[tex-k] bug report for makeindex

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Sat Aug 3 01:44:37 CEST 2024

Thanks, Pauolo and Karl!

KB> I see that Boris is one of the nomencl maintainers, so cc-ing him so he
KB> can weigh in and what should change here.
KB> Boris, Paulo's original msg is here:
KB> https://tug.org/pipermail/tex-k/2024-August/004093.html

Here is the situation.  In the original design for nomencl the idea
was that you enter the nomenclature for the given symbol only once,
after the equation where the symbol is defined.

I did not envisage the use case where you put nomenclature several
times.  Here you basically use nomenclature as an index (something
like "c, the speed of light, see equations (3), (4), (8--124)").

Is this a common use case?  If yes, I need to rewrite some commands...

Good luck


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