[tex-hyphen] Hyphenation in Albanian

Claudio Beccari claudio.beccari at gmail.com
Sun Jun 14 00:05:19 CEST 2020

Apparently the language handler polyglossia has a module for Albanian; 
on the opposite the Babel documentation does not list your language 
among the supported ones; but here exists the file albanian.ldf; this 
file esplicitly for what concern hyphenation falls back to the Englis 

The support offered by polyglossia is specified in gloss-albanian.ldf 
This file sets \hyphennames={albanian}, but I assume that actually 
albanian patterns are missing also for polyglossia.

Very good. For the very ittle I know of Albanian, I'd say you are in a 
very good position to create yourself the suitable patterns. Your 
language, as far as I can say, is is pretty much phonetic and probably 
the grammar rules reflect this aspect. Start from the grammar rules of 
syllabification defferent from hyphenation — hyphenation must obey 
grammar, but also typography; for example the minimum number of 
characters for the first and the last hyphen points. An example in 
Italian: the word "idea" can be syllabified according to grammar in 
"i-de-a", but in typography it cannot be hyphenated at all because in 
Italian typography you neve leave a word fragment at the end or at the 
start of a line made up with just one letter.
Remember you language has many sounds, each one generally rendered with 
a single letter possibly with diacritics; very few dygraphs, such as sh, 
dh, and similar ones; patterns mus include at least one pattern ofr 
every letter, moreover you have to take care of indivisible consonat 
clusters, or indivisible vocal clusters. I suggest you to work with a 
grammar at hand; while you create or modify your patterns write down a 
file with words containing those patterns. While you proceed you might 
need to check the correctness of your patterns. At the moment it would 
be confusing, but in due time write me and I will show you, if still 
possible, the set up I used to test the patterns I wrote for several 
languages, mostly of Latin origin, without the complex set up that is 
needed by the team.

Remember to code you pattern file in UTF-8 encoding. It is much easier 
for you to read them and for the subsequent processing needed by the team.

Recently I assisted an Albanian student getting her degree in Italy, who 
wrote her thesi in Italian, bu with many stretches of text in Albanian; 
these parts where hyphenated by hand, because she could not use LaTeX, 
but the final printing was done from a LaTeX generated pdf file; the 
supervisors were very happy to see a well typeset thesis, that in 
humanities apparently is pretty uncommon.

All the best

On 13/06/2020 19:04, Joan Jani wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I am a latex user for more than 15 years (I wrote my first lab report 
> in latex back in 2004).
> Since there is no hyphenation patterns for Albanian i get always the 
> message bellow:
> -- No hyphenation patterns were preloaded for (babel) the language 
> 'Albanian' into the format.
> I want to participate in your group helping to create this hyphenation 
> pattern.
> Kind regards,
> Joan Jani

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