[tex-k] dvips possible-bug/feature-request
Michael Zedler
michael.zedler at tum.de
Thu Mar 8 18:21:46 CET 2007
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hft190:~/Documents zedler$ pdfinfo problem.pdf
Title: gr.eps
Subject: gnuplot plot
Author: root
Creator: gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 0
Producer: Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 for Macintosh
CreationDate: Thu Mar 8 09:11:13 2007
ModDate: Thu Mar 8 18:16:57 2007
Tagged: no
Pages: 1
Encrypted: no
Page size: 612 x 792 pts (letter)
File size: 10970 bytes
Optimized: yes
PDF version: 1.4
Jonathan Kew schrieb:
> Before anyone digs too deep into dvips, consider that this may actually
> be a ps2pdf (Ghostscript) bug.
> I tried the example given, and saw the problem as described. But using
> (an old version of) Adobe Distiller instead of GS to convert the .ps to
> .pdf, the problem does not occur; therefore, it seems that GS is
> behaving differently from Adobe Distiller. It would be good for someone
> knowledgeable in this area to carefully review the PostScript and
> pdfmark specifications to see what the "proper" behavior should be.
> "Tweaking" dvips to avoid this issue is non-trivial, given that the
> pdfmark commands might be constructed by arbitrary PostScript code in
> the included graphics; recognizing and skipping this automatically
> requires, in the general case, a full PostScript interpreter in the driver.
> If someone has an up-to-date version of Adobe Distiller and can test
> with that, it would be interesting to know what happens.
> JK
> On 8 Mar 2007, at 8:41 am, gual News wrote:
>> To whom it may concern:
>> There is a problem with pdf files metainformation that I think might
>> be fixed in dvips (and, unfortunately, I don't know how to do it).
>> I reported this in the "comp.text.tex" newsgroup (
>> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/946ed6e0d03d1ecd/21b4721c249abeff#21b4721c249abeff
>> ), and it was formerly reported by somebody else in the
>> "comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot" group, but I am filing it here as a "bug
>> report," though it might be more properly called a "feature request."
>> With the last gnuplot (4.2.0), when using the eps terminal (e.g. "set
>> term post eps", and I presume any postscript terminal) in order to
>> generate eps files to be included in a TeX document via the graphicx
>> macros, the "pdfmark" information included in those eps files takes
>> precedence over the pdfmark information generated by hyperref (I
>> presume because it appears later in the file) when using latex + dvips
>> + ps2pdf. I presume this might be called a dvips bug, or at least it
>> might be fixed in dvips. When using "epstopdf + pdflatex" or "latex +
>> dvipdfmx" the problem does not appear. Another contributor in "
>> comp.text.tex" confirmed that, when including eps files created by a
>> different procedure but containing metainformation, he encountered the
>> same problem.
>> The problem is easy to reproduce, but so you may check it, I attach
>> here 3 files:
>> (1) "gr.gp", a gnuplot script file.
>> (2) "gr.eps", the resulting eps file.
>> (3) "problem.tex", the LaTeX that gives rise to the problem.
>> I process " problem.tex" with latex (or pdflatex --output-format=dvi),
>> then dvips (with or without -z), and finally ps2pdf. Then "pdfinfo
>> problem.pdf" yields:
>> Title: gr.eps
>> Subject: gnuplot plot
>> Keywords:
>> Author: root
>> Creator: gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 0
>> Producer: dvips + AFPL Ghostscript 8.54
>> CreationDate: Thu Mar 8 09:11:13 2007
>> ModDate: Thu Mar 8 09:33:40 2007
>> Tagged: no
>> Pages: 1
>> Encrypted: no
>> Page size: 612 x 792 pts (letter)
>> File size: 6805 bytes
>> Optimized: no
>> PDF version: 1.4
>> That is, the author and title metainformation is taken from " gr.eps"
>> rather than the hyperref settings. Just looking at "problem.ps", one
>> may see that it has both "pdfmark" settings, so ps2pdf just takes the
>> last one it encounters. I presume one might tweak dvips to reproduce
>> only the hyperref information in this case, or rather to ignore the
>> metainformation coming from the included graphics files.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Best regards,
>> Gual
>> <gr.gp>
>> <gr.eps>
>> <problem.tex>
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