[tex-hyphen] handling combining accents in the hyphenation patterns

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Mon Nov 21 14:38:28 CET 2016

On tex.sx there was a question about an hyphenation break before an
combining accent

I looked a bit at it and imho the problem is related to some
existing patterns. In the russian case the patterns contains "при1"
and this has the side effect to separate a following combining
accent from the vowel. 

Something similar can be demonstrated with the german pattern. They
contain "ata1" and "athe1" and trying it out with a combining accent
shows the same problem:

\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
x ata^^^^0308nasius

y athe^^^^0301neum

Wouldn't it be senseful to add in all languages patterns that
suppress the hyphenation before all combining accents (for lualatex
+ xelatex)? 

Ulrike Fischer 

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