texlive[44585] Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luatex-core.lua:

commits+preining at tug.org commits+preining at tug.org
Tue Jun 13 03:43:33 CEST 2017

Revision: 44585
Author:   preining
Date:     2017-06-13 03:43:33 +0200 (Tue, 13 Jun 2017)
Log Message:
luatex-core.lua with \n

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luatex-core.lua
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luatex-core.lua	2017-06-13 00:21:29 UTC (rev 44584)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luatex-core.lua	2017-06-13 01:43:33 UTC (rev 44585)
@@ -1,213 +1,213 @@
--- if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-core'] = {
---     version   = 1.001,
---     comment   = 'companion to luatex',
---     author    = 'Hans Hagen & Luigi Scarso',
---     copyright = 'LuaTeX Development Team',
--- }
--- This file overloads some Lua functions. The readline variants provide the same
--- functionality as LuaTeX <= 1.04 and doing it this way permits us to keep the
--- original io libraries clean. Performance is probably even a bit better now.
-local type, next, getmetatable, require = type, next, getmetatable, require
-local find, gsub = string.find, string.gsub
-local io_open             = io.open
-local io_popen            = io.popen
-local io_lines            = io.lines
-local fio_readline        = fio.readline
-local fio_checkpermission = fio.checkpermission
-local fio_recordfilename  = fio.recordfilename
-local mt                  = getmetatable(io.stderr)
-local mt_lines            = mt.lines
-local saferoption         = status.safer_option
-local shellescape         = status.shell_escape -- 0 (disabled) 1 (anything) 2 (restricted)
-local kpseused            = status.kpse_used    -- 0 1
-io.saved_open             = io_open  -- can be protected
--- (deleted for tl17 rebuild) io.saved_popen            = io_popen -- can be protected
-io.saved_lines            = io_lines -- always readonly
-mt.saved_lines            = mt_lines -- always readonly
-local function luatex_io_open(name,how)
-    if not how then
-        how = 'r'
-    end
-    local f = io_open(name,how)
-    if f then
-        if type(how) == 'string' and find(how,'w') then
-            fio_recordfilename(name,'w')
-        else
-            fio_recordfilename(name,'r')
-        end
-    end
-    return f
-local function luatex_io_open_readonly(name,how)
-    if how then
-        how = 'r'
-    else
-        how = gsub(how,'[^rb]','')
-        if how == '' then
-            how = 'r'
-        end
-    end
-    local f = io_open(name,how)
-    if f then
-        fio_recordfilename(name,'r')
-    end
-    return f
-local function luatex_io_popen(name,...)
-    local okay, found = fio_checkpermission(name)
-    if okay and found then
-        return io_popen(found,...)
-    end
-local function luatex_io_lines(name,how)
-    if name then
-        local f = io_open(name,how or 'r')
-        if f then
-            return function()
-                return fio_readline(f)
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        return io_lines()
-    end
-local function luatex_io_readline(f)
-    return function()
-        return fio_readline(f)
-    end
-io.lines = luatex_io_lines
-mt.lines = luatex_io_readline
--- We assume management to be provided by the replacement of kpse. This is the
--- case in ConTeXt.
-if kpseused == 1 then
-    io.open  = luatex_io_open
-    io.popen = luatex_io_popen
-if saferoption == 1 then
-    os.execute = nil
-    os.spawn   = nil
-    os.exec    = nil
-    os.setenv  = nil
-    os.tempdir = nil
-    io.popen   = nil
-    io.open    = nil
-    os.rename  = nil
-    os.remove  = nil
-    io.tmpfile = nil
-    io.output  = nil
-    lfs.chdir  = nil
-    lfs.lock   = nil
-    lfs.touch  = nil
-    lfs.rmdir  = nil
-    lfs.mkdir  = nil
-    io.saved_open  = luatex_io_open_readonly
-if saferoption == 1 or shellescape ~= 1 then
-    ffi = require('ffi')
-    for k, v in next, ffi do
-        if k ~= 'gc' then
-            ffi[k] = nil
-        end
-    end
-    ffi = nil
--- os.[execute|os.spawn|os.exec] already are shellescape aware)
-if md5 then
-    local sum    = md5.sum
-    local gsub   = string.gsub
-    local format = string.format
-    local byte   = string.byte
-    function md5.sumhexa(k)
-        return (gsub(sum(k), ".", function(c)
-            return format("%02x",byte(c))
-        end))
-    end
-    function md5.sumHEXA(k)
-        return (gsub(sum(k), ".", function(c)
-            return format("%02X",byte(c))
-        end))
-    end
-if utilities and utilities.merger and utilities.merger.compact then
-    local byte, format, gmatch = string.byte, string.format, string.gmatch
-    local concat = table.concat
-    local data = gsub(io.loaddata('luatex-core.lua'),'if%s+utilities.*','')
-    local t = { }
-    local r = { }
-    local n = 0
-    local d = gsub(data,'\r\n','\n')      -- be nice for unix
-    local s = utilities.merger.compact(d) -- no comments and less spaces
-    t[#t+1] = '/* generated from and by luatex-core.lua */'
-    t[#t+1] = ''
- -- t[#t+1] = format('/*\n\n%s\n\n*/',d)
- -- t[#t+1] = ''
-    t[#t+1] = '#include "lua.h"'
-    t[#t+1] = '#include "lauxlib.h"'
-    t[#t+1] = ''
-    t[#t+1] = 'int load_luatex_core_lua (lua_State * L);'
-    t[#t+1] = ''
-    t[#t+1] = 'int load_luatex_core_lua (lua_State * L)'
-    t[#t+1] = '{'
-    t[#t+1] = '  static unsigned char luatex_core_lua[] = {'
-    for c in gmatch(d,'.') do
-        if n == 16 then
-            n = 1
-            t[#t+1] = '    ' .. concat(r,', ') .. ','
-        else
-            n = n + 1
-        end
-        r[n] = format('0x%02x',byte(c))
-    end
-    n = n + 1
-    r[n] = '0x00'
-    t[#t+1] = '    ' .. concat(r,', ',1,n)
-    t[#t+1] = '  };'
- -- t[#t+1] = format('unsigned int luatex_core_lua_len = 0x%x;',#d+1)
-    t[#t+1] = '  return luaL_dostring(L, (const char*) luatex_core_lua);'
-    t[#t+1] = '}'
-    io.savedata('luatex-core.c',concat(t,'\n'))
-    io.savedata('luatex-core-stripped.lua',s)
+-- if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-core'] = {
+--     version   = 1.001,
+--     comment   = 'companion to luatex',
+--     author    = 'Hans Hagen & Luigi Scarso',
+--     copyright = 'LuaTeX Development Team',
+-- }
+-- This file overloads some Lua functions. The readline variants provide the same
+-- functionality as LuaTeX <= 1.04 and doing it this way permits us to keep the
+-- original io libraries clean. Performance is probably even a bit better now.
+local type, next, getmetatable, require = type, next, getmetatable, require
+local find, gsub = string.find, string.gsub
+local io_open             = io.open
+local io_popen            = io.popen
+local io_lines            = io.lines
+local fio_readline        = fio.readline
+local fio_checkpermission = fio.checkpermission
+local fio_recordfilename  = fio.recordfilename
+local mt                  = getmetatable(io.stderr)
+local mt_lines            = mt.lines
+local saferoption         = status.safer_option
+local shellescape         = status.shell_escape -- 0 (disabled) 1 (anything) 2 (restricted)
+local kpseused            = status.kpse_used    -- 0 1
+io.saved_open             = io_open  -- can be protected
+-- (deleted for tl17 rebuild) io.saved_popen            = io_popen -- can be protected
+io.saved_lines            = io_lines -- always readonly
+mt.saved_lines            = mt_lines -- always readonly
+local function luatex_io_open(name,how)
+    if not how then
+        how = 'r'
+    end
+    local f = io_open(name,how)
+    if f then
+        if type(how) == 'string' and find(how,'w') then
+            fio_recordfilename(name,'w')
+        else
+            fio_recordfilename(name,'r')
+        end
+    end
+    return f
+local function luatex_io_open_readonly(name,how)
+    if how then
+        how = 'r'
+    else
+        how = gsub(how,'[^rb]','')
+        if how == '' then
+            how = 'r'
+        end
+    end
+    local f = io_open(name,how)
+    if f then
+        fio_recordfilename(name,'r')
+    end
+    return f
+local function luatex_io_popen(name,...)
+    local okay, found = fio_checkpermission(name)
+    if okay and found then
+        return io_popen(found,...)
+    end
+local function luatex_io_lines(name,how)
+    if name then
+        local f = io_open(name,how or 'r')
+        if f then
+            return function()
+                return fio_readline(f)
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        return io_lines()
+    end
+local function luatex_io_readline(f)
+    return function()
+        return fio_readline(f)
+    end
+io.lines = luatex_io_lines
+mt.lines = luatex_io_readline
+-- We assume management to be provided by the replacement of kpse. This is the
+-- case in ConTeXt.
+if kpseused == 1 then
+    io.open  = luatex_io_open
+    io.popen = luatex_io_popen
+if saferoption == 1 then
+    os.execute = nil
+    os.spawn   = nil
+    os.exec    = nil
+    os.setenv  = nil
+    os.tempdir = nil
+    io.popen   = nil
+    io.open    = nil
+    os.rename  = nil
+    os.remove  = nil
+    io.tmpfile = nil
+    io.output  = nil
+    lfs.chdir  = nil
+    lfs.lock   = nil
+    lfs.touch  = nil
+    lfs.rmdir  = nil
+    lfs.mkdir  = nil
+    io.saved_open  = luatex_io_open_readonly
+if saferoption == 1 or shellescape ~= 1 then
+    ffi = require('ffi')
+    for k, v in next, ffi do
+        if k ~= 'gc' then
+            ffi[k] = nil
+        end
+    end
+    ffi = nil
+-- os.[execute|os.spawn|os.exec] already are shellescape aware)
+if md5 then
+    local sum    = md5.sum
+    local gsub   = string.gsub
+    local format = string.format
+    local byte   = string.byte
+    function md5.sumhexa(k)
+        return (gsub(sum(k), ".", function(c)
+            return format("%02x",byte(c))
+        end))
+    end
+    function md5.sumHEXA(k)
+        return (gsub(sum(k), ".", function(c)
+            return format("%02X",byte(c))
+        end))
+    end
+if utilities and utilities.merger and utilities.merger.compact then
+    local byte, format, gmatch = string.byte, string.format, string.gmatch
+    local concat = table.concat
+    local data = gsub(io.loaddata('luatex-core.lua'),'if%s+utilities.*','')
+    local t = { }
+    local r = { }
+    local n = 0
+    local d = gsub(data,'\r\n','\n')      -- be nice for unix
+    local s = utilities.merger.compact(d) -- no comments and less spaces
+    t[#t+1] = '/* generated from and by luatex-core.lua */'
+    t[#t+1] = ''
+ -- t[#t+1] = format('/*\n\n%s\n\n*/',d)
+ -- t[#t+1] = ''
+    t[#t+1] = '#include "lua.h"'
+    t[#t+1] = '#include "lauxlib.h"'
+    t[#t+1] = ''
+    t[#t+1] = 'int load_luatex_core_lua (lua_State * L);'
+    t[#t+1] = ''
+    t[#t+1] = 'int load_luatex_core_lua (lua_State * L)'
+    t[#t+1] = '{'
+    t[#t+1] = '  static unsigned char luatex_core_lua[] = {'
+    for c in gmatch(d,'.') do
+        if n == 16 then
+            n = 1
+            t[#t+1] = '    ' .. concat(r,', ') .. ','
+        else
+            n = n + 1
+        end
+        r[n] = format('0x%02x',byte(c))
+    end
+    n = n + 1
+    r[n] = '0x00'
+    t[#t+1] = '    ' .. concat(r,', ',1,n)
+    t[#t+1] = '  };'
+ -- t[#t+1] = format('unsigned int luatex_core_lua_len = 0x%x;',#d+1)
+    t[#t+1] = '  return luaL_dostring(L, (const char*) luatex_core_lua);'
+    t[#t+1] = '}'
+    io.savedata('luatex-core.c',concat(t,'\n'))
+    io.savedata('luatex-core-stripped.lua',s)

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