texlive[54817] trunk: pkfix-helper (20apr20)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Mon Apr 20 23:15:45 CEST 2020

Revision: 54817
Author:   karl
Date:     2020-04-20 23:15:45 +0200 (Mon, 20 Apr 2020)
Log Message:
pkfix-helper (20apr20)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper	2020-04-20 21:15:05 UTC (rev 54816)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper	2020-04-20 21:15:45 UTC (rev 54817)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # Define some global variables.
 my $progname = basename $0;        # Name of this program
-our $VERSION = "1.4";              # Version number of this program
+our $VERSION = "1.5";              # Version number of this program
 my %name2chars;                    # Map from a font name to a character list
 my $GS = $ENV{"GS"} || "gs";       # Name of the Ghostscript interpreter
 my $TFTOPL = $ENV{"TFTOPL"} || "tftopl";    # Name of the TFM to PL converter
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 my $single_font_use = 0;           # 1=one use per font; 0=allow repetitions
 my $samples_per_page = 25;         # Number of font samples to print per page
 my $tfm_cache_file;                # Name of a file in which to cache font metrics
-my $any_scale = 0;                 # 0=1X, 1.1X, 1.2X, ...; 1=any scale is allowed
@@ -189,11 +188,6 @@
     return 1.0 if $tfm_dot_tfm == 0.0;   # Handle TFM characters that all have zero width.
     my $optscale = $doc_dot_tfm / $tfm_dot_tfm;
-    unless ($any_scale) {
-        # Allow only values >= 1.0 and only multiples of 0.1.
-        return 1.0 if $optscale < 1.0;
-        $optscale = int($optscale*10 + 0.5) / 10;
-    }
     return $optscale;
@@ -206,13 +200,22 @@
     my %docmap = %{$_[0]};    # Map for a document font
     my %tfmmap = %{$_[1]};    # Map for a TFM font
     my $scale = $_[2] || 1.0; # Scale for each TFM width
+    my @sqdiffs;              # List of squares of differences
     my $sqdiff = 0;           # Sum of squares of differences
+    # Compute the per-character squared difference.
     while (my ($char, $docwidth) = each %docmap) {
         my $tfmwidth = $tfmmap{$char};
         return 10**9 if !defined $tfmwidth;      # Match is impossible.
-        $sqdiff += ($docwidth - $tfmwidth*$scale) ** 2;
+        push @sqdiffs, ($docwidth - $tfmwidth*$scale) ** 2;
+    # Sort the list of squared differences in decreasing order (for
+    # floating-point stability), add it up, and return the sum.
+    @sqdiffs = sort {$b <=> $a} @sqdiffs;
+    foreach my $s (@sqdiffs) {
+        $sqdiff += $s;
+    }
     return $sqdiff;
@@ -339,6 +342,24 @@
     return keys %item_hash;
+# Collapse repeated whitespace instances into a single space character.
+sub collapse_spaces ($)
+    my $simply_spaced = $_[0];
+    $simply_spaced =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
+    return $simply_spaced;
+# Combine a list of strings with commas and "and".
+sub join_string_list (@)
+    my @items = @_;
+    return $items[0] if $#items == 0;
+    return "$items[0] and $items[1]" if $#items == 1;
+    return join(", ", @items[0..$#items-1]) . ", and $items[$#items]";
 # Parse the command line.
@@ -355,7 +376,6 @@
             "p|ps=s"       => \$sample_file_ps,
             "s|spp=i"      => \$samples_per_page,
             "C|cache=s"    => \$tfm_cache_file,
-            "a|any-scale!" => \$any_scale,
             "1|no-repeats" => \$single_font_use) || pod2usage(2);
 if ($wantversion) {
     print "pkfix-helper $VERSION\n";
@@ -395,17 +415,28 @@
 # should be in order of decreasing likelihood.  Each entry in the list
 # is of the form {full name, scale factor}.
 @exclude_res = ('^\s*$') if $#exclude_res == -1;
-foreach my $size_scale ([10, 1.0],
-                        [12, 1.0],
-                        [10, 1.1],
-                        [17, 1.0],
+foreach my $size_scale (# The following are the most common sizes found in
+                        # old LaTeX documents.
+                        [10, 1.0],       # 10 pt.
+                        [12, 1.0],       # 12 pt.
+                        [10, 1.095],     # 11 pt. -- really 10*sqrt(1.2) pt.
+                        [17, 17.28/17],  # 17 pt. -- really 10*1.2^3 pt.
                         [ 9, 1.0],
                         [ 8, 1.0],
                         [ 7, 1.0],
                         [ 6, 1.0],
                         [ 5, 1.0],
-                        [10, 1.2],
-                        # The following are common cmbx12 section headings.
+                        # As 10 pt. is LaTeX's most generic font size, LaTeX
+                        # sometimes needs to scale up a 10 pt. font to make up
+                        # for no other size being available.
+                        [10, 1.2],       # 12 pt.
+                        [10, 1.44],      # 14 pt. -- really 10*1.2^2 pt.
+                        [10, 1.728],     # 17 pt. -- really 10*1.2^3 pt.
+                        [10, 2.074],     # 20 pt. -- really 10*1.2^4 pt.
+                        [10, 2.488],     # 25 pt. -- really 10*1.2^5 pt.
+                        # While not particularly common, the following are
+                        # sometimes encountered with cmbx12 for section
+                        # headings.
                         [12, 14.40/12],
                         [12, 17.28/12],
                         [12, 20.74/12],
@@ -412,10 +443,9 @@
                         [12, 24.88/12]) {
     my ($pointsize, $scale) = @$size_scale;
-    foreach my $basefont (qw (cmr cmb cmtt cmbsy cmbx cmbxsl cmbxti
-                              cmcsc cmex cmitt cmmi cmmib cmsl cmsltt
-                              cmss cmssbx cmssi cmsy cmti lasy lasyb
-                              msam msbm cmssdc cmtcsc)) {
+    foreach my $basefont (qw (cmr cmbx cmtt cmbsy cmbxsl cmcsc cmex cmitt cmmi
+                              cmmib cmss cmssbx cmssi cmsy cmsl cmsltt cmti cmb
+                              lasy lasyb msam msbm cmbxti cmssdc cmtcsc)) {
         my $friendly_name = sprintf "%s%d \@ %.5gX", $basefont, $pointsize, $scale;
         foreach my $regexp (@exclude_res) {
             next FONTLOOP if $friendly_name =~ $regexp;
@@ -441,8 +471,26 @@
 print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose;
+# Preprocess the input file to make it easier to parse.
+print STDERR "Preprocessing ... " if $verbose >= 2;
+$entirefile =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;          # Normalize line endings to Unix-style.
+$entirefile =~ s/TeXDict\s+begin\s+\%\%Begin(\w+).*?\%\%End\1.*?\n/$&end\nTeXDict begin /gs;    # Remove blocks of code between "TeXDict begin" and the first number.
+$entirefile =~ s/TeXDict\s+begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+.*?\@/collapse_spaces($&)/gse;   # Normalize "TeXDict begin" spacing.
+print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose >= 2;
+# Determine the number of dots per inch used to generate the bitmaps.
+if ($entirefile =~ /dpi=(\d+)/i
+    || $entirefile =~ /Resolution (\d+)dpi/i
+    || $entirefile =~ /\%Feature: \*Resolution (\d+)/) {
+    $dpi = $1 + 0;
+    printf STDERR "Bitmapped fonts are typeset at $dpi DPI.\n" if $verbose;
+else {
+    warn "${progname}: Could not determine the target printer resolution; assuming $dpi DPI\n";
 # Rename the fonts in each subdocument (figure).
-my @fontrenames;
+my @fig_font_renames;    # List of {old text, new text, TeX dictionary} triplets
 my $fignum = 1;
 my $numrenamed = 0;
 while ($entirefile =~ /(\%\%BeginDocument: (.*?)\n.*?\%\%EndDocument)/gs) {
@@ -451,14 +499,14 @@
     my $figname = $2;
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
         if ($fignum == 1) {
-            print STDERR "Renaming all fonts encountered in included documents:\n";
+            print STDERR "Renaming all fonts encountered in figures and other included documents:\n";
         print STDERR "    $figname\n";
-    while ($figure =~ m|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+    while ($figure =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
         my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
         $newfigure =~ s,(?<=/)$fontname\b,${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
-        $newfigure =~ s,\b$fontname(?=\(),${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
+        $newfigure =~ s,\b$fontname(?=[^()]*\(),${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
         if ($verbose >= 2) {
             printf STDERR "        %s --> %s_%d\n", $fontname, $fontname, $fignum;
@@ -475,7 +523,7 @@
         else {
             warn "${progname}: Failed to extract a font-defining TeXDict from $figname\n";
-        push @fontrenames, [$figure, $newfigure, $texdict];
+        push @fig_font_renames, [$figure, $newfigure, $texdict];
@@ -482,22 +530,77 @@
 if ($verbose && $entirefile =~ /\%\%BeginDocument:/s) {
     print STDERR "Number of Type 3 fonts encountered in included documents: $numrenamed\n";
-foreach my $ren (@fontrenames) {
+foreach my $ren (@fig_font_renames) {
     my ($before, $after, $notused) = @$ren;
     $entirefile =~ s/\Q$before\E/$after/gs;
-# If the document contains a subdocument with (now renamed) font
-# definitions, hoist those definitions adjacent to the main document's
-# font definitions so pkfix can find them.
-if (@fontrenames) {
-    if ($entirefile =~ /(TeXDict begin (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) \(.*?\)\s+\@start.*?)(?=end)/s) {
-        my $fontdict = $1;
+# Rename the fonts in each section.
+my @sections = $entirefile =~ /(?<=\n)\%DVIPSBeginSection.*?\%DVIPSEndSection\n/gs;
+my @sdoc_font_renames;    # List of {old text, new text, TeX dictionary} triplets
+if ($#sections > 0) {
+    printf STDERR "Renaming the fonts in %d dvips sections:\n", 1+$#sections if $verbose >= 2;
+    my $numrenamed = 0;
+    foreach my $secnum (0 .. $#sections) {
+        printf STDERR "    Section %d\n", 1+$secnum if $verbose >= 2;
+        my $oldsection = $sections[$secnum];
+        my $newsection = $oldsection;
+        while ($oldsection =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+            my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
+            my $newfontname = sprintf "%s_S%02d", $fontname, 1+$secnum;
+            $newsection =~ s,(?<=/)$fontname\b,$newfontname,gs;
+            $newsection =~ s,\b$fontname\b(?=[^()]*\(),$newfontname,gs;
+            $numrenamed++;
+            if ($verbose >= 2) {
+                printf STDERR "        %s --> %s\n", $fontname, $newfontname;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($oldsection ne $newsection) {
+            # Remove the font-defining dictionary from the the section
+            # as it may confuse pkfix.  Store it so we can later
+            # reinsert it into the main document's font-defining
+            # dictionary.
+            my $texdict = "";
+            if ($newsection =~ s/(TeXDict begin \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start bos)\s+(.*?)(?=\%DVIPSSectionPage)/$1\n/gs) {
+                $texdict = $2;
+            }
+            else {
+                warn "${progname}: Failed to extract a font-defining TeXDict from dvips section @{[1+$secnum]}\n";
+            }
+            push @sdoc_font_renames, [$oldsection, $newsection, $texdict];
+        }
+    }
+    if ($verbose) {
+        printf STDERR "Number of Type 3 fonts encountered in %d dvips sections: %d\n", 1+$#sections, $numrenamed;
+    }
+foreach my $ren (@sdoc_font_renames) {
+    my ($before, $after, $notused) = @$ren;
+    $entirefile =~ s/\Q$before\E/$after/gs;
+# If the document contains a section or subdocument with (now renamed)
+# font definitions, hoist those definitions to where pkfix can find
+# them.
+if (@sdoc_font_renames || @fig_font_renames) {
+    if ($entirefile =~ /(TeXDict begin \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start)(.*?)(?=end)/s) {
+        # Construct the PostScript code to add.
+        my $texdict_header = $1;
+        my $texdict_body = $2;
         my $morefonts = "";
-        foreach my $ren (@fontrenames) {
+        foreach my $ren (@sdoc_font_renames, @fig_font_renames) {
             $morefonts .= $ren->[2];
-        $entirefile =~ s/(\Q$fontdict\E)/$1$morefonts/s;
+        # Insert the code at a suitable location.
+        if ($entirefile =~ /\%\%EndProlog/s) {
+            # First choice: In a ProcSet right before the %%EndProlog
+            $entirefile =~ s/(\%\%EndProlog)/\%\%BeginProcSet: ${progname}-fonts.pro\n$texdict_header\n$morefonts\nend\n\%\%EndProcSet\n$1\n\%DVIPSParameters: dpi=$dpi/;
+        }
+        else {
+            # Second choice: Within the first TeXDict usage
+            $entirefile =~ s/(\Q$texdict_header$texdict_body\E)/$1$morefonts/s;
+        }
     else {
         warn "${progname}: Failed to find a font-defining TeXDict\n";
@@ -506,12 +609,13 @@
 # Construct a mapping from each document font name to a list of valid
 # characters in that font.
-while ($entirefile =~ m|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+while ($entirefile =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
     my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
     my $fontbody = $2;   # List of character definitions as hexadecimal strings
     my $charnum = 0;     # Current character number
     my @charlist = ();   # List of valid characters in PostScript-friendly format
+    warn "${progname}: Font $fontname is multiply defined\n" if defined $name2chars{$fontname};
     while ($fontbody =~ /<[0-9A-F\s]+>(.*?[DI])/gs) {
         # Put the current character number in $charnum then append the
         # corresponding character to @charlist.
@@ -532,22 +636,12 @@
     printf STDERR "Total number of Type 3 fonts encountered: %d\n", 1+$#sortedfontnames;
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
         foreach my $fontname (@sortedfontnames) {
-            printf STDERR "    %-5.5s -- %3d character(s)\n", $fontname, 1+$#{$name2chars{$fontname}};
+            printf STDERR "    %s -- %3d character(s)\n", $fontname, 1+$#{$name2chars{$fontname}};
 die "${progname}: No Type 3 fonts were encountered in the input file\n" if $#sortedfontnames==-1;
-# Determine the number of dots per inch used to generate the bitmaps.
-if ($entirefile =~ /dpi=(\d+)/i
-    || $entirefile =~ /Resolution (\d+)dpi/i) {
-    $dpi = $1 + 0;
-    printf STDERR "Bitmapped fonts are typeset at $dpi DPI.\n" if $verbose;
-else {
-    warn "${progname}: Could not determine the target printer resolution; assuming $dpi DPI\n";
 # Insert some helper code after the tex.pro ProcSet.
 my $output_width_ps = $entirefile;    # PostScript code to output character widths
 my $showfontnamecode = <<"SHOWFONTNAME";
@@ -616,7 +710,7 @@
 # Replace the bulk of the PostScript file with the display code.
-if ($output_width_ps !~ s/\%\%Page:.*(\%\%Trailer)/$displaycode$1/s) {
+if ($output_width_ps !~ s/(?:\%\%Page|\%DVIPSSectionPage):.*(\%\%Trailer|\%DVIPSSectionTrailer)/$displaycode$1/s) {
     print STDERR 'No %%Page and/or %%Trailer comments were found.  We have to guess where to inject PostScript code.', "\n" if $verbose >= 3;
     die "${progname}: Unable to inject display code\n" if $output_width_ps !~ s/TeXDict begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+bop.*eop\s+end/\n$displaycode\n/s;
@@ -632,11 +726,12 @@
 undef $output_width_ps;
 my %fontwidth;     # Map from font name to character number to character width
 my @previnfo = ("", 0.0);   # Previous font name and final character position
-my $gscmd = "$GS -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNODISPLAY $psfilename";
+my $gscmd = "$GS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNODISPLAY $psfilename";
 print STDERR "Finding character widths ... " if $verbose >= 1;
 print STDERR "\n    Invoking: $gscmd\n" if $verbose >= 2;
 print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose >= 1;
 open (GSCMD, "$gscmd|") || die "${progname}: failed to fork ($!)\n";
+my @gs_output;     # Ghostscript diagnostic messages, to output on error
 while (my $oneline = <GSCMD>) {
     if ($oneline =~ /FONT: (\S+)\s*CHAR: (\d+)\s*XPOS: (\S+)/o) {
         my ($fontname, $charnum, $xpos) = ($1, $2, $3);
@@ -649,8 +744,16 @@
         $dvips_xscale = $1 * 1.0;
         $dvips_yscale = $2 * -1.0;
+    else {
+        push @gs_output, $oneline;
+    }
-close GSCMD || die "${progname}: failed to run $GS ($!)\n";
+close GSCMD || do {
+    foreach my $ln (@gs_output) {
+        print STDERR $ln;
+    }
+    die "${progname}: failed to run $GS ($!)\n";
 unlink $psfilename;
 die "${progname}: No character-width information was found\n" if !%fontwidth;
@@ -723,9 +826,13 @@
 # characters utilized) to every TFM file (in increasing order of
 # obscurity).
 print STDERR "Matching fonts:\n" if $verbose;
+my %already_used_tfms;     # Set of TFM files already assigned to a document font, empty unless --no-repeats was specified
 foreach my $fontname (@sortedfontnames) {
-    my @besttfms;             # Best matching TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
-    my $bestmatch = 10**9;    # Best matching value
+    my $no_match = 10**9;       # Sentinel indicating no match was found
+    my @besttfms;               # Best matching TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
+    my $bestmatch = $no_match;  # Best matching value
+    my @besttfms_rep;           # Best matching but repeated TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
+    my $bestmatch_rep = $no_match;  # Best matching repeated value
     # Don't substitute the font if we were told not to.
     if (defined $retained_t3s{$fontname}) {
@@ -767,14 +874,30 @@
         my $scale = $tfminfo->{"scale"};
         printf STDERR "    Comparing %s and %s \@ %.5gX ... ", $fontname, $tfm, $scale if $verbose >= 2;
         my $match = compare_maps $fontwidth{$fontname}, $tfmfontwidth{$tfm}, $scale;
-        if ($bestmatch > $match) {
-            # We found a closer match than what we had before.
-            $bestmatch  = $match;
-            @besttfms   = ($tfminfo);
+        if (defined $already_used_tfms{$tfm}->{$scale}) {
+            # Repeated TFM (and --no-repeats was specified) -- not eligible for
+            # best TFM.
+            if ($bestmatch_rep > $match) {
+                # We found a closer match than what we had before.
+                $bestmatch_rep  = $match;
+                @besttfms_rep   = ($tfminfo);
+            }
+            elsif ($bestmatch_rep == $match) {
+                # We found an equal match to what we had before.
+                push @besttfms_rep, $tfminfo;
+            }
-        elsif ($bestmatch == $match) {
-            # We found an equal match to what we had before.
-            push @besttfms, $tfminfo;
+        else {
+            # Non-repeated TFM -- eligible for best TFM.
+            if ($bestmatch > $match) {
+                # We found a closer match than what we had before.
+                $bestmatch  = $match;
+                @besttfms   = ($tfminfo);
+            }
+            elsif ($bestmatch == $match) {
+                # We found an equal match to what we had before.
+                push @besttfms, $tfminfo;
+            }
         printf STDERR "done (mismatch=%.5f).\n", $match if $verbose >= 2;
@@ -784,38 +907,79 @@
     my $besttfminfo = $fontmatch{$fontname};
     my $besttfm = $besttfminfo->{"tfm"};
     my $bestscale = $besttfminfo->{"scale"};
+    # Report how good or bad the match is and what other close matches the user
+    # might consider instead.
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
-        if ($#besttfms == 0) {
-            # Single winner
-            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f.\n\n",
+        if ($#besttfms == 0 || $bestmatch == $no_match) {
+            # There was either a single winner or no match was found.
+            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
             $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
         else {
-            # Tie for first place
-            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX (tied among %s) with mismatch=%.5f.\n\n",
-            $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale,
-            join("/", map {sprintf "%s\@%.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms),
-            $bestmatch;
+            # There was a tie for first place.
+            my $preposition = $#besttfms == 1 ? "between" : "among";
+            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX (tied %s %s) with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
+                $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale, $preposition,
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms),
+                $bestmatch;
+        if ($bestmatch_rep < $bestmatch ||
+            ($bestmatch < $no_match && $bestmatch_rep <= $bestmatch)) {
+            # A repeated font would have matched equally well (excluding
+            # failures to match at all) or better.
+            printf STDERR "    Ignored repeated %s %s with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
+                $#besttfms_rep == 0 ? "font" : "fonts",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms_rep),
+                $bestmatch_rep;
+        }
     elsif ($verbose == 1) {
-        printf STDERR "done (%s \@ %.5gX, mismatch=%.5f).\n", $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
+        printf STDERR "done (%s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f", $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
+        if ($#besttfms > 0 && $bestmatch != $no_match) {
+            # There was a tie for first place.
+            printf STDERR ", tied with %s",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms[1..$#besttfms]);
+        }
+        if ($bestmatch_rep < $bestmatch ||
+            ($bestmatch < $no_match && $bestmatch_rep <= $bestmatch)) {
+            # A repeated font would have matched equally well (excluding
+            # failures to match at all) or better.
+            printf STDERR "; ignored %s %s with mismatch=%.5f",
+                $#besttfms_rep == 0 ? "repeat" : "repeats",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms_rep),
+                $bestmatch_rep;
+        }
+        print STDERR ").\n";
-    warn "${progname}: Best match for $fontname is rather poor\n" if $bestmatch>=1.0;
+    if ($bestmatch == $no_match) {
+        warn "${progname}: ${fontname} uses characters that don't appear in any candidate font\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($bestmatch >= 1.0) {
+        warn "${progname}: Best match for $fontname is rather poor\n";
+    }
+    printf STDERR "\n" if $verbose >= 2;  # Warnings should precede the inter-font newline character.
-    # Optionally remove the font from @goodtfmlist.
+    # If --no-repeats was specified, mark the font as having been used.
     if ($single_font_use) {
-        @tfmlist = grep {$_->{"tfm"} ne $besttfm
-                             || $_->{"scale"} != $bestscale} @tfmlist;
+        $already_used_tfms{$besttfm}->{$bestscale} = 1;
+# Merge all sections into a single section to avoid confusing pkfix.
+if ($#sections > 0) {
+    my $numreplacements = 0;
+    $entirefile =~ s/(TeXDict begin)\s+(\d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start\s+bos)/$numreplacements++ ? "" : "$1\n$2"/gse;
+    $entirefile =~ s/eos\s+end//gs;
+    $entirefile =~ s/(.*)(\%DVIPSEndSection)/$1eos end\n$2/s;
 # Insert %DVIPSBitmapFont comments around every Type 3 font definition.
 my $commented_ps = $entirefile;
 my $infilename_ps = $infilename;   # PostScript version of $infilename
 $infilename_ps =~ s/([\(\)\\])/\\$1/g;
 $commented_ps =~ s|^\%(End)?DVIPSBitmapFont.*$||gm;    # Remove existing comments (if any)
-$commented_ps =~ s|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df.*?>[^<]*?[DI]\s+E|write_comments($1, $&)|gse;
+$commented_ps =~ s|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df.*?>[^<]*?[DI]\s+E|write_comments($1, $&)|gse;
 if ($commented_ps !~ /\%\%EndProlog/) {
     # pkfix fails silently if it doesn't see an %%EndProlog.
     print STDERR "No %%EndProlog comment was found.  Adding one.\n" if $verbose >= 3;
@@ -888,7 +1052,7 @@
-    if ($sample_ps !~ s/\%\%BeginProcSet: tex\w*\.pro.*\%\%EndProcSet/$&\n$showfontnamecode/s) {
+    if ($sample_ps !~ s/\%\%BeginProcSet: tex\w*\.pro.*?\%\%EndProcSet/$&\n$showfontnamecode/s) {
         print STDERR "No tex.pro ProcSet was found.  We have to guess where to inject PostScript code.\n" if $verbose >= 3;
         die "${progname}: Unable to inject prologue code\n" if $sample_ps !~ s/TeXDict begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+bop/\n$showfontnamecode\n$&/s;
@@ -1023,11 +1187,12 @@
         my $samplestring = texify @{$name2chars{$fontname}};
         my $yoffset = ($fontnum-$firstfontnum)*$yinc + $init_yinc;
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\put(0, %d){\\timesbXII %s:}%%\n", $yoffset, $fontname;
+        next if !defined $fontmatch{$fontname};
         my $tfm = $fontmatch{$fontname}->{"tfm"};
         my $scale = $fontmatch{$fontname}->{"scale"};
         my $size = $tfm2size{$tfm};
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\font\\somefont=%s%s\\somefont\n",
-        $tfm, $scale==1.0 ? "" : sprintf(" at %.5gbp", $scale*$size);
+        $tfm, $scale==1.0 ? "" : sprintf(" at %.5gpt", $scale*$size);
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\put(%d, %d){%s}%%\n", $xinc, $yoffset, $samplestring;
         if ($fontnum % $samples_per_page == $samples_per_page-1) {
@@ -1168,16 +1333,26 @@
 =item B<-f> I<name>=I<fontspec>, B<--force>=I<name>=I<fontspec>
 Force B<pkfix-helper> to associate a specific font with a given font
-name appearing the document.  I<name> is a two-character B<dvips> font
-name such as C<Fa>.  I<fontspec> is a font specification such as
-C<cmmi8> or S<C<cmsy10 @ 1.1X>>.  An asterisk used in the name of the
-base font S<(e.g., C<cmti*>)> will automatically try all integral test
-font sizes from 5 to 17 points (C<cmti5>, S<C<cmti6>, ...,>
-C<cmti17>).  An asterisk used as a scale value S<(e.g., C<cmsy10 @
-*>)> will be replaced by the scale value that gives the best match to
-the original font's metrics.  The B<--force> option can be specified
-repeatedly on the command line.
+name appearing the document.  I<name> is a (usually) two-character
+B<dvips> font name such as C<Fa>.  I<fontspec> is a font specification
+that comprises a font name and an optional scale: "I<font> S<[C<@>
+I<scale>]>".  Some examples of I<fontspec>s are C<cmmi8> and
+S<C<cmsy10 @ 1.1X>>.
+An asterisk used in the name of the font S<(e.g., C<cmti*>)> will be
+replaced by all integers from 5 to 17 (C<cmti5>, S<C<cmti6>, ...,>
+C<cmti17>).  The scale can be written as a multiple of the design size
+(C<X>) or as an absolute size in either TeX points (C<pt>) or
+PostScript "big" points (C<bp>).  Hence, S<C<cmsy8 @ 1.5X>>, S<C<cmsy8
+@ 12pt>>, and S<C<cmsy8 @ 11.96bp>> all represent the I<Computer
+Modern Math Symbols 8 Point> font scaled to 12 TeX points/11.96
+PostScript points.  Instead of specifying an explicit scale, an
+asterisk can be used (as in S<C<cmsy8 @ *>>) to request that
+B<pkfix-helper> find the scale that best matches the original font's
+The B<--force> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
 =item B<-p> I<filename.ps>, B<--ps>=I<filename.ps>
 Create a PostScript file called I<filename.ps> that shows the B<dvips>
@@ -1189,12 +1364,33 @@
 name and a font sample of every font that B<pkfix-helper> used in the
 output document.
+=item B<-k> I<fontspec>, B<--keep>=I<fontspec>
+Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font I<fontspec> (C<Fa>,
+C<Fb>, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
+obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
+example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
+as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
+bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
+LaTeX.  B<--keep> prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
+B<--keep> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
+=item B<-1>, B<--no-repeats>
+Prevent B<pkfix-helper> from associating the same I<fontspec> with
+more than one B<dvips> font name.
-=head2 Infrequently Used Options
+=head2 Less-frequently Used Options
 =over 4
+=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
+Instruct B<pkfix-helper> to produce no output during its run except
+for error and warning messages.
 =item B<-C> I<filename>, B<--cache>=I<filename>
 Speed up TFM file processing by caching character metrics into file
@@ -1208,16 +1404,6 @@
 F<tftopl>-based process only for TFM files that were not previously
-=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
-Instruct B<pkfix-helper> to produce no output during its run except
-for fatal error messages.
-=item B<-1>, B<--no-repeats>
-Prevent B<pkfix-helper> from associating the same I<fontspec> with
-more than one B<dvips> font name.
 =item B<-i> I<fontspec>, B<--include>=I<fontspec>
 Add I<fontspec> to the list of font specifications against which
@@ -1232,24 +1418,6 @@
 from B<pkfix-helper>'s list of known fonts.  The B<--exclude> option
 can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-=item B<-k> I<fontspec>, B<--keep>=I<fontspec>
-Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font I<fontspec> (C<Fa>,
-C<Fb>, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
-obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
-example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
-as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
-bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
-LaTeX.  B<--keep> prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
-B<--keep> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-=item B<-a>, B<--any-scale>
-Allow any value to be used to scale a font when "C<*>" is specified as
-the scale factor.  Normally, B<pkfix-helper> considers only integer
-multiples of 0.1 that are greater than or equal to 1.0 (i.e.,
-I<fontname>C<@1X>, C<@1.1X>, C<@1.2X>, C<@1.3X>, etc.).
 =item B<-s>, B<--spp>
 Specify the number of font samples per page to print to the files
@@ -1272,6 +1440,13 @@
 B<--force> option to designate an alternative replacement font or
 scaling amount.
+=item C<I<name> uses characters that don't appear in any candidate font>
+None of the fonts considered for a match include all of the characters
+in font I<name>.  The user should use the B<--force> option to inform
+B<pkfix-helper> which font to use or the B<--keep> option to retain
+the original, bitmapped font.
@@ -1421,23 +1596,12 @@
-=head1 BUGS
-Even when B<pkfix-helper> finds a perfect match S<(i.e., the> correct
-font in the correct size) the mismatch value is still typically
-nonzero.  The same error is probably what causes B<pkfix-helper>
-sometimes to consider the wrong font as being a better match than the
-correct font.  Suggestions for fixing these bugs are welcome.
 B<pkfix-helper> works only with PostScript files produced by B<dvips>,
-not with arbitrary PostScript files.  The program has not been tested
-with output from versions of B<dvips> older than v5.490 S<(ca. 1992)>;
-output from older versions may or may not work.  Only bitmapped fonts
-loaded by B<dvips> can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by
-embedded graphics.
+not with arbitrary PostScript files.  Only bitmapped fonts loaded by
+B<dvips> can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by embedded
 B<pkfix-helper> works by comparing character widths, not the actual
 glyphs.  Consequently, it is misled by sets of fonts with similar
@@ -1445,14 +1609,27 @@
 document).  As an extreme example, all Computer Modern Teletype fonts
 of a given design size (e.g., C<cmtt10>, C<cmsltt10>, and C<cmitt10>)
 use exactly the same widths for all characters.  Human assistance is
-generally needed to guide B<pkfix-helper>'s font-matching procedures.
+generally needed to guide B<pkfix-helper>'s font-matching procedures,
+especially for fonts for which relatively few characters appear in the
+There is an astonishing variety of B<dvips> output.  Different
+versions of the program and different command-line options can result
+in PostScript files with a completely different structure.
+B<pkfix-helper> works hard to find font information buried in numerous
+output-file variants, but it is not uncommon for a PostScript file
+produced by a sufficiently old version of B<dvips> or with
+sufficiently obscure command-line options to utterly confuse
+B<pkfix-helper>.  In this case, please send your problematic
+PostScript files to the author of B<pkfix-helper> (see L</AUTHOR>
+below), who may be able to enhance B<pkfix-helper> to handle them.
 =head1 NOTES
 Files produced using the B<--tex> option are Plain TeX files and
-therefore must be compiled with F<tex> (or a variation such as
-F<pdftex>, F<luatex>, etc.), I<not> with F<latex>.
+therefore must be compiled with B<tex> (or a variant such as
+B<pdftex>, B<luatex>, B<xetex>, etc.), I<not> with B<latex>.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -1471,7 +1648,7 @@
-Copyright (C) 2011, Scott Pakin
+Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Scott Pakin
 This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
 the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/pkfix-helper.1
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/pkfix-helper.1	2020-04-20 21:15:05 UTC (rev 54816)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/pkfix-helper.1	2020-04-20 21:15:45 UTC (rev 54817)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 2.22 (Pod::Simple 3.07)
+.\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 4.10 (Pod::Simple 3.35)
 .\" Standard preamble:
 .\" ========================================================================
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 .    ds PI \(*p
 .    ds L" ``
 .    ds R" ''
+.    ds C`
+.    ds C'
 .\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform.
@@ -44,21 +46,28 @@
 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
 .el       .ds Aq '
-.\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
+.\" If the F register is >0, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
 .\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index
 .\" entries marked with X<> in POD.  Of course, you'll have to process the
 .\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion.
-.ie \nF \{\
-.    de IX
-.    tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+.\" Avoid warning from groff about undefined register 'F'.
+.de IX
-.    nr % 0
-.    rr F
-.el \{\
-.    de IX
+.nr rF 0
+.if \n(.g .if rF .nr rF 1
+.if (\n(rF:(\n(.g==0)) \{\
+.    if \nF \{\
+.        de IX
+.        tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+.        if !\nF==2 \{\
+.            nr % 0
+.            nr F 2
+.        \}
+.    \}
+.rr rF
 .\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2).
 .\" Fear.  Run.  Save yourself.  No user-serviceable parts.
@@ -124,7 +133,7 @@
 .\" ========================================================================
-.TH PKFIX-HELPER 1 "2011-06-11" "v1.4" " "
+.TH PKFIX-HELPER 1 "2020-04-19" "v1.5" " "
 .\" For nroff, turn off justification.  Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
 .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
 .if n .ad l
@@ -237,14 +246,23 @@
 .IP "\fB\-f\fR \fIname\fR=\fIfontspec\fR, \fB\-\-force\fR=\fIname\fR=\fIfontspec\fR" 4
 .IX Item "-f name=fontspec, --force=name=fontspec"
 Force \fBpkfix-helper\fR to associate a specific font with a given font
-name appearing the document.  \fIname\fR is a two-character \fBdvips\fR font
-name such as \f(CW\*(C`Fa\*(C'\fR.  \fIfontspec\fR is a font specification such as
-\&\f(CW\*(C`cmmi8\*(C'\fR or \f(CW\*(C`cmsy10\ @\ 1.1X\*(C'\fR.  An asterisk used in the name of the
-base font (e.g.,\ \f(CW\*(C`cmti*\*(C'\fR) will automatically try all integral test
-font sizes from 5 to 17 points (\f(CW\*(C`cmti5\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`cmti6\*(C'\fR,\ ...,
-\&\f(CW\*(C`cmti17\*(C'\fR).  An asterisk used as a scale value (e.g.,\ \f(CW\*(C`cmsy10\ @\ *\*(C'\fR) will be replaced by the scale value that gives the best match to
-the original font's metrics.  The \fB\-\-force\fR option can be specified
-repeatedly on the command line.
+name appearing the document.  \fIname\fR is a (usually) two-character
+\&\fBdvips\fR font name such as \f(CW\*(C`Fa\*(C'\fR.  \fIfontspec\fR is a font specification
+that comprises a font name and an optional scale: "\fIfont\fR [\f(CW\*(C`@\*(C'\fR\ \fIscale\fR]".  Some examples of \fIfontspec\fRs are \f(CW\*(C`cmmi8\*(C'\fR and
+\&\f(CW\*(C`cmsy10\ @\ 1.1X\*(C'\fR.
+An asterisk used in the name of the font (e.g.,\ \f(CW\*(C`cmti*\*(C'\fR) will be
+replaced by all integers from 5 to 17 (\f(CW\*(C`cmti5\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`cmti6\*(C'\fR,\ ...,
+\&\f(CW\*(C`cmti17\*(C'\fR).  The scale can be written as a multiple of the design size
+(\f(CW\*(C`X\*(C'\fR) or as an absolute size in either TeX points (\f(CW\*(C`pt\*(C'\fR) or
+PostScript \*(L"big\*(R" points (\f(CW\*(C`bp\*(C'\fR).  Hence, \f(CW\*(C`cmsy8\ @\ 1.5X\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`cmsy8\ @\ 12pt\*(C'\fR, and \f(CW\*(C`cmsy8\ @\ 11.96bp\*(C'\fR all represent the \fIComputer
+Modern Math Symbols 8 Point\fR font scaled to 12 TeX points/11.96
+PostScript points.  Instead of specifying an explicit scale, an
+asterisk can be used (as in \f(CW\*(C`cmsy8\ @\ *\*(C'\fR) to request that
+\&\fBpkfix-helper\fR find the scale that best matches the original font's
+The \fB\-\-force\fR option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
 .IP "\fB\-p\fR \fIfilename.ps\fR, \fB\-\-ps\fR=\fIfilename.ps\fR" 4
 .IX Item "-p filename.ps, --ps=filename.ps"
 Create a PostScript file called \fIfilename.ps\fR that shows the \fBdvips\fR
@@ -254,8 +272,26 @@
 Create a Plain TeX file called \fIfilename.tex\fR that shows the \fBdvips\fR
 name and a font sample of every font that \fBpkfix-helper\fR used in the
 output document.
-.SS "Infrequently Used Options"
-.IX Subsection "Infrequently Used Options"
+.IP "\fB\-k\fR \fIfontspec\fR, \fB\-\-keep\fR=\fIfontspec\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-k fontspec, --keep=fontspec"
+Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font \fIfontspec\fR (\f(CW\*(C`Fa\*(C'\fR,
+\&\f(CW\*(C`Fb\*(C'\fR, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
+obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
+example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
+as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
+bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
+LaTeX.  \fB\-\-keep\fR prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
+\&\fB\-\-keep\fR option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
+.IP "\fB\-1\fR, \fB\-\-no\-repeats\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-1, --no-repeats"
+Prevent \fBpkfix-helper\fR from associating the same \fIfontspec\fR with
+more than one \fBdvips\fR font name.
+.SS "Less-frequently Used Options"
+.IX Subsection "Less-frequently Used Options"
+.IP "\fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-q, --quiet"
+Instruct \fBpkfix-helper\fR to produce no output during its run except
+for error and warning messages.
 .IP "\fB\-C\fR \fIfilename\fR, \fB\-\-cache\fR=\fIfilename\fR" 4
 .IX Item "-C filename, --cache=filename"
 Speed up \s-1TFM\s0 file processing by caching character metrics into file
@@ -268,14 +304,6 @@
 previously extracted metrics from \fIfilename\fR, going through the
 \&\fItftopl\fR\-based process only for \s-1TFM\s0 files that were not previously
-.IP "\fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR" 4
-.IX Item "-q, --quiet"
-Instruct \fBpkfix-helper\fR to produce no output during its run except
-for fatal error messages.
-.IP "\fB\-1\fR, \fB\-\-no\-repeats\fR" 4
-.IX Item "-1, --no-repeats"
-Prevent \fBpkfix-helper\fR from associating the same \fIfontspec\fR with
-more than one \fBdvips\fR font name.
 .IP "\fB\-i\fR \fIfontspec\fR, \fB\-\-include\fR=\fIfontspec\fR" 4
 .IX Item "-i fontspec, --include=fontspec"
 Add \fIfontspec\fR to the list of font specifications against which
@@ -288,22 +316,6 @@
 Remove all font specifications matching regular expression \fIregexp\fR
 from \fBpkfix-helper\fR's list of known fonts.  The \fB\-\-exclude\fR option
 can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-.IP "\fB\-k\fR \fIfontspec\fR, \fB\-\-keep\fR=\fIfontspec\fR" 4
-.IX Item "-k fontspec, --keep=fontspec"
-Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font \fIfontspec\fR (\f(CW\*(C`Fa\*(C'\fR,
-\&\f(CW\*(C`Fb\*(C'\fR, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
-obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
-example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
-as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
-bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
-LaTeX.  \fB\-\-keep\fR prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
-\&\fB\-\-keep\fR option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-.IP "\fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-any\-scale\fR" 4
-.IX Item "-a, --any-scale"
-Allow any value to be used to scale a font when "\f(CW\*(C`*\*(C'\fR" is specified as
-the scale factor.  Normally, \fBpkfix-helper\fR considers only integer
-multiples of 0.1 that are greater than or equal to 1.0 (i.e.,
-\&\fIfontname\fR\f(CW at 1X\fR, \f(CW\*(C`@1.1X\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`@1.2X\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`@1.3X\*(C'\fR, etc.).
 .IP "\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-spp\fR" 4
 .IX Item "-s, --spp"
 Specify the number of font samples per page to print to the files
@@ -311,7 +323,7 @@
 value,\ 25, should work well in most circumstances.
-.ie n .IP """Best match for \f(CIname\f(CW is rather poor""" 4
+.ie n .IP """Best match for \fIname\fP is rather poor""" 4
 .el .IP "\f(CWBest match for \f(CIname\f(CW is rather poor\fR" 4
 .IX Item "Best match for name is rather poor"
 The best font \fBpkfix-helper\fR found for \fBdvips\fR font name \fIname\fR has
@@ -320,6 +332,13 @@
 widths of a document font and a potential replacement font.)  Use the
 \&\fB\-\-force\fR option to designate an alternative replacement font or
 scaling amount.
+.ie n .IP """\fIname\fP uses characters that don\*(Aqt appear in any candidate font""" 4
+.el .IP "\f(CW\f(CIname\f(CW uses characters that don\*(Aqt appear in any candidate font\fR" 4
+.IX Item "name uses characters that dont appear in any candidate font"
+None of the fonts considered for a match include all of the characters
+in font \fIname\fR.  The user should use the \fB\-\-force\fR option to inform
+\&\fBpkfix-helper\fR which font to use or the \fB\-\-keep\fR option to retain
+the original, bitmapped font.
 .IX Header "EXAMPLES"
 For the purpose of the following examples, assume that \fIoldfile.ps\fR
@@ -466,21 +485,12 @@
 .IX Item "TFTOPL"
 The name of a utility for converting \fI.tfm\fR files to \fI.pl\fR files
 (default: \fItftopl\fR)
-.IX Header "BUGS"
-Even when \fBpkfix-helper\fR finds a perfect match (i.e.,\ the correct
-font in the correct size) the mismatch value is still typically
-nonzero.  The same error is probably what causes \fBpkfix-helper\fR
-sometimes to consider the wrong font as being a better match than the
-correct font.  Suggestions for fixing these bugs are welcome.
 \&\fBpkfix-helper\fR works only with PostScript files produced by \fBdvips\fR,
-not with arbitrary PostScript files.  The program has not been tested
-with output from versions of \fBdvips\fR older than v5.490 (ca.\ 1992);
-output from older versions may or may not work.  Only bitmapped fonts
-loaded by \fBdvips\fR can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by
-embedded graphics.
+not with arbitrary PostScript files.  Only bitmapped fonts loaded by
+\&\fBdvips\fR can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by embedded
 \&\fBpkfix-helper\fR works by comparing character widths, not the actual
 glyphs.  Consequently, it is misled by sets of fonts with similar
@@ -488,18 +498,31 @@
 document).  As an extreme example, all Computer Modern Teletype fonts
 of a given design size (e.g., \f(CW\*(C`cmtt10\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`cmsltt10\*(C'\fR, and \f(CW\*(C`cmitt10\*(C'\fR)
 use exactly the same widths for all characters.  Human assistance is
-generally needed to guide \fBpkfix-helper\fR's font-matching procedures.
+generally needed to guide \fBpkfix-helper\fR's font-matching procedures,
+especially for fonts for which relatively few characters appear in the
+There is an astonishing variety of \fBdvips\fR output.  Different
+versions of the program and different command-line options can result
+in PostScript files with a completely different structure.
+\&\fBpkfix-helper\fR works hard to find font information buried in numerous
+output-file variants, but it is not uncommon for a PostScript file
+produced by a sufficiently old version of \fBdvips\fR or with
+sufficiently obscure command-line options to utterly confuse
+\&\fBpkfix-helper\fR.  In this case, please send your problematic
+PostScript files to the author of \fBpkfix-helper\fR (see \*(L"\s-1AUTHOR\*(R"\s0
+below), who may be able to enhance \fBpkfix-helper\fR to handle them.
 .IX Header "NOTES"
 Files produced using the \fB\-\-tex\fR option are Plain TeX files and
-therefore must be compiled with \fItex\fR (or a variation such as
-\&\fIpdftex\fR, \fIluatex\fR, etc.), \fInot\fR with \fIlatex\fR.
+therefore must be compiled with \fBtex\fR (or a variant such as
+\&\fBpdftex\fR, \fBluatex\fR, \fBxetex\fR, etc.), \fInot\fR with \fBlatex\fR.
 .IX Header "SEE ALSO"
-\&\fIpkfix\fR\|(1), \fIdvips\fR\|(1), \fItex\fR\|(1), \fIgs\fR\|(1)
+\&\fBpkfix\fR\|(1), \fBdvips\fR\|(1), \fBtex\fR\|(1), \fBgs\fR\|(1)
 PostScript Language Reference, Third Edition.
-Published by Addison-Wesley, \s-1ISBN\s0 0\-201\-37922\-8,
+Published by Addison-Wesley, \s-1ISBN 0\-201\-37922\-8,\s0
 .IX Header "AUTHOR"
@@ -506,7 +529,7 @@
 Scott Pakin, \fIscott+pkfh at pakin.org\fR
-Copyright (C) 2011, Scott Pakin
+Copyright (C) 2009\-2020, Scott Pakin
 This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
 the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/pkfix-helper.man1.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/README	2020-04-20 21:15:05 UTC (rev 54816)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/README	2020-04-20 21:15:45 UTC (rev 54817)
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 Copyright and license
-Copyright (C) 2011, Scott Pakin
+Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Scott Pakin
 This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
 the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.tex	2020-04-20 21:15:05 UTC (rev 54816)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/pkfix-helper/encoding-samples.tex	2020-04-20 21:15:45 UTC (rev 54817)
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   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char144 & \char145 & \char146 & \char147 & \char148 & \char149 & \char150 & \char151 & \char152 & \char153 & \char154 & \char155 & \char156 & \char157 & \char158 & \char159 \\ 
@@ -387,8 +386,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char160 & \char161 & \char162 & \char163 & \char164 & \char165 & \char166 & \char167 & \char168 & \char169 & \char170 & \char171 & \char172 & \char173 & \char174 & \char175 \\ 
@@ -408,8 +407,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char176 & \char177 & \char178 & \char179 & \char180 & \char181 & \char182 & \char183 & \char184 & \char185 & \char186 & \char187 & \char188 & \char189 & \char190 & \char191 \\ 
@@ -434,8 +433,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char192 & \char193 & \char194 & \char195 & \char196 & \char197 & \char198 & \char199 & \char200 & \char201 & \char202 & \char203 & \char204 & \char205 & \char206 & \char207 \\ 
@@ -455,8 +454,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char208 & \char209 & \char210 & \char211 & \char212 & \char213 & \char214 & \char215 & \char216 & \char217 & \char218 & \char219 & \char220 & \char221 & \char222 & \char223 \\ 
@@ -481,8 +480,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char224 & \char225 & \char226 & \char227 & \char228 & \char229 & \char230 & \char231 & \char232 & \char233 & \char234 & \char235 & \char236 & \char237 & \char238 & \char239 \\ 
@@ -502,8 +501,8 @@
   \setrawfont{lasy10} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmex10} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ptmr8r} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rptmr} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
-  \setrawfont{rpsyr} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{ptmr} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
+  \setrawfont{psyr} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
   \setrawfont{cmtex10} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
   \setrawfont{ecrm1000} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 
   \setrawfont{tcrm1000} & \char240 & \char241 & \char242 & \char243 & \char244 & \char245 & \char246 & \char247 & \char248 & \char249 & \char250 & \char251 & \char252 & \char253 & \char254 & \char255 \\ 

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper	2020-04-20 21:15:05 UTC (rev 54816)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pkfix-helper/pkfix-helper	2020-04-20 21:15:45 UTC (rev 54817)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # Define some global variables.
 my $progname = basename $0;        # Name of this program
-our $VERSION = "1.4";              # Version number of this program
+our $VERSION = "1.5";              # Version number of this program
 my %name2chars;                    # Map from a font name to a character list
 my $GS = $ENV{"GS"} || "gs";       # Name of the Ghostscript interpreter
 my $TFTOPL = $ENV{"TFTOPL"} || "tftopl";    # Name of the TFM to PL converter
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 my $single_font_use = 0;           # 1=one use per font; 0=allow repetitions
 my $samples_per_page = 25;         # Number of font samples to print per page
 my $tfm_cache_file;                # Name of a file in which to cache font metrics
-my $any_scale = 0;                 # 0=1X, 1.1X, 1.2X, ...; 1=any scale is allowed
@@ -189,11 +188,6 @@
     return 1.0 if $tfm_dot_tfm == 0.0;   # Handle TFM characters that all have zero width.
     my $optscale = $doc_dot_tfm / $tfm_dot_tfm;
-    unless ($any_scale) {
-        # Allow only values >= 1.0 and only multiples of 0.1.
-        return 1.0 if $optscale < 1.0;
-        $optscale = int($optscale*10 + 0.5) / 10;
-    }
     return $optscale;
@@ -206,13 +200,22 @@
     my %docmap = %{$_[0]};    # Map for a document font
     my %tfmmap = %{$_[1]};    # Map for a TFM font
     my $scale = $_[2] || 1.0; # Scale for each TFM width
+    my @sqdiffs;              # List of squares of differences
     my $sqdiff = 0;           # Sum of squares of differences
+    # Compute the per-character squared difference.
     while (my ($char, $docwidth) = each %docmap) {
         my $tfmwidth = $tfmmap{$char};
         return 10**9 if !defined $tfmwidth;      # Match is impossible.
-        $sqdiff += ($docwidth - $tfmwidth*$scale) ** 2;
+        push @sqdiffs, ($docwidth - $tfmwidth*$scale) ** 2;
+    # Sort the list of squared differences in decreasing order (for
+    # floating-point stability), add it up, and return the sum.
+    @sqdiffs = sort {$b <=> $a} @sqdiffs;
+    foreach my $s (@sqdiffs) {
+        $sqdiff += $s;
+    }
     return $sqdiff;
@@ -339,6 +342,24 @@
     return keys %item_hash;
+# Collapse repeated whitespace instances into a single space character.
+sub collapse_spaces ($)
+    my $simply_spaced = $_[0];
+    $simply_spaced =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
+    return $simply_spaced;
+# Combine a list of strings with commas and "and".
+sub join_string_list (@)
+    my @items = @_;
+    return $items[0] if $#items == 0;
+    return "$items[0] and $items[1]" if $#items == 1;
+    return join(", ", @items[0..$#items-1]) . ", and $items[$#items]";
 # Parse the command line.
@@ -355,7 +376,6 @@
             "p|ps=s"       => \$sample_file_ps,
             "s|spp=i"      => \$samples_per_page,
             "C|cache=s"    => \$tfm_cache_file,
-            "a|any-scale!" => \$any_scale,
             "1|no-repeats" => \$single_font_use) || pod2usage(2);
 if ($wantversion) {
     print "pkfix-helper $VERSION\n";
@@ -395,17 +415,28 @@
 # should be in order of decreasing likelihood.  Each entry in the list
 # is of the form {full name, scale factor}.
 @exclude_res = ('^\s*$') if $#exclude_res == -1;
-foreach my $size_scale ([10, 1.0],
-                        [12, 1.0],
-                        [10, 1.1],
-                        [17, 1.0],
+foreach my $size_scale (# The following are the most common sizes found in
+                        # old LaTeX documents.
+                        [10, 1.0],       # 10 pt.
+                        [12, 1.0],       # 12 pt.
+                        [10, 1.095],     # 11 pt. -- really 10*sqrt(1.2) pt.
+                        [17, 17.28/17],  # 17 pt. -- really 10*1.2^3 pt.
                         [ 9, 1.0],
                         [ 8, 1.0],
                         [ 7, 1.0],
                         [ 6, 1.0],
                         [ 5, 1.0],
-                        [10, 1.2],
-                        # The following are common cmbx12 section headings.
+                        # As 10 pt. is LaTeX's most generic font size, LaTeX
+                        # sometimes needs to scale up a 10 pt. font to make up
+                        # for no other size being available.
+                        [10, 1.2],       # 12 pt.
+                        [10, 1.44],      # 14 pt. -- really 10*1.2^2 pt.
+                        [10, 1.728],     # 17 pt. -- really 10*1.2^3 pt.
+                        [10, 2.074],     # 20 pt. -- really 10*1.2^4 pt.
+                        [10, 2.488],     # 25 pt. -- really 10*1.2^5 pt.
+                        # While not particularly common, the following are
+                        # sometimes encountered with cmbx12 for section
+                        # headings.
                         [12, 14.40/12],
                         [12, 17.28/12],
                         [12, 20.74/12],
@@ -412,10 +443,9 @@
                         [12, 24.88/12]) {
     my ($pointsize, $scale) = @$size_scale;
-    foreach my $basefont (qw (cmr cmb cmtt cmbsy cmbx cmbxsl cmbxti
-                              cmcsc cmex cmitt cmmi cmmib cmsl cmsltt
-                              cmss cmssbx cmssi cmsy cmti lasy lasyb
-                              msam msbm cmssdc cmtcsc)) {
+    foreach my $basefont (qw (cmr cmbx cmtt cmbsy cmbxsl cmcsc cmex cmitt cmmi
+                              cmmib cmss cmssbx cmssi cmsy cmsl cmsltt cmti cmb
+                              lasy lasyb msam msbm cmbxti cmssdc cmtcsc)) {
         my $friendly_name = sprintf "%s%d \@ %.5gX", $basefont, $pointsize, $scale;
         foreach my $regexp (@exclude_res) {
             next FONTLOOP if $friendly_name =~ $regexp;
@@ -441,8 +471,26 @@
 print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose;
+# Preprocess the input file to make it easier to parse.
+print STDERR "Preprocessing ... " if $verbose >= 2;
+$entirefile =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;          # Normalize line endings to Unix-style.
+$entirefile =~ s/TeXDict\s+begin\s+\%\%Begin(\w+).*?\%\%End\1.*?\n/$&end\nTeXDict begin /gs;    # Remove blocks of code between "TeXDict begin" and the first number.
+$entirefile =~ s/TeXDict\s+begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+.*?\@/collapse_spaces($&)/gse;   # Normalize "TeXDict begin" spacing.
+print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose >= 2;
+# Determine the number of dots per inch used to generate the bitmaps.
+if ($entirefile =~ /dpi=(\d+)/i
+    || $entirefile =~ /Resolution (\d+)dpi/i
+    || $entirefile =~ /\%Feature: \*Resolution (\d+)/) {
+    $dpi = $1 + 0;
+    printf STDERR "Bitmapped fonts are typeset at $dpi DPI.\n" if $verbose;
+else {
+    warn "${progname}: Could not determine the target printer resolution; assuming $dpi DPI\n";
 # Rename the fonts in each subdocument (figure).
-my @fontrenames;
+my @fig_font_renames;    # List of {old text, new text, TeX dictionary} triplets
 my $fignum = 1;
 my $numrenamed = 0;
 while ($entirefile =~ /(\%\%BeginDocument: (.*?)\n.*?\%\%EndDocument)/gs) {
@@ -451,14 +499,14 @@
     my $figname = $2;
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
         if ($fignum == 1) {
-            print STDERR "Renaming all fonts encountered in included documents:\n";
+            print STDERR "Renaming all fonts encountered in figures and other included documents:\n";
         print STDERR "    $figname\n";
-    while ($figure =~ m|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+    while ($figure =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
         my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
         $newfigure =~ s,(?<=/)$fontname\b,${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
-        $newfigure =~ s,\b$fontname(?=\(),${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
+        $newfigure =~ s,\b$fontname(?=[^()]*\(),${fontname}_$fignum,gs;
         if ($verbose >= 2) {
             printf STDERR "        %s --> %s_%d\n", $fontname, $fontname, $fignum;
@@ -475,7 +523,7 @@
         else {
             warn "${progname}: Failed to extract a font-defining TeXDict from $figname\n";
-        push @fontrenames, [$figure, $newfigure, $texdict];
+        push @fig_font_renames, [$figure, $newfigure, $texdict];
@@ -482,22 +530,77 @@
 if ($verbose && $entirefile =~ /\%\%BeginDocument:/s) {
     print STDERR "Number of Type 3 fonts encountered in included documents: $numrenamed\n";
-foreach my $ren (@fontrenames) {
+foreach my $ren (@fig_font_renames) {
     my ($before, $after, $notused) = @$ren;
     $entirefile =~ s/\Q$before\E/$after/gs;
-# If the document contains a subdocument with (now renamed) font
-# definitions, hoist those definitions adjacent to the main document's
-# font definitions so pkfix can find them.
-if (@fontrenames) {
-    if ($entirefile =~ /(TeXDict begin (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) \(.*?\)\s+\@start.*?)(?=end)/s) {
-        my $fontdict = $1;
+# Rename the fonts in each section.
+my @sections = $entirefile =~ /(?<=\n)\%DVIPSBeginSection.*?\%DVIPSEndSection\n/gs;
+my @sdoc_font_renames;    # List of {old text, new text, TeX dictionary} triplets
+if ($#sections > 0) {
+    printf STDERR "Renaming the fonts in %d dvips sections:\n", 1+$#sections if $verbose >= 2;
+    my $numrenamed = 0;
+    foreach my $secnum (0 .. $#sections) {
+        printf STDERR "    Section %d\n", 1+$secnum if $verbose >= 2;
+        my $oldsection = $sections[$secnum];
+        my $newsection = $oldsection;
+        while ($oldsection =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+            my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
+            my $newfontname = sprintf "%s_S%02d", $fontname, 1+$secnum;
+            $newsection =~ s,(?<=/)$fontname\b,$newfontname,gs;
+            $newsection =~ s,\b$fontname\b(?=[^()]*\(),$newfontname,gs;
+            $numrenamed++;
+            if ($verbose >= 2) {
+                printf STDERR "        %s --> %s\n", $fontname, $newfontname;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($oldsection ne $newsection) {
+            # Remove the font-defining dictionary from the the section
+            # as it may confuse pkfix.  Store it so we can later
+            # reinsert it into the main document's font-defining
+            # dictionary.
+            my $texdict = "";
+            if ($newsection =~ s/(TeXDict begin \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start bos)\s+(.*?)(?=\%DVIPSSectionPage)/$1\n/gs) {
+                $texdict = $2;
+            }
+            else {
+                warn "${progname}: Failed to extract a font-defining TeXDict from dvips section @{[1+$secnum]}\n";
+            }
+            push @sdoc_font_renames, [$oldsection, $newsection, $texdict];
+        }
+    }
+    if ($verbose) {
+        printf STDERR "Number of Type 3 fonts encountered in %d dvips sections: %d\n", 1+$#sections, $numrenamed;
+    }
+foreach my $ren (@sdoc_font_renames) {
+    my ($before, $after, $notused) = @$ren;
+    $entirefile =~ s/\Q$before\E/$after/gs;
+# If the document contains a section or subdocument with (now renamed)
+# font definitions, hoist those definitions to where pkfix can find
+# them.
+if (@sdoc_font_renames || @fig_font_renames) {
+    if ($entirefile =~ /(TeXDict begin \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start)(.*?)(?=end)/s) {
+        # Construct the PostScript code to add.
+        my $texdict_header = $1;
+        my $texdict_body = $2;
         my $morefonts = "";
-        foreach my $ren (@fontrenames) {
+        foreach my $ren (@sdoc_font_renames, @fig_font_renames) {
             $morefonts .= $ren->[2];
-        $entirefile =~ s/(\Q$fontdict\E)/$1$morefonts/s;
+        # Insert the code at a suitable location.
+        if ($entirefile =~ /\%\%EndProlog/s) {
+            # First choice: In a ProcSet right before the %%EndProlog
+            $entirefile =~ s/(\%\%EndProlog)/\%\%BeginProcSet: ${progname}-fonts.pro\n$texdict_header\n$morefonts\nend\n\%\%EndProcSet\n$1\n\%DVIPSParameters: dpi=$dpi/;
+        }
+        else {
+            # Second choice: Within the first TeXDict usage
+            $entirefile =~ s/(\Q$texdict_header$texdict_body\E)/$1$morefonts/s;
+        }
     else {
         warn "${progname}: Failed to find a font-defining TeXDict\n";
@@ -506,12 +609,13 @@
 # Construct a mapping from each document font name to a list of valid
 # characters in that font.
-while ($entirefile =~ m|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
+while ($entirefile =~ m|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df(.*?>[^<>]*?[DI])\s+E|gs) {
     my $fontname = $1;   # Name of current font (e.g., "Fa")
     my $fontbody = $2;   # List of character definitions as hexadecimal strings
     my $charnum = 0;     # Current character number
     my @charlist = ();   # List of valid characters in PostScript-friendly format
+    warn "${progname}: Font $fontname is multiply defined\n" if defined $name2chars{$fontname};
     while ($fontbody =~ /<[0-9A-F\s]+>(.*?[DI])/gs) {
         # Put the current character number in $charnum then append the
         # corresponding character to @charlist.
@@ -532,22 +636,12 @@
     printf STDERR "Total number of Type 3 fonts encountered: %d\n", 1+$#sortedfontnames;
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
         foreach my $fontname (@sortedfontnames) {
-            printf STDERR "    %-5.5s -- %3d character(s)\n", $fontname, 1+$#{$name2chars{$fontname}};
+            printf STDERR "    %s -- %3d character(s)\n", $fontname, 1+$#{$name2chars{$fontname}};
 die "${progname}: No Type 3 fonts were encountered in the input file\n" if $#sortedfontnames==-1;
-# Determine the number of dots per inch used to generate the bitmaps.
-if ($entirefile =~ /dpi=(\d+)/i
-    || $entirefile =~ /Resolution (\d+)dpi/i) {
-    $dpi = $1 + 0;
-    printf STDERR "Bitmapped fonts are typeset at $dpi DPI.\n" if $verbose;
-else {
-    warn "${progname}: Could not determine the target printer resolution; assuming $dpi DPI\n";
 # Insert some helper code after the tex.pro ProcSet.
 my $output_width_ps = $entirefile;    # PostScript code to output character widths
 my $showfontnamecode = <<"SHOWFONTNAME";
@@ -616,7 +710,7 @@
 # Replace the bulk of the PostScript file with the display code.
-if ($output_width_ps !~ s/\%\%Page:.*(\%\%Trailer)/$displaycode$1/s) {
+if ($output_width_ps !~ s/(?:\%\%Page|\%DVIPSSectionPage):.*(\%\%Trailer|\%DVIPSSectionTrailer)/$displaycode$1/s) {
     print STDERR 'No %%Page and/or %%Trailer comments were found.  We have to guess where to inject PostScript code.', "\n" if $verbose >= 3;
     die "${progname}: Unable to inject display code\n" if $output_width_ps !~ s/TeXDict begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+bop.*eop\s+end/\n$displaycode\n/s;
@@ -632,11 +726,12 @@
 undef $output_width_ps;
 my %fontwidth;     # Map from font name to character number to character width
 my @previnfo = ("", 0.0);   # Previous font name and final character position
-my $gscmd = "$GS -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNODISPLAY $psfilename";
+my $gscmd = "$GS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNODISPLAY $psfilename";
 print STDERR "Finding character widths ... " if $verbose >= 1;
 print STDERR "\n    Invoking: $gscmd\n" if $verbose >= 2;
 print STDERR "done.\n" if $verbose >= 1;
 open (GSCMD, "$gscmd|") || die "${progname}: failed to fork ($!)\n";
+my @gs_output;     # Ghostscript diagnostic messages, to output on error
 while (my $oneline = <GSCMD>) {
     if ($oneline =~ /FONT: (\S+)\s*CHAR: (\d+)\s*XPOS: (\S+)/o) {
         my ($fontname, $charnum, $xpos) = ($1, $2, $3);
@@ -649,8 +744,16 @@
         $dvips_xscale = $1 * 1.0;
         $dvips_yscale = $2 * -1.0;
+    else {
+        push @gs_output, $oneline;
+    }
-close GSCMD || die "${progname}: failed to run $GS ($!)\n";
+close GSCMD || do {
+    foreach my $ln (@gs_output) {
+        print STDERR $ln;
+    }
+    die "${progname}: failed to run $GS ($!)\n";
 unlink $psfilename;
 die "${progname}: No character-width information was found\n" if !%fontwidth;
@@ -723,9 +826,13 @@
 # characters utilized) to every TFM file (in increasing order of
 # obscurity).
 print STDERR "Matching fonts:\n" if $verbose;
+my %already_used_tfms;     # Set of TFM files already assigned to a document font, empty unless --no-repeats was specified
 foreach my $fontname (@sortedfontnames) {
-    my @besttfms;             # Best matching TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
-    my $bestmatch = 10**9;    # Best matching value
+    my $no_match = 10**9;       # Sentinel indicating no match was found
+    my @besttfms;               # Best matching TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
+    my $bestmatch = $no_match;  # Best matching value
+    my @besttfms_rep;           # Best matching but repeated TFM file(s), sizes, and scales
+    my $bestmatch_rep = $no_match;  # Best matching repeated value
     # Don't substitute the font if we were told not to.
     if (defined $retained_t3s{$fontname}) {
@@ -767,14 +874,30 @@
         my $scale = $tfminfo->{"scale"};
         printf STDERR "    Comparing %s and %s \@ %.5gX ... ", $fontname, $tfm, $scale if $verbose >= 2;
         my $match = compare_maps $fontwidth{$fontname}, $tfmfontwidth{$tfm}, $scale;
-        if ($bestmatch > $match) {
-            # We found a closer match than what we had before.
-            $bestmatch  = $match;
-            @besttfms   = ($tfminfo);
+        if (defined $already_used_tfms{$tfm}->{$scale}) {
+            # Repeated TFM (and --no-repeats was specified) -- not eligible for
+            # best TFM.
+            if ($bestmatch_rep > $match) {
+                # We found a closer match than what we had before.
+                $bestmatch_rep  = $match;
+                @besttfms_rep   = ($tfminfo);
+            }
+            elsif ($bestmatch_rep == $match) {
+                # We found an equal match to what we had before.
+                push @besttfms_rep, $tfminfo;
+            }
-        elsif ($bestmatch == $match) {
-            # We found an equal match to what we had before.
-            push @besttfms, $tfminfo;
+        else {
+            # Non-repeated TFM -- eligible for best TFM.
+            if ($bestmatch > $match) {
+                # We found a closer match than what we had before.
+                $bestmatch  = $match;
+                @besttfms   = ($tfminfo);
+            }
+            elsif ($bestmatch == $match) {
+                # We found an equal match to what we had before.
+                push @besttfms, $tfminfo;
+            }
         printf STDERR "done (mismatch=%.5f).\n", $match if $verbose >= 2;
@@ -784,38 +907,79 @@
     my $besttfminfo = $fontmatch{$fontname};
     my $besttfm = $besttfminfo->{"tfm"};
     my $bestscale = $besttfminfo->{"scale"};
+    # Report how good or bad the match is and what other close matches the user
+    # might consider instead.
     if ($verbose >= 2) {
-        if ($#besttfms == 0) {
-            # Single winner
-            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f.\n\n",
+        if ($#besttfms == 0 || $bestmatch == $no_match) {
+            # There was either a single winner or no match was found.
+            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
             $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
         else {
-            # Tie for first place
-            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX (tied among %s) with mismatch=%.5f.\n\n",
-            $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale,
-            join("/", map {sprintf "%s\@%.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms),
-            $bestmatch;
+            # There was a tie for first place.
+            my $preposition = $#besttfms == 1 ? "between" : "among";
+            printf STDERR "    Best match for %s is %s \@ %.5gX (tied %s %s) with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
+                $fontname, $besttfm, $bestscale, $preposition,
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms),
+                $bestmatch;
+        if ($bestmatch_rep < $bestmatch ||
+            ($bestmatch < $no_match && $bestmatch_rep <= $bestmatch)) {
+            # A repeated font would have matched equally well (excluding
+            # failures to match at all) or better.
+            printf STDERR "    Ignored repeated %s %s with mismatch=%.5f.\n",
+                $#besttfms_rep == 0 ? "font" : "fonts",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms_rep),
+                $bestmatch_rep;
+        }
     elsif ($verbose == 1) {
-        printf STDERR "done (%s \@ %.5gX, mismatch=%.5f).\n", $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
+        printf STDERR "done (%s \@ %.5gX with mismatch=%.5f", $besttfm, $bestscale, $bestmatch;
+        if ($#besttfms > 0 && $bestmatch != $no_match) {
+            # There was a tie for first place.
+            printf STDERR ", tied with %s",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms[1..$#besttfms]);
+        }
+        if ($bestmatch_rep < $bestmatch ||
+            ($bestmatch < $no_match && $bestmatch_rep <= $bestmatch)) {
+            # A repeated font would have matched equally well (excluding
+            # failures to match at all) or better.
+            printf STDERR "; ignored %s %s with mismatch=%.5f",
+                $#besttfms_rep == 0 ? "repeat" : "repeats",
+                join_string_list(map {sprintf "%s \@ %.5gX", $_->{"tfm"}, $_->{"scale"}} @besttfms_rep),
+                $bestmatch_rep;
+        }
+        print STDERR ").\n";
-    warn "${progname}: Best match for $fontname is rather poor\n" if $bestmatch>=1.0;
+    if ($bestmatch == $no_match) {
+        warn "${progname}: ${fontname} uses characters that don't appear in any candidate font\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($bestmatch >= 1.0) {
+        warn "${progname}: Best match for $fontname is rather poor\n";
+    }
+    printf STDERR "\n" if $verbose >= 2;  # Warnings should precede the inter-font newline character.
-    # Optionally remove the font from @goodtfmlist.
+    # If --no-repeats was specified, mark the font as having been used.
     if ($single_font_use) {
-        @tfmlist = grep {$_->{"tfm"} ne $besttfm
-                             || $_->{"scale"} != $bestscale} @tfmlist;
+        $already_used_tfms{$besttfm}->{$bestscale} = 1;
+# Merge all sections into a single section to avoid confusing pkfix.
+if ($#sections > 0) {
+    my $numreplacements = 0;
+    $entirefile =~ s/(TeXDict begin)\s+(\d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+(?: \([^\)]*\))?\s+\@start\s+bos)/$numreplacements++ ? "" : "$1\n$2"/gse;
+    $entirefile =~ s/eos\s+end//gs;
+    $entirefile =~ s/(.*)(\%DVIPSEndSection)/$1eos end\n$2/s;
 # Insert %DVIPSBitmapFont comments around every Type 3 font definition.
 my $commented_ps = $entirefile;
 my $infilename_ps = $infilename;   # PostScript version of $infilename
 $infilename_ps =~ s/([\(\)\\])/\\$1/g;
 $commented_ps =~ s|^\%(End)?DVIPSBitmapFont.*$||gm;    # Remove existing comments (if any)
-$commented_ps =~ s|/(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df.*?>[^<]*?[DI]\s+E|write_comments($1, $&)|gse;
+$commented_ps =~ s|/([^()<>\[\]{}\/\%]+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+df.*?>[^<]*?[DI]\s+E|write_comments($1, $&)|gse;
 if ($commented_ps !~ /\%\%EndProlog/) {
     # pkfix fails silently if it doesn't see an %%EndProlog.
     print STDERR "No %%EndProlog comment was found.  Adding one.\n" if $verbose >= 3;
@@ -888,7 +1052,7 @@
-    if ($sample_ps !~ s/\%\%BeginProcSet: tex\w*\.pro.*\%\%EndProcSet/$&\n$showfontnamecode/s) {
+    if ($sample_ps !~ s/\%\%BeginProcSet: tex\w*\.pro.*?\%\%EndProcSet/$&\n$showfontnamecode/s) {
         print STDERR "No tex.pro ProcSet was found.  We have to guess where to inject PostScript code.\n" if $verbose >= 3;
         die "${progname}: Unable to inject prologue code\n" if $sample_ps !~ s/TeXDict begin\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+bop/\n$showfontnamecode\n$&/s;
@@ -1023,11 +1187,12 @@
         my $samplestring = texify @{$name2chars{$fontname}};
         my $yoffset = ($fontnum-$firstfontnum)*$yinc + $init_yinc;
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\put(0, %d){\\timesbXII %s:}%%\n", $yoffset, $fontname;
+        next if !defined $fontmatch{$fontname};
         my $tfm = $fontmatch{$fontname}->{"tfm"};
         my $scale = $fontmatch{$fontname}->{"scale"};
         my $size = $tfm2size{$tfm};
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\font\\somefont=%s%s\\somefont\n",
-        $tfm, $scale==1.0 ? "" : sprintf(" at %.5gbp", $scale*$size);
+        $tfm, $scale==1.0 ? "" : sprintf(" at %.5gpt", $scale*$size);
         printf SAMPLE_TEX "\\put(%d, %d){%s}%%\n", $xinc, $yoffset, $samplestring;
         if ($fontnum % $samples_per_page == $samples_per_page-1) {
@@ -1168,16 +1333,26 @@
 =item B<-f> I<name>=I<fontspec>, B<--force>=I<name>=I<fontspec>
 Force B<pkfix-helper> to associate a specific font with a given font
-name appearing the document.  I<name> is a two-character B<dvips> font
-name such as C<Fa>.  I<fontspec> is a font specification such as
-C<cmmi8> or S<C<cmsy10 @ 1.1X>>.  An asterisk used in the name of the
-base font S<(e.g., C<cmti*>)> will automatically try all integral test
-font sizes from 5 to 17 points (C<cmti5>, S<C<cmti6>, ...,>
-C<cmti17>).  An asterisk used as a scale value S<(e.g., C<cmsy10 @
-*>)> will be replaced by the scale value that gives the best match to
-the original font's metrics.  The B<--force> option can be specified
-repeatedly on the command line.
+name appearing the document.  I<name> is a (usually) two-character
+B<dvips> font name such as C<Fa>.  I<fontspec> is a font specification
+that comprises a font name and an optional scale: "I<font> S<[C<@>
+I<scale>]>".  Some examples of I<fontspec>s are C<cmmi8> and
+S<C<cmsy10 @ 1.1X>>.
+An asterisk used in the name of the font S<(e.g., C<cmti*>)> will be
+replaced by all integers from 5 to 17 (C<cmti5>, S<C<cmti6>, ...,>
+C<cmti17>).  The scale can be written as a multiple of the design size
+(C<X>) or as an absolute size in either TeX points (C<pt>) or
+PostScript "big" points (C<bp>).  Hence, S<C<cmsy8 @ 1.5X>>, S<C<cmsy8
+@ 12pt>>, and S<C<cmsy8 @ 11.96bp>> all represent the I<Computer
+Modern Math Symbols 8 Point> font scaled to 12 TeX points/11.96
+PostScript points.  Instead of specifying an explicit scale, an
+asterisk can be used (as in S<C<cmsy8 @ *>>) to request that
+B<pkfix-helper> find the scale that best matches the original font's
+The B<--force> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
 =item B<-p> I<filename.ps>, B<--ps>=I<filename.ps>
 Create a PostScript file called I<filename.ps> that shows the B<dvips>
@@ -1189,12 +1364,33 @@
 name and a font sample of every font that B<pkfix-helper> used in the
 output document.
+=item B<-k> I<fontspec>, B<--keep>=I<fontspec>
+Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font I<fontspec> (C<Fa>,
+C<Fb>, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
+obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
+example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
+as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
+bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
+LaTeX.  B<--keep> prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
+B<--keep> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
+=item B<-1>, B<--no-repeats>
+Prevent B<pkfix-helper> from associating the same I<fontspec> with
+more than one B<dvips> font name.
-=head2 Infrequently Used Options
+=head2 Less-frequently Used Options
 =over 4
+=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
+Instruct B<pkfix-helper> to produce no output during its run except
+for error and warning messages.
 =item B<-C> I<filename>, B<--cache>=I<filename>
 Speed up TFM file processing by caching character metrics into file
@@ -1208,16 +1404,6 @@
 F<tftopl>-based process only for TFM files that were not previously
-=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
-Instruct B<pkfix-helper> to produce no output during its run except
-for fatal error messages.
-=item B<-1>, B<--no-repeats>
-Prevent B<pkfix-helper> from associating the same I<fontspec> with
-more than one B<dvips> font name.
 =item B<-i> I<fontspec>, B<--include>=I<fontspec>
 Add I<fontspec> to the list of font specifications against which
@@ -1232,24 +1418,6 @@
 from B<pkfix-helper>'s list of known fonts.  The B<--exclude> option
 can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-=item B<-k> I<fontspec>, B<--keep>=I<fontspec>
-Do not substitute a vector font for bitmapped font I<fontspec> (C<Fa>,
-C<Fb>, etc.).  This is useful when converting documents that use
-obscure bitmapped fonts for which there is no vector equivalent.  For
-example, it was somewhat common in the past to include graphics such
-as university or corporate logos into a document by converting the
-bitmapped image into a single-character font and using that font in
-LaTeX.  B<--keep> prevents such fonts from being replaced.  The
-B<--keep> option can be specified repeatedly on the command line.
-=item B<-a>, B<--any-scale>
-Allow any value to be used to scale a font when "C<*>" is specified as
-the scale factor.  Normally, B<pkfix-helper> considers only integer
-multiples of 0.1 that are greater than or equal to 1.0 (i.e.,
-I<fontname>C<@1X>, C<@1.1X>, C<@1.2X>, C<@1.3X>, etc.).
 =item B<-s>, B<--spp>
 Specify the number of font samples per page to print to the files
@@ -1272,6 +1440,13 @@
 B<--force> option to designate an alternative replacement font or
 scaling amount.
+=item C<I<name> uses characters that don't appear in any candidate font>
+None of the fonts considered for a match include all of the characters
+in font I<name>.  The user should use the B<--force> option to inform
+B<pkfix-helper> which font to use or the B<--keep> option to retain
+the original, bitmapped font.
@@ -1421,23 +1596,12 @@
-=head1 BUGS
-Even when B<pkfix-helper> finds a perfect match S<(i.e., the> correct
-font in the correct size) the mismatch value is still typically
-nonzero.  The same error is probably what causes B<pkfix-helper>
-sometimes to consider the wrong font as being a better match than the
-correct font.  Suggestions for fixing these bugs are welcome.
 B<pkfix-helper> works only with PostScript files produced by B<dvips>,
-not with arbitrary PostScript files.  The program has not been tested
-with output from versions of B<dvips> older than v5.490 S<(ca. 1992)>;
-output from older versions may or may not work.  Only bitmapped fonts
-loaded by B<dvips> can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by
-embedded graphics.
+not with arbitrary PostScript files.  Only bitmapped fonts loaded by
+B<dvips> can be analyzed, not bitmapped fonts loaded by embedded
 B<pkfix-helper> works by comparing character widths, not the actual
 glyphs.  Consequently, it is misled by sets of fonts with similar
@@ -1445,14 +1609,27 @@
 document).  As an extreme example, all Computer Modern Teletype fonts
 of a given design size (e.g., C<cmtt10>, C<cmsltt10>, and C<cmitt10>)
 use exactly the same widths for all characters.  Human assistance is
-generally needed to guide B<pkfix-helper>'s font-matching procedures.
+generally needed to guide B<pkfix-helper>'s font-matching procedures,
+especially for fonts for which relatively few characters appear in the
+There is an astonishing variety of B<dvips> output.  Different
+versions of the program and different command-line options can result
+in PostScript files with a completely different structure.
+B<pkfix-helper> works hard to find font information buried in numerous
+output-file variants, but it is not uncommon for a PostScript file
+produced by a sufficiently old version of B<dvips> or with
+sufficiently obscure command-line options to utterly confuse
+B<pkfix-helper>.  In this case, please send your problematic
+PostScript files to the author of B<pkfix-helper> (see L</AUTHOR>
+below), who may be able to enhance B<pkfix-helper> to handle them.
 =head1 NOTES
 Files produced using the B<--tex> option are Plain TeX files and
-therefore must be compiled with F<tex> (or a variation such as
-F<pdftex>, F<luatex>, etc.), I<not> with F<latex>.
+therefore must be compiled with B<tex> (or a variant such as
+B<pdftex>, B<luatex>, B<xetex>, etc.), I<not> with B<latex>.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -1471,7 +1648,7 @@
-Copyright (C) 2011, Scott Pakin
+Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Scott Pakin
 This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
 the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license

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