,lstMakeShortInline,MakeSpecialShortVerb,UndefineShortVerb,verb,myverb,macro,put,line},%
+% Important words 3, options in input file
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+    keywords=[3]{arara,extensions,luatex,env,norun,%
+    clean,pst,tkz,eps,pdf,xetex,latex,luatex,dvips,png,latexmk,svg,srcenv,noprew,imgdir},%
+% Important words 4, environments and tags
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+    psgraph, endpsgraph,CleanPST,postscript},%
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+    keywords=[5]{images},% ,pics
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+    test-fig-1981.tex,test-out.tex,file-in.tex,file-out,test.tex,test-fig-all.dvi,test-fig-1.svg,test-fig-all.tex},%
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+              {scale=1}{{\textcolor{gray}{scale=1}}}{7}
+              {\%CleanPST}{{\textcolor{gray}{\%}\textcolor{pkgcolor}{CleanPST}}}{9},%
+          #1,%
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+    --luatex,--latexmk,--svg,--png,--nopdf,pics,-no-shell-escape,-interaction,nonstopmode},%
+% Reserved words (cmd line options)
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+% % Reserved words (cmd line options)
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+% Only for command line options
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+    literate=*{[}{{\textcolor{darkgray}{[}}}{1}
+              {]}{{\textcolor{darkgray}{]}}}{1}
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+              {@}{{\textcolor{blue}{@}}}{1}
+              {\$}{{\textcolor{blue}{\$}}}{1}
+              {:}{{\textcolor{blue}{:}}}{1}
+              {§}{{\textcolor{red}{\$\space}}}{2}
+              {~}{{\textcolor{blue}{\bfseries\textasciitilde}}}{1}%
+    }% close lstset
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+  }
+% set default style
+\subtitle{Running a PSTricks document with (pdf/xe/lua)latex;\\  v\fileversion{} --- \filedate\thanks{%
+    This file describes a documentation for version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}}
+\author{Herbert Voß \\ Pablo Gonz\'{a}lez L}
+\texttt{pst2pdf} is a \texttt{Perl} \emph{script} which isolates all \texttt{PostScript} or \texttt{PSTricks} related
+parts of the \TeX{} document, read all \texttt{postscript}, \texttt{pspicture}, \texttt{psgraph}
+and \texttt{PSTexample} environments and, extract source code in \emph{standalone} files and
+converting them into image format \texttt{pdf, eps, jpg, svg} or \texttt{png} (default \texttt{pdf}).
+Create new file with all extracted environments converted to \Lcs{includegraphics} and runs \texttt{(pdf/Xe/lua)latex}.
+\PST\ as \PS\ related package uses the programming language \PS\ for internal
+calculations. This is an important advantage, because floating point arithmetic is no
+problem. Nearly all mathematical calculation can be done when running the \DVI-file
+with \gs. However, creating a \PDF\ file in a direct way with \Lprog{pdflatex} is
+not possible. \Lprog{pdflatex} cannot understand the \PS\ related stuff.
+Instead of running \Lprog{pdflatex} one can use the \emph{script} \Lscript{pst2pdf}, it extracts
+all \PST\ related code into single documents with the same preamble as the original
+main document.
+The \Lscript{pst2pdf} \emph{script} runs document, extract source code for all \PST\ as \PS\ related parts, clips all whitespace around the
+image and creates a \Lext{pdf} images of the \PST\ related code.
+In a last run which is the \Lprog{pdflatex} the \PST\ code in the
+main document is replaced by the created images.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the \href{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html}{GNU General Public License} as published by
+the \href{https://www.fsf.org/}{Free Software Foundation}; either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the \href{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html}{GNU General Public License}
+for more details.
+\section{Requirements for operation}
+For the complete operation of \Lscript{pst2pdf}{} you need to have a modern %
+\hologo{TeX} distribution such as \hologo{TeX} Live or \hologo{MiKTeX}, the packages \LPack{preview}\cite{preview},
+\LPack{pst-pdf}\cite{pst-pdf}, \LPack{graphicx}\cite{graphicx} and \LPack{grfext}\cite{grfext}, have
+a version equal to or greater than \liningnums{5.28} of \Lprog{perl}, a
+version equal to or greater than \liningnums{9.24} of \Lprog{Ghostscript}, a
+version equal to or greater than \liningnums{1.40} of \Lscript{pdfcrop}
+and have a version equal to or greater than \liningnums{0.52} of %
+The distribution of \hologo{TeX} Live 2020 for \Losystem{Windows} includes %
+\Lscript{pst2pdf} and all requirements, \hologo{MiKTeX} users must install the
+appropriate software for full operation.
+The script auto detects the \Lprog{Ghostscript}, but not \Lprog{poppler-utils}.
+You should keep this in mind if you are using the script directly and not
+the version provided in your \hologo{TeX} distribution.
+The script has been tested on \Losystem{Windows} (v10) and %
+\Losystem{Linux} (fedora 32) using \Lprog{Ghostscript} %
+\liningnums{v9.52}, \Lprog{poppler-utils} \liningnums{v0.84}, \Lprog{perl} \liningnums{v5.30}
+and the standard classes offers by \hologo{LaTeX}: \LClass{book},
+\LClass{report}, \LClass{article} and \LClass{letter}.
+\section{How it works}
+It is important to have a general idea of how the \emph{\enquote{extraction and conversion}}
+process works and the requirements that must be fulfilled so
+that everything works correctly, for this we must be clear about some
+concepts related to how to work with the \meta{input file}, the \meta{verbatim content}
+and the \meta{steps process}.
+\subsection{The input file}
+The \meta{input file} must comply with \emph{certain characteristics} in order to
+be processed, the content at the beginning and at the end of the \meta{input
+file} is treated in a special way, before \lstinline|\documentclass| and after
+\lstinline|\end{document}| can go any type of content, internally the script will
+\emph{\enquote{split}} the \meta{input file} at this points.
+If the \meta{input file} contains files using \Lcs{input}\marg[type=tt]{file} or
+\Lcs{include}\marg[type=tt]{file} these will not be processed, from the side of
+the \emph{script} they only represent lines within the file, if you want
+them to be processed it is better to use the \Lscript{latexpand}\footnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexpand}}
+first and then process the file.
+Like \Lcs{input}\marg[type=tt]{file} or \Lcs{include}\marg[type=tt]{file}, blank lines, vertical spaces and tab
+characters are treated literally, for the \emph{script} the \meta{input file}
+is just a set of characters, as if it was a simple text file. It is
+advisable to format the source code \meta{input file} using utilities such
+as \Lprog{chktex}\footnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/chktex}} and
+\Lscript{latexindent}\footnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexindent}}, especially if you want to
+extract the source code of the environments.
+Both \Lcs{thispagestyle}\marg[type=tt]{style} and \Lcs{pagestyle}\marg[type=tt]{style}
+are treated in a special way by the script, if they do not appear in the
+preamble then \Lcs{pagestyle}\marg[type=tt]{empty} will be added and if they are present
+and \marg[type=tt]{style} is different from \marg[type=tt]{empty} this
+will be replaced by \marg[type=tt]{empty}.
+This is necessary for the image creation process, it does not affect the \meta{output file}, but
+it does affect the \emph{standalone} files. For the script the process of dividing the \meta{input file} into four
+parts and then processing them:
+% Part One: Everything before \documentclass
+% Part two: Everything between \documentclass and \begin{document}
+% Part three: : Everything between \begin{document} and \end{document}
+% Part Four: Everything after \end{document}
+If for some reason you have an environment \Lenv{filecontens} before \lstinline|\documentclass| or
+in the preamble of the \meta{input file} that contains a \emph{sub-document} or \emph{environment}
+you want to extract, the script will ignore them. Similarly, the content after \lstinline|\end{document}|
+is ignored in the extraction process.
+\subsection{Verbatim contents}
+One of the greatest capabilities of this script is to \emph{\enquote{skip}}
+the complications that \meta{verbatim content} produces with the extraction
+of environments using tools outside the \enquote{\hologo{TeX} world}.
+In order to \emph{\enquote{skip}} the complications, the \meta{verbatim content} is classified into
+three types:
+    \item Verbatim in line.
+    \item Verbatim standard.
+    \item Verbatim write.
+\subsubsection{Verbatim in line}
+The small pieces of code written using a \emph{\enquote{verbatim macro}}
+are considered \meta{verbatim in line}, such as \lstinline+\verb|+\meta{code}\lstinline+|+
+or \lstinline+\verb*|+\meta{code}\lstinline+|+ or \lstinline+\macro+\marg[type=tt]{code} or
+Most \emph{\enquote{verbatim macro}} provide by packages \LPack{minted}, %
+\LPack{fancyvrb} and \LPack{listings} have been tested and are fully
+supported. They are automatically detected the \emph{verbatim macro} (including \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{MediumOrchid}{*}} argument) generates by
+\Lcs{newmint} and \Lcs{newmintinline} and the following list:
+\item \Lcs{mint}
+\item \Lcs{spverb}
+\item \Lcs{qverb}
+\item \Lcs{fverb}
+\item \Lcs{verb}
+\item \Lcs{Verb}
+\item \Lcs{lstinline}
+\item \Lcs{pyginline}
+\item \Lcs{pygment}
+\item \Lcs{Scontents}
+\item \Lcs{tcboxverb}
+\item \Lcs{mintinline}
+Some packages define abbreviated versions for \emph{\enquote{verbatim macro}} as %
+\Lcs{DefineShortVerb}, \Lcs{lstMakeShortInline} and %
+\Lcs{MakeSpecialShortVerb}, will be detected automatically if are declared
+explicitly in \meta{input file}.
+The following consideration should be kept in mind for some packages that
+use abbreviations for verbatim macros, such as \LPack{shortvrb} or %
+\LPack{doc} for example in which there is no explicit \lstinline+\macro+ in the
+document by means of which the abbreviated form can be detected, for
+automatic detection need to find \Lcs{DefineShortVerb} explicitly to process
+it correctly. The solution is quite simple, just add in \meta{input file}:
+depending on the package you are using. If your \emph{\enquote{verbatim macro}} is not
+supported by default or can not detect, use the options described in \ref%
+\subsubsection{Verbatim standard}
+These are the \emph{\enquote{classic}} environments for \emph{\enquote{writing code}} are considered %
+\meta{verbatim standard}, such as \Venv{verbatim} and \Venv{lstlisting}
+environments. The following list (including \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{MediumOrchid}{*}} argument)
+is considered as \meta{verbatim standard} environments:
+\begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*]
+\item \Venv{Example}
+\item \Venv{CenterExample}
+\item \Venv{SideBySideExample}
+\item \Venv{PCenterExample}
+\item \Venv{PSideBySideExample}
+\item \Venv{verbatim}
+\item \Venv{Verbatim}
+\item \Venv{BVerbatim}
+\item \Venv{LVerbatim}
+\item \Venv{SaveVerbatim}
+\item \Venv{PSTcode}
+\item \Venv{LTXexample}
+\item \Venv{tcblisting}
+\item \Venv{spverbatim}
+\item \Venv{minted}
+\item \Venv{listing}
+\item \Venv{lstlisting}
+\item \Venv{alltt}
+\item \Venv{comment}
+\item \Venv{chklisting}
+\item \Venv{verbatimtab}
+\item \Venv{listingcont}
+\item \Venv{boxedverbatim}
+\item \Venv{demo}
+\item \Venv{sourcecode}
+\item \Venv{xcomment}
+\item \Venv{pygmented}
+\item \Venv{pyglist}
+\item \Venv{program}
+\item \Venv{programl}
+\item \Venv{programL}
+\item \Venv{programs}
+\item \Venv{programf}
+\item \Venv{programsc}
+\item \Venv{programt}
+They are automatically detected \meta{verbatim standard} environments
+(including \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{MediumOrchid}{*}} argument)
+generates by commands:
+\item \Lcs{DefineVerbatimEnvironment}
+\item \Lcs{NewListingEnvironment}
+\item \Lcs{DeclareTCBListing}
+\item \Lcs{ProvideTCBListing}
+\item \Lcs{lstnewenvironment}
+\item \Lcs{newtabverbatim}
+\item \Lcs{specialcomment}
+\item \Lcs{includecomment}
+\item \Lcs{newtcblisting}
+\item \Lcs{NewTCBListing}
+\item \Lcs{newverbatim}
+\item \Lcs{NewProgram}
+\item \Lcs{newminted}
+If any of the \meta{verbatim standard} environments is not supported by
+default or can not detected, you can use the options described in \ref%
+\subsubsection{Verbatim write}
+Some environments have the ability to write \emph{\enquote{external files}}
+or \emph{\enquote{store content}} in memory, these environments are
+considered \meta{verbatim write}, such as \Wenv{scontents}, \Wenv{filecontents}
+or \Lenv{VerbatimOut} environments. The following list is considered (including \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{MediumOrchid}{*}} argument) as %
+\meta{verbatim write} environments:
+\begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*]
+\item \Wenv{scontents}
+\item \Wenv{filecontents}
+\item \Wenv{tcboutputlisting}
+\item \Wenv{tcbexternal}
+\item \Wenv{tcbwritetmp}
+\item \Wenv{extcolorbox}
+\item \Wenv{extikzpicture}
+\item \Wenv{VerbatimOut}
+\item \Wenv{verbatimwrite}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsdef}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentshere}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsdefmacro}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsdefstarred}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsgdef}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsdefmacro}
+\item \Wenv{filecontentsgdefmacro}
+They are automatically detected \meta{verbatim write}
+(including \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{MediumOrchid}{*}} argument) environments generates
+by commands:
+\begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*]
+\item \Lcs{renewtcbexternalizetcolorbox}
+\item \Lcs{renewtcbexternalizeenvironment}
+\item \Lcs{newtcbexternalizeenvironment}
+\item \Lcs{newtcbexternalizetcolorbox}
+\item \Lcs{newenvsc}
+If any of the \meta{verbatim write} environments is not supported by default
+or can not detected, you can use the options described in \ref{sec:optline}.
+\subsection{Steps process}
+For creation of the image formats, extraction of source code of environments and creation of an
+\meta{output file}, \Lscript{pst2pdf} need a various steps. Let's assume that the %
+\meta{input file} is \LFile{test.tex}, \meta{output file} is %
+\LFile{test-pdf.tex}, the working directory are \enquote{\texttt{./}}, the
+directory for images are \texttt{./images}, the temporary
+directory is \texttt{/tmp} and we want to generate images in \Limgform{pdf}
+format and \meta{standalone} files for all environments extracted.
+We will use the following code as \LFile{test.tex}:
+% Some commented lines at begin file
+Some text
+  Some code
+Always use \verb|\begin{pspicture}| and \verb|\end{pspicture}| to open
+and close environment
+  Some code
+Some text
+  Some code
+Some text
+Some lines that will be ignored by the script
+\subsubsection{Validating Options}
+The first step is read and validated \oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options} from the command
+line, verifying that \LFile{test.tex} contains \emph{some} environment to extract,
+check the directory \texttt{./images} if it doesn't exist create it and create a temporary directory \texttt{/tmp/hG45uVklv9}.
+The entire \LFile{test.tex} file is loaded into memory and \emph{\enquote{split}} to start the extraction process.
+\subsubsection{Comment and ignore}
+In the second step, once the file \LFile{test.tex} is loaded and divided in memory,
+proceeds (in general terms) as follows:
+Search the words \lstinline|\begin{| and \lstinline|\end{| in verbatim standard, verbatim write, verbatim in line and
+commented lines, if it finds them, converts to \lstinline|\BEGIN{| and \lstinline|\END{|, then places all code to
+extract inside the \lstinline|\begin{preview}| \ldots \lstinline|\end{preview}|.
+At this point \emph{\enquote{all}} the code you want to extract is inside \lstinline|\begin{preview}|\ldots\lstinline|\end{preview}|.
+\subsubsection{Creating standalone files and extracting}
+In the third step, the script generate \meta{standalone} files: \LFile{test-fig-1.tex},
+\LFile{test-fig-2.tex}, \dots{} and saved in \texttt{./images} then proceed in two ways
+according to the \oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options}
+passed to generate a temporary file with a random number (1981 for example):
+\item If script is call \emph{without} \cmdopt{noprew} options, the following lines
+will be added at the beginning of the \LFile{test.tex} (in memory):
+\renewcommand\PreviewBbAdjust{-60pt -60pt 60pt 60pt}}%
+% rest of input file
+The different parts of the file read in memory are joined  and save in a temporary
+file \LFile{test-fig-1981.tex} in \texttt{./}. This file will contain all the environments
+for extraction between \lstinline|\begin{preview}|\ldots\lstinline|\end{preview}| along with the rest of the document.
+If the document contains images, these must be in the formats supported by the \emph{engine} selected to process the \meta{input file}.
+\item If script is call \emph{with} \cmdopt{noprew} options, the \lstinline|\begin{preview}|\ldots\lstinline|\end{preview}|
+lines are only used as delimiters for extracting the content \emph{without} using the package \LPack{preview}, the following lines
+will be added at the beginning of the \LFile{test.tex} (in memory):
+% only environments extracted
+Then it is joined with all extracted environments separated by \Lcs{newpage} and saved
+in a temporary file \LFile{test-fig-1981.tex} in \enquote{\texttt{./}}.
+If \cmdopt{norun} is passed, the temporary file \LFile{test-fig-1981.tex}
+is renamed to \LFile{test-fig-all.tex} and moved to \texttt{./images}.
+\subsubsection{Generate image formats}
+In the fourth step, the script generating the file \LFile{test-fig-1981.pdf} with all code extracted and croping, running:
+[user at machine ~:]§ `\small\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler}` -no-shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder test-fig-1981.tex
+[user at machine ~:]§ pdfcrop --margins `\small\textcolor{gray}{0}` test-fig-1981.pdf test-fig-1981.pdf
+Now move \LFile{test-fig-1981.pdf} to \texttt{/tmp/hG45uVklv9} and rename to \LFile{test-fig-all.pdf}, generate image files \LFile{test-fig-1.pdf}
+and \LFile{test-fig-2.pdf} and copy to \texttt{./images}, if the image files exist, they will be rewritten each time you run the script. The file \LFile{test-fig-1981.tex} is
+moved to the \texttt{./images} and rename to \LFile{test-fig-all.tex}.
+Note the options passed to \meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler} always use \prgopt*{no-shell-escape}
+and \prgopt*{recorder}, to generate the \Lext{fls} file which is used to delete temporary files and directories after
+the process is completed. The \cmdopt{shell} option activates \prgopt*{shell-escape} for compatibility with packages
+such as \LPack{minted} or others.
+\subsubsection{Create output file}
+In the fifth step, the script creates the output file \LFile{test-pdf.tex} converting all extracted code to
+\Lcs{includegraphics}, remove all \PST{} packages and content betwen \lstinline|%CleanPST ... %CleanPST|, then
+adding the following lines at end of preamble:
+The script will try to detect whether the \LPack{graphicx} package and
+the \Lcs{graphicspath} command are in the preamble of the \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+If it is not possible to find it, it will read the \Lext{log} file generated by the temporary file.
+Once the detection is complete, the package \LPack{grfext} and \Lcs{PrependGraphicsExtensions*}
+will be added at the end of the preamble, then proceed to run:
+[user at machine ~:]§ `\small\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler}` -recorder -shell-escape test-pdf.tex
+generating the file \LFile{test-pdf.pdf}.
+\subsubsection{Clean temporary files and dirs}
+In the sixth step, the script read the files \LFile{test-fig-1981.fls}
+and \LFile{test-out.fls}, extract the information from the
+temporary files and dirs generated in the process in \enquote{\texttt{./}} and then
+delete them together with the directory \texttt{/tmp/hG45uVklv9}.
+Finally the output file \texttt{test-pdf.tex} looks like this:
+% some commented lines at begin document
+Some text
+Always use \verb|\begin{pspicture}| and \verb|\end{pspicture}| to open
+and close environment
+Some text
+  Some code
+Some text
+\section{Default extracted environments}
+\nxLprog{pst2pdf} support fourth environments for extraction. Internally
+the script converts all environments to extract in \Lenv{preview} environments.
+Is better comment this package in preamble unless the option \cmdopt{noprew} is used.
+Environment provide by \LPack{pst-pdf}\cite{pst-pdf}, \LPack{auto-pst-pdf}\cite{auto-pst-pdf}
+and \LPack{auto-pst-pdf-lua}\cite{auto-pst-pdf-lua} packages. Since the \LPack{pst-pdf}, \LPack{auto-pst-pdf}
+and \LPack{auto-pst-pdf-lua} packages internally use the \LPack{preview} package, is better comment this in preamble.
+Only the \emph{content} of this environment is extracted and \emph{\enquote{not}} the environment itself when using the
+\cmdopt{srcenv} option. The \Lenv{postscript} environment should always be used, when there is some code before a \Lenv{pspicture}
+environment or for some code which is not inside of a \Lenv{pspicture} environment.
+Environment provide by \LPack{pstricks}\cite{girou:02:} package. The plain \hologo{TeX}
+syntax \lstinline|\pspicture ... \endpspicture| its converted to \hologo{LaTeX} syntax
+\lstinline|\begin{pspicture} ... \end{pspicture}| if not within the \Lenv{PSTexample} or \Lenv{postscript} environments.
+Environment provide by \LPack{pst-plot}\cite{pst-plot} package. The plain \hologo{TeX} syntax \lstinline|\psgraph ... \endpsgraph|
+its converted to \hologo{LaTeX} syntax \lstinline|\begin{psgraph} ... \end{psgraph}| if
+not within the \Lenv{PSTexample} or \Lenv{postscript} environments.
+Environment provide by \LPack{pst-exa}\cite{pst-exa} package. The script automatically detects the
+\lstinline|\begin{PSTexample}|  \lstinline|...\end{PSTexample}|
+environments and processes them as separately compiled files. The user should have loaded the
+package with [\Loption{swpl}] or [\Loption{tcb}] option.
+\section{Remove \PST\ code}
+By design, the script remove all \PST{} packages in preamble of \meta{output file}, if you need delete other \PST\ code in preamble use:
+All content betwen \lstinline|%CleanPST ... %CleanPST| are deleted in preamble of the \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+This lines can \emph{not} be nested and should be at the beginning of the line and in separate lines.
+\section{Supported image formats}
+The \Larga{image formats} generated by the \Lscript{pst2pdf} using \Lprog{Ghostscript}
+and \Lprog{poppler-utils} are the following command lines:
+The image format generated using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress
+The image format generated using \Lprog{pdftoeps}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ pdftops -q -eps
+The image format generated using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r150
+The image format generated using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=jpeg -r150 -dJPEGQ=100 \
+                      -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
+The image format generated using \Lprog{pdftoppm}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ pdftoppm -q -r 150
+The image format generated using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r150
+The image format generated using \Lprog{pdftocairo}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ pdftocairo -q -r 150
+The image format generated using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line executed by the system is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=bmp32b -r150
+\section{How to use}
+The syntax for \myscript\ is simple, if your use the version provided in your \hologo{TeX} distribution:
+[user at machine ~:]§  pst2pdf `\small\oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options} \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file}`
+[user at machine ~:]§  pst2pdf `\small\meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} \oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options}`
+If the development version is used:
+[user at machine ~:]§  perl pst2pdf `\small\oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options} \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file}`
+The extension valid for \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} are \Lext{tex} or \Lext{ltx},
+relative or absolute paths for files and directories is not supported. If used without
+\oarg[type=tt,cf=optcolor,sbc=gray,ac=lightgray]{options} the extracted environments are converted to \Limgform{pdf}
+image format and saved in the \texttt{./images} directory using \Lprog{latex}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lprog{dvips}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lscript{ps2pdf}
+and \LPack{preview} package for process \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} and \Lprog{pdflatex} for compiler \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+\subsection{Command line interface}
+The script provides a \emph{command line interface} with short \textcolor{optcolor}{\bfseries\texttt{-}}
+and long \textcolor{optcolor}{\bfseries\texttt{--}} option, they may be given before
+the name of the \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file}, the order of specifying the options is not significant.
+Options that accept a \meta{value} require either a blank space \verb*| | or \textcolor{optcolor}{\bfseries\texttt{=}}
+between the option and the \meta{value}. Some short options can be bundling.
+Display a command line help and exit.
+Write a \LFile{pst2pdf.log} file with all process information.
+Display the current version (\fileversion) and exit.
+Show verbose information of process in terminal.
+Dots per inch for images files. Values are positive integers less than or equal to 2500.
+Create a \Lext{tif} images files using \Lprog{Ghostscript}.
+Create a \Lext{bmp} images files using \Lprog{Ghostscript}.
+Create a \Lext{jpg} images files using \Lprog{Ghostscript}.
+Create a \Lext{png} transparent image files using \Lprog{Ghostscript}.
+Create a \Lext{eps} image files using \Lprog{pdftops}.
+Create a \Lext{svg} image files using \Lprog{pdftocairo}.
+Create a \Lext{ppm} image files using \Lprog{pdftoppm}.
+Create a gray scale for all images using \Lprog{Ghostscript}. The line behind this options is:
+[user at machine ~:]§ gs -q -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress        \
+                      -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray
+Try to capture \lstinline|\psset|\marg[type=tt]{code} to extract.
+When using the \cmdopt{force} option the script will try to capture \lstinline|\psset|\marg[type=tt]{code} and
+leave it inside the \Lenv{preview} environment, any line that is between \lstinline|\psset|\marg[type=tt]{code} and
+\lstinline|\begin{pspicture}| will be captured.
+Create images files without \LPack{preview} package. The \lstinline|\begin{preview}|\ldots \lstinline|\end{preview}|
+lines are only used as delimiters for extracting the content \emph{without} using the package \LPack{preview}.
+Using this option \emph{\enquote{only}} the extracted environments are processed and not the whole \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file}, sometimes
+it is better to use it together with \cmdopt{force}. Alternative name \cmdopt{single}.
+Set margins in bp for \Lscript{pdfcrop}.
+\DescribeCmd[r]{runs}{\textnormal{\ttfamily 1\textbar 2\textbar 3}}{1}
+Set the number of times the \meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler} will run
+on the \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} for environment extraction.
+\DescribeCmd{myverb}{macro name}{myverb}
+Set custom verbatim command \lstinline+\myverb+. Just pass the \meta{macro name}{}
+\emph{without} \enquote{\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\textbackslash}}}.
+\DescribeCmd{ignore}{environment name}{empty}
+Add a verbatim environment to internal list.
+Set the name of directory for save generated files. Only the \meta{name} of directory
+must be passed \emph{without} relative or absolute paths.
+Create separate files with \emph{\enquote{only code}} for all extracted
+Enable \Lcs{write18}\meta{shell command}.
+Execute the script, but do not create image files. This option is designed to
+to generate standalone files or used in conjunction with \cmdopt{srcenv} and to
+debug the \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}. Alternative name \cmdopt{noimages}.
+Don't create a \Lext{pdf} image files.
+Don't run \Lscript{pdfcrop} in image files.
+Don't create standalone files.
+Using \Lprog{xelatex} compiler \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} and \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+Using \Lprog{dvilualatex}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lprog{dvips}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lscript{ps2pdf}
+for compiler \meta[cf=optcolor]{input file} and \Lprog{lualatex} for \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+Use \Lprog{arara}\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/arara}} tool for compiler \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+This option is designed to full process \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}, is mutually
+exclusive with \cmdopt{latexmk} option.
+Using \Lscript{latexmk}\footnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexmk}} for process \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+This option is designed to full process \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}, is mutually exclusive with \cmdopt{arara}.
+Compress the files generated by the script in \texttt{./images} in \Lext{zip} format.
+Does not include \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+Compress the files generated by the script in \texttt{./images} in \Lext{tar.gz} format.
+Does not include \meta[cf=optcolor]{output file}.
+Run \Lprog{bibtex} on the \Lext{aux} file (if exists), is mutually
+exclusive with \cmdopt{biber} option.
+Run \Lprog{biber} on the \Lext{bcf} file (if exists), is mutually
+exclusive with \cmdopt{bibtex} option.
+\subsection{Example of usage}
+An example of usage from command line:
+[user at machine ~:]§ pst2pdf --luatex -e -p -j --imgdir pics test.ltx
+Create a \texttt{./pics} directory (if it does not exist) with all extracted environments converted to image
+formats (\Lext{pdf}, \Lext{eps}, \Lext{png}, \Lext{jpg}) in individual files, an stanalone files (\Lext{ltx}) for all environments extracted,
+an output file \LFile{test-pdf.ltx} with all extracted environments converted to \Lcs{includegraphics} and a single file
+\LFile{test-fig-all.ltx} with only the extracted environments
+using \Lprog{dvilualatex}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lprog{dvips}\textcolor{optcolor}{\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}}\Lscript{ps2pdf}
+and \LPack{preview} package for for process \LFile{test.ltx} and
+\Lprog{lualatex} for \LFile{test-pdf.ltx}.
+\section{Working in another way}
+By design, the script generates separate images and files following a predetermined
+routine that has already been described in this documentation. Another way to generate
+images is as follows:
+\begin{enumerate}[font=\small, nosep, noitemsep,leftmargin=*]
+\item Execute the script using \cmdopt{norun} to generate \meta{standalone} files, move to \texttt{./images}
+and generate \Lext{pdf} files runing:
+[user at machine~:]§for i in *.tex; do `\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler} \oarg[type=tt,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options}` $i; done
+[user at machine~:]§for i in *.pdf; do pdfcrop `\small\oarg[type=tt,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options}` $i $i; done
+\item Execute the script using \cmdopt{norun}, move to \texttt{./images} \Lext{pdf} file runing:
+[user at machine~:]§`\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=lightgray]{compiler} \oarg[type=tt,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options}` test-fig-all.tex
+[user at machine~:]§pdfcrop `\oarg[type=tt,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options}` test-fig-all.pdf
+\section{Example files}
+The \texttt{pst2pdf} documentation provides three example files \LFile{test1.tex}, \LFile{test2.tex}
+and \LFile{test3.tex} plus an image file \LFile{tux.jpg} to test and view the script in action.
+Copy these files to a directory you have write access to and execute:
+[user at machine~:]§pst2pdf `\oarg[type=tt,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options}` test1.tex
+To see how this works.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/pst2pdf-doc.tex
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/test1.tex	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\usepackage{microtype}% for the last pdflatex run
+  \psscaleboxto(8,2){foo bar}
+  \psscaleboxto(8,2){foo bar baz}
+\includegraphics{tux.jpg}% a jpg image
+\begin{postscript}\rnode{foo}{foo} bar baz
+foo bar baz foo bar \rnode{baz}{baz} foo bar baz
\ No newline at end of file

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(Binary files differ)

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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/test2-pdf.pdf	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/test2.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/test2.tex	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+\usepackage{microtype}% for the last pdflatex run
+  \psscaleboxto(4,2){foo bar}
+  \psscaleboxto(8,2){foo bar baz}
+\includegraphics{tux.jpg}% a jpg image
+foo bar baz foo bar baz
+\begin{postscript}\rnode{foo}{foo} bar baz
+foo bar baz foo bar \rnode{baz}{baz} foo bar baz
+foo bar baz

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(Binary files differ)

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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pst2pdf/test3.tex	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\psframebox{% begin box
+\endpspicture}% end box
+% Ende

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## -0,0 +1 ##
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl	2020-08-24 20:51:50 UTC (rev 56171)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst2pdf/pst2pdf.pl	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 use v5.26;
 ############################# LICENCE ##################################
-# $Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2014-09-24 12:04:09Z herbert $                   #
-# v0.19  2020-08-16 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf              #
+# v0.20  2020-08-24 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf              #
 # (c) Herbert Voss <hvoss at tug.org>                                     #
 #     Pablo González L <pablgonz at yahoo.com>                            #
 #                                                                      #
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@
 my $noprew  = 0;        # 1->create images in nopreview mode
 my $runbibtex = 0;      # 1->runs bibtex
 my $runbiber  = 0;      # 1->runs biber and sets $runbibtex=0
-my $all = 0;            # 1->create all images and files for type
 my $xetex  = 0;         # 1->Using (Xe)LaTeX for compilation.
 my $luatex = 0;         # 1->Using dvilualatex for compilation.
 my $latexmk = 0;        # 1->Using latexmk for compiler output file.
@@ -81,9 +79,9 @@
 ### Script identification
 my $scriptname = 'pst2pdf';
-my $nv         = 'v0.19';
-my $date       = '2020-08-17';
-my $ident      = '$Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2020-08-16 12:04:09Z herbert $';
+my $nv         = 'v0.20';
+my $date       = '2020-08-22';
+my $ident      = '$Id: pst2pdf.pl 119 2020-08-22 12:04:09Z herbert $';
 ### Log vars
 my $LogFile = "$scriptname.log";
@@ -347,7 +345,7 @@
     'imgdir=s'           => \$imgdir,   # string
     'myverb=s'           => \$myverb,   # string
     'ignore=s'           => \$tmpverbenv, # string
-    'c|clear'            => \$clear,    # flag
+    'c|clear'            => \$clear,    # flag (unused)
     'ni|norun|noimages'  => \$norun,    # flag
     'np|noprew|single'   => \$noprew,   # flag
     'bibtex'             => \$runbibtex,# flag
@@ -368,7 +366,6 @@
     's|svg'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{svg}, # pdftocairo
     'e|eps'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{eps}, # pdftops
     'P|ppm'              => \$opts_cmd{image}{ppm}, # pdftoppm
-    'a|all'              => \$all,      # flag
     'x|xetex'            => \$xetex,    # flag
     'luatex'             => \$luatex,   # flag
     'ns|nosource'        => \$nosource, # flag
@@ -1153,14 +1150,15 @@
 ### Pass verbatim write environments to dtxtag
 Log("Pass verbatim write environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
-$document  =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                ($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$document   =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 ($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$atbegindoc =~ s/($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
 ### Pass verbatim environments to dtxtag
 Log("Pass verbatim environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
-$document  =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                \%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-                ($verb_std)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+$document   =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 \%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                 ($verb_std)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
 ### Pass %CleanPST to dtxtag
 Log("Pass %CleanPST ... %CleanPST to %<*remove$tmp> ... %</remove$tmp>");
@@ -1409,9 +1407,7 @@
 ### Set -q for system command line (gs, poppler-utils, dvips)
-my $quiet = $verbose ? q{}
-          :            '-q'
-          ;
+my $quiet = $verbose ? q{} : '-q';
 ### Set options for ghostscript
 my %opt_gs_dev = (
@@ -1590,6 +1586,7 @@
 ### Remove %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb> in tmpbodydoc and preamout
 $tmpbodydoc =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
 $preamout   =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+$atbeginout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
 ### Adjust nopreview environments
 $tmpbodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp
@@ -1848,45 +1845,6 @@
 ### Constant
 my $findgraphicx = 'true';
-### Suport for pst-exa package
-my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x;
-my @pst_exa;
-my %pst_exa;
-### Possible packages that load graphicx
-my @pkgcandidates = qw (
-    rotating epsfig lyluatex xunicode parsa xepersian-hm gregoriotex teixmlslides
-    teixml fotex hvfloat pgfplots grfpaste gmbase hep-paper postage schulealt
-    schule utfsym cachepic abc doclicense rotating epsfig semtrans mgltex
-    graphviz revquantum mpostinl cmpj cmpj2 cmpj3 chemschemex register papercdcase
-    flipbook wallpaper asyprocess draftwatermark rutitlepage dccpaper-base
-    nbwp-manual mandi fmp toptesi isorot pinlabel cmll graphicx-psmin ptmxcomp
-    countriesofeurope iodhbwm-templates fgruler combinedgraphics pax pdfpagediff
-    psfragx epsdice perfectcut upmethodology-fmt ftc-notebook tabvar vtable
-    teubner pas-cv gcard table-fct pdfpages keyfloat pdfscreen showexpl simplecd
-    ifmslide grffile reflectgraphics markdown bclogo tikz-page pst-uml realboxes
-    musikui csbulobalka lwarp mathtools sympytex mpgraphics miniplot.sty:77
-    dottex pdftricks2 feupphdteses tex4ebook axodraw2 hagenberg-thesis dlfltxb
-    hu-berlin-bundle draftfigure quicktype endofproofwd euflag othelloboard
-    pdftricks unswcover breqn pdfswitch latex-make figlatex repltext etsvthor
-    cyber xcookybooky xfrac mercatormap chs-physics-report tikzscale ditaa
-    pst-poker gmp CJKvert asypictureb hletter tikz-network powerdot-fuberlin
-    skeyval gnuplottex plantslabels fancytooltips ieeepes pst-vectorian
-    phfnote overpic xtuformat stubs graphbox ucs pdfwin metalogo mwe
-    inline-images asymptote UNAMThesis authorarchive amscdx pst-pdf adjustbox
-    trimclip fixmetodonotes incgraph scanpages pst-layout alertmessage
-    svg quiz2socrative realhats autopdf egplot decorule figsize tikzexternal
-    pgfcore frontespizio textglos graphicx tikz tcolorbox pst-exa
-    );
-my $pkgcandidates = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @pkgcandidates;
-$pkgcandidates = qr/$pkgcandidates/x;
-my @graphicxpkg;
-### \graphicspath
-my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix;
-my @graphicspath;
 ### Replacing the extracted environments with \includegraphics
 Log("Convert pstricks extracted environments to \\includegraphics for $name-pdf$ext");
 my $grap  =  "\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$name-fig-";
@@ -1900,49 +1858,84 @@
 ### Remove content in preamble
 my @tag_remove_preamble = $preamble =~ m/(?:^\%<\*remove$tmp>.+?\%<\/remove$tmp>)/gmsx;
 if (@tag_remove_preamble) {
-    Log("Removing the content between <*remove> ... </remove> tags in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    Log("Removing the content between %CleanPST ... %CleanPST in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $preamble =~ s/^\%<\*remove$tmp>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/remove$tmp>(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
-### To be sure that the package is in the main document and not in a
-### verbatim write environment we make the changes using the hash and
-### range operator in a copy
+### Suport for pst-exa package
+my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x;
+my @pst_exa;
+my %pst_exa;
+### Search pst-exa package
+ at pst_exa  = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$pstexa/gmsx;
+%pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa;
+### If found comment and adjust path for graphic files
+if (@pst_exa) {
+    Log("Comment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    $findgraphicx = 'false';
+    $preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+                  (\\usepackage\[)\s*(swpl|tcb)\s*(\]\{pst-exa\})/\%$1$2,pdf$3/msxg;
+    # Change for [tcb] option (path for graphic files)
+    if (exists $pst_exa{tcb}) {
+        Log("Suport for \\usepackage[tcb,pdf]\{pst-exa\} for $name-pdf$ext");
+        $bodydoc =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imgdir\/$name-fig-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+    }
+### Regex for remove (pst-?) packages in preamble
+$PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add | -pdf )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf(?: -lua )? )/x;
+$FAMILIA  = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
+Log("Remove pstricks packages in preamble for $name-pdf$ext [no pst-exa]");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
+### Uncomment pst-exa package
+if (@pst_exa) {
+    Log("Uncomment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+    $preamble =~ s/(?:\%)(\\usepackage\[\s*)(swpl|tcb)(,pdf\s*\]\{pst-exa\})/$1$2$3/msxg;
+Log("Remove \\psset\{...\} in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+Log("Remove \\SpecialCoor in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+Log("Remove empty lines in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+               ^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### To be sure that the package graphicx and \graphicspath is in the main
+### document and not in a verbatim write environment we make the changes
 my %tmpreplace = (
     'graphicx'     => 'TMPGRAPHICXTMP',
-    'pst-exa'      => 'TMPPSTEXATMP',
     'graphicspath' => 'TMPGRAPHICSPATHTMP',
 my $findtmp     = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %tmpreplace;
-my $preambletmp = $preamble;
-my @lineas = split /\n/, $preambletmp;
-### We remove the commented lines
-s/\%.*(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//msg foreach @lineas;
-### We make the changes in the environments verbatim write
-my $DEL;
-for (@lineas) {
-    if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) {
-        s/($findtmp)/$tmpreplace{$1}/g;
-    }
+### We go line by line and make the changes [need /p for ${^MATCH}]
+while ($preamble =~ /\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb> | $tmpcomment /pgmsx) {
+    my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+    my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+    $encontrado =~ s/($findtmp)/$tmpreplace{$1}/g;
+    substr $preamble, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+    pos ($preamble) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
-### Join lines in $preambletmp
-$preambletmp = join "\n", @lineas;
+### Now we're trying to capture \graphicspath{...}
+my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix;
+my @graphicspath;
+ at graphicspath = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|($graphicspath)/gmsx;
-### We removed the blank lines
-$preambletmp =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
-### Now we're trying to capture
- at graphicxpkg = $preambletmp =~ m/($pkgcandidates)/gmsx;
-if (@graphicxpkg) {
-    Log("Found graphicx package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $findgraphicx = 'false';
-### Search graphicspath
- at graphicspath = $preambletmp =~ m/graphicspath/msx;
 if (@graphicspath) {
     Log("Found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $findgraphicx = 'false';
@@ -1961,19 +1954,53 @@
-### Search pst-exa
- at pst_exa  = $preambletmp =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$pstexa/xg;
-%pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa;
-if (@pst_exa) {
-    Log("Comment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+### Possible packages that load graphicx
+my @pkgcandidates = qw (
+    rotating epsfig lyluatex xunicode parsa xepersian-hm gregoriotex teixmlslides
+    teixml fotex hvfloat pgfplots grfpaste gmbase hep-paper postage schulealt
+    schule utfsym cachepic abc doclicense rotating epsfig semtrans mgltex
+    graphviz revquantum mpostinl cmpj cmpj2 cmpj3 chemschemex register papercdcase
+    flipbook wallpaper asyprocess draftwatermark rutitlepage dccpaper-base
+    nbwp-manual mandi fmp toptesi isorot pinlabel cmll graphicx-psmin ptmxcomp
+    countriesofeurope iodhbwm-templates fgruler combinedgraphics pax pdfpagediff
+    psfragx epsdice perfectcut upmethodology-fmt ftc-notebook tabvar vtable
+    teubner pas-cv gcard table-fct pdfpages keyfloat pdfscreen showexpl simplecd
+    ifmslide grffile reflectgraphics markdown bclogo tikz-page pst-uml realboxes
+    musikui csbulobalka lwarp mathtools sympytex mpgraphics miniplot.sty:77
+    dottex pdftricks2 feupphdteses tex4ebook axodraw2 hagenberg-thesis dlfltxb
+    hu-berlin-bundle draftfigure quicktype endofproofwd euflag othelloboard
+    pdftricks unswcover breqn pdfswitch latex-make figlatex repltext etsvthor
+    cyber xcookybooky xfrac mercatormap chs-physics-report tikzscale ditaa
+    pst-poker gmp CJKvert asypictureb hletter tikz-network powerdot-fuberlin
+    skeyval gnuplottex plantslabels fancytooltips ieeepes pst-vectorian
+    phfnote overpic xtuformat stubs graphbox ucs pdfwin metalogo mwe
+    inline-images asymptote UNAMThesis authorarchive amscdx adjustbox
+    trimclip fixmetodonotes incgraph scanpages alertmessage
+    svg quiz2socrative realhats autopdf egplot decorule figsize tikzexternal
+    pgfcore frontespizio textglos graphicx tikz tcolorbox
+    );
+my $pkgcandidates = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @pkgcandidates;
+$pkgcandidates = qr/$pkgcandidates/x;
+my @graphicxpkg;
+### Now we're trying to capture graphicx package
+ at graphicxpkg = $preamble =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|($pkgcandidates)/gmsx;
+if (@graphicxpkg and $findgraphicx ne 'false') {
+    Log("Found graphicx package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     $findgraphicx = 'false';
-    $preamble =~ s/(\\usepackage\[)\s*(swpl|tcb)\s*(\]\{pst-exa\})/\%$1$2,pdf$3/msxg;
-if (exists $pst_exa{tcb}) {
-    Log("Suport for \\usepackage[tcb,pdf]\{pst-exa\} for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $bodydoc =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imgdir\/$name-fig-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+### Revert changes in preamble for temp <output file>
+my %tmpoutreplace = (
+    'TMPGRAPHICXTMP'     => 'graphicx',
+    'TMPGRAPHICSPATHTMP' => 'graphicspath',
+%replace  = (%changes_out,%tmpoutreplace);
+$find     = join q{|}, map {quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
 ### Try to capture arara:compiler in preamble of <output file>
 my @arara_engines = qw (latex pdflatex lualatex xelatex luahbtex);
 my $arara_engines = join q{|}, map { quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } @arara_engines;
@@ -1981,28 +2008,36 @@
 my $arara_rule = qr /^(?:\%\s{1}arara[:]\s{1}) ($arara_engines) /msx;
 ### Capture graphicx.sty in .log of LaTeX file
-if ($findgraphicx eq 'true') {
+if ($findgraphicx ne 'false') {
     Log("Couldn't capture the graphicx package for $name-pdf$ext in preamble");
     my $ltxlog;
     my @graphicx;
     my $null = devnull();
+    # Copy preamble and revert changes
+    my $preambletmp = $preamble;
+    $preambletmp =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+    $preambletmp   =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
     Log("Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext [only preamble]");
     if ($verbose) { say "Creating [$name-fig-$tmp$ext] with only preamble"; }
     open my $OUTfile, '>', "$name-fig-$tmp$ext";
-        print {$OUTfile} "$preamble\n\\stop";
+        print {$OUTfile} "$preambletmp\n\\stop";
     close $OUTfile;
-    # Set compiler
+    # Set compiler for arara
     if ($opts_cmd{compiler}{arara}) {
-        my @engine = $preamble =~ m/$arara_rule/msx;
+        my @engine = $atbegindoc =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$arara_rule/msx;
         my %engine = map { $_ => 1 } @engine;
         if (%engine) {
             for my $var (@arara_engines) {
                 if (defined $engine{$var}) {
+                    Log("Found engine [$var] for arara");
                     $compiler = $var;
-        else { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
+        else {
+            Log("Not detected engine for arara, use default [pdflatex]");
+            $compiler = 'pdflatex';
+        }
     if ($compiler eq 'latex') { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
     if ($compiler eq 'dvilualatex') { $compiler = 'lualatex'; }
@@ -2025,48 +2060,28 @@
     else {
         Log("Not found graphicx package in $name-fig-$tmp.log");
         Log("Add \\usepackage\{graphicx\} to preamble of $name-pdf$ext");
-        $preamble= "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{graphicx\}";
+        $preamble= "$preamble\\usepackage\{graphicx\}\n";
-### Regex for clean (pst-?) in preamble
-$PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add | -pdf )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf(?: -lua )? )/x;
-$FAMILIA  = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
-Log("Remove pstricks packages in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
-               \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
-if (@pst_exa) {
-    Log("Uncomment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $preamble =~ s/(?:\%)(\\usepackage\[\s*)(swpl|tcb)(,pdf\s*\]\{pst-exa\})/$1$2$3/msxg;
 ### Add last lines
 if (!@graphicspath) {
     Log("Not found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
     Log("Add \\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-    $preamble= "$preamble\n\\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\}";
+    $preamble= "$preamble\\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\}\n";
 Log("Add \\usepackage\{grfext\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble = "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{grfext\}";
+$preamble = "$preamble\\usepackage\{grfext\}\n";
 Log("Add \\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
-$preamble = "$preamble\n\\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\}";
+$preamble = "$preamble\\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\}";
 $preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
-$preamble =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
 ### Create a <output file>
 my $out_file = "$preamble\n$bodydoc\n$enddoc";
-### Clean \psset content in output file
+### Clean \psset{...} content in <output file>
+Log("Remove \\psset\{...\} in body for $name-pdf$ext");
 $out_file =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp.+?\\end\{nopreview\}\%$tmp(*SKIP)(*F)|
                \%<\*$dtxverb> .+? \%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
                \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
@@ -2087,7 +2102,7 @@
 ### Remove internal mark for verbatim and verbatim write environments
 $out_file =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
-%replace  = (%changes_out);
+%replace  = (%changes_out,%tmpoutreplace);
 $find     = join q{|}, map {quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
 $out_file =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
@@ -2115,6 +2130,7 @@
              : $luatex ? "-pdflua -silent -lualatex=\"lualatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
              :           "-pdf -silent -pdflatex=\"pdflatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
 ### Set options for compiler
 $opt_compiler = $arara   ? '--log'
               : $latexmk ? "$ltxmkopt"
@@ -2121,7 +2137,13 @@
               :            "$write18 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder"
-### Set compiler name for arara and latexmk
+### Set message in terminal
+$msg_compiler = $xetex  ? 'xelatex'
+              : $luatex ? 'lualatex'
+              :           'pdflatex'
+              ;
+### Set compiler message and compiler for arara and latexmk
 if ($arara) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'arara'; }
 if ($latexmk) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'latexmk'; }

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-08-24 20:51:50 UTC (rev 56171)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2020-08-24 20:55:24 UTC (rev 56172)
@@ -2670,6 +2670,7 @@
  'poetrytex',           'Makefile|' . $standardsource,
  'pseudo',		'NULL',	# keep together
  'pst-pdf',		'\.(dtx|ins|e?ps|png)$|CHANGES.tex',
+ 'pst2pdf',		'NULL',
  'pygmentex',		'NULL',	# keep together
  'rcs',                 'rcs.el|src|' . $standardsource,
  'ruhyphen',            '^[^.]*$|README.ru|hyphen.rules',
@@ -3630,7 +3631,8 @@
     $standarddocfmt = $standardsourcefmt = $standardfmt = "xelatex";
     $guess = "$standarddocfmt for fmt/docfmt/srcfmt";
-  } elsif ($ctan_dir =~ m!/(CTAN|tex-archive)/(support|web)/!) {
+  } elsif ($ctan_dir
+                =~ m!/(CTAN|tex-archive)/(support|web|graphics/.*/scripts)/!) {
     $standarddocfmt = $standardsourcefmt = "support";
     $guess = "$standarddocfmt for docfmt/srcfmt";

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