[tex-k] [WEB] Possible typo in 'webman.tex'

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Tue Aug 27 19:31:35 CEST 2024

Dear all,

I'm not a native English speaker, so this might be a nothing-burger.

On page 7 of webman.pdf (see 
https://mirrors.ctan.org/info/knuth-pdf/web/webman.pdf), I may have 
spotted a typo in the description of the '@'' control code.

Here's the plain TeX input in question:
\@\' [P,T] This denotes an octal constant, to be formed from the
succeeding digits. For example, if the \.{WEB} file contains `\.{@\'100}',
the \.{TANGLE} processor will treat this an equivalent to `\.{64}';
the constant will be formatted as ``\O{100}'' in the \TeX\ output
produced via \.{WEAVE}. You should use octal notation only for positive
constants; don't try to get, e.g., $-1$ by saying `\.{@\'777777777777}'.

I suggest that 's/an/as/' makes more sense:
the \.{TANGLE} processor will treat this as equivalent to `\.{64}';



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