[tex-k] Problem with latxmk

Heinen, Josef j.heinen at fz-juelich.de
Thu May 9 06:53:09 CEST 2024

Dear Karl,

Thanks for the hint. I copied the pk files into a central location (in our case /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/ifsym).


> On 9. May 2024, at 00:22, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
> Hi Josef,
>    The following example runs flawlessly with pdflatex, but an error
>    occurs when using pdflatex with an output directory:
> I assume you've also configured MKTEXPK=1 one way or another.
>    pdflatex --output-directory=/tmp/t t.tex
>    This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.26 (TeX Live 2024) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
>    ...
>    mktexpk: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1+0/600; nonstopmode; input ifsym10' failed to make ifsym10.600pk.
> For the record, the ... above is what contains the actual error message,
> which is:
>  This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182 (TeX Live 2024) (preloaded base=mf)
>  ! I can't write on file `ifsym10.log'.
> I'm not sure what specifically is going wrong, but the general problem
> is that mktexpk doesn't know anything about -output-dir. It's not being
> passed along to the mf-nowin invocation, as shown in your msg. That
> might be fixable, but not quickly (at least not by me).
> The workaround I can see is to generate the font outside the pdflatex
> call. Run the TeX document without the -output-dir, or run mktexpk ifsym10 
> as its own shell command. The result goes into (I think) $TEXMFVAR,
> which should be visible to the run with -output-dir.
> Or you can copy the pk into a central location if it needs to be shared,
> or wherever it needs to go.  There is only one file involved (for this
> example), ifsym10.600pk.
> Thanks for the report / hope this helps,
> Karl

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