[tex-hyphen] Preferences for hyphenation/word-breaking points?

Peter Mueller petermueller at ro.ru
Thu Feb 24 19:34:43 CET 2022

Dear Marcel,
dear LaTeX folks,
Following up on https://github.com/reutenauer/polyglossia/issues/529#issuecomment-1050080373 , is there in the meantime a way to provide preferences for break points in a word?   So far, I could specify only forbidden and allowed word-break points; has anything changed? E.g., if I wish to specify how to break all the occurrences of Zustandsübergangsfunktion in German, now I write \babelhyphenation[ngerman]{Zu-stands-über-gangs-funk-ti-on} in the preamble (I use babel ), though I'd like to write something like \babelhyphenation[ngerman]{Zu[third preference for a break]stands[second preference for a break]über[another third preference for a break]gangs[mostly preferred place to break the word]funk[another third preference for a break]ti[fourth preference for a break]on}.  For lualatex, a way could be David's sketch in https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/60510891#60510891 . For xelatex as well as good old pdflatex and latex, no idea.
Thanks in advance,
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