[tex-hyphen] hyphenation/hyph-utf8, libhyphen, lefthyphenmin and righthyphenmin
Muller, Eric
emuller at amazon.com
Fri May 27 23:27:42 CEST 2016
My use case is to use the patterns from the hyphenation/hyph-utf8 github
repo, together with the libhyphen library.
I understand that:
- the patterns are built for certain values of lefthyphenmin and
righthyphenmin, and in particular do not function properly with smaller
values than they have been built for. E.g. the pattern "1b2l", with
leftminhyphen = 1, would hyphenate the word xbla as x=bla, whereas it
would not with lefthyphenmin = 2
- I should get the patterns from
- those files do not mention lefthyphenmin nor righthyphenmin
- it seems that the authoritative source for left/righthyphenmin is in
- those files used different convention for the <lang> part, e.g. "fr"
for the patterns but "french" for the tlpsrc.
- libhyphen expects LEFTHYPHENMIN and RIGHTHYPHENMIN to be specified at
the beginning of the pattern file it takes as input, and default to 2, 2
- at least the irish patterns use greater values (righthyphenmin = 3)
In other words, I need to present to libhyphen an Irish pattern file
starting with:
and I therefore need to preprocess the file provided by
hyphenation/hyph-utf8 to add those lines.
Is that correct, and what's the best way to do that?
PS: many thanks for the answers (on this list or privatley) to my
previous questions. I am afraid I will have more....
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