[tex-hyphen] Add \{left,right}hyphenmin info to pattern files

Élie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue Mar 6 13:03:21 CET 2018

>    Yes, of course, that makes a lot of sense.  (Although I have to say I
> was really disappointed when I saw that that primitive had been named
> \hyphenationmin instead of something more consistent like
> \totalhyphenmin ...).

I agree, that's the name I proposed when I asked for the feature...

>    But the point really is to put the value in hyphenation files so it’s
> available for others to use; is there any language you’d like to add
> that to?

Well, for la-x-liturgic it would be 5, but we built the patterns so that 
this value is not needed. It could still be there though. What I mean is 
that words of length 5 or more should be hyphenated, but if I understand 
the LuaTeX manual correctly, that means a hyphenationmin value of 4...

Thank you,

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