[tex-k] unixtex.ftp (in the Kpathsea Manual)

Sebastian Miele sebastian.miele at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 07:43:17 CET 2020

The second chapter/top-level section in the Kpathsea Manual
(https://www.tug.org/texinfohtml/kpathsea.html#unixtex_002eftp) has the
title "unixtex.ftp: Obtaining TeX" and starts with

  This is https://tug.org/tex/unixtex.ftp, last updated 28 November
  2017. Email tex-k at tug.org with comments or questions."

However, https://tug.org/tex/unixtex.ftp yields 404.

The PDF version of the manual (e.g.
has a line break between "https://tug.org/tex/unixtex." and "ftp".

A bit web searching yielded the strong suspection that unixtex.ftp is
something (very) old and so extinct that there are only kind of fossils
remaining on the net.

Apart from that: The following paragraph in the Kpathsea manual contains
"and.or" instead of "and/or".

Best wishes

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